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2-28-1947 The aC rroll News- Vol. 27, No. 9 John Carroll University

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Vol. XXVII John Carroll University, Friday, February 28, 1947 No.9 • Feighan Selects Sonny Dunha111 Frosh Spring Hot El ect10n To Make. Music for Promenade Cunneen Pens Pact Pfeiffer in as Prexy; For 14-Piece Combo Prom King Edward Feigban Snares Post by Vote has chosen Sonny Dunham's By Ken Whalen band to play for the 23rd an­ Tuesday of this week climaxed a week and a half of the nual Carroll University Prom, most hotlv debated and spiritad elections in the history of April 9, at the Allerton Hotel. John Carroll. Nominations and renominations were held, Edward Cunneen, Jr., pub­ charges and countercharges were hurled, discussions and licity director of the Prom, arguments were floated about the corridors. It ended Tues­ day with the election of Ralph signed the contract February Pfeiffer as pt·c~ident, John Lynch 20 as representative of the Prom as vice president, Bill McKeon as Facilities .Ex pand Committee. Dunham's signature secretary, and Ray Helvey as treasul·er. A s Vets Increase Nominations were held on Mon­ Dunham Comes Thru day, February 17, under the super­ University Roster vision of the sophomore class offi­ After pouring Qver some of the Sonny Dunham will def­ cet·s and were limit.ed to four can­ voluminous material printed in daily initely be the band for the didates for each office. On Wednes­ gazettes on the progress of Lhe Senior Prom, J\pril 19. Con­ day a petition was presented to Fr. veteran in college and the over-all Francis B. Murphy, S. J., Dean of pt·ogt ess of those colleges whose firmation of this engagement Men, consisting of 247 names, re­ l'oswrs contain a majo1·ity of vet­ was received last Tuesday via questing him to reopen nominations .:ra:'ls, it :o;eem$ an appropriate time \Vestern Union from the east !or the purpose of establishing an to do a little scratching into the coast. unlimited number of candidates.for <\Ubject of the veteran at John the four officers. This petition was Carroll. Although no comprehen­ approved and another nomination sive survey has been made of vet­ on the contract is necessary before held. erans• grades as compared to non­ the document becomes binding. At veterans', there is still a multitude the time the CaiToll News went Parties A bound of facts illustrating the effect of ON THE DOTTED LINE goes Prom wholesale apP,roval is Pat O'Neil, one of three Inew publicity additions to the Prom commit­ to press confirmation was still Three major parties emerged the veteran on Carroll. King Edward Feighan•s name in the picture at new Prom committeemen. tee, warm up a wire in return for a choice awaited. from the two nominations: the Big In their massed desire fQr an In th~ picture at the left, Joe Coakley jspot in one of the local dailies' banner head­ the right as he officially sanctions the tune­ Feighan chose Dunham for the Four, the Ca.rroll Veterans' party, education the veterans have swollen smithing of Sonny Dunham and ork. Beaming (holding phone receiver) and Paul Fritehie. lines. and the Representative party. In­ lhe normal enrollment of the uni­ Prom after considering him as well dependent candidates also gained versity. The faculty staff and as Johnnie Long, Tommy Tucker, nominee t·ecognition. facilities for teaching have grown CarroJJ Union Digest Ziggy Elman, ·and Tony Pastor. with this impetus t.owal'd learning. Dunham was the most readily ob­ The Big FoUl·, it wa!' generally No Holds Barred A s Stunters Featured on the 2nd page of tainable and was enthusiastically aJ!}'eed, had choice publicity. Their Growth Encouraging this issue is a new column-the approved by the Committee; conse­ ~·mi:e-provoking posters, such as l\1.-. E~tgene R. Mittinger, '.Cegis­ Carroll Union Digest. lt repre­ quently, Feighan made his deci­ ""Beet· in all Doc Fabien's classes trar, statelween classes if you vote "Big :mly as fast as pre-war standards There will be no highly polished Dunham Now On Tour satire ridiculing the faculty and in a style strictly hammy and formances. (Ah, these unpreten­ Union, as your representative Four." were found on every bulle­ will permit. "We wish to avoid any tious vets.) Dunham will play from 9 p. m. tin board and wall throughout the tradition of this noble institution loud. Probably no talent scout will body, demands that you-its con­ tendency toward "mallS production be foolish enough to come to tbe Frosh Well Stocked until 1 a. m. At present the popu­ !;Chool. in education," said Mr. Mittinger. stituents--be made informed of lar bandleader and his orchestra auditorium on this night of nights, The freshman class, so far, has The Carroll Vetel'Bns' party had Carroll has already expanded to but the energy and per.>piration its activities. Through the medi­ are on a southern tour. Before a l'leverly worded ditty on the sec­ the edgt- on the other classes. Bob um of this synopsis, you will meet the influ.x of returning service put into each act will be present in Kilfoyle, in charge o! their pro- taking his 14 men and two vocalists ond floo•· bulletin board which ran: posses..<; a ringside seat. at all men. The faculty has been en­ ;>t least as great a dezree as can 1\'l'llm, pt·omises some ten skits with on the road, he played at such Be wiM and veterani:re. larged and plans for new courses, lw found on Broadway ot· in Holly­ fo\U· or five men speeding through Union meetings. spots as the Meadowbrook in New Jersey and the Hotel New Yorker. What Duz doesn't do some still in tbe nebuloqs stage, wnod. each. The action must be fast and Publication of the eolumn will 1'hf' Veterans 1,•i/l do. are being planned. One pt•oposal Volunteel' actors have worked furious for only 30 minutes are continue through all ensuing is- Feighan also made known this creates a new department of physi­ with zeal ordhlarily not. e:ston bers of the Prom Committee. Bill Unique Platforms Offered next September. A minor credit of the Stunt Night trophy, to be Dempsey and Robert Kilfoyle have awarded f or the best nocturnal non­ 1 1 The Representative party concen­ may be gained through this depart­ Desert Song Artist Introduces been getting samples of favors; ment. sense. llowever, c01nmittees for Jim Tafelski and Jack Siefert; pro­ trated on posters which slre$sed all four of the classes have been ex­ fair representation in the Union. Peak Enrollment Xext Fall grams; Lenny Schneeberger and on Stunt Night, March 7, but large presshlg anxiety because too few New Work at Mar. 16 Concert Joe Walker work with the hotel The Bi~r Four platform promised, At present the number of stu­ stocks of good-natured ribbing will class members have offered their and will determine the order of dents is ~;teadily growing and will among other things, a free day on be featu•·ed in this resu1Tection of services for Stunt Night. Each Cleveland's theater and music audiences have for the affairs; Dick Schoen and John Kil­ St. Patrick's Day, food at cheaper probably reach a peak next Sep­ a prewar t raditional activity. You class committee has plenty of ideas past week been raving over performances of the "Desert bane, finance; Mike Sweeney, dress prices in the cafeteria, and a t·ep­ tember. From then on, however, Song," sponsored by the Cleveland Civic Light Opera Guild. suit rental; and Ed Cunneen, pub­ re!;entative in the St. Patrick's Day there will be a slow decline which This fact has been of more than general h1terest to the stu­ licity. l)!U'adc. The Carroll Veterans' will continue for the next four Ot' party promised a cooperative study five years. Since John Carroll is Debaters to Sound Gavel dents of John Carroll for the reason that the star of the Three new additions have been pian, a cooperative driving pro­ continually growing both in staff Sigmund Romberg musical ex- ,.....------,..----= made to the committee: Pat O'Neil, gram, and closer cooperation be­ and in courses offered this down­ For Law Meeting March 5 tTavaganza is none other than Miss Joe Coakley. and Paul F ritchie. Marcella Kane, who bas been an­ They will assist Cunneen in pub­ tween students and class officers. ward trend is not likely to affect At 4:00 p. m. on the afternoon of 'Wednesday, March 5, the gavel The Representative party favored t he actual enrollment. "In fact," nounced as the featured artist of licity. will resound through John Carroll University's auditorium calling into Lhe Glee Club's concert at Sever­ a fair rcprescnLAtion for all stu­ stated Mr. Mittinger, "the enroll­ Bids are definitely priced at preliminary session the delegation of Carrollers who will represent the ance Hall on )larch 16. dent.ct in the Union. iudependent ment is not likely to drop below school at the Ohio State Legislative Assembly. At this meeting the $6.00. randidates posted their platform the 1000 mark for the day school" 1\fiss Kane, whose parental name delegates will present for public hearing the bills to be" p1·oposed t_<> is Schneidet·, is recognized as one policies at different spots through­ Present enrollment for the day the general assembly of student expressed by members of U1e aud•• out the school. school is 1372. of the finest lyric sopranos in the legislators to meet in Columbus on encc who have been invited from district. She is by no means un­ Personality Course Candidates for president were 1t; is obvious that the veteran in March 14 and 16. Ursuline and Notre Dame Colleges known in local musical circles for col'ege has done a great deal to Legislative action is sought on and from interested members of Robert Kilfoyle, from the Big her voice has lent its richness to Makes JCU Debut Four; Tom Raleigh, representing create an interest and desire in lhe two questions, both of which are the Carroll student body. the outdoor performances staged part of others fol' a college edu­ the C. V. P.; Robert Pfeiffer. :hom at present issues of national in- Although the project is under ut the famed Cain Park Theater Here at John Canol! University Lhc Representative party; and Rob­ cation. Tn this manne1· the vet­ terest. The first is: "What Fed- the auspices of the Unive1·sit.y's for the first titne, a coul'Se in al)­ eran has done much to guarantee during the past tln·ee seasons. Pat­ ert Bradner. Paul Dougherty, and era! legislation should be enacted speech department directed by ron:< of the Theater will 1·emember pli.ed psychology is being offered by Charles Marks who were all inde­ lhe college a more important posi­ with regard to Labor? •• the second: Mr. Vincent S. Klein, other de­ the Religion Depru·tment. Fr. James tion in the years to come. her as ''Mabel" in the "Pirates of pendent candidates. " What Federal legislation should departn1ents are coope1·ating to Penzance," as the "Countess Mar­ L. :McQuade, S. J., head of the be enacted with regal:'d to Public make the venture a succc,.,$. Fr. itza'' in the operetta of the same Religion Department, feels that Health?" Tetence T. Ahearn, S.J., head of name, and as "Marianne" in the of­ ''Catholic Personality and Charac­ The purpose of this local gath- the biology department, act.~ as fering "Of the ''New l\loon." Her Marcella Kane ter," as he has named his new Alternate Bus Plan 0. K. Gives ering is twofotd. For the delegates advisor to the bill on public heal ~h, course conception, will fill a long­ actin~ ability was more clearly chosen to introduce a new compo­ it will be a preparatory exet·cise and 1\ir. John Gersting, econom1cs demonstrated in the predominantly standing need at Carroll. Appar­ Carroll Stop at Private Drive in the parliamentary procedure professor, performs in the same sition styled "Barter." It is the ently many students agree with which will be followed at the Ohio capacity on the labol' question. dramatic t·ole of "Mary Ttn·ner" in work of the local composer, Mr. the popular comedy, "Of Thee I Louis Stevens, who is an accom­ Father McQuade for over 200 of Rerouting of the Kerwick-Carroll express bus line to include a State assembly. AL the same time Dr. E. J. Egg! of the history them have registered for the course the bills will be tested by public department is making general ar­ Sing." panist to t·adio singer Donald stop at Miramar and John Carroll University's private drive went into Songstress Aclive in City this semester, necessitating the effect. this week on l\londay, February 24. This route was proposed sentiment in opinions tl1at will be rangcments for the local session. Dixon. .Mr. Stevens will be on creation of tlu·ee sections. by the C.T.S. as an alternate to the complete plan advocated by John During the winter season she has h,anc1 for the premier performance. been heard with the Cleveland Mu­ Having given a course in grace Canon University, University Heights City Council, Fairmont Merchant Concert Features "Firsts" nicipal Opera Co. and the Civic a few years ago, Fathet· McQuade Committee, and others involved. d\\ration making it from 6:10 a. m. Stop Worrying ~ Vets; Light Opera Guild, groups lhat Thus Lhe concert will be unique feels that the practical application Due to lack of equipment the C.'l'.S. till 11:55 a. m. The inbound route have given the city such produc­ in that it will feature two "firsts" of grace liie has been necessarily could not fulfill this whole plan by way of Miramar, etc., is from $500 Stands t he Gaff tions as "The Vagabond King." in its recital. The "Testament of slighted in the presence..of the need and, therefore, offered the alter- 12:00 noon to 1:55 p. m. "Katinka," and the cun·ent Public Freedom," by Randall Thompson, for so much dogma. There is need nate. Qn February 10 the University You veterans in the Pre-med­ The book.c;tore, which distrib­ :\lusic Hall , "The Desert Song." wiJl have its initial presentation of a study of cooperation w.ith Since the new r o u t e passes Heights Council approved the use ical School-you're safe by $1'7. uted over 7,000 books last semes­ On frequent occasions she has to the public west of New York. grace plus enough applied psy­ through Miramar and Glendon Rds. o! the streets involved in the new That's how much you'll have left ter. sells approximat~ly $22 worth taken to the airwaves via WHK Tickets for the outstanding event chology to make such cooperation it is impel'BtiVe that these streets route. Tt was passed by a vote of ft•om the Government's $500 after of books per semester to each and \YGAR. Miss Kane's talent hn ve gone on sale this past week intelligent. are kept. free of parked cars. The 4-2. The Council voted on the the regular school year is fin­ student. .. Supplies, other than and are available from Glee Club first gained notice when she took It is in view of this fact that continuing of this new service has approval as follows: ished. The rest of the vets are books average $2. part in local amateur etrorts staged members. Prices are set at $2.40, been made dependent upon the For: Robert Davis, Elmer Franz, in an even rosier financial posi­ Summing up all these costs and $1.80 and the student rate o! $1.20. Father McQuade has entered Re­ by the dramatic group at St. Anne's ligion 137 on the schedule fot· the stlict observation of the "No-Pa'.Ck- Vincent Haley, and Kenneth Wilson. tion. multiplying by two semesters, we parish. ing Signs" on these roads. Against: George Goodman, In answer to those veterans find that the pre-medics pay regular sessions this year. It is Tn her repertory of songs :!or the L.T.S. To Stage hoped that course will help students Route Satisfies All Brooks MacKracken. who feel uneasy about the recent (Continued on Page I) Glee Club program, Miss Kane bas . b Absent: Arthur Todd. raise in t u i t i on s (and who to understand themselves and un­ The augmented routes wtll e as doesn't), the Carroll News has War-time Farce derstand others by a study of such follows: School Committee£ Active_ compiled some pertinent statis­ ''Over Twenty-One," the success­ thing:; as the use of the sense life, From 6:10 in the morning till Members o! the two school com­ tics. (;alendar of Events ful three-act comedy written by direction and control of imagina­ 12:00 noon, the C.T.S. will route mittees who worked 011 the trans­ ('onsidering all possible costs Ruth Gorden and staged in 1944 at lion, observation and concentra­ the busses on the out-bound portation problem are: the veteran will find that his the ~lusic Box Theater in New tion in intellectual life, and the !rom Meado\vbrook to Milford, to F a c u 1 t y committee: Chairman $500 is more than sufficient to York City, will be presented by the management, acquisition, and eli­ Miramar, to Glendon, to Meadow­ March 7 __ .. ... _ Stunt Night in Gym mination o! habits. All this is to Frank J. Weise, Dr. Edward C. cover the expenses of tuition, Glee LitUe Theater Society of John Car­ brook. The~· will return by way of Reilly, :Mr. Frank D. Burke and Mr. laboratory fees, books, and sup­ March 16 - Club Concert at Severance Hall roll. It was announced by :Mr. be finished and colored by a truly Meadowbrook directly. E. F. Franz. plies. April 3, 4, 5 Retreat for All Students in Gym Vincent Klein, director of the stu­ Christian Life Ideal to be sought From 12:00 noon to 5:46 p. m. S t u d e n t committee: Chairman For a normal cunicular load April 8 Classes Resume dent dramatic club, as the group's far and attained through and intel­ the busses will be routed on the out~ John Kilbane, Leonard Schneeberg­ consisting of five major courses April 9 Senior Prom at Allerton Hotel first production. ligent use of actual grace. bound run straight out Meadow­ er, Joseph Walker, and John Quin­ and the t·equired courses in re­ April 11 Mi:xer Dance in Gym A cast of 11 will be chosen by Mr. Father McQuade first conceived brook, but will return by. way of lan. ligion, sociology, and speech, Sodality Dance in Gym Klein from the present. 36 members the idea for such a course three Glendon, Miramar, and Milford to April 19 Many students and faculty mem­ Carrol has set the new tuition at ~fixer in Gym of the Little Theater Society. The years ago in the Labor School, at Meadowbrook. May 9 Dance bers have expressed the hope $187.50 per semester. Taking May 15 Feast of the Ascension, No Cfasses problem of fill!ng five female pa1·ts which time Fr. Hugh McCue, S. J., Saturday Schedule Differs that the committees will continue lhe medical student as an ex­ May 18 JCU Band Concert in Gym will be solved by including girls Dean of Men, asked him to give a A s 1 i g h LJ y different Saturday in their present :!unction in ordet· ample, we add to the above figure _Memorial Day, No Classes now attending night classe~ or stu­ course in personality and character. $12.50 for laboratory and labor­ May30 dents of Notre Dume and Ursuline It was then that Father McQuade schedule bas been arranged in con- to render the assistance necessary June 18 Commencement sideration of the fact that cla~ses co add more ter.ritol"Y. to the present atory breakage and $5 for micro­ Colleges. Information on the cast saw the need !or such a course in are conducted only in the mornmg. bus route, thus mclud1ng those pros­ scope renlal. F or good measure ALUilNI CALENDAR and others items regarding the the Religion Department and re­ The out-bound route on this day pective bus patrons for whom the we shall add $12.60 !or an extra Every Tue:;day Luncheon in Coffee Room, play will be announced at a later wrote his notes, which are now bas five minutes chopped oft' its original plan was also tailored. credit hour. - - - -r-----.. -- .. _ Hotel Hollenden date. used as the new subject's text. Page 2 THE CARROLL NEWS Friday, February 28, 1947 BY A N D FOR THE STUDENTS By Schillinq House Shortage Puts Bite Laff Pattez:ns and Hand Plaudits for Transport Solution On Blithely-lgnorants Rece1ttl11 a local newspaper OUR to two did it. Four yes's and two looking citizens will stimulate our reac­ socictu tdit()r ha• been writing F no's and John Carroll got its curb tions accordingly. a series of articl•• on 1vhat some service bus service. It wasn't all as simple Again, we thank Mr. Hyde, General !\Ian­ people are doing about the hoUB­ Carroll as it might appear though. More than one ager of the C.T.S., and :Mr. :\Iainwaring, ing sh()rtage. We preaent here­ responsible participant spent a heated head of the C.T.S. scheduling board, with­ with our impre88wn of these Union evening discussing the pro's and con's of out whose all-important assistance the cuticles. '(Any similaritu to the the recent touchy transit problem. transportation problem would have re­ Cleveland Neu·s i• purel11 inten­ tional.) Digest Singling out one man for individual mained unsolved. Although confronted with their company's own transportation By Solly Larsons praise would be contrary to the actual fact difficulties, the C.T.S. officials improvised a of the matter. The rerouting wa.s accom­ Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. M. S. BJECTIVE of this columt~ ia present route which, if not as thorough in plished through the cooperative efforts of Blithely-lgnon\nt III have been Oto p1·esent to the students of both groups and individuals. The Univer­ extent as had been hoped, still satisfies the forced, due to the housing short. J. C. U. a digest of what takes sity, the city council of University Heights, needs of the 2000-man Carroll student age, to move to the unheated place at Carroll Union Meetings. body. kennel~ on the esta!Al of t.heir the Cleveland 'Pransit System-all merit By this u•e hope to be able to Finally, the faculty committee, headed great-uncle, Mr. George S. place ~:redit whc1·e it is dul' cmd special recognition for their part in cor­ (Slugs) Pennyworth. Mr. Pen­ by Mr. Weiss, and the student committee, thWJ inform students of the IIC· recting an unfavorable transportation con­ nyworth is a direct de~cendant ti(m/J of their representatives. 11'1' dition that has plagued Can-oll students, headed by John Kilbane, as well as Mr. 1\.lit­ of Pew!Alr P. Pennyworth, who tinger, who represented John Carroll at the are hopeful, al8o, that this will faculty, and employees for many years. served for six weeks as a platoon stimulate nwre it1terest in f!C'honl City Council meeting of February 10--our sergeant in the Union Army dur­ We congratulate first our president, activities a.s well as othl"r matter;~ day of delivery-are to be commended for ing the Civil War and once saw whick might concern the students. Father Welfle. Without his persistence the their constant activity in promoting ex­ Abraham Lincoln walking by. bu:s issue would have bogged down of At the Union meeting on FAflmtnt. Percy when he is tt·ying to M) wurr;utlon "•ould be for eoeh FebJ·uary 12 meeting that a com­ t:nKii8h proft&llor to turn in a llet of the study. As soon as the dogs move mittee of Union members confer Letters men In hit! cla.. who. he feels. would be out we should be very comfor­ 1"'•1 auilcd for a 'tall' po1ltlon. Then with the Dean regarding the can­ Hollywood 'Genius' Speaks ld the ataiT bo hroadminded a.nd modeot table." cellation of afternoon classes on rnc.urh 10 look into th~ men and Percy is attending the Ohio St. Patl·ick's day. The union to the a,t~ n>Pt to "eeore their unice.. NEW high-or perhaps it should be turn out decent pictures, it says here. This P. ll. College of Conglomeration, where members agreed that this was an called n new low-recently emanated is foolhardy as is demonstrated by the very 1-.:cl. Note: We can alwaya uae new he is majoring in Abnormal Situ­ excellent idea and the chair np. A •tall' memben with ability and inoplra· ations and Advanced Canoe Pad­ from IIollywoocl, the nation's unrivalled existence and need of such boards, The Editor tlon: upt~lally spotta reportu.. Tho•• pointed a committee headed by lnter ..hd al!ould come to tbe Carroll dling. Upon graduation he hopes · headquarters of loose morality. It charac­ Legion of Decency, and the like. No-. room. They will be ch·en a Mr. Kilbane to confer with the chance to "'abow their stuII'.·· to continue the late R o b e r t faculty and plan participation of terizes the nltitude of filmland's ever in­ It is hard to conceive of this haven for Sir. • 0 • • Benchley's research on "T h e •·catur•· w<~tcr Dick McKinlf'Y reeom. O.:ar Editor. the ~hool in the parade. The creasing audacity. Uttered by an "un­ Communists and fellow travelers, sexual m"'>dC'd the muvi~ "Blue Skiea" in the The Carrvll N~wa h. in my opinion. Effects of Lace on Minor 18th eomm.tttee members are John Kil· named official," his statement was a "de­ perverts, and unscrupulous business ty­ Februar~ 14 u.. ul' or the Carroll News. a PAP"r wortby of the coll~e wboee Century Poetry." The L.-l(i<>n of Oect-ncy hu rlauified thl1 nt'w,. it bi·montbly presents. Its edl· bane. Jim Slattery, Dick McKin­ fense" against the protests of three prom­ coons adequately censoring themselves. movie a< OBJECTJONi\BI.r: IN PART toriat.. Joice~~, and loeal news Items are Percy entered the Army as ley, John Gaffney, and Joe Zin- ("ccePL• divor~ and Is aun•tive). int~rteting and up-10-"P<'r. probably would b<> directed toward the was discharged m November John Gaffney on February 20 Thomns C. C11llarh~r opon" !>&ire. Althoutth the ne- Is eon· after having risen to the rank The three religious leaders, Catholic Rt. Certainly Hollywood can and has greatly 0 0 0 0 CliP. it hu lat~ly appeAred to take on motioned that a special section_bc Dtar Sir. a cynical note. That is. it hAs seeminaly of Lieutenant- General. H e written into the Union constitu­ Rev. Fulton .J. Sheen. Jewish Rabbi Sidney influenced many persons' lives, and is a This ;,. not meant u a crllf rath~r h<'ld up by the writere who tell aa a bocly. However. It Is what I ("I 4-'f ita Cortunea -or misfortunes. Ev~n 593rd Oak Leaf Repair Batal­ The executive council has deemed son Fosdick, denounced Hollywood's stam­ bad. Motion pictures have influenced many to be a hdpful au~rn•tlon. in "innina they have beooo writt.>n about ion (non-flying). While Percy A univtt~~it.Y publication t. an lncll· &a no better than n dia-oyyanized Intra. this move necessary since the pede to the divorce courts. In the March our present social disturbances. Unrest, cation or the lnt.eilutual atlalnmon ta mural team. 18 that a fair intrepreta· stead!astedly refuses to talk of recent difficulty with the Fresh­ and capabilltiu of Ita atudenta. Thert'­ tlon or the boYII that are second to his waL· experiences, it is rumored issue of Motion Picture Magazine these discontent, loose morals, juvenile delin­ !ore. It I~ most d.,.lrable to ha•e a paper Daldwln· Watl~ce in the Greeter Cleve­ man class elections. The chair Church heads pointed out the resultant ef­ quency often stem from "I saw it at the which i• tndicative of the tJChool 'w beat land cliatrict? that he may receive a medal soon. appoin!Ald John Gaffney, Robert elforta. A outrr:eation. rather- than a erllleism. His family is justly proud of him fect. on public mornlity in general. Msgr. movies." This when we have regulation. t:p to now tht atAIT has been maclAs mhrht lx- cllrectecl to the editor. That Kilfoyle, Richard Casey, John up or thOle who have volunttorod their sur~e~•tlon is In ~uenee to the "'Ker­ for the important work he did Kilbane, Joseph W a 1 k e r, and Sheen also emphasized the responsibility, This "Capitol of Paganism," with its "e rvi~s. These peoplt have done t he wiek and Carroll li:xpr""" Sua.. problem. and for having achieved this which rests upon all persons of prominence, false gods of money, sex, and fame, needs very beet they are cnpablt of dolnr;. In In talklniC with a represcmtative of tho James Tafelski to a committee mocle•ty ueh membtr muwt ad mit ther• C. T $ .. I lcam.d that only tbrouah the high rank in such a short pedod. which will attempt to remedy this to lead an acceptable moral life. greater control from the outside than the ia much latent ability about the camp,.. ciTort& ot the ttudcmt body might the bua which If put to use would exeH'd In rontlnul' on to a. more IOr!cal debarklnr (Continued on Page 4) situation. 'rhe industry official, who probably be­ present inadequate censorship. Producers quality their "'Ork. POint. Tbre(> articles were wt-itt~ aome ll 18 thl• latent ahlllty that •hould tim•· aa•l about lhe rroblem. but. It s«ms cause of his no.tive shyness and humility who do noi measure up to standards should bt put Into produelivt tft'ort. Many • • thOUICh a more pr.,.sing demand eould -which is not to be confused with a power­ be boycotted. Their influence, especiaH~ urft\-er,, n ~lt .i a+t •-:~troot o1' J"-' · ).!!- "• •rl~1. llnd'~8totia.t: ~o~ !:,(' -"lt-.. c-- ism to "'ltlch the auc~ or the unl•er· 1o~ricnl ttftrtinr POint. ful aversion to bad personal publicity, pre­ for the nation's children, must be put and • .Oty paper I• entn~>rlecl. Wt don't havt R. Patch •uch a ••t up her<' at Carroll; thordore. Ed. Note: 5(.., PaRe one and Jl('rtlnenl "A lot of our big stars and directors and kept on a high plane. the m01t t lfleitnl method l1f utractlon l'811('. others, you have to admit, are touched by geniu:-;. When you've got geniuses on your Lent Laws Renewed hands, anything can happen. You can't COMES A DAWN force, nor expect, them to follow normal URING the recent conflict Lenten Jaws lives.'' D were somewhat relaxed in order not This then, "Genius at work," is the ex­ to place undue burdens upon a people at Here's Hot Water Dept. <'use for the action::;, attitudes and verbal war. The current season of Lent presents outbursts of the inhabitants of the film a renewal of authorized penitential e-xer­ For the Great Unwashed OLLOWING on the heels of the censorship squawks of colony. In Hollywood, screwball land, the cises which many of us have not yet exper­ F last week by various Catholic and Protestant groups, happy hunting ground of cheats, neurotics, ienced. By Bohn comes a blast aimed at H'wood's, "promiscuous sen­ confidence men, sexual perverts, and relig­ The general rule to be kept in mind ·re­ suality and positive glorification of adultery," by Rt. Rev. ious fanatics. are characters normal people garding fasting and abstinence is that noth­ MMANUEL GONDECK. former army intelligentleman Fulton J. Sheen, Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, and Dr. Sid­ cnn only know through the pages of novels ing should be practiced which would ser­ E -he can smell a salute three miles away-is turning ney E. Goldstein. written by goof ball addicts. Genius in­ iously impair the ability to carry out the somersaults these days over a new polish he's discovered This jarring article that rocked the film capitol appears in the deed! duties of our state in life. As students. on the shine market. Seems the oak leaf now not only glit­ ~1nrch issue of Movie Magazine. READ lT! ters-it reflects .. . Fauceted at the recent frosh footquake Until the pie's bi~:s could &'et to~:ether to form an answer, there A strange sort of genius must be re­ therefore, we al'e not obliged to fast or ab­ was a lull, just enough of a one to attract the attention of the quired to turn out some of the film "epics" stain to such a degree that our studies was Pat Pizzuli, who came up with a set of washbowl fix­ tures-hot and cold-for a doorprize. Anybody know of a rest of the country. The situation was awkward. The longer the which for sheer absurdity and downright would suffer. Thus the practice of official lull, th~ more eyes were focused upon H'wood. Finally in despera­ irrationality could be credited only to a Lenten precepts will vary among different third-hand washbowl sans fixtures with a Duz-able ring, tion they must have called upon the script department, whose last high grade moron. Are the many headline individuals, who, being bound nonetheless No lily-whiters need apply, please ... Also noticed at the ftin~ were task was to whip up a patte1· for a Laurel and Hardy Short. Switchboard Sweeney and an admirer. They were caught emerging In an unsigned statement the "boys" issued this as an answer; stars involved in recent court actions gen­ by the spirit of the law, are obliged to un­ from a sea of darkness just this side of the chemistry building. iuses, or touched by genius? Or are they dertake other forms of self-mortification. "A lot of our stars, directors~ and others you have to admit are Science marches on ... Seen openinar the door at the El Swapo­ touched by genius." Genius refers to one of "extraordinary mental uninhibited social morons, their actions The spirit of sacrifice accented during Richard. motivated by mere self-gratification? the Lenten period in many instances has superiority." Soapboxers and Cauliflower Tears HAW! HAWI IIAW! If moral merry-go-rounding is a mark come to be identified too closely with the Continuing the Grave Digging of genius we can be thankful the rest of u.s idea of "giving up" something as distinct Lord Henry Brmmthwhip of "Our Gal Sunday" has &'One on A short time ago, from every Catholic pulpit in Milwaukee, was are just n trit\e feeble-minded. !<~or unmit­ from the more positive practice of doing record as saying that Sunday should be held over. Commenting voiced a request asking Catholics to refrain from attending the igated effrontery, egotistic insolence, and something additional. The former associa­ editorially, Igloo Spitz (part terrier) barked, "Held over an eight­ Towne theater while the house was showing The Outlaw. It went unspl•akable insult this alleged "defense" tion is excellent for familiarizing children toothed saw to within an inch of Monday." Well spat, Spitz. An even further and requested the churchman to refrain from patronizing with the realities and significance of sacri­ iceberg to you, lad ... Lis!Aln for "Portia Faces Life'' when Porlia the movie house in the future,-OUCB! of unorthodox moral life deserves an goes on a diet of cracker crumbs in her relentless search for the "Oscar" cast in the image of another fa­ fice, but for adults the acquisition of new U this censure inftuenees the rest of the country, it is a sure bet killer of McCushion Dagbad, the Scot(:h bagpipe stem cleaner. that only the bravest of movie houses over the country will chance mous genius, a fellow by the name of or renewed spiritual practices which will Portia has one dramatic line which wiU have her screeching, "Stop continue after Easter is more desirable. the gamble of a two or three week run of The Outlaw against their Satan. it, MeCushion, or your name will be Plaid." yearly take, to say nothing of the adverse publicity that would Another \'O ice in Hollywood is clamor­ Whatever we begin or stop doing during Noses in the News accompany such a stunt. ing for recognition. Give the filmland pro­ Lent, a proper state of mind is the decisive The Cal's Whisker ducer~ self-regulation and self-censorship. factor by which these exercises are mer­ Bob Kilfoyle, it is purported, installed two twin-50's behind the Spinning the dial next season you are apt to miss some of your Remo,·e these boards of censors and we'll ited. Thus anything not done for the love frosh ballot box last Tuesday in an effort to squelch predicted elec­ favori!Al canaries. D. Shore, (}. Simms, K. Smith, are all do for a of God is better left undone. tion riots. In politics this practice is known as n1achine gunning the probable change or bow-out. For instance, the Ford People who opposition. As a matter of fact, this is known in all gawks at life donate 15 G's for Shore's Wednesday nite CBS effort think the as machine gunning the opposition ... Not so subtle is Joe Walker shellout should do n1ore than a 9 or 10 Hooper Rat.e. who will swap one copy of Christian Origins for an empty coke That Bernet hall is a *"clip joint" with hair cuts bottle or three of a kind from a dewy deck of marked cards ... on the first floor. The dorm boys entered a bid for Lois McKinley, our own, on a bl'ight. day can spot a pack of P. M.'s the big inch pipe line. They were going to use it at 60 paces. That's the pack off which stetls Johnny out of thousands The Carroll News to pipe beer into the buildini:. However. it was re­ of store windows all over the country. Publlahcd bl·w~kly ~xcept durfna- July, Aurun, SeJ>tembE>r and the Chrfatmu and Euter holldaye, by the atudenta of John Carroll University ftom their editorial and jected. Where there's a "ill there's a won't. bualnNs oiTicet at Uolverahy lielrhts, Cleveland 18. Ohio: telephone YEJiowatone 3800. • • • • Predictions of Things to Hum extenelon 22. Subtcrlptlon rat,-s $1 P<>r year. Rt'l)resented !or national advenlalnr by B~ FUERST, BR"G-S. LATIMER News around the world National Ad•ettialnr ~rv1ce. Inc.. Colle-ge Publtahen ~rueotatlve. 420 l!ladlaon Ave.. Tess Truehcart will kiss Dick Tracy next year four and a hal! New York. N. Y. £nt.er4'CI u 2nd clau matt..r ~pt.ember 20. 1943. at the Poet Otfle. ITH AN eve1· increasing auto accident rate, The budget is to be cut about ten billion $$$... t.imes-once at New Years, once at graduation, once, by mistake, at Cleveland. Ohio. under \.he Ae~ of Marcll a. 1~79. W the ho!!pitall! are &"etting so crowded that That's reaJiy scraping the pork barrel. .. The Rus­ Inftuence, once while Tracy awaits his death cooped up in a hen Editorial Staff the patic.>nts are pinyin!: for the nurses sians are disgusted. \Y e'rc Capitalists and eco­ house as 2,000 pullets brow-bent him in unison, and once haff­ EDITOR-IN-CIHEF ...... PAUL T. BOHN -which only ~oes t~ ~;how how fortuna!Al a cat is, nomical, too! .Maybe the prices will lifO down in heartedly as Tracy tries to explain some five o'clock shadow just LOngacre 1231 nine lives and no insurancl! premiums. view of the government stand. Hats have started above the point of his nose ... ''Old Buttermilk Sky" will have a Managing Editor ._.... _ ...... - ...... - John Humphrey A modern philosopher has said that most women the trend (too much overhead) as well as Ford sour finale ... :\largaret Truman will attend the grand opening of Sports Editor . . -· ----··-...... Charles Mayer change husbands Ml

Carroll, BG 1-M Basketball Fray Tonight Playoffs Soon Carroll Encounters BG'S· At Arena Tonight Streaks Rout Oberlin: Aces~ Knights Hoopsters Aim for Upset; Nipped by Wooster, 49-48 Still Lead in Falcon Record Impressive Returning to his old form, Jack Gallagher sparked the John Carroll Blue Streaks in their romp over a spirited quin­ 1-M League John Carroll cagers will be gunning for an upset victory tet from Oberlin, 55-41. It was Gallagher's second-period over the highly favored and nationally known Bowling Green By Dick g,, eeney Falcons when the teams dash this evening in the main fea- scoring spree that helped outscore the visitin?' Yo~men, 2 . . t th fi tur e of a college basketball -header at the Cleveland to 1, in that phase of the game and put the affau on 1ce. E n t ermg 111 o e n~ 1 Arena. Bill Butler drew first blood in P_hase of basketbal_l competl- Actually, Bowling Green was to play Long Island Univer­ the fray as he swished the meshes from the floor for two points. Season Scoring tion, the Carroll u~tramural sity but when that college announced cancellation of their Cavanaugh of the Tars countered league ~nds th~ Kmghts ~nd western tour. John Carroll wa,. "•n- quickly to knot the count, but Aces still holdmg down first Yited to meet the Falconl'. The from this point it was Carroll all Record Sel in place positions. The lead had DT' s Keep Lead Baughman squad was pick('d be- the way. George Coleman broke changed twice with the Fh·e cause of the drawing attraction the deadlock to give the Streaks Hiram Game .. Crowns being in and out of Kl•ngs Snare Carron has been in their past the lead with a one-handed shot first place within a week. three Arena appearan~es. -:r:he from underneath the bucket. A Setting a new season scor­ This final week will determine Streaks ha:ve play.ed tmpresstve pair of goals by Butler and G~l­ ing record Carroll smashed a the representatives of t h e Nine Slraighl basketball m ti e •ce house ~nd lagher, a bucket and a chanty fighty Hiram five, 71-53 at Gold Blue in toss by Larry Howland, and one ~nd l~ague~ ~he ~;1~ ~~::~i;;:·y"~w:~d~~e~i!~tt~! Hiram College, Tuesday eve­ playoffs start I n g 111 mJd- By Bob Knotek quesne and fast-stewing Baldwin- of Coleman's set shots gave the ning, February 17. Bill But­ University Heights lads a 16-12 March. The DT's are starting an W~lace. lead at the close of the opening ler paced the Streaks with 20 Close Games Dominate Play 11 t ff t t lk BG Team is One of Rest 0 Bowling Green coached by Har- period. points and Larry Howland a -ou e or wa · away rn the second quarter the meshed 19 as the Blue a!ld Close games are still dominat- from the rest of the league in old {Andy) Anderson have a rec­ Streaks pulled away m fl.ying Gold breezed through a maze ing play much to the liking of the the I-M Bowling Loop. They ord of 23 victories and seven de­ • style. ·After Addison's Hmg shot of rough house tactics to win student body who depend on the toppled the Barons for a pair feats. College basketball coaches noon-hour ft·acases for 1·elaxation. sel. ,.•2 edge. added extra entertainment for the tinues to set the pace in the race the .500 mark. lt was the Baugh­ failing to score a point while Klint With four minutes to play C!U'l spectators, as the lea~e leading dcadl)• of the one-hand shot ar­ tained Carroll's lead. At the in­ for individual honors. His 167 tists. Knierim is considered an nlan men's seventh t r i u m P h termission Hiram trailed 34-28. looped several long shots tl'Om mid- Taseff made a' solo dash through Knights were almost toppled from average is still two points Letter against an equal number of set­ Hiram came back fighting in the floor to ice the game and hand the entire Kent team to score their first-place mount. The Hawks ace on defense. than t.he average of Jack Prochaska Fast-Break Artack Used backs. third period but Howland con­ Carroll its ninth defeat of the Carroll's last goal. Using ''freeze" led by "Jay" Jacoby were upset­ of the DT's. J ohn O'Donnell of This game marked the debut _of season. tactics Kent kept the Streaks at bound, ·?ut failed in their qt~;est as Coach Anderson bas developed tined to score and Jim McComtick, the Foul Balls, 4\icCoy, and Bob his sensational fast-break type o! the much-heralded Jim McConmk, new Streak forward looped eight Bill Sudeck, a nifty Kent guat·d, bay. For an instant the Blue and the Knights lea_Ped ahead m the Thompson of the Keglel"s com­ Painesville ace. It was successful opened the fray with a charity Gold broke up this action, but Kent fi~al hal~ to wm. 39 to 22. The attack but relies on no one high of his ten points while tbe Car­ prise the remainder of the top five. scoring individual. General team from the standpoint that Jim sank roll defense allowed only two mid­ toss and a field goal. Seconds iced the game with four more Irish gamed a ~ctory ~h;n. the his first attempted basket in col­ later both Lany Rowland and Bill points. As the game onded Kent Shamrocks forfeited, w~tle m .a scoring strength. hM emphasized floor set-shots by Huold Sponsel­ team work and speed. The height lege competition only seconds aiter ler. But Hiram lost this point­ Butler cut the cords for CBlToll. was pressing the attack as the close battle the Aces. retained the1r Next week we will tell you be had entered the contest. He The Gold and Blue swamped the die-hard Streaks t1·ied despel·ately ~eague lead by downmg the Eagles what the dogs are doing about of the-team gives them good con­ getter when the referee thumbed tt·ol of the backboards. has all the earmarks of becoming him from the game for too many bucket with shots but couldn't to gain possession of the ball. m a 27 to 23 contest. the housing shortage. as valuable to Coach Baughman fouls. score. The Kent defense crumbled here at Carroll as he was in pre­ Foul Shooting Fea tured and still the local lads were miss- vious seasons when he paced During this period both teams ing and lay-ups. Painesville to two titles. did more shooting from the foul Butler Paces Carroll Rall y Wooster Defeats Carroll line than any other place on the State, leading 19-9, continued to A last-minute rally by the floor as the referees were calling build the count and aftet· six min­ Wooster Scots defeated John Car­ every move a foul. The game utes of play had a 19-16 advantage. roll in a thrilling 49-48 contest at turned into a foul shooting con­ Then Bill Butler went 'vild as he p w Wooster College, Saturday eve­ test but the Baughman charges sparked a brilliant Cal'roll rally ning February 15. The Streaks had a comfortable 51-39 lead at which knotted the half-time sco1·e led ~ost of the way until the last the close of this hectic period. at 28-28. Blll accounted for 16 of six minutes of play when the Carroll Displays Good Basketball the 28 points, then burned out. He H Scots came to life to win their Although tempers tlared and scored only one more field goal in eighth straight victory and the more fouls were called, Carroll had the third period lor a total of 18 u 12th in their last 13 starts. settled down to some solid basket­ points. ball. Set plays and accurate pass~ After intermission John Gal­ Carroll Leads at Hal£ Time ing featured the Streak attack E lagher became the CaiToll leader, At the outset of the game Car­ that just kept rolling up the splitting the meshes for 17 points, roll seemed detennined to score an points. Chuck Spencer leading z while the Streak defense tightened upset as Larry Bowland led the Hiram scorer for the evening with and prevented Kent State from attack. Both teams battled back 11 markers was next to leave the scoring in-under. R and forth for the lead, but at half­ game on fouls, followed, shortly, time Carroll held a 22-16 edge. after by Larry Howland. As the Carroll Bolds Lead for Awhile z Wooster Rally Successful final minutes ticked away, Baugh­ After the ten-minute mark Car­ man experimented with various roll led 40-36, but only Gallagher After intermission the Streaks combinations in an effort to gain ·E was potting shots and that wasn't continued to press the score to still better team play. Never in keep a fair distance between them­ enough. Sudeck'& long shooting real danger the Blue and Gold in L selves and the Scots. However, as put Kent State out front to stay. maintained their .500 aver age by Then Haverstock b o u n c e d the the game moved into the tinal taking the 71-53 victory. period Wooster began a rally that count still further ahead with two never ' lost fire the final E TO whistle. Earl Shaw, Scot forward, was the hero who looped a. des­ peration field goal to win the 49- Meet Your Friends 48 decision. at the •••• Larry Howland Stars D co Larry Howland meshed 17 points and Bill Butler scored 14 for Car­ , roll while Wagner and Shaw , hooped 15 a.nd 14 respectively. TWo CAMPUS DRUG months ago Wooster routed the lo­ Next to the Fairmount Theater • cal lads 77-49 and this second loss • to the Scots gave Carroll a reco_rd RIGHT ON YOUR SCHOOL CAMPUS! of eight defeats and seven VIC- Then Visit tories. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAIRM01JNT THEATRE Fairmount at Warrensville Center Zell Company Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon.-Tues.-Wed. MARIE'S BAR Feb. 28-March 1 March 2 -3-4-5 WALTER PIDCEON OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND 3420 W. 25th St. ' ond ond Wholesale Groceries, CLAUDETTE COLBERT LEW AYRES SHadyside 9623 Tobacco and Dandies "The Secret Hearl" "The Dark Mirror" 11 Thurs.: Fri.-Sat. For That Friendly Atmosphere" Starting Sunday, 16250 Ubby Road March 6-7-8 MERLE OBERON Marc:h 9 Music and Dancing Nightly Maple Heights, Bedford, 0. end CEORCE BRENT {Including Sunday) "Temptation" "The Razor's Edge" THE CARROLL NEWS Friday, February 28, 1947 Page 4

University Parking Regulations Roses are red, Violets are blue, Meet the Streaks Elfec:th·e February 6, 1947, the entire front drive from Carroll to ::'tliramar Boulel'ardc; i-. resened Cor faculty Students will We are true for J.C U not be permitted to park on i.he front drive on any days "hen classes are in ::.ession. This restriction i ~· neee:, for the con1enience of the faculty, since the present resen-ed area is inadequate. Faculty members' a¥e FLOWER TAVERN and position entitle them tc1 this consideration from the students. P£:\AL'flES FOR \' IOL.\TIO~S OF PARlU'\G REGt;LA'flO:\S: The Re11dezYo14s For J. C. U. Fir•t offense: Warning b) by DAN VANCE 31 02 Mayfield at Lee Road Second offense: One-day i'U~pen-.ion from all classes. Third offense: 'f"'o-da) ~u .. pension from all cia._•.::-. ·::: ss ssssss:•s CLEVELAND HEICHTS rourth offense: Three-dar .;u~;pen..,ion from all classe;,. OB SINDELAR was unable to l,c at school when his e, :>nomic~ 1) Penalty is impot;ed nutomaticall) b) publication of offender's B exam was gtvcn last month. That the ... tage for the !'tart name on the Dean's bulletin board. of one of the most unique honeymoon!' we've beard of. Fehruarr 2) Falsification in T('Jli!xam couldn't be set hack any 3) Parking an) 11 here on the cum pus 11 here "No Parking'' signs farther-so, Bob and Ben ~lurled their hone)·moon with ~n economic are erected is subject to the nbovl.' pcnaltie}, The service dri'l'e exam. to the faculty residence and cnfet<>ria ill thus desil!"nawd, as is Headed by Bob I{ ilfo) le, lh<> lhst postwar freshmnn danl·e also the dri"e to Bernet Hall. showed thnt the frosh are quile <·npable of 1 uttin~ on !\UCCe!'.,ful a1ll social events. Incidentally. the chainnnn's dale, Put Ornmmund, il:i quite a charmer. Stop Worrying ... t. Stunt Night ... ~aturally. quite a dell'galion of first-year men attended their (Continued from page 1) class dance. Mary Gallagher, .Arleen, Pa1·1icek, ~atalie Baldassari. (Continued from page 1) (the government pays) $4.83 fot· and Betty Smith were with Bob Heaton, J ack Guy, Bill 8i:hi1ling, and allotted to each class. Kilfoyle Bob Burns. re:spectivci}·. True to Curroll cn,tom .•h e ft·osh teal}· d •ar in ba:;ketball average of the unive;.sities in and mittee, said that there were plenty Ritcher. At the dance, they jc•int·d llamon.1 Haimer ll.nd Jaek \\'; exciting, original compositions due to his football duties. How­ around Cleveland. of ideas and acts; however, he in­ The frosh were not alone at the dance. Grad Don Barrett and his Co ... ts to 1·eterans engaged in ever, as the cage season progressed, timated that, the sophomores have bride of three months; Jack Galrney and wife Dot: and Henry o~ver before recorded. be has improved steadily enough the other arts and :.cience!. is not be.. n cooperative. Though they Grosch with fiancee .\nne Pierce were all there. much smaller. The ~et.eran tak­ At you.r dnler-now! that Coach Howie Bau~rhman bas are intcres~d in seeing their class Others seen on variou::s lour:; throu~h the hall;, during inter­ used him at the stnrting guard ing an A. B. course has $77 re­ put on a iOOd show, they have not missions included !\lary Ann Braun, X. D. C. big wheel. and ''Three position in the last four games. maining from his $500 allotment shown , nough initiative to guar­ Star" Hennessy; Pat Donahue with Pete Corrigan: Corrine Boch $3.1 J "'"' ,.... and the Business student ha ~ $i2. The present Carroll ace is a anwe u ~ucces" Schellenlrager and Uob J l is important for the veteran product of Toledo Central Catholic A!tcl' a :special meeting last week, ;\lunley wilh J anet Con~t a program patterned after old 'Music for the evening will be land and Central European cam­ vnudo..ville routines. As late as provided by a five-piece swing paigns. Helvey's tour of European Housing Shortage . .. Wednt•sclny of this week Barrett band composed of JCU students. It duty lasted 18 months. (Continued from Page 2) was :still looking for characters to is rumored that the tuba player Ray enrolled at Carroll after his 1 think our rt.>ader;; will agrl'e take minor parts. (He even men­ will render a semi-solid ver!lion of discharge and became active in that such a feat is indet.>d un­ tioned n :;nake charmer.) "Hora Staccato.'' ~chool functions immediately. He usual. Surprilles art: promised by the Watch for the old drcus stunt won a berth on the football squad While Percy was away at 11 ar, senior». Joe Palermo, Joe Zingales, wherein one man dou!'cs another us an end. For his grid prowress his wife \\as not idle. She did and Tom Kcnuedy have doctored a man with a pail of water, then runs Ra~· was awarded the Carroll "C." work "';th l.he world-renown~'<~ situation !'Cript. With their knowl­ out into the audience and tol!ses a Not satil!fied to limit his activities C a m c I Corps, specializing in ctl~e of pre-\1ar Stunt Kights they pail of confetti over the :<)lectutorl!. to athletics Helvey entered the problems related to the cil(arette rate a !rs. uighter may fill both bu<-k<>ts with date for treasurer of the freshman did is still classified "Top Secret" ,J udl{es for the fun fe:;tival will H20. cla!ls. (es~ally where she got her lw :\It·. Vin<·cnt S. Klein, speech Forewamcd il:l foreat·mfld. Helvey's ~reatest amusement is ci~arettes). drpartment; Ft·. William J. ~iurphy, a musical movie. Other recreation­ Right now Percy ts somewhat S ..J., Dean of l\1en; and Fr.. Joseph Like Classical Music:? al doings find Rt\y taking great de­ incapacitated because he has M. Teply, S. J .. assistant in tbe light. in the bull sessions with hi!!! been working out with Humph­ Phy11ics depallm('nt. Besides judg­ A gruiiJl of «tudents are n011 Toledo room mates, .John Danner rey Pennyworth, who is a hou:.ic· inl':" tho program, Y.'ntber Teply is forming a dub fol' tho.'e inter· and Dick Bernhardt. These three guest on the estate while in sup('rVising the sign making and cr.ted in liRtening to ch\S'-h:ul boys are fast .friends since Ray training fo1· his coming fight in printin~ of tlw program. music. 1'<>nt:l.tii'O. l'lnn" r~ ll for me-E'tin~:!; om·e or twicl' n Wt•ek acquired his high school fame on Cleveland (cf. Ham Fischer. op. English Prnfs Tn Guide the Toledo squad with both Dick cit.). However, he hopes to re­ to be held in the biology IN'ture and John as running mates. gain his strength in Lime to evict Mt•mlwrs of the En~lish depart­ room where acou11tics are ex­ Ray stands six-feet two-inches the dogs from the kennels by the rncnL who hnve agre~.>d to offer cellent. and packs 180 pounds on his sturdy end of this week. At hPuring their services as moderatol'S are 'Watch the Carroll Nel\1:4 and frame. He is a student in arts and this, the dogl! growled und ::'t[r. Herbert II. Petit, Dr. George the bulletin boards for further plans to go into journalism at the threatened to fight any eviction E Grauel, and Mr. Frank J. Weiss. announcements. completion of his collegiate career. move through the OPA. Said He celebrated his 21st birthday Percy: "The law is on my :;hie." with six big points in the Carroll­ While visiting these delil!'htful Hiram free-for-all. people, who reck with good old Yankee ingenuity (along with other doggy smells), you1· report­ Lost and Found er was invited to partake of a The following articles may be delightful rep as t of frel!hly claimed at the Dean's office: opened canned dog food (right from their private stock), and Sincerity of our efforts to produce FOUND some of the "Kid's" specialty­ Frank A. Petrella'l! note books delightful Southern style dog and economic book. biscuits. the best has made us hosts of friends. George A. Coleman's advertis­ The meal was eaten in the de­ ing book. lightful atmosphere of straw und We solicit your patronage. Allnn F. Bennett's note books dog hair by the light, of a de­ and religion book. lightful old kerosene lamp-so One pail· of rosary beads, made quaint. These delightful people in France. were most delightful and so were Assorted keys. theit· delightful guests, Lhe Af­ One brown cameo ring. ghan Hounds. All in all, your One birthstone ring. reporter found this dclighlful visit most delightful. LOST 1 One Parker 61, blue and gold, Horten S Dairy Products "V.II.G.'' engraved. Reward. MElrose 8866 Matis Furniture Phone MElrose 1080 and 1081 !, ----­ Upholstered Living Room Furniture Monufoctured In Our Own Shop The s~rving Better Milk Products for 45 Years 3354 Fulton Road Cleveland, 0.

Have a Coke

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