
By:Leah Micsky On October first, the Las Vegas shooting happened. was the shooter of this incident and killed fifty-eight people and injured over five-hundred. The is located on the where Stephen was. He had booked a room in the Mandalay Bay hotel on the thirty-second floor. This shooting is the worst mass shooting in modern U.S history.

The shooting happened during a Festival; Jason Aldean was on stage during the shooting.

The Route 91 Festival is a festival held on the Las Vegas strip. There were more than twenty-five country artists that performed, including: , , Lauren

Alainia, , and many more. Although, they were not on stage like Jason, they were just as heart-broken and shocked as he was. They were all taken to safety when everyone first found out what happened. After they were all safe and their crew was as well, they all sent out loving tweets. “Praying for everyone at Route 91. That crowd was one of the best I've played for all year. This news is devastating. My camp is home and safe.” That tweet is from

Lauren Alainia who went on stage before Jason did. Some of the artists that performed had left moments before the shootings, since the festival isn’t just a one day thing. Jason Aldean and his crew did not know what was going on at first. When you are on stage singing and focusing on your sound and the concert things look different from your point of view. Once Jason and his crew noticed what was going on they ran off the stage and back into safety.

During the Route 91 Festival, Jason Aldean was on his “” tour which he put on suspension after the shooting."I feel like out of respect for the victims, their families ​ ​ and our fans, it is the right thing to do," "It has been an emotional time for everyone involved this week, so we plan to take some time to mourn the ones we have lost and be close with our family and friends," Jason Aldean said after the shooting. “I would have taken time off and longer because I’ve been in a situation like that,” Danny Frazine had said during our interview.

Jason finally went back to continuing his tour on January 25. The break was long but it was needed. Jason felt nothing but sorrow and sadness for the lives lost and the people who were injured, so he did everything he could to make it up to them. He visited some of his fans who were injured in the hospital because they didn’t get a chance to see him in concert. "I want to ​ play the show for you guys that the people in Las Vegas came to see and didn't get a chance to."

Over his break he visited some fans and would talk to them and sing to them in their rooms. He gave them the experience that they went to the Route 91 Festival for. He also went on Saturday ​ Night Live a week after the shooting to pay a tribute. The song he sang on stage was “Won’t back ​ down” by .

Unfortunately, it isn’t uncommon for artists to take breaks from their tours and put them on suspension. Ariana Grande had the same issue in 2017 with the Manchester Bombing. She took time off on her tour to gain reality back. Shootings and or bombings are becoming more and more common at public events like concerts and so on. They not only affect the people who were in the crowd or the family members who lost their loved ones, it affects the artists who were there and in Jason’s case, on stage.