Flowers of Liliaceae and Related Families Grown in Southern Arizona Gardens

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Flowers of Liliaceae and Related Families Grown in Southern Arizona Gardens Flowers of Liliaceae and related families grown in southern Arizona gardens Item Type text; Thesis-Reproduction (electronic) Authors Emery, Eleanor Merrill, 1911- Publisher The University of Arizona. Rights Copyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author. Download date 25/09/2021 04:44:06 Link to Item Flowers of Liliaceae and Related Families Grown in Southern Arizona Gardens by Eleanor Merrill Emery Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Graduate College University of Arizona 19 3 6 Approved: iajor pro / 936, U, 7 Abstract A careful botanical study has been made of numerous rare or little-known bulbous flowers of chiefly the Lil- iales Order, growing on the campus of the University of Arizona and in southern Arizona gardens. Correct scientific names as well as the common names are included. Seasons of planting and growth, methods of culture, and soils best suited to their successful growth have been recorded. 105572 The writer wishes to express her gratitude to Professor John J. Thornher for his assistance in the preparation of this work. Introduction This is a study of the Lily and related families, growing in gardens of southern Arizona and the Southwest generally. The flowers are easily recognized by their narrow, parallel-veined leaves and flower parts which are in threes or sixes. Because of their bulbous character and fleshy leaves and stems, they are very suitable to the Southwest. Many of our finest flowers are included in this group, some blooming in the summer, others in the winter. Their ornate and lasting qualities make them excellent for out flowers. The Lily, Amaryllis, Iris, Ganna, and Calla Lily are worthy of a place in every garden. All the included Taxonomic descriptions have been secured from plants which are actually growing in gardens in southern Arizona. No other Order has flowers which are more vividly colorful, more floriferous or more impress­ ively beautiful. / Table of Contents Acknowledgement....... ................... .... .. .11 Introduction............................................ i Liliaeea (Lily Family) Lillim Parry!, Lemon Lily............... Li limn elegans...... ......... Liliura longiflorum, Easter Lily....... Culture ...... ........................ Tulips Gesneriana var. Darwinia......... Culture................................. Caloohortus aureus, Yellow Mariposa Lily Calochortus Nuttallii, Sego Lily........ tO<ia>U1*i.G3NH Caloohortus Gunnisonii, Lavender Mariposa Lily.....10 Calochortus Kennedy!!, Orange Mariposa Lily........11 Culture......................... .12 Brodiaea capitate, Papago Blue Bell................ 13 Brodiaea laxa......................................14 Culture ......................... .15 Leuooooryne ixioldes var. odorata. Glory of the Sunl5 C u l t u r e ..16 Allium neopolitanum..................... .17 Culture ............................................18 Ornithogalum thyrsoides var. aureum.... ....... .18 Ornithogalum arablcum.................. ...19 Culture ............... .. .... .........20 Scilia hispanica, Spanish Jacinth, Wood Hyacinth...20 Culture.................... ................ .22 Convallaria majails, Lily-of-the-Valley......... ...22 Culture .................... .....23 Hemerocallis flava, Common ^ellow Day-Lily........ 23 Culture............. .....................24 Milla biflora, Mexican Star of Floating Star.......25 Culture................ ...26 Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis Family) Amaryllis Belladonna, Belladonna -Lily.......... ....27 Culture............. ...............................28 Lycoris radiata....................... .28 Culture........ ................... .............. .29 HIppeastrum vittatum..•.»•.........................30 Hippeastrum vittatum (Hybrid Form)...... ........31 Culture...... ............ .....................32 Olivia miniata, nobills (Hybrid form)............. 33 Culture .............. ...... ................35 Zephyranthes carinata... .............. .... .......35 Zephyranthes Candida, Little Star of Bethlehem.....36 Culture .......................... .37 Crinum long!folium.... ......................... ...37 Crinum Powellii............ .......39 Culture...... ..................... .......40 Hymenooallis calathina.............................. .41 Culture............... .42 Narcissus Taxetta var. orientalis, Chines Sacred Lily42 Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus, Daffodil.................43 Culture....... .44 Iridaceae (iris F a m i l y ............47 Iris pumila var. Honorabilis.........................47 Iris germanica, Purple Dwarf................. 48 Iris germanica, German Iris............... 49 Garden varieties True Charm...................................51 Pocahontas ..................................51 Alemeda.............. .52 Mon signor.... ......... ...........52 Iris squalens, Ramona.......... ...53 Iris variegata, Zuanenburg. ........54 Iris neglecta...•............................. .......56 Iris florentina Florentine Iris.... ............... ..57 Iris pallida, Mesopotamia............ .........58 Iris pallida var. &idalgo.......................... ..60 Iris Pseudaoorus............................... .61 Iris orientalis, Oriental Iris....................... 62 Iris Monnieri........................................64 Iris Xiphium, Spanish Iris.... ............... .65 Culture......................... ..67 Iris missouriensis...................................68 Tigridia Pavonia, Tiger-Flower.......................69 Culture .. ......................71 Sisyrinchium arizonicum....... 72 Ixia speclosa........................................72 Culture..............................................73 Gladiolus nanceianus, Willbrink................ ..74 Garden varieties. Oddon, Halley, Prince of Wales.............75 Gladiolus byzantinus............................75 Culture................................ ............76 Watsonia rosea}......................... .77 Culture..............................................78 Freesia. refracta var. abla...........................79 Cul tur e ............................. .80 Cannaceae (Ganna Family) 1............... .......81 Ganna - general i s, Common French Canna.................81 Ganna indioa, Indian Shot ..................... .......82 Culture.................... ...83 Araceae (Arum Family).....................................85 Zantedeschia aethippica, Calla Lily....... 85 lantedeschia aethiopica var. Minor, Calla Lily...... 85 Culture................. ...........86 Bulb Culture Bibliography Liliacea. (Lily Family) Llliim Parry1 Wats. Lemon Lily. / Rhizome scaly, irregular, 4 to 4 inches long, scales small, many, pale yellow; stem 2 to 5 feet long, smooth, glossy, yellow-green, about 1/2 inch in diameter; leaves 2 to 9 inches long, 1/2 to 1 inch wide, whorled or scattered, seven veined with three veins distinct, sessile, medium green, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate; inflorescence of three to ten flowers terminating the stem, flowers 2 1/2 to 3 1 / 2 inches long, 2 to 3 1 / 2 inches across, fragrant; ped­ icels 2 to 5 inches long, medium green; perianth segments six, 3 1/2 to 3 3/4 inches long, 5/8 to 3/4 inches long, 5/8 to 3/4 inches across, lanceolate to acuminate, margins entire, apex acute, hairy, recurved, pure lemon-yellow; inside spotted with purple-grown raised dots; stamens six; filaments orange-red; anthers 3/8 inch long, 1/8 inch in diameter, oblong, orange-red 2-celled; ovary 3/4 to 1 inch long, 1/8 inch in diameter, oblong, 3-angled, orange color­ ed, 3-loculed, with many ovules; styles not exceeding the perianth segments, 1 3/4 inches long, violet-orange, some­ what 3-angled; stigma capitate, 3-lobed, the margins gland­ ular-hairy. Lllium Parry1 grows wild in the Hauchuoa and Santa Rita Mountains of southern Arizona. The rhizome can be planted in the early fall in neutral soil, to about twice the depth of the bulb. It should have partial shade and - 2 — adequate drainage. The plants bloom in June and July. The fragrant, lemon-yellow flowers ean be used in many diff ©rent ways in the yard, either as a mass or grouped with other flowers. This is perhaps the finest of our mountain flowers. Lilium elegans Thunb. Stem 14 inches long, 1/4 to 3/8 inches in diameter, light green, 5-angled, the angles sharp and roughened; leaves many, sessile, 4 to 4 1/2 inches long, 5/8 inches across, distance apart on stem 3/8 to 5/8 inches, linear- lanceolate acuminate, five to seven nerved, margins entire, medium green, the midrib prominent on lower face, leaves at base of pedicels, 3 l/2 inches long, 1 inch across, broadly lanceolate-acute; inflorescence terminal, four flowers in a cluster, flowers 3 inches long, 5 1 / 2 inches across, spreading, pedicels 1 to 1 3/4 inches long, l/4 to 3/8 inches in diameter, glandular and lightly pilose, round ed triangular, bright green, ovary superior, oblong, 3- angled, 6-ridged, glabrous, yellow-green, 3-loculed, with many ovules, 1 inch long, 1/8 inch in diameter; style ex­ ceeding other flower parts, 2 to 2 1/4 inches long, 1/8 inch in diameter, 3-angled, orange to red-orange; stigma capitate, 3-lobed, with marginal-glandular hairs that are red; perianth segments six, 3 1 / 2 inches long, 1 to 1 3/8 inches wide, oblong-spatulate obtuse, orange-red with the middle of blade orange, spotted
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