Series B






ST. m a r t in 's LANE. CONTENTS.

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No. B 552.—December 20, 1909. PAGE Experimental Researches on Vegetable Assimilation and Respiration. V.—A Critical Examination of Sachs’ Method for using Increase of Dry Weight as a Measure of Carbon Dioxide Assimilation in Leaves. By D. Thoday, M.A., Mackinnon Student of the Royal Society, late Frank Smart Student of the University of Cambridge. Communicated by Dr. F. F. Blackman, F.R.S...... 1 Sleeping Sickness in Uganda.—Duration of the Infectivity of the Glossina after the Removal of the Lake-shore Population. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service ; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps ; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-09) ...... 56 Glossina palpalis as a Carrier of Trypanosoma vivax in Uganda. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps ; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-09) ...... 63 On the Presence of Haem-agglutinins, Haem-opsonins, and Heemolysins in the obtained from Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases in Man. (Third Report.) By Leonard S. Dudgeon, F.R.C.P. Lond., and H. A. F. Wilson. Communicated by Dr. F. W. Mott, F.R.S...... 67

No. B 553.—January 14, 1910. The Germicidal Action of Metals and its Relation to the Production of Peroxide of Hydrogen. By Allan C. Rankin, M.D., Demonstrator in Bacteriology, McGill University, and Assistant in Bacteriology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Communicated by J. G. Adami, F.R.S...... 78 Gametogenesis of the Gall-Fly, Neurotems lenticularis ( baccarum).— Part I. By Leonard Doncaster, M.A., Lecturer on Zoology, Birmingham University. Communicated by Prof. W. Bateson, F.R.S. (Plates 1-3) ...... 88 Preliminary Note upon the Cell Lamination of the Cerebral Cortex of Echidna, with an Enumeration of the Fibres in the Cranial Nerves. By Edgar Schuster, D.Sc., Fellow of New College (Pathological Laboratory, Clay bury Asylum, Essex, and Department of Comparative Anatomy, University Museum, Oxford). Communicated by Dr. F. W. Mott, F.R.S. (Plates 4 and 5) ...... 113 IV

PAGE Cortical Lamination and Localisation in the Brain of the Marmoset. By F. W. Mott, M.D., F.RS. ; E. Schuster, D.Sc. ; and W. D. Halliburton, M.D., F.RS. (Plates 6 and 7 )...... 124 The Caudal Fin of Fishes (Preliminary Paper). By Richard H. Whitehouse, M.Sc. Birm. Communicated by Prof. F. W. Gamble, D.Sc., F.R.S...... 134 Some Experiments with the Venom of Causus rhombeatus. By H. E. Arbuckle, M.B., West African Medical Service. Communicated by A. Alcock, C.I.E., F.R S...... 144 On the Comparative Action of Stovaine and Cocaine as measured by their Direct Effect upon the Contractility of Isolated Muscle. By V. H. Veley, F.R.S., and A. D. Waller, F.RS...... 147

No. B 554.—February 3, 1910. Address of the President, Sir Archibald Geikie, K.C.B., at the Anniversary Meeting on November 30, 1909 ...... 151 The Velocity of Reaction in the “ Absorption ” of Specific Agglutinins by Bacteria, and in the “ Adsorption” of Agglutinins, Trypsin, and Sulphuric Acid by Animal Charcoal. By Georges Dreyer, M.A., M.D., Professor of Pathology in the University of Oxford ; and J. Sholto C. Douglas, M.A., B.M., Philip Walker Student in Pathology in the University of Oxford, formerly Radcliffe Travelling Fellow. Communicated by Prof. F. Gotch, F.R.S...... 168 On the Absorption of Agglutinin by Bacteria and the Application of Physico­ chemical Laws thereto. By Georges Dreyer, M.A., M.D., Professor of Pathology in the University of Oxford ; and J. Sholto C. Douglas, M.A., B.M., Philip Walker Student in Pathology in the University of Oxford, formerly Radcliffe Travelling Fellow. Communicated by Prof. F. Gotch, F.R.S...... 185 Observations on the Rate of Action of Drugs (Alcohol, Chloroform, Quinine, Aconitine) upon Muscle as a Function of Temperature. By V. H. Veley, F.R.S., and A. D. Waller, M.D., F.R.S...... 205 An Examination of the Physical and Physiological Properties of Tetrachlorethane and Trichloretliylene. By V. H. Veley, F.R.S...... 217 The Photochemical Formation of Formaldehyde in Green Plants. By S. B. Schryver, D.Sc., Ph.D., Lecturer on Physiological • Chemistry in University College, London. Communicated by Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S...... 226

No. B 555.—March 3, 1910. Further Observations on the Pathology of Gastric Ulcer. (Progress Report.) By Charles Bolton, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P., Director of the Research Laboratories, University College Hospital Medical School, Assistant Physician to University College Hospital. Communicated by Prof. Sidney Martin, F.R.S. (Plates 8 and 9) ...... 233 On the Action of Antimony Compounds in Trypanosomiasis in Rats : being a Report to a Sub-Committee of the Tropical Diseases Committee of the Royal Society. By John D. Thomson, M.B., C.M., and Arthur R. Cushny, M.D., F.R.S...... 249 V

PAGE Amakebe : A Disease of Calves in Uganda. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service ; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps ; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-09.) (Plate 10) ...... 256 The Transmission of Trypanosoma leioisi by the Rat-flea (Preliminary Communication.) By E. A. Minchin, M.A., and J. D. Thomson, M.A., M.B., C.M. Communicated by Sir Ray Lankester, K.C.B., F.R.S...... 273 On the Relative Sizes of the Organs of Rats and Mice bearing Malignant New Growths. By Dr. F. Medigreceanu (Bucharest). Communicated by Dr. J. Rose Bradford, Sec. R.S...... 2^6 The Contrast in the Reactions to the Implantation of Cancer after the Inoculation of Living and Mechanically Disintegrated Cells. By M. Haaland, M.D., Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Communicated by Dr. J. Rose Bradford, Sec. R.S...... •...... 293 Further Evidence on the Homogeneity of the Resistance to the Implantation of Malignant New Growths. By E. F. Bashford, M.D., and B. R. G. Russell, M.D., Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Communicated by Dr. J. Rose Bradford, Sec. R.S...... 2^8

No. B 556.—May 10, 1910. Contributions to the of Growth.—The Total Nitrogen Metabolism of Rats bearing Malignant New Growths. By W. Cramer and Harold Pringle. Communicated by Prof. E. A. Schafer, F.R.S...... 307 Contributions to the Biochemistry of Growth.—Distribution of Nitrogenous Sub­ stances in Tumour and Somatic Tissues. By W. Cramer and Harold Pringle. Communicated by Prof. E. A. Schafer, F.R.S...... 315 The Alcoholic Ferment of -juice. Part Y.—The Function of Phosphates in Alcoholic . By , F.R.S., and William John Young (Biochemical Laboratory of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine)...... 321 The Causes of Absorption of Oxygen by the Lungs. (Preliminary Communication.) By C. Gordon Douglas, B.M., Fellow of St. John’s College, and J. S. Haldane, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of New College, Oxford...... 331 The Action of Nicotine and other Pyridine Bases upon Muscle. By Y. H. Yeley, F.R.S., and A. D. Waller, F.R S...... 333 Preliminary Note on the Origin of the Hydrochloric Acid in the Gastric Tubules. By Mabel Purefoy FitzGerald (Oxford), Communicated by Prof. A. B. Macallum, F.R.S...... 346 Studies on Action. X III.— of the Emulsin Type. By Henry E. Armstrong, F.R.S., and Edward Horton, B.Sc...... 349 The Development of Trypanosomes in Tsetse Flies. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service ; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps ; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-10) ...... ;...... 368 VI

OB No. B 557.—July 21, 1910. The Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands throughout Vertebrates. By F. D. Thompson. Communicated by Prof. E. A. Schafer, F.R.S. (Abstract) ...... 389 Tone Perception in Oamma/rus pulex. By F. J. Cole, B.Sc., Professor of Zoology, University College, Reading. Communicated by A. E. Shipley, M.A., F.R.S.... 391 A Physiological Effect of an Alternating Magnetic Field. By Silvanus P. Thompson, D.Sc., F.R.S...... 396 On the Weight of Precipitate Obtainable in Precipitin Interactions. By Dr. H. G. Chapman. Communicated by Dr. C. J. Martin, F.R.S...... 398 The Influence of Bacterial Endotoxins on Phagocytosis. (Preliminary Report.) By Leonard S. Dudgeon, P. N. Panton, and H. A. F. Wilson. Communicated by Dr. F. W. Mott, F.R.S...... 406 A Case of Sleeping Sickness Studied by Precise Enumerative Methods : Regular Periodical Increase of the Parasites Disclosed. By Major Ronald Ross, F.R.S., and David Thomson, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H...... 411 On the Recognition of the Individual by Haemolytic Methods. (Preliminary Com­ munication.) By Charles Todd, M.D., Bacteriologist, Egyptian Government, and R. G. White, M.B., Director, Serum Institute, Cairo. Communicated by Dr. C. J. Martin, F.R.S...... 416 Experimental Researches on Vegetable Assimilation and Respiration. VI.—Some Experiments on Assimilation in the Open Air. By D. Thoday, M.A., Junior University Demonstrator in Botany, Cambridge. Communicated by Dr. F. F. Blackman, F.R.S...... 421 Receptors and Afferents of the Third, Fourth, and Sixth Cranial Nerves. By Frances M. Tozer, B.Sc., and C. S. Sherrington, D.Sc., F.R.S...... 450 The Relation of Light Perception to Colour Perception. By F. W. Edridge-Green, M.D., F.R.C.S., Beit Medical Research Fellow. Communicated by Prof. E. H. Starling, F.R.S...... 458 No. B 558.—August 10, 1910. Trypanosome Diseases of Domestic Animals in Uganda. I.— By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps ; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-9). (Plates 11 and 12)...... 468 Experiments to ascertain if Cattle may act as a Reservoir of the Viyus of Sleeping Sickness ( Trypanosomagambiense By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., an H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-10) ...... 480 w Muhinyo,” a Disease of Natives in Uganda. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps ; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, 1908-10) ...... 485 Vll

m i The Natural Food of Glossina palpalis. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.RS., Army Medical Service ; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, Uganda, 1908-10) ...... 490 Me^hanioal Transmission of Sleeping Sickness by the Tsetse Fly. By Colonel Sir David Bruce, C.B., F.R.S., Army Medical Service ; Captains A. E. Hamerton, D.S.O., and H. R. Bateman, Royal Army Medical Corps; and Captain F. P. Mackie, Indian Medical Service. (Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society, Uganda, 1908-10) ...... 498 The Chromaphil Tissues and the Adrenal Medulla. By Swale Vincent, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.SS. E. and C., Professor of Physiology in the University of Manitoba. Communicated by Prof. E. A. Schafer, F.R.S. (Plate 13) ...... 502 On the Occurrence of a Mesoccelic Recess in the Human Brain, and its Relation to the Sub-Commissural Organ of Lower Vertebrates ; with special reference to the Distribution of Reissner’s Fibre in the Vertebrate Series and its possible Function. By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology . in King’s College (), and G. E. Nicholls, B.Sc., Assistant- Lecturer and Demonstrator in Zoology in King’s College. (Plate 14) ...... 515 Autotoxsemia and Infection. By E. C. Hort, F.R.C.P. Ed., Assistant Physician to the Italian Hospital. Communicated by William Osier, F.R.S...... 529 The Blood Volume of Mammals as Determined by Experiments upon Rabbits, Guinea-pigs, and Mice, and its Relationship to the Body Weight and to the Surface Area expressed in a Formula. By Georges Dreyer, M.A., M.D., and William Ray, B.Sc., M.B. Communicated by Prof. F. Gotch, F.RS. (Abstract) 545

No. B 559.—September 9, 1910.

Ckoonian L ecture.—Alterations in the Development and Forms of Plants as a Result of Environment. By Prof. G. Klebs, University of Heidelberg ...... 547 The Origin and Destiny of Cholesterol in the Animal Organism. Part VII.—On the Quantity of Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters in the Blood of Rabbits Fed on Diets containing Varying Amounts of Cholesterol. By Mary T. Fraser, B.Sc., and J. A. Gardner, M.A. Communicated by Dr. A. D. Waller, F R -S...... 559 On tljp Comparative Toxicity of Theobromine and Caffeine, as Measured by their Direct Effect upon the Contractility of Isolated Muscle. By V. H. Veley, F.R.S., and A. D. Waller, M.D., F.R.S...... 1...... 568 A New Method for the Quantitative Estimation of Hydrocyanic Acid in Vegetable and Animal Tissues. By Dr. A. D. Waller, F.R.S...... 574 The Origin of Osmotic Effects. III.—The Function of Hormones in Stimulating Enzymic Change in Relation to Narcosis and the Phenomena of Degenerative and Regenerative Change in Living Structures. By Henry E. Armstrong, F.RS., and E. Frankland Armstrong, Ph.D., D.Sc...... 588 The Inorganic Composition of the Blood in vertebrates and Invertebrates, and its Origin. By Prof. A. B. Macallum, Ph.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., of the University of Toronto ...... gQ2 v m

PAGE The Anatomy and Morphology of the Leaves and Inflorescences of Welwitschdct mirabilis. By Miss M. G. Sykes. Communicated by Prof. A.- C. Seward, F.R.S. (Abstract) ...... 625

No. B 560.—September 23, 1910. The Assimilation of Nitrogen by certain Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria in the Soil. By W. B. Bottomley, M.A., Professor of Botany in King’s College, London. Communicated by Prof. J. Reynolds Green, F.R.S...... 627 On the Structure, Development, and Morphological Interpretation of the Pineal Organs and Adjacent Parts of the Brain in the Tuatara ( punctatus). By Arthur Dendy, D.Sc., F.R.S., Sec.L.S'., Professor of Zoology in King’s College (University of London). (Abstract) ...... 629 The Opposite Electrification produced by Animal and Vegetable Life. By W. M. Thornton, D.Sc., D.Eng., Professor of Electrical Engineering in Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Communicated by Dr. A. D. Waller, F.R.S. ... 638 The Fermentation of Galactose by Yeast and Yeast-juice. (Preliminary Com­ munication.) By Arthur Harden, F.R.S., and Roland V. Norris ...... 645 The Lignite of Rovey Tracey. By Clement Reid, F.R.S., and Eleanor M. Reid, B.Sc. (Abstract) ...... 650

Obituary Notices of Fellows Deceased :—E. F. W. Pfliiger; William Henry Dallinger ; Thomas William Bridge .«•*..v * * * t . f # i—x

Index xi