AGENDA DEVEWPMENT OFFICE 201 South Rosalind Avenue. Reply To: Post Office Box 1393. Orlando, 32802-1393 407-836-5426 • .Fax: 407-836-2899. wv.'

ilifl'PFWV!o C\c.c~ GOVERNMENT February 15, 2011 FLORIDA BY ORANGE COUNTY BOARD = OF COWNTY COMMISSfONERS .FEB 2 2 2011 cfl-slA.:f' TO: Mayor Teresa Jacobs -AND- Board of County Commissioners rh FROM: Cheryl J. Gillespie, Acting Supervisor ~ \ Agenda Development Office

SUBJECT: Filing of Minutes for the Official County Record CONSENT AGENDA ITEM FEBRUARY 22, 2011

The Agenda Development Office has received minutes of the following meetings and requests receipt and filing of the minutes for the official county record:

Animal Services Classification Committee on October 21, 2010 Children and Family Services Board on December 6, 2010 Code Enforcement Board on December 15, 2010 Commission on Aging on November 8, 2010, November 16, 2010, December 7,2010, and January 5,2011 Commission on Aging Community Partnerships Committee on November 4,2010 Development Review Committee on January 12, 2011 Disability Advisory Board on September 13, 2010, October 11, 2010, and November 8,2010 Health Facilities Authority on December 2,2010 Housing Finance Authority on December 1, 2010 Neighborhood Grants Advisory Board on December 2, 2010 Orange County Library Board of Trustees on December 8,2010 Orange County Research and Development Authority on December 9,2010 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on November 11, 2010 Public Works Advisory Board on August 19, 2010 Roadway Agreement Committee on January 5, 2011 Special Magistrate on December 6,2010 Student/Pedestrian Safety Committee on November 18, 2010 and December 16, 2010

Copies of the minutes are available in the Agenda Development Office and the Clerk's Office.

ACTION REQUESTED: Receipt and filing of the minutes received by the Agenda Development Office of various advisory board meetings for the official county record. (' (' (


Meeting: Animal Services Classification Committee In Attendance: Classification Committee Members Date: October 21,2010 Dana Yockey, Ann-Marie Delahunty, Stephen Roche, Jodi Lishinski Time: 6:30 P.M.

Place: 2769 Conroy Road Non-Attendance: Orlando, Fl 32839 Jesus Roman

Guests: Andrea Deloach, Bill Sheaffer, Carol Sheaffer, Jasmine Bell, Menjae Bell, Maurice Bell, Antonio Rivera, lIana Englander, Victor Rivera, Toriano James, Erin Kenny, Cory Reppenhagen, Darlene Tamburelli, Maria Garcia, lourdes Garcia, Jordan Matos, laureut Gabriel, Mark Boyle, Adam Liberatore

Reported By: Peggy J. Meeks Staff: Peggy J. Meeks, Dil luther, Matthew Peters, Mairaliz Garcia, Wendy Myshrall, Edda Cantillo

Item "Track by" Date Description

I. For Record (FR) There being a quorum, Peggy Meeks started the meeting at 6:40 P.M.

ii. FR A motion was made by Jodi Lishinski, seconded by Ann-Marie Delahunty to elect Dana Yockey as Chair-person for the committee and Jodi Lishinksi as Co-Chair. Motion passed unanimously. A Motion was made by Dana Yockey to approve minutes from November 5,2009 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. ( ( (

ASCC Minutes Page 2 October 21,2010

New Business Program Coordinator Peggy J. Meeks presented case 10-13840. The dog owner is Darlene Tamburelli, who was present. Darlene Tamburelli is appealing the classification of dangerous for her dog "Buddy". Upon a motion by Dana Yockey, seconded by Jodi Lishinski, the Committee voted unanimously to dismiss the classification of "Dangerous" under Section B of the committee regulations.

IV. Adjournment With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 19:00 hours.

(J J2 Prepare"':lo::!:!C;II>

dV~ / I?.L/~ Attest: Chair ey Date


~ On 10 t::lL! I D ,the Orange County Animal Services Classification Committee met and arrived at the following decisions:

Case: /0 - /5g

Potentially Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain,_~__

Not Dangerous: Yes ~ No____ Abstain____ ------


Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain,____

Potentially Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain,____

Not Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain____


Case: Dog: Owner: ~ Dangerous: Yes No Abstain

Potentially Dangerous: Yes No Abstain

Not Dangerous: Yes No Abstain ------Case:______Dog:______Owner:______

Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain____

Potentially Dangerous: Yes,____ No,____ Abstain,____

Not Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain____


Dangerous: Yes____ No____ Abstain,____

Potentially Dangerous: yes____ No____ Abstain,_____

Not Dangerous: yes____ No____ Abstain____

ChairmanNice-Chairm~ tjo~ Date:-.!.!J~./ (0

CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday, December 6, 2010 12:00 Noon 1768 E. Michigan Street Orlando, FL 32806 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Shelman Alexander Wanda Brewer Kevin Johnson Warren Kenner Awilda Roman Leah Shepherd Carol Spencer Traci Woods

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Lee Bryan Jackie Kelvington Laura Myers The Honorable Tiffany Moore-Russell

STAFF PRESENT: Martin Bird Donar Juba-Johnson Syd McCallister Harriet Mathis Diana Mendez Bethany Perez Richard Radin Dwight Randolph Mary Ann Rosenbauer

MEETING The Children and Family Services Board met on Monday, December 6,2010 at 12:00 noon at the YFS/GOV Dining Hall located at 1768 E. Michigan Street, OR, FL 32806.

CALL TO ORDER Warren Kenner called the meeting to order at 12:09 PM and moved the approval of agenda items to later in the meeting when a quorum would be present.

WELCOME & ANNOUCEMENTS Syd McCallister welcomed everyone and thanked both Warren Kenner and Jackie Kelvington for speaking at last month's Christmas Kick-otf Luncheon which resulted in a lot of positive feedback from the attendees. The GOV choir is scheduled to perform at the BCC meeting tomorrow along and several other venues throughout the season. Syd congratulated Harriet Mathis on her promotion as the Senior Program Manager for Great Oaks Village. Approved 01-31-11

MANAGER'S REPORT Current Activities & Issues(Syd McCallister) The county is in the process of transitioning from the former administration to the new and Mayor Jacobs will officially be sworn into office in early January. It is anticipated that Ajit Lalchandani will remain as the County Administrator. We are uncertain as to whether Commissioner Russell-Moore will continue serving on the CFS Board or if another Commissioner will be appointed in her place. Other updates will be forthcoming in January. The new OC high deductible health care plan will also take effect in the new year and may prove to be a tough transition for employees. Wendy Roman stated that Humana implemented a similar plan and that it has taken approximately two years for employees to fully understand and utilize the plan. Traci Woods said that Florida Hospital has instituted the "Healthy 100" initiative to provide incentive to its employees and to educate the community about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and suggested that OC may want to consider doing something similar. Syd added that feedback from the Board and the private sector that can help employees through this process would be welcomed.

DCF/CBC Update( Mary Ann Rosenbauer) Mary Ann Rosenbauer summarized the following excerpt from an email received from John Cooper of DCF on 12-04-10: "The Florida Department of Children and Families, Central Region, announced Friday, December 3rd that the agency will move forward in the transition of lead agency for Orange and Osceola counties with Community Based Care of Seminole Inc. The announcement comes after Family Services of Metro Orlando withdrew their petition to protest the contract award, which had halted the process in earlier November.

The Department has agreed to extend the term of Family Services contract through the end of March 2011. The Department, Family Services, and CBC of Seminole will actively partiCipate in the transition of a new lead agency, while dedicated case management organizations in the field will continue the daily efforts to protect and strengthen the children and families in our community. The extension allows greater opportunity for collaboration, community inclusion, and keeping the primary focus on the children and families we serve.

This 4-year-contract, estimated at $200 million, will provide a new framework for foster and adoptive related services to thousands of children and their families within Orange and Osceola counties. The original contract which was awarded to Family Services of Metro Orlando was issued in 2004, expired December 31 of this year. During the Intent to Negotiate, a process mandated by the Florida Legislature, the Department received three proposals by agencies wanting to oversee foster and adoptive services for the agency's 9th Circuit, Orange and Osceola counties. The Department proceeded in negotiations with both Family Services and CBC of Seminole. In October, an independent panel with representatives from the community and Department unanimously recommended CBC of Seminole as the new lead agency for the 9th Circuit."

Mary Ann Rosenbauer added that the DCF contract with GOV/LHIC remains in effect until 06/30/11 at which time we anticipate a new contract will be in place with the DCF and CBC of Seminole.

CA/LIHEAP/FRP U pdate(Syd McCallister) Crisis Assistance, LIHEAP and the Family Resource Program are all experiencing high call volume with LIHEAP peaking at 800,000 calls per month. 17,000 of these calls can be identified as unique callers or calls generated from a different phone number of origin. OC is investing in phone upgrades to improve call handling and updating the website to include more prescreening information for all three programs in an effort to reduce call volume. Last month Family Services aided by other community agencies, provided Thanksgiving Baskets and certificates for families in need that are being served by programs within YFS.

Wraparound Orange Update(Syd McCallister & Donar Johnson) Syd stated that Wraparound Orange has hired three new employees and has secured contracts with four -.. organizations which will enable them to begin services in January as planned. Obtaining the required 25% ($700K) local match remains our biggest challenge. Donar Johnson added that educating the community and soliciting matching funds from them will be crucial to continue to draw down the federal dollars from SAMHSA. Approved 01-31-11

Syd emphasized that 1) cultural competency and 2) family and youth involvement are two components vital to the implementation phase of the program. Wanda Brewer said that she has already sent some information regarding W AO to the Rosen company and received a lot of questions about the program. Donar replied that they are working on a piece for distribution to the community along with developing resources and training to aid in garnering support for the program. Warren Kenner stated that he is currently serving on one of the committees and invited Wanda to join as well. Richard Radin added that one the goals is to develop a system of care that can be expanded to include children other than the current target population. Board members are encouraged to participate in the process and also engage in social marketing where appropriate. Syd said that he would like Wraparound Orange to provide the Board with more in-depth briefing in January or February 2011.

FUNDRAISING REPORT & UPCOMING EVENTS (Donar Johnson) Donar reviewed the fundraising report on page 12 of the packet. She stated that donations were off to a slow start and that it will be difficult to anticipate what the total fundraising figures will be for the year due to the continuing downturn in the overall economy. Warren inquired if all the GOV children had been sponsored for Christmas. She replied they had except for a few and that one company alone sponsored 15·20 of them. Donar said she would send the information for the remaining sponsorships to those who would were interested in making a donation or shopping for a particular child.

QUORUM & APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS Warren Kenner declared a quorum present. The Board reviewed the Proposed CFSB Budget for 2010/2011. They unanimously agreed on the new format and it was decided that any necessary adjustments could be brought back to the Board in six months for amendment and approval. It was noted that the proposed budget did not include the $3000 for the GOV choir but that it would be added now as a separate approval item. Warren Kenner asked that someone make a motion to approve the additional $3,000 for the GOV Choir. Carol Spencer made a motion to approve the additional $3000 expense item for the GOV choir. Wendy Roman seconded the motion. The motion carried. The additional $3,000 GOV choir expense item was approved.

Warren asked that someone make a motion to approve Item A(The FY 2010/2011 CFSB Budget). Wanda Brewer made a motion to approve Item A(The FY 2010/2011 CFSB Budget. Carol Spencer seconded the motion. The motion carried Item A (The FY 2010/2011 CFSB Budget) was approved. [See attached]

Shelman Alexander made a motion to approve Item B(Board Meeting Minutes- October 2010). Traci Woods seconded the motion. The motion carried. Item B(Board Meeting Minutes October 2010) was approved.

Items C&D were informational reports only and did not require Board approval.

Leah Shepherd asked that the Board be given a six month lead time on all anticipatory expenses related to division events and activities in order to assist with fundraising and donation efforts that may defray the total cost of such events.

FUTURE DATES The WESH Christmas Party Fundraiser will be held on December 15,2010 and all Board members are invited to attend. The next scheduled Children and Family Services Board Meeting is to be held on January 31, 2011 at the Great Oaks Village Training Room on 1768 E. Michigan Street.

ADJOURNMENT Warren Kenner thanked the Board for their support this past year and is looking forward to moving ahead with plans for new year. With no further business t~ be ~ussed, the meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM. Minutes submitted by: m "-' Bethany Perez, Youth ices DIvision7 I YOUTH & F AMIL Y SERVICES DIVISION SYD i\1cCALLISTER, "-Manager 1718 East Michigan Street ·Orlando. Florida 32806-4935 407-836-7645

November 29,2010 FI.ORJDA To: Children & Family Services Board

Thru: Syd McCallister, Division Manager Youth & Family Services Division

Martin Bird, Assistant Division Manager Administration & Support Youth & Family Services Division 407-836-9319 Mary Ann Rosenbauer, Assistant Division Manager Youth & Family Services Division Community Relations From: Diana Mendez, Medical and Mental Health Services Administrator 407 -836-8938 Youth & Family Services Division

Family Services Subject: Approval of Proposed FY 2010-11 CFSB Budget 407-836-6500

The attached document provides a summary of the FY 2009-10 Children & Family Great Oaks Village 7-836-7665 Services Board expenditures and revenues as well as the proposed operating budget for ....., the October 1, 2010 thru September 30, 2011 fiscal year. Based on historical data, projected revenues and anticipated expenditures, the Youth & Family Services Division Youth Services is requesting approval ofa $199,713 operating budget for FY 2010-11. 407-836-7626

Board Action Requested:

Approval ofthe CFSB FY 2010-11 operating budget for the children;s enrichment in the amount of$199,713 (Estimated expenditures $144,039 plus reserves of$55,674). Children & Family Services Board Proposed Budget FY 2010-2011

BEGINNING BALANCE (estimated) Estimated Cash Brought Forward $ 4,782.00


PROJECTED FY 2010/11 REVENUES Holiday Donations $ 56,900.00 County - Cell Phone Tower $ 25,000.00 Interest Income $ 10,832.00 Enrichment/Misc. Revenues $ 20,747.00 $113,479.00

Other Revenues Additionai CFSB Approved Funds $ 25,778.00

Total Revenues $139,257.00 ..' ....*'.! .•

. $ 144,039.00! '" """"'~~ ~ • ~ ;0>­ .;;"f (Beginning Balance + Projected Total Revenues)


PROPOSED FY 2010/11 EXPENSES Non-Discretionary $ 64,502.00 Discretionary-Capital Outlay $ 25,376.00 Donation Specific $ 54,161.00 BUDGETED EXPENSES $144,039.00



SET-ASIDES Minimum Balance Required by CFSB $ 50,000.00 Statutory Reserves TOTAL SET-ASIDES $ 55,674.00 ....,..jl.ll.

PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET (Expenses plus Reserves) "'Will',I,' Orange County Health &~,.milY Services Department ( Children & Family Serv loard Proposed Budget Fiscal Y .•010·2011 (

The $23,283 Trauma Informed Care CFSB approved funds were not

: f""-.::1"~'" ,""",...... , ..!:' ' ...... ,"'" ''''''' ...... " ..... ,. '""...,..., ...... ·"1 """'...., ...... "'...... ' ..... " ...... ,....""':.:1' ..... "'..... '...... """" $ 1,767.00 $ 23,283.00 $ Management 23,333.00 Ifull, _od" ""9~' 2009/1 0 FY. b".,,, be "peo'''' : youth. 2010111

~ ~~.- Including, but not limited to school pictures. yearbooks, field trips (DC Trip), books, school clothing, school supplies, band equipment. athletic equipment, SAT/ACT prep Education $ 14,687.00 $ 10,800.00 courses, exam fees, academic testing and other general areas related to the education . gUhesouth,_. Enrichment I . Camps durinQ vacation. individual lessons (j e. ballet musical. karate). trios to will $ 19,690.00 I I $ 10,948.00

Proposed budget mcludes grooming and personal hygiene Items $ 3,211.00 $ 7,412.00 Isuch as hair cuts and perms

$ 500.00 $

$ • I I $

$ . I I $

Cost aSSOCiated with the purchase of equipment costing more than $750.

Donation Specific n~ .11 , 8,461.00 ,Skill Tutor $2.209

,,-f ~ M _._ __ Danl.el Memonal Assessment

10,770.00 12,560.00

cards, etc. for friends & 13,402.00

$ 127,236.00 I $ Children and Family Services Board Monthly Status Report 31-0ct-l0

Expenditures as of: 10-31-2010 Target: 8.00%

Children Family Services Board Actions O~E CitJt1NTY ~ GOVEM'~lEI\T FLO l{ I J) A



The meeting was called to order by Rick Mellin, Chairman, at 9:05 a.m. Quorum met. • ROLL CALL: Members Present

Rick Mellin Phillip Hollis Karen Marich Juan Velez Richard Adams Furman

Member Absent Lyndell Mims Jean Sandor

Others Present: Andrea DeLoach, Assistant County Attorney Daniel Mantzaris, Counselor to the Code Enforcement Board Kurt Fasnacht, Chief Inspector, Code Enforcement Division Bill Koenig, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Code Enforcement Division Lily Gonzalez, Administration Support Supervisor Karen Bourgeois, Administrative Assistant Maritza Del Valle, Administrative Assistant Deborah Jenkins, Administrative Assistant

• MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of November 17,2010 were approved as published. Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Hollis, motion carried unanimously. • REMARKS OF THE CHAIRMAN: Chairman Rick Mellin excused Board Member Phillip Hollis from voting on Items 35 through 38 And Items 40-42 due to Conflict ofInterest. A Conflict ofInterest Form was submitted.

"., Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15, 2010 1 East Enforcement District New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

"'EB-201J-] 59543H Anh Thi Mai Nguyen ..." 8313 Margarita Drive

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Albright was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Anh Thi Mai Nguyen, shall correct the violation on or before December 30, 20 I O. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-159747H Brent R. Boiselle & Rebecca L. Boisselle 4534 Seils Way

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Albright was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Brent R. Boiselle & Rebecca L. Boisselle, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Code Enforcement Board finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes. ...,10tion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously. CEB-2011-159748Z John G. Pherai & Dian Pherai 4905 Simmons Road

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Albright was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, John G. Pherai was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, John G. Pherai & Dian Pherai, shall correct the violation on or before March 15, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $1 00.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-159764H CARMEN M DORR TR 8434 Singapore Court

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Albright was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, CARMEN M DORR TR, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez, second by Mr. Funnan. Motion carried unanimously.

'~ Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 2 East Enforcement District New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

~B-2011-159745H Daniel Lobozzo & Deann L. Lobozzo ~ 4479 Yachtmans Court

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Albright was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement ofYiolation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Daniel Lobozzo & Deann L. Lobozzo, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-145623H Paul Alan Glidden & Marie Glidden 1520 8th Street

Summary: December 15,20I 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Gibbs was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement ofYiolation. The Respondents were not present

Order: The Respondents, Paul Alan Glidden & Marie Glidden, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Code Enforcement Board finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes. ,...... ·otion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously. CEB-2011-156043H Andrew C. Shumway & Linda Azwell 14155 Popcorn Tree Court

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Gibbs was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement ofYiolation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Andrew C. Shumway & Linda Azwell, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $200.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Code Enforcement Board finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and ] 62.09(1), Florida Statutes.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

.... Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15, 2010 3 East Enforcement District New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

~'f.:B-20l1-1S7364H Rachel Padget ~ 1530 Regan Avenue

Summary: December 15, 20 I 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Greene was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Rachel Padget, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-159923H INDYMAC FEDERAL BANK F S B 55 Wintergreen Way

Summary: December 15, 20 I 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Greene was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, INDYMAC FEDERAL BANK F S B, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-159723H Thomas J. Munchel & Patricia A. Munchel 961 Barbados Avenue '-" Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Greene was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Thomas J. Munchel & Patricia A. Munchel, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mr. Velez. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-160124Z Nicole Collette Penberthy 21708 Hobbyhorse Lane

Summary: December 15, 20 10 CEB Meeting: Inspector Koenig was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Collette Penberthy and Witness for Respondent, Jerry Barr were present and sworn in. Witnesses for the County, Roger Sarkovics, Joyce Kopczynski, Edward Jopczynski, Jr., and Patricia Lewis were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Nicole Collette Penberthy, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously. .'-" Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15, 2010 4 East Enforcement District New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

~B-2011-160223Z Nicole Collette Penberthy ...... 21708 Hobbyhorse Lane

Summary: December 15, 20 I 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Ortiz-Vega was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Collene Penberthy and Witness for Respondent, Jerry Barr were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Nicole Co Ilene Penberthy, shall correct the violation on or before December 30,2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-20l1-156924H Anthony M. Morano 512 Forestgreen Court

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Rosado was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Anthony M. Morano, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously.

,-"EB-2011-159103Z Yolanda Luz Colon Ortiz 6746 New Hope Road

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Rosado was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Yolanda Luz Colon Ortiz, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Velez. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-156964H Sewnarine Singh & Rohin Singh 12816 Enclave Drive

Summary: December 15,201 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Rosado was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Sewnarine Singh & Rohin Singh, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously. ,....,. Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15, 2010 5 East Enforcement District New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

£'E8-2011-]54903H Sheila E. Reyes & Raul A. Reyes, Jr.

.~ 1114 Fidelma Court

Summary: December 15, 20 10 CEB Meeting: Inspector Rosado was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement ofViolation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Sheila E. Reyes & Raul A. Reyes, Jr., shall correct the violation on or before January ]4, 20 I I. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

Requests for Reduction of Fine and Other Business:

CEB-2010-152303Z IGLESIA BAUTISTA JERUSALEN, INC. 6237 Jason Street

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Respondents submitted a written request to appear before the Board to request a rescission of the fine. The Respondents, Julio Rivera and Nelly Vargas were present and sworn in.

Order: The existing fine of $600.00 is hereby rescinded and the lien released.

10tion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Velez. Motion carried unanimously. ""-' CEB-2009-124]24H James Henry CEB-2009-112602H 555 Lear Street

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: Respondent submitted a written request to appear before the Board to request a rescission of the fine and release of lien. The Respondent was not present. Patrick D'Agostino, Bank Representative was present and sworn in.

Order: The existing fine of $104,000.00 is reduced to S3,000.OO to be paid to Orange County on or before January 14,2011. Failure to pay the total reduced fine will result in the fine reverting to its original amount of$ I04,000.00.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

,.... Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 6 Foreclosure Consent Authorization Items:

CEB-2010-150744H Jason P. Acevedo 8219 Alveron Avenue

~mmary: December 15, 20 I 0 CEB Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Code Enforcement Board authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Jason P. Acevedo, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

West Enforcement District New Cases: 1:00 p.m.

CEB-2011-161044Z Stanley Benoit & Esther Zamy 5114 Shale Ridge Trail

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Albert was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Stanley Benoit was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, Stanley Benoit & Esther Zamy, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date...... 10tion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously. CEB-2011-160644H Geneva L. Lidlow CEB-2010-142843H 6005 Silk Oak Drive

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Connor was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, GENEVA L. LIDLOW, shall correct the violation on or before April 18,201 I. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to complay will result in a fine of$200.00 for each day the violation continues past the above staed compliance date. The Board further Orders that this violation constitutes a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and by copy of this Order, the County shall be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the Code Enforcement Officer bringing this violation to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance with this order. This Order shall act as an Amendment to that Order dated March 17, 2010, all terms contained in the prior order and not modified herein, shall remain in full force and affect. .

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

c~ Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 7 West Enforcement District New Cases: 1 :00 p.m.

I"'EB-2011-159843H COLIN M. GRIFFIN ESTATE 7817 Horse Ferry Road "'-' Summary: December 15, 20 I 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Connor was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, COLIN M. GRIFFIN EST ATE, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-160443H BRIGHTWOOD MANOR LLC 833 Trailview Drive

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Love was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Sherry Aicher was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, BRIGHTWOOD MANOR LLC, shall correct the violation on or before March 15, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $200.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-159803H Richard John Harris & Dawn Mildred Harris 6101 Dartmoor Court ~ Summary: December 15,20 I 0 CEB Meeting: Inspector Nicholson was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Richard John Harris & Dawn Mildred Harris, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Code Enforcement Board finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

'-" Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 8 West Enforcement District New Cases: 1 :00 p.m.

'"'EB-2011-157103H Jacqueline Elbanna & Kahalil E. Elbanna ."... 5466 Rishley Run Way

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Shortman was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Jacqueline Elbanna & Kahalil E. Elbanna, shall correct the violation on or before January 14,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Code Enforcement Board finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mr.Velez. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2011-158605Z Russell K. Robinson & Almena Robinson 7311 Holly Street

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Shortman was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement ofViolation. The Respondent, Russell Robinson was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, Russell K. Robinson & Almena Robinson, shall correct the violation on or before January 16, 20 I 1. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $1 00.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

fotion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously. ."... CEB-2011-158606Z Jorge Rodriguez & Josefina Rodriguez 7155 Holly Street

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: Inspector Shortman was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Jorge Rodriguez was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, Jorge Rodriguez & Josefina Rodriguez, shall correct the violation on or before January 14, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $150.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Velez, second by Mr. Hollis. Motion carried unanimously.

~ Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15, 2010 9 Foreclosure Consent Authorization Items:

CEB-2010-129383H Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter 2420 Old Dixie Highway, Unit 629 'W' Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter and Charles Richardson, prospective Buyer, were present.

Order: The Code Enforcement Board authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2010-143226H Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter 2420 Old Dixie Highway, Unit 631

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the tine. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter and Charles Richardson, prospective Buyer, were present.

Order: The Code Enforcement Board authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2010-129363H Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter 2420 Old Dixie Highway, Unit 639

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter and Charles Richardson, prospective Buyer, were present

"-'rder: The Code Enforcement Board authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2010-143224H Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter 2420 Old Dixie Highway, Unit 647

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter and Charles Richardson, prospective Buyer, were present.

Order: The Code Enforcement Board authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Thomas Franklin & Denise Nutter, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Motion: Motion by Mrs. Marich, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously.

CEB-2010-136183H Eugene Bracy 931 Aaron Avenue

Summary: December 15,2010 CEB Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Code Enforcement Board authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Eugene Bracy, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Hollis, second by Mr. Furman. Motion carried unanimously. '-" Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15, 2010 10 Addendum:

Negotiated Settlements Developed bv Carol Nosal, Settlement Coordinator, Administrative Support Section, for the Code Enforcement Board APPROVAL

Incidents & CEBs: Denise Nutter & Thomas 2420 Old Dixie Hwy. 241772,09-113442h; Franklin 260446, 10-129363h; Parcel 06-21-28-7180-02-030 260447,10-129383b; 277046,10-143224h; 277048,10-143226h

Summary: December 15, 20 I 0 CEB Meeting: This case was brought back to the Code Enforcement Board by the Administrative Staff. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter was present.

Order: Rescind the CEB fines and release the CEB liens on all nine CEB cases, upon completion of all the terms of the settlement agreement. The code violations on all five parcels owned by Thomas Franklin and Denise Nutter are to be corrected and all structures are to be demolished within 120 days of the CEB approval; owners to obtain all required by the various County Divisions (such as demolition permits and inspections by the Building Division); and owners to request inspections from the Code Enforcement Officer to confirm compliance for all (9) nine CEB cases and all (11) eleven incidents in order to obtain the required Affidavits of Compliance for all. If all the terms of the settlement are not completed, the fines will revert to the original accrued fine amounts, continue to accrue, and the liens will remain in place, and the Code Enforcement Division and the officer will proceed accordingly.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

Incidents & CEBs: Denise Nutter & Thomas 615 School Street 241775,09-115102b; Franklin 260445, 10-129343h; Parcel 06-21-28-7180-01-050 291312,10-151725z; 308949

Summary: December 15, 20 10 CEB Meeting: This case was brought back to the Code Enforcement Board by the Administrative Staff. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter was present.

Order: Rescind the CEB fines and release the CEB liens on all nine CEB cases, upon completion of all the terms of the settlement agreement. The code violations on all five parcels owned by Thomas Franklin and Denise Nutter are to be corrected and all structures are to be demolished within 120 days of the CEB approval; owners to obtain all required by the various County Divisions (such as demolition permits and inspections by the Building Division); and owners to request inspections from the Code Enforcement Officer to confirm compliance for all (9) nine CEB cases and all (11) eleven incidents in order to obtain the required Affidavits of Compliance for all. If all the terms of the settlement are not completed, the fines will revert to the original accrued fine amounts, continue to accrue, and the liens will remain in place, and the Code Enforcement Division and the officer will proceed accordingly.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

'-" Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 11 Addendum:

Negotiated Settlements Developed by Carol Nosal, Settlement Coordinator, Administrative Support Section, for the Code Enforcement Board APPROVAL

Incidents & CEBs: Denise Nutter & Thomas 663 School Street 241770,09-1l3423h; Franklin 308950 Parcel 06-21-28-0000-00-010

Summary: December 15, 2010 CEB Meeting: This case was brought back to the Code Enforcement Board by the Administrative Staff. The Respondent, Denise Franklin Nutter was present.

Order: Rescind the CEB fines and release the CEB liens on all nine eEB cases, upon completion of all the terms of the settlement agreement. The code violations on all five parcels owned by Thomas Franklin and Denise Nutter are to be corrected and all structures are to be demolished within 120 days of the CEB approval; owners to obtain all required by the various County Divisions (such as demolition permits and inspections by the Building Division); and owners to request inspections from the Code Enforcement Officer to confirm compliance for all (9) nine CEB cases and all (11) eleven incidents in order to obtain the required Affidavits of Compliance for all. If all the terms of the settlement are not completed, the fines will revert to the original accrued fine amounts, continue to accrue, and the liens will remain in place, and the Code Enforcement Division and the officer will proceed accordingly.

Motion: Motion by Mr. Furman, second by Mrs. Marich. Motion carried unanimously.

Cases In Compliance Before Hearing:

CEB-2011-159524Z 1825 Proctor Avenue Imran Chaudry & Sofia Naseem Albright -'EB-2011-160603Z 8895 Fort Jefferson Boulevard Karen A. Robinson Greene th ~EB-20 II -155803Z 2229 N. 6 Street Mark L. Wilton & Kristine A. Wilton Ortiz-Vega CEB-2011 -159083Z 2133 Justin Avenue Florence Levitt & Stephen C. Ortiz-Vega Sanguedolce CEB-2011-154243H 12512 Westhope Drive Fanny Trujillo Rosado CEB-2011-159823H 6638 Sawyer Shores Lane ERIC A HASSEN TR Nicholson CEB-2011-159883Z 315 W.J. Peters lane Fannie E. Smith Smith

"-" Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 12 • DATE OF NEXT MEETING

January 19,2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Chambers located at: 201 S. Rosalind Ave., Orlando.


The meeting was Adjourned by Chairman Rick Meliin at 1:52 p.m.

Recording ChairmanIVice-Chairman

NOTE: This document may not include all details ofthe events taking place at this hearing. For full details, Audio Tapes documentation is available .

.... Code Enforcement Board Minutes December 15,2010 13 Orange County Commission on Aging Bi-Monthly Board Meeting - November 8,2010 Marks Street Senior Recreation Complex - 99 E. Marks Street, Orlando

Meeting Minutes

Vision An elder-friendly community that empowers older adults through choices that allow them to support and maintain their independence within their home community

Purpose To identify the needs of the senior population and find ways to help by working co llaboratively

Members Present Mr. Scott McCallum. Chair Ms. Vienna A velares Ms. Dorie Croissant Ms. Alison Issen Ms. Sandra Johnson Mr. Lewis Mattox Ms. Suzie W. Millsap Ms. Rhonda Pearlman Ms. Suyrea Reynolds "W' Ms. Wendy Roman Ms. Pamela Rowe

Members Absent Mr. Randy Hunt The Honorable Commissioner Tiffany Moore Russell

Others Present Ms. Mimi Reggentin, Office on Aging

Agenda Packet • Agenda • Commission on Aging Minutes - 9113110 • Commission on Aging Board Training Minutes 9113/10 • Special Commission on Aging Minutes - 1011211 0 • Community Partnerships Committee Minutes 110411 0 • Media Leadership Council Concept Plan dated November 4,2010 • Leadership Seminole's draft agenda for January 14, 2011 • 50+Lifestyle Guide Fa1l2010 • List of potential speakers (from Mr. McCallum)

November 2010 eOA minutes Page I of4 Welcome and Consent Agenda Items • Mr. McCallum opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. Two new board members were in attendance - Ms. Alison Issen and Wendy Roman. The members ofthe Commission on Aging introduced themselves. • Upon a motion by Ms. Pearlman, seconded by Ms. Millsap, the following action was taken on the consent agenda: o Approval of the Commission on Aging minutes of9/13/10; o Acceptance of the New Board Member Training minutes of9113110; o Acceptance ofthe Commission on Aging's Special Meeting minutes of 10/12/10; and o Acceptance ofthe Commission on Aging's Community Partnerships Meeting minutes of November 4, 2010.

Updates • Community Partnerships Committee oMs. Issen, the new Chair ofthe Community Partnerships Committee, stated the members of the Community Partnerships Committee were given a survey to determine whether there was interest in moving the date ofthe meeting. The survey indicated that people wanted to keep the meeting on the first Thursday of every other month. o The concept ofhaving a speaker at each Community Partnership meeting was reinstated. Members were asked to brainstorm and identify future speaker topics, and then the group voted on which topics they would most like to hear. The top six topics were: o Safeguard our seniors Florida Department of Financial Services o Seniors vs. Crime update o Our whole community home gardens, Cooperative Extension's container gardens, John Riff (contact Diana Silvey) o Homeless services network o Civil legal services - e.g., billing, contract etc. - Orange County Bar, private attorney o Lake Mary Police Department senior initiative o Staff updated the Community Partnerships Committee on the fall survey for the Counsel for Caregivers Seminar Series and identified the top six topics that will be scheduled for January - June 2011. Members were asked to help select individuals who could speak on these six topics. a Caring for the terminally ill and understanding hospice care - Edwardo Diaz from Hospice of the Comforter was recommended. o Emotions and ethics in family caregiving - Martha Purdy from Alzheimer Resource Center was recommended. a When is assisted living necessary - Patti Cantillo-Kodzis was recommended. c Home modifications so you can stay in your home Patty Antony was recommended. o Saving money if you're older and on a fixed income smorgasbord of speakers will be brought in. a Diet and nutrition for frail seniors -Diane Hall was recommended.

• Media Leadership Council o Mr. McCallum provided a brief overview ofthe media leadership council for the new "-' members.

November 20 I0 eOA minutes Page 2 of 4 oMs. Reggentin stated that the Winter Park Health Foundation had responded to the advertisement that was sent out looking for sponsorship for the media initiative - and, they are interested in the full sponsorship opportunity. The Commission on Aging unanimously agreed to accept the sponsorship. oMs. Reggentin stated the Winter Park Health Foundation was interested in joining the executive committee on this project, commenting that several staff members have extensive experience in media relations and tremendous contacts in the community. The Commission on Aging unanimously agreed to invite the Winter Park Health Foundation to join the executive committee. o Ms. Rowe stated she had conducted some research to determine ifthis type of a media leadership initiative has been developed in another community. Her research indicated that this initiative is rather unique. o Mr. McCallum reviewed the concept plan dated November 4th and the tentative timeline. oMs. Reggentin stated that she and Tina Frazier from Elder Advocates met with Wayne Weinberg from Leadership Seminole, who was very supportive of the Commission on Aging's initiative. Several key ideas came from this meeting including: o Keeping the meetings active and engaging; o Having a keynote speaker to "tell a story"; o Encouraging breakouts and activities and, visits to media venues when possible. oMs. Issen suggested that the Winter Park Health Foundation be one of the speakers at the March launch ofthis initiative. The Commission on Aging agreed. o Ms. Reynolds suggested that Orange TV be used to document the program. o Mr. McCallum stated that he liked the concept of using breakouts, shorter sessions with two speakers, stating that this might be more appealing to the speakers. Furthermore, more speakers means more media contacts for the organizations. o Ms. Croissant stated that Aileen at Florida Hospital is an active volunteer with Leadership Seminole and would be a good person to talk with. o Mr. McCallum distributed the handout of potential speakers. o Ms. Croissant stated that, as the group moved forward with contacting the speakers, it was important to stay flexible with the date. If a great speaker has a conflict on the month that we'd like them, then we need to consider switching topics to a month when the speaker is available. oMs. Reggentin stated that the executive committee will need identify the format for class 7 which is the opportunity for organizations to pitch to the media. If there are 30 organizations and each organization does a pitch, then there would only be 3-4 minutes per agency for the pitch. o Mr. Mattox suggested that the enrollees could be broken up into teams and the teams could pitch to different media panels (e.g., print, radio, television). This type of a "round-robin" format would result in a significant amount of time to do a pitch. oMs. Issen commented that most ofthe companies on the speaker list are larger, high profile companies. It might be appropriate to invite speakers from smaller organizations would might be more likely to be hired by the enrollees. o Ms. Pearlman stated that the speakers need to be told that attendees are from smaller organizations and do not have large marketing budgets. oMs. Reggentin stated the "save the date" flyer will be sent out in December. She asked the Commission on Aging to forward names of individuals and organizations who should receive this flyer.

November 20 I0 COA minutes Page 3 of4 Old Business None

New Business None

Adjournment Mr. McCallum adjourned the meeting at 1:30 pm


November 20 I 0 COA minutes Page 4 of4 Orange County Commission on Aging - Special Meeting 2100 E. Michigan Street, 2nd Floor Director's Conference Room * November 16,20 I 0 * 8 am

Meeting Minutes

Present Scott McCallum, Chair, Commission on Aging Dorie Croissant, Commission on Aging Jan Ingrando, Community Partnerships Committee Mimi Reggentin, Office on Aging Diana Silvey, Winter Park Health Foundation Deb Watson, Winter Park Health Foundation

Handouts o Agenda o Draft application o Draft announcement flyer o Draft agenda for the seminars o Current list of Commission on Aging members

Tasks o Mimi o Will see if incoming Mayor Jacobs would like to be the keynote speaker for the first meeting in March. o Will check to see if Cooperative Extension has the ability to "Skype" a speaker into the Magnolia Room. o Will schedule the next meeting at Cooperative Extension so that we can see the facilities that we will be using. o Will develop generic request emails for inviting the keynote speakers and the media presenters. This will be emailed to the group. o Will contact the people who have been recommended to be volunteer coordinators and ask for their commitment. o Scott o Will do the initial "ask" with the media presenters and let Mimi know who is available and interested. Mimi will forward the information on that seminar's volunteer coordinator. o Deb/Diana o Will ask WPHF staff to review the design of the flyer and application.

Agenda for December o Finalize a name for the program. o Finalize the announcement flyer. o Finalize the application. o Discuss status of keynote speakers and media presenters. o Discuss the format for the media panel. o Finalize what organization should receive the $50 application fee. Notes o The Winter Park Health Foundation offered to be the lead photographer for the program. o Each session should have a volunteer coordinator to help organize the day's events. These volunteer coordinators should be give the session's objectives to the media presenters and ask them how they might suggest meeting the objectives ofthe day. The focus will be on fun and interactive. o Mimi will remain the primary contact for participants, and will be responsible for coordinating the continental breakfast for each month. o Scott will be responsible for making the initial contact to most media presenters. The following media presenters were identified.

Month Topic I Media Presenters Person who will do Other initial contacting ·3110 Program overview & summary ofthe media landscape 4114 Overview ofthe media 5/12 Writing for the media Joan McCain or Scott McCallum Can we do mtg @ Ryan Shehy UCF (Scott ask) 6/9 Pitching to the media Barbara West Deb - contact Barbara, Can we do mtg @ Geo Morales Scott - contact Geo WFTV. (Mimi ask) 7114 Tips for interviews with Annetta Wilson Scott contact Annetta, Can we do mtg @ 1"-" • the media Orlando Sentinel Lynn - contact Sentinel Sentinel (Lynn ask) 8/11 Gerontology summary & Randy Hunt Randy - contact Doug program debriefing Doug Beach Mimi contact Pete Pete Sechler 9/8 Your opportunity to pitch We need 5 rooms a story to a media panel 10113 After hours, dutch treat celebration

o The Media Panel concept might work best ifthere are 5 media tables and the participants are divided into teams of 5. Teams should be established in July or August and given an issue or story to pitch. Teams would be required to meet outside ofthe seminars to develop their "pitch". Teams would rotate among the 5 media tables and would be encouraged to modify their "pitch" to the media panel at hand. Suggest media tables include: o Television o Radio o Print - Orlando Sentinel, OBJ, community print person o PR finn o Magazines o All keynote speakers and media presenters should be invited to the final celebration. o Potential list ofkeynote speakers o Incoming Mayor Teresa Jacobs o Dick Bachelor o Jack Levine o Dr. G. Medical Examiner o Dr. Antonia C. Novello o Mike Thomas or Scott Maxwell o Mark Brewer o Dr. George Maddox if we can Skype in o Ken Bradley o Mimi will ask Lonnie Brown for a name ofa key community stakeholder in the African American community o Other names mentioned included: • Jerry Demings • Arto Woodley from Frontline Outreach o Keynote speakers will be asked to share a short story (maybe 10 minutes) about the importance of older adults, the impact an elder had on them or, a story that involves the media. o Volunteer coordinators for the monthly seminars are: o March - Suyrea Reynolds o April - Jan Ingrando o May - Pam Rowe and Lynn Carolan o June - Deb Watson and Diana Silvey o July - Dorie Croissant and Lynn Carolan o August - Randy Hunt o September Scott McCallum o October - Jan Ingrando and Mimi Reggentin o Seminar Agenda Item o The "recap" ofthe previous month will be done by asking participants to place "notes" into a fish bowl (either at the end ofthe previous session or at the beginning on that day's session). Notes will be drawn for "prizes" and the person will have to tell their "take-away" message. MMRI Orange County Commission on Aging - Special Meeting Cooperative Extension, 6021 S. Conway Road, Orlando * December 7, 2010 * 8 am

Meeting Minutes

Present Scott McCallum, Chair, Commission on Aging Alison Issen, Commission on Aging Lynn Carolan, Winter Park Health Foundation Dorie Croissant, Commission on Aging Jan Ingrando, Community Partnerships Committee Mimi Reggentin, Office on Aging Diana Silvey, Winter Park Health Foundation Deb Watson, Winter Park Health Foundation

Handouts o Agenda o Minutes ofthe November 16,2010 special meeting o Status oftasks and responsibilities o Evite for keynote speaker o Evite for media presenter o Draft application '--" 0 Draft announcement flyer o Draft agenda for the seminars o From the Winter Park Health Foundation o Revised language for the announcement flyer o Four examples ofthe design for the announcement flyer

Next Meetings o January 5, 2011 @ 8 am @ 2100 E. Michigan Street o February 2,2011 @ 8 am @ 2100 E. Michigan Street

Tasks o Mimi o Will develop draft email language for the announcement flyer that will officially announce the program and encourage people to save the date. o Will schedule the January and February special meetings. o Will update the application and circulate to the committee. o Will re-email the invitation for the keynote speakers and media presenters. o Will check to see if UCF is "in session" on May 12. o Will develop criteria to select participants ifmore than 30 applications are submitted. o Scott o Will continue to contact local public relations professions to invite them to be media presenters for the program. o Deb/Diana o The WPHF will redesign the announcement flyer.

Agenda for January o Finalize the application o Finalize the selection criteria / scoring for applicants (if we get more than 30) o Discuss the format for the media panel o Discuss the agendas for the sessions

Notes o Mr. McCallum stated he has contacted the first group ofindividuals being invited to be media presenters for the program. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and individuals are very interested in being part of this endeavor. He stated that several people would like to either have a conference call or brief meeting to learn more about the program and their commitment. He stated that he will coordinate ""ith staff on these meetings and conference calls. oMs. Reggentin stated that Dr. Garavaglia and Mike Thomas have accepted being keynote speakers. Dr. G. is scheduled for May, when the program may be held at UCF. Dr. G. has suggested that parking may be a problem ifUCF is still in their Spring session. oMs. Reggentin stated that she had contacted Seniors First about the possibility of being the receiver ofthe application fee of$50. Ms. Ingrando stated that Seniors First has accepted the position of being the fiscal agent for the application fee. This fee will be used to cover the cost ofthe October graduation class and reception. Seniors First will charge a $5/ application fee for administration costs, but will be responsible for creating invoices and tracking revenues and expenditures. o The committee selected the name for this initiative: Aging Matters: Connecting with the Media. o Status ofthe tasks list. o Mayor-Elect Jacobs has been invited to be the keynote speaker for the first meeting in March and staff is awaiting a reply. o Cooperative Extension checked with the County's IT staff and has learned that the County does not support "Skyping", therefore the keynote speakers will need to be able to attend the event in person. a The agendas were reviewed and updated. o Ms. Silvey presented four different flyers for the announcement that will be distributed in December. The committee selected the first design and then made additional text changes. o The committee discussed the material needed for the initial session in March and developed the following list: o Folder o Name tags o Flip chart and paper oPens / paper o Summary of agencies o Roster and contact information o Summary of the program and agendas for each month o The committee reviewed the timeline and added additional deadline dates: o Selection ofparticipants - February 4th o Payment must be received by February 28th or the individual waives the right to participate and another applicant is selected. o The committee scheduled future meeting dates in January and February.

MMRJ Orange County Commission on Aging - Special Meeting January 5, 2011 * 8 am * 2100 E. Michigan Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room

Meeting Minntes

Present Scott McCallum, Chair, Commission on Aging Alison Issen, Commission on Aging Lynn Carolan, Winter Park Health Foundation Dorie Croissant, Commission on Aging Jan Ingrando, Community Partnerships Committee Mimi Reggentin, Office on Aging Diana Silvey, Winter Park Health Foundation

Handouts o Agenda o Minutes of the December 7, 2010 special meeting o Application - 1-5-11 draft o Aging Matters - flyer for the application o Weighting criteria for the applications o Summary of sessions o Spring 2010 survey to the agencies o Additional survey questions

N ext Meetings o February 2, 2011 @ 8 am @ 2100 E. Michigan Street

Tasks o Scott o Will schedule a meeting with Mimi to begin developing the key messages that participants will be asked to convey o Will schedule a meeting with Geo Morales o Will follow-up with Ryan Sheehy about having her session at UCF o Will invite Kena Lewis to be a speaker in June with Geo Morales o Mimi o Will send out the official application o Will follow-up with Steve Triggs for a meeting with Steve and Scott o Will follow-up with Mike Thomas o Will secure the History Center for the October 13th celebration and will write a "fee waiver" request o Lynn o Will follow-up with Channel 6 o Will follow-up with Mark Brewer o Will follow-up with Ken Bradley Agenda for February o Review the applications and select the Class of 20 11 o Report from the fiscal agent on procedures for billing and processing o Finalize the survey to the Class of20 11 o Review speakers, class format, etc o Begin planning the September media panel o Discuss the key messages o Discuss the planning committees role at the program sessions o Identify a gift for the media presenter (one idea is the book "What are Old People For")

Notes o Mr. McCallum opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. o Minor changes to the application were made and the document was approved for distribution. The "save the date" flyer was added as page 1 of the application. oMs. Reggentin stated that the Orange County Consumer Fraud - an Orange County program and an active member of the Community Partnerships Committee had expressed an interest in participating in this program. They have requested a fee waiver. The Committee agreed to the fee waiver. o Mr. McCallum reviewed the status ofthe keynote speakers and the media presenters. He stated that Roy Reid has commented that, while a full session on social media is not needed, the media presenters should incorporate social media into their presentation. This is especially true for Roy's presentation on ethics. o Ms. Carolan stated that she has contacted Channel 6 about having the June session at WKMG. She has also asked if a reporter could talk to the group and ifthe group could stay and watch the noon news. She has a tentative approval and is awaiting a formal response. oMs. Reggentin stated she has not heard back from Mike Thomas about being the keynote speaker in August. The Committee asked Ms. Reggentin to send one more email before they invite another person from the Orlando Sentinel to be the keynote for August. In the meantime, Ms. Carolan stated she will contact the Orlando Sentinel to see if the session in August can be held at the Orlando Sentinel. oMs. Reggentin suggested Mr. Rich Morrison be invited to the March kick-off. Mr. Morrison was the Vice Chair ofthe Interim Commission on Aging and was the Chair ofthe Commission on Aging for the first two years ofthis board. He could provide a historical perspective on why it was important for Orange County Government to establish the Commission on Aging. The Committee agreed to invite Mr. Morrison. o Ms. Carolan stated Ms. Watson with the Winter Park Health Foundation is contacting Mark Brewer and Mayor Bradley to invite them to be keynote speakers for June and July. o The proposed criteria for weighting the applications was reviewed. The criterion "has attended three or more meetings in 2010" was clarified to be referring to the Community Partnerships Committee meetings. No other changes were made. The criteria for weighting the applications was approved as follows.

Has their 501[c]3 10 points Has applied for, but not received their 501 [c]3 5 points Is a member ofthe Commission on Aging 15 points Has attended at least 1 CP meeting in 2010 10 points Has attended 3 or more CP meetings in 2010 additional 5 points

Is a partner with the Office on Aging (either I 10 points actively working on a subcommittee or funded an initiative) Focus is senior services, not selling a product 5 points i Orange County residents are one oftheir 10 points I primary markets Answers to the questions on the application 10 points

oMs. Reggentin stated she had contacted the Regional History Center to see if October 13th was available for the program celebration - and, asked if the Committee welcomed the idea of hosting this celebration at the Regional History Center. The Committee agreed this was a great venue and asked Ms. Reggentin to proceed with requesting a fee waiver. o The Committee discussed the survey that should be given out to the participants prior to the launch ofthe program. It was agreed that the agency survey that was conducted in the spring of 20 10 should be the basis ofthis survey. One optional question was added that asks participants if they would like to give an example ofhow their organization has effectively used public relations I media in the past.

MMRI Community Partnerships Committee Of the Orange County Commission on Aging Thursday, November 4, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Bringing together local organizations that work directly with & provide services for seniors, their caregivers & their families in the Central Florida community. Providing the Commission on Aging input on proposed projects & identifying needs ofolder Orange County adults.

Members Present Alison [ssen, Chair, Hospice of the Comforter Ron Bledsoe, DCF - Adult Services Randall Brown, Florida Department of Financial Services Tina Frazier, Elder Advocates Tom Golay, Seniors vs. Crime Helen Jones, AARP Florida Barbara Keene, Episcopal Counseling Center Clement Masih-Das, Well Care Bill Mendoza, Seniors vs. Crime Carlos Morales, Orange County Consumer Fraud Diana Silvey, Winter Park Health Foundation Nancy Squillacioti, Alzheimer Resource Center Cynthia Williams, Serenity Home Care Walt Willis, Senior and Life Solutions Katherine Zimmerman, Seniors First

Also Present Ms. Mimi Reggentin, Office on Aging

Handouts • Agenda • May Minutes • Agency Survey • Media Survey • Counsel for Caregivers Survey

Meeting Notes • Ms. [ssen opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. The Committee reviewed the September 13,2010 minutes ofthe joint meeting with the Commission on Aging. No additions or deletions were made. • Ms. Issen stated that she had meet with staff to discuss the format for the Community Partnerships Committee meetings. Based on this discussion, the meeting will include: o A speaker for 10-15 minutes at each meeting; o A discussion ofthe current projects of the Commission on Aging; o Partnership "go-around". • In addition to these regularly scheduled agenda items, there are several "seasonal" agenda items, including:

11/4/10 meeting notes Page 1 o Counsel for Caregivers Seminar Series providing input on speakers and topics selected by past attendees; o Orange TV - help identifY potential speakers and topics for the show; o Identify potential initiatives to present to the Commission on Aging.

• Future speakers to the Community Partnership Committee Ms. Issen asked the Committee to brainstorm on the topics and future speakers for the 2011 meetings. After brainstorming ideas, attendees were give "two dots" to place on the topics they most wanted to hear in 2011. Based on this exercise, the top six presentations for 2011 were selected: o 6 votes - safeguard our seniors - Florida Department of Financial Services o 3 votes - Seniors vs. Crime update o 3 votes - Our whole community home gardens, Cooperative Extension's container gardens, John Riff (contact Diana Silvey) o 3 votes homeless services network o 3 votes - Civil legal services - e.g., billing, contract etc. - Orange County Bar, private attorney o 3 votes - Lake Mary Police Department senior initiative • Other presentations that were not selected included: o 2 votes Lakeside update o 1 votes UCF medical school o 1 votes - Parish Nurse Program o 1 votes - Community Council on Spirituality and Aging o 0 votes - V A Medical Center update o 0 votes - Mental Health Clinic o 0 votes - Geriatric Assessment Clinic update o 0 votes - Bidding process for medical equipment • Counsel for Caregivers Seminar Series - Ms. Reggentin stated one ofthe season items that will be part of the Community Partnerships Committee meeting is the selection of speakers for the upcoming Counsel for Caregivers Seminar Series. Staffhas already conducted a survey that was sent to past attendees ofthis series, that asked them what topics they would like to hear for the upcoming six months. Based on these results, the three partners - Orange County, the Orange County Library System and WFTV have met and selected the six topics. Ms. Reggentin stated that goal is to work with the Community Partnerships Committee to identify knowledgeable, articulate speakers on these topics. The Committee recommended the following speakers: o Caring for the terminally ill and understanding hospice care Edwardo Diaz from Hospice of the Comforter. He is a geriatrician and is knowledgeable about "end-of­ life" issues o Emotions and Ethics in Family Caregiving - Martha Purdy from Alzheimer Resource Center or Maura Hassey from Seniors First. Since Seniors First just did a presentation, ask Ms. Purdy first. o When is assisted living necessary - Patti Cantillo-Kodzis o Home modifications so you can stay in your home Patty Anthony or Karen Kassic. It was decided to ask Patty first since she can bring a licensed contractor with her o Saving money if you're older and on a fixed income smorgasbord ofspeakers including: SRA subsidized services, Property Appraiser'S "save our seniors" program, EHEAP, Crisis, Stepping Stones, Prescription drug cards,

11/4/1 ameeting notes Page 2 utilities person, housing finance counselor from Cooperative Extension o Diet and nutrition for frail seniors Ask Diane Hall first. Other names are Lisa McCrystal, Second Harvest Food Bank, Mary Lu Williams from VA or LuAnn Duncan from Cooperative Extension. • Media Leadership Council- Ms. Reggentin provided a summary ofthe concept plan dated November 4,2010. She stated that she and Tina Frazier had meet with Wayne Weinberg from Leadership Seminole last week and he had provided a few tips and suggestions, including: o Inviting key community stakeholders to welcome people to the event. Names that were suggested included Margaret Linnane, Linda Chapin. o Bring in multiple speakers for each day. o Keep the activities short, engaging, and "hands-on". o Visit different places if possible. o Actively recruit attendees so that you ensure the people you want to attend are attending. • Mr. Weinberg also stated his program is almost entirely driven by volunteers. Members of his executive board adopt a month and coordinate speakers and activities. • The Community Partnerships Committee brainstormed and identified other key community leaders to recruit including, Northland Church, Patty Mattox, Scott Clark, Dr. G. Medical Examiner, Mable Butler, Growing Bolder and Commissioner Ortiz.

Partnership "Go Around" • Carlos Morales Orange County Consumer Fraud o Staff is working on a joint sting operation to target unlicensed contractor in Orange County. o Staff recently attended a meeting with the other consumer fraud offices around the state. All programs are undergoing significant budget cuts. • Helen Jones - AARP Florida o Ms. Jones reminded everyone that AARP has a number of publications available for the community everything from caregiving support to driving to aging in place. • Randall Brown - Florida Department of Financial Services o The election results are in and Jeff Atwater is the incoming Chief Financial Officer. It is expected all the programs for seniors will continue. • Katharine Zimmerman - Seniors First, Inc. o Seniors First received a grant from Orange County for their home modification program. This program doubles the size of this Seniors First program and, it is hoped, this grant will help reduce the waitlist that typically hovers around 700­ 800 low-income seniors. o Seniors First's biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up on Thanksgiving morning with the annual Turkey Trot in downtown Orlando. o The annual "High Tea" is scheduled for February 13th at the Peabody Hotel. o Seniors First is currently collecting holiday presents for their Meals on Wheels clients and Community Care for the Elderly clients. o On a side note, Ms. Zimmerman stated that she is helping to build a children's home in the Bahamas with her dad, and they are always looking for people who would like to be part of a "building team". 11/4/10 meeting notes Page 3 • Ron Bledsoe DCF - Adult Services a Mr. Bledsoe stated the number of cases in Adult Services is rising. They have added an investigator to serve the south Orange / Kissimmee community. a He added that they have re-instated a multi-agency taskforce to review cases. Discussions center on legal issues, guardianship, fraud and community services. • Tina Frazier - Elder Advocates a Ms. Frazier stated her company is focused on connecting people to services. • Barbara Keene Episcopal Counseling Center a Ms. Keene stated that as a marriage and family counselor, she is seeing a rise in the number of deployed military and their families coming into her office. There are also more Baby Boomers and spouses caring for a frail elder. • Nancy Squillacioti - Alzheimer Resource Center a The Alzheimer Resource Center's annual conference is this Saturday and is open to caregivers, their families and professionals. th a The Festival of Wreaths will be held at Arden Court on December 4_6 • a The Alzheimer Resource Center has hired a consultant to help with "re-branding", including what services they provide and the name of the agency. • Clement Masih-Das - WellCare a Medicare is making several changes to its enrollment process including to it's Medicare Advantage Plans. a WellCare is looking for community events to sponsor. • Diana Silvey Winter Park Health Foundation a The Foundation has given Florida Hospital $500,000 over a three-year period to expand the Parish Nurse program. a The Foundation has just received a major grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to bring the "Achieve" program to Central Florida. This program focuses on reducing chronic disease, tobacco use and obesity. • Walt Willis Senior and Life Solutions a In September, volunteers delivered 6,000 pounds of food to needy seniors. In October, it was 6,500 pounds. It is expected to be 7,000 pounds in November. Most seniors receive a 10 pound bag of groceries monthly; however, some larger households receive a 20 pound bag. a In addition to these monthly bags of groceries, volunteers are delivering fresh fruits and vegetables to local senior centers and senior highrises. • Tom Golay and Bill Mendoza - Seniors vs. Crime a The Orlando Chapter of the Seniors vs. Crime program has been opened since April 2010 at an office next to the Denny's on SR 436, just south of Lake Underhill Road. The program is focused on educating seniors so they don't become victims of crime. a The program also helps investigate crimes and seeks restitution for victims. Most cases are civil in nature. Volunteers do not get involved in the legal aspects of the case and, if Law Enforcement is involved, they cannot be involved. • Cynthia Williams - Serenity Home Care a Ms. Williams stated her company provides direct services to seniors. • Alison Issen Hospice of the Comforter a Hospice of the Comforter's "Gift of Horne" breakfast was just held and 500 people attended.

11/4/10 meeting notes Page 4 o As the program chair of the Community Counsel of Spirituality and Aging, she mentioned the spiritual development program that is being held at the Winter Park Life Long Learning Center and the book c1ub series that is being held at the Winter Park Christian Church on Lakemont. o On June 10-11, there will be a cargiving retreat focused on "enriching our elder journey". Charlie Pierce is spearheading this initiative. • Mimi Reggentin, Office on Aging o Orange County's Housing and Community Development Division will be opening up their waitlist for subsidized housing for low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities. This waitlist will be open froll). December 6-10. A flyer will be circulated when it is received.

• The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.










The Development Review Committee met on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, in the first floor conference room, Public Works Building, 4200 South John Young Parkway. David Heath called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with appropriate staff present. The DRC Minutes of December 15,2010, were reviewed and approved with a MOTION by John Smogor, seconded by Joe Kunkel TO APPROVE THE DRC MEETING MINUTES OF DECKtlBER IS, 2010.





Plan date stamped IfReceived December 21,2010" DISTRICT 4





Present for discussion were John Prowell and Richard Jennan. A change determination was requested to the previously approved PD Land Use Plan to change plan notes referencing "minimum lot size" to "minimum average lot size"; to update the TDR's to show a reduction in the number of lots from 111 to 105 and to utilize the New Village Code. Staff indicated that according to Section 38-1381, the applicant is allowed the option of complying with the New Village Code and that by doing so, would require a substantial change to the PD Land Use Plan.

MOTION by John Smogor, seconded by Joe Kunkel TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FALCONE-MONK PROPERTY PD TO ADOPT THE NEW VILLAGE CODE subject to the following conditions of approval and to 10 fullifoided sets ofa revised plan being submitted and approved prior to requesting a public hearing for the substantial change to the PD Land Use Plan. The public hearings for the substantial changes to the land use plan for Falcone-Monk Property PD and the Falcone-Monk PSP shall be scheduled simultaneously with the Board ofCounty Commissioners.


1. Development shall conform to the Falcone-Monk PD Land Use Plan dated "Received ~ and shall comply with all applicable federal. state and countv laws, ordinances and regulations, except to the extent that any applicable countv laws, ordinances!l.! regulations !!!:£ expressly waived !l.! modifiedfa !!!!.E ofthese conditions. Accordinglv. the PD !!E!J: be developed in accordance with the uses. densities and intensities described in such Land Use Plan. subject to those uses. densities and intensities conforming with the restrictions and requirements found in the conditions ofapproval!!!!!!. complring with all applicable federal. state and county laws, ordinances andregulations, except to the extent that anyapplicable county laws. ordinances!l.! regulations!!!:£ expressly waived !l.!modifiedl!r!l.!rr ofthese conditions. If the development li unable to achieve !l.! obtain desired uses. densities !l.! intensities, the CountJ! li not under any obligation to grant any waivers !l.! modifications to enable the developer to achieve !l.! obtain those desired uses, densities!l.! intensities. In the event of!l. conDict or inconsistencv between!l. condition ofapproval ofthis zoning and the land!!!£ plan dated "Received ~ the condition ofapproval shall control to the extent ofsuch conDict !l.!inconsistency.


2. The Developer shall comply with Section 38-1381 as adopted by the Board ofCounty Commissioners on June 2, 2009, which allows the applicant the option ofcomplying with the New Village Code.

3. Allprevious applicable BCC conditions ofapproval, dated January 15, 2008, shall apply:

a. Dct>'elepment shall cmt/erm HJ the Faleene Ahn}" pD Land Use ,.ohm dated "Reeeit>'Cd Febpttay;y 22, 2(J(J7" (md shall eemply with all ttpplieable jedel'al, state and eeunty laws, eI'mnanees and FegHlatiens, ei1£eept Ie the e.went that any applicable eeul'ty IsH'S, e,dinanccs er reguiatiens a1'e e.-cpressly wfiit>'Cd eF I1ffitlijied by any Ojcthese eentlitiens. AeeeFdingly, the pD may be tleY'CIBpei in aeeeMRHCe with the Hses, densities ani intmsities tlese1'ibed in SHah Lani Use Plan, sHbjeet HJ these HSCS, densities tlnd inlmsities eenjeFming wit!1 the FCslFietitms ani ?CfjUiFClflents feund in the eentlitiens OJ'' appF6tlal fini eemplying with all ttpplieableletieMl, stRle ani cettnty laws, eMinances and reguiatiens, ei1£Ccpt HJ the extent that any applicable ceunty ISH/s, eMinanees OF regHlatim'lS aFe expressly JWlitlCd or lIwdijiei by any 9:l these eonditieltS. If the tlevelepment is unable te ae!tieW! er eblain desired HseS, densities e1' intensities, the COlmty is net untler any ebligation HJ gMnt any Jl'tlb'e1'S ef' lfIodijieatiens te enable the det>'Cleper Ie aehiet-'e el' ebtRin these desired Hses, densities eF intensities. In the et>'Cnt OJ'' a eenjliet eF ineensistency between a eentlilion e}"appl'eWlI ofthis f;oning ani the land Hseplan dated "Reeeivet! FebrHay;y 22, 2(J(J7", the ee-nmtien ~f(ilppF6Wll shall eentrel Ie the e;t:tent ~Jsl:leh eenjliet or ineensisteney.


b. This project shall comply with, adhere to, and not deviate from or otherwise conflict with any verbal or written promise or representation made by the applicant (or authorized agent) to the Board of County Commissioners at the public hearing where this development was approved, where such promise or representation, whether oral or written, was relied upon by the Board in approving the development, could have reasonably been expected to have been relied upon by the Board in approving the development, or could have reasonably induced or otherwise influenced the Board to approve the development. For purposes of this condition, a ''promise'' or "representation" shall be deemed to have been made to the Board by the applicant (or authorized agent) if it was expressly made to the Board at a public hearing where the development was considered or approved.

c. The developer shall obtain water, wastewater and reclaimed water service from Orange County Utilities.

d. The following Education Condition ofApproval shall apply;


• This project contains one hundred eleven (111) unvested units tltat are subject to the County~<; school capacity policy (alk/a the "Jlartinez Initiative''). The developer has contracted with the i\lcKinney Groves General Partnership (McKinney Groves), one ofthe members ofthe Lakeview MS Consortium, to acquire school rightslcredits established under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement by and between McKinney Groves and the School Board dated September 1, 2005 (CEA #05-022). The number of school rightslcredits equals or exceeds the number of unvested units. The County shall not record a plat for any ofthe unvested units until it receives notice from Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) that the developer has closed on the acquisition of the school credits from McKinney Groves. The developer shall comply with all provisions ofthe CEA.

• Upon the County's receipt ofwritten notice from Orange County Public Schools that the developer is in default or breach of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, the County shall immediately cease issuing building permits for any Unvested Units. The County shall again begin issuing building permits upon Orange County Public Schools' written notice to the County that the developer is 110 longer in breach or default of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement. The developer and its successor or assign under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, shall indemnify and hold the County harmless from any third party claims, suits, or actions arising as a result ofthe act ofceasing the County's issuance ofresidential building permits.

• Developer, or its successor or assign under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, agrees that it shall not claim in any future litigation that the County's enforcement of any ofthese conditions are illegal, improper, unconstitutional, or a violation ofdeveloper's property rights.

• Orange County shall be held harmless by the developer and its assigns under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, in any dispute between the developer and Orange County Public Schools over any interpretation or provision ofthe Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

e. The Falcone-Monk PD Adequate Public Facilities Agreement is approved.

f. The "Assignment and Conveyance ofTran~ferable Development Rights" is approved.

g. The "Agreement Regarding Assignment and Conveyance ofTransferable Development Rights" is approved.



Present for discussion were John Prowell and Richard Jerman. This item was continued from the April 28, 2010 DRC Meeting in order for reconciliation of the previous conditions of approval and for resolution of Chapter 38 issues. During today's meeting, the applicant requested to use the New Village Code. Staff indicated that according to Section 38-1381, the applicant is allowed the option of complying with the New Village Code. Staff also indicated that the public hearings for this PSP and the substantial change to the PD Land Use Plan for Falcone-Monk shall be scheduled simultaneously.


MOTION by .Tohn Smogor, seconded by .Toe Kunkel TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED FALCONE-JI0NK PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN subject to conditions ofapproval and subject to 10 full folded sets ofa revised plan submitted and approved prior to requesting a public hearing with the BCe. Upon submittaVreview ofthe revised plan and in the event any waivers are requested, this item will return to the DRC for further review. The public hearings for the substantial changes to the land use plan for Falcone-Monk Property PD and the Falcone-Monk PSP shall be scheduled simultaneously with the Board ofCounty Commissioners.

1. Development shall conform to the Falcone-Monk Planned Development; Orange County Board Q[ County Commissioners (BCO approvals; Falcone-i\lonk Preliminary Subdivision Plan dated "Received .: 1 ::.:. and!!!. the following conditions gf approval. Development based upon this approval shall comply with all applicable federal, ~ and county laws. ordinances and regulations, which !l!lt. incorporated herein !JJ!. reference, except !!!. the f!E!!!!.!. any applicable county laws, ordinances and regulations !l!lt. expressly waived Q! modified !JJ!. these conditions. or !JJ!. action approved !JJ!. the BCC, or !JJ!. action gfthe BCe. In the g1!f!!!1. gf !!:. conflict Q! inconsistency between !!:. condition gf approval gfthis preliminary subdivision plan and the actual preliminary subdivision plan dated "Received':'::' the condition gfapproval shall control to the extent gfsuch conflict or inconsistency.


2. Unless !!:. Conservation Area Impact (CAl) permit i§. approved !JJ!. Orange County consistent with Chapter 15 prior !!!. Construction Plan approval, !!!!. conservation !!!E!:. Q! buffer encroachments shall be permitted.

3. Prior to construction plan approval, certification with suppOlting calculations shall be submitted, which ~ that this project is consistent with the approved Lake Sawyer Master Utility Plan.

4. A Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) shall be established for the standard operation and maintenance of street lighting inventory including leasing, fuel and energy costs for this project. Street lighting fIXtures, poles, and luminaries used in this project shall be selected from the approved inventory list supplied by the Orange County Comptroller. Street lighting fIXtures, poles, and luminaries used in this project shall be supplied and installed by the utility company that services the area of the project, as authorized by law or agreement, and thereafter maintains the street lighting inventory. The developer shall obtain approval of the street lighting fIXtures, poles, and luminaries from the Orange County Comptroller Special Assessments Section via a Letter ofCommitment prior to the installation ofthe street lighting fIXtures, poles, and luminaries and prior to the plat being recorded by Orange County Comptroller Official Records Department. All installation costs and street lighting operational costs prior to the effective date ofthe MSBU approval by the Orange County Board ofCounty Commissioners shall be the sole responsibility ofthe developer.

5. A use agreement shall be required with construction plan approval for the sidewalk within the park tract where the sidewalk crosses the County'sfee simple pond access next to Lot 19.

6. School Capacity Enhancement Agreement 05-002-T3.1 applies to this property through a school capacity credit transfer of102 credits. One credit is equivalent to one residential unit. Prior to recordillg a final plat, a letter must be obtailled from OCPS determining that the project is consistent with the capacity enhancement agreement.


7. Concurrent with Illatting. the Home Owner's Association shall account resllonsibilitv for recreational trail maintenance and replacement for trails, which range in »idth from !lfl!!:i feet to less than 14feet

8. Allprevious applicable Bce conditions ofapproval dated, August 5, 2008, shall apply:

a. Del>'(~lep}lfent shell ct'mje'YHt Ee Hie Fe1eone Menk Planned Development; OFange County BeaM of County ComHfissit'Ufet'S (Bec) apfJl'oWlls; Fa/etme Alonk P:


b. This project shall comply with, adhere to, and not deviate from or otherwise conflict with any verbal or written promise or representation made by the applicant (or authorized agent) to the Board of County Commissioners at the public hearing where this development was approved, where such promise or representation, whether oral or written, was relied upon by the Board in approving the development, could have reasonably been expected to have been relied upon by the Board in approving the development, or could have reasonably induced or otherwise influenced the Board to approve the development. For purposes of this condition, a "promise" or "representation" shall be deemed to have been made to the Board by the applicant (or authorized agent) if it was expressly made to the Board at a public hearing where the development was considered or approved.

c. Unl~ il CtJnsef't)fltion Al'Ca Impact pcm,;t is tljJpfflved by OFange CtJillfty eensistent with Chtlptel' 15 pROF to Genstruction Plfln tlfJPfflWlI, no COnSef't)fltien fll'Cfl el' huffo1' encfflflehments fll'C pCHlfittctl


d. Prior to earth work or construction, the developer shall provide a copy of the completed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Notice ofIntent (NOI) form for storm water discharge from construction activities to the Orange County Environmental Protection Division, NPDES Administrator. The original NOI form shall be sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

e. At tjme efetJl1Stl.''lIetifJB plHB SlllJmittlll, cfy·tifieatlfJB "ritIJ 5llPPlJ."ting ca-Jelllsti8B5 sball be 5llbmitted wb-i-eb stlltes that tb-isp,."lJjeetis C8BSlstest with Ilppl·9J·edA:1Ilste... lItiJjtyPl-aB fe..- this PD.


f. Roads and drainage system, including the retention pond, will be owned and maintained by Orange County with an MSBU established for storm water system functionality. Routine maintenance, including mowing, beyond that provided by the County, shall be provided by the Home Owners' Association.

- 5 ­ APPROVED MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2011 g. The storm water management system shall be designed to retain the IOO-year/24-hour storm event onsite, unless documentation with supporting calculations is submitted, which demonstrates that a positive outfall is available. Ifthe applicant can show the existence ofa positive outfall for the subject basin, then the developer shall comply with all applicable state and local storm water requirements and regulations. An emergency high water relief outfall shall be provided to assure overflow does not cause flooding of surrounding areas.

h. Prior to construction plan approval, a master storm water management plan including a drainage study to establish the I OO-year flood elevation shall be submitted to the Development Engineering Division for review and approval.

i. C8BCB>c'*I."'CBt with platting, tlB MSJJllslHlU he estaJ:JJisiJed J6r l'CcrestieB:a1 tTail meiatenaHee 18,," tnlils, w.J.HeII range ia wifJts frBm {we 5feet 18 less tSH 14~~.


j. The applicant must apply for and obtain a capacity encumbrance letter prior to construction plan submittal and must apply for and obtain a capacity reservation certificate prior to platting. However, nothing in this condition and nothing in the decision to approve this preliminary subdivision plan shall be construed to mean that the applicant will be able to satisfy the requirements for obtaining a capacity encumbrance letter or a capacity reservation certificate.

k. At the time ofplatting, documentation shall be provided from Orange County Public Schools that this project is in compliance with the Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

I. Park Recreation Tract P2 and PI, including the construction and installation of the pool, the cabana and the playground equipment, shall be constructed and installed in conjunction with the initial infrastructure.

m. Prior to construction plan approval, this development shall pay its fair share for the roadway intersection improvements at the intersection of Ficquette and Overstreet Roads as determined by the County Engineer.



Present for discussion Brian Forster, Kathy Bengochea and Christie Paschel. A change determination was requested to the previously approved land use plan to request waivers to allow a detached guest lodge or accessory structure to be located in front of the primary dwelling unit, to increase the maximum square footage ofthe guest lodge or accessory structure unit to 4,000 square feet in lieu ofa maximum of 500 square feet and to increase the maximum building height to 50 feet (3-stories). Staff indicated that the accessory structures may not be rented.

MOTION by John Smogor, seconded by Bob Windom TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED NERP PD LAND USE PLAN TO GRANT THREE (3) WAIVERS FROM SECTION 38-79(I14)(e); 38-79(114)(g) AND 38-79(114)(h) subject to conditions of approval and subject to IO full folded sets of a revised plan submitted and approved prior to requesting a public hearing with the BCe Upon submittal/review of the revised plan and in the event any waivers are requested, this item will return to the DRC for further review.


1. Development shall conform to the Northeast Resort Parcel PD Land Use Plan dated "Received ~ and shall comply with all applicable federal. state and county laws. ordinances andregulations, except to the extent that any applicable county laws, ordinances !!£ regulations !l!1!. expressly waived !!£ modified l!J: anr ofthese conditions. According/v. the PD !!1!!..E be developed in accordance with the uses, densities and intensities described in such Land Use Plan, subject to those uses, densities and intensities conforming with the restrictions and requirements found in the conditions ofapproval and complring with all applicable federal state and county laws. ordinance and regulations. except to the extent that anv applicable countylaws, ordinances!!£ regulations are expresslv waived or modified !?J: !!.!!J:: ofthese conditions. If the development i.! unable to achieve or obtain desired uses, densities or intensities, the County is not under !!.!!J:: obligation to grant any waivers !!£ modifications to enable the developer to achieve !!£ obtain those desired uses, densities !!£ intensities. In the event of1! conflict or inconsistency between 1! condition ofapproval ofthis zoning and the land!!§.! plan dated "Received ~ the condition ofapproval shall control to the extent ofsuch conflict orinconsistencr.


2. A waiver from Section 38-79(114)(e) is granted to allow a detached Guest Lodge or Accessory Structure to be located in front ofthe primary dwelling unit in lieu oflocating it in the rear one-half (1/2) ofthe lot

3. A waiver from Section 38-79(114)g is granted to allow any individual Guest Lodge or Accessory Structure to have a maximum square footage offour thousand (4,000) square feet or twenty-five (25) percent of the living area of the primary dwelling unit, whichever is less in lieu of a maximum of 500 squarefeet or 25% ofliving area ofprincipal residence, whichever is less_

4. A waiver from Section 38-79(114)h is granted to allow a Guest Lodge or Accessory Structure to have a maximum height offifty (50) feet and three (3) stories in lieu of a maximum height of 15 feet and (1­ story).

5. Allprevious applicable BCe conditions ofapproval, dated June 3, 2008, shall apply:

a. 11l!J'ei8pIRCBt slHHl cOBwm t9 the NerthellSt Re58rl Plu'celllfj LOBe l!5e PlaB dated ''RceeiJwJ Aifll>"'t!h 2~ 2~ " aBe slHHl COIRp/)' "ith aD app/ieaBle fedei"'ll>~state aBe COllsty la",s, eniilHHlCes asd regEl/atieRs, except t9 t.he extest toot any appJicllBle t:6UBQ' laws, fh"'fliBllBees fh" ."'egulatitms are expn!ss/)' waiJ'£'e fh" IRodified By an]' 81' toese t:6Bditi6Hs. Aeee:nJ.iBglj'j the PD HlIIy be deJ'clepee is aeee."'liasee wito the llSCS, tieBsilies 8Bd iBteJ1sitJes desedbed iB Sllch LOBe VIC PlBB, sulJjeet to t.h85e uses, dessities aBe illtCBSities t:6sMrmiBg with the ,....estrictieBs 8Bd ""'€fJllirelRests WIIBe iB the e8B£li.tieBS efapp..-"{wlll aBe e9HlJ1/yiBg "ito allapplicllBie fetJe....Il.~ stllte aBe t:6I1BQ' III JJ'S, MtliBaBee aBd f'CgII:lati8BS, except te toe exteBt tBat any applieabJe t:6l1sty la JJ'S, fh""diBaBees fN' k"'CglI/ati6BS ai"C &~'S/), Jf'aiJ'CfI fh"' IB8diJiee iJJ' as)' 81' toese eentiiti6HS, Iftoe BeFclepmcst is uBaBle t6 acllic,'£' 6Y BBtaiB desired llseS, dessities Or iBtensities, the Cellst)' is RBt listie... aB)' 8bligatiOB te graBt aB)' ",aiFers 8i''' IRodiJietltiaBs t6 OBahle toe de"el8per te aclliel'c fh" 8IJtals t!NJse eesiredll§es, tiemities fh" iBteJ1sities. ,,.Tn toe eJ'£'Bt ofa ctHJlliet fh"" iRC6HSisteJ1cj' between a t:6R£Ii.tieB fh£app."'8,'a/efthis Z8HiRg flBd toe laBe lISeplas tiated '~W8f"eh ~ 2{){)~" the t:6BdititJ.B 6fllpJh"'8''8l shaD t:6st'·'Bl te toe cxtest 8f Sllch cOBDict 0," iBCfJnsistency:


b. This project shall comply with, adhere to, and not deviate from or otherwise conflict with any verbal or written promise or representation made by the applicant (or authorized agent) to the Board of County Commissioners at the public hearing where this development was approved, where such promise or representation, whether oral or written, was relied upon by the Board in approving the development, could have reasonably been expected to have been relied upon by the Board in approving the development, or could have reasonably induced or otherwise influenced the Board to approve the development. For purposes of this condition, a "promise" or "representation" shall be deemed to have been made to the Board by the applicant (or authorized agent) if it was expressly made to the Board at a public hearing where the development was considered or approved.

c. All acreages regarding conservation areas and wetland buffers are considered approximate until finalized by a Conservation Area Determination (CAD) and a Conservation Area Impact (CAl) Permit. Approval ofthis plan does not authorize any direct or indirect conservation area impacts.

d. Tree removal/earthwork shall not occur unless and until construction plans for the first Preliminary Subdivision and/or Development Plan with a tree removal and mitigation plan have been approved by Orange County.

e. Billboards and pole signs shall be prohibited. Ground and fascia signs shall comply with the Master Sign Plan.

J. Short-term rental on single-Jamily, multi-Jamily and accessory dwelling units shall be prohibited. The minimum lease term shall be 180 days.

g. Outdoor storage and display shall be prohibited.

h. The Developer shall obtain water, wastewater and reclaimed water service from Orange County Utilities.

i. A Master Utility Plan shall be submitted to Orange County Utilities prior to approval of the first PSPIDP.

j. The project shall comply with the Orange County Comprehensive Policy Plan, Conservation Element, Policy 1.10.1 to implement an energy conservation program, which will incorporate energy efficient buildings and site design techniques to the extent practical and feasible. The project will be deemed in compliance with this requirement if the developer can demonstrate that all residential areas will meet a 15% higher energy performance (on an annual basis) and that all commercial areas will meet a 5% higher energy performance (on an annual basis) over the exlsting code required building practices. The Preliminary Subdivision and Development Plans shall include a list of the energy efficient measures, which shall be incorporated into the buildings and utilized ill the site design techniques in addition to the calculated increase in higher ellergy performance to achieve these effidencies. The project designers should refer to, but are not limited to, the Florida Green Commerdal Building Standard and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System standards for guidance.

k. The following Education Conditions ofApproval shall apply:

.:. Transfer ofCapacity Credits per CEA #06-011-13:


• This project contains five hundred seventy-three (573) unvested units that are subject to the County's school capacity policy (a/k/a the "Martinez Initiative'~. The developer has contracted with the Metropolitan Estates, LLC (Metropolitan), to acquire five hundred(500) school rightsicredits established under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement by and between Metropolitan and the School Board dated November 14, 2006 (CEA #06-011). This purchase agreement (for 500 units) of school rightsicredits acquired from Metropolitan does not equal the number ofunvested units. The developer shall comply with all provisions ofthe CEA.

• Upon the County's receipt ofwritten notice from Orange County Public Schools that the developer is in default or breach of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, the County shall immediately cease issuing building permits for any Un vested Units. The County shall again begin issuing building permits upon Orange County Public Schools' written notice to the County that the developer is no longer in breach or default of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement. The developer and its successor or assign under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, shall indemnify and hold the County harmless from any third party claims, suits, or actions arising as a result ofthe act ofceasing the County's issuance ofresidential building permits.

• Developer, or its successor or assign under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, agrees that it shall not claim in any future litigation that the County's enforcement of any ofthese conditions are illegal, improper, unconstitutional, or a violation ofdeveloper's property rights.

• Orange County shall be held harmless by the developer and its assigns under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, in any dispute between the developer and Orange County Public Schools over any interpretation or provision ofthe Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

• At the time ofplatting, documentation shall be provided from Orange County Public Schools that this project is in compliance with the Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

* Agreement per CEA #08-002: The following Education Condition ofApproval shall apply for the remaining seventy-three (73) un vested units: Developer shall comply with all provisions of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement approved by the Orange County School Board as ofMarch 11, 2008, on file with the Orange County Planning Division.

• Upon the County's receipt of written notice from Orange County Public Schools that the developer i... in default or breach of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, the County shall immediately cease issuing building permits for any Unvested Units. The County shall again begin issuing building permits upon Orange County Public Schools' written notice to the County that the developer is no longer in breach or default of the Capacity Enhancement Agreement. The developer and its successor or assign under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, shall indemnify and hold the County harmless from any third party claims, suits, or actions arising as a result ofthe act ofceasing the County's issuance ofresidential building permits.

• Developer, or its successor or assign under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, agrees that it shall not claim in any future litigation that the County's enforcement of any of these conditions are illegal, improper, unconstitutional, or a violation ofdeveloper's property rights.


• Orange County shall be held harmless by the developer and its assigns under the Capacity Enhancement Agreement, in any dispute between the developer and Orange County Public Schools over any interpretation or provision ofthe Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

• At the time ofplatting, documentation shall be provided from Orange County Public Schools that this project is in compliance with the Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

I. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall provide notice to future residents regarding the United Resort Area incorporating residential and commercial uses and its proximity to surrounding parcels, guest lodge disclosure, which prohibits the individual leasing ofeach unit as defined in the PD Land Use Plan, gated community disclosure as defined in the Developer's Agreement, shared use ofamenities and/or common facilities, and ISO-day minimum lease period for residential uses. This portion of the CC&Rs shall not be modified without approval of the Board ofCounty Commissioners.

m. This project shall be a gated community and shall comply with the minimum requirements of the Gated Community Ordinance, Orange County Code Sections 34-2S0, 34-290, and 34-291, as they may be amended from time to time. In addition to complying with those minimum requirements, the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions required to be recorded simultaneously with the recording ofthe plat shall include terms requiring the establishment and maintenance of a fifth HOA account for the cost of storm debris removal from the subdivision infrastructure, consistent with the terms relating to the other four HOA accounts set forth in Section 34-290(S)a-d; and with respect to such fifth HOA account, the declaration shall provide requirements, restrictions, terms, conditions, and limitations consistent with the terms relating to the other four HOA accounts set forth in Section 34-291. Furthermore, prior to turning over control ofthe infrastructure to the HOA, the developer shall pre-fund this fifth HOA account in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost ofdebris removal for a single hurricane, which amount shall be approved by the County Engineer.

n. Because the ownership and maintenance ofthe infrastructure is atypical, some portions ofthe requirements ofSections 34-2S0, 34-290 and 34-291 ofthe Gated Community Ordinance are not applicable and are therefore waived for the single-family and clubhouse portions of the development contracted property. However, a Developer's Agreement addressing all pertinent gated communities requirements applicable to this development, including but not limited to platting requirements, access requirements, capital account requirements, notification requirements, and inspection requirements, must be executed by the Developer and approved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners prior to land use plan approval.

o. In order to accommodate the design intent of the development, the following waivers are granted:

a) A waiver from Section 30-277 (a) (3) is granted, as RCID is the receiving water body for all storm water from all areas in the NERP PD. Pre-post attenuation as required by 30-277(a)(3) for the NERP PD (25-yearI24- hour storm event) is provided in RCID's master storm water system, as previously approved by the South Florida Water Management District.

b) A waiver from Section 30-279(a) (1) is granted to accept the 100-year flood elevations as established by RCID.


c) A waiver from Section 34-171 (7) is granted to allow a single 8-foot wide multi-use path along only one side ofthe project Spine Road in lieu of4- foot concrete sidewalks on both sides ofall streets.

d) A waiver from Section 30-250 is granted to allow a single 6-foot wide concrete sidewalk on only one side ofthe neighborhood streets in lieu ofa 5-/00t sidewalk along all street frontages.

e) In order to buffer the residential project areas from the noise and light generated by the external road and the adjacent high-intensity uses, a waiver from Section 38-1408 (j) is granted to allow a perimeter wall up to 10feet in height at the project perimeter along Vista Boulevard and on the eastern property boundary adjacent to non-residential uses in lieu of the height limitation of8feet.

1) In order to allow urban design flexibility and to allow the unified resort development to encompass property both inside and outside the PD, a waiver from Section 38-1254 (1) is granted to allow a 5-foot minimum setbackfor residential uses at the perimeter ofthe PD in lieu ofthe required 25 feet where it abuts the RCID territory to the north and west ofthe project site, along the RCID canal at the east side of the PD, and where the PD abuts RCID canals and conservation areas. The 25-foot PD perimeter setback shall be provided along Vista Boulevard and on the eastern perimeter where residential lots within the PD will be adjacent to commercial and industrial uses.

g) In order to accommodate the urban design ofthe different residential product types and in recognition that the project includes expansive conservation areas and open space, in excess of the minimum code requirements, a waiver from Section 38-1251(b) is granted to allow maximum residential lot coverage above 30percent as follows:

- Fifty percent (50%) for single-family detached "Estate" units;

- Sixty-five percent (65%) for single-family detached " Village Home "units;

- Sixty-five percent (65%) for single-family detached "Courtyard Villa" units;

- Eighty percent (80%) for single-family detached "Cluster" units;

- Seventy-five percent (75%) for single-family attached "Townhome" units; and

- Seventy percent (70%) for multi-family residential developments.

h) A waiver from Section 38-1251(d) is granted to allow maximum building heights for single­ family residences, whether detached or attached, to be 50 feet, inclusive of all architectural features and appurtenances such as cupolas, chimneys, and antennae.

i) In order to achieve flexibility in building placement and design, a waiver from Section 38­ 1254 (2) (e) is granted to allow a minimum building setback from the project's internal rights­ of-way of10feetfor Single-Family Residential uses in the PD.

j) In order to achieve the desired urban design among the single-family buildings, a waiver from Section 38-1254 (3) is granted to allow 3-story residential buildings to have a minimum building separation of 10 feet, in lieu ofa minimum building separation of30 feet for 2-story residential buildings and 40feet for 3-story residential buildings.


k) A waiver from Section 38-1254(3) is granted to allow 3-story Destination Club commercial uses to have a minimum building separation of 10 feet in lieu of 20 feet between all multi­ family, office, commercial, and industrial structures.

I) In order to achieve the desired urban design, a waiver from Sections 38-79 (10) (d) and (f) is granted to allow a minimum O-foot setback in lieu ofthe required 5-foot setback for pools and pool enclosures and related appurtenances.

m) A waiver from Section 30-277 (a) (3) is granted, as RCID is the receiving water body for all storm water from all areas in the NERP PD. Pre-post attenuation for the NERP PD (25-yearI24­ hour storm event) is provided in RCID's master storm water system as previously approved by the South Florida Water Management District.

n) A waiver from Sections 30-279 (a) and (1) is granted to accept the 100-year flood elevations as established by RCID.

p. In order to achieve the desired design flexibility in the Unified Resort Area, as well as to allow the unified resort development to encompass property both inside and outside the PD, the following waivers are granted:

a) A waiver from Section 38-1272 (a) (3) is granted to allow minimum building setbacks for commercial uses of 0 feet in lieu of25 feet at the perimeter ofthe PD where it abuts the RCID territory.

b) A waiver from Section 38-1272 (a) (3) (d) is granted to allow a minimum front building setback of15feet in lieu of30feet from internal rights-of way for Commercial Timeshare uses.

c) A waiver from Section 38-1272 (a) (5) is granted to allow a maximum building height of 160 feet for the Commercial Timeshare use when located a distance of25feetfrom residential uses.

d) In order to achieve flexibility in building placement and design, a waiver from Section 38­ 1254 (2) (e) is granted to allow a minimum building setback from the project's internal rights­ of-way of15feet in lieu of20feet for lflfulti-Family Residential uses in the Unified Resort Area.

e) A waiver from Section 38-1258(d) is granted to allow a maximum building height of160feet for multi-family buildings.

j) A waiver from Sections 38-1258 (a), (b), (c) and (d) is granted to allow a minimum building setback of 25 feet from the property line adjacent to single-family zoned property for multi­ family buildings up to 160 feet in height.

g) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (e), which requires multi-family parking and paved areas be located at least 25 feet from single-family zoned property and requires a 25-foot wide Type C landscape buffer, is granted to allow multi-family parking and paved areas to be located a minimum of5 feet from single-family zoned property and to eliminate the buffer requirement.

h) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (f) ;s granted to eliminate the requirement for any wall between multi-family and single-family properties.


i) In order to achieve the desired blend of residential types within the Unified Resort Area, a waiver from Section 38-1258 (g) is granted to permit rights-of-way within the project area to serve both multi-Jamily developments and single-Jamily lots.

j) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (i) is granted to eliminate the requirement ofa fence on multi­ family property adjacent to a right-of-way where single-Jamily lots are across the road.

k) A waiver from Section 38-1477 is granted to allow parking for the Timeshare uses to be located off-site at a distance greater than 300 feet, provided that a shuttle system is operated to transport guests between the off-site parking lot and the Timeshare buildings.

q. In order to achieve the desired urban design and to allow integration among the different housing types in the project, as well as to allow for design flexibility to create a softer transition between the uses, the following waivers are granted:

a) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (d) is granted to allow maximum building heights for multi­ family buildings to be 80 feet, inclusive ofall architectural features and appurtenances such as cupolas, chimneys, and antennae.

b) A waiver from Sections 38-1258 (a), (b), (c), and (d) is granted to allow a minimum setback of 25feet from the property line adjacent to single-Jamily zoned property for multi-Jamily buildings up to 80 feet in height, inclusive of all architectural features and appurtenances such as cupolas, chimneys, and antennae.

c) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (j), which requires a 6-Joot high wall between a multi-Jamily development and single-Jamily zoned property, except where right-of-way separates the two uses, is granted to eliminate the requirement for any wall between multi-Jamily and single-Jamily properties.

d) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (g) is granted to permit rights-of-way within the project area to serve both multi-Jamily developments and single-family lots.

e) A waiver from Section 38-1258 (i) is granted to eliminate the requirement ofa fence on multi­ family property adjacellt to a right-of-way where single-Jamily lots are across the road.

r. In order to accommodate the urban design intent ofthe Estate Lots, the following waivers are granted:

a) In order to allow the Estate Lots to have circular driveways consistent with the intended design theme, a waiver from Section 30-248 (3) is granted to allow 2 curb cuts for lots with 90 feet or greater frontage. b) A waiver from Section 38-1408(j) is granted to allow front walls up to 8 feet in height, provided that the wall design is not opaque above 6 feet in height. Walls in side and rear yards shall be permitted to be up 8feet in height, consistent with Section 38-1408 (j) (2).

c) A waiver from Section 38-1408 (b) is granted to allow posts and pillars for entry gates in the Estate Lots to extend up to 15feet high and for gates to be up to 15feet in height, inclusive ofall architectural features.

s. In order to accommodate the urban design intent ofthe Cluster Villa Lots, the following waivers are granted:


...... a) A waiver from Sections 38-1251(d) and 38-1408(j) is granted to allow solid or semi-solid walls up to a maximum of6feet in height, in lieu ofthe four foot limitation, with columns and gates up to a maximum 8 feet in height, and to allow trellises up to 12 feet in height over the gates in lieu ofthe 4-foot limitation.

bj A waiver from Section 34-152 (c) is granted to eliminate the requirement of a minimum access width of20 feet from an internal subdivision and to allow Cluster Villa Lots to have no direct access to an internal subdivision street, provided that such lots have dedicated easement access to the street via a common driveway or motor court area.

t. In order to accommodate the urban design intent and to allow paired villas to be utilized in the project, as well as to allow flexibility in the configuration oftownhouses and the paired villas, the following waivers are granted:

aj A waiver from Section 38-1251 (dj and Section 38-79 (20) (j) is granted to allow townhouse buildings to have as few as 2 units, to set no limit on the number of buildings containing 5 or fewer units, and to permit townhouse buildings to have a maximum building height of50 feet, inclusive of all architectural features and appurtenances such as cupolas, chimneys, and antennae.

b) A waiver from Section 38-79 (20) (j) is granted to allow the minimum front-to-front and rear­ to-rear distance be 30feet in lieu ofthe 60-foot requirement.

c) In order to achieve the desired urban design among the single-family attached buildings, a waiver from Section 38-79 (20) (k), which requires a minimum side-to-side distance between townhouse buildings to be 20 feet, and Section 38-1254 (3), which requires minimum building separation between walls that have openings in them of30feet for 2-story residential buildings and 40 feet for 3-story residential buildings, is granted to allow 3-~tory townhouse buildings containing 2 to 4 units to have a minimum building separation of10 feet. Townhouse buildings containing 5 to 8 units shall have a minimum building separation of20 feet.

u. A waiver from Section 38-1272 (a) (5) is granted to allow a maximum building height of50 feet within 100 feet ofresidential uses for the Timeshare Destination Club use, as these buildings may be designed to look like residential homes.

v. A waiver from Sectinn 38-1272 (a) (3) is granted to allow afront building setback of10 feet from internal rights-oJ-way within the project, consistent with the standards for single-family detached Estate and Village Home lots in this PD, and to allow minimum building setbacks of5 feet at the perimeter ofthe PD where it abuts the RCID canals and conservation areas, as there is no need for a buffer against these areas.

w. A waiver from Section 38-830 (3) is granted to allow a minimum lot width of40feet in lieu ofthe 60-foot requirement for the Destination Club timeshare uses, as these uses may be designed to look like residential homes.

x. In order to allow for appropriate signage to identify the resort and residential elements of this resort-focused community, whether those elements lie within the PD or are accessed through the PD area, the following waivers are granted:


a) A waiver from Section 31.5-73 and Section 31.5-127 is granted to allow project entry signs at the 2 entry points on Vista Boulevard, with a maximum height of12 feet and a ma;dmum copy area of 150 square feet. Each sign shall be permitted to list the project name, the applicable resortfacilities accessed by that entrance, and the names ofthe internal subdivisions.

b) A waiver from Section 31.5-127 (a) is granted to allow off-site directional signs not in public rights-of-way to be located within 7000 feet of the property being advertised, and to have a maximum height of 10 feet and maximum copy area of 60 square feet. The maximum sign height shall be ten (10) feet in accordance with the code section.



Present for discussion were Brian Forster, Kathy Bengochea and Christie Paschel. A change detennination was requested to the previously approved PSP to increase the lot count from 80 to 81. Staff stated that the substantial change request to the Northeast Resort Parcel aka NERP PD Land Use Plan and this request shall move forward simultaneously to the BCe

MOTION by Joe Kunkel, seconded by Andres Salcedo TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED NORTHEAST RESORT PHASE 1 PSP TO INCREASE THE LOT COUNT FROM 80 TO 81 subject to conditions ofapproval and subject to 10 full folded sets of a revised plan submitted and approved prior to requesting a public hearing with the BCe. Upon submittal/review ofthe revised plan and in the event any waivers are requested, this item will return to the DRCfor further review.

1. Development shall conform to the NERP Planned Developmentj Orange County Board ofCountv Commissioners (BCe) a/2Provalsj Northeast Resort Phase!Preliminary Subdivision dated "Received .::.;. and to the following conditions ofal!Proval Development based upon tbis approval shall comply witb all applicable federal, state and county laws, ordinances and regulations, wbich i1.!£ incorporated bereinllxreference, except to the extent any a/2Plicable laws, ordinances andregulationsi1.!£ expressly waivedfl!: modified!!J: tbese conditions, or!!J: action approved llx tbe Board ofCountv Commissioners (BCC), fl!: llx action of the BCC In tbe event of!!. conflict fl!: inconsistency between !!. condition of approval of tbis preliminarv subdivision plan and the actual preliminarv subdivision plan dated "Received::::: tbe condition ofa/2Proval shall control to tbe m.£!!1 ofsucb conflict fl!: inconsistency.


2. Allprevious applicable BCe conditions ofapproval, dated December 2, 2008, shall apply:

a. Dew1t¥Jment shall eenfimn t8 the NERP Planned DetJelepment; OMnge Ct'JHJfty Bea1'ti e/ Ceunty Cemmissienefs (BeC) fl{JjJf6Wlls; l'leRheast ReseR Phase I Pl"Ciimina"Y Subtlivisien dated "Reeeived 8eptembCf 30, 1(}08"; lItlil t8 the following eem/itiens 6-/ tlppf6l'ai. Dcwl8pmcnt based Hpe1f this ttppf'eWli shall oomply with all tlpplieablc fedefai, stete and ooHnty laws, ef'dinances and t'eguffltiens, which afe ineerpeMtcd hct'ein by I'c.lnenec, except to the exJent tlny tlpplicable ffl}YS, eMinances a>'u/ fegultltiens afe expt'essly waiwtl e" modified by these ceJfditieJfs, ef by aetieR tlppf6wd by the Beafd 6-fCeHlfty CemmissienCl's (BCC), Of by ttetiell 6-fthe Bee. III the eVtHft tij'"a etJnflict el' ineonsisteirey between a eenditien (If tlppf6Wli of this pt'elimina"Y fiUbtlivisioll plan anti the aetual pf'eiiminat'j>' subtlitJisieJf plan dated "Reeciwtl Septemhef 30, 1{)08," the eentlitien 8/ttppf6Wli shall ee1ltf61 t8 the c;;I."tent ufsueh eonflict or ineensistency.



b. This project shall comply with, adhere to, and not deviate from or otherwise conflict with any verbal or written promise or representation made by the applicant (or authorized agent) to the Board of County Commissioners at the public hearing where this development was approved, where such promise or representation, whether oral or written, was relied upon by the Board in approving the development, could have reasonably been expected to have been relied upon by the Board in approving the development, or could have reasonably induced or otherwise influenced the Board to

approve the development. For purposes of this condition, a "promise" or "representation II shall be deemed to have been made to the Board by the applicant (or authorized agent) ifit was expressly made to the Board at a public hearing where the development was considered or approved.

c. Unless a Conservation Area Impact (CAl) permit is approved by Orange County consistent with Chapter 15 prior to Construction Plan approval, no conservation area or buffer encroachments shall be permitted.

d. Prior to earthwork or construction, the developer shall provide a copy of the completed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Notice of Intent (NOI) form for stormwater discharge from construction activities to the Orange County Environmental Protection Division, NPDES Administrator. The original NOI form shall be sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

e. As approved in the Land Use Plan, energy conservation as required in the Orange County Comprehensive Policy Plan, Conservation Element Policy 1.10.1 shall be incorporated into this project All residential units shall have a 15% higher energy performance and 5% higher performance for any commercial component. This shall be achieved on an annual basis over the existing code required building practices.

J. At the time ofplatting, documentation shall be provided from Orange County Public Schools that this project is in compliance with the Capacity Enhancement Agreement.

g. Per the June 3rd BCC approval ofthe Developer's Agreement, this community shall be gated.

This project shall be a gated community and shall comply with the minimum requirements of the Gated Community Ordinance, Orange County Code Sections 34-280,34-290, and 34-291, as they may be amended from time to time. In addition to complying with those minimum requirements, the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions required to be recorded simultaneous with the recording ofthe plat shall include terms requiring the establishment and maintenance ofa fifth HOA account for the cost of storm debris removal from the subdivision infrastructure, consistent with the terms relating to the other four HOA accounts set forth in Section 34-290(8)a-d; and with respect to such fifth HOA account, the declaration shall provide requirements, restrictions, terms, conditions, and limitations consistent with the terms relating to the other four HOA accounts set forth ill Section 34-291. Furthermore, prior to tuming over control of the infrastructure to the HOA, the developer shall pre-fund this fifth HOA account ill all amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of debris removalfor a single hurricane, which amount shall be approved by the County Engineer.


h. Because the ownership and maintenance of the infrastructure is atypical, some portions of the requirements of Sections 34-280, 34-290 and 34-291 of the Gated Community Ordinance are not applicable and are therefore waived for the Contracted Property. A Developer's Agreement addressing all pertinent gated communities' requirements applicable to this development, including but not limited to platting requirements, access requirements, capital account requirements, notification requirements, and inspection requiremenl<;, was executed by the developer and approved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners on June 24, 2008.



Present for discussion were Sam Sebaali, Darby Hold, Robert Hold and Shawn KhoI. A change detennination was requested to the previously approved Land Use Plan to allow additional land uses within the PD (to add all the P-O Special Exception uses-except for religious and school uses). The PD currently allows 110,000 square feet of Professional Office and 10,000 square feet of day care. It also allows 20,000 square feet out ofthe 110,000 to be used for a fitness club. The applicant was directed to list all the requested uses on the revised land use plan.

MOTION by John Smogor, seconded by Joe Kunkel TO RECO~MMEND APPROVAL OF A SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE WATERFORD LAKES OFFICE PARK PD LAND USE PLAN TO ALLOWADDITIONAL OFFICE SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES subject to conditions ofapproval, to Transportation Planning signing offon a trip matrix and subject to 10 full folded sets ofa revised plan submitted and approved prior to requesting a public hearing with the BCe Upon submittal/review ofthe revised plan and in the event any waivers are requested, this item will return to the DRC for further review.

1. Development shall conform to the PD Land Use Plan dated "Received~ andshall comply with all applicable federal. state and countv laws. ordinances and regulations. except to the extent that !1!!.f applicable countv laws, ordinances !2.! regulations m expressly waived or modified b.!: any of these conditions. Accordingly. tbe PD may be developed in accordance with the uses. densities and intensities described in such Land Use Plan, subject to those uses. densities andintensities conforming with the restrictions and requirements found in the conditions of approval and complying with all applicable federal. state and counly laws. ordinauce and regulations. except .!!l tbe e,rtent tbat any applicable county laws, ordinances!2.! regulation,~ m expressly waived or modified bv any of these conditions. Ifthe development is unable to achieve or obtain desired uses. densities or intensities. the Counly l! not under!!.!!.£ obligation to grant !!.!!.£ waivers !2.! modifications to enable the developer to achieve!2.! obtain those desired uses, densities !2.! intensities. In tbe !l.l::£!!! of!!. conflict !2.! inconsistency between!!. condition ofapproval ofthis zoning and the land1M£. plan dated "Received~ the condition ofapproval shall control to tbe extent ofsuch conDict !2.!inconsistencv.



2. This project shall comply with, adhere to, and not deviate from or otherwise conflict with any verbal or written promise or representation made by the applicant (or authorized agent) to the Board of County Commissioners at the public hearing where this development was approved, where such promise or representation, whether oral or written, was relied upon by the Board in approving the development, could have reasonably been expected to have been relied upon by the Board in approving the development, or could have reasonably induced or otherwise influenced the Board to approve the development. For purposes of this condition, a "promise" or "representation" shall be deemed to have been made to the Board by the applicant (or authorized agent) ifit was expressly made to the Board at a public hearing where the development was considered or approved.

3. Additional traffic shall not be generated as a result ofthis request.

4. Allprevious applicable BCC conditions ofapproval, dated October 29,1996, shall apply:

a. Development shall conform to the Waterford Lakes Office Park Planned Development Land Use Plan, dated "Received July 17, 1996," and to the following conditions ofapprovaL Development based on this approval shall comply with all other applicable federal, state, and county laws, ordinances and regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference, except to the extent !the applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations] are expressly waived or modified by these conditions, or by action approved by the Orange County Board ofCounty Commissioners, or by action ofthe Board ofCounty Commissioners.

b. Prior to construction plan approval, certification with supporting calculations shall be submitted which indicates that the outfall system has the capacity to accommodate this project.

c. A left-turn lane along Lake Underhill Road at the proposed entrance shall be constructed.

d. Utility and access easements shall be acquired prior to Land Use Plan approval.

e. Building height in excess of 56 feet will require a change determination with the Development Review Committee.



The applicant was not present for discussion; therefore, this item was not reviewed and shall be rescheduled for the January 26, 2011 DRC Meeting.


Present for discussion were Paul Chipok and Mikal Hale. A change determination was requested to transfer 6,805 square feet ofretail/commercial entitlements from Phase I to Phase II.


MOTION by Bob Windom, seconded by John Smogor TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A NON· SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED GAINES WA Y PLAZA PD LAND USE PLAN TO TRANSFER 6,805 SQUARE FEET OF RETAILICOMYERCIAL ENTITLEMENTS FROM PHASE I TO PHASE II subject to approval ofthe revised plan submitted as backup for today's review date stamped "Received January 3, 2011".



Present for discussion were Kathy Leo, Greg Bales, Doug Cook, Bruce Noyes and Rick Beddow. A change determination was requested to move the bus parking offsite te and expand the guest parking lots (acknowledging all required wallslbuffering abutting Williamsburg will be installed). Discussion took place regarding future Phase III expansion.




Present for discussion were Javier Omana, Dan Bellows, Rafael Bassi, Sara Blanchard, Stacey Sawden, Karen Rosick, John Moore, Bob Wallace, Fabricio Ponce and Laura Minns. Also present for discussion was Renzo Nastasi, from Transportation Planning, Susan Caswell, from the Planning Division and Julie Salvo, from OCPS. This item was continued from the December 1, 2010 DRe Meeting for a status update. During today's meeting, staff indicated that several meetings between Orange County staff and staff from the City of Winter Park, the City of Maitland and FOOT took place in order to resolve issues regarding building heights, setbacks, street cross sections, building orientation, signalization and possible waivers. In order to address all future waivers, the applicant will have to address the waivers at each PSPIDP stage. The applicant stated that information shall be submitted with the next plan submittal stating which waivers will be required. The applicant understands that additional waivers may be required at development plan stage and they shall require a public hearing with the BCC. The applicant also stated that a traffic study shall be submitted with each PSPIDP stage as it is difficult to determine all traffic impacts at this stage.

Although the project is not located within the City of Maitland (COM) jurisdiction, it fronts Monroe Avenue. The City of Maitland requests that the applicant submit a traffic analysis at four intersections along US 17-92 as follows: Lake Avenue, Park Avenue, Monroe Avenue and Magnolia Avenue. Staff from the City of Maitland indicated that the height is consistent with the City of Maitland's highest building which is 80'. The COM also has concerns with mass transit and with the CDD Plan and the fmancing of this project.

The City of Winter Park is okay with the concept; however, has outstanding issues regarding annexation and requested signalization at two locations along US 17-92.


FDOT reviewed the AMA and found a number of deficiencies regarding methodology, Comp Plan, AMA, mobility, safety for pedestrians; however, will work them out with Orange County staff and the applicant.

OCPS stated that the Chairman of the OCPS Board is not in support of the solution that was presented and that a new proposal will be presented on January 25, 2011 at their regular Board meeting. No action taken.


Present for discussion were Paul Shakespeare and Tom Daly. The applicant requested discussion and/or clarification regarding the BCC condition of approval #4 regarding the conveyance of the middle school. Staff stated that the existing Developer's Agreement does not satisfy the condition of approval; therefore, a transfer of title has to occur prior to any approvals. Staff indicated that the applicant may submit a change determination for a substantial change to the previously approved Lake Reams Neighborhood Lakeside Village PD Land Use Plan to remove or modify the condition of approval to make it consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. No action taken.



Present for discussion were David Glunt and Angel Funk. Discussion was requested regarding the placement of a portable classroom on an existing facility. The property is zoned C-3 and therefore needs to go through the commercial building approval process; however; the applicant must meet with Fire Rescue regarding the placement of the fire hydrants prior to locating the portable. The applicant also stated that the existing single­ family residence is located on a septic system and that it is on a private easement. Zoning requests that there be a 15' separation from the private row side street pavement to the portable unit. No action taken.



Present for discussion was Lance Bennett. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the construction plans for the Arden ParklOffsite Forcemain E-Projects. The construction plans for 07-E-063 expired on February 26, 2009 and the new expiration date will be February 26, 2011. The construction plans for 07-E­ 074 expired on July 22,2009 and the new expiration date will be July 22,2011.





Present for discussion was Matt Rini. A two-year extension was requested for the development plan. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.


Present for discussion were Dave Glunt and Casey Herlihy. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the Isles of Lake Hancock Phase III PSP. The applicant previously received a one-year extension of the PSP by the DRC on November 4, 2009, expiring on December 2,2010; therefore, requesting an additional extension to the PSP to expire on December 2, 2012.




Present for discussion Nikki Seybold and Steve Mellich. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the Construction Plans for the ForsythlValencia Parcel PSP. The applicant previously received a one-year extension of the construction plans by the DRC on May 14, 2008, expiring on May 14, 2009; therefore, requesting an additional extension to the construction plans to expire on May 14, 2011.





Present for discussion was John Kirby. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the Construction Plans for the New Horizons PSP. The applicant previously received a one-year extension of the construction plans by the DRC on April 28, 2010, expiring on May 29, 2011; therefore, requesting an additional extension to the construction plans to expire on May 29,2013.




Present for discussion was Lance Bennett. A two-year extension was requested for the preliminary subdivision plan. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.


Present for discussion was Lance Bennett. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the Construction Plans for the Butte Tract B PSP. The applicant previously received a one-year extension of the construction plans by the DRC on June 5, 2008, expiring on June 23, 2009; therefore, requesting an additional extension to the construction plans to expire on June 23,201 L




Present for discussion was John Prowell. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the preliminary subdivision plans for the Falcone-Monk PSP. The PSP was approved by the BCC on August 5, 2008 expiring on August 5, 2009 and the new expiration date will be August 5, 2011.





Present for discussion was Lance Bennett. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the PSP for the South Orange Properties PSP. The applicant previously received a one-year extension of the PSP by the DRC on January 27, 2010, expiring on February 26,2011; therefore, requesting an additional extension to the PSP to expire on February 26,2013.




Present for discussion was John Prowell. A two-year extension was requested for the special exception plan. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.


Present for discussion was John Prowell. A two-year extension was requested for the development plan. The Development Plan expired on August 8, 2008 which is outside the dates eligible for a Senate Bill 1752 Extension. The applicant was directed to provide additional information that may qualify this project for an extension. No action taken.


Present for discussion was John Prowell. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the development plan for the Tract C-4 DP. The Development Plan expired on April 23, 2009 and the new expiration date will be April 23, 2011.





Present for discussion was John Prowell. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the development plan for the Tract C-5 & C-8 DP. The Development Plan expired on April 23, 2009 and the new expiration date will be April 23, 2011.




Present for discussion was John Prowell. A two-year extension was requested for the development plan. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.


Present for discussion was Lance Bennett. A two-year extension was requested for the preliminary subdivision plan. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.


Present for discussion was Lance Bennett. The applicant requested a two-year extension to the construction plans for the Terra Bona PSP. The Construction Plans expired on January 7, 2011 and the new expiration date will be January 7,2013.




Present for discussion was Heather Middleton. A two-year extension was requested for the construction plans. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.



Present for discussion was Teri Bowley. A two-year extension was requested for the build out date to the DR1'DO for the Wyndham Lakes Estates PD. The DRl was approved on December 3, 2002. A 2nd Amendment to the DRl was approved on September 23,2003. A 3rd Amendment to the DRl was approved on December 15, 2010. The build out date to the DRIIDO will expire on December 29, 2011 and the new expiration date will be December 29, 2013.




Present for discussion were Duke Woodson and Allen Lightsey. A two-year extension was requested for the build out date to the Development Order for the Quadrangle PD. Staff requested a continuanee for two-weeks in order to researeh the request further. No action taken.


Present for discussion were Todd Rimmer and Kathy Hattaway Bengochea. A two-year extension was requested for the build out date to the DRI for the Little Lake Bryan PD. An extension was previously granted under the SB360 Extension expiring on December 31, 3011 and the new expiration date under the SB 1752 will be December 31,2013.




Present for diseussion was Heather Middleton. A two-year extension was requested for the build out date to the DR! for the Greeneway Park PD. Staff requested a continuance for two-weeks in order to research the request further. No action taken.

Respeetfully submitted,

L~~-Ise. .~E" glpelaeo De elopment Coordinator ',-" Development Engineering Division APPROVED MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12,2011

DATE: 12-JAN-20 1 1




Present for discussion were David Glunt and Danny Rogers.

DRC members present for discussion:

Chairman ofDRC DAVID HEATH Planning Division JOHNSMOGOR Utilities Division ANDRES SALCEDO Public Works Department JOE KUNKEL Zoning Division BOB WINDOM

Present for discussion:

Development Engineering Division DIANA ALMODOVAR Development Engineering Division LOURDES O'FARRILL Development Engineering Division LISETTE EGIPCIACO Development Engineering Division DAVID PEARCE Environmental Protection Division JOHN GEIGER Fire Rescue Department GEAN OLIN Health Department NANCY SMITH Orange County Public Schools JULIE SALVO Planning Division CHRIS SCHMIDT Traffic Engineering Division KRISTA BARBER Transportation Planning Division MIRNABARQ Utilities Division LAURA WOODBURY



A. Location: SOUTH OF CURRY FORD ROAD, WEST OF YOUNG PINE ROAD B. Parcel ID: 08-23-31-3749-00-040 C. Total Acres: 10.69 D. Water Supply: ORANGE COUNTY E. Sewer System: ORANGE COUNTY F. Schools: ANDOVER ES 774 CAP 606 ENR ODYSSEY MS 1134 CAP 878 ENR uNIVERSITY HS 1864 CAP 2790 ENR G. School Pop: 43 H. Parks: SOUTH ECON - 2.0 MILES L Proposed Uses: MULTI-FAMILY 160 UNITS J. Site Data: MAX BLDG HT: 40' (3-STORIES) MIN FLOOR AREA: 700 SQUARE FEET MIN BLDG SETBACKS: 30' YOUNG PINE ROAD 50' CURRY FORD ROAD 40' SIDE TO SIDE 40' REAR TO REAR 10' SIDE 30'REAR 10'WETLAND 25' PD PERIMETER K. Fire Station: 81 -901 S. ECONLOCKHATCHEE TRAIL


This project has a Future Land Use designation ofPD- LDRlMDRIC/CONS with a Zoning District of P-D, and is therefore consistent with the CP.



4. Information The applicant has submitted all the required forms according to the requirements of Ordinance 2008-14, which mandates the disclosure of expenditures related to the presentation of items or lobbying of items before the BeC. (DRC)

5. Information The parcel ID number listed on the coversheet is correct. This parcel has been platted.(DE)


...... , 6. Revised Plan The total acres listed under the site data on Sheet ST -1 is slightly different from the total acres listed with the legal description on Sheets 1 and 2. Although minor, this number must be consistent. Please revise. (Coversheet, Sheets 2 & ST-l)(DE)

7. Revised Plan The entrance off Young Pine Road shall be revised to provide 2 lanes at exit. Minimum width for a single lane shall be 17 feet wide per code. (Sheet ST­ l)(DE)

8. Revised Plan Wetland Permits - There is a Class I wetland connected to the Little Econlockhatchee River located along the west boundary of the property. Add a note that: "This site was included in Orange County Conservation Area Detennination (CAD) #01-039 and Impact (CAl) Permit #02-017. Development shall comply with all related permit conditions of approval. "(EPD)

9. Revised Plan Maps - Include legible floodplain and topography maps with the revised plan.(EPD)

10. Information Site Cleared - The site has been cleared per mass grading plan OS-MG4-828 approved by EPD on April 13, 200S.(EPD)

11. Information Erosion Control - Use caution to prevent erosion during construction along the boundary of the property, into wetlands and buffers, and into all drainage facilities and ditches. Construction will require Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion control. Minimize the extent of area exposed at one time, apply perimeter controls where necessary, and perform maintenance checks every seven (7) days and after every 112 inch rain. The construction entry area shall be designed to prevent trucks from tracking soil onto local roads and the affected storm drainage system shall be protected as indicated in 34-2S0(g). This may require periodic street sweeping.(EPD)

12. Deleted Per Discussion Lift Station - Will this be related to the development or does it only service other parcels of the Weber Lakes PD? Apply best management practices for maintenance of the lift station. This includes but is not limited to securing a ref,'l1lar maintenance contract so the station can be cleared of grease and sand on a regular basis to prevent waste overflow.(EPD)

13. Information Wildlife - Development of the subject property shall comply with all state and federal regulations regarding endangered, threatened, or species of special concern. (EPD)


."-" 14. Infonnation The Urban Design Section of the Planning Division has reviewed the Weber lakes pd, DATE STAMPED 'DEC 8, 2010', and has no comments.(P)

15. Infonnation This project is located within District #4. This project is proposing to construct 160 Multi-Family Units on ~ 10.69 Acres at 14.97 DUlAC .(P)

16. Infonnation The project is proposing to be constructed 1 phase.(P)

17. Revised Plan Sheet ST-1, Project Data, #5, 'Land Use' correct to 'Proposed U se'(P)

18. Revised Plan Sheet ST-l, Project Data, add number for "Future Land Use PD­ LDRlMDRIC/CONS"(P)

19. Revised Plan Is this an Affordable Housing Project?


20. Revised Plan Sheet ST-!, Additional crosswalk shall be provided within this site (constructed of alternative material - no striping, (Area E to Area A when connected to existing sidewalk to Curry Ford Road occurs)(P)

21. Revised Plan The minimum living area per approved LUP is 700 square feet. The 700 square feet is under hvac. The proposed carriage homes do not meet the minimum square footage under hvac as they are proposed to be 645 square feet. (Z)

22. Revised Plan Note the scale used for the Building Elevations and show the elevation to the peak of the roof. (Z)

23. Revised Plan The maintenance building is limited to 15' in height. Note this on the plan. (Z)

24. Revised Plan This plan proposes 2 large apartments buildings and 9 smaller bUildings. Is this correct?(Z)


25. Revised Plan A Substantial Change to the Land Use Plan converting this from commercial to multi-family was approved by the BCC on 09109/2006. However, the approved PSP (03/29/2005) shows this area (lot 4) as commercial. A Change Determination was originally requested on June 13, 2007, DRC approved a Non-Substantial Change to the previously approved Preliminary Subdivision to remove a portion of the interior road shown on the PSP and to label lot 4 as multi-family." A plan was never submitted reflecting this change. A new plan is still required. (Z)

26. Revised Plan Labellillustrate building separations.(Z)

27. Revised Plan Per Section 38-12580), the two-story buildings require a 30' building separation where doors, windows or other openings in the wall of a living unit face another building with windows, doors, or other openings. The carriage units do not appear to meet this requirement.(Z)

28. Revised Plan Per Development Condition Note #3 on the LUP, A 6' high masonry wall will be constructed to buffer multi-family development from Young Pine Road and East West along the southern perimeter of the multifamily. However, Zoning does not believe this is required on this development (except against Young Pine) as this Condition - Note was stated prior to this site being converted to MF .(Z)

29. Revised Plan The minimum required parking stall size is 180 sq. ft. (9' X 20' or 10' x 18'). Code allows for a 2' overhang as long as the overhang does not interfere with landscaping and when overhanging a sidewalk, the sidewalk shall be increased to 7' wide. (Z)

30. Keep/Outstanding Issue Per BCC COA # 6 of 02/03/2004, "A neighborhood meeting shall be conducted as part of the approval process for each commercial or multi­ family subdivision or development plan within the PD."(Z)

31. Revised Plan Clarify the different lines along Young Pine (eastern side) as to what each represents. (Z)

32. InformationiCond Approval of this DP shall void the previously approved DP.(Z)



33. Revised Plan Contact Mark Dreibelbis ofthe Orange County Zoning Division at (407) 836­ 2803 with any questions pertaining to Ch. 24 Landscape requirements or Ch. 15 Tree Survey/Mitigation plan requirements


A). Revised Plan - Per Sec. 24-4(e&f) the dumpster shall have a 3' high hedge surrounding it. Call out the dumpster on the landscape plan, sheet L-l 00.

B). Revised Plan - Per Section 24-4( d) the southeast end ofbuilding 1 and the southwest end of building 2 shall have trees planted in the landscape area designated with groundcover plants.

C). Revised Plan - Show the ends ofwall and fences on the project perimeter. Reviewer cannot distinguish where they end or begin.

D.) Revised Plan - The landscape Plan shall provide better clarity. Zoning suggests 1"=30' scale (24-3(b). Tree Survey: Information - No tree survey required: As this site is located in an approved PSP and the project area was previously cleared.(Z)

34. Information The Developer shall obtain water, wastewater, and reclaimed water service from Orange County Utilities.(UD)

35. Information Orange County will not own, operate or maintain the on-site private water, reclaimed water and wastewater systems. (UD)

36. lnformati on The size, location and points of connection for water, wastewater and reclaimed water mains shall be finalized at time of construction plan review.(UD)

37. Information Hydrant information shown on the plans shall be coordinated with Orange County Fire Rescue. (UD)

38. Information A cross access utility agreement addressing ownership and maintenance of the common private utilities will be required prior to construction plan approval.(UD)

39. Revised Plan Add note to plans on Sheet UT -1: "Prior to construction plan approval, hydraulic calculations will be submitted showing that the proposed and


existing water, wastewater, and reclaimed water systems have been sized to support all PSP/DP parcels."(UD)

40. Revised Plan Show all existing utility easements dedicated to Orange County Utilities (provide OR Book and Page). Additionally, show a dimensionless easement dedicated to OCU for the relocated meter assemblies.(UD)

41. Revised Plan On Sheet ST -1, revise the pump station label to read "Ex. private lift station tract" rather than "Ex. Orange County lift station tract". The pump station is privately owned and operated.(UD)

42. Revised Plan Master meters are required for apartment complexes. Show a tire line master meter assembly to meter this development.(UD)

43. Revised Plan Improve labels on all existing mains so that they can be distinguished from each other.(UD)

44. Revised Plan Show and call out the existing reclaimed water meter.(UD)

45. Information This DP is within the recommended response distance of 2.5 miles in the Fire Rescue Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan, as it is located 2.49 mile to Station 81 -901 S. Econlockhatchee Trail. (FR)

46. Revised Plan Gates, if approved, shall be provided with siren-operated sensor with battery back -up for access by emergency vehicles in the event of an emergency. Upon gate opening, access roads shall be a minimum of 20' in width to provide adequate access for OCFRD Emergency Vehicles. (FR)

47. Revised Plan Fire Department access roads shall be provided such that any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the first floor of the building is located not more than 150 ft (450 ft if equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system) from fire department access roads as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. (NFPA 101, Chapter 18, 2006 Edition «FFPC 2007 Edition»). (FR)

48. Revised Plan Fire hydrant not shown at subdivision entrance. At subdivision entrances, fire hydrants shall be arranged so that fire trucks do not have to pass any building before reaching at least one fire hydrant. (Orange County Ordinance, Sec. 34­ 206 (b)(2). (FR)

49. Revised Plan Provide the required needed fire flow calculations in accordance with Annex H and I, NFPAI, 2006 Edition. *Minimum gpm requirement for commercial


structures is 2000 gpm per Sec. 34-206 (b) (2) b, Subdivision Rules and Regulations. (FR)

50. Information Fire hydrants shall have a clearance of 7'6" in front of and to the sides with a 4' clearance to the rear. Landscaping as shown on Sheet L1 00 appears to obstruct required clearances. (Section NFP AI, 2006 Edition «FFPC 2007 Edition». (FR)

51. Revised Plan Adequate turning radius does not appear to accommodate OCFRD emergency vehicles. Include turning radii analysis with plans. *Recommend Turning Radii analysis based on Orange County Fire Rescue Aerial Truck Specifications. (Section, NFPA 1, 2006 «FFPC 2007 Edition» and OCFRD Turning Radius Analysis). (FR)

52. Revised Plan The entrance shall be a minimum of 20' in width (17' one-way) to provide adequate access for OCFRD Emergency Vehicles. (Section &, NFPA 1,2006 Edition «FFPC 2007 Edition» (FR)

53. Revised Plan Dead-end or cul-de-sac fire department roadway access shall be provided with approved provisions for turnaround of fire department apparatus as approved by OCFRD in accordance with O.C. Subdivision Regulations.(Section NFPA 1, 2006 Edition «FFPC 2007 Edition», and OCFRD Turning Radius Analysis)(FR)

54. Information Any commercial structure or residential building of three or more stories may be required to have automatic fire sprinkler protection depending upon the building construction type, occupancy classification, and additional Building and/or Fire code requirements.(FR)

55. Information During construction, when combustibles are brought on to the site, access roads and a suitable temporary or permanent supply of water acceptable to the fire department shall be provided and maintained Chapter 16, NFPAI, 2006 Edition «FFPC 2007 Edition». (FR)

56. Information Parks and Recreation has reviewed the Weber Lakes PDlYoung Pine Property Parcels 1 & D/Lot 4 - River Ridge Apartments DP (DP-I0-11-236) dated December 8, 2010 and has no comments.(PK)

57. InformationiCond CEA #02-028 applies to this project. The applicant is currently in default of the CEA, and needs to work with OCPS to bring the CEA into compliance prior to moving forward.(OCPS)


58. Information No right-of-way is required for Curry Ford Road or Young Pine Road from ..~. this project.(PWE)

59. Information Remove center island from Young Pine Rd entrance, design construction plans to match current conditions. (TE)

60. Information Based on the concurrency database dated 12122/10 there currently is capacity available to be encumbered for the proposed project. It should be noted that the capacities indicated are a snapshot at this specific date and time. Available capacities are subject to change at any time.(TP)

61. InformationiCond There is not a CEL application on file for this project(TP)

62. Information A planned roadway project widen Dean Road to four lanes from Curry Ford Road to Lake Underhill Road is included on the 2030 Long Range Plan.(TP)

63. Information Transit is currently not accessible within 1/4 mile of this parcel (LYNX System Map).(TP)

64. Information Programmed OOCEA roadway project to widen SR 417 from SR 528 to Curry Ford Road, construction is scheduled for FY 11-12 (OOCEA 5-Year Work Program).(TP)

65. Information Programmed OOCEA roadway project to reconfigure SR 408/SR 417 interchange. The project includes widening SR 417 from Curry Ford Road to the interchange, construction scheduled for FY 11-12 (OOCEA 5-year Work Program).(TP)

66. Information Pedestrian safety crossing at the intersection of Young Pine Road and Lamberton Boulevard.


67. Revised Plan Revise plan to show a pedestrian connection to the sidewalk along the northern property boundary mentioned in the previous comment, an appropriate location would be where the proposed PVC fence and the proposed decorative aluminum fence meet (Sheet L-l 00).



68. Deleted Per Discussion Sheet ST-1 indicates existing pavement to be removed along the northern property line. Revise plan to show a sidewalk along the northern property line, in front ofthe entire length of the proposed decorative aluminium picket fence, extending onto what appears to be a stub out.(TP)

69. Deleted Per Discussion Revise plans to show a sidewalk on both sides of the northern (main) entrance with a marked crosswalk connecting to the existing sidewalks along the McDonald's property and the vacant commercial property.(TP)


The recommendation shall be determined. In the event the ORC recommends approval of this project, the following Conditions ofApproval shall apply:

1. Development shall conform to the Weber Lakes Planned Development; Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approvals; Young Pine Property Parcels 1 & 0 Preliminary Subdivision Plan; BCC approvals; Lot 4 - River Ridge Apartments Development Plan dated "Received *;" and to the following conditions of approval. Development based upon this approval shall comply with all applicable federal, state and county laws, ordinances and regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference, except to the extent any applicable county laws, ordinances and regulations are expressly waived or modified by these conditions, or by action approved by the BCC, or by action ofthe BCC.


2. Prior to construction plan approval, certification with supporting calculations shall be submitted which states that this project is consistent with approved master stonnwater plan for this Plan Development

3. The applicant must apply for and obtain a capacity encumbrance letter prior to construction plan submittal and must apply for and obtain a capacity reservation certificate prior to platting. However, nothing in this condition and nothing in the decision to approve this preliminary subdivision plan shall be construed to mean that the applicant will be able to satisfy the requirements for obtaining a capacity encumbrance letter or a capacity reservation certificate.

4. Prior to construction plan approval, the Applicant must satisfy the requirements of CEA #02-028 prior to obtaining further approvals.

5. Unless a Conservation Area Impact (CAl) pennit is approved by Orange County consistent with Chapter 15 prior to Construction Plan approval, no conservation area or buffer encroachments shall be permitted.


6. Prior to earthwork or construction, the developer shall provide a copy of the completed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Notice of Intent (NOI) form for stormwater discharge from construction activities to the Orange County Environmental Protection Division, NPDES Administrator. The original NOI form shall be sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

7. The site shall be stabilized following grubbing, clearing, earth work or mass grading to establish a dense stand of grass, or shall incorporate other approved Best Management Practices, on all disturbed areas ifdevelopment does not begin within 7 days. Final stabilization shall achieve a minimum of 70% coverage of the disturbed land area and shall include a maintenance program to ensure minimum coverage survival and overall site stabilization until site development. A letter of credit or cash escrow shall be submitted to the County to guarantee the required site stabilization and maintenance of all disturbed areas. The County Engineer shall establish the amount of the letter ofcredit.


8. Prior to construction plan approval, certification with supporting calculations shall be submitted stating that this development is consistent with the approved master utility plan for the Young Pine Road PD.

9. Approval ofthis DP shall void the previously approved DP.


After review/discussion ofthe above listed findings, the following action was taken:

MOTION by John Smogor, seconded by Andres Salcedo TO CONTINUE FOR a COMMUNITY MEETING AND SUBMITTAL OF a REVISED PLA~ prior to returning to DRC for further review.


Respectfully submitted, .)~ Liset~M. Egipciaco Development Coordinator Development Engineering Division


DATE: 12-JAN-2011

PLAN NUMBER: DP-10-12-243



Present for discussion was Todd Hudson.

DRC members present for discussion:

Chairman ofDRC DAVID HEATH Planning Division JOHN SMOGOR Utilities Division ANDRES SALCEDO Public Works Department JOE KUNKEL Zoning Division BOB WINDOM

Present for discussion:

Development Engineering Division DIANA ALMODOVAR Development Engineering Division LOURDES O'F ARRILL Development Engineering Division LISETTE EGIPCIACO Development Engineering Division DAVID PEARCE Environmental Protection Division JOHN GEIGER Fire Rescue Department GEANOLIN Health Department NANCY SMITH Orange County Public Schools JULIE SALVO Planning Division CHRIS SCHMIDT Traffic Engineering Division KRISTA BARBER Transportation Planning Division MIRNABARQ Utilities Division LAURA WOODBURY Chairman ofDRC DAVID HEATH Planning Division JOHN SMOGOR Utilities Division ANDRES SALCEDO Public Works Department JOE KUNKEL Zoning Division BOB WINDOM



A. Location: SOUTH OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD; WEST OF ALAFAYA TRAIL B. Parcel ID: 09-22-31-0000-00-035 C. Total Acres: 4 D. Water Supply: N/A E. Sewer System: N/A F. Schools: N/A G. School Pop: N/A H. Parks: J BLANCHARD +1- 2.25 MILIES I. Proposed Uses: MASS GRADING J. Site Data: N/A K. Fire Station: 65 - 4999 N. ORION BLVD


This project has a Future Land Use designation of Medium Density residential (MDR) (up to 20 d.u. per acre) with a Zoning District of Planned Development (P-D), and is therefore consistent with the CPo



4. Information The applicant has submitted all the required forms according to the requirements of Ordinance 2008-14, which mandates the disclosure of expenditures related to the presentation of items or lobbying of items before the Bee. (DRC)

5. Information After final DRC approval, mass grading plans and permit application shall be submitted to the Permitting Section of Development Engineering Division located at the Public Works Department. Please call 407-836-7920 for additional information.(DE)

6. InformationiCond The parcel ID number listed on the coversheet is correct. This parcel has not been platted.(DE)

7.InformationiCond All access to the site shall be internal to the PD from Collegiate Way. (Sheet 2)(DE)

8.InformationiCond There is some question that the proposed by-pass pipe is sized correctly. Prior .~.


to construction plan approval, calculations shall be provided supporting the selected pipe sizes. (Sheet 3)(DE)

9. Revised PlaniCond A drainage easement over the by-pass pipe and outfall pipe to the adjacent wetland shall be granted to the County and shown on these plans and the plat. (DE)

10. Revised Plan A drainage easement needs to be granted to a third party for the existing drainage pipe that will be extended to the new pond. Show this easement on this plan and provide a note that this easement will be shown and conveyed on the plat. (DE)

11. Revised Plan Provide a note on the plan that states that the by-pass pipe and outfall pipe will be maintained by the property owner.(DE)

12. Revised Plan Provide a note on the plan that a right-of-way permit will be required from the County to install the four Type E inlets.(DE)

13. Information Impact Permit - Orange County Conservation Area Impact Permit (CAIP) #06-065 was approved on April 26, 2007 to remove the 2.8 acre Class III wetlands on site, as noted. This plan will comply with all related permit conditions of approvaL(EPD)

14. Revised Plan Econ River Ordinance - Add a note indicating that: "This site is located within the Econlockhatchee River Protection Ordinance area. Basin-wide regulations apply. Reference Chapter 15 Article XL"(EPD)

15. Information Econ Landscape - Native plant species shall be utilized in landscaping as required in the Econlockhatchee River Basin Ordinance 15-442(b). At a minimum, 80% of the landscape area shall utilize native species. The master plant list shall not include any noxious or invasive exotic species. If an exception is desired, then submit a request and provide the justification in writing to the Environmental Protection Division.(EPD)

16. Information Wildlife - Development ofthe subject property shall comply with all state and federal regulations regarding endangered, threatened, or species of special concern. (EPD )

17. Information The Urban Design Section of the Planning Division has reviewed the collegiate village pd / cvi commercial mass grading development plan, DATE STAMPED 'DEC 3,2010', and has no comments.(P)


..... 18. Revised Plan Sheet 3, Correct FLU to Meduim Density Residential (MDR).(P)

19. Infonnation On October 1], 2007 the DRC approved a Non-Substantial Change to the LUP to convert a portion of the property from conservation area to Commercial Development. (Z)

20. Infonnation Per the DRC of October 11,2007," when the Development Plan is submitted for review and approval by the DRC, staff would then address a one lot plat and lot splits on parcels 3 & 4 and the stonn water retention pond. "(Z)

21. Revised Plan A signed and sealed surveyor signed and sealed 8 Yz x 11 is required from the surveyor that states that there are no protected trees on site per Chapter 15­ 301.(Z)

22. Infonnation At the time of site development, the Developer shall obtain water and wastewater service from Orange County Utilities. (UD)

23. Revised Plan Show the existing gravity sewer infrastructure on the plans.(UD)

24. Infonnation This DP is within the recommended response distance of 2.5 miles in the Fire Rescue Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan as it is located 2.44 mile to Station 65 -4999 N Orion Blvd. (FR)

25. Infonnation The plans submitted and reviewed by the Office of the Fire Marshal do not provide enough infonnation for a complete review regarding fire department requirements. (FR)

26. Infonnation Parks and Recreation has reviewed the Collegiate Village PD/CVI Commercial Mass Grading DP (DP-1O-12-243) dated December 3, 2010 and has no comments.(PK)

27. In fonn ation No right-of-way is required for University Boulevard or Collegiate Way from this project.(PWE)

28. Infonnation Health has reviewed the plans and has no objections at this time.(HD)

29. Infonnation Traffic Engineering has reviewed these plans and have no comments at this time.(TE)


30. Information Transi t is currently accessible adjacent to this parcel on Link 13 (LINX System Map).(TP)


The recommendation shall be determined. In the event the DRC recommends approval of this project, the following Conditions of Approval shall apply:

1. Development shall conform to the Collegiate Village Planned Development; Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approvals; CVI Commercial Mass Grading Development Plan dated "Received *;" and to the following conditions of approval. Development based upon this approval shall comply with all applicable federal, state and county laws, ordinances and regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference, except to the extent any applicable county laws, ordinances and regulations are expressly waived or modified by these conditions, or by action approved by the BCC, or by action of the BCe.


2. Prior to mass grading construction plan approval, calculations shall be submitted and approved that support the pipe sizes selected for the by-pass and outfall pipes.

3. All access to the site, including construction traffic, shall be from Collegiate Way.

4. Prior to the issuance of any vertical building permits, the plat shall be approved on the BCC Consent Agenda.

5. A drainage easement over the by-pass pipe and outfall pipe to the adjacent wetland shall be granted to the County and shown on the plat.

6. Prior to earthwork or construction, the developer shall provide a copy of the completed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Notice of Intent (NOI) form for stormwater discharge from construction activities to the Orange County Environmental Protection Division, NPDES Administrator. The original NOr form shall be sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

7. The site shall be stabilized following grubbing, clearing, earth work or mass grading to establish a dense stand of grass, or shall incorporate other approved Best Management Practices, on all disturbed areas ifdevelopment does not begin within 7 days. Final stabilization shall achieve a minimum of 70% coverage of the disturbed land area and shall include a maintenance program to ensure minimum coverage survival and overall site stabilization until site development. A letter of credit or cash escrow


shall be submitted to the County to guarantee the required site stabilization and maintenance of all "'-" disturbed areas. The County Engineer shall establish the amount ofthe letter of credit.


After review/discussion ofthe above listed findings, the following action was taken:

MOTION by John Smogor, seconded by Joe Kunkel TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN subject to the following Conditions of Approval and to 10 fulllfolded sets of a revised plan submitted and approved prior to scheduling on the DRC Consent Agenda for final approval. A IS-day appeal begins on the date memorializing the approval of the minutes. Upon approval of the revised plan, and prior to scheduling as a Consent Agenda item, the applicants may submit construction plans at their own risk. Upon submittal/review of the revised plan and in the event any waivers are requested, this item will return to the DRe for further review.


Li tte M. Egipciaco ...... Development Coordinator Development Engineering Division





I, Lisette M. Egipciaco, hereby state on personal knowledge, as follows:

1. I am the Development Coordinator for the Development Review Committee under Chairman, John Smogor.

2. My duties as Development Coordinator include scheduling Development Review Committee meetings for new developments within Orange County, preparing staff reports for said meetings, preparing and submitting minutes for the Development Review Committee members, requesting public hearings for development projects and appeals, and preparing posters, letters or any other infonnation necessary to infonn the public ofproposed developments.

3. In the course of my duties as Development Coordinator, I record the approval ofthe Development Review Committee meeting minutes by its members at which time a copy is distributed to each developer, consultant or other interested parties. I attest that the attached minutes are true and are an accurate reflection of the minutes ofJanuary 12, 2011, to the best of my knowledge.

isette M. Egipciaco


The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of February 10, 2011, by Lisette M. Egipciaco, who is personally known to me, and did not take an oath.

~"""""""""""""I'V''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''__ TARY PUBLIC j>~~YjOt\, Notary Pubhe 5t"te of Florida • • Gary Lee Showe COMMISSION EXPIRES ~c:, ., i My CommISSion DD931586 '''on,-o ExpIres 1010712013 The September 13, 2010 meeting of the Disability Advisory Board was held at 2010 E. Michigan Street. The meeting was called to order at 2: 10 pm by Michelle Koplow, Vice Chairperson. The following board members were present: Sherri Brun, Jose Fernandez, Michele Koplow, John Lawrence, and Maureen Wright. Russ Brashear and Henry Wright were absent.

Orange County Officials Present: Bill Cowles, Orange County Supervisor of Elections

Orange County Representatives Present: Dr. John Cummings, Community Action Board Samme Ripley, Office on Disability - ADA

Advisors Present: David Bottomley, Metroplan Orlando BPAC Doug Davis, Center for Independent Living Vanessa Daniels, Lighthouse Central Florida Amber Finkbeiner, Center for Independent Living Ericka Garcia, Legal Aid Society of Orange County Bar Association Jorge Garcia, Access LYNX (MV Transit) Marie Terese Henderson, Central FL Brain Injury Support Group Gina Hosmer, Family Services MetroOrlando Anthony Polozzolo, Workforce Central Florida Sean VanGerena, UCF Disabilities Department

Public Present: Peggy Kelley, former DAB member Hannie Persons, public member New Board Member Introduction: '-" John Lawrence, new board member was introduced and welcomed by Vice Chairperson, Michele Koplow.

Presentation(s): 1) Bill Cowles, Supervisor of Elections gave a quick update on the State electronic voting system. The federal government passed the MOVE Act (military electronic voting ballot) called Everyone Counts for the military and is now encouraging Supervisor's of Elections to use the system in their voting districts. Certification of this program took place in August and the State would now like it readied for the November election which rushes the process. On Friday, September 3, 2010 the Supervisor of Election's office, Everyone Counts software executives and members of the local blind association and the Orange County Offices on Disability and Aging participated in judging this future ballot system. Each individual was required to critique the system after training and using the voting ballot. It appeared from the comments that had been received that it was not ready for the disability community. Some of the comments made concerned the lack of printers by individuals who have internet access which would require group voting which may not meet the privacy rules under the Voting Act law in addition to other accessibility concerns. The earliest, Mr. Cowles felt that this system of voting might be used would be the President's Preferential Primary in 2011 and perhaps late 2012 after all of the kinks had been worked out and the system would ensure voter privacy.

2) Doug Davis of Center for Independent Living provided a Disability Sensitivity training and was joined by board member, Jose Fernandez representing the ad hoc Education Committee. The disability sensitivity training was provided in People First language and additional information was added related to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Questions and comments were exchanged following the presentation.

County Reports John Cummings, Community Action Board liaison attended the meeting representing Karl Anderson, Manager of Community Action Division and the Community Action Board. Mr. Cummings .'-' announced that Community Action Board meetings are held the 2nd

2 Wednesday of each month explaining that the mission of the CAB is ...... to work with low income and disadvantaged citizens. Dr. Cummings further explained that the CAB consists of 1/3 public elected officials; 1/3 community people; and 1/3 private sector individuals totaling 21 individuals. Community Action programs are federally funded and originated in the 1970s during the Lyndon Johnson presidency.

Samme Ripley's ADA Report was included in the advisory board meeting agenda packet.

Board Reports Sherri Brun, disability board member commented that she attended the National Federation of the Blind Convention held in Dallas, Texas this summer and she also had attended the Epcot invitation for the tour of the theme park showing the accessibility features of all rides within the park. In addition, Sherri mentioned that the national convention for 2011 would be held here in Orlando and welcomed all to attend.

Jose Fernandez, CAB Liaison board member reported that he attended the Community Action Board meetings providing a report during the summer months of disability activities. He also thanked Dr. Cummings for attending today's meeting to explain more about the functions of the Community Action Board.

Maureen Wright, board member, commented that she had attended one of the Orange County Exceptional Roundtable meetings that trained parents on the IEP. She had also travelled to Jacksonville to attend a FDDC (Florida Developmental Disabilities Council) meeting and announced that as a member of the Down Syndrome Association she is working with the committee preparing for the Down Syndrome Step Up Walk which will be held on October 16 at Lake Eola in Orlando.

Michele Kaplow, board Vice Chairperson announced that she had attended a webinar on dual diagnosis for DO and mental health. She also attended ibudget meetings for people with disabilities over the summer.

3 Advisor Reports ...... Jorge Garcia, MV Transit (Access lYNX) reported that he was representing Russ Brashear who was in contract negotiation meetings all day but Russ wanted Jorge to report that he had attended the Seminole Advisory Council meeting which represents students with disabilities. Access lynx now has 31 vehicles in use for the para transit program.

Doug Davis, Center for Independent Living reported that the Disability Chamber of Commerce is working with people with disabilities who are trying to develop business plans. They are now 25 individuals being assisted. Funding has gone to help start-ups such as a concrete company, seamstress business, a business venture and two others. He also announced that local Disability Mentoring Day will be held on September 30 at the airport Marriott. The event is sponsored by the AbleTrust, the Disability Chamber and the Cil Business Advisory Council. Doug introduced Amber Finkbeiner, a member of the Cil staff.

Gina Hosmer, Family Services of Metro Orlando announced that the ...... foster care agency is going into negotiations to a new contract and a public meeting was being held the evening of September 13. They serve foster children with disabilities and partner with local agencies to meet the needs of the children served.

Vanessa Daniels, Lighthouse Central Florida reported that the organization's annual fundraiser was being held on September 25, Gala at the Ritz. On November 10, dining in the dark is held at a local restaurant hosted by the Orlando Swat Team. Dining, eating, etc. is conducted in the dark as a sensitivity experience.

David Bottomley, Metroplan BPAC reported that he had attended a recent meeting and had attended a rail presentation by the local municipalities and it appears that rail is on the table.

Marie Terese Henderson, Central Fl Brain Injury Support Group spoke about the summer activities of the group. Members attended the annual Jamboree in Altamonte Springs sponsored by the BIAF, guest speakers during the months of July and August included the '-" local VA who discussed traumatic brain injuries and PTSD and Carlos

4 Jiminez from Quest who presented disability employment options. ~. Ms. Henderson shared an article from the American Medical Journal which stated that leading neurologists would like to reclassify brain injury to chronic disease as their findings reported in the journal that when parts of the brain are injured this disrupts interactions within the brain which cause and learn to other chronic illness and disease. Ms. Henderson made mention of the United Spinal Independence Expo coming to Orlando on October 1 and 2.

Sean VanGerena, UCF Disabilities Department, guest of Marie Terese Henderson, reported that he is working on various disability fundraisers and special events. An upcoming event is a Disability Fair in November for various organizations that support people with disabilities and veterans.

Anthony Palazzolo, Workforce Central FL mentioned that Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor visited Central FL and toured several of the Workforce locations encouraging the hiring of folks who are unemployed and encouraging hiring those with disabilities.

Ericka Garcia, Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association stated that she was an ad litem attorney advocating for youth. As a first time guest, she had enjoyed the meeting and learning the nature of other organizations in attendance.

Several agencies were notably absent, Ms. Ripley reported the absences were reportedly due to internal organization activities and agency staff attrition.

Meeting Minutes Approval Board Vice chairperson, Michele Koplow called for the motion to approve the June 14, 2010 meeting minutes. Jose Fernandez made a motion to approve the meeting minutes, seconded by Sherri Brun, with the meeting minutes unanimously approved.

Old Business Jose Fernandez reported on the ad hoc Education Committee's meeting of June 14, 2010. Jose made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as written with Sherri Brun seconding the motion. '-' The motion was passed unanimously.

5 New Business/Announcements • Ad hoc education committee will not meet after today's meeting • Independence Expo reminder - October 1 and 2 • Disability Mentoring Day - October 20, 2010

Public Comments Peggy Kelley, former DAB member stated she would like Ms. Ripley to add her name to the Supervisor of Elections voting committee.

Sherri Brun also announced she would like to have her name added to the disability voting committee.

Next meeting: October 11, 2010 2010 E. Michigan Street, 2-4pm

Meeting Adjournment: 4: 1Opm

6 The October 11, 2010 meeting of the Disability Advisory Board was held at 2010 E. Michigan Street. The meeting was called to order at 2:15 pm by Chairman, Russ Brashear. The following board members were present: Sherri Brun and Maureen Wright. Jose Fernandez, Michele Koplow, John Lawrence and Henry Wright were absent due to illness and emergencies. A quorum was not present; no business was conducted by the board.

Orange County Representatives Present: Dr. John Cummings, Community Action Board Samme Ripley, Office on Disability - ADA

Advisors Present: David Bottomley, Metroplan Orlando BPAC Doug Davis, Center for Independent Living Marie Terese Henderson, Central FL Brain Injury Support Group Paul Odham, Orange County Public Schools Transition Melinda Sowers, Canine Companions, Inc. ~ Cheryl Stone, FL Rehab, TDLCB, Gov's Commission on Disabilities MaryJane Wysocki, Agency for Persons with Disabilities

Public Present: Theresa Madison, former Chair, Disability Advisory Board (DAB) Joan Tyrell, student Peggy Kelley, former DAB member Honnie Persons, public member

Presentation: Monarcha Marcet, "Adventure in Building, Inc."

Ms. Monarcha Marcet, a licensed Florida building contractor and owner of Adventure in Building provided a presentation on home modifications related to disability and aging in place providing solutions for one's current and future needs. Questions and answers followed the presentation. Reports '-" Community Action Report - Dr. John Cummings provided an overview of the Community Action Board and mentioned that members of the board will be attending a symposium in Tallahassee in the upcoming week and invited members to attend the monthly Community Action Board Meeting which is held at 201 S. Rosalind the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be held on October 13.

ADA Report - Samme Ripley, ADA Coordinator provided information related to disability law concerns and activities in the Central FL area and mentioned new federal laws and funding opportunities for the region (see attached).

September/October DAB Report to the CAB - see attached

Boa rd Re po rts Maureen Wright, board member reported that she had attended the Asst. Superintendent's Roundtable for the first time explaining its function. The group will chose an initiative each year and this year '-" disability etiquette and awareness was chosen as the primary 2010­ 11 topic. Maureen also mentioned the Down Syndrome Association Walk being held at Lake Eola and other meetings she had attended and was provided useful information particularly information on how to become a good advocate for your child by learning more about a student's IEP.

Sheri Brun, board member reported that she had attended the MetroplanOrlando Transportation Rider's Forum which had been held during early October and felt it was well represented. Sessions on future transportation planning were also provided that provided a great deal of information.

Russ Brashear, Chairman of the Disability Advisory Board reported that he had also attended the transportation forum and liked it. Russ also mentioned that a community advocate, Carl Welch, member of the Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board passed away suddenly and would be missed in the community for all his advocacy work.

2 Business of the Board None, lack of quorum

Advisor Reports Paul Odham, Orange County Public Schools reported that he was excited about the transition program 18-22 year olds attending OCPS 19 high schools and participating in the following educational/work internship programs: UCF/OCPS, Winnie Palmer Hospital, Goodwill Industries of Central Florida, Marriott World Resort, and the newly founded Puzzles educational program.

He also mentioned that progress is being made with Project Search which is funded by the federal government and providing working internships at several Central Florida locations. The students participating have disabilities on the autism spectrum, cognitive disabilities, and down syndrome.

Mary Jane Wysocki, Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) provided a report on Disability Mentoring Day activities and provided information on her activities at APD.

Mary Terese Henderson, Central Florida Brain Injury Support Group mentioned that she had attended the United Spinal Independence Expo and regularly attends the Asst. Superintendent's Roundtable meeting which consists of educators, community advisors, and parents of children with disabilities who commented that more disability etiquette need to be taught and nurtured in the classroom to bring down barriers. She is an advocate for traumatic brain injury and related brain injuries. Mary Terese mentioned that at the October 20 meeting of the support group would have a speaker from the Brain Injury Association of Florida discussing age appropriate programs and life skills and supports for the brain injured.

Melinda Sowers, Canine Companions, Inc. (CCI) reported that her organization has been busy working with applicants for assistance dogs. CCI has placed over 30 dogs this year and hope to make eight more placements in November. A team training graduation will be held on November 13 and she invited all in attendance to attend and also mentioned that the annual CCI fund raiser is coming up at

3 the end of the year and she would share information with Samme to be provided to board members.

David Bottomley reported that the next meeting of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee of MetroplanOrlando will be held on November 3 but he was looking forward to a visit to the new Amway Center to check out accessibility features that have been talked about in the community.

Cheryl Stone, FL Rehabilitation, Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board, & Governor's Commission on Disabilities reported that she had been reappointed to the Governor's Commission. She also reported that a meeting of the FL Rehab Council will be held in the forthcoming weeks and also mentioned that the FL Transportation 2060 plan was approved in Tallahassee.

Doug Davis, Center for Independent Living announced that an Aging in Place event would be held in Maitland on the 13th of October sponsored by the Home Builder's Association and that Rampage fundraising program is being finalized. He will send information to Samme for distribution.

Public Comments Theresa Madison, public member and former DAB board member, reported that she was attending today with a student studying social services who is interested in an internship or volunteering with a local disability group. Theresa also mentioned she was pleased to see the presentation on universal design features and hearing of other activity from the board.

Peggy Kelley, public member and former DAB board member, commented that she had attended the Rider's Forum and was pleased that Access LYNX goes above and beyond to meet customer satisfaction mentioning a recent good deed performed by a route driver.

Mary Jane Wysocki of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities added that she has a program called MoneySmart that she will provide to groups of 5 or more if they are interested.

4 Meeting adjournment The meeting ended at 4:45pm. Russ Brashear thanked everyone for attending and announced the next meeting of the board will take place on November 8.

5 The November 8,2010 meeting of the Disability Advisory Board was held at 2010 E. Michigan Street. The meeting was called to order at 2:15pm by Chairman, Russ Brashear. The following board members were present: Chairman Russell Brashear, co-Chairperson, Michelle Koplow, Sherri Brun, and Jose Fernandez, DAB Liaison to the Community Action Board. Board members absent include: John Lawrence, Henry Wright and Michelle Wright. A quorum was not present and no business was conducted by the board.

Orange County Representatives Present Dr. John Cummings, Community Action Board Samme Ripley, Office on Disability Concerns - ADA

Advisors Present David Bottomley - Metroplan Orlando/BPAC Elizabeth Castro - Good Industries of Central Florida Dou Davis - Center for Independent Living Marie Terese Henderson - Central FL Brain Injury Support Group Gina Hosmer - Family Services Metro Orlando Bev Kehrley - Brevard Achievement Center (WIPA) ...... , Cheryl Stone - FL Rehab CouncillTDLCB/Governors Commission on Disabilities Helen Thomas - Division of Blind Services Mary Jane Wysocki - Agency for Persons with Disabilities

Public Present Honnie Persons - Citizen Peggy Kelly - Citizen, former DAB board member

Special Guests - David Bruinsma, General Manager - Colonial Medical Supplies assisted by Dana Johnson, Director of Marketing

No New or Old Business was discussed

No meeting minutes were approved

No agenda items were discussed other than a group discussion to move the meeting from 2010 Michigan to 2100 Michigan so that holiday refreshments can be served during the board meeting. Samme Ripley to check on re-scheduling the December meeting and notify everyone of the date and change of meeting location.

Guest, David Bruinsma of Colonial Medical Supplies provided a presentation of Medicare law changes under the "competitive bidding program" that will take effect on January 1 which had been underwritten in the Medicare bill changes of 2003 that will affect equipment supplies needed by seniors and the disabled. Mr. Bruinsma explained that starting January 1, 2011, Medicare is phasing in a new competitive bidding program in some areas of the country and Florida is one of the areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee area is a selected competitive bid area. This program will change the amount Medicare pays for suppliers for certain durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies and make changes to who can supply those items. For those living in the Orlando area, if the individual has original Medicare and use equipment or supplies or need to get items while visiting one of the contracted areas, they will have to use a Medicare contact supplier if they want Medicare to help pay for items needed. If an individual under Medicare don't use Medicare contract supplies or a grandfathered supplier, Medicare won't pay for the item and the person will pay full price mentioning that it is important that people sure the items needed are covered by Medicare to avoid disruption of service. A full listing of items included in this new law provision can be found at Items include oxygen and the use of its equipment, power wheelchairs, scooters, complex rehab power chairs, mail order diabetic supplies, enterable nutrients, hospital beds, etc. If an individual is enrolled in Medicare Advantage such as an HMO or PPO, the plan will notify the individual if the supplier is changing. This contract is for three years. Mr. Bruins added that when the crisis of competitive bidding began in 2007 and 2008, it was obvious that providers would be affected and it is now important that the word get out to end users. A question and answer period followed.

Board Member Reports Sherri Brun reported that she had attended a Senior Triad meeting where speakers from the Orange County Sheriff's Department, representatives from the Attorney General's office spoke about the difficulties of consumer fraud. She had attended her usual and customary meetings as well.

2 Jose Fernandez reported that he attends the Community Action Board meetings and provides a report. He indicated that he finds them very informative and learns a great deal about what is happening in the centers and the community.

Russ Brashear reported that MV Transit has received thirty-one new vehicles which will soon be over the road providing services.

Advisor Reports Bev Kehrley from Brevard Achievement Center reported that the numbers are increasing for people for SSI mentioned that there is no COLA increase for 2011.

Doug Davis, Center for Independent Living reported that they will be assisting Orange County with the electronic applications for Tenant Based Housing applications. The program begins on December 6 and ends on December 10. Cil's major fundraising event, Rampage, will take place in November and they are looking for further donations to make the project successful once again this year.

Marie Terese Henderson, Central Fl Brain Injury Support Group, reported she had attended a TBI webinar and one of the items mentioned was to establish a safety plan for their monthly meetings. She had also attended the UCF Diversities Fair with Samme Ripley and had travelled to Tampa to attend the opening of the new VA Hospital. The group's holiday dinner will be held on November 17, 7pm at the Beardall Center.

Helen Thomas, Division of Blind Services reported that they have a new administrator who came from Lighthouse Central Fl and they are undergoing lots of changes in their vision and policies.

Elizabeth Castro, Goodwill Industries has nothing to report.

Gina Hosmer, Family Services of MetroOrlando stated that they lost the foster care contract to Seminole Community Based Care. They have appealed and are awaiting a decision. They will have 30 positions cut and have no DD services.

3 Cheryl Stone reported that the FL Rehab Council will meet in Ft. '~ Lauderdale in February 2011 and plan to put together new media information at that meeting. She also reported that the TD Commission for 2011 is simply maintaining revenue and announced that the next meeting of the TDLCB will be held November 18 at Metroplan with a public hearing to follow from 1Oam - noon. TD Day will be March 25, 2011 in Tallahassee. Cheryl is also on the board of the Greater Orlando National Federal of the Blind and announced a meeting Sunday at Logan's Steakhouse, 3-5pm on Hiawassee. David Bottomley, MetroplanOrlando BPAC is looking at the Pedestrian Safety Plan of Hillsborough County for ideas and he will also be attending the Express Authority Meeting this week on sunrail.

Mary Jane Wysocki, Agency for Persons with Disabilities reported that 341 students and 16 adults participated in Disability Mentoring Day activities in October and reported progress on Project Search program. She will be attending the OCPS Transition Fair on November 16 and providing a MoneySmart financial class at Bishop Grady's later this month.

Public Comments Peggy Kelley reported kind comments about MV Transit.

The meeting adjourned at 4: 15pm

4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY Thursday, December 2, 2010 IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman A. William Forness, Vice Chairman John Coffey, Peter Donovan Taylor, and Yvonne Holmes ("Authority Members"); Counsel to the Authority Lou Frey, Michael Ryan and Jill Harmon of Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. (LDDK&R); Janice Altman, Assistant to Michael Ryan; Adventist Health System representatives: Jim Luebchow, Esq. with Chapman and Cutler, LLP, as Bond Counsel, Robie Robinson, Esq. and J. Darin Stewart, Esq. with Gray Robinson, and C. Robert Foltz, Esq. with Adventist Health Systems; and Fred Winterkamp with Orange County Fiscal and Business Services. The Orange County Health Facilities Authority (the "Authority") met in public session in Room 105 of the Orange County Administration Center, 201 South Rosalind A venue, Orlando, Florida 3280 I, on Thursday, December 2,2010 at 7:30 A.M. Notice of the meeting was posted at the office of the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners on November 24, 2010 and was published in the Orlando Sentinel on November 25,2010. Chairman Forness called the meeting to order with a quorum and asked if all members had an opportunity to review the minutes of the September 30,2010 Authority meeting. There being no objections, additions, or corrections to the minutes, John Coffey motioned approval of the minutes, Yvonne Holmes seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote. Chairman Forness addressed the next item on the agenda, the Adventist Health System/Sunbelt Obligated Group ("Adventist") request for adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale by the Authority of its Orange County Health Facilities Authority Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 20 I OB in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000.00. Authority counsel, Mike Ryan, reminded the Authority that on September 30, 2010 the Authority held a TEFRA hearing with respect to the proposed future issuance for Adventist of up to $3.488 billion in bonds. The Orange County Board of County Commissioners approved the proposed Adventist bonds, solely for TEFRA purposes on November 9, 2010. Adventist is now requesting the Authority's approval, not just for TEFRA purposes, of an actual $25,000,000.00 bond issue. Mr. Ryan reviewed some of the details of the issue: (a) the bond issue will fund projects probably for 17 different entities ofAdventist both in and outside of Florida; (b) the specifics of the projects have not been set but will be set and reviewed by bond counsel prior to the bonds being issued; (c) the Authority'S findings required for the issue are supported by an Adventist letter with supporting documents, previously provided to Authority members for review; (d) the draft bond documents have been reviewed by Authority counsel and will be reviewed in final form prior to closing; and (e) the Authority will be asked to sign documents one week prior to the closing, which is set to take place December 22nd in Chicago, IL. Mike Ryan then introduced the Adventist representatives. Bond counsel, Jim Luebchow with Chapman and Cutler, explained that the borrowers are 12 separate corporations of the Obligated Group. The bonds will be privately placed with TD Bank for 10 years. The bonds will then convert to some other mode, finally maturing after 26 years. There will be no public offering; the Bank will sign an investment letter with the traditional opinions. Mr. F01tz added that the reason for the closing before year end is due to the availability of a low interest rate, thanks to the American Recovery Act. Chairman Forness asked if there were any questions or comments from the Authority. There being none, Chairman Forness suggested the Authority address the Resolution in the form before them. Dr. Taylor motioned for approval of the Resolution. Yvonne Holmes seconded the motion, and all were in favor. The Adventist Resolution regarding the $25 million bond issue for the benefit of the Adventist Obligated Group was unanimously adopted.

001219510649121984797/19 Chainnan Forness addressed the next item on the agenda, the SHCC Services, Inc. (AHS nursing home division) request for adoption of a resolution authorizing and approving the redemption of all of the outstanding Orange County Health Facilities Authority Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1992 (SHCC Services, Inc. Project). Mr. Ryan familiarized the Authority with the history of this matter. In 1992, at the request of Adventist for their SHCC entity, the Authority issued $14+ million bonds. Over time the bonds have been paid down to approximately $6.3 million. The proposed Resolution authorizes the bonds to be redeemed, and the Authority's execution of necessary documents. The documents will be reviewed by Authority counsel prior to the redemption. Lou Frey asked if this change was interest driven. Mr. Foltz stated no, and explained that the 1992 bonds were supported by a Sun Trust letter of credit. Due to a SunTrust downgrade, SHCC is working with a new bank for a new letter of credit. SHCC has chosen to redeem the bonds in order to avoid reissuance or any potential tax problem. Chainnan Forness asked if there were any questions or comments from the Authority. There being none, Chainnan Forness suggested the Authority address the Resolution in the form before them. John Coffey motioned for approval of the Resolution. Yvonne Holmes seconded the motion, and all were in favor. The Resolution regarding the redemption of the 1992 SHCC bonds was unanimously adopted. There was further general discussion regarding past variable and current fixed rate market interest rates. Chainnan Forness asked if there was any other business before the Authority. There was none. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at the conclusion of the signing of the previous meeting minutes and other related documents. '-' The foregoing represents a true, correct and complete copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Authority held on December 2, 2010.


Adventist Health System letter dated December 2, 2010 Adventist Health SystemlSunbelt Obligated Group Resolution 1212110-1 SHCC Services, Inc. Resolution 1212110-2

- 2 ­ 00121951064912/984797/19 AMft)VEV RANGI COUNTY HOutlNG 'INANel AUTHOR!TY oY 0fW«Jf COUNTY tIOOSIr(1 FINi.'

OFFICIAL MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 8:30 a.m. The Orange County Housing Finance Authority met for the Regular Board of Directors' meeting on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, at the Orange County Administration Center, Commissioners' Chambers - First Floor, 201 8. Ro••llnd AVlnu., Orllndo, Florid••

OCHFA lOARD MIMIIIIl.IIRI.ENT: oeHtrA ITAFF PIIlI.INT: Barbara Ashley·Jones, Chairman W,D. Morris, executive Director Clemente Cueva., VIce Chairman Jalseery Arjoonslngn, Deputy Exec, Dlrectorl CFO salchl Rluo, Bon MIImber Anthony Burrell. Oll'lClOr Blnglf.Flmlly Program ' Jeff Stueve, Board Member Mildred Guzman, Administrator Multi-Family Programs Venetia Marshell Siplin, Board Member Kelly Farrow, Fiscal Officer II Elliott Andrews, Fiscal Officer I PROFESSIONALS PRESENT: Olympia Y. Roman, Recording Secretary Warren Bloom, General Counsel, Greenberg Traurig, LLP Mike Watkins, General Counsel. Greenberg Traurig, LLP ORANGE COUNTY BCC STAFF PRESENT: Sylvia Penneys, Bond Counsel, Greenberg Traurig, LLP Fred Winter1l:amp, Manager, Fiscal and Business Svcs. Bob Detjen. Financial Advisor, CSG Advisors, Inc.hfdkjsfa Helen H. Feinberg, Managing Underwriter, RBC Capital Markets

MEETING OPENED There being a quorum, Chairman Barbara Ashley-Jones, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

There being no discussion of items on the Consent Agenda, upon a motion by Vice Chairman Clemente Cuevas and seconded by Board Member Sascha Rizzo and carried with all present members voting AYE by voice vote; the Board approved the Consent Agenda items as follows:


A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 1. Adoption of November 3, 2010, Regular Board of Directors' Meeting minutes.

B. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S OFFICE 1. Acknowiedgment of the executed Spring Lake Cove Apartments Phases I and II, Consent to Utility and Conveyance Easement.

C. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. Approval of Warrant List #419 for services rendered during the months of March 2010 and Payroll for week-ending November 7 - 21, 2010. 2. Acknowledgement of the Consolidated Balance Sheet for the Operating Fund for the period ending October 31, 2010. 3. Acknowledgement of Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Eamings for the period ending October 31, ill0. 4. Acknowledgement of FY 2010, Operating Fund Comparison of Budget vs. Actual for the period ending October 31,2010. 5. Acknowledgement of FY 2010, Operating Fund Comparison of Actual Revenues & Expenses for periods ending October 2009 and October 2010. 6. Acknowledgement Summary of OCHFA's Operating Fund Investments for the period ending October 31,2010.

D. PROGRAM OPERATIONS 1. Acknowledgement of the Current Status of 2010 HRB Program. 2. Acknowiedgement of the Multi-Family Occupancy Report: Period of October 23 - November 23, 2010.



CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MULTI.FAMILY TAX·EXEMPT BONDS PROPOSAL SUBMITTED FOR INDUCEMENT UNDER THE 2010 OPEN CYCLE VOLUME CAP APPLICATION PROCESS. IN·AN·AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $12MM FOR RIVER RIDGE APARTMENTS (REGION 14 •ORANGE COUNffl Mr. Morris addressed the Board regarding a proposed Mulfl..Family Tax-Exempt Bond Application for River Ridge Apartments, in an amount not-to-exceed $12MM (Region 14 - Orange County). He stated that the proposed project was submitted under the 2010 Open Cycle Application Process, by Atlantic Housing Partners (Developer); and that the request was for $12MM of NIBP Allocation. He then stated Ihat the proposed development is located in Ortando (Orange COunty); and is a 158-unit community consists of sixteen (16) 1-bd/l-ba, 24 2-bdl 2-ba, ninety-five (95) 3-bd/ 2·ba; and twenty-three (23) 4-bdl3-ba units. He further stated that the proposed development would have set-asides of 100% a160% Area Median Income (AMI). Projected rents would range from $617.00 to $930.00.

MINUTES: OCHFA REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MTG., DECEMBER 1, 2010 PAGE 1 OF 3 '" Mr. Morris stated that the propoeed projects Oredft Enhancement WOUld be provided by Grandbrldge Real Estate Capital, II Freddie Mae CUS lender. He thin IIIIId that Iliff conducted In Intemal AlvIew of the propotld development and has deemed the proposal to be complete, meeting the Authority's Threshold Criteria. Brief discussion ensued.



OOIit·UI There being no further discussion upon a motion by Mr. Stueve and seconded by Mr. Cuevas and carried with all present members voting AYE by voice vote; the Board approved the Reimbursement Resolution for the RIver Ridge Apartments, In an amount. not;to-exceed $12MM of NIBP Multl·Famlly Mortgage Revenue Bonds; and authorization for the Chalnnan, Board Members and Executive Director to execute the documents. subject to General Counsels opinion. ------_._------­ CONSIDER APPROVAL AN AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE SERIES 2009-A NEW ISSUE BOND PURCHASE INIBP) PROGRAM FOR MULTI·FAMILY PROGRAM Mr. Morris addressed the Board regarding an Amendment to the Supplemental Trust Indenture for SERIES 2Q09..A. NIBP Program (Multi-Family). He provided the Board with abrief history of the Authority's participation in the NIBP Program. authorizing staff, legal and financing teams to prepare and structure the NIBP Program. He then stated that on September 1. 2010, the U.S. Department of Treasury announced modifications to the NIBP Program which provided more flexibility; allowing the extension of the deadlines to draw funds from the escrow before mandatory redemption is required; and that the date was extended from December 31, 2010 to December 31, 2011; and that the modiflcations allowed for the reset of interest rates and requirements for additional reporting.

Mr. Morris staled that the boards package included a Resokrtlon addressing the proposed Amended Supplemental Trust Indenture which authorizes the amendments to the First Supplemental Trust Indenture; and implements the required and permitted modifications; as well as, a memorandum from Sylvia. S. Penneys, Bond counsel, detailing these issues. He concluded by stating that General Counsel had reviewed the information and concurs with the recommended action,



OOII@j There being no further discussion upon a motion by Mr. Rizzo and seconded by Mr. Stueve and carried with all present members voting AYE by voice vote; the Board approved the Resolution lind authorization for the Chainnan, Board Members and Executive Director to execute the documents.

CONSIDER APPROYAL OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR CONTRACT EXTENSION Mr. Morris addressed the Board regarding its consideration of the Authority's Financial Advisor Contract Extension, He stated that on January 1. 2008, the Authority entered into an agreement with COO Advisors. Inc. (CSG), for Financial Advisor Services; and that the contract term was from January 1. 2006 through January 1, 2011, with two (2) 2-year extensions at the sole discretion of the Authority, He then stated that the staff is pleased with the Financial Advisory services. primarily provided by CSG - Robert (Bob) Detjen, Vice Chairman and David Jones. He also stated that Staff recommends board approval of a two-year extension, of the current contract through January 1. 2013.

OOii[.)~1 There being no further discussion upon a motion by Mr. Rizzo and seconded by Mr. Cuevas and carried with all present members voting AYE by voice vote; the Board approved the extension or the Financial Advisor Contract for One (1), Two Year (2-yr) extension and authorization for execution by the Chalnnan and executive Director, subJect to approval by General Counsel as to legalsufflctency.




MINUTES: OCHFA REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MTG., DECEMBER 1, 2010 PAGE 30F 3 ( ( f Neighborhood. Grants Advisory Board - NGAB December 2, 2010 Minutes

In Attendance Neighborhood Grants Advisory Board Meeting: (NGAB) December 2, 2010 Neighborhood Grants Advisory (NGAB): Date Irma Benjamin Leah Nash, Wade Vose, Broc Rosser and 450 E. South St., IOC-I, Floor Daniel Welsh Conference Room Staff: Antwan Nelson, Jason Vlll1:;Vll, Ada Tirado and Sabea Seabrooks Time: 8:30 a.m. Item Date Description

I. For Record NGAB Ms. Irma Keys, Board Chair called the NGAB meeting to order at 8:35a.m. Ms. Keys requested a motion to Agenda approve the mn1Utes of the October 28,2010 meeting. Mr. Vose made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. 12/2110 Pierce seconded the motion. Roll call vote - Irma !(eys, District 6 (Yes); Wade Vose, District 2,(Yes), Leah Nash, At Large (Yes), Benjamin Pierce, District 5 (Yes), Dan Welslt District 4 (Yes) and Brock Rosser (Yes) District 1. - Motion passed. II.

Staff Reports

2010 ReNEW Grant Project Update,.. - Jason Johnson Montpelier Village Club, Inc. Entrance inspected and project complete Colony Connection- Project is in progress. Winter Park Pines Community Associatiolt- Jason went to locaLe the vendor and the property was vacant. Philips Cove Homeowner Association's I ighting Project will start this week. Winter Park Estates Community Association, Inc., - Project is complete.

NGAB 2010 ReNEW Non Pl'ofit Housing Grant Agenda To be updated in Jaltumy 12/2110 Wall Repair Grants Lake Down Homeowner Association, inc., - Wall repan' grant completed and fmal report received waiting for invoice. Breezewood Subdivision - New quote for wall repair project is in process. Andover Point Homeowner Association, Inc., the fmal report has been received. Waiting invoice from the vendor. ( (' ( Neighborhood Grants Advisory Board - NGAB December 2, 2010 Minutes

ReNEW Grant Fund Balance Not covered. NGAB Agenda 12/2/10 New Business: ReNEW Grant -Bay Hill Homeowner Association - Pressure washed entry way and sidewalk. Mr. Rosser did not Ill. see the need for sidewalk cleaning when other serious repairs were needed elsewhere. He wants details on how many receive the street washing. Ms. Nash made a motion to table this vote - seconded by Mr. Rosser -motion tabled. Roll call vote - Irma I(eys, District 6 (Yes); Wade Vose, District 2,(yes), Leah Nash, At Large (Yes), Benjamin Pierce, District 5 (Yes), Dan Welsh District 4 (Yes) ami Brock Rosser (Yes) District 1. -Grant tabled.

Wall Repair Grants - Mr. Welsh made a motion to approve Kelly Park Hill. They were approved for a Wall Repair Grant for $6,935. Windward Place had cracks and separations in their wall. Quotes did not match. Mr. Welsh motioned to table the grant. Seconded by Mr. Rosser. Roll call vote - Irma f(eys, District 6 (Yes); Wade Vose, District 2,(Yes); Leah Nash, At Large (Yes);Benjamin Pierce, District 5 (Yes); Dan Welsh, District 4 (Yes); (lnd Brock Rosser; District 1 (Yes) -Motion tabled. Crime Prevention Grant Washington Park Neig/tborhood- the NGAB Board applauded the effOlis of the Family Hope Day given by the IV. Washington Park Neighborhood. Mr. Pierce motioned to approved the Washington Park Neighborhood Group event. Seconded by Mr. Rosser. Roll call vote - Irma I(eys, District 6 (Yes); Wade Vose, District 2,(Yes), Leah Nash, At Large (Yes), Benjamin Pierce, District 5 (Yes), Dan Welsh District 4 (Yes) and Brock Rosser (Yes) District 1.- Motion passed

Kensington Park Homeowner Association, Inc. - Homeowner Association wants to make the Wall from 8ft. to 6ft. by taking off a couple rows of brick. This project came about because the wall has a blind side and a child was hit. Ms. Nash makes a motion to approve this grant. Seconded by Mr. Welsh-. Roll call vote - Irma I(eys, District 6 (Yes); Wade Vose, District 2 (Yes), Leah Nash, At Large (Yes), Benjamin Pierce, District 5 (Yes), Dan Welsh District 4 (Yes) and Brock Rosser (Yes) District 1.- Motion passed ( ( ( • Neighborhood Grants Advisory Board - NGAB December 2, Mhrll.lltes

V. ADJOURNMENT NGAB Ms. Keys adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m.


VI. ACTIONS NGAB NGAR approved the minutes o/tlte October 28,2010 meeting PERFORMED Agenda NGAR approved/or a Wall Repair Grant to I(elly Park Hill 12/2110 NGAll tabled Windwood Place pending accurate quotes. NGAR tabled the grant/OJ' Bay Hill Homeowner Associatioll pellding additional in/ormatioll from st(if/ NGAB approved/or the Washington Park Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant NGAR approved /(ensington Park Homeowner Association/or a Crime Prevention Grant.

Chairper~on ·~~". ..("'''e'\L-'/ Date: (I,;: ~hCJ II / Ifthere arc any errors and/or omissions, notify the author within five days of receipt of this report. NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED FOR- 28,2010 Approved January 19,2011 MEETING MINUTES ORANGE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD OF TRUSTEES December 8,2010 Orlando Public Library 101 East Central Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32801 407.83S.READ (7323)

10-171 1. Call to Order Library Board Present: Richard Maladecki (1110); Ted Maines (11/2); Sara Brady (1111); Guy Houk (1111)

Library Board Absent: James Tyson (1113)

Administration Present: Mary Anne Hodel; Debbie Moss; Robert Tessier; Carla Fountain; Craig Wilkins; Wendi Bost; Renae Bennett; Tracy Zampaglione; Eric Atkinson; Milinda Neusaenger

President Maladecki called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

10-172 II. Public Comment Members of the public who wish to address the Board must first fill out and present to the Orange County Library System Board of Trustees, a "Notice of Intent to Speak" form. If an electronic form of comments is submitted, these will be made available to the public as part of the Board Minutes. Public comments of items listed on the agenda will occur just prior to the Board's discussion and action of the agenda item. Public comments of items not listed on the agenda will occur at the end ofthe meeting agenda. Public presentations shall be limited to three (3) minutes. In the event more than ten (10) persons signity their intent to speak, a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes shall be set aside and divided up equally among those registered to speak. The order of speaking among those persons who have filled out the "Notice ofIntent to Speak Form" shall be the order in which the forms were received by the Board's Administrative Assistant. "Notice of Intent to Speak" forms will not be accepted after the meeting has been called to order. Information listed on the "Notice of Intent to Speak" forms will be included in the Board Meeting Minutes and thus become public record. The Board shall have the power to extend periods of public comment to address issues of special concern by a majority vote of those Board Members present.

If a request is made for written comments to be included in the official record of this meeting, it is helpful if the requestor is able to provide the comments in an electronic format. However, this is not required. This is to ensure the completion and accuracy of the official record when posted on the Library's website, For more information, contact Milinda Neusaenger at 407.835.76 J I or [email protected].

10-173 III. Approval of Minutes: Library Board of Trustees Meeting -- November 10,2010 Vice President Maines, seconded by Trustee Brady, moved to approve the minutes for the November 10,2010 Library Board ofTrustees Meeting. Motion carried 3-0.

10-174 Board Recognition of Employee of the Year ­ Kim Peters Kim Peters is a valued member of the Reference Central team. In the almost 10 years Kim has been with OCLS, her colleagues have come to rely on her expansive knowledge. Kim goes above and beyond on a daily basis to provide the highest caliber of customer service. She tirelessly promotes OCLS programs, products, services and events to every customer. Kim continually seeks opportunities to improve the OCLS experience for customers, consistently suggesting ways to make it easier for customers to access resources or obtain materials. She is enthusiastic about creating a fun work environment and suggests, coordinates and contributes greatly to departmental Approved January 19,2011 celebrations. Kim's genuine concern for her colleagues is inspiring! You can count on her for anything, and most especially for a smile and an encouraging word.

In the 1970's Kim worked at Channel 24, which then held their board meetings at the library, when Mr. Glenn Miller was the Library Director. With that initial exposure to the library, Kim decided she wanted to work at the library one day. Kim started with OCLS in 2001, as a Circulation Clerk at North Orange. When there was an opening for a Reference Clerk in the Genealogy I Law Department, Kim jumped at the chance and has been there ever since. She is an avid genealogist and major contributor ofcontent to Orlando Memory.

Kim is truly an outstanding employee who goes above and beyond, truly exceeding expectations! Congratulations Kim!

10-175 Board Recognition of Retiring Human Resources Manager- Carla Fountain For the last 19 years, Carla Fountain, SPHR, has been the Orange County Library System's Human Resources Manager and the primary advisor to the library on personnel issues and programs. She has overseen and managed programs such as the Health, Safety & Wellness program, the Staff Development Day, and the Health Insurance Committee just to name a few. These are programs designed to have a positive impact on all ofthe Library District's employees.

Ms. Fountain has over 20 years of human resource experience in the public and private sector. Prior to joining OCLS, she worked in Human Resources management for the Hertz Corporation. She initially joined OCLS as the Employee Relations Manager and was later promoted to Human Resources Manager as the system grew larger and personnel issues became more complex. She is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management.

Ms. Fountain received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Central Florida. She is certified by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).

She is looking forward to taking on new adventures after retiring from OCLS.

10-176 Introduction of New Human Resources Manager - Janet Madden On Monday, November 15, 2010 Janet Madden started as the new incoming Human Resources Manager. Janet's background in Human Resources includes management roles at Brevard Community College and United Space Alliance (the prime NASA Contractor for the Space Shuttle and International Space Station) and a Master of Science in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Please join in welcoming Janet to OCLS! .

10-177 IV. Staff Presentation: The Right Service at the Right Time ~ Sheri Chambers

10-178 V. Financial Statements and Summaries: November 2010 The OCLS Finance Department, under the direction of Robert Tessier, has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for FY 2009. The certificate is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFR's) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting.

2 Approved January 19,2011

President Maladecki presented the award to Comptroller Tessier and applauded his superb leadership and attention to detail and thanked the entire Finance Department for their industriousness and dedication to excellence ...... 10-179 VI. Statistics and Summaries: November 2010 Assistant Director Moss informed the Board ofsome changes made to the monthly statistical dashboard based on comments and suggestions at last month's meeting.

Trustee Houk arrived at 7:25 p.m.

10-180 VII. Action Items

10-181 Resolution to Honor James Tyson Trustee Brady, seconded by Trustee Houk, moved to authorize a $300 book endowment to recognize and honor James B. Tyson for his dedication and hard work while serving on the Library Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2010. His commitment to the Library Values ofRespect, Excellence and Integrity and his steadfast support has enabled the Library to make great strides in being an important and integral part ofthe community while providing Information, Imagination and Inspiration. Motion carried 4-0.

President Maladecki asked the Administration to invite Mr. Tyson to attend the January 20 II Board Meeting.

10-182 Annual Plan of Service FY 2011 Trustee Houk, seconded by Vice President Maines, moved to approve the FY 2011 Annual Plan of Service. Motion carried 4-0.

10-183 III. Discussion and Possible Action Items

10-184 Parameters Relative to Chickasaw Location Comptroller Tessier presented a PowerPoint overview of the various options available for the Chickasaw location, which include selling or leasing the property or moving the Herndon Branch operation to the Chickasaw location. Discussion ensued regarding these options and the ramifications of each. The owner ofa charter school has expressed interest in leasing the property. The Board asked for the Administration to provide demographic data regarding the patrons using the Herndon Branch and the impact ofa potential move, to provide additional information about the school, and to further pursue the option ofleasing to the school. The Library's Real Estate Agent, Michael Battey of C.B. Richard Ellis, provided some information about the school and will assist in the fact finding for future presentation to the Board.

10-185 IX. Information

10-186 Director's Report eThe draft of the FY 2011 Director's Goals is included for the Board's review and input.

eThe American Heart Association has awarded OCLS with the Gold level status as a Start! Fit-Friendly Company! The AHA awards this honor to companies that promote a wellness culture by providing support to employees and implementing physical, nutritional and cultural changes.

3 Approved January 19,2011

.Natalie Houston has had her article "Best Practices: Improving Teen Services" accepted for publication in the YALSA Winter 2010 Issue. Congratulations Natalie!

.Plans are progressing nicely for the March Against Bullying effort the Library is holding in March. Displays are up at Main and the branches of library materials focused on this topic. We are looking for financial help for the programs we are pursuing. We have Michelle Lee Puppets on hold for a number of dates, pending funding .

• The Library has just been awarded a grant from Sylvan Dell Publishing which includes a free license for one year to use materials on their website. These materials include 55 e-books, interactive math and reading quizzes, crafts for children's programs, teaching activities and more .

• Later in this month, those employees represented by the SEIU will be receiving ballots from the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission to vote on whether to continue their representation by the SEIU.

****************************** The Board asked for additional time to provide input and feedback regarding Director Hodel's FY 2011 Goals. It will be an agenda item for the January 19,2011 Meeting.

Vice President Maines applauded Director Hodel for her quick involvement and leadership when OCLS was asked to be a strategic partner with the Holocaust Center in a program to prevent bullying among students. Each library location now has a display of books and a bibliography has been written in order to bring awareness of the problem to the forefront.

10-187 Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items

x. Adjournment

President Maladecki adjourned the meeting at 8: 14 p.m.

Next Meeting Dates: --- January 19,2011 - Southwest Branch Library; 7255 Della Drive; Orlando, Florida 32819 --- February 10,2011 - Orlando Public Library; 101 East Central Boulevard; Orlando, Florida 32801.

Ifany person desires to appeal any decision with respect to any matter considered at a Library Board of Trustees meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings; for this purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record ofthe proceedings is made to include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this proceeding due to a disability as defined by ADA may arrange for reasonable accommodations by contacting the Director's Office on the fifth floor of the Main Library in person or by phone at 407.835.7611 at least two days prior to the meeting.

4 ORANGE COUNTY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEMBERS PRESENT: Holsenbeck, Mendez, Owen, Soileau, Ward MEMBERS PRESENT (VIA TELEPHONE): Calvet-Harrold, Gianelli, Segal STAFF PRESENT: Ryan, Sloan, Wallace GUESTS: Sandi Breitenstein, Ed Cranford, AWDOH

The regular meeting of the Orange County Research and Development Authority was held at the Central Florida Research Park, 12424 Research Parkway, Suite 100, Orlando, Florida at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 9, 2010 pursuant to public notice as required by Section 286.011 Florida Statutes.

There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 8: 1 5 a.m.

Dr. Soileau moved that the October 14, 2010 OCRDA minutes be approved. Mr. Owen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Sandi Breitenstein and Ed Cranford of the accounting firm of AVerett Warmus Durkee Osburn Henning presented the OCRDA financial audit for the fiscal year 2010 which ended September 30, 2010. The audit report also included the required "Single Audit" for the $9,100,000 Defense Infrastructure Grant for force protection improvements. There were no discrepancies or inaccuracies in the Authority's financial reporting. The Authority operates with all appropriate financial controls. This year's audit will be sent to the Orange County Comptroller's Office and the Auditor General's Office in Tallahassee as required. Mr. Owen moved that the Authority accept the OCRDA financial audit for the fiscal year 2010 ending September 30,2010. Dr. Soileau seconded the motion. The motion passed '~ unanimously. On behalf of the Authority, Mr. Mendez thanked Ms. Breitenstein and Mr. Cranford for their work on this audit report.

Mr. Wallace stated that the Authority approved a new CFRP water and sewer rate increase of 15% which went into effect October 1, 2010 due to the rate increases at both Progress Energy and UCF. Mr. Wallace reported that he was just informed several days ago by UCF staff that UCF has yet increased their utility rates again by 11 %, effective immediately. Mr. Wallace is confident that the Utility Fund will remain solvent even with this newest UCF utility rate increase.

Mr. Wallace reported that the 2010-2011 CAM assessments totaling $1,021,574.07 were due on October 1, 2010. As of today, four CFRP property owners have not paid their CAM assessments. The total of delinquent CAM fees is $34,088.04. Mr. Ryan, the Authority's legal counsel, will initiate the process of filing a lien on each of these properties.

Mr. Wallace briefed the Authority on the status of each of the phases of the force protection improvements. Mr. Wallace stated that construction of the vehicle resistant fencing and electronic security systems for Tech Point I & II and Research Commons will commence in the first quarter of 2011. Installation of the electronic security systems for Partnership 2 & 3 has been delayed until completion of Tech Point I & II and Research Commons. Mr. Wallace reported that the force protection project is projected to be completed within the budget of the $9.1 million. The 2010 DRI Annual Report was distributed to the Authority members for their review. Mr. Wallace stated that this report has been submitted to the required agencies.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8: 55 a.m.

The foregoing minutes are attested by: ORANGE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Marks Street Senior Center Thursday, November 11, 2010 Meeting Minutes 12:00pm - 1:OOpm

Members Present: Joshua Hirten, Linda Becker, Laura Pooser, Carson Good, Don Spacht, Sue Carpenter and Suzanne Arnold Members Absent: Earl Nurse Parks Staff Present: Matt Sued meyer, Kyle Kent, Brenda Handy, Courtney Kanistras, and Bob Goff Special GuestiPubric Attendee(s): No guests

I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by PAB Chairman Laura Pooser at approximately 12:10 pm. • Pledge of Allegiance • Invocation - Sue Carpenter II. Site Overview (Courtney Kanistras, Site SupeNisor) - provide space for over 40 groups on a daily, weekly, monthly and/or annual basis and includes: Orlando Camera Club, The Clown School of Central Florida, the Kiwanis, the AARP Chapter 5046, Cabin Fever Quilters, The Coin Club, Stamp Club, VClub, and the Republican Party, etc. • Overview of Events: o Senior's First Program - which is asOcializing and feeding program that utilize the facility from 8am to 1pm daily. They provide activities, transportation, breakfast and lunch through the program for the participants. o Fitness Programs - these are free programs offered four (4) days aweek and include: Seniorcise, Strength Training, Let's Move (Drums Alive); Balance Class, Spinning Class, 15 Minute Abs; and Line Dancing. All fitness programs are taught by Waleska Abreu, Recreation Specialist, with the exception of the line dancing class. o Fitness Facility - there is afitness facility onsite for those that are 55 and over with doctor's approval; the cost is $10.00 per year. Paid Fitness Programs - these are programs that are taught by instructors i.e. Yogi, Pilates, Zumba, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, and Ball Room Dancing. o Other Programs include: Tea Dance every second Friday; Glucose and Blood screening every second Tuesday conducted by agroup of volunteer nurses; Health Fairs are held twice yearly - this year's fair brought in over 300 seniors and consisted of cancer screening, blood pressure, balance, etc.; 'social dances on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays conducted by two outside private groups; and Latin Dance the first Saturday of each month. December 4 will be the Latin Christmas Fiesta which is our biggest Latin dance of the year. RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) - uses space for doing crafts and during holidays provides ashopping experience for underprivileged and children that would not otherwise have an opportunity to provide gifts for their families. III. Approval of Meeting Minutes: • Minutes Approved as written for October 14, 2010.

IV. Manager's Reports (Projects/Issues) Matt Suedmeyer, Manager • Performance Measures - both Mayoral candidates were speaking towards performance measures and transparency. They talked about putting performances on the websites and benchmarking performance measures against other like organizations. As a result, Parks has been: o Completing reports to determine benchmarks; Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, continued November 11, 2010 Page 2

o Look at what other counties or cities are measuring; o Direction Parks plans to take (distributed handout of graphics and P& R. Performance sheet) o Park Inspections - Manager and Assistant Manager goes out with the Program Managers every six months and does an inspection on existing parks; o Customer Satisfaction Surveys - boxes are placed at every site to help track customer input; o Program Participation Satisfaction Survey- participants fill out surveys (20% of participants per site) to track participant satisfaction of our programs; o Average operating cost per acre - which is currently down from $16,000 per acre to $12,000; o Anticipate getting other municipalities that track the same kinds of measurements to use for comparison charts. Suggestions for other measurements: land-banking, miles of trails and total undeveloped park acres (which would include any property mowed, pick up trash, etc.) V, P&RDivision Section Update • Operations Section Update (Kyle Kent, Assistant Manager) o Closing times have changed - now closing parks at 6pm; o Closed on the Camp Joy property (28 acres) next to Kelly Park; demolition will start soon on the buildings that are going to be demolished; Parks in touch with Risk Management on what can be done with some of the existing facilities; o Group camping will be moved from Kelly Park to the Camp Joy property; • Planning and Design Section Update (Bob Goff, Program Manager) o Overview of Projects List o Avalon Mailer Trailhead - groundbreaking in October and construction will begin November 15 th anticipated completion will be May 15, 2011; o Barnett Park Spray Ground - received permit from St. Johns Water Management District, site work is being completed and underground utilities are being installed - awaiting final inspection; o Silver Star Recreation Center - grand opening held and recreation center is currently open for business; o West Orange Recreation Center - preliminary punch list walk through is scheduled for November 18 and the Commissioner is looking to do an official grand opening in December; VI. Old Business· None. VII. New Business - None. Adjourned • Meeting adjourned @ 1:42 pm.

Next Meeting Date & Location: December 13, 2010, Trimble Park, 5802 Trimble Park Road, Tangerine, FL 32777. Should you have any questions please call (407) 836-6203 or (407) 836-6200. :i:::~:ED~ ~

Dated; I • '-L.?_'-L.f.l-l~__ Orange County Public Works Advisory Board Meeting Minutes August 19,2010

Attendees / Advisory Board Members:

Matthew L. Forbes, Walt Disney Imagineering Public Works Advisorv Board Chairmull Zan C. Bates, Ardaman & Associates Solange C. Dao, Dao Consultants, Inc. Christian H. Miller, Environmental Management & Design, Inc.

Attendees I Public Works:

Mark V. Massaro, P. E., Director, Public Works Department Joseph C. Kunkel, P. E., Deputy Director, Public Works Department Louis Schoolkate, GIS Coordinator, Growth Mgmt. & Environmental Resources Naresh Budhu, Sr. Business System Analyst, Growth Mgmt. & Environmental Resources Julie R. Naditz, P. E., Manager, Highway Construction Division Diana M. Almodovar, P.E., Manager, Development Engineering Division Joe Perez, P.E., P.L.S. Chief Engineer, Highway Construction Division Jacqueline Bonavitacola, Project Coordinator, Transportation Planning Division Frank Gallagher, Senior Inspector, Development Engineering Division

Call to Order

Mr. Forbes, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 12: 10 pm, preceded by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Forbes indicated that Mr. Lochrane, Vice Chair, was unable to attend this meeting. A quorum was present and the minutes from the April 15,2010 were approved.

Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Bates to approve the April 15, 2010 minutes. Motioll carried.

Presentation "The ALADIN Program: Modernizing Land Development Management in Orange County" l\1r. Louis Schoolkate and Mr. Naresh Budhu with Orange County's Growth Management Department were our guests today. Mr. Schoolkate indicated that the process to develop this system began in 2006. The acronym ALADIN stands for Addressing, Land and Development Information Network and is a program to modernize all of the systems that support land development processes. Mr. Schoolkate explained that the data it encompasses includes infonnation such as the initial applications, development review, and final inspections and permits for a given project. The concept is to integrate all of the work processes into one system. Mr. Naresh indicated that the program includes several components but focused the discussion specifically on the Land Development Management System which directly impacts Public Works. He further indicated that there are three primary components which are improving how we track projects over time, managing land restriction infonnation, and better access to project infonnation. He explained that the goals of the program are to improve the efficiency of land development processes, enforce accountability, and provide easier access to project in fOl1ll atiOll. Public Works Advisory Board .Meeting lWillutes August 19,2010 Page 2

Mr. Kunkel discllssed the benefits realized since the implementation of the system in terms or management information. It was suggested that the system should have a public p0!1al \vhereby developers could access the information on their own.

Open Discussion

Mr. Kunkel shared with the committee a project that came through the Development Review Committee that was related to the discussion at the last meeting with Billy Attaway regarding greener developments. He indicated that this project tried to bring forward a green concept whereby they were going to put in rain barrels in each lot for watering purposes. He pointed out that based on the criteria or code the County was not able to work with them. Ms. Dao asked i I' they are using pervious pavement. Ms. Almodovar indicated that they are only Llsing perviolls pavement for driveways at this time. Mr. Kunkel indicated that he wanted to let the committee know that the County is seeing more green concepts coming forward.


Mr. Miller moved, seconded byM<;. Dao to adjourn the meeting. This meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm. by Mr. Forbes. Interoffice Memorandum

Minutes Roadway Agreement Committee January 5, 2011

Members Present: Jim Harrison Growth Management Department (Chairman) Joe Kunkel Public Works Department Renzo Nastasi - Transportation Planning Division Ann Caswell- Real Estate Management Division Ruby Rozier - Traffic Engineering Division Diana Almodovar Development Engineering Division John Smogor Planning Division

County Staff Present: Roberta Alfonso - County Attorney's Office Robin Harnmel- Public Works Engineering Division Julie Naditz - Highway Construction Division Susan Martin Risk Management Division Heather Brownlie - Transportation Planning Division Rita Gonzalez - Transportation Planning Division Yahaira Gines-Rios Public Works Engineering Division Jennifer Cummings Public Works Engineering Division Sheryl Weinmann Public Works Engineering Division

Mr. Harrison called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m.

Approval of Minutes

The Committee reviewed the minutes from the December 8, 2010 Roadway Agreement Committee Meeting and changes were requested as follows:

Page 1 line 39 change "clarified" to "clarification".

Page 2 line 2 change "have" to "include", and "changed to reflect" to "reflecting".

Page 21ine 3 change "2011" to "20lO".

Page 2 line 11 delete "Sharp" and add "Orlando Limited Partnership/Jen Florida II LTD" after "Woods".

Page 2 line 24 move "in a conceptual manner" to line 23 after "agree".

Page 2 line 51 add "said his client" after "Mr. Lee".

Page 3 line 5 add "only" after "right-of-way".

Page 3 line 24 change "questioned" to "noted", and change "not any" to "no".

Mr. Smogor made a motion, with a second by Mr. Nastasi, to approve the December 8,2010 Roadway Agreement Committee Meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes - Roadway Agreement Committee January 5,2011 Page 2

Activity Update

Mr. Harrison asked for clarification on the BLR-545 project name.

Mr. Harrison asked that the Lake Gifford project be removed from the pending approval list as the property is being sold and there will be no activity until the Development Plan is completed.

The Boggy Creek Bridge bid opens next week, and the Federal Aviation Authority issues were resolved.

The outstanding issues with the Boggy Creek Road Amendment are the rates with Bowyer Singleton Inc. Since this is an American Recovery Reinvestment Act project, it must be completed by 2012. The Notice to Proceed will be issued in MarchiApril 2011, and construction is scheduled to take approximately 10 months.

Things To Do List

Remove Interstate 4 Plaza from the pending Things to Do list as all items have been completed.

Karl Corporation Development: Karl Corporation Developer: Herb Kahlert, Island Tree, LLC Road Affected: Karl Kahlert Parkway Present: Miranda Fitzgerald Previous RAC: 8/16/2006,517/2008,6/18/2008, 7/16/2008, 71712010

Ms. Alfonso stated that there may be an outstanding title issue.

Ms. Fitzgerald stated that the Lis Pendens is set to be lifted to allow the title issue to be cleared up prior to conveyance within 120 days of the Effective Date of the Agreement.

Ms. Alfonso asked to add a header in the upper left hand comer to state Right-of-Way Conveyance Agreement Town Center beginning on Page 2.

Ms. Fitzgerald did not intend to re-execute the document, so Ms. Alfonso withdrew her request.

The Committee reviewed each page of the agreement and no additional changes were required.

Ms. Almodovar made a motion, with a second by Mr. Smogor to approve the Karl Corporation Agreement with no changes as reviewed at today's meeting, subject to final review by the Committee, and subject to final review ofExhibits and ofthe Legal and Sketches by the County Surveyor, andfinal review and approval by the County Attorneys Office regarding the title issues. Motion carried unanimously.

Moss Park DRI CNL Development: Moss Park DRI Road Mfected: Innovation Way Present: Thorn Cunningham, Thomas Cloud, Jim Lee, Lance Bennett, Glenn Fournier Previous RAC: None County StaffPresent: Brian Sanders, Christine Lofye Minutes Roadway Agreement Committee January 5,2011 Page 3

Mr. Cloud opened the discussion with an overview of the creation ofthe Moss Park DRI and its current status. Mr. Lee researched what uses the property can be developed for to match the Developers financial constraints.

There are changes needed to the Planned Development (PD) and the Development ofRegional Impact (DRI) Development Order (DO) to reflect changes to the Development.

Mr. CUnningham handed out a different version of the term sheet and a map.

Mr. Harrison discussed this project with Mr. Cloud about a month ago.

Mr. Nastasi stated he has been discussing traffic implications with Mr. Lee over the past few days. This project is going to the Regional Planning Council (RPC) for a Notice ofProposed Changes. Mr. Nastasi asked about the timing for an agreement now ifthey are going to RPC first.

Mr. Cloud feels they are not mutually exclusive and that the RPC has its purview and this could go concurrently and would be unrelated to any RPC Action.

Mr. Nastasi stated that whatever is required under the DRI will still need to be met under the current process.

Mr. Cloud explained that the Developers had performed all portions ofa Monitoring & Modeling (M&M) Study without doing an actual study.

The current arrangement calls for mitigation for a State Road (Narcoossee Road) that exists within the City ofOrlando rather than providing anything towards County roadways.

Orange County Utilities contacted the Developer to make decisions about the road and that was the impetus for the discussion.

The Developer is seeking to move Phase 3 entitlements to Phase 2 not add entitlements.

Mr. Nastasi would like to see mitigation be provided for Innovation Way South rather than going to Narcoossee Road which is a State Road within the City of Orlando jurisdiction.

Mr. Cloud stated that the first modification to the DRI had issues with the Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Orlando and he does not want to go through the same issue with this project again.

Mr. Nastasi and Mr. Cloud agreed to focus the Moss Park Road DRI mitigation for Multi Modal Transit District (MMTD) on the Innovation Way South RoadIMoss Park Road Extension.

Mr. Nastasi suggested amending the NOPC at the RPC and amending the DO through the Development Review Committee (DRC) to make sure the mitigation dollars can remain with the Innovation Way SouthIMoss Park Road Extension in Orange County.

Mr. Cloud agreed that the Development dollars should stay with the County ifat all possible.

Mr. Cloud stated that the property is outside the MMTD parameters and the MMTD would not apply since the Development predates the creation ofthe MMTD. Minutes - Roadway Agreement Committee January 5, 2011 Page 4

The Committee confirmed to the applicant that they are not part of the MMTD.

A Discussion ofthe Deal Points from the Term Sheet was held:

• Convey right-of-way for roads and ponds through the DR! - Need to re-acquire one parcel from Beazer that is needed for the Road • Utilities has asked about getting plans started so that Utility corridors can be located • Developer is seeking road impact fee credits for costs • Need County assistance in Permitting (not funding, just co-applicants) • Utility option - interim financing to be done at Utilities request through an MSBU

Mr. Kunkel stated that Section 3 of the roadway only qualifies as safe and adequate access to Parcel N & 0 so this portion ofthe roadway would not be eligible for road impact fee credits.

The value ofthe design is only good if the road is constructed as designed. Ifthe road is designed to 4 lanes and only 2 lanes are constructed then the County would have to update the design plans to complete to 4 lanes at a later date.

Mr. Nastasi differentiated between Proportionate Share and Road Impact Fee Credits.

There was a discussion of the MMTD Overlay and the Innovation Way overlay. Mr. Smogor said that they would need to amend the PD in order to be excluded from the overlays.

The applicant is asking to move 1400 trips from Phase 3 to Phase 2; they feel it is unfair to have the burdens of overlays on the last phase of the development not knowing what is going to happen with the road.

The applicant cannot honor Utilities request for road design without a road agreement.

The Development Order was obtained prior to the overlay creation. The Developers are requesting this road agreement to satisfY all obligations for the road from this property.

Mr. Smogor has a concern about this request.

The County may not know what is needed for the road at this point. The Developer would like to complete these items in Phase 2 and not wait for Phase 3.

Mr. Harrison stated that the Roadway Agreement Committee cannot absolve the property from the requirements of the Innovation Way Overlay.

Mr. Cloud will follow up with Mr. Smogor to discuss the Innovation Way overlay requirements.

Mr. Harrison outlined the next steps for this project. • Mr. Cloud to meet with Mr. Smogor • Mr. Lee to meet with Mr. Nastasi • Developer to prepare to go to the RPC • Work with Utilities to try to resolve their issues

Utilities has stated a need to move forward as quickly as possible.

The discussion of this proj ect will continue at a future meeting. Minutes - Roadway Agreement Committee January 5,2011 Page 5

The applicants will bring revised deal points back to Roadway Agreement Committee before going to theRPC.

Chase Road PD Adequate Public Facility (APF) Agreement Development: Ryland Homes Developer: Chase Road Investments LLC Present: Lance Bennett Previous RAC: 7/05/2006, 7/1912006

Mr. Bennett stated that the PD and Preliminary Site Plan (PSP) were amended at DRC and requested to return to the Roadway Agreement Committee to amend the APF also.

Mr. Kunkel asked about the total acreage provided in Exhibit C and stated that it is 3 acres less than previous APF.

Mr. Bennett explained that the developable acreage calculation, less the stormwater requirements, had changed and stated that the APF Amendment will be consistent with the PD and the two items will go to the Board of County Commissioners together.

Mr. Smogor asked if they are using the old deficit number or the new deficit number. Ms. Brownlie stated that the deficit number should be $37,626.87 as provided to her by Mr. Smogor in November 2010.

Mr. Bennett agreed that 0.69 deficit times $37,626.87 should be the correct deficit amount to be paid.

The Committee continued with a page by page review ofthe APF Amendment.

Ms. Caswell requested the following corrections: • Add Tax Parcel ID numbers 30-23-28-0000-00-028 and 30-23-28-0000-00-002 to the Amendment. She also requested current title evidence. • Add "formerly known as" to the CRI entity. • Meritage should be bolded in the first paragraph. • First Whereas, capitalize PD in line 1 • Fourth Whereas, correct typo "fopregroing" should be "foregoing".

Mr. Kunkel asked to add the net developable acreage total in Section 3 on Page 2.

Ms. Alfonso requested the following changes: • Page 2 Subsection 2 add "or otherwise" to the Recital. • Page 2 Section 3 change "has been approved" to "is being considered". • Page 2 Section 4 change "hereto" to "this amendment". • Page 2 Section 5 for the APF Deficit add a reference to Recital O.

Page 4 Ms. Caswell asked to update the signature block for CRI with formerly known as name.

Page 6 the signature page for the County Mayor should be first.

Delete the Notary for the Mayor, use Attest only.

Mr. Kunkel questioned Exhibit C and asked about extra right-of-way leading to nowhere. Minutes - Roadway Agreement Committee January 5, 2011 Page 6

This project will move forward to the Board of County Commissioners and needs to be consistent with the PD approval, but has to return to Development Review Committee first.

Mr. Kunkel made a motion, with a second by Mr. Smogor to approve the Chase Road PD APF Amendment with changes made at today's meeting, subject to Amendment being consistent with the PD and PSP, subject to matching PD values, subject to Board ofCounty Commissioners approval with PD and PSP, subject to final review by the Committee, and subject to final review ofthe Exhibits and ofthe Legal and Sketches by the County Surveyor, and final review and approval by the County Attorneys Office. Motion carried unanimously.

Land Development Management System (LDMS) Demonstration Consultants: CSDC Systems - Chris Westervelt, Subir MukheIjee Presenters: Louis Schoolkate, Naresh Budhu - Growth Management Other Staff Present: Joe Harty, Mindy Bub

A Presentation of the LDMS was presented to the Roadway Agreement Committee members. Background on the program, which is part of ALADIN, was presented as: • Central GIS Data Warehouse • Central Addressing System • Land Development Management System • Document Management

The Committee members were introduced to the system and explained that all Final Reviews of Agreements will be processed through this system.

Mr. Harrison adjourned the meeting at 11 :48 a.m. O'~E CtfJy GOVERi\MENT FLORID,l



The meeting was called to order by Yvette Rodriguez Brown, Special Magistrate, at 9:04 a.m.

Others Present: Andrea DeLoach, Assistant County Attorney

Norman Spiwak, Code Enforcement Officer, Code Enforcement Division Ed Caneda, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Code Enforcement Division Lily Gonzalez, Administration Support Supervisor Karen Bourgeois, Administrative Assistant Maritza Del Valle, Administrative Assistant Deborah Jenkins, Administrative Assistant

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 1 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-159223H Orestes C. Matos ~ llll Webster Avenue

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Betuel was swom in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Orestes C. Matos, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Orestes C. Matos, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$200.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-159528Z Larry Meade & April Meade & Patrick Norman 2405 Calloway Drive

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Betuel was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Larry Meade & April Meade & Patrick Norman, were in violation prior to December 6, 2010, and shall refrain from repeating the violation thereafter. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $200.00 for each day the violation is repeated after December 21, 2010. The fine shall accrue from the date the violation is repeated until the date it is corrected as observed and documented by the code Enforcement Officer. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the Code Enforcement Officer bringing this violation to arrange for an inspection ofthe property to verifY compliance with this Order.

~2011-159884Z RAC HOME LOANS SERVICING LP 2789 Elmhurst Circle

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Betuel was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, were in violation prior to December 6,2010, and shall refrain from repeating the violation thereafter. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $200.00 for each day the violation is repeated after December 21, 20 I O. The fine shall accrue from the date the violation is repeated until the date it is corrected as observed and documented by the code Enforcement Officer. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the Code Enforcement Officer bringing this violation to arrange for an inspection ofthe property to verifY compliance with this Order.

SM2011-159983Z Robert A. & Jessica L. Yingst 5438 Eggleston A venue

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Betuel was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Robert A. & Jessica L. Yingst, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$300.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 2 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-159526H Leopoldo Marroquin '~ 751 Carlson Drive

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Betuel was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present

Order: The Respondent, Leopoldo Marroquin, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $200.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-157283Z Kenneth E. Lewis 101 N. Nowell Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Fischer was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Kenneth E. Lewis, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010 and refrain from repeating the violation thereafter. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine 0[$200.00 for each day the violation is repeated after December 21, 2010. The fine shall accrue from the date the violation is repeated until the date it is corrected as observed and documented by the Code Enforcement Officer. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the Code Enforcement Officer bringing this violation to arrange for an inspection ofthe property to verifY compliance with this Order. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds this violation consitutes a recurring violation.

SM2011-160163H Thomas John 11 N. John Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Fischer was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Thomas John, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Thomas John, shall correct the violation on or before March 6, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice ofviolation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06{ 4) and 162.09( 1), Florida Statutes.

SM2011-159184Z Thomas John 11 N. John Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Fischer was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Thomas John, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Thomas John, shall correct the violation on or before March 6, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice ofviolation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 3 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-159523Z James R. Anderson ~~ 126 N. Normandale Avenue

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Fischer was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, James R. Anderson, was in violation prior to December 6,20 I 0, and shall refrain from repeating the violation thereafter. The Respondent shall pay a fine of $800.00 by .January 5, 2011, for the repeat violation. Futhermore, the Special Magistrate finds this violation constitutes a repeat violation.

SM2011-158483Z Helen Moses & Daniel E. Sanjuan 318 Enka Avenue

Summary: December 6, 20 10 SM Meeting: Inspector Fischer was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents Helen Moses & Daniel E. Sanjuan were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, Helen Moses & Daniel E. Sanjuan, shall correct the violation on or before February 4, 2011. [n order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

~'1201l-157064Z MARIE S HOWLETT TR 607 Conestoga Circle ~ Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Fischer was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, MARIE S HOWLETT TR, & William Murphy, Witness for the Respondent, were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, MARIE S HOWLETT TR, shall correct the violation on or before February 4,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-159263H .Jean Fresmel Laramee 3277 Pub Lane

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Jeanty was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Andrew Rappeport, & the Respondent's Attorney, Andrew Rappeport, were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Jean Fresmel Laramee, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 20 I O. [n order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $300.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6,2010 4 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

~ew Cases: 9:00 a.m.

l2011-159385Z Anne Nortelus & Constance Nortelus 5206 Bonnie Brae Circle

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Jeanty was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Anne Nortelus & Constance Nortelus, were in violation prior to December 6,2010 and shall refrain from repeating the violation thereafter. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$225.00 for each day the violation is repeated after December 21,2010. The fine shall accrue from the date the violation is repeated until the date it is corrected as observed and documented by the Code Enforcement Officer. The Respondents will pay a fine of $400.00 by January 5, 2011, for the repeat violation. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the Code Enforcement Officer bringing this violation to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance with this Order. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds this violation constitutes a repeat violation.

SM2011-159445Z James B. & Aracelis Brown 5405 Lee Ann Drive

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Jeanty was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, James B. & Aracelis Brown, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-15834511 Jean M. Laurenceau 6359 Powers Pointe Circle

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Jeanty was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Jean M. Laurenceau, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $300.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy ofthis Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6,2010 5 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-159686Z Wadson St. Pierre ~ 1919 Leisure Drive

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Marconi was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Wadson S1. Pierre, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Wadson St. Pierre, was in violation prior to December 21,2010, and shall refrain from repeating the violation thereafter. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. The fine shall accrue from the date the violation is repeated until the date it is corrected as observed and documented by the Code Enforcement Officer. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the Code Enforcement Officer bringing this violation to arrange for an inspection of the property to verifY compliance with this Order.

SM2011-159863Z Michael Hazell 6108 Jennings Road

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Marconi was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present. Frank Hazell, Witness for the Respondent, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Michael Hazell, shall correct the violation on or before December 21,2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. .

'-" SM2011-159645H Esau & Badrul Mohamed 6117 N. Hudson Street

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Marconi was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Esau & Badrul Mohamed, shall correct the violation on or before December 21,2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-158783H ShradlIanand Gurdial 6312 Ambassador Drive

Summary: December 6, 20 10 SM Meeting: Inspector Marconi was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present. Usha Bajangi, the Respondent's Sister, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Shradhanand Gurdial, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 6 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-159684Z Owen Tracey .~ 6804 Silver Star Road

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Marconi was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present

Order: The Respondent, Owen Tracey, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shaIl take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$100.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-159527H Pedro J. Sanchez 1330 29th Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Raznoff was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present. Jonathan Gaitan, Witness for the Respondent, was present and sworn in. '

Order: The Respondent, Pedro J. Sanchez, shall correct the violation on or before February 4, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$200.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

, 12011-159510H Susana & Wagner Rodrigues ~ 31 N. Hart Boulevard

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Raznoff was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Wagner Rodrigues, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, Susana & Wagner Rodrigues, shall correct the violation on or before March 6,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified ofsaid condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and ]62.09(1), Florida Statutes.

SM2011-159584H Rosmery A. Castillo 313 Spencer Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Raznoff was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement ofViolation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Rosmery A. Castillo, shall correct the violation on or before January 5,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 7 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-159606H Bruce Wong 3916 Crayrich Circle C-l

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Raznoff was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Bruce Wong, shall correct the violation on or before January 5,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $1 00.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-159603H BRUNSCHWIG OF AMERICA INC 4016 Billingsgate Road

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Raznoffwas sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, BRUNSCHWIG OF AMERICA INC, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

.... "120 11-159525H Herman Salazar & Lorena Bedoya -. 6304 Hillwood Drive Summary:· December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Raznoff was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents, Herman Salazar & Lorena Bedoya, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $1 ,000.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

SM2011-159163H Alehandra Ibarra 2735 Numilla Drive

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Scott was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Alehandra Ibarra, shall correct the violation on or before January 5,2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $1 00.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 8 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

, 12011-160063H Ru ben Mendez ...... 11364 Cardiff Drive

Summary:' December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Spiwak was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Ruben Mendez, shall correct the violation on or before December 21,2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

SM2011-159324H Jeffery Bynes 1614 Lake Lorine Drive

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Stephens was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Jeffery Bynes, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shaH take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

~2011-159384H James M. Tucker 1800 Beecher Street

Summary:, December 6,2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Stephens was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, James M. Tucker, shall correct the violation on or before December 21, 2010. In orderto correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

SM2011-159425H ANDREW M OMASTA JR ESTATE 4828 Judy Ann Court

Summary: December 6, 20 10 SM Meeting: Inspector Stephens was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present. Frank Redr, Law Offices of Marshall Watson, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, ANDREW M OMASTA JR EST A TE, shall correct the violation on or before January 20, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice ofviolation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$250.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6,2010 9 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

New Cases: 9:00 a.m.

12011-160283H Teresa L. Gronski .'-'" 922 24th Street

Summary: December 6, 20 10 SM Meeting: Inspector Ventura was sworn in and testified as set torth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Teresa Gronski, & Alene Baptiste, Tenant, were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Teresa L. Gronski, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-160303Z Teresa L. Gronski 922 24th Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Ventura was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent, Teresa Gronski, & Alene Baptiste, Tenant, were present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondent, Teresa L. Gronski, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

~'12011-159424H Marcellinus G. Pullen 4302 Ravinnia Drive ~ Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Vila was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Marcellinus G. Pullen, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 20 II. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$100.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

SM2011-155304H Robert A. Anderson 8513 Dawn Drive

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: Inspector Vila was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Respondent, Robert A. Anderson, shall correct the violation on or before January 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondent shall take the remedial action as set forth in the notice of violation. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$100.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date. Furthermore, the Special Magistrate finds that the violations present a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare and it is ordered that, by Copy of this Order, Orange County be notified of said condition pursuant to Sections 162.06(4) and 162.09(1), Florida Statutes.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6,2010 10 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

Requests for Reduction of Fine and Other Business:

:2010-151025H GEORGIA BANKING CO ~ 1515 43rd Street

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: The Respondents' Attorney, Jeffrey Shalek, filed a MOTION TO REMOVE FINES, was present and gave testimony. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The existing fine of$30,000.00 is hereby rescinded and the lien released.

SM2011-157165H Herlans Guerrier & Stelus Guerrier 804 Governors Avenue

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: The Respondents' Attorney filed a MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO CORRECT VIOLA nON. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Respondents' request was denied.

SM2010-152623Z Winsome J. & Michael P. Delaney 5838 Hutton Drive

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: The Respondents requested a hearing before the Special Magistrate. The Respondents were not present.

- 'der: The existing fine of $5,400 is hereby rescinded and the lien released. ""-'

Foreclosure Consent Authorization Items:

SM2010-145563H Charles D. Lewis 1628 Newton Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent was not present.

Order: The Special Magistrate authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Charles D. Lewis, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

SM2010-147383H MENDING HEARTS CHARITIES INC 1325 30th Street

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent, Teresa Gronski, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Special Magistrate authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, Teresa Gronski, due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6,2010 11 Code Enforcement/Central Enforcement District:

Foreclosure Consent Authorization Items:

f20t 0-142364Z John W. Black ...... 1509 Grand Street

Summary: December 6,2010 SM Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondent, John W. Black, & John-William Black, Attorney-in-Fact, were present and sworn in.

Order: The Special Magistrate authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, John W. Black, due to the unpaid lien fIled more than three months ago.

S)120] 0-1471248 TYMBER SKAN ON THE LAKE OWNERS ASSOC & SECTION ONE, INC. 4240,44,48,52,56,64,68 & 70 Inglenook Avenue

Summary: December 6, 20 I 0 SM Meeting: The County requested authorization to foreclose or act to collect the fine. The Respondents were not present.

Order: The Special Magistrate authorizes Orange County to foreclose against the Respondent, TYMBER SKAN ON THE LAKE OWNERS ASSOC & SECTION ONE, INC., due to the unpaid lien filed more than three months ago.

Fire RescuelFire Marshal's Office:

New Cases: 1:00 p.m.

~12011-160943FR SONIC DEVELOPMENT LLC 1851 W. Landstreet Road, Unit 1100

Summary: December 6, 2010 SM Meeting: Inspector Bonta was sworn in and testified as set forth in the Statement of Violation. The Respondents were not present. Frank Paul Barber, Receiver for Blossom Park Condominuims, was present and sworn in.

Order: The Respondents, SONIC DEVELOPMENT LLC, shall correct the violation on or before April 5, 2011. In order to correct the violation, the Respondents shall take the remedial action as listed: Fire Alarm system that services Buildings A, B, C and D shall be inspected, maintained and tested in accordance with NFPA 72; Respondent shall have licensed fire alarm system contractor submit plans and specitlcations to the Office of the Fire Marshal to receive a permit to installlrepair the fire alarm system in accordance NFPA 72; All applicable Orange County Permits shall be submitted for and received and early start permits may be requested to begin work; All tinal inspection approvals must be received by the Orange Building and Fire Department. Failure to comply will result in a fine of$500.00 for each day the violation continues past the above stated compliance date.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 12 Case(s) In Compliance before Hearing:

SM2011-155443Z 214 Lucile Way John E. & Samantha C. Benson Fischer SM2011-158903Z 2209 Tupelo Road Barry Alhassane Marconi 12011-159703H 6513 Vernon Street DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST CO TR Marconi ~2011-159607H 1006 24th Street Thao Vo Raznoff SM2011-159646Z 13 Winter Ridge Circle Eric A. & Lynette L. Long Thomas SM2011-159743H 168 Westmoor Bend HSBC BANK USA N A TR Thomas SM2011-158423Z 6233 Lynette Street Li Ching & Han-Hwa Phillip Ching Vila

Administratively Withdrawn:

SM2011-159504H 7674 Gramercy Drive FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Jordan SM2010-147723H 1804 Newton Street Amechand Maharani Marconi

Cases Adjudicated, No Fine:

SM2011-159943Z 5904 Laconia Road Anthony Marshall Marconi


January 10,20II, at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Chamber located at: 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, Florida.


The meeting was adjourned by Special Magistrate Yvette Rodriguez Brown at 1:25 p.m . .~

NOTE: This document may not include all details of the events taking place at this hearing. For full details, Audio Tapes documentation is available.

Special Magistrate Minutes December 6, 2010 13 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION OAAl\ C GOVERl\:\IENT p LOR r D .\ AGENT: 215 ACCOUNTING LINE: 0001-065-3220-3148

DATE: January 14,2010

TO: Orange County Recording/Index Department

FROM: Deborah Jenkins

RE: Recording of documents as listed



Case Name Case Reference No.

L LEWIS LINDA GAYLE SM2011-157763H 2. YING NATALEE & YING LORNA SM2011-158563H 3. LOYD MARC H SM2011-155925H 4. JOHNSON STEVEN SM2011-157623H 5. TARPON IV LLC SM2011-156224H 6. PAUL MARY N & PAUL CHARLES A SM2011-151983H 7. ABREU JOSE SM20lt-157708H 8. ABREU JOSE SM2011-157709H 9. MOHOMED BIB! S/MOHA.\,1ED SHA WHABODEEN SM2011-156343H 10. SUNNY BAY PROPERTIES LC SM2011-156703H II. SANTOS ANGEL S SM2011-158843H 12. INDAR DAVID SM2011-158003H 13. KING KEN & KING DIANE MARIE SM2011-158723H 14. COLLINS THERESA & DANBOISE CHERYL S SM2011-158763H 15. LOOC CINDY SM201\-154663Z 16. BROWN NATHANIEL SM2011-156263H







Meeting Date: November 18, 2010

Time: 10:00 A.M.

Location: PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Traffic Engineering Conference Room - 3rd Floor 4200 South John Young Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32839

Attendees: Kevin Miller, Orange County School Safety Coordinator (Meeting Facilitator) Joan Carter, Florida Department of Transportation Bertis Negron, Orange County Sheriff Office Jay Davoli, City of Apopka Jason Loomis, Orange County Public Schools Jeremy Crowe, City of Orlando John Rogers, City ofOrlando Olga Vazquez, Orange County Public Schools Cathy Evangelo, Orange County, Engineering Division


Motion was made by Jay DavolI and seconded by Joan Carter to approve the minutes.


Kevin Miller reports: • Lockhart Elementary - met with Principal, upgrade crossings at Edgewater/Mott & added school advance northbound on Edgewater. • Wekiva High School - added no U turn signs in response to request from school. • Andover Elementary - added dual indication on Curry Ford Road to improve visibility. • Pine Hills Pedestrian island project is complete. 6 pedestrian islands from Colonial to North Lane. • Valencia College Lane - review of bus issues and sidewalk.

(Continued) Pedestrian Safety Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes November 18, 2010 Page 2


Cathy Evangelo reviews upcoming sidewalk construction projects.


Jay Davoli discussed the requests from OCPS regarding transportation tree trimming; concerning gated communities.


Joan Carter reports availability of funding for school groups to aid in clean air attainment. Review of Maitland and Jody Lazar's efforts in mobilizing the students.


Olga reports two new charter schools applications, Aspire Charter and Olive Branch Carter SchooL • Discussion of renovation of Princeton Elementary School in 2011. • Discussion of motorists not stopping at Robinswood Middle school at Balboa / Vernon.


Bertis Negron reports on vacancies and new hires.


John Rodgers reports request Beach Bv I Lake Baldwin all way stop study - not warranted Glenridge Middle School Upper Park I Baily pedestrian study suggest moving crosswalk to Upper Park / Oak near bike rack location.


Not present to report.


Winnie Gerken moved to North Carolina.


Dr. Moody not present to report.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:30 A.M. Next Meeting Scheduled for: December J6,2010 at 10:00 A.M. (Please join us for the GOV Chili Cook Otf$5.00) I'LORlllA


Meeting Date: December 16,2010

Time: 10:00 A.M.

Location: PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Traffic Engineering Conference Room - 3rd Floor 4200 South John Young Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32839

Attendees: Kevin Miller, Orange County School Safety Coordinator (Meeting Facilitator) Joan Carter, Florida Department of Transportation Bertis Negron, Orange County Sheriff Office Kim Brewster, Orlando Police Department Sherry Pettis, Orange County Public Schools Olga Vazquez, Orange County Public Schools Mike Barnett, Orange County Public Schools Jeremy Crowe, City ofOrlando Tamara Groeneveldt, Department of Health Dr. Toni Moody, Safe Routes to School Tyrone Smith, Orange County Public Schools Planning & Government Relations Jason Loomis, Orange County Public Schools


Motion was made by Kim Brewster and seconded by Bertis Negron to approve the minutes.


Kevin Miller reports: • Tildenville Elementary - Brick/Plant add school crossing and advance sign. City of Winter Garden took over a portion of BrinklPlant. • Azalea Park Elementary - Right tum only on Curtis Street at parent exit and pm rd observation will be in effect on January 3 • • Crown Hill Blvd - Add 25 mph & No Parking • Robinswood Middle review all crossings • Maury Road - 2nd sector side walk meeting to be held. Resurfacing may be pushed back due to splitting side walk project. .-IIi: ~.. " ..."n'.I'E"J.::...... --~W" ".... (Continued) ." Pedestrian Safety Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes December 16,2010 Page 2

Disc~r;sion: Complete streets initiative: Kason Bailey Child Pedestrian Safety Bill


Cathy Evangelo not present to report.


Jay Davoli not present to report.


Joan Carter reports that she is taking orders for bike racks according to the needs. Schools will have to cover installation cost.

Discussion: Railroad Crossing Changes


Tyrone Smith reports that there are crossing issues at the Colonial 9th Grade Center/Dollar General north of Valencia College Lane and sidewalks are needed south of Chickasaw Trail.

Mike Barnett posed a question on the Belle Isle Crossing.

Jason Loomis reports that a speed study was completed on Woods Road for Pine Lock Elementary (Referred Safe Routes to School). Student crossing signage has been requested.


Bertis Negron reports that there are 10 vacancies. Crossing Guard Appreciation Day is February 4th. We have 3 new schools expected to open for the 2011 school year. We will be relocating the crossing guards from Tyson to the new middle school on Narcoossee Road.

Discussion: Working together to bridge the gap


Jeremy Crowe reports that a study was completed at Bennett and Bobolink and came back as being warranted. Another study was done at Nap Forde Elementary at Livingston and Parramore but came back as not being warranted. We are also reviewing the crossing at Glenridge Middle Upper Park and Oak at Bailey.

Vineland Road Millenia signal being instaIled now. We will be installing a new mast arm signal at Edgewater High and Par. We are awaiting completion of phase 2 and traffic signal south of Par. Pedestrian Safety Committee Meeting ~ Meeting Minutes December 16,2010 Page 3


Kim Brewster reports that there is 1 vacancy. There where 12 arrests for DUI and theft at Colonial and Mercy.


Dr. Moody reports that programs at Nap Ford Community (NFC) and Audubon Park Elementary (APE) are ongoing with walk/bike on 1st Wednesday's. NFC hosted a Park & Walk Activity with the Safety Patrols and a wellness teacher leading the effort.

APE hosted a walking school bus activity from Bennett to Love. I met with APE I Department of Health (DOH) to work on a video project. Participated in the SRTS statewide network teleconference on 12114110, recommended to DOH that SRTS policy be included in walking policy. The current draft only addresses the Walking School Bus.

I am requesting a crossing guard warrant study at both of the schools and for PSC to assist with SRTS policy for wellness policy.


Tamara Groeneveldt shared with us her job role and will forward over the DOH Walkability Checklist.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:35 A.M. Next Meeting Scheduled for: January 20, 2011