“Nid Da Lle Gellir Gwell”


Tymor y Gwanwyn / Spring Term 2019

This is the Health and Safety Procedure of YGG Cwmllynfell, which should be read in conjunction with the Corporate Occupational Health and Safety Policy of .

The Headteacher and Governing Body of YGG Cwmllynfell is committed to ensuring a high standard of health, safety and welfare for all staff, pupils, visitors and contractors, by ensuring the following:

● A healthy and safe environment throughout the school.

● Safe working practices for staff and pupils.

● Arrangements to ensure that no person is adversely affected by any article, substance or machine used in school.

● Provision and dissemination of health and safety information which is received from the LEA and other sources.

● Access to health and safety training.

● Safe means of access and exit.

● Welfare facilities for all staff.

● Procedures for emergencies such as fire and first aid.

● Monitoring of health and safety standards in the school, together with a review of accident/near miss statistics.

● Access to specialist help with reference to health and safety matters.

● Encouragement of staff to participate in the promotion of health and safety standards in the school.

The governors are committed to ensuring good communication throughout the school, and liaison with staff/ trade union health and safety representatives. They have formed a committee which deals with matters relating to Health and Safety/Premises.

The Governors appointed to this committee are:

● Mrs L. Morgan (Staff Governor)

● Mrs L. Brier (Advisory capacity)

● ______

● ______

Here is a family tree of health and safety responsibility at YGG Cwmllynfell:


● Draw up a school Health and Safety procedure in consultation with the governors and LEA. ● Take day to day responsibility for matters of health and safety. ● Arrange for staff to be informed and trained. ● Monitor health and safety standards and practices throughout the school.


● Monitor health and safety standards throughout the school. ● Liaison with LEA and others re: matters of policy. ● Nominate Chairperson for health and safety committee (ideally a governor).


● Check classroom/work area is safe. ● Check equipment used is safe (within their ability). ● Ensure safe procedures are followed. ● Ensure protective equipment is used when necessary. ● Report defects. ● Carry out specific tasks e.g. First Aid (if qualified and able to do so).


Overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety at YGG Cwmllynfell rests with Mrs Lynne Brier and Mrs Janelle Carter Jones , Chairperson of the Governing Body. It is important that they:

• Ensure they are aware of their responsibilities with regard to the management of health and safety in their respective service areas.

• Apply the relevant safety management system to all activities under their control.

• Set an example in safe behaviour, good management and positive leadership to others.

• Identify and meet the safety training and development needs of employees under their control to ensure competency.

• Ensure the reporting of incidents, occupational ill health and near miss incidents in accordance with Corporate Procedures and where appropriate ensure that an investigation is undertaken.

• Allocate appropriate resources to the planning of all activities. Ensure all activities are effectively managed and supervised.

• Systematically identify hazards through site visits and, where necessary, obtaining safety information from employees, designers, safety advisors and documented codes of practice.

• Allocate appropriate health and safety responsibilities to line managers and supervisors, ensuring they are understood and effectively implemented.

• Develop and apply the appropriate risk control systems and workplace precautions to eliminate or minimise risk.

• Involve and consult with employees on all matters concerning health and safety, encouraging a two-way communication on such matters.

• Identify health and safety deficiencies within their area of responsibility and take appropriate remedial action. Ensure the relevant Head of Service and the Corporate Health and Safety Officer is informed of the deficiency.

• Ensure all employees receive corporate and workplace induction as is necessary.


• Ensure all contractors under their control discharge their health and safety responsibilities appropriately.

• Ensure all plant, equipment, personal protective equipment and other safety devices are maintained, repaired and replaced as necessary. In addition, ensure that all statutory and other appropriate tests are carried out on all safety related equipment at relevant intervals.

• Monitor the health and safety performance of employees and contractors.

• Keep up to date with legislative changes, codes of practice, industry best practice, Corporate and Service procedures.

• Develop improved safety behaviour and performance through consultation, cooperation and communication.

All Employees are to:

• Ensure all safety arrangements and procedures are followed at all times.

• Use all work equipment and personal protective equipment properly and in accordance with training received.

• Report any safety deficiencies, incidents, near misses and cases of ill health to their line manager.

• Assist the relevant health and safety officer during investigations of safety related incidents.

• Work safely at all times giving due consideration for the safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

• Notify line management of their safety training needs.

• Assist wherever possible in improving safety systems and performance through consultation, co-operation and communication.

• Inform their line manager if any physical or mental condition known to them affects their ability to work.

The following persons are responsible for:

Teaching areas - Class teachers The school and site security - Caretaker – Miss J. Williams Office and clerical systems - Mrs Shan Rees P.E. & Games Equipment - Class teachers and LSAs Technology equipment - Class teachers Computer Equipment - Class teacher/ I.C.T Co-ordinator Field trips and out of - Lynne Brier / Assigned Group Leader School activities

People responsible for:

Safety training - Mrs L. Brier / Authority Carrying out safety inspections - Mrs L. Brier / Governors / Authority

YGGD CWMLLYNFELL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURE 3 Investigating accidents - Mrs L. Brier / Authority First Aid @ Work / Paediatric - Mrs Kelly Williams / Mrs Lisa Morgan Cleaning equipment - Miss Jackie Williams / Authority

Volunteers and Trainees are to:

● Ensure that whilst they are engaged in any project or are representative of the Authority in any way that they follow all safety arrangements and procedures so as to minimise any potential risk to themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

● All the employees have the responsibility to co-operate with supervisors and managers to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take care of themselves and others.

● Whenever an employee, supervisor or any other person on the site notices a health or safety problem which they are not able to put right, they must straight away tell the appropriate person above. They should also tell the safety representatives – Mrs L. Brier or Senior Teacher, Mrs Karen Hopton , who will then inform the relevant department within the authority so that the matter can be rectified as soon as possible.


● The First Aid box is situated in the staff room / Gloves & basic First Aid equipment e.g. plasters are kept both in the staffroom, junior cloakroom and enclosed shutter area in Foundation Phase Department. Staff will use plasters as part of their basic First Aid treatment. The use of cotton wool is no longer recommended for cleaning minor cuts.

● Trained/Qualified first aiders (First Aid at Work): Mrs Kelly Williams Mrs Lisa Morgan

● The minor accident record book is kept on staffroom pin board.

● All injuries, accidents, near misses or incidents which are considered to be of a more serious nature , must be reported to the Headteacher. These incidents must be recorded electronically on the LA online Health and Safety Accident/Incident Reporting System.

● A First Aid Kit must be taken on all out of school visits.

● Pupils' medical records are kept securely in the office and in individual classrooms.

● All visiting staff/ supply teachers are given a copy of health/ safety/ Safeguarding leaflet.

Health and Safety Tests / Inspections

The Headteacher and Governors are responsible for making annual inspection of the school’s site and facilities. Issues requiring attention are noted along with the required action, person responsible and time-scale.

Records of various tests and inspections are kept in Health and Safety file in office.

General Fire Safety

Action: State who checks:

Escape routes: Caretaker – daily.

YGGD CWMLLYNFELL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURE 4 Fire extinguishers: Caretaker – weekly – check position Checked by county fire officer on a regular basis

Fire drills: Headteacher held on termly basis at least once.

Fire alarms: Caretaker – weekly.

Other equipment: Fire Service.

In the event of a fire a responsible person with access to a phone should be responsible for phoning the fire brigade.

Advice and Consultancy

Local telephone numbers: - Helen Owen (Health and Safety Officer) – 01639 763961 Morriston Hospital - 01792 702222 Singleton Hospital - 01792 205666 Ambulance - 999 Ystradgynlais Hospital - 01639 844777 Local Surgery - 01639 830204

Contractors and Visitors

Contractors and visitors MUST:

● Sign in and be given a sticker to identify themselves. ● Report to Headteacher / member of staff before beginning the work or task that they are undertaking in the school. ● Liaise with Headteacher / member of staff before undertaking work in or near places where children are working or playing. ● Ensure all equipment is out of reach of children. ● Ensure vehicles are only driven onto the site with permission from an authorised member of staff and under supervision. ● Sign out at the end of their visit.

Access to School Site

All entrances to the school building are locked during lesson times and visitors must report to the school office via the main entrance. One school gate will remain open during these times to allow visitors onto the premises. They will not have access to the building itself.

During playtimes and lunchtime, one junior department entrance will be open and one foundation phase entrance will be open. This will allow pupils to go to the toilet. However, all school gates will be locked during these periods, so that pupils cannot leave the premises and visitors cannot enter the playground whilst pupils are playing.

Gates are always kept locked to vehicles and will only be opened if the responsible person at school knows that the children are safe within the building. Staff are informed by the responsible person that a vehicle will be entering the premises and to keep all children inside the building.


● Routine inspection of plugs and cables for loose connections must be carried out by the user. ● Portable appliances are currently checked by A & R Electrics or any other NPT approved company on an annual basis. ● L.E.A. or approved electricians are used for installing extra sockets and dealing with faults etc.

Rules for use of extension leads and portable equipment

● Leads should not be trailing where likely to cause an obstacle to passing children or adults. ● Extension leads should be fully unwound before use. ● User to ensure that equipment is used in a suitable safe environment.

Fire Drill and Fire Precautions

Fire drills will be held on average once every term but if the need arises it will be done more often e.g. new pupils, new staff members.

As soon as an outbreak of fire is discovered : -

● The nearest Fire Alarm should be sounded. ● Any available person who has safe access to a phone must inform the Fire Brigade once the safety of the children is ensured. ● Give out the number of the phone you are using. Always include the dialling code. State location of fire:

Ysgol Cwmllynfell, Bryn Road, Cwmllynfell, Swansea. SA9 2FL

On hearing the Alarm : -

● Staff should at once proceed with the orderly evacuation of classes to their respective assembly points. ● Staff should close all doors and windows, if circumstances permit, in an endeavour to prevent fire spreading. ● Staff should check toilets before exiting the building if safe to do so. ● At the assembly points teachers should check that all pupils are present using the class registers if available and inform the head teacher that all are present. ● Children using the toilets, reference areas or on messages should be instructed to leave the building by the nearest exit and assemble with their classes in the appointed area. ● As soon as the safety of the pupils is assured, an endeavour should be made to put out the fire, if it is reasonable to attempt this. Staff should use the fire extinguishers provided but in attempting this, staff should not expose themselves to undue risk. ● KEEP FIRE DOORS CLOSED!

The members of staff who have received Fire Warden training are:

Lynne Brier (Headteacher) Julie Richards (Teaching Assistant) Jackie Williams (Caretaker/ Cleaner)


Procedures for evacuating the building in cases of emergency

This is all dependent on the source of fire and must be carried out using common sense. Staff must ensure that pupils leave in a quiet and orderly manner.

Depending on where the Nursery, Reception and Years 1/2 children are working (either side of the partition) they should leave via: ● the cloakroom, out of the main exit ● the side door in the infant classroom or ● through the outdoor classroom

Years 3 / 4 should leave through the classroom door directly onto the back playground, or down the corridor past the toilets or via the junior corridor.

Years 5 / 6 should leave through the junior corridor or down the corridor past the toilets or through the Year 3 / 4 classroom door directly onto the back playground.

All pupils and staff will assemble together on the back playground. This may change to the front playground, depending on source of fire. The back of the school is the main designated assembly point.

Should fire break out during lunch-time, pupils must vacate the building in an orderly and calm manner under the instruction of the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or lunchtime supervisors. The checking of all public areas will be carried out by the above members of staff or delegated to other members of staff who are on the premises at the time. The first priority of staff is the safety of the pupils in their charge.

Smoking Policy

Our school has been designated a NO SMOKING school.

Off-Site Arrangements for Pupils

No child will be permitted to leave the premises during the school day, unless accompanied by an authorised adult. Parents should contact the school if they wish to collect their child during the school day. At the end of the school day, school should be made aware of any changes to usual arrangements e.g. a different adult collect them, walking home alone or going on school bus to . School will not allow the child to leave the premises in these circumstances until a parent has been spoken to and permission has been granted.

In the event of a pupil leaving the premises without permission, the school will contact the parents immediately. The pupil may be monitored closely and possibly followed from a safe distance to ensure their safety, but no member of staff will run after a pupil, as this may compromise their safety. If parents cannot be contacted, the police will be notified. In all instances, the Local Authority Health and Safety Officer and Pupil Parent Support will also be notified of the incident.

Organised Visits out of school

● Children must be reminded of importance of suitable behaviour before a visit.

● Teachers will if possible visit proposed destination before taking the children and note any extra rules which must be given and adhered to.

● Extra guidance regarding safety will be given during the visit if the need arises.


● Parental consent forms must be taken on all visits and should be referred to if the need arises.

● A simple first aid kit – comprising of gloves, water and cotton wool to be taken on all outings e.g. walks around the village, hall visits etc. Epipens must be carried for any child who requires it. Asthma inhalers are carried by teachers.

● Prior to any visit being undertaken a risk assessment must be undertaken by the group leader and discussed with the Headteacher and all members of staff/adults participating in the activity. All visits must be authorised by the Headteacher (see Educational Visit Pack – Planning and Approval Forms).

Break Times

● Three members of staff must be on duty during morning break times and three members of staff during afternoon break times.

● The Headteacher is delegated by the Governing Body to ensure that all staff engaged in supervisory duties and are provided with a basic understanding of the school’s agreed policy on pupil behaviour, how to report incidents and how to obtain first aid assistance.

● The staff on duty must be available for duty as soon as the alarm sounds. If a child is hurt on the playground staff must call for assistance and not leave children unsupervised.

● Staff must remain on the yard until all classes have entered the school.

● It is the responsibility of the member of staff on duty on the front playground to ensure that the gate is locked at the start of breaktime and unlocked at the end of breaktime.

● During wet playtimes all children will gather in the hall and junior classrooms, where they can be adequately supervised.

In the Classroom

Children must be supervised at all times when using any of the following equipment:

● Saws ● Glue guns ● Hammers ● Nails ● Scissors

They should also be made aware of the dangers of compasses, drawing pins, staplers etc.

No cleaning fluids should be kept within reach of the children.

The following curriculum areas are identified as potentially requiring additional attention within the school:

● Technology ● Science ● Art ● Physical Education

Separate risk assessments are in place for all activities that require additional or specific attention e.g.

YGGD CWMLLYNFELL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURE 8 cookery activities. Please refer to risk assessment file for further information.


A reasonable amount of jewellery is acceptable and permitted at school e.g. stud earrings (not hoops or dangling earrings) and watches. Rings and chains are strictly prohibited.

Risk Control

Mrs L. Brier and Governors will design, develop and operate suitable management arrangements, risk control systems and workplace precautions which are proportionate to the needs, hazards and risks identified and in accordance with the Corporate Health and Safety Policy.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and others require that hazards pertaining to work activities are assessed before the work starts. When doing this, Managers will pay particular attention to the needs of vulnerable persons, employees and new or expectant mothers to ensure they are not exposed to any significant risk. The assessment will be sufficient to cover all hazards. Managers shall generally identify, evaluate and record the risks, using the appropriate corporate risk assessment forms.

Health and Safety issues are usually built into ADDs sessions whereby:

 Staff members have been made aware of developments e.g. on-line accident -reporting.  Staff training has taken place with regards to risk assessments in relation to school activities.  A risk assessment policy has been formulated.

Violence and Aggression

Mrs L. Brier and the Governors are responsible for protecting their employees from foreseeable risks of abuse/assault by those they can come into contact with in the course of their work. Practical safe systems of work will need to be prepared to ensure the risks associated with dealing with violence and aggression are either eliminated or adequately controlled to the lowest level reasonably practicable.

If the behaviour of a visitor to the school becomes inappropriate, they will be asked to modify their behaviour or leave immediately. In dealing with aggressive or violent behaviour, the school will contact the police and inform the Local Authority. The visitor may also be added to the Local authority Potentially Violent Persons Register (PVPR). This will assist the school in assessing the risk of future incidents of violence and aggression. Instances of violence and aggression at school will also be reported to the governors.

In the event of an aggressive/violent incident:

● A full account must be given to the Headteacher. ● Any further action will be at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Lone Working

Mrs L. Brier will assess the risks of lone working for their employees and ensure the risks associated with lone working are either eliminated or adequately controlled. Local safe working practices will then need to be implemented and these will need to be tested and reviewed/revised as necessary to ensure the practices are working correctly and effectively (the lone working risk assessment is reviewed with the caretaker on a regular basis).

YGGD CWMLLYNFELL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURE 9 Accident, Property Loss, Damage, Fire and Occupational Illness Reports

All incidents are to be recorded and / or reported (no matter how small) as soon as possible to the Headteacher. It is essential that all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences, fire, security incidents, near misses and occupational illnesses are reported, and recorded, so that the appropriate action can be taken to improve the safety of the working environment and to enable the necessary action to be taken to prevent a recurrence. Accidents that are not deemed to be minor must be reported on-line to NPT Health and Safety Department.

Traffic Management Arrangements

The following rules apply to support and enforce the Traffic Management Arrangements at Ysgol Cwmllynfell:

Staff Vehicles

Staff are required to park in the car park which is adjacent to the school.

Parent’s Vehicles

Parents park their cars in the park and outside school. They need to exercise caution at peak times and ensure that they:

● Do not block gates. ● Do not park within restricted areas. ● Supervise their children at all times. ● Be mindful at all times of the whereabouts of all children entering and leaving school premises.

Whenever possible, parents are encouraged to walk to and from school with their children in the light of the Authority’s “Safe Routes to School” initiative.

Delivery Vehicles and Building Works Vehicles

Deliveries should be arranged so as not to coincide with start/end of day and break/lunchtimes as this may result in gates being left open. Delivery vehicles are not permitted onto the premises, unless they have had permission from a member of school staff with the authority to grant permission. In such instances, vehicles will be supervised at all times and pupils will not be permitted onto the playground.

Where construction work is required, building works vehicles may be parked on the school yard once permission has been granted by Mrs Lynne Brier or any other member of school staff with the authority to do so. Vehicles are not permitted to move during start/end of day or at any other time when pupils, staff and parents may be using the school yard.

Pupils are not allowed to open/close gates for any types of vehicles.

Safety Training

New employees will be informed of all the relevant health and safety matters, risk control systems and workplace precautions that are particular to their work. No employee may undertake a task unless they have received adequate training and have satisfied a competent person of their ability to perform that task.


The contents of this document will be reviewed at least on an annual basis. Changes in legislation and the working practices of the Authority will be kept under review to identify any changes that may be needed to it. If required, expert advice will be obtained through the Health and Safety Officer, Mrs Helen Owen.



Chair of Governors:


YGG Cwmllynfell is a right - respecting . We teach about the rights of others and we model respectfulness in all relations. We encourage our pupils, staff, parents and visitors, irrespective of race, disability or nationality to play an integral part in school activities and to be integral members of the school community.