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Meridian New.Cdr Meridian Vol. 5 (1), 19 - 21, 2016. ISSN 2278-750x IMPACT OF POULTRY AND AQUACULTURE POLLUTION ON THE WATER QUALITY OF VALLIVATTOM WETLAND, THRISSUR DISTRICT, KERALA Lakshmi T. G.1 and Tessy Paul P. 2 The assessment of the impact of poultry and etlands are seasonally or permanently aquaculture pollution on the waterquality was water-logged habitats, with stagnant or flowing fresh or saline water. done for the period of four months from W Aquaticmacrophytes are inhabiting various sections March to June 2012 at Vallivattom village of of aquatic ecosystems and are of considerable Vellangallurgramapanchayath in Thrissur importance for the productivity of the water bodies. district, Kerala.The analysis of physico- They play an important role in providing food to fish chemical parameters indicates that the water and other aquatic animals and also play an quality of wetland near the poultry farm and important role in cycling of nutrients in the aquatic the prawn culture fieldshowed comparatively ecosystem (Trivediet al., 1998).Pollution of any form first affects the chemical quality of the water and higher values. Thirty two phytoplankton then destroys the community, disrupting the genera under five taxonomic classes were delicate food web in these aquatic ecosystems identified during the period of study,of which (Ramachandra&Ahalya, 2001). The present study eighteen were pollution indicators. The analyzes the impacts of a poultry farm and the wetland near the poultry farm has the higher prawn culturing fieldon the environment. number of phytoplankton (organisms/litre). Naviculaand Oscillatoria were abundant in this Materials and Methods The present study was conducted at three sites area. Euglena was observed in both the in Vallivattom village of Vellangallur wetlands near the poultry farm and the prawn gramapanchayath in Thrissur district, Kerala (Figure culture field.Thirteen plant species under 1). The western boundary of the wetland is defined eleven families were identified from the study by the Poovathumkadavu Canal, also called Canoli area, which includes three true mangroves Canal and the eastern by the Thrissur - Kodungallur namely Acanthus ilicifoliusL., road. Site 1 (S1) - Wetland near the poultry farm: The AvicenniaofficinalisL. and site is situated about 13 kms from Irinjalakuda and RhizophoramucronataPoir.The present study this area lies at10016.832' North latitude and revealed that the quality of water was 76011.610' East longitude. deteriorated in the wetland near the poultry Site 2 (S2) - Wetland area at Vallivattom village: farm and the prawn culture field. The addition The site is situated 300meters away from the of poultry wastes stimulated the luxuriant poultry farm and 500 meters away from the prawn growth of algae in water and the algal blooms culturing field. This area lies at10016.845' North latitude and 76011.55' East longitude. reduced the oxygen content in the water. Site 3 (S3) - Wetland near the prawn culture field: The site was the “cheminkettu”, an artificial Keywords: Wetland, Phytoplankton, Mangroves, prawn culturing field and is 750 meters away from Mangrove associates, Water pollution the poultry farm. This area lies at10016.693' North latitude and 76011.318' East longitude. 1Department of Botany, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, The surface water samples were collected Thrissur, Kerala, India. monthly from the sites selected during March to 2Department of Botany, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, June, 2012 between 8 to 10 a.m.The water quality Thrissur,Kerala, India. parameters were analyzed using standard methods (APHA, 1998) and the parameters analyzed were Paper submitted October 2015. Revised and Accepted January 2016. temperature,turbidity,conductivity, pH, total 19 Meridian Vol. 5 (1), 19 - 21, 2016. ISSN 2278-750x dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), highest number of phytoplankton compared to biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), free CO2, total other two sites. The monthly fluctuations of the hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness total phytoplankton (organisms/L) in the study area andsalinity. were presented in the Figure 2. The site I showed The algal samples were preserved in 4% very high number of phytoplankton andwas more formalin solution and the abundance of polluted than other two sites studied.This site is phytoplankton was estimated by the Sedgwick near a poultry farm and the water was polluted due Rafter (S-R) cell method(APHA, 1998). The algae to the poultry farm wastes into the wetland. The site were identified with the help of standard II and III also showed significant deterioration of the publications (Desikachary, 1959; Philipose, 1967; water quality.The total phytoplankton showed Prescott, 1982; Sarode&Kamat, 1984). The plants in positive correlation with TDS, total hardness and the study area wereidentified with the help of calcium hardness at site 2. Gamble & Fischer (1935)and Manilal&Sivarajan During the period of study three true (1982). mangroves were observed namely Acanthus ilicifoliusL., AvicenniaofficinalisL. and Results and Discussion RhizophoramucronataPoir. Hygrophilaerecta. Vahl., The water samples wereanalyzed and the values Clerodendruminerme (Linn) GaernFruct., Derris obtained are given in Table 1. The changes due to uliginosa (Roxb.) Benth., Acrostichumaureum L., environmental factors have substantial effects on Mariscusjavanicus(Houtt.) Merr. and Metcalfe. and the phytoplankton species composition and Sphaeranthusindicus L. were the mangrove biomass, potentially favouring the growth of associates recorded from the study area during the phytoplankton species (APHA, 1998).During the period of study. Ceratopterissiliquosa (L.) Copeland, present study 32 algal genera were identified, that Fimbristylisumbellaris(Lam.) Vahl.,Ipomoea belongs to 5 taxonomic groups, of which 18 were bilobaForssk., and NymphaeastellataWilld. were pollution indicators (Palmer, 1969). Seven genera also found in the study area. come under Cyanophyceae or blue green algae, ten genera come under Bacillariophyceae or Diatoms, Summary and Conclusion twelveunder green algae or Chlorophyceae The physical and chemical characteristics of (including five desmids), twounderEuglenophyceae water bodies affect the abundance and species and one underChrysophyceae (Table2). composition of aquatic organisms.The present The total values of phytoplankton reveals that water quality studies of the area revealed that the the class Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms) was the quality of water was deteriorated. The addition of dominant group of algae found in all the three sites poultry wastes stimulated luxuriant growth of algae during the period of study (Table 3). Navicula, in water and the algal blooms reduced the oxygen Nitzschia, Pinnularia, PleurosigmaandSynedra were content in the water. It is concluded from the found abundantly in the area under study. The class present study that the poultry wastes into the Chlorophyceae was the second dominant group at wetland caused adverse impact on the quality of site III and the Cyanophyceae was the second water and the wetland in Vallivattom Grama dominant group at site I and site II. Panchayath in MukundapuramTaluk, Thrissur The analysis of total number of phytoplankton in district, Kerala. the study area shows that the site I was showing the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES Council of Agricultural Research, The authors are grateful to the APHA. 1998. Standard methods for the New Delhi. 686 pp. Management and Department of examination of water and waste Gamble, J. S. & Fischer, C. E. C. 1935. The Botany, Christ College water. 20thedn. American Public Flora of the Presidency of Madras. (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Health Association, Washington, Adlard and son Ltd., London. 1389 Thrissur district, Kerala, for DC. pp. providing the necessary facilities for Desikachary, T. V. 1959. Cyanophyta. Manilal, K. S. & Sivarajan, V.V.1982. Flora this work. ICAR monograph on algae. Indian of Calicut. Bishensingh and 20 Meridian Vol. 5 (1), 19 - 21, 2016. ISSN 2278-750x Mahendrapal sing. Co., Dehra Dun. western great Lakes area, with an Sarode, P.T. & Kamat, N.D. 1984. 387 pp. illustrated key to the genera of Freshwater diatoms of Palmer, C. M. 1969. A composite rating desmids and freshwater diatoms. Maharashtra. Saikripa prakashan, of algae tolerating organic Koenigutein Otto Koeltz. 977 pp. Aurangabad. 338 pp. pollution. J. Phycol. 5: 78–82. Ramachandra, T. V. & Ahalya, N. 2001. Trivedi, R. K., Goel, P. K. & Trisal, C. L. Philipose, M. T. 1967. Chlorococcales. Essentials in Limnology and 1998. Practical methods in Ecology ICAR monograph on algae. Indian Geographic Information System and Environmental Science. Council of Agricultural Research, (GIS). Karnataka Environment Enviromedia Publications, Karad New Delhi, India. 365 pp. Research Foundation, Bangalore. (India). 340 pp. Prescott, G. W. 1982. Algae of the pp. 60–82. 21.
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    Newsletter Kla Official Organ of the Kerala Library Association Vols.42 (1-4), 43 (1-4) & 44, Nos. 1&2; July 2012- December 2014 News at a Glance From the President's Desk One more year has gone in our professional life and we are at General Secretary Speaks 2 the doorway to a new year of professional exercise and dedication. We are very much familiar with the role of library in Editor’s Note 3 our society and the role of the librarian. Traditional libraries have New Office Bearers 4 changed significantly over the years. Libraries have started adopting refined technologies using different software and KLA- CPD Programmes 5 online services which in fact allow the users to find out KLA’s New Publication 6 information pin pointedly without much time delay. Many librarians are able to work in an IT- enabled environment and able Prof. K. A. Isaac Commemoration Lectures 7 to create new products and services. Web technologies New Members 8 especially social networks have created more opportunities to the professionals to disseminate information much easier than KLA Representations 9 before. Since our profession is always changing we cannot be Personalia- PhD Awardess, Retirements 10 static in an adaptive field. Therefore an annual career check up is highly recommended to every professional so that we can assess In Memorium 11 our strength and weakness in carrying out our job. Regional Committees- Activities 12-15 At the beginning of the new year it is essential to ask a set of questions to ourselves, in order to verify our professional Forthcoming Seminars 16 dedication.
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