
Vol. I TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD (Pages 1to474)


Supreme Court of the United States





E. I. DU PONT })E NE1\-10l1RS AND co:MPANY, ET AL.



OCTOBER TERM, 1956 No. 3






INDEX Original Print Record from the United States Distriet Court for the Northern District of I lli11ois, Eastern Division ...... 1 1 Amended list of defendants ...... l 1 Appearances ...... 9 8 Docket entries ...... 11 10 Caption ...... (omitted in printing) . . 38 Complaint ...... 42 37 Answer of defendants, Cbristinna Sccu1ities Com- pany, Delaware Realty & Investmeut Corporation, Pierre S. du Poot, Lawmol du Pout n11J Ireoeu d n Pont ...... 109 87 Answer of E. I. du Pont de Nemours ao

J UDD & DEnVEtLER (lNo.), PRINTERS, WASHINGTON, D. C., J uNE u, 1956 -9541-4 11 INDEX

Record from the United States District Court for the North­ ern District of Illinois, Ea.stern Di\'ision-Continned Transeript of proMedings-Continued Orlglnnl Print Plaintiff's motion to aruend the coruplaint ...... 211 156 Amendment to complaint ...... 213 157 Order grn.ntiag len\·e to amend complaint ...... ~25 167 Amendment to complaint (omitted per stipulation) .. 220 Amended answer of E. I. du Pont de Nemours aud Con1pany ...... 23S 167 Aw.ended answer of defendants, Christiana Secnrities

Compnny1 Dela.ware Realty and ln\'estmcnt Corpo- ration, Pierre S. du Pont nnd Ircnee du Pont ...... 241 168 Prc·tria.l or Testimony of Lawrence P. Fisher- Direct (for U.S.)...... 958 542 Cross ...... 98'1 565 Direct (for G.M.C.) ...... 1005 582 Offers in evidence (U.S.) ...... 10'.:!::l 596 Testimony of Francis B. Davis, Jr., direct ...... 1G37 656 Offers in evidence (U.S.) ...... 1637 657 Excerpts frolJl deposition of Pierre S. du Pout-- Direct ...... 1709 664 Cross ...... 1719 673 Redirect ...... 1734 685 Cross ...... 1735 686 Redirect ...... 1740 690 Cross ...... 1741 691 Recross ...... 1745 694 Testimony of Pierre S. du Pont­ Direct ...... 1824 696 Testimony of Irenee du Pont- Direct ...... 18!.i9 747 Testimony of Pierre S. du Pont- Direct (recaJled) ...... 1972 795 Testimouy of Irenee du Pont- Ircnee dn Pont- Direct (recalled) ...... 21HJ 8G6 Testimony of Pierre S. Dupont-- Cross ...... '.3189 911 R cdirect ...... 2248 942 Testimony of Irenee du Pont- Cross ...... 2248 943 Testimony of Alfred P . Sloan, Jr. - Direct ...... 2396 956 VOL. ill Testimony of nwes J Lynah- •) __ _ Direct ...... - O:>f 106•i Cross ...... 2i01) 1160 Redirect ...... 2820 1173 Testimony of Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.- Direct (recalled) ...... 2831 1179 Cross ...... 3077 1327 Redirect ...... 3::!10 1383 Testimony of John Lee Pratt- · Direct ... . _...... 321S 1387 Cross ...... 3385 1502 I lV 1N'ntx

Record from the United Stntes District Court for the North­ em District of Illinois, Ea.stern Di\;sion- Continued Transcript of proceedings-Continued Orii;innl Prl11l Tcsti1nony of Charles F . Ketteriug- DirC'ct ...... 3.JS2 1508 Cross ...... _ . . . . 3606 1597 VOL. IV Redirect ...... 3638 1619 Recross ...... 3640 1621 Testimony of Earl W. Webb- Direct ...... 3644 1622 Cross ...... ::W73 1640 Redirect ...... 3747 1608 Recross ...... 3748 1698 Excerpts from Deposition of Edgar Clay Brit­ ton- Direct ...... 37:)1 1700 Cross ...... 375!) 1706 Excerpts from depositoin of Eal'} W. Bcnnett- Direct ...... 37GO 1708 Testimony of Willis F. Hanington- Direct ...... 379() 1726 Cross ...... 3970 1848 Redirect ...... -!01~ 1857 Testimony of John R. Sabina Direct ...... 40H 1857 Testimony of John F . Daley .. Direct ...... 40-:IG 1874 Cross ...... 40!10 1906 - Offers in cYidence (du Pont) ...... 4110 1910- Testimony of Ralph J . Wirshing- Dircct ...... 4124 1920 Cross ...... ll3S 1932 Redircet ...... 4145 1930 Testimony of Richard C. Williarns- Direct ...... ·...... 4147 1937 Cross ...... 4232 2003 Testimony of Edmw1d M. Flaher ty- Direct ...... 4268 2016 Cross ...... 4310 2056 Redirect ...... , 4352 2059 Testimony of Mal: N, Nickowitz- Direct ...... 4354 2061- Testimony of Herman L. Weckler- Direct ...... 4450 2131 Cross ...... _ ...... 446S 2144 Testimony of Max N. Nickowitz- Cross ...... , ...... _. . _...... 4494 2165 -· Testimony of Aubrey Lee Brown- Direet ...... 4524 2182 INDEX v VOL. V RccorCl·- Direct ...... 5111 2615 Cross ...... - . . . . · - - - · · - -. - · · · · · · · 5126 2627 Tcstimouy of K . E. W alkcr- IJirect ...... 5137 2636 Cross ...... 5154 2650 Vl INDEX

Record from the United States District Court for the North~ em District of Illinois, Eastern Division-Continued Transcript of proceedings-Continued Orlgln!ll Print Tes.timony of George Edmonds- Direct ...... 6043 2653 Testimony of Lammot du Pont Copcland- Direct ...... 6194 2653 Testimony of Henry B. du Pont-: Direct ...... 6235 2660 Cross ...... 6283 2665 Redirect ...... 6294 2666 Testimony of Pierre S. du Pont, III- Direct ...... 6296 2668 Cross ...... 6307 2673 Testimony of l\Iax N. Nickowitz- Direct (recalled} ...... 6330 2678 .:r Offers in evidence (du Pont) ...... 6521 2684 - T i>.stimony of Wallet" S. Carpenter, Jr.- Direct ...... 6568 2708 Cross ...... 6623 2746 TQstimony of Crawford H. Grecne\valt- Direct ...... 6725 2753 Cross ...... 6742 2768 Testimony of Charles Erwin Wilson- Dircct ...... l'.>766 2776 Cross ...... 6813 2808 ~ Offers in evidence (U.S.) ...... 6858 2812 - 'l'~ sti 111ony of Ralph C. 'Mark- Direct ...... 6916 2826 Cross ...... 6929 2S37 Redirect ...... 6933 2840 Testimony of Louis F. Weynnd- Direct ...... 6941 2847 Cross ...... 6945 2850 Testimony of Edwin W. Farmer- Direct ...... 6950 2854 Testimony of Thomas A. Nnlle--- Direct ...... 6956 2957 Cross ...... 6996 2891 Redirect ...... 7013 2905 0-ffers in evidence (U.S.) ...... 7021 2912 Offers iu evidence (G.M.C.) ...... 7088 2942 Offers in evidence (U.S.) ...... 7090 2943 Tcsti~uony of Irvine W . Tbompson- Direct ...... 7090 2944 Cross ...... 7100 2952 Redirect ...... 7111 2961 Recross 7112 2963 Redirect 7H2 2963 rnDEX

Record f rom the U11 itc1l States District Court. for the North- ern District of Illinois, E astern Division-Continued Transcript of proceedings- Continued Orig inal P rin t Testimony •Jf Elmer F . Scbumacber- Direct ...... · · . . · · · · 7115 2965 Cross ...... · ..... · · · · · 7146 2986 Redirect ...... 7151 2991 Recross ...... 7153 2993 Stipul:ition re tcstimo11y of Panl P. Huffnrd .. . 7354 2994 Offers in evidence (du P ont) ...... 7158 2997 Excerpts from argument of- .Mr. Houchins (U.S.) ...... 7304 3011 Miss Brnss (U.S.) ...... 7564 3016 :P.fr. Bnrshn (U.S.) ...... 8196 3017 Miss Brass (U.S.) ...... 8278 3024 VOL. VI Government's Exhibits: No. 3-"The " ...... 740 3027 No. 27- Comruunication from P ierre S. du Pont to Board of Directors (du Pont) dated Septomhcr ll, 1014 ...... 741. 3029 No. 41-Schedule-Powder Co. stock acquired by du P ont Securities (Christiana) ...... 747 3035 No. 43-i\finutes of meeting of Directors of Ju Poot Se- curities Company of .March 1, 1915 ...... 748 3036 No. 45--Minutes of 1neeting of Directors 0£ du Pont Se- cnriti1:s Company ,,f March 19, 1915 ...... 754 3042 No. 52-Sammary of Acquisitions nnd Dispositions by Irenece du Pont of Common Stock of Christiana Securities Company {du Pont Sccul'itics Company) ...... 7.56 3044 No. 67- Intcr-orgaaiztttion let.te1· dllted JtJne 16, 1927, frow J. J. Jhskoh (GMC) to P. S. dn Pont, et al...... 757 3045 No. 68- Lettcr dated June 17, 1927, initinUed Ldup to John Jl.askob ...... 759 3047 No. 101-Report W. W . Richards (du Pont) to Irenee du P ont l.fnted March 16, 1909 ...... 760 3048 No. 103-Coouuunication dated March 16, 1912 fTom R.R.l\L Carpenter (dn Pout} to Executh·c Committee ...... 768 3056 No. 104--Commnnicntion dated October 11, 1912, front H.R.~f. Carpenter (du Pout) to P . S. du Pont, et al ...... 770 3058 No. 105-Communicntion dated February 10, 1913, from R.R.I\I. Carpenter (du Pont) to Encutive Committee ...... 775 3059 \'111 INDEX

Government's Exhibits: Orlglual Print No. 106-Letter dated November 10, 1921, from Irenee du Pont to Finance Committee transmitting «a short history of the Fal'Jrikoid industry". . 778 3062 No. 107-Letter dated Mny 27, 1916, from R.R.1\f. Car­ pent.er (du Pont) to Ex:ecutfre Committee transmitting "a report on the Fairfield Rub­ bel' Company" ...... 797 3079 No. 108-Progrei>s report dated April l7, 19l4, from De­ Yelopment Depa.l'tment (dn Pont} to Irenee du Pont ...... 819 3101 No. 109-Communication dated September 12, 1915, from Development Department (dn Poot) to Ex- ecutive Committee ...... ___ . . . 837 3119

No. l 10- Communication dated September IZ, 19151 from De\·elopment Depattwent ( rlu Pont) to Ex­ ecutive Committee re "The Purchase of the Arlington Co1opany" ...... 838 3120

No. 111- Communieation dated August 11, 19161 from De­ velopment Department {dn Pont) to Ex­ ecutive Committee re "The Manufacture of Paints and Varnishes at Parlin"...... 86~ 3144 No. 112--Communication dat.ed November 28, 1916, from "Vice President" (du Pont) to Executive Committee re "Purchase of Harrist>n Bros. & Co., Inc." ...... 872 3154 No. 113----Communication Jated November 22, 1916, from Development (du Pont) to Executive Com- mittee re "Harri.sou Bros. & Co., Inc." . . . . . 874 3156 No. 114-"Net Purchases of Commmon Stock of General Motors Company, Chevrolet Motor Company a nd General Motors Corporation, 1914-1917" by Pierre S. du Pout ...... _. 906 3188 No. 115-"Net Purchases of Commmon ~tock of General Motors Company and Chenolet Motor Com- pany, 1914-1917" by Irenee du Pont. . . . ~07 3189 No. 116-Unsigned letter dated September 17, 1915, to J . A. Haskell ...... 908 3190 No. 117-Comruunicntion dnted December 2, 19).5, from l\L K. Doherty to Pierre S. du Pont trans- 111itting list of Directors, Committee Members, and Officers of General Motors Company . . . 910 3192 No. 118-Letter rlafod December 12, 1916, from W. C. Durant (Chevrolet Motor Company) to John J . Raskob ...... _ . .. . _ ___ ...... 912 3194

No. 119-Unsigned letter dated May 91 1916, to La.mmot Belin ...... 916 3198

No. 120- Unsigned letter dated April 101 19161 to W. C. Durant (Chevrolet .Motor Co.) ...... 918 3200 · INDEX Gover11ment's Exhibits: OrlclnaJ Prlot No. 121-Lettcr 11ated April 12~ 1016, from W. C. Durant to J. J. Raskob ...... 920 :1202 No. 12::!- Unsigne.f ll!tter d<1te1l :May 9, 1916, to W. C. Durant ...... 921 32 fJ~ No. 123- Conuu1111icatio11 dated September 5, Hll7 from T. S. Merrill (GMC) lo Pierre S. du Pont transmitting list of Di rectors nnd 0-fficers of General Motors Corporation ...... 3205 No. J24--Cotumunicntion dated December 19, 1917, fr9ru ''Treasurer11 tc "Fina.nee Committee" re Gen­ eral Motors- Chevrolet Motor Stock In- vestment ...... fJ211 3~0S No. 125-Excerpt from "Annual Report of the du Pont Company for the Y car 1918"...... fl.JG 32~8 No. 126-Copy of minutes of Joint Meeting of E:'l:ecu­ tivc Committee #178 and Finnnce Committee #85, E. I . du P ont de Nemours & Company, December 20, Hll7 ...... 947 W220 No. ] 28-Commuui~atioo dated March 8, J.918 from Treas­ urer (du Pont) to Finnnce Committee 05:.! :-l23-! ~o. 12t1- Lctter datcrl Jnnua.ry '.13, 19JS, frorn ~ t r. Hn<;kc·h to W. C. Durant ...... !162 :l244 No. 130- Exccrpts £1·0111 meeting of Board of Direct.ors of General ~fotor~ Corporntion of February 21 , l!llS ...... OG5 3~4 i No. 131- E,.cerpls from tueellng of Board of Di-rectors of General Motors CQrpor~tion ot'. Mnrch 2J, 1018 ...... ' ...... !l70 R252 No. 132-J<:xi:erpls from meeting of Fim111cc Co111Uliltcc of Gcnerul Motors Corporation on .June 27, 1918 ...... ' ...... ' . . .. . nn 3:254 No. 133-Unsigncd letter dated June 29, 1918, to H. 1\1. BAtksdale ...... fl75 :l257 No. .13.J-Mctnorn ndum dated December 12, 1918, LI.' Finance Committee from ' 'Chninuan" ... .. !lSl 32133 No. 135--Mcmornmlmn from J. J. Raskou (tla Pl)ot) t.o Finance Commit:.tcC! dated Dccclllber 14, 191S !)84 3266 No. 137- Report of Genernl Motors Corporatiou for the: Fiscal Y ca r Ended Dcc~n\!Jer 31, 191 8 990 3'.272 No. 138-Extracts from Minutes of Meeting of Jt,iunuce Con1mitt~e (GMC) on September 2.5, 1910 1006 J~SS No. 139- Rcport of General ·Motors Corportltion for tht! Fisc:i.1 Yt!ar E nrlcd Decemher 31, 1919. . . . . 100!> 3~!)1 No. 140- Metnor:m

Government's Exhibits : Orli;loal Print No. 142-Extracts from meeting of the Finance Committee (Gl\IC) June 2, l!l20 ...... 1035 3317 No. 143-Letter dated May' 21, 1920, from Irenee dn Pont to John J . Raskob ...... 1042 33~4 No. 144-Unsigned communication dated J uly 16, 1920 to Edward R. · ...... 1041 3326 No. 145-Letter dated July 20, Hl20, from Edw. R. Stet- tinius to Pierre S. du Pont ...... 104.5 33'.!7 No. 153-Letter from du P ont American Industries, Inc. (Piene S. du Pont, President) and Chevrolet Motor Co. ( .Johu J . Raskob, Vice Presi- dent) dated November 2"2, 1920 to du Pont Securities Compa ny ...... 1046 3328 No. 154-Agreement dated November 22t 1920, behveen du Pont Securities' Company, W. C. Durant, du P ont American Industries, I nc. and Chevro· let Motor Company ...... 1047 33~9 No. 155-Minutes of meeting of Boa.rd o~ Directors of dn Pont Securities Company, November 22, 1920 ...... 105.5 3337 No. 156-Communication dated .January 18, 19::n from .l\:L D. Fisher (du Pont) to J. J. Raskoh .... 1064 3346 No. 157-Agreeinent dated December 31, 1920, between du P ont American Industries, Inc., du Pont Seeurities Company, and W. C. Durant . .. 1066 3348 No. 15S-Resolutfon ndopted lJy Board of Directors of du Pont American Indust ries, Inc., May 31, 1921 1071 3353 No. 161-Cowmunication dated April 2, 1921, from J. J. Raskob to Finance Committee (du Pont) . . 1074 3356 No. 162-Letter dated April 8, 1921, from Irenee du Pont to John J. Rnskob ...... 1082 3364 No. 163-Communicntion dated April 9, 1921, from J. J. Raskob to Finance Committee (du Pont) .. . 1084 33G6 No. 16&-History of the du Pont Cornpany's Investment in the General Motors Corporation dated August 17, 1921 ...... 1093 3375 No. 167- Communication dated January 30, 1922, from .J. J. Raskob to Finance Committee ...... 1111 3394 No. 168- Communication dated Febmary 6, 1922, from W. Carpenter, Jr. (du Pont) to Finance Committee ...... 1112 3395 No. 177-Members of Board of Directors and Priocipal Executive Offices Held and Officers Who Were Not Directors, 191i-1948 (General Motors Corporation) ...... 1114 3397 No. 178-Corumunication dated December 29, 1920, from Pierre S. du Pont (GMC) to Officers, Direl!- tors and Heads of Department ...... 1115 3398 INDEX Xl

Government's Exhibits: Orig-Inn I rrlat No. 179- Communication dated November 22, 1920, from Secretary, Finance Comwittee (du Pont) lo P. S. 1lu Pont ...... 1121 :W04 No. 180- Communication dated December 21, 1920, from Irenec du Pont to F inance Committee . . . . . 1123 3406 Nn. 181-Lcttcr dated January S, 1931, f rom John J . Rnskob to Irenee du Poot...... 11~5 3408 No. 182---Extract from minutes of Finnnce Committee (du Pont) April 24, 1923...... ll~fl 3.Jl2 1:fo. 183-Letter dateil April 25, 1923i from Pierre S. du Pont lll the Directors of Oenern.1 Motors Cor- poration ...... 1131 3414 No. 184-Cornmunication dated May S, 1923, from Ircnce

No. 188-Letter dn..ted December 24, 19281 initinlcd LduP to Alfred P. Sloan . . _...... 1140 3423 No. 189-Couununication dated February 13, 1929, from Irem"?e du Pont to Lammo~ du Pont - . . . . . lH'.3 342.5 No. l90--Coum1m1icntion dated Ap1il 22, 193U, fro111 Chai nnan of the Board to A. P. Sloan, Jr. . . 1143 342G

No. 194-Conunnnicn.tion dated April 61 1937, from Chair­ man of the Board to A. P. Sloan, .Tr ... 1145

No. 195-Commnniclltion dated April 61 1937, from Chair­ ruan of the Board to F. D. Brown (G .MC) .. 1151 3434 No. 196-Letter dnterl April 23, 1937, from President to W. S. Carpenter, Jr...... Jl.5~ 3'135 No. 197-Tclc:gi·um 1lntcd ~fay 3. 1037, from ucnrpcntcr" to '•Pr1?suuPont" ...... 1157 3440 No. 198-Letter dated September 12, 1940, from " Prcsi- dcnt1' to Alfrod P . Sloan, Jr...... ll5S :H41

No. 190- Let.ter dnt1~ d Jammry 81 1941.1 from (Gl\fC) to W. S. Carpenter, Jr. . . . . l HiO 3-:14 3 0 No. 200--Lettcr dated Jununry 9, 19411 from "President to D1mnldson Brown (G~iC) ...... 1164 :J447

No. 201-Lett.er dated April 87 1942, frow W. S. C:i.r­ pcnter1 Jr., to Alfred P. S loan, Jr...... Jl7l 34;)4

No. 202-Lcttcr dntecl April 101 1942, froru "Chuiru111n of the Board'' lo Alfre1l P. Sloan, Jr...... 1175 3458 No. 203-Lett11r clnte(l April 13, 1942, from Alfred P. Slonn, .Jr., tq Lmmnot. du Pont ...... 1170 346'.? No. 20f>-Letter da.teil 1\fa.y 29, 1943, from Alfred P. Slonn, Jr., to Lammot cl u Pont...... 1183 3466 XII INDEX

Government's Exhibits: Orlglnnl Print No. 207-Letter dated September 23, 1943, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., to Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. . . 1185 3468 No. 208-Letter dated Febmary 11, 1944, from Alfred P. Slonn, Jr., to \Vnlter S. Carpenter, Jr...... 1187 :-1410 No. 209-Comrnnnicntiou dated May 22, 1944, from "Chair- man of the Board,, to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. . . 1189 No. 210-Communieation dated July 12, 1944, from W. S. Carpenter, Jr. to Laminot du· Pont...... 1192 No. 217-Letter dated May 3, 1945, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Walter S. Carpenter, .Jr...... 1196 3478 No. . 220---L('tter dnted December 10, 1945, from Alfred P . Sloan, Jr. to Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. .. 1197 No. 221- Letter dnted DeN:mber 13, 19±5, from "Chairmnn of the Board" to AJfred P. S1oan, Jr...... 1199 3482 No. 222- Letter dnted February 26, 1946, from W. S. Car- penter to Lammot du Pont...... 1::!00 3488 No. ?24-CClmmmuniention dated May 2'.:?, 1946, ioitialecl WSC to Donalclsoo Brown ...... 1202 B4S5 No. 22S-Lettcr elated September 30, ]!)4i, from Alfrerl

P. Sloan, Jt'.1 to Wnlter S. Carpenter ... 1204 :-:l4S7 No. 231-Communicat.ioul dated September 16, 1948, from W. S. Cn!'penter, Jr., to Lammot du Pont. 120G 3489 No. 232-Lett.er dated Septembe.r 15, 1948, frou1 Alfred P. Sloon, ~Tr. to Walter S. Carpenter, Jr... . 1207 34!'.10 No. 233-Mernornnclum dated September 17i 1948 from Larumot du Pont to W . S. Carpenter, Jr.. . . . 12M ?.4!)2 No. 235---Letter dated ,June 21, 1923, from J ..J. Raskob tO; J. P . Laffey (du Pont.) ...... 1:?11 No. 237- Letter dated ,July 20, 1923, from Donaldson Brow11 ('GMC) to W. $. Catpenter, Jr...... 12~4 3507 No. 238- Letter dated July 24, 1923, from "V.P. ancl Treas.'' to F. D. Brown {Gl\lC)...... 1:227 3530 No. 239- Conuuunication elated Jnly 26, 1923, from Irenee du Pont to Wnltcr S. Carpenter, Jr...... 1236 3519 No. dated July 26, 1923, f rom J. J. Raskob to Finance Committees GMC and du Pont ...... 1237 3520 No. 241-Extracts from Minutes of meeting of Board of Directors (Gl\IC) August 9, 19'.33...... 1257 3540 No. 242- Commnnication dateu August 14, 1923, from Irenee du Pont to pj S. du Pont ...... 1259 :3542 No. 243-Minutes of speeial meeting of Board of Directors (du P out) August 30i 1923...... 1262 3545 No. 244--Communica.tion dated October 15, 1923, from Board of Directors to Finance Committee and commuoicntions dated October 10, rn2.a, from J. J. Raskob to Board of Directors (du Pont) ...... 1206 3549 tNDEX Xlll

Government's Exhibits: Orlgi11o l Print N1.'I. 246---Lettcr dnted Oct.ober 19, 1923, from J. J . Raskob tu \Y nltt:r S. Carpenter, Jr...... 1~79 3:)62 No. 247- Communication dated Octobar 27, 19::!3, from J. J. Raskob to Bon rd of Directors (du Pont) ...... 128U 35G3 No. :348- l\iinutes of special meeting of Boa1·d of Directors (du Pont American Industries, Inc.) Novem- ber 5, 1923 ...... 1282 35G5 No. 250-Extracts from minutes of meeting of B onnl of Directors (G'MC) Novemher S, 1923 ...... 1284 85(;7 No. 252-1\linutes of regularly quarterly meeting l)f Bonrd 0£ Directors ( G enern.I Motors Secnrities Company) 1\fny 16, 19~4 ...... 1286 3569 No. 253-1\'Iinutes of annual meeting of stockholders of General Motors Securities Compnny March li. 1926 ...... 1289 3572 No. 254-.Minute~ of nnnunl meeting of stockholders of Geuei·a l Motors Securities Compnny Mnrch 16, 1932 ...... 1291 3574 No. 25&-l\finutes of annual meeting of stockholders of General Mot.ors Securities Company Mnrcb 15, 1933 ...... 1295 3.578 No. 257-.Minutes of annual meeting of stockholders of General Motors Sccu1itics Company l\forch 21, 1934 : ...... 1298 3581 No. 25S-Inte1Togntories propounded by plaintiff lo Gen­ eral .Motors Corporation (Interrogatories 7 nnd 8) ...... 1301 3584 No. 259-Answer of 'General Motors Corporation to Jn. tcrrogntory 7(a} nnd (b ) ...... 1.304 3537 No. 2GO-.Answer of General 1\fotors Corpornti(l11 nn

S loan7 .Jr., to Lnmmot du Pont ...... 1R17 3600 No. 264-Letter dnted August 20, 1929, from ''Chnirmnn of the Board" to Alfred P. Sloau, Jr...... 1319 3602 No. 265-Minutes of Special Meeting of Bonrd of Direc­ tors of General Motors Securities Company

J anunry 61 1930 ...... 1321 3604 No. 266---Coru11111oication dated Octobt?r 24, 1930, from ''Presillcnt'' t;o W. S. Carpenter, Jr...... 1322 3G05

No. 267-Communication dated December 12, 19307 from Chairman, Finanee Committee, to Finance Colllmittee-du Pont Compnny, Bonrd of Di­ rectors--General Motors Securities Com- pany ...... 1324 36(17 . XlV INDEX

Government Exhibits: Orlglonl Pr ln t No. 26S-Minutes of Special Meeting of Board of Direc­ tors of General Motors Securities Company~

December 157 1930 ...... 1347 3G30 No. 269-Communicntion dated J nnuary 17, 1931, from "Treasurer" to Board of Directors, General Motors Securities Company ...... 1352 3635 No. 270-Cowiuunication dated February 12, 1932, from ''Treasurer'' to Board of Directors, General Motors Securities Company ...... 1.3.55 aa.qs No. 273--Communic~tion dated January 4, 1939, from "Treasurer" to Finnnce Committee . . . . . 1357 36.JO No. 274-Applica.tion for Ruling and Closing Agreements re proposed compJcte liquidation of General 1\fotors Securities Company-Department of Treasury, Bureau of Internal Revenue dated September 28, 1938 ...... 1360 3643 No. 276-Bonus and Snlary Committee of General Motors, 1941-1949 ...... 1396 3679 No. :277-Communication dated April 17, HHS, from R. R. l\L Carpeuter to Executive Couunittee transmitting report of The Flint Varnish & Color Works and the F lint Varnish & Color Works of Canada, Ltd...... 1397 3680 No. 278- Communication dated August 14, 1918, from L. du Pout and Wm. Coyne to Executive 1432 3716 No. ~79-New England Oil, Paint & Varnish Co., E\'erctt 1434- 3718 No. 280- Communication dated March 15, 1920~ from De­ velopment Department to W. S. Carpenter, Jr...... 1437 3721 No. 281-Commnnication dated Ma.rch 17, 1920, from De­ velopment Department to W. S. Ca rpl'ntcr, Jr. . - .. - - - . . - ...... -- 1448 3732 No. 282-Communication dated March IS, 1920, from W. S. Carpenter, Jr. to Executive Committee .. 1463 3746 No. 283-Advice of Action of r esolution of l\fa.rch 2~, 1920 (du Pont) ...... 1466 3750 No. 284-Communication dated April 7, 1920, from W. S. Carpenter, Jr. to Executive Committee ... 1468 s--')10-

No. 285---Couununication dated November 4, 19211 from H. Gnibb, General Manager, to Irenee du Pont ...... 1471 3755 No. 286-Communication dated November 30, 1021, from Hunter Gn1bb and A. B. Echols to Board of Directors, Flint Varnish nod Color Works 1-185 3769 No. 287- Extract from Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting ('General Motors Corporation) Jan- uary S, 1923 ...... 1489 3773 lNDE~ xv

Government E:thibits: Orli;lual Prlot No. 288--Extract from Minutes of Finnnce Co1nmittee uiecting (du Pout) Februtiry 16, 1923 ..... H91 377ii No. 289-Communicntion dated Jnnunry 27, 1923, frow Development Dep11rtment to Executive Com- mittee ...... 1492 3776 No. 29(}.-Communication dated April 15, 1918, from "Vice Pre3ident" to William Coyne...... 1498 378~ No. 291- Letter dated April 19, 1918, from du P ont Fab­ rikoid Company to J. A. HnskelI ( Chevrolt?t Motor Company) ...... 1500 3784 No. 29:::!- Co111111unication dated April 20, 1!118, froOI "Vice President.'' to C. Hallock, Silkwnn (du Pont Fnbrikoid Company) ...... 1501 3785 No. '.:!93- Comrnunicntion dated i\lny 22, 1918, from Wm. Coyne to C. L. Peti e ...... 150~ 37SG No. 294.-Lettcr dated June 15, 1918, from The Arling­ ton 'Vorks (du Pont ) to J. A. Haskell (du Pont) ...... 1503 3787 No. '.:?95-Lctter dated July 2, 1920, from du P ont Fnb­ rikoid Company lo J . A. Haskell (GMC) .. 1505 378!) No. 296-Lctter dated July ll, 1918, from Edw. Verlin­ den (Olds Motor Works) to J. A. Hnskell (GMC) ...... 1506 3790 No. 297-Lcttcr datecl July 12, 1918 from du Pont Fab­ rikoid Company to Chevrolet Motor Com- pn11y ...... 1507 3791 No. 29S-Lctter dntcd, July· 12, 1918 from Cndillnc :Motor Cnr Company to J. A. Haskell (GMC) 1511 3795 No. 299-L

Government Exhibits: Original Print No. 306-Communication dated ·July 29, 1920, from Chas. L. Petze (du Pont Fabrikoid Company) to J ohn J. R.askob ...... 15'27 3811 No~ 307-Letter dated August 25, 1920, from "Vice Pres- 4ent" t;o C. L. Petze ...... 1530 3814 No. 308-Letter dated September 15, 19~0, from F. W. P ickard (du Pont) to . J. A. H a :,;.kell (GMC) 1532 3816 No. 309--Letter dated April 28, 1921, from ,V. S. Car­ penter, ,Jr. to F . Donaldson Brown (GM:C) .. 1534 3818 No. 310-Lett.cr date1l A]Jril 29, 1921, from "Vice P resi­ dent" to W . S . Carp1mter, Jr...... 153(i 3S20 No. 311-Letter dated November 1, 1922, from ''General Manager, Accessory Divisions" to F. S. Mne- Gregor (du Pont) ...... 1537 3SZ1 No. 312-Letter dated December 18, 1922, from Hyatt Ben.rings Division ( Gl\IC) to J. L. P1·att (GMC) ...... 1538 3822 No. 313- Communication dated November 16, 192-2, from F .; A. Weiss to Mr. Forsythe ...... 1539 3823 No. 314- dated December 20, 1922, f rom " Vice President" to H . J. Forsythe (Hyatt Bearings Division) ...... 1542 3826 No. 315-Letter dated August ZT, 1924, from Z. Phelps (du Pont)' to John Pratt (Gi\iC) ...... 1543 3827 No. 316-Communication dated September 2, 1924, from "Viee President11 to Z. Phelps (tlu Pont) . . 1545 3829 No. 317-Communications dated September 2, 19".A, from "Vice President,, to James Lynnh . . . 1546 3830 No. 318--Letter dated September 4, 1924, f rom James Lynah (GMC) to J. L. P ratt (GMC) . . .. 15-17 3831 No. 319-Letter dated November 13, 1925, from H. Fletcher Brown (du Poot) to Alfred P. Sloan 15-18 3832 VOL. VII No. 320- Letter dated November 17, 1925, unsigned, to H. Fletcher Brown (du Pont ) ...... 1549 3883 No. 321- Corumunicntion dated J anuary 11, 1926, from "Vice President'' to F. LaMotte, Jr. (du Pont) ...... 1551 3835 No. 322-Communieation el ated January 22, 1926, from ''Vice President'' to Mr. J . B. Jackson_ . 1552 3S36 No. 323-Letter dated J anuary 28, 1926, from J.B. Jack­ son to John L. Pratt ...... _ . . 1553 3837 No. 324-Letter dated March 23, 1926, from Z. Phelps (du Pont) to J ohn Pratt (G1\'1C) ...... 1554 3838 No. 325-Letter dated April 5, 1926, from "Vice Presi- dent" to Z. Phelps {du Pont) ...... 1556 3840 INDBX xvu Government Exhibits: Original Print No. 326-Lettcr dated August 23, 1926, initialled APSJr to 0. E . Hunt (Chevrolet l\totor Company . . 1558 3842 No. 327- Communicntion dated Septcruber 1, 1926, from 0. E. Hunt to A. P~ Sloan, Jr...... 1560 3844 No. 328- Lettcr dakd October 14. 1926, £rom Z. Puelps to John Pratt (GMC) ...... 1561 3845 No. 329-Lcttcr dated October 19, 1926, from J. r.... Pratt to z. Phelps (du Pont ) ...... 1562 3846 No. 330~Letter dated October 21, 1926, from z. Phelps (du Poot )k1 J. L. PrntL (GMC) ...... 1563 3847 No. 3:Jl- Lctter datt!d November W, 1026, £row James Lynah (GMC) to J . L. Prntt (Gl\'lC) ...... 1566 3850 No. 332-Lctter dated November 17, 1926, f rom Z. Phelps (du Pont) to J. L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1567 3851 No. ~3--Mcmor:rndum from Jn.ck Pbf:'lps dated Novewher 16, 1926, "Disadvantages of Glycerin for Anti-Freeze" ...... · ...... 1569 3853 No. 334 Lotter dated November 19, 1926, frout Z. Phelps (du Pont) to J. L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1575 3859 No. 335--Lcttc.r dated December 3, 1920, from Z. Phelps (du Pont) to J . L. Pratt ('OMC) ...... 1576 3860 No. dated December 8, 1926, from A. P. Slonn, Jr. to J . L. Pratt re Anti­ F reeze Solutiou ...... 1577 3861 No. 337-Communication dated December 20, 1926, ini- tfoled .APSJr to J. L. Pratt...... 1579 3862 No. 338-Communication dated January 11, 1926, ini- tinUcd JLP to James Elms (du Pont) . .... 1580 3863 No. 339-Letter dnted J nnunry 21, 19'26, from E. G. BiechJcr (Delco Light Company) to J. L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1581 38G4 No. 340-Letter dated January 23, 1026, from " Vice President" to E. G. Biechler (Deleo Light) . . 1582 3865 No. 341-Comnmuication dated J 11nuary 23, 1926, ini- tialled JLP to Jnmes Elms (du Pont) . . . . 1584 3867 No. 342-1\Iemornndnm date(] A1>ril 15, 1926, from R. G. Knight to Mr. Curtice ...... 1585 3868 No. 343-Lett.e.r dated April 16, 1026, froni A. Cbnmpion (A. C. Spark Plug Company) to J . L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1586 3SG9 No. 344-Meruoraodmu dnted April 19, 1926 initialled JLP to J. J. Moosman (du Pont Chemical Co.) ...... 1537 3870 No. 345-Lettcr dated April 20, 1926, from J. J. Mossmau (du Pont Chemical Company) to J ohn L. Pratt ('Gl\IC) ...... ·...... 1588 3871 No. 346-Letter dated April 21, 1926, initinlled JLP to Albert Champion (A C Spark Plug Com- pany) ...... 1589 3872 -xviii INDEX

Government Exhibits : Original P r i nt No. 347-Letter dated April 23, 19'26, from A. C. Cham- pion (A C Spal'k Plug Company) to J. L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1590 3873 No. 348-Coilllllnnication dated July 12, 1926, from R. B. Knight to M.r. deGuichard...... 1591 3874 No. 349-Letter dated July 14, 1926, from A. Champion (A C Spark Plug Company) to J . L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1593 387() No. 350- Letter dated May 1, 1926, from Z. Phelps (du Pont) to John L. Pratt (GMC)...... 1595 3S-iS No. 351- Comruunication dated !\foy 4, 1926, from "Vice President" to James Lynah ...... 1596 387rl V No. 352-Communicntion dated May 15, 19~6, from Jnmes Lynah to J. L. Pratt (GMC) "Black Ena- ' mels" ...... 1597 8880 ) No. 353-Colll.Dlunicatiori dated .May 17, 1926, from ''Vice President" to Z. Phelps (du Pont) ...... 1598 38SJ No. 354-Letter dated July 7, 1926, from Z. Phelps (du Pont) to J. D. Brown (GMC) .. . .. 1599 3882 No. 355-Letter dated July S, 1926, from Donnldson Brown (GM.C) to Charles T. Fisher (Fisher Body Corporation) ...... _ 1600 38Sii No. 35&-Letter dated July 30, 1926, from Chas. T. Fisher (Fisher Body Corp.) to Donaldson Brown (GMC) ·· · ··· · -·· · · -·-·· · ··· · · ··· ·· · ··· 1601 :~884 No. 357-Lt>tter dated August 2, 19261 from Donaldson Brown to Z. Phelps (du Pont)...... 1602 388.3 No. 3.58-Let.ter dated August 4, 1926, from W. F. Har­ rington (du Pont) to John L. Pratt (GMC) 1603 38SG No. 359-Letter dated August IO, 1926, from J . L. Prntt to W. F. Harrington (do Pont) ...... 1604 3887 No. 360- Letter dated September 23, 1925, from W. F . Harrington (du Pout) to J. L. Pratt (GMC) 1605 3888 No. 361-Lettt!r dated September 29, 1925, from ''Vice President" to W. F. Harrington {du Pont) 1606 3889 No. 363--Letter dated October 9, 1925, from Delco-Light Company to W. F . Harrington (dn Pout} __ 1607 :::1890 No. 363-Letter dated October 28, 1926, from L. du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan ...... ______. . . . . 1608 3891 No. 364-Letter dated October 29, 1926, from J. L. Pratt to Lanunot du Pont ... ___...... 1609 3893 No. 365-Letter dated November 8, 1926t from Alfred P . Sloan, Jr. to Lamwot du Pont...... 1611 38~15 No. 366-Letter dated November 9, 1926, from Lammot du Pont to Alfred Sloan ...... _ __ 1613 3897 No. (date illegible) from W. P. Allen to L. du Pont re "Extract from 'Weekly Report' to H. E. Laekey7' __...... 1616 3900 No. 366B-Handwritten notations with respect to pi:o­ duction schedules ...... 1620 3904 INDEX

Government Exhibits: Orlgiaal Print No. 367-Let.ter dated November 11, 1926, initialled APSJr to Larumot du Pont...... 1622 3906 No. 368-Coumrnnication dnted November 15, 1926, from "VicE:' President" to A. P. Sloan, Jr...... 1624 3908 No. 369- Letter dated November 16, 1926, from Allred P. SJonn, Jr. to Lammot du Pont...... 1627 3911 No. 371-Letter dnteil December 7! 1934, from J. L. Pratt to Fred G. Hughes (New Departure 1\-Ifg. Co.) ...... 1628 3912 No. 372-Letter dated December 10, 1934, from F. G. Hughes to John L. Pmtt (GMC) ...... 1629 ·3913 No. 373-Letter dnted December 14. 1934, from J. L . Pratt t;o Robert McClellan (Nntional Am- monia Company) ...... 1631 3915 No. 374-Letter d1tted December 14! 1934, from J. L. Pratt to F. G. Hughes (New Departure Division) . . 1632 3916 No. 377-Letter dntn dated October 13, 1922, from Cel- lulose Products Depnrtmcnt to Executive Commit.tee ...... 1635 3919 No. 380-Letter dnte W. P. Allen, G. M...... 1647 3931 No. 383-Report by General Motors Research Corpora- u tion on Methods of finisbiog R.utomobiles using Duco matcrinl dtite

Government Exhibits: Original Prlnt No. 401-Excerpts from Monthly Report-August 1926- ..; Pnint., Lacquer nnd Chemical Department, dnted September 27, 1926 ...... 1666 3950 J No. 40'.:!-C111nmnnict1 tion dated July 9, 1945. from John Marshall to Dr. Roy B. Davis, ct. nl...... 1672 3956 No. 403-Communie:i.tion dntecl October 7, 1921, initialled RR.MC to P. S. dn Pont ...... 1674 3~t5S No. 40-1-1\fontbJy report of Cellulose Products Depart- ment for April 1923 dnted !\foy 15, 1922. . . 1677 3!)61 No. 405-1\lemorandum initialled JL for General Purchas- ing Committee-Fcbrunry 7, 1023 "Lenther Substitute-Gimp ancl \Vclt--Rubber Coated Fabrics-Cotton Fabrics" ...... 1680 ·No. 406--Memornndum elated Febniary 12, 1923, from Cel­ lulose Products Department to Executi"e Committee "Relations With the Gencrnl Mo- tors Corporntions'~ ...... 16S~ 3066 No. 4.07-Memornndum dated July 18, 1923, frotn W10. Coyne to P. S. du Pont "Che\TOlel Top Business" ...... 169S ~9S2 No. 408-C-Ommunicatino dated July 19, 1923, from "Chairman of the Bonrcl" to Wm. Coyne . 1699 3983 No. 410--Unsigned commuuication dated July 27, 1923, to William S. Knudsen (Chevrolet Motor Car Company) ...... 1700 3!JS4 No. 411-Exce11)t from August 18, 1922 Cellulose Prod­ ucts Department Final Report for June and Preliminary Report for J nly 1922 to Execu- tive Committee of du Pout Company (G'MC 1052) ...... ' .. . . 1701 3985 No. 412-Memorandum dnted September 27, 1923, to Purchasing Agents, ( GMC ) re Minutes: 9th Meeting, Detroit ...... 1702 3986 No. 413-ConimuniCRtion do.ten October 6, 1923, from Wm. P. Allen to Irenee du Pont ...... 1704 3987 No. 415-1\femorandum elated October 16, 19~3, initialled APSJr to Wm. P. Allen ...... 1708 398~1 No. 416-Letter clnterl October 18, 1923, from Wm. P. Allen to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 1710 3991 No. 417- E:tcerpts from 1.fontbly Report of Cellulose Prodocts Manufacturing Department for April 1921 ...... 1711 39~12 No. 418-E~cerpts .from Monthly Report-Cellulose Prod- ucts Department September 1923 ...... 1720 4001 No. 419-Communication dnted August 12, 1921 from C. W. Phellis (du Pont) to Lam.mot du Pont .. 1728 400fl No. 420-Communication dated August 10, 1931 from "Vice President" to P. S. du Poot . . . . . 1729 4010 No. 421-Communication dated August 23, 1921, from P. . S. du Pont to Lnmmot du Pont ...... 1731 4012 INDEX :X..'l

Govcr111ueot Mhibits: Orlglnal Print No. 423---Commnnic.ation dntetl September 2, 1921, initial- led LduP to P.S. du Poot ...... 1733 4014

No. 423-Communicntion dated September 121 19~4, from "Vice President" to Z. Phelps (du Pont) .. 1734 40l:l No. 424--CoUl.Jlluuication dnted September 11, 1919, from J. J. Raskob to Fillancc Committee ...... 1735 4016 Nn. 425-Comrumiic:ition dated September 11, 1919, from "Chninuau" to F. J. Fisher (Fisher Body Compnny) ...... ___ _ ...... 17313 4017 No. 426-Unsigncd communication dafod September 25, 1!)19, tl) General .Motors Corporation ...... 1741 4022 No. 427-Unsigned memorandum dated September 25, lfll9, tn Messrs. Fisher ...... 1747 4028 No. 1J::?S- Noticc d::itcd Octohcr 18, 1919, to Stockholclers of Fiwer Body Corporation ...... 1748 4029 No. 429-Voting Trust Agreement bet\\"CCn .Fisher Borly Corporation and Fred J. Fisher, et al., dated NoYcmhcr 24, 1919 ...... 1751 4032 No. 430-Agrcerucnt datecl Dccemb('r 9, 19Hl, between Fisher Body Corpol1ltion and Fred J. Fisher . 1767 4048 No. 431-Lctter da.terl Febnrary 11, 1925, from B:mkers Trust Company to Fren J. Fisher, et Rl. .. .. 1770 4051 No. 432-Lettcr dated February 14, 1925, from Bankers Trust. Company to J ohn .J. Raskob ...... 1771 4052 No. 433-Letter dated :i\farch 16, 10:25, from "Cbainnnn" to BBnkd .Jnnuary 21, 1923, from ''Vice President" t.o Lawroocc P. Fisher ( Fi~ber Bo

Go"Vernment Exhibits: Orlglne.l Print No. 444-Letter dated January 20, 1023, from H. H. Rice (Cadillac Motor Car Company) to Lammot dn Pont ...... 1787 4068 No. 445--Letter dnt.ed Fcbrnnry St 1923, from "Vice President'' to H. H. Rice ...... 1789 4070 No. 446-Lett.er dated March 29, 1923, from A. U. Wid- man ( CadilJac Motor Car Company) to Lam- mot du Pont ...... 1791 4072 No. 447-Letter dated May 5, 1923, from "Vice Presi­ dent'' to Cndillnc l\Iotor Car Compnny . .. 1792 4073 No. 448-Letter dated May 21, 1023, from Cadillnc Mo­ tor Car Company to Lam mot du Pont .... 1794 4075 No. 449-Lett.er dated May '.!6, 1923, from "Vice Presi­ dent" to W. S. Widman {Cadillac Motor Car Co1npany) ...... 1796 4077 No. 450-Letter dated Fcbn1a.ry 25, l!l23, from ''Vice Presi~ dent·'' to L. P. FiEher ...... 1797 4078 No. 451-Communication datecl March 9, 1923, from W. P . Allen (clu Pont) to Lnmmot du Pont ...... 1798 4079 No. 452-Lett.er dated March 10, 1923, fron1 "Vice Presi- dent" to L. P. Fisher (Fisher Body Corpo­ ration) ...... 1800 4081 No. 453-E:.:cerpts from Minutes of J\lceting No. 18 of Intertlivisional Relations Committee-Gen­ eral Purchasing Committee (01\IC) (Feb- ruary 6, 1925 ...... lSQl 4082 No. 454--Excerptg from :Monthly Report-June, 1925-Paint, Lacquer & Chemicals Department...... 1803 4084 No. 4-55-Letter dated M~rch 22, 1924, from W . F. Har­ rington (du Pont to J. L. Pratt (GMC) .. . 1813 4094 No. 456--Letter dated March 26, 1924, from "Vice Presi- dent'1 to W. F. Hnrrington (du Pont) . .. .. 1814 4095 No. 458--Communication dated August 6, 1923, initialled APSJ r to P. S. du Pont; et aJ...... 1815 4006 No. 460-Memonnduni elated ,January 27, 1927, ·from L. du Poot to P. S. du Pont et al...... 1810 4100 No. 461-1\fioutes of meeting of Inter

No. 465--Letter dated Oetober 21 1926, from ''General Manager'' to James Lynah ...... 1838 4119 No. 466-Communication dated October 3, 1926, from W. P. Allen to Lam mot dn Pont...... 1839 4120 INDEX X:X.111

Government Exhibits: Origina l Print No. 467- Excerpt from December 23, 1926 l\Ionthly Re­ port-November 1926-Paint, Lacque.r & Chem.icnls Dcpnrt.meut to t.be Executive Committee of the du Pcmt Company ...... 1840 4121 No. 46S-Exeerpt from Jnnuai·y 24, 1927 Monthly Re­ • port- December, 1926-Pnint, Lacquer & Chemicnls Department to the Executive Com- mittee of the du Pont Company ...... 1341 4122 No. 469-Exccrpt from Minutes of Meeting No. 25 of J nterdfrisionnl R.clat.ions Committee-Genera1 Purehnsing Commitlce held .January 26, 1927 (GMC) ...... 1842 4123 ~ No. 470- Lettcr rltltcd October 28, l!J26, f rom Lnmmot du Ponf. f.o Alfred P. S loan ...... 1843 41~4 No. 471-Lcttcr dated October 29, 1926, from .J. L. Pratt (Gl\IC) to Lammot du Pont...... 1844 4125 No. 472-Ldter •lated Ol!tober 29, 192(), from .J. L. Prnt.t to Eil )i'isher (Fisher Bofiy Corp.) ...... 1845 4126 No. 47.5-Let.ter dntcd NMcmbcr 8, 1926r from Alfred P. Slonn, J r. to Lammot du P ont...... 1846 4127 No. 476-Lett.er

Government Exhibits: Original Print No. 500-Commuuication dated June 30, 1937, from J. J. Moosmn.nn (du Pont) to A. B. Echols. .. . . 1883 4164 No. 501-Communieati.on dated June 17, 1937, from E. M. Flaherty (du Pont} to J . J. Moosmann {du P ont) ...... 1885 4166 No. 502-Communication dated .January 15, 1940, from • J. J . l\1oosmann (du Pont) to A. B. Echols . . 1888 4169 No. 503-Communie.ation dated July 17, 1941, from Fabrics & Finishes Depnrtmcnt-Automot.ive Finishes Division, to Chairman, Sub-com- mittee on Purchases & Sales...... l8f>O 4171 y No. 504--Summary of clu Pont Purchases from nod Sales to General Motors Corp. and Subsirliraies for the Years 1938 to 1947 inclnsi"e and Seven :Months 1948 ...... 1891 4172 No. 505-Minutes of Meeting No. 116, Finance Committee, General Motors Corporntion, i\!ay 4, 1926. . . 1892 4173 No. 506-Notice to Stockholders of Fisher Body Copora- tion dated May 17, 1026 ...... 1894 4175 No. 507-Notice to Stock.holders of Fisher Body Corpora- tion dated June 30, 19~0 ...... 1895 4176

No. 508-Communicn.tioo dated July 127 1927, from J. J. Raskoh to Walter S. Carpenter , Jr. (General Motors Securities Company) ...... l SOS 4170 No. 509-Extract from !Vfi11utes of Regular :i\font.hl;v Meet- ing, Board of Directors-July IS, 1927 . . . 1899 4180 No. 510-Communic..'ltion dated October 20, 1031, from M. D. Fisher (-Memorandum dated Mnreh 20, 1918, to "Bends of Departments'' from "Sec'y E:tecutive Com­ mittee'' re Purchase of Motor Equipment . 1907 4188 No. 517- l\!emorandum elated July 23, 1918, to "Heads of Departments" from "Sec'y E.xecut.ive Com­ mittee" re Purchase of Mot.or Equipment. . . . 1908 4189 No. 518-Memorandum dated Dec:cmber 6, 1923, to "Heads of Departments" from "Secy. Executive Com­ mitteen re Motor Equipment-Purchnse of . . 1909 4190 No. 519~Communication dated .T annary 15, 1921, From Ed. H . Ford (du Pont) to H. R. Kinsley. . . . 1911 4192 INDEX xxv

Go"ernmc:nt Exhibits: ()rlglnnl Print No. 520-Conununi<'ntion dated Jnunary 17, 1921, froru H. R. Kinsley t-0 E

}\To. 524--Commuuicntion dntcd .July 101 1922, from Ircncc du Pont to C. F. Brown ...... 1!)21 No. 52.5-Communieation dnted J nnunry 3, 1931, from E. W . Furst (Grassclli Chemical Co.) to W il- liam Hichter ...... 1024 4205 No. 526-Lclter 1la.tP.d Jnnun.ry 8, 1931, from E. W. Furst ( Grns~clli Cb emir.Ill Co.) to L:1mmot du Pont H>25 4~06 No. 5::?7-Commnnii ~ntiori 24: from L . R. Bcnrdslee to .J. W. Mn in ...... 1931 4212 No. 530- Communirntion dnted Mm·ch 31, 1924 from 0 . H . Kerr to P. S. du Pont ...... lfl32 4213 No.. 531-Unsighed rommunicntion dated April 7, 1924, to Alfred P. SI011n, Jr...... 1935 4~16 No. 532-Leltcr duted April 12, 192!1:, from Alfred P . Sloan, Jr. to P. S. du Pout ...... In36 4~17 No. :533-Lctter dated .April 18, 1924, from G. H. Kerr to P. S. du Pont ...... 1037 4~8 No. 53.4-f~tfor dated April 18, 1924, from G. H. Kerr to P . S. du Pont ...... l fl38 No. 535-T.. cttcr dated April 30, 1924, from G. H. Kerr to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 1942 4221 No.. 536-Letter

No. 54-0-T,,ctter dated Sept€mber 81 1924, from Irenee du Pont t.o James Lynah (GM:C) ...... 1953 4232

No. 541-Letter dated September 111 1!1241 from IL Grubb (du Pont) to John Lee Pratt (GMC) ..... 1955 4234 No. 542-Communication clnted September 22, 1924_. from "Vice President'' to Hunter Grubb (du P ont) 1956 4235 XXVI INDEX.

Government Exhibits : Or1glnal Print No. 543-Communication dated Janunry 23, 1928, from L. P. Mahoney to Lammot cln Pont...... 1957 4:?36 No. 544-Letter dated January 29, 1929, from W. F. Har­ rington (du Pont) to J . L. Prntt (GMC) . . . 1962 4241 No. 545--Letter dated January 31, 1929, from "Vice Presi· dent" to W. F. Harrington (du Poot) . . . . 1963 4242 No. 546-Letter dated August 30, 1934, from J. W. Fit- terer (du Pont Rayon Company) to John Lee Pratt (GMC) ...... 1964 4243 No. 547- Letter dated August 31, 1934, from "Viec Presi­ dent" to J. W . F itterer (du P ont Rayon Corn pany) ...... 1965 4244 No. 548-Letter dated September 5, 1934, from J. W. Fit- terer (du Pont Rnyon . ) to J. L. Pratt (GMC) ...... 1966 4245 No. 554-Letter dated April 6, 1934, from M. du Pont Lee (du Pont Rayon Company) to John Lee Pratt. (GMC) ...... 1967 4246 No. 555-Letter dnt.ed April 9, 1934, from "Vice Presi- dent" to M. du Pont Lee {du Pont Rayon Company) ...... 1968 4247 No. 557-Communication dated l\fa.rch 25, 1919, from M. D. Fisher to R. R. M. Carpenter ...... 1969 4248 No. 558-Communication dtt~d January 13, 1920, from "Secretary, Execntivc Committee" (du Pont) to Lam.mot. du Pont ...... _. _...... 1973 4252 No. 575-Commnnication dated April 22, 1920, from Lam- mot du Pont to Executive Committee . . . . . 1975 4254 No. 576--Communication dated May 3, 1920, from Irenee du Pont to Lamruot du Pont ...... 1979 4258 No. 577-Communication dated April 28, 1920, from "Chemical Director'' (du Pont) to Larumot du Pont ...... 1980 42.59 No. 579-Meworanduru of' Discussion of Proposed Agree­ ment between the du Pont Company and General Motors Corporation by Which the Services of the Chemical Department of the du Pont Company Might Be Made Available to the General Motors Corporation ...... 1982 4261 No. 580-Comuiunication dated June 15, 1920, from Lammot du Pont to Exccuti'fe Committee transmitting form of agreement between Gen- eral Motors Corporation and Chemical De­ partment of du Pont Company ...... 1986 4265 No. 581-Let.ter c1nted October 10, 1921, from "Vice Presi- dent" to C. F. Kettering (General Motors Research Corp.) ...... 1993 4272 No. 583-Letter dated October 21, 1921, from C. F. Ket- tering (GMC) to L. du Pont .. .. __ ...... 1995 4274 INDEX XX\'11

Government Exhibits: Original Print No. 583-Lettcr dntl.'Cl October 24, 1921, from "Vice Presi- dent" to C. F. Kettering (General Motors R.cscarch Corp.) ...... 10D7 . 4276 No. 584-Leltcr dated November 5, 1021, from C. F. Ke~ t<:rir1g to Lnmmot du Pont ...... 1099 4278 No. 585-Letter ilatcd October 31, 1921, from L. du P ont to P. S. du Pont ...... 200(} 4279

No. 589-Lettc1· dated March 271 1922, f-roDl L. du Pont to C. F. Kettering ...... 2001 4280 No. 590-Letf.er d n.tcd March 29, 1922, signed "Ket" to L. du Pont ...... 2003 4282 ,' No. 591-Letter rlatt!d April 1, 1922, from L. du Pont to C. F . K<:t.tc1;ng ...... 200·1 42S3 No. .592-Lcttcr dntcd April 3, 1922, from C. F. K ettering to L. du Pont ...... 2006 42S5 No. 593-Letter dated Apri1 14, 1922, from L. du Pont to C. Ji'. Kettering ...... 2011 4290 No. 594--Ldt.er d:i.ted l\lny 8. • 1922, from C. F. K ettering to L. du P ont ...... 2014 4293 No. 505-Letter datc•t1May2, 1922, frt)m C. F. Kettering to P. S. du Pont ...... 2015 42-94 No. 598--Memorandum

Go\'ernment E:s:hibits: Or\glaal I"r lot No. 620-Agreement dated Janunry 7, 1924, between Gen- era.I Motors Chemieal Compnny and Stand- ard Oil Company ...... 2039 4319 No. 621-Memornndum dated June 15, 1923, from F. W. Pickard (du Pont) to Irenee du Pont . . 2053 4333 No. 6~2--Letter dated January 2S, 1924, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Irenee clu Pont ...... 2057 4337 No. 623-Letter dated February 2, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 2060 4340 No. 624-Letter dated February 5, 1924, from Alfred P. Slon.n, JY.. to lrenee du Pont ...... 2062 4342 No. 625----Letter dnted January 12, 1924, from ''Presi­ dent" (Gl\IC) to Irenee du Pont...... 2067 4347 No. 626-Communication dated January 14, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to W. F. Harrington ...... 2068 4348 No. 628-Communication dnted January 14, 1924, from lrenee du Pont to Executive Committee. . . . 2069 4349 No. 630-Letter dated J:inuary 18, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P . Sloan, J·r...... 2070 4350 No. 631-Letter dated September 8, 1924, signed "Ket" to A. P. Sloan, Jr...... 2071 4351 No. 640-Letter dated O(ltober 10, 1924, from Fin Sparre, Director to Inspector General Militaire Patart ...... : ...... 2072 4352 No. 641-Letter dated December 27, 1924, APSJr to Irenee du P ont ...... 2073 4353 No. &!2-Letter dated December 30, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr ...... 2074 4354 No. 64-7-Letter dated April 8, 1925, from Thomas Mid- gley, Jr. (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) to Irenee du Pont ...... 2076 4356 No. 648-Letter dated April 9, 1925, from Irenee du Pont to Thomas Midgley, Jr...... 2078 4358 No. 657- Telegram dated Jnne 5, 1924, from C. F. Ketter- ing to A. P. Slo8.Il ...... 2080 4360 No. 659-Communication dated .June 5, 1924, from P. S. du Pont for attention of Alfred P . Sloan, Jr.. 2081 4361 No. 660--Letter dated June 26, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P . Sloan, Jr...... 2083 4363 No. 661-Letter dated June 27, 1924, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Irenee du Pont...... · 2085 4365 No. 662-Communication dated JunE.> 30, 1924, from Irenee du Pont t.o W . F. Harrington ...... 2088 4368 No. 663-Letter dated June 30, 1924, from Iren~ du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 2089 4369 N(). 664-Letter dated July 8, 1924, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.. to lrenee du Pont ...... 2091 4371 No. 665-Extract from Minutes of Meetiog of Exec\1- tive Committee (GMC) February 'l:l, 1924. . 2094 4374 . INDEX XXlX

Government Exhibits: (trlglnal Prin t No. 666-Letter dated July 25, 1924, initialled APSJr to C. F. Kettering ...... 2096 4376 No. 667- E.xtract from Minutes of Meeting of Finance Committee (GMO) August 27, 1924 ...... 2101 4381 No. 668--Agreement dnt-ed August 1, 1924, between Gen- eral Motors Corporntfon and Standard Oil Company ...... 2103 4383

No. 670- Copy of bill of sale dated .August 281 1924, from General MotoTS Company to Ethyl Gasoline Corporation ...... 2147 4427 No. 672-News release dated August 15, 1924, "Ethyl Gasoline Corporntion Organized'' . . . 2150 4430 No. 673-Memorandum of Conference AugUBt 11, 1924, between P. S. du Pont, et al., and A. P . Sloan, J ·r., et al...... 2154 4434 No. 675-Agreement dated October 10, 1924, between E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Ethyl GasoJine Corporation ...... 2156 4436 No. 676-Mcmornu

No. 687-Communication dated June 301 1925, from W. S. Carpenter, Jr. to lrenee do Pont ...... 2199 4479 No. 688-Letter dated July 1, 1925, read by Irenee du Pont. to E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Cor- poration) ...... 2200 4480 "INDEX

Government Exhibits: Orig inal Print No. 690-Letter dat.ed July Zl, 1925, from E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) to lrenee du Pont ...... 2202 4482 No. 691-Letter dated August 6, 1925, from E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 2207 4487 No. 692-Letter dated August 7, 1925, initialled APSJr to Earle W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) 2208 4488 No. 693-Letter dated August 12, 1925, fl'Om E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 2207 4491 No. 694-Letter dated l\farch 10, 1925, from A. M. Max- . well (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) to Donald- son Brown ( GMC} ...... 2214 4494 No. 695-Communication dated Mnreh 16, 1925, from Don- aldson Brown to Finance Committee...... 2216 4496 No. 69&-Communicated dated April 13, 1925, from C. D. Hartman, J·t. (GMC) for attention of Don- aldson Brown ...... 2217 4497 No. 697-Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Finance Committee (GMC) April 13. 1925...... 2218 4498 No. 698-Extract from Minutes of :Meeting of Finnace Committee (GMC) Aprli 'O, 1925 ...... 2219 4499 No. 699-Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Finnnee Committee ( O:M:C) June 1, 1925...... 2220 4500 No. 700-Extraet from 1\Iinntes of Meeting of Finance · Committee (GMC) July 24, 1925 ...... 2221 4501 No. 70~Letter dated Mny 7, 1925, from Irenee dn Pont to E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corpora- tion) ...... 2222 4502 No. 703--Letter dated January 26, 1926, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Earle W. Webb (Ethyl Gnsoline Corporation) ...... 2223 4503 No. 704--Letter dated Fcbmary 8, 1926, initialled APSJr to lrenee du Pont ...... 2225 4505 No. 705--Letter dnted February 10, 1926, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P . Sloan, Jr...... 2230 4510 No. 706-Agreement dated March 31, 1926, between E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and Ethyl G·asoline Corporation ...... 2232 4512 No. 708-Letter dated December 3, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P. SloanJ Jr...... 2246 4526 No. 709-Letter dated December 4, 1924, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Irenee du Pont ...... 2248 4528 No. 710-Letter dated December 12, 1924, initialled APSJr to Irenee du Pont ...... 22.50 4530 No. 711-Letter dated June 2, 1926, from Irenee du Pont to E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corpora- tion) ...... 2252 4532 . INDEX XX.Xl

Go\'ernnrnnt E:xhi bits: Orlglnnl Print No. 712-Extract from Minutes of Meeting of Execu- tive Committee (GMC) December 30, 1924.. 2254 453-l No. 713-Extrnct from :\linutcs of Meeting of Executive Committee (GMC) January 5, 1925...... 2256 4536 No. 714-Cnble dated March 22, 1926, from London Office (du Pont) to Ire nee du Poot ...... 2257 4537 No. 715-Letter duted June 8, 1926, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 2259 4539 No. 716-Interoffice communication dated J nne 25, 1926, (Ethyl Gasoline Corporntion) transmitting suggested form of letter to I . G. Fnrbcn­ industrie, A. G...... 226~ 4542 No. 717- Letter dated July 24, 1926, from "President'' to A. P. Sloan, Jr...... 2266 4546 No. 718-Communieation dated November 18, 1926, from Ireoec du Pont to Lammot du Pont...... 2267 4547 ,. No. 720-Lettcr dated January 11, 1927, from E.W. Webb to Alfred P. Slonn, J r...... 2269 4.54!.I No. 721-Letter dated January 11, 1927, initialled ES to Frank A. Howard ...... 2270 4550

No. 722-Letter dated December 22, 19261 from I. G. Far­ benindastric Aktiengesellschaft to Frank A. H oward (Standard Development Company) . 2271 4551 No. 723-Agrecnient doted J'nnnnry 10, 1927, het ween I. G. Farbeninrl ustrie Akticngesellscbaft and Ethyl Onsoline Corporation ...... 2276 4556 No. 745-Agrecment dat.ed March 31, l.928, between E . I . du Pont de Nemours nnd Compnny nod Ethyl Gasoline Corporation ...... 2279 4559 No. 746-Agreement dnted October 1, ·192s, between E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Ethyl Gns Lino Corporation ...... 2285 4565 No. 747- .Agrecmcut dated August 26, 1929, between Ethyl Onsoline Corporation and E. I. du Pont de Nemours nod CfJmpnny ...... 2290 4570 No. 748-Lcttcr dated l\forcb 28, 1930, from Alfred P. Slonu, Jr. to Earle W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporat.ion) ...... 2297 4577 No. 749- Letter dated April 3, 1930, f rom E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 2299 4579 No. 750-Letter dntecl April 5, 1930, from Alfred P. Sloo.n, Jr. to Earle W . Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporation) ...... 2302 4.582 No. 751-Letter dated April 18, 1930, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Lammot du P out...... 2305 4585 No. 752-Meruornndum of Agreement dated February 26, 1930, hetween E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and Ethyl Gasoline Corporation .. . 2308 4588 INDEX

Government Eshibits: Original Prh1t No. 753-Memorandnm of Agreement dated September 26, 1931. between E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and Ethyl Gasoline Corporation . 2315 4695 No. 754-Memorandum of Agreement dat.ed August 18, 1933, between E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and Ethyl Gasoline Corporntion. 2322 4602 No. 755-Supplement.al Agreement dated December 22, 1933, between E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company nnd Ethyl Gasoline Corporntion . . 2330 4610 No. 756-Agreement dated May 29, 1930, between E. I. du Pont de Nemouri; & Company and E thyl Ethyl Gasoline Corporation ...... 2335 4615 No. 757- Agreement dated August 24, 1934, between E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and Ethyl Gasoline Corporation ...... 2341 4621 No. 755- A.greement dated December 20, 1935, between E. I. du Pont de Nemoul'S & Company and Ethyl Gasoline Corporat.ion ...... 2349 4629 No. 759- Agreement dated J uly 1, 1936, between E. I . du Pont de Nemours & Company 1tnd Ethyl Gasoline Corporation ...... 2356 4636 No. 762-Letter dated July 17, 1931, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Lammot du Pont ...... 2363 4643 No. 763-Letter 36, from E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline Corporatiou) to Donnldson Bro,rn, ct al...... 2500 ' No. 785-Meworantluiu of Agreement between Ethyl Gasoline Corporation, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, and Standard Oil DE!­ veJopmeut Company dated July 31, 1936. . . 2509 4788

No. 78&-Memorandmn dated No\'eruber 241 1936! by E. W. Webb ...... 2fil:! 4791 No. 788-"Notes on Letter from .Mr. Howard, Jan. 13, 1937, and the Attached 1\.Ieruo·''...... 2516 47fl5 No. 790- Agreemeut. dated l\Inrch 2, · 1937, b1: Lween Ethyl Gasoline Corpornt.ion 11ud E. I. d u Pont de Newour5 & Cornpnny . . .'...... ~5'.:!4 4St1:-l No. 794-Cornmunfoation dnted July 30, 1937, froru J. W. McCoy to Larum(lt du Pont, et ul. 4SMJ No. 795-Lelter dat•!d Decen1ber 20, 1937, f.rorn I re11 P. 1~ du P oat to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 253-l 4Srn No. 796-Letter dated December 20, 1937, frow Tr~nee du P(lnt to E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gnsoline Corporation) ...... 2535 -1814 No. 797-Commanication dated December 31, 1937, .from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr, to Poliey Committee ...... 253G 4815 No. 79S-Leit.$e dated January 1, 1938, beLween E. I. du P ont de Nemours & Company nnd Ethyl Gasoline Corporation ...... 2551 4830 No. 799- Mnnufncturing Ser\'ice Agr~emeo. t dnted Janu­ ary 1, 1938, between Ethyl Gasol ine Co>'po­ ration nnd E. I. du Pout de N eruour;; & Company ...... 4S33 No. 800--License Agreement dated .January 1, Hl::JS, be­ tween E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Com- pany and Ethyl Gasoline Coq>oration. . . . 2601 4880 xniv INDt~

Government Exhibits: Print No. 801-License Agreement dated January 1. 193Si be­ tween Standard Oii Development Com­ pany and Ethyl Gasoline Corporation .. . . :2tJH 4S93 No. 803-Amemlment to License Grant dnted Jnnuary 1, 1938, bet.ween Standard Oil Company, Standard Oil Development Company and Ethyl Gasoline Corporation .. 2617 4896 No. 804--Financing Agreement dated January 6, 1938, between E. I. du Pont de Nctnours & Com­ pany and Ethyl Gasoline Corporation .. . . 2620 4DOO No. 806-Communicntion dnted January 12, 1938, from George Russell ( 0 MC) to Donnldsou Brown .. . , ...... 4!)03 No. 807-Letter dated Jnnuary 18, 1938, from Alfred P. Slo-Letter dated December 5, 1947, from F . G. Douner (GMC) to E. I. du Pont de Nemout'S & Company ...... 2G73 4953 No. 831-Communication dated February 25, 1948, from Special Committee-Ethyl Corporation -to Board of Di.rectors ...... :2076 4956 No. 832-Bill of Sale dated December 31, 1947, be­ tween Ethyl Corporation and E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company ...... ~678 4958 No. 833-Immunity and Cancellation Agreement dated January 1, 1948, between Ethyl Corporation and E . I. du Pont de Nemours & Company ::?GSO 4960 No. 834-Tetraethyl Lead-The Distribution of Prollts­ 2694 4~H N o. 83S--Excerpt from letter to J. L. Pratt from E. G. Biechler dated 3(11/30 ...... ~695 No. 839-E~cerpt from Jetter to E. G. Biechler from J. L. Pratt 3(15/30...... _ 2006 4076 No. 840-Letter dated March 28, 1930, from E. G. Rob­ inson (du Pont) to John L. Pratt (GMC) . 2697 No. 841-Letter dated Mnreh 29, 1930,' from "Vice Presi­ Q.ent" to E. G. Robinson (du Pont) . _. . _. 2698 4978 ,

INDEX xx.xv Government Exhibits: Original Prlnt No. 842-Lettcr dated June 12, 1930, from J. L. Prntt t.o E. G. Robinson (du P ont ) ...... 2699 4919 No. 843- Letter

No. 847- Letter datc.'

No. 851- Letter dated February 9, 19321 from John T. Smith (GMC} to E. I. d u Pont de Nemours ' & Company ...... 2728 5003 ?f o. 852-Letter dated October 10, 1931, from "Vice President" to W. F. Harrington (du Pont) . 272H 5009

No. 853-Letter dated September 8, 19381 from Kinetic Chemica ls Inc. to E . G . Robinson . . . .. 2731 :)011 No. 854--Communicstion dated September 12, 1938, Crom W. W . Rhodes to K G. Robinson ...... 2733 6013 No. 855-Lcttcr dated September 21, 1938, frow E. H. Breech to E. 0. Robinson (Kinc::tic Chemi- ca1 s I nc. ) ...... _,~,3. ~, 50]7 No. 856-Letter dated- September 15, 1938, from E. G. I Robinson (Kinetic Chemicals Inc.) to E. G. Bieehler (Frigidaire Corporation l ...... 2738 5018 No. 857-LcUer dated SeptelUbcr 26, 193S, from .K G. Robinson (Kinetic Chemicals Inc.) to E. R. Breech (Gener al Motors Corporation) . . . . . 2740 50'20 No. SSS-Letter dated October 14, 1938, from W. W. R hodes (Kinetic Cbl!miculs I nc.) to A. J. Sno\\' (Sears, Roebnek & Compnuy) ...... 2'741 50~1 No. 859-Letter dnted October 10, 1938, fro111 La1u1not du P unt to AJfreil P . Sloan, Jr...... 2742 5022 No. 860-Letter dated October 14, 1938, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jt. to Lammot du Pont...... 2743 5024 No. 861-Letter dated October 17, 1938, from E. G. Biechler (GMC-Frigidnirc) to Al.frc

Goverament Exhibits; O r igin:il rrlnt No. 863.--M:emoraodum of Geheral Counsel John Thori.tas Smith dated 1\fay S, 1939 ...... 2747 5028 No. 864-Letter dated June 13, 1939, from E.G. Robinson (Kinetic Clu:miculs Inc.) to E . R. Brccah (G1\lC) ...... 3740 5030 . No. 865-Letter dated June 19, 1939, frotU E. R. Breech (GMC) to E . G. Robinson (Kinetic Chemi­ cals Inc.) ...... 2751 5032 No. 866-Letter dnted June 29, 1939, from E. Ct. Robinson (Kinetic Chemicals Ille.) to E. R. Breeeh (Gl\1C) ...... 2753 5033 No. 867-Cou11nunication dated Septewber 21, 1939, from E. R. Breech (G~IC) to John Tbowns Smith ( G1'IC) ...... 2754 9035 No. 868-Letter dated April 3, 1942-, from W. W. Rhodes (Kinetic to E. G. Biechler (Gl\IC­ Frigidaire) ...... 2755 5036 No. 86D-Letter dated March 8, 1943, from E. 0. RQbin­ sou {Kinetic Chemicals I nc.} to E. F. Johnson ( GMC} ...... 2756 51J37 No. 870- Letter from E. G. Bieehler to E. G. Rohinsou (.Kiuetfo Chemicals Inc.) ...... ::?758 5039 No. S71-L(;t.ter dated March 24, 194S, from E.G. Biechler to E. G. R obinson (Kinetic Chemicals Inc.) 2761) 5041 No. 872- Letter dated April S, 1943, from E. G. Robinson (Kinetic Cbemiculs Inc.) to E. O. Biecbler (GMC-F rigidnirc) ...... 2761 504'.:! No. 8'73-Letter dated February 21, 1944, from Ditisio11nl Comptroller, Frigidaire Division, to C. D. Porch (Kinetie Che:rnie:als Ii1c.) ...... 27G2 5043 No. 874-Lctter dated March 10, 1944, from C. D . .Porc11 (Kinetic Chemicnls Inc.) to E. F ..Johnson (GMC) ...... · . . . ~763 5044

No. 875-Letter clatccl February 24, 19241 from "Viee P resident'' ( GlIC) to Kinetic Chemical:; Inc. ~76:::i 50-!6 No. 876-Lctcr dnt~d March 4, 19441 from W. W . Rhodes { Kineti('. Chemicals Inc.) to C. D. Porch . (Kinetic Chemicals Inc.} ...... 2767 5048" No. 878-Coumninieat.ion dated Mareh 6, 1944, from C. D. Porch to E. G. Robinson tr:msmitting ''His­ tory of the Development and Exploitation of 'Freoll-114' " ...... ~76S 5049 No. 879-Letter elated April 20, 1944, from J. Ralph Fehr (GJ\fC-Frig-idaire) to E. F. Johnson (G~lC) 2770 5057 No. 880-A~r(>emcnt

Motors Corporation nod Kinetie Chemicals •"'I _ _ _ Ioe...... ~,, , 5058 No. 881-Let.tcr dated June 22, 1944, from W. F. Har­ rington (du Poot) to E . F. J ohnson (GMC) 2779 5060 INDEX XXXVll. 00\'Crnmeut Exhibits: 1)rls!nnl l'rlnt No. 882-Cumrnunicntiun 120 N,,, 894-Lettcd. datP.11 February ::n, ]!)27, Crum TJll.mu1ot du Pont. to Alfred Sloan...... 2841 5122 No. 895-1\fomor:rndum

Government Exhibits: Original Print No. 1204-''Relath-e Size of du Pont, General Motors, and U. S. Rnbber in their Respective FieJds". . . 2868 5149 No. 1205-''Relative Size of du Pont, General Motors and U. S. Rubber in their Respective Fields- 1 ear 1950" ...... 2869 5150 No. 1209-'"'Interrogatl)rics Nos. 3 and 4 Propounded by Plaintiff to Pierre S. du Pont, Irenee du Pont, and Lammot du Pont...... 2870 5151 No. 1210-"Answer of Pierre S. du Pont to Plaintiff's Interrogatories Nos. 3 e.nd 4'' ...... 2871 5152 No. 1210A-Answer of Pierre S. du Pont to Interroga- tory No. 3 ...... 287~ 5153 No. 1210A-Correction to foregoing answer...... 2874 5155 No. 1211-"Answer of Lammot du Pont to Plaintiff's In- terrogatories Nos. 3 and 4" ...... 2875 5156 No. 1211A-"Answer of Lammot du Pont to Int~rroga- tory No. 3" .. . . -. . .. --. - . - ...... 2876 5157 No. 1212-"Answer of Defendant Irenee du Pont to Plain- tiff's Interrogatories Nos. 3 and 4" . . .. . 2882 5163 No. 1212A- ''Answer of Irenee du Pont to Interrogatory 1 No. 3· • . • • . . . •• • •••.•... •• •...•.• .. •• 2883 5164 No. 1:313-"Answer of Pierre S. du Pont to Plaintiff's In- t.errogatory No. 4" ...... 2892 5173 No. 1~14-"Answer of Lammot ctu Pont to Plaintiff's In- ten·ogatory No. 4" ...... 2893 5174 No. l~l-1--Correction to foregCliug answer ...... 2894 5175 No. 1215--"Answer of Irenee du· Pont tp Plaintiff's In­ terrogatory No. 4'·' ...... 2895 5176 No. 1217-..Answcr of the Dcfend:mt Delaware to Plain- tiff's Interrogatory No. 4" ...... 2896 5177 No. 1217A-Excerpt from Answer of Defendant Delaware to Plaintiff's Interrogatory #4(a) ...... 2897 5178 No. 1217 A-Correction to foregoing answer ...... 2898 5179 No. 1228-Letter dated F ebruary 22, 1933, from "Direc· tor of Research" (General Motors Research Corporation) to A.P. Sloan, Jr.. _ _...... 2899 5180 No. 1~36-Letter dated December 18, 1944, from "Chair­ man of the Board" ( rlu Pont) to Alfred P . Sloan, Jr...... _.. . . . 2900 5181 No. 1237- Letter dated December 29, 1944, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Lam mot du Pont ...... _.. 2902 5183 No. 1238-Letter dnted .January 7, 1941, from 'iPresident" ( clu P ont} lo Donnldson Brown (Gl\fC) .... 2904 51Sfi No. 1240-"Management Proi-y Holders (Persons desig­ nated by the management of the respective companies to receive the proxies of stock­ holders and to vote the stock at stockholders' meetmgs. ) " ...... •...... 2909 INDEX XXXIX

Government Exhibits : Origlnnl Print No. 1244-Pl'ngrcss Rt!port dnted .Mnrch 31, 1917, from DeYdopmc11t Dep:i.rt.mcnt to Executive Com- mittee ...... 2911 5192 No. J24.5-Memorandum dated F ebl'Uary 10, 1925, from De,·clopment Dep :~rtment to Exccuti,·e Com- niittee n : "Proposed Conso1idntion with the Vis~olC1id Com p:rny" ...... 2919 5l!l8 No. 1217-".Answer to Plnintiff's Interrogatory V of De- 1"'.ember 'i, l05P' ...... 5308 Nn. 1277-'•Stoek h•.!ld. directly or beneficially by mcmbcra of the du Pont family, including indi\'idual de­ fendants and bcneHcinry defendnnts as No. 1305-Intcrrngn.tory No. l Propounded by Plaintiff Gener:tl Motors Corporntion on December 7, 195] ...... 2951 5228 N<>. 1306-Kxcerpt from Answer of General Motors Cor­ p orntio11 to Intcrrognto ry No. 1 Propounded by Plnintiff on Deecmhcr 7, 1051 ...... 2052 5229 No. BOi- Du Punt Stock at General Motors Stockholtiers .Meetings 1928-Ul49 ...... 2053 5230 No. HOS-Excerpt from Annual Report of du Pont Cor­ poratinn to its Stockholders for the year 1935 ... ( Page 22) ...... 2954 5231 NQ. 1300-Summary o.f Directo rsbpis and Other Official Positions Held by Jnui\'i

Government Eilibits: Original P rint No. 1313-1\Ieruoran

ir1g CQrn1nittce1 G~neral Motors Corporation, Febl'unry 6, 1925 .. . . _. _ _ ...... 3027 5306 No. 1335- Memoranclnm dated March 29, 1944, of Delawar e Realty and lnYestmcnt Company . . 3028 5307 No. 1343A-Cqnrt ~bowing General 1\fotors Corporation purchases from competitors of E. I. du Pont de.Nemours & Compm1y ...... _. _ _ 3037 5316 No. 1343B-Com ptroller's Circular Letter ( G MC) dated January 31, 1949 ...... 3047 5326 .. ---··· ··------


Go'?ernment Exhibits: Origlnnl Print No. 1344-Du Pont Sales by Product to Genera.I Motors Corporation an•i 100% Owned S ubsidiaries for I be years J 938, 1!'139, l!l40, 1941, 194.6, and 1947 ...... '...... 3061 5340 No. 1345-.i\fernorandum tlat1!c1 August JO, lfl~l, frt•m J. J. R~. kob to Directors, E. I. flu Pont .de Nemours & Cl)mpany . . ·...... 3068 534-i No. 1346-l\lemorandum dated September 24, 1936, from C.R.. M udge (du Pont) t.o W. S. Carpentc1· ~07~ 5351 No. 1348- Lcttcr dut.ed Decemhcr 27, Ul33, from Alfred P. S l o<~n. Jr. to La.mmot du Pont...... 8(174 5353 NCI. 1349-1351- Du Pont Fabrics Inclustria I l\Inster Trndc , R.Pport.~ rn conneetion with sales to Fisher Body Division of Gcnel'al .i\lotors ...... 3075 .5354 No. 1352-1354--Da Pont Fabrics Industrial l\tnstcr Tmdc R.epod1; Ill conne('.tion with sales to Chevro- r lct-In

No. 1~66-Excerpts from Snlesman's Trnd•! Repo1t1 Rub- hcr Chcmicnls Di,·ision (Inland Mnuufnctur- mg Dii;·ision, G1\fC) ...... 31J S 5397 No. 1367-Excerpt frnm t.hc l\fonthly Report of the Cclln­ los•~. Products Dcpnrtmeot to the Exe1!nti\'e

Committee for April_. 19221 rlatea l\l~y J.5, 1922 - ...... -...... - ...... 311!) 5398 No. 1368-E.li'.cerpts from the Paint.. Lnc:rp1er And Clwmi- 1:nls Dcpnrtmcnt l\Jontlily Report to tho Ex­ ccutil·e Committee for November, 1920i dnted Deccmhcr 23, 1926 ...... 3120 5309 No. 1369-Exccrpt:.; from the J\font hl~· Report of the Chem­ ical Products Diviliion to the Executin! Com­ mittee fcir February.. .1.927, dated Mnrch 22, 1927 .. . - ...... - ...... 3121 5400 xlii INDEX

Government Exhibits: Origlna.1 Print No. 1370-Excerpts from :Monthly Report of the .A.uto- moti rn Finishes Division to William Richter for :May, 1931, dated June 13, 1931 ...... 312:3 5401 No. 1371-Exccrpts from 1\fonthly R.eport of the Finishes Dfrision for Decemher: 1932, undated ...... 3123 5402 No. 1372-El:cerpt from the Month1y Report of the Fabrics and Finishes Department to the Executive Commit.tee for August, 1935, dated Septeru. her 20, 1935 ...... 5403 No. 1373-E xcerpt from the l\lonthly Report of the Fab­ rics and Finishes Department to tbe E):ecu- tive Committee for July, 1946, dated August 23, 1946 ...... ' ...... 3125 5404 No. 13i4-Excerpt from the Monthly Report of the Fab­ rics and Fiuishes Department to the Exectt- ti ve Committee for May, 1947, dated June 27, 1947 ...... 3126 5405 No. 1375-Excerpt from Annual Competitive Report

( 1935), dated Mnrch 5 1 1936, from Fab. rics & Finishes Department to Executh·e Com­ mittee of E. I. dn Pont de Nemours & Com- pany ...... 3127 5406 No. 1376--Exccrpts from Annunl Conipetit.ive Report

(1936), dated .March 24, 19371 from Fabrics & Finishes Department to Exeeutive C1)m­ mitt.ee of E. I . du P

(1940), da t.ed March 41 1941, from Fabrics & Finishes Depnr tment to Executive Committee of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & C01opnny. . . . 31:H 5413 No. 1381-Excerpts from Anaual Competitive Report (1941) , dated .March 12, 1942, from Fnbrics & Finishes Department to Executive Commit.tee of E . I. du Pont de Nemonrs & Compnny. . . 3135 5414 INDEX xliii

Go't'ernment E:thibits: Orlt:loal Print No. 1382-Excerpts from Annual Corupetith·e Report (Hl-1 6), & Company . ::Jl39 5416 No. 1384-E~ccrpts from Annual Mnrket Survey (1048 ), dntcd April 15, 1!)49, f rom Fabrics and Fin- ishes Department to Executive Committee or E. 1. du Pont de Nemours & Company. . . . . 3141 5418 No. 1385-Exccrpt from Annual Mnrket Survey ( 194!1), tlot<~d April 14. 1950, from Fabrics ancl Fiu­ ishe~ Department to Executive Committee of E. J. du Pont rle Nemours & Compa11y . :5419 No. J386-Excerpts from Annual l\farket Survey (19!'>0}, riatcd April 11, 1951. from Fnbrics and Fin­ ish~s Department to Executive Committee of E. ] . du "Pont de Nemours & Compo ny ...... 3143 5420 No. 1387-Du Pont S1tlcc; of Finishes (Prorluels of F in· ishes Di vision) lo the A 11 tomo hi le Industry . . 3145 .5422 No. 138S-Oe11cral Motors P urehasei:; from du Pont mul Competitors of du Pont (revised IV23/ 53) . 3146 5423 No. 1389-Gcncr11J Jifolors' Purcl.i:isc1-1 of AntifrccY.c from

VOL. IX Du Pont Exhibits: No. I - Positions held in E . I . du Pont de Nemours & Co. anc~ Predecessors by Pierre S. du Pont, 1890 to date ...... _... 3235 .'.>512 No. 3-Letter dated December 7, 1914, from T. C. du Pont. to P. S. du Pont ...... 3237 ,5514 No. 4--Letter dated December 14, 1941, from T. C. du Pont to P. S. du Pont ...... 3239 5.5113 No. 5-Let.ter dated December 14, 1914, from Alfred I. du Pout to P. S. du Pont ...... _... 3"240 5517 No. 6-Letter dated December 17, 1914, from ''Coleman'' to "De:lr Pierre" ...... _...... 3241 5518 No. 7-Letter dated. Deceu1ber 21, 1914, f rom Alfred I . du Pont to P . S. du Pout ...... 3243 5520 No. 8-E:s:cerpts from Minutes of Finance Committee :Meeting #56 (du Pont)-Deeember 23, 1914. 3244 5521 No. 9-Letter dated January 4. 1915, from Pierre S. du Pont. to T. C. du Pont ...... 3~46 5523 No. IO-Unsigned letter dated January 14, 1915; to T . C. du Pont...... 3248 5525 No. I I - Letter dated January 15, I 915, from "Coleman'' to "Dear Pierre'' ...... 3252 5529 No. 12- Telegraru dated Jan~Ul·y 17, 1915, from Coleman du Pont to P. S. du Pont ...... _...... 3253 5530 No. 13-Lctter dated January l!l, 1915, from Coleman du Pont to P . S. du Pont .. _...... _...... 3254 5531 No. 14-Unsigned letter dated .January 25, 1915, to T. C9lewnn du Pont ...... 3256 5533 No. 15-Unsigned letter dated January 28, IJ.915, to T. C. du Pont ...... 3~61 5538 No. 16-Lcttcr dated January 31, 1915, from Coleman du Pont. to "Dear Pierre" ...... 3263 5540 No. 17-Letter dated February 13, 1915, from Coleman du Pont to P. S. du Pont ...... 3264 5541 TN DEX xiv dnPont Exhibit!;: Orlgioal Print No. 18-Telegram dated Februnry 17; 1915, frooi L. L. Dunham to Coleman du Pont...... 3266 5543 No. 1 9-Un~ig n etment Co. to Picrrl:t S. du P ont ... 3:;93 5570 No. 34-InJenture Granting Annuity frow Delawnre Renlty and I nvestment Company to Pierre S. du Pont 11nd Alice Belin du Pont...... 3295 5572 No. 35-Letter dated Jone 12, 1924, frow Pierre S. du Pont to Paul B. Belin ...... 3303 5580 No. 36-Letter dated February 12. 1925, f rom Roht. H. Ricblll'ds to Charles Copeland ...... 3308 5585 No. 37-Unsigned letter dated February 12, 1914, to Henry P. Seott ...... 3312 5589 . :rlvi' INDEX: duPont Exhibits: Orl;;lnal Print No. 3S-Unsigned letter dat~d February 28, 1914, to Wm. A. Brady ...... 3314 5501 No. 39- Unsigned letter dated October 26, 1915, to J. J. Storrow ...... 3316 5593 No. 40-Unsigned letter dated March :?l, 1916, to L. G. Kaufman . _. _ . _...... 3317 55!.l-1 No. 42-Unsigned letter dated January 24, 1917, to W. C. Durant . _. _...... 3318 5595 No. 43-Unsigned Iett.er dated Jannnry 30, 1917, to W. C. Durant ...... 3323 5600 No. 45--Unsigned, undated memorandum Durant-duPont 3326 5603 No. 45-.A-Photostatic copy of DP Exhibit 45 (ornittet1 in printing) .... . _ ...... 3332 No. 4~Copy of :Minutes of Meeting #84 of the Finance Committee\ (du Pont) December 20, 1917 . . . 3337 5614 No. 47-l\linutes of Specinl Meeting of the Board of Directors of E. I. du Pont de Ne1uours & Company December 21, 1917 ...... 3330 5616 No. 4S--Memoramlnm from Treasurer to Finance Commit­ tee (du Pont) dated January 17, 1918 .. ... 3343 5620 No. 49-Excerpt from Minutes of Joint Meeting of Eh­ eeutive Committee #188 and Finance Com­ mittee #91 (du Pont) January 21, HllS. . . 3349 5G26 No. 50-Letter

duPont Exhibits: (Jrl~lao.l l:'rlnt 1\o. 64-:\femorandum from P. S. du Pont to Finnnce Committee dated .May 11, 1921...... 34-37 5713 No. 65-Memorandum dated July 12, 19:?2, captioned " Fuel Dope" ...... 3441 5717 No. 66-Positions Held by Iren~ du Pont in E. I. du Po.at de Nemours & Compnuy and Predeces- sors, 1903 to D_ate ...... 3443 5718 No. 67- l\len1or:uidu01 from Ircnoe du Pont, et al. dntcd May 14, 1914, to T, C. du Pont . . , ...... 3444 57:?0 No. oS-Oectl of Trust dnted June 4, 1924, by Irenee du Pont as Settlor nnd Trustee nnd Eleanor Frnocis du Poot us Beneflciary ...... 3445 5721 No. 69-Conununfoation f rom L. R.. Beardslee dntcd De­ •:cmber 17, 1908 to J. A. Haskell, et al. .. . . 3450 5726 No. 70-Commuuic:ition from L. R. Beardslee dated :March G, 1909, to J. A. Haskell, et al...... 3451 5727 NI). 71-.M<:moran

duPont Exhibits: Original Print No. 83-Commuuicatiou dated Febrnnry l, 1917, from R. R. M. Carpenter to Executive Coinwit- tee _...... _ . . . . _ . _. 35&'> 5811 No. 84-Communication dated Febn1ary 6, 1917, from 1'\-1. D. Fisher (du Pont) to R. R. M. Carpentt:r . 3544 5820 No. 85--Cornmunication dated December 29, 19151 from W. S. Carpenter to E:s:ecutiv€ Committee 3546 5822 No. 86-Resolution of Executive Committee {du Pont) dated December 29, 1915 ...... 3551 5S27 No. 87-Commnnication dated May 15, 1916. from De­ velopwent Dep n.rtme1;t to Executiv~ Com- mittee ...... _.. 3552 58~8 No. SS-Completed Recommendations of Ex<:ess Plant Utilization Division dated November 23, 1917 ...... - . ' - ...... 3567 5843 No. 89-Communication dated Mny 1, 1917, from R. R. M. Carpenter to Executive Committee ...... 3571 5846 No. 90--ExtrMt from Minutes of E :s:eeutive Committeu 1'\Ieeting #156, August 31, 1917 ...... 3577 5852 No. 91-Letter dated August 18, 1923, from "General Counsel" to I renee du Pont ...... 3579 5S54 No. 93-Letter dated April 20, 1916~ from The Da:.1on Engineering Laboratories Co. to Frederic W. Kurt.z (du Pont) ...... 3584 5859 No. 9-!---Letter dated Febrnary 2, 1920, from C. ~I. Stine (du Pont) to C. F. KetteTing (Dayton En­ gineering Laboratories) ...... _ 5860 No. 95--Letter dated May 1, 19~0, from C. M. Stine (du Pont) to Lammot du Pont...... 3589 5864 No. 96-Letter dated August 17, 1920, from The Dayt-0n Engineering Laboratories Co. to L. du Pont 3591 5S6G No. 97-Letter dated April 15, 1921, from ''Chief E ngi­ neer, Fuel Research Section" to Dr. C. M. Stine (du Pont) ...... 359:? 5StJ7 No. 98--Extract from l\linutes of Finance Committee Meeting No. 258, September lS, 1922 (du Pont) ...... - .. - - .. . - ...... - . .. . 3593 5Sl18 No. 99-Excei'Pt f rom Minutes of Meeting . # 637 of the B~ecu th·e Committee (du Pont) September 3, 1924 . - -...... - . - . . . . . - . . 3594 5869 No. 99A-Letter dated December 6, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan, J r...... 35913 5871 No. 99B-Letter dated June S, 1925, from Irenee du Pont to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... - - . . . 3598 5873 No. 100- Communication dated November 2~. 1924, signed "Dh·ector" {du Pont) to W. F . H nrriugtou, et al...... · . 3li00 5S75 No. lOl~Communicnhon dated December S, 1924-, frow Fin Sparre, Directort to Midgley (Ethyl) .. . 3601 5676 I NDEX xiii du Pont Exhibits: Orlglnal Print No. 102-Letter dated Decemher 30, 1924, from Irenee du Pont to Thomas Midgley, Jr...... 3602 5877 No. 103-Letter dated January 30, 1925, from Jrenee du Pont to A. P. Sloan, J l'...... 3605 58:30 No. 104-Letter dated April 2, 1925, from Irenee du Pont Th a I \ to om as Midgley, Jr...... ' ... : ...... 3607 5882 No. 105-Letter date

No. 118--·Lcttcr dn.t.e cl September 29, 19331 froru E. G. Robinson (du Pont) to Ethyl Gasoline Cor­ porntfon ...... 3636 5911 No. 119-Du Pont Sales Volwne of Tetrftetbyl Lead and Average Priee per Pound for Years 1926 through 1937 ...... 3639 5914 No. 121- Letter dated February 25, 1926, from W. F. Har- ringt-0n· t.o E. W. Webb (Ethyl Gasoline) . . 3640 5915 No. 122-Tetraethyl Lead- "The Distribution of Profits". 3641 5916 No. 123-Letter dated June 14, 1934, rrom E. G. Robin- son (du Pont) to A. E. l't:littnacht (Ethyl) . . 3643 5918 No. 124-Letter dated November 2, 1934, from E. G. Rob- inson (du Pont} to A. E. Mittnacht (Ethyl) . 3644 5919 I INDEX du Pont Exhibits; Origins.I Print No. 125-Excerpts from Minutes of Meeting #1285 of E:r:ecntive Committee (du Pont) November 6, 1935 . . - ... - ...... 3645 5920 No. 126-Letter dated July 3, 1936, from E . W. Webb to Cesare Protto (du Pont) ...... _. . 3646 5921 No. 128-Memorandum dated April 14, 1930, from Jack- son Laboratory to Dr. H. W. ElJey...... 3647 5922 No. 129-Letter dated May 6, 1930, from E. G. Bieebler to E. G. Robinson (du Pont ) .... . 3650 5925 No. 130-Lettel' dated August 3, 1930, from Robert F. Laird to E. G. Robinson ...... 3651 5t126 No. 131- E::r:eerpts from Annual Report 1931, Kinetic Chemicals, Inc...... _...... 3654 592!) No. 132-0'utline of Organization and Operation of Pro- posed Fluorocarbon Products Corporation . . 3656 5931 No. 133---Agreement dated June 6, 1945, between General Mot-0rs Corporation and E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company ...... 3070 .5 ~l45 No. 134-Memorandum from Executive Committee to Finanee Committee dated July 17, 1930 . . . _ 3673 5948 No. 135-Monthly Report of President to Board of Direc- tors of Kinetic Chemicals, Inc. for January, 1932 ...... - - . . 3683 5958 No. 13&-Memorandum entitled "Kinetic Sales Activities" dnted November 7, 1935 .. . .. _...... ____. 36S5 5960 No. 137-Communieation dated May 'lfl, 1931, from E. B. Newill to E. G. Biechler .. _...... _. 3686 !5961 No. 138-Letter dated August 9, 1932, from E. G. Bieclt­ ler to C. D. Porch (Kinetic Chemicals Inc.) . 3689 596'1 No. 139- Letter dated November 24, 1933, from W. W. Rhodes (Kinetic Chemicals Inc.) to 4. A. Levine (du Pont) ...... _... 3690 5965 No. 140-Agreement dated September 18, 1939, between Kinetic Chemicals Inc. and General Motors Corporation . . _...... _. .. _...... - . 3691 5966 .No. 141- Letter dated April 3, 1942, from Sales Director, Kinetia Chemicnls, Inc. t6 F. E . Anderson _ _ 3696 5!)71 No. 142-Letter dated October 20, 1943, from C. D. Porch (Kinetic Chemicals, Inc.) to E. F. Johnson (General Motors) .... _...... 3697 5972 No. 143-Letter dated February 23, 1944-, from E. R. God­ frey (Frigidaire) to C. D. Porch (Kinetic Chemicals, Inc.) . . . - - . . . _- _...... _ 3698 5973 -No. 144-Letter dated April 22, 1944, from E. F . Johnson to C. D. Porcbl (Kinetic Chemicals, Inc.) . . . 3699 5974 No. 145---Let.ter dated November 30, 1949, from H erbert A. Bergson (Assistant Attoraey -General) to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company_ . 3700 5975 .No. 148-Meruorandum. from Fin Sparre to F. W. Pickard dated March 19, 1925 ...... - ...... 3707 5976 INDEX li duPont Exhibits: Orlgtnnl Prlnt No. 154-Letter dated November 4, 1919 from "Chemical Director" (du Pont) to J. A. Haskell (Gen- eral Motors} ...... 3782 5977 No. 155-Advice of action dnted May 4, 1920, from M. D. Fisher, Sec'y Executive Committee to LllID- mot du Pont ...... 3i84 5979 No. 156-Letter initialled LduP dated May 4, 1920, to Dr. C. L. Reese...... 3785 5980 No. 157-Ertract from Minutes of Executi""e Committee Meeting #367, June 22, 1920 (du Pont) . . . 3766 5981 No. 158--Memornnclum dnted March 24, 1922, from M. D. Fisher, Sec'y E:xecutive Committee to H. F . Brown, V,P., (du Pont) ...... 3787 5982 No. 159-Communication dated May 10, 1922', froru L.1 du Poat to H. F. Brown, V.P...... 3788 5983 No. 160-E:x:cerpt of the Monthly Report of the President of the du Pont Viscoloid Company for the Month of February, 1928 ...... 3789 5984 No. 161-Excerpt of Report of the P resident of the du Pont Viseoloid Company dated September 22, 1928 ...... 3790 5985 No. 162-Excerpt of the Monthly Report of the President of the du Pont Viscoloid Company for the Mouth of October, 1923...... 3792 5987 No. 163-Excerpt of the Report of R. W. Brokaw to Board of Directors. of the du Pont Viscoloid Company dated Februnry 21, 1929...... 3793 5988 No. 164-Excerpt of 1.lie 1\font.hly Report of the President of the du Pont Viscoloid Company for the Month of April, 1929 ...... 3795 5990 No. 165-Excerpt. of: the Monthly R~port of the President of the du Pont Visaoloid Company for the Month of Mny, 1929...... 3796 5991 No. 166-Excerpt of the Monthly Report of the Presi- dent of the do Pont Viscoloid Company for the :Month of September, 1929...... 3798 5993 No. 167-Excerpts of l\.1inntes of Meeting of Boa.rd of Directors of the DuP1ate Corporation Held October 24, 1929 ...... 3799 5994 No. 168-Excerpt of the Uontbly Report of the President of the du Pont Viscoloid Company for the Month of December, 1929...... 3800 5995 No. 169- Excerpt of Annual Report of the du Pont Vis- coloid Company for the Year of 1929...... 3802 5997 No. 170--E:Icerpt of Minutes of J\Ieeting of Board of Directors of the DuPlate Corporation Held March 4, 1930 ...... 3803 5998 No. 171- Execrpt of Addendum to Monthly Report of the President of the du Pont Viscoloid Company for August, 1930 ...... 3804 5999 Iii INDEX

du Pont Exhibits: Orlglo21l J1 r l nt

No. 172-Agreement dated January 29. 19311 between Du Pont Viscoloid Company and Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company ...... 3806 6001

No. 173-Advice of Action dated February 3, 19311 from "M:. D. Fisher, Sec'y Finance Conun.ittee (du Pont) to Mr. C. K. Davis, Du Pont Viscoloid Company ...... 3813 6008 No. 174-DuPlate Sbipment.c;-Feet and Dollars-to Gen- eral 'Motors Corporation and Subsidiary

Companies, 1ears W28 to 1931 1 Inalusi \·e . . 3814 6009 No. 175-Positions Held in E. I. du Pont cle Nemours & Co.; 1917 to Date, by Richard C. Willinms . . 3816 6011 No. 176-Fin.isb.ing Products Usccl in Automobi)e Pro­ duction ...... 3817 6012 No. 177-Rt'port of Visit to ·General MotorS Resr:1trch Laboratory, dated March 28, 1922, by R. C. Willinws ...... 3818 6013 No. 178-Report of R. C. Williams to General Motor9 Company, da.ted May 4, 1922...... 3821 6016 No. 179-Report of the Work b('gun nt the Buick Plant

Flint, Michigan, .J ttly 18, 19221 dnted August 16, 192-2 by R . C. Williams ...... 3824 G019 No. ISO-Letter dated October 12.• 1922, from "Red" to "Mr. Hitt" ...... 3830 6025 No. 181-Letter dated Mn.rch 17, 1923, from R. C. Williams to Mr. J. W. Eln1s ...... 3333 6028 No. 182-Memorandum dated June 14, 1923, titled "Visit of R. K. Cathcart to B. H. FrankJin Mfg. Co., Syracuse, New York...... 3838 6033 No. 183-Lettet dated Aligust 13, 1923, from R. C. Wil- liams (du Pont) to J. J. M:oosmann ...... 3839 6034 No. 184-Undated letter frow ·'Red" to Mr. Flabert)· . . 3844 6039 No. 185-Letter dated December 3, 1923, from R. C. Wil- lia.ms (du Pont) to E. M. Flalterty...... 3847 6042 No. 186-Letter dated May 1, 1923, from R, C. Williams, (du Pont) to J. J. l\foosruann (du Pont) .... 3S53 6047 No. 187-Letted dated April 30, 1923, from A. C. Rogers to R. C. Williams ...... 3855 6049 No. 188-Promotion Report for vctober, Automobile In­ dustry, dated November 7, 1923...... 3856 6050 No. 189-Letter dated May 12, 1924, from J. J. Moos- mann to E. M. Flaherty ...... 3364 6058 No. 191-Ex~.erpt from the M:ootbly Report of the Fabrics and Finishes Department to the Executive Committee for May, 1947, dftted J une 27, 1947 ...... 3868 606:? No. 192-Excerpt from the Monthly Report of the Fa.bries and Finishes Department fol' A pri1, 1946, dated May 22, 1946 ...... 3870 6064 INDEX liii

June 201 1927 ...... 3872 6066 No. 195- Su..les of Finishing Products by E. I.

No. 200-Lettcr dated F ebruary 241 1922, from " ContTol Chemist" to G. R. Downs (du Pont) ...... 3887 6081 No. 201-Letter dated i\Inrch 14, 1922, from J, J, Moos- mann by E. M. Flaherty, to General Motors Research Corporation ...... 3888 6082 No. 202-Mcmoraudum dated Mtl.l'eh 22, 1922, from Com­ mittee Appointed to Study Eonmcling and Varnish Drying Practices t.o Cal" DiYision Mauagers, .Mr. L. R. Beardslee ...... 3889 6083 No. 203--Letter dRted August 22, 1922, from "control Chemist" to Murphy Varnish & Co...... 3892 6086 No. 204-Let.ter dated September 27, 1922, from Pratt & Lambert, Inc. t-0 General Motors Cor­ poration ...... 3894 6088 No. 205-Letter dated November 7, 1922, from H. C. Mougey to Pratt & Lambert, Inc...... 3895 60Sfl No. 206-Letter dated February 23, 1923, from H. C. l\lougey to L. V. P ulsifer (Valentioe & Company) . _...... 3896 6090 No. 207-Letter doted October 2, 1923, from R. S. Kavnn- augh to B. C. Mougey (General .Motors) .. . . 3897 6091 No. 208- Lett.er dated November 19, 1923, from H. C. Mougey, to J. L. Armitage Co...... 3898 6092 No. 209- Letter doted September 12, 1924, from H. C. l\Iougey to The Tokiol Paint & Varnish Company ...... '...... 3899 6093 liv INDEX

duPont Exhibits: Ori;;Ina I PTint No. ZlO-Excerpt from the Monthly Report of the Cel­ lnlose Products Department to the Execu­ tive Committee for April 1922, dated May 15, 1922 ...... ' ...... 3900 6094 No. 211-Undated memorandum to Paint and Enamel Committee from F. 0. Clements ...... 3902 6096 No- 212-Letter dated October 16, 1922, from "Director of Research" t~ Mr. P. S. du Pont ...... 3905 6099 No. 213-Excerpts from the Cellulose Products Depart­ ment Monthly Report to the Executive Com­ mittee for March, 1923, dated April 23, 1923 ...... 3906 6100 No. 214-Excerpt from the Monthly Report of t.he Cel­ lulose Products Department to the Execm­ tive Committee for September, 1923, dated October 27, 1923 ...... 3907 6103 No. 215-Advertisement from The Saturday Evening Post, April 26th ...... 3911 6106 No. 216--Flint Varnish and Color Works, Sales to Buiek and to Fisher Body and Buick and Fisher Body Pr•)duction, 1923 and 1!) ~4 ... 3911 Gl07 No. 217-1\Iemorandum dated April 29, 1918, from R. R. M . Carpenter to Executive Committee en­ closing report of Paint und Varnish In­ dustry ...... 3912 6108 No. 218-Memorandu~ dated April 23, 1918, from R. R. M. Carpenter to Executive Committee en­ closing report of De~elopment Department on the Flint Varnish & Color Works ...... 3921 6117 No. 219-Letter dated April 9, 1923, from H. Grubb, General Manager, to L. du Pont ...... 3925 6120 No. 220-Letter dated May 7, 1923; initialled LduP to Mr. Hunter Grubb ...... 3926 6122 No. 221-Flint Varnish and Color Works, Net Income, by Years, 1916~1924, inclusive ...... 392·i 6123 No. 2~Dn Pont Sales of Finishes to Fisher Body and Fisher Body Production, Yea.rs 1924-1927 . . 392S 6124 No. 223-Letter dated July 25, 1928, from General Pur­ chasing Committee to E. I. du Pont de Ne- mours Company ...... 3929 6125 No. 224-Exeerpt from Minutes of .: Sub-Com- mittee, General Purchasing Commit.tee, June 28, 1927 ...... ' ...... 3930 6126 No. 225-Letter dated No\•ember 7, lf.122, from F. S. Mac- Gregor (du Pont) to J. L. Pratt ...... 3931 6127 No. 226-Letter

rluPont Exbibit.s: Orlglnnl Print No. 228-Churt (du Pont) of Divisions and prodncts .. . . 3934 6130 No. 229-Din;ram of Organization, Experimental Statiou, May 1, 1912 ( duPoot) ...... 3935 6131 No. 230-E.xcerpt from letter . dated April 30, lfl15, to Executive Committee ...... 3942 6139 No. 237- Excerpts from a list of Accounts R.eceivable of the E. I. duPont de Nemours Powder Com­ pnny, Scliedu]e of Fnhrikoid Agency, dated J nly 31, 1913 ...... - ...... - . ... . 3943 6140 No. 238-Letter date

dnPoot Exhibits: Original Print No. 246--Unsigned memorandum, undated, entitled "Buick Motor Company" ...... 3957 6154 No. 247-Excerpt from Report of Fa.brikoid Division to Executive Committee for November, 1922, dated December 18, 1922...... 3961 6158 No. 248-Excerpt from Report of Cellulose Products De­ partment to Executive for Octo- ber, 1923, dated No'femher 23, 1923 ...... 3962 6159 No. 249-Memorandum dated July 15, 1936, from A. L. Brown to T. A. Nalle...... 3963 6160 No. 250.-Dollar Sales of Coated :ind Combined Fnhrics to the Chevrolet Motor Compnny- 1922 to 1935 (du Pont) ...... 3964 6161 No. 251-Letter dated July 23, 1918, from W . P . Chrysler to J. A. Haskell ...... 3965 6162 No. 252-Memora.ndum dated .July 28, 192tl, unsigned . . . . 3967 6164 No. 253-Excerpt from Report. of Fabrikoid Di vision to Exccufo·e Committee for J nnuary, 1922, dated Fehrun.ry 15, 1922 ...... 3968 6165 No. 254-E:tcerpt from Report of F11b1·ikoid Division to Executive Committee for October, 1922: datecl November 17! 1922...... 3969 6165a No. 255--E:x~erpt f rom Report of Fnbrikoid Di~ision to Exc<>.nti'fe Committee for March 1923, dated

April 231 1923 ...... 3970 6166 No. 256--Exeerpt from Report of F:ibrikoid Di...-ision to Executiv~ Committee for May, 1923, dnted J'u.ly 2, 1923 ... ' ...... 3971 1)167 No. 257-Excerpt from Report of the Fabrics Division to Executive Division for March 1929, dated April 19, 1929 ...... 3972 6163 No. 25S-Excerpt from mcmor~rndum dated September 21, 1931, unsigned, to Wm. R.ichtcr, re Fabrikoid Dinsion, l\lonthly Reporlr-August, 1931 ... . 3973 6169 No. ~59-Dollar Sales of Coated and Combined Fabrics­ Tbe Buick Motor Company-1919 to 1933 (du Pont) ...... 3974 6170 No. 260-Dollar Sales of Coated and Combined Fabrics to the Cadillac :Motor Car Co.-1921 to 1926 (do Pont) ...... 3975 6171 No. 261-Letter dated April 10, 1918, from du P ont Fabri- koid Company to Olds .Motor \Vorks ...... 3976 6172 No. 262-Lctter dat~d October 12, 1918, from Chas. L. Petze to J . A. Haskell ...... 3977 6173 No. 263-Dollar Sales of Coated and Combined Fabrics to the Olds Motor Works, 192'2 to 1930. . . . 3979 6175 No. 264-Letter dated February 8, 1922, from E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Fabrikoid Di- vision, to C. O. Miller (Oakl~nd Motor Car Co.) ...... 3980 6176 INDEX I vii

duPont E:xhihit.;; Orli;loal Print No. 265-Dollar Sales of Coated and Cowbined Fabrics to the Oakland Motor Company, 1922 to 1933 (du Pont) ...... 3981 6J77 No. 266-Lettcr duted July 6, 1925, from John T. All- mand to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company ...... 3082 6178 No. 267-Lettcr da~d July 17, 1925, from John T. All- mand to H. A. Lindsey (du Pont) ...... 3983 6170 No. 268-Letter dated September 1, 1925, from N. P. Wcsr.ott to J . Henry Smith ...... 3954 6180 No. 269-1\:leruornndum dated September 29, 1925, from H . .A. Lindsey to E. R. Cathcart-Man- ager Fairfield Plant ...... 3986 01S2 No. 270- Memorandurn dated September 30, 1925, Crow J. Henry Smith to H. A. Lindsey, Dir. of Sales ...... 3!J8i 6183 No. 271-Mewor:rndum dated November 20, 192.5, from Fabrikoid Division to W. F . Allen, Gcner:tl .Mnnat,"er, entitled R~port for October 1025 . 3988 6184 No. 272-Memorondutn dated June 22, 1926, from Fnb- rikoid Division to W . P. Allen, Gener:il Mnnngcr, entitle

·duPont E::t:h.ibits: Original Print No. 283-Excerpt from Memorandum dated October 19, 1931, unsigned, to Wm. Richter, General Manager, re Fabrikoid Division, l\fonthly RepoTt, September, 1931 ...... 4011 6212 No. 284-M:emorandum dated June 13, 1932, from E . S. Nickerson to G. A. Staples ...... 4012 6~13 No. 286-Memorandum dated April 18, 1938, from A. L. Brown to G. S. Sherin ...... 4014 6215 No. 286--Memorandum dated January 16, 1934, from A. L. Brown to H. S. Plank ...... 4015 6216 No. 287-Memorandum dated :March 28, 1938, from A. L. Brown to G. A. Staples ...... 4017 6219 No. 288-Memorandum dated May 15, 1939, from A. L. Brown to E. R. Cathcart ...... 4018 6220 No. 289-Memorandum dated :Ma.y 23, 1939, from A. L. Brown to T. A. Nalle...... 4019 6221 No. 290-Letter dated June 17, 1940, from Fabrikoid Division to F isher Body Detroit Division . . 4020 6222 No. 291-Memorandnm dated January 20, 1947, from T. A. Nulle to A. L. Brown ...... 4021 6223 No. 292--Unsigned memorandum dated January 20, 1947, to C. A. Alt re "Fisher Body Division- Convertible Top Material''. . . . 4022 6224 . No. 293-Memorandum dated January 24-, 1947, from M. N. Nickowitz to W. S. Lynch- Purchasing. 4023 6225 No. 294-1\femoraadum dated March 25, 1947, from A. F. Schildhauer to A. L. Brown...... 4024 6226 No. 296-0ffice Trade Report #2 dated January r:!l, 1947, from M. N. Nickowitz...... 4025 6227 No. 296--Memorandum dated October 10, 1949, from A. L. Brown to R. C. Williams ...... 4026 6228 No. 297-Dollar Sales of Coated and Combined Fabrics to Fisher Body. Company-1923 to 1949 (du Pont) ...... 4029 6231 No. 2!}!?--Yardage Sales of Coated and Combined! Fabrics to Fisher Body Company-1923 to 1949 (do Pont) _...... _.... _...... 4030 6232 No. 299-Excerpt from Report of the Fabri.koid Division to the Executive Comruitt.ee for April 1928, dated May 26, 1928...... 4031 6233 No. 300-Memoraadum dated :March 7, 1940, from A. L. Brown to T. A. Nalle ...... _ _ . _. . . 4032 6234 No. 301-Memorandum dated June 5, 1940, from W . W. to T. A. Nalle ...... 4033 6235 No. 302-Fabrikoid and R.ubber. Trade Report dated No- \"eruber 25, 1940 ...... 4034 6236 No. 303-Memonndwn dated November 20, 1940, from A. L. Brown to T. A. Nalle...... 4035 6237 No. 304-Memoranduru dated December 20, 1940, from A. F ..· Sebildhauer to F. J . Brannigan...... 4036 6238 INDEX !ix

du Pont Exhibits: Orli;lnal Print No. 305--Dollar Snlcs of. Conted Fnbrics to Yellow Truck & Coach Co.-1927 to 1943, inclush' c (dn Pont) ...... 4039 6241 No. 306-Yardage Sales of Coated Fabrics to Yellow Truck & Coach Co.-1927 to 1943 (du Pont) ...... 4040 No. 307-Dolla.r Sales of Coated Fabrics to General Motors Truck & Coad.1 Dh·ision, 1944 to 1950 (du Pont) ...... 4041 6243 No. 308-Yardage. Sales of Conted Fabrics to General Motors Truck & Coach Division, 1944 to 1950 (du Pont) ...... 4042 6244 No. 309-Memornndum dated September 25, 1940. from W. W. Kaminsky to Messrs. E. R.. Catl1cart nnd A. F. Schildha.uer ...... 4043 G::!J5 No. 310-Memorandum elated l\fa.y 9, 1947, from T. A. Nnlle to A. L. Brown ...... 4Q.J7 No. 311-Dollar Sales of Coated Fabrics lo Cl.leYrolet Com­ mercial Body Division, 1931, to 1950 (du Pont} ...... 4049 (i251 l\o. 312--Yardnge Sales of Coated Fabrics to Chevrolet Commercial Body Division, 1931 to 1950 (du Pont) ...... 4050 No. 313-Excerpt from Report of F nbrikoid Division to C. W. Phellis, General Direct.or of Snles, for February, 1921,


du.Pont Exhibits: Origi11ul Print No. 346-Excerpt f rom undated, unsigned n1e1oorandum entitled "Trade Report Covering Visit of John O'Donnell to Frigidaire ou August 1, 1950 ...... 4100 6302 No. 348-Memorn.ndum dated April 1, 1940, from R. M. Cook to L. C. Streeter...... 4101 0303 No. 349-Summary, Refrigerntor, Wnsbing Mach in~ and Steel Kitchen Cabinet Meeting, November 10, 1944 ...... 410:? 6304 No. 351- Industrial Sales Trade Report (du Pont) dated J anunry 23, 1942 ...... 4105 6307 No. 352-Excerpt from Trade Report Covering Visit of John D. O'Donnell to Frigidaire on Sep- 14, 1950 ...... 4106 1)308 No. 353-Memornndum dat-ed April 12, 1949, f rom SWM to JBL re Pontinc Motor Co. Radiator Hose. 4107 6309 No. 354-Excerpt from Development Report of the Rub- ber Chemicals Division dnted Me.y 15, 1950. . 4108 6310 No. 355-0ffice Trade Report dated February 8, 1945 to J. A. Turner, Mgr. Chicago Office ..... 4110 6312 No. 356-Salesmno's Trade Report (Rubber Chemforus Division) dated January 11, 1950...... 4111 6313 No. 357- Salesmnn's Report (du Pont) dated February 27-28, 1940 ...... 4112 6314 No. 358-Sa.lesman's Report (du Pont) dated July 2'2, 1940 ...... 4114 6316 No. 359-0ffi.ce Trade Report (du Pont) dated October 3-4, 1940 ...... ' ...... ' ...... 4119 6321 No. 360-Snlcsma.n's Report (du Pont) dated August 25, 1941 ...... ' . .. ' ... ' ...... 4121 6323 No. 361.-Sa.lesman's Trade Report (Rubber Chemicals Division, du Pont) dated October 22, 1950 . . 4.127 0329 No. 362-Estimat.cd Annual Requirements of General Motors Divisions nnd Other Automobile Manufacturers of Case-Hardening and H eat Treating Materials Sold by du Pont and OU.1er Cowpauies respectively, Selected from Genernl Survey of All Users of· Such Products by R. B. K'Burg in September 1937...... 4128 6330 No. 363-Case hardening and Heat Treating-Du Font's Participation in Supplying Requirements of Genernl Motors Divisions ...... 4129 6331 No. 364-Eicerpts from R&H Chemicals Department's "Sales Research and Development Monthly Suniwnry Reports'' concerning Chevrolet # 30 Salt ...... 4130 6332 No. 365-Excerpt froru the Repor t. for February 1933 of the R. a.nd H. Chemicals Department to the E.:s:ecutive Committe€ dnted .March 21, 1933 . . 4131 G33a lxii INDEX

du Pont Exhibits: Original Print No. 366-Excerpt from the Report of the R. nod H. Chemicals Department for April 1933 to the E:s:ecuti ve Committee, dated May 25, 1933. . 413~ 6334 No. 367- E.x.cerpt from Report of D. A. Holt entitled "Metal Cyanide Researcb,'1 dated September 7, 1933 .... ' ...... 4-133 6335 No. 368-Excerpt from Report of W . M. Gager of the Technical Service Department of the Roes- seler & Hasslacber Chemical Company, Inc. entitled "Sodium Cyanide-Its P1·esent Status in the Steel Treating Industry," dated De- cember 19, 1932 ...... 4134 6336 No. 369-Excer pt from Report of R. B. K'Burg entitled " Division [R H Metallurgical Division] Progress Report for January I-July 1, 1931," dated August 18, 1931 ...... 4135 6337 No. 370-Rcport by W. ]\[. Gager dated November 15, 1928, on "Visit to the Delco Remy Co., Anderson, Ind., Thursday, November 15th'' .. 4136 6338 No. 371- Excerpts from Report to Executive Commit­ tee entitled "Technical Accomplishments for 1938", dated Febmary 2, 1939 ...... 4138 6340 No, 372-Copper Plating Processes-du Pont's Participa­ tion in Supplying Requirements of General Motors Division ...... 4139 ll:i41 No. 373-Technical Service Report {du Pont) dated April 25, 1939 by F. F. Oplinger...... 4140 6342 No. 374-Teehnieal Service Report (du Pont dated June 10, 1941, by H. W. Kennedy ...... 4142 6344 No. 375-Technical Service Report (du Pont) dated Octo· her 1, 1940, by H. W. Kennedy ...... 4143 6345 No. 376-Master Report (du Pont) dated January 2, 1941, by H. W. Kennedy and R. R. Bair. . 4144 6346 No. 377-Techoical, Service Report (du Pont) dated Sep­ tember 6, 1939, by F. F . Oplinger ...... 4145 6347 No. 37S-Technical Service Report {du Pont) dated May 29, 1945, by H . L. Benner ...... 4147 6349 No. 379-Rontine Trade Report (du Pont) dated May 8, 1941, unsigned ...... 4148 0350 No. 380--Technical Report (du Pont) dated March 31, 1949, unsigned ...... 4150 6352 No. 381-Memorandum, dated August 17, 1949, from W. A. :Marsh (du Pont) to P. R. Lindsay 4152 6354 No. 383-Excerpt of 1\ieworf.l.lldWll dated November 19, 1934, from Arthur G. Weber to J. C. Wood- house ...... 4153 6355 No. 384-Exeerpt of Memorandum undated, from J ohn C. Woodhouse entitled "Report for the Week Nov. 26-Nov. 28, 1934" ...... 4155 6357 INDEX !Xiii

duPont l!~xhib i ts: Orlginnl Print No. 385-Excerpt of Memorandum dated No,•ember 23, 1934, from Arthur G. Weber to J. C. Wood- house ...... 4156 6358 No. 386-Excerpt of Memorandum dated December 12, 1934, from Arthur G. Weber to J . C. Wood- house ...... 4157 6359 No. 387-Excerpt of Memorandum dttted Augusti 2, 1935, from Arthur G. Weber, to J . C. Wood- house ...... 4159 6361 No. 388-Memorauduw dated January 14, 1938, from K. E. Walker (du Pont) to J. C. Wood- house ...... 4161 6363 No. 389-Excerpt of Memorandum dated January 14, 1938, from K. E. Walker to J. C. Wood- house ...... 41.62' 6864

No. 300-Excerpt of :Memorandum dated. August 8, 19381 fro111 K. E. \V'nlkcr' to J. C. Woodhouse . . . 4163 6365 No. 391-Memorandum dated Augnst 10, 1938, f row K . E. Walker to J. C. Woodhouse ...... 4164 6366 No. 392-Excerpt from memorandum dated Angust 10, 1938, from K . E. Wnlker to J. C. Wood- house ...... 416.j 6367 No. 393-Memornndum dated September 12, 1938, from K. E. Walker to J . C. Woodhous4! . 4167 6369 No. 394-Exccrpt of Memorandum dated December 23, 1938, from K. E. W a Iker to J . C. Wood- house ...... 4169 6371 N'o. 395-1\lcworandum dated December 29, 1938, from K. E. Wnlker to J. C. Woodhouse . 4171 6373 No. 396-1\lemorandum dated March 24, 1939, from " Ammonia Department" to J. D. Eby (Wagner Electric Corporation) ...... 4174 6376 No. 397-Exccrpt of :Memorandum dated April 2~ 1940, from K. E: Walker, to J. C. Woodhouse . . . 4176 6378 No. 39S-Excer pt of Mcmornndum dated :May 6, 1940, from K . E. Walker to J. C. Woodhouse . . 4177 6379 No. 399-Volume of Brake F luid Purchased by General Motors Divisions from Moraine Products Division (formerly Delco Products), 1936- 1951 . - ...... 4179 6381 No. 4-00-E. I. du Pont Sales of Cellulose Acetate Mold- ing Powder, 1937 t brougb 1947 ...... 4180 6382 No. 401- Memorantlum dated Jane 7, 1939, from H. A. Rosley to J. :M. .l\lack ...... 4181 6383 No. 402-Unsigned handwritten memorandum dated Sep­ tember 19, 1939 ...... 4183 6385 No. 403-Unsigned handwritten memorandum, initinlled JM?\! dated October 23 ...... 4184 6386 No. 404-Handwritten Jetter dated 10-30, signed Johnwe l\fack t.o ''Stu" ...... 4185 6357 h.iv INDEX

du Pont Exhibits~ Orlr;lnnl Print No. 421-Sales of Pyralin, 1916 through 1932 (du Pont) . . 4187 6389 No. 422-Snles of Pyralin, 1946 through 1950 (du Pont) .. 4188 6390 No. 423-Extract from Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting #20, December 20, 1915 (du Pont) ...... 4J.89 6391 No. 424--E:tcerpt from The Arlington. Company Monthly Report to Executive Committee of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., month of January, 1916 ...... ' ...... 4192 1)394 No. 425--Excerpt from The Arlington Company Monthly R.eport to Executive Committee of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., uiontb of Feb­ ruary, 1916 ...... 4194 639() No. 426-Excerpt from The Arlington Company Monthly Report to Executive Committee of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., month of ,J nne, 1916 ...... ' ...... ' ' ...... 4197 6399 No. 427- Excerpt from The .Arlington Compnny Monthly Report to Executive Committee of E. I. du Poat de Nemours & Co., month of October, 1916 ...... ' ... . 4201 6-!03 No. 42S-Excerpt from Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting #145, July 2, 1917, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company ...... 4205 64(19 No. 429-Memorandum dated January 22, 1918, from Lam. mot du Pout. to Mr. Gudger, ct al...... 4209 6410 No. 4:30-Excerpt from Pyralin Departl:nent Report for October 1923 ...... 4211 6413 No. 431-Extract from Minutes of Meeting #6 Board of Directors, Du Pont Yiscoloi

duP ont Exhibits: <.l rli;lual Print No. 439-Excerpt from Minutes of Mcet.ing of Interdivi- sioual Relations Couuuittee, General Purcl1as- ing Committee, General Motors Corporation, September 30, 1927 ...... 4::?:!9 6431 No. '141-Sales of Ammonia and Ammonia Products to New Depnrture :Mnnufnct~tri ng Company nnd Succcssoi'S, 1933 through 1938 ...... 4230 643~ No. 442-Valne of 1947 Shipments du Pont vs. Totnl Unit~d States In1lustrics in which du Pont Parl.icipates ...... 4231 643:-l No. 443- Growth in Net Sales, du Pont 11nd 27 Chemic1ll Companies with Sales over $20,000,000 in 1948 ...... 4232 6434 No. 444-Paints nnd Vornishes, Dollar Value of Ship­ ments-du Pont vs. Total Industry, 1939 vs. 1947 ...... 4233 6435 No. 445- Snlcs, by Department, to Gcnor:tl Motors Cor­ poration compared \Vith Total Departmental Snles, 1938 through l 041; l!l4G through 1948 ...... 4234 6436 No. 447-Sale.s of Brake Fluid (du Pont) Yea.rs 1036- 1950, inclusfre ...... 4235 6437 No. 448-Petition, power of attorney and specification to the Commissiouer of Patents hy Don K yle Proffitt and Joel Geor{!c Shnrron dated May 11, 1926 ...... 4230 6438 No. 449-1\Iemornndum dated Fehnrnry 16, 1932, from P resident, Viseoloid Company, to Executive Committee, du Pont...... 4242 6444 No. 451-Sales of Products New to the Company since 192$ (Yenr 1950) (du Poat) ...... 42.J.3 6445 No. 452-A pplicntion of Proccct 28, 1923, from I renee tln Pont to Finance. Committee ...... 4247 6449 No. 450--Letter dnted October ZT, 1023, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., to Th1i Common Stockholders of Geneml Motors Corporntion ...... 4249 6451 No. 456-"Invcstment in General Motors Corporation Common Stock" from Minutes of Meeti11g of tbe 8oard of Du Pont March 21, 1932 ...... 4257 645!) No. 457- E:tcerpt from Minutes of Meeting #513 of the Finance Committ.ee (du Pont) May 15, 1933 . 4258 6460 No. 458--Exccrpt from Minntes of nfo~tiug #428 of the Fiua.ncu Committee (du Pont) November 4, 1929 ...... 4260 6462 lNDEX'.

duPont Exhibits: Orli;lnal Print No. 459- Memo1•andwn dAted :Mal'ch 5_, 1937, entitled "In re General Motors Securities Company'' . . 42Gl 6463 No. 460- l\lemoranilum dated April 26, Hl18, f rom R. R.. M. Carpenter to M. D. Fi.sher...... 4263 6465 No. 461-Letter dated October 6, 1922, from Dunham Body Company to E. I. du Poul de Nemours Co...... 4~6-± 6466 No. 462- Production of Open Cars 1915 through 1930 (GMC) ...... 42613 6468 No. 463-Salcs by du Pont of Plastics to F isher Body Divi­ sion of General J\fotors Corporation. 1!)27- 1931, inclusive...... 4267 6469 No. 464-Positions held by Walter S. Carpenter, Jr., in du Pont Company 1909 to d:ite...... 4268 6470 No. 465-Positions helcl by Cra\vfor

duPont Exhibits: Orlg1oal Pr lot No. 570-Geoeral Motors Corporntion purchases of adh~- sives from du Pont and its competitors, 1946 and 1947 ...... 43'26 65:?8 No. 571-General Motors Corporntion purchases of Anodes from du Pont and its competiLors, 194-0 nnd 1947 ...... •W27 65~9 No. 572-General Motors Corporntion purcbnses of chemi­ cals (solvents) from du Pont and its compet.i- t(>TS, J 946 and 1947...... 4328 6530 No. 573-Governm


General Motors Exhibits: No. 1-Gcnernl Motol's Corporntion organizntiou sturly . . . 4330 0532 No. 2-Chart showing General Motors Corporation or- ganization, January, 1925 ...... 4359 6561 No. 3-Chart showjng General Motors Corporation or- gnnizat-ion, April, 1927...... 431i0 6562 No. 4-0rgnnization Chart, Chevrolet Motor Cornpnuy 1925 ...... 4361 ti663 No. 5-Cbart showing General Motors Corporation or- ganization, J une, 1937 ...... 436~ 6564 No. 6-Churt showing Ocn~rnl l\lotors Corporntioa, or- ganiir.ation1 Octol1er, 1944...... 4363 65u5 No. 7-Memorandum dated December 281 1944, from A. P. Sloan, Jr. to M. Donnldson Browu ...... 4364 6566 No. S--Chart showiog General Motors Corporntion or- ganization, July, 1946 ...... , ...... 4368 6570 No. 9-0rganizntion chart Chevrolet Motor Division of ·Genernl Motors Corporation, 1046...... 4369 (i571 No. 10-Genernl Motors Corporation Board of Directors, May 10, 1923 ...... 4370 65i2 No. 11-Letter dated April 8, 1943, from W.S.C., Jr. to Alfred P. Sloan; Jr...... 4374 6576 No. 12--Letter dated September 22, 1943, iuitinlled WSC to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 1384 6586 No. 13-Lctter d.atcd August 15, 1944, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Wnlter S. Cnrpenter, .Jr...... 43$7 G5S9 No. 14-Lctter doted November 20, 1947, inili111led WSC to Alfred P. Slonn, Jr...... 43S9 6591 No. 15-Schedule of Meetings of the Board of Directors of the du Pont Company, May 1923 to Dc- cemb1?r 20, 1948 ...... 4392 6594 General Motors Exhibits: Original erlnt No. 16--Table of Attendance by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. at du Pont Bonrd of Directors :Meetings, 1023- 1948 ...... 4399 0001 No. 17-Letter dated July 25, 1928, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to lreuee du Pont ...... 4400 GG02 No. 18-Unsigoed letter dated July 27, 1928, to Alfr

Genernl Motors Exhibits: Original Print No. 4fl-Gcnernl Motors Compnny Meeting of Purcl10siug Agi?nts. Xov. 5, J.!)13 ...... 4'174 6676 No. 41- C:enernl Molt:i1-s Company Meetiug of Pm·ebnsing Agents, Angnst l 9, 1914...... 4479 6681 No. 42-Gem•ral .Motors Co111pn11y :\foeting of Purchnsing i\gent,,, August. 20. l!Jl5 ...... 4480 6682 No. 43-Mcmor:rndurn from "Vice President" dated Jnnu­ nry 25, 1021, to all General Officers and Gen- crnl 1\fo11nger!:l of Di"isions...... 4481 (J6S3 No. 44-J\Ien1.-1ran•lmn of meeting helcl in Detroit .luue 23, 1921~ unsigned ...... 4483 (i6S5 No. 45-Mccting of Cnr Division l\fanagers with Executive Committee . November 3, 1921, unsigned. . . . . 44S5 6687 No. 4<)-.J\lcmo r:uulmn duted 1\lny 5, 192~, from P. S. $lec11strup to Alfred P. Sloa.n, Jr...... 4487 6689 No. 4i- Rcport to Mr. C. S. Mott. Vice President from .T. H. Mnin re Proposed Ccntrnl Purchnsing Dcpnrf m~nt., dntccl l<"chrunry 6, ]!)22...... 44$8 6600 No. 48-Lrettcr tlntcd ]i'chrunr,v 9, l!l22, ioilialled .APS,T r to 1\Ir. J . H. Mniu, Director, P urchnsc Section '1409 6701 No. 49-Mcrnornudurn dnted Mny S, 192~, from Alfrccl P .

Slon11 1 .) r. to Genera! :i\£anngers of Di\'isions 4501 6703 No. !'JO- L4lltt1r 1lnte11 1\Jnrch lJ, 1922. from H. H. Bassett lo .AHrc•l P . Slonn•. Jr...... 4510 6712 Nt•. 5.1-Lcttcr dnte

Sloa11 1 Jr...... 4515 6717 No. 53-Letter ilntcd J\fay 15, 1922, from "Gencrn} 1\fnu- agcr'', Cadillac Motor Car Company, to Al- fre (fo11eml l\Innagel'S of Divisions, ct al...... 4530 6732

--- ·· --~...... - - INDEX

General Motors Exhibits ; OrlglnaJ P r int No. 62-Plan for Co-ordinat.ion of General Motors Pur- cbnses1 corrected t(I Dee. 1, 1922 ...... 4:532 6734 No. 63-nfom•)randum dated November 29, 1922, from Al- fred P. Sloan, Jr. to General Managers of Divisions, et al...... 4542 6744 No. 64--1\Ieuiorandum onted l'\farch 10, 1924, from Alfred P. Slonn. Jr. to Execufo·e Committee ...... 4543 67-15 No. 65--i\femorandum dated December 1, 19:24, from Al­ fred P. Sloan, Jr. to Members of General Purchasing Committee ...... 4.545 6747 No. 66--Letter dated DecembP.r 10, 1937, from A lfred P. Sloan, Jr. to W. F. Ingals (Central Tube Company) ...... 4547 6749 No. 67- Letter dated December 10, 1937, f rom Alfred P. Slon.n, Jr. to Wm. S. Knudsen ...... 4548 6750 No. 68-Excerpt from Minutes of Meeting No. 15 of Gen­ eral Purcbnsin:; Committl?e hclcl Jul:-,• 2, 1924 4549 6751 No. 69-Lelter dated January 7, 1922, from H. M. Craig, Acting General Sales Manager, to A. P. Sloo.n, ,Jr...... 4550 6752 No. 70-Letter dated Jn.nuary 13, 1922, from "Vice Presi­ dent" to Ir~nee du Pont...... 4551 6753 No. 71-Ml!mornn

General l\fotors Ex11ibits: Orlglunl I'rlnt No. S.1.-Let~r dated September 29, 1924, from Frnnk A. B oward to A. E. Mittnacht (Ethyl Gasoline COJ" p.) ...... 4613 6815 No. 82- Lctter date1l J une 23, 1924, from Alfrc

No. 90- Lctl.er dntcd December 21 1924, from Commis­ sioner of Lnbor (State of New Jersey) to C. 0. J ohns ( Re..Clenrch Division, Stllndo.rd Oil Co.) ...... 4631 6833 No. 91 -E.xtr~icl s f r (101 l\Iinutes of I\foetiug of the Execu- ti vc Colllmittec of Gencrnl Motors Corporn- tion held June 23, 1925...... 4632 6834 No. 02- Extrnct from 1\!inuh!s of Meeting of E.xecutivc Committee of General Motors Corporation held October 21, 1925 ...... 4634 6836 No. 93-Letter rlotcu l\forch 9, 1929, from E. A. Rudigicr (St.nndanl Oil) to Geo. W. McKnight. . . . . 4636 6838 No. 94-Lct1cr dated Mnrch 29, 1926, from Alfred P. S lonn, Jr. to Ireneo du Pont...... 4637 6839 No. 05- Lcttcr dated March 31, 1926, from Jrenec du Pont. to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 4639 6841

No. OG-Letter dateJ June 2"21 1027, from I rence dn Pout, to Alfred P. Slonn, Jr...... 464-0 6843

No. !l7-Leltcr dated June 25, 19271 froru Alfred P . Sloan, Jr. to Irenee du Pont...... 4642 6844

No. 98-Letter

General Motors Exhibits: Original Priot No.102-Letter dated August 29, 1927, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Irenee du Pont ...... 4659 6861 No. 103-Letter dated January 19, 192S, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Lamroot du Pont ...... 4661 6863 No. 10'1-:Meeting of Car Division Managers with Exeen- tive December 1, 1921 ...... 4664 6866 No. 105-Letter dated December 29, 1921, from "Vice President" to C. F. Kettering...... 4667 6869 No. 106-Letter dated March 10, 1923 from "Director of Research'' to L. R.. Beardslee (GMC) . ... 4668 6870 No. lOi- Letter dated April 12, 1922, from P. S. du Pont, to C. F. Ketterling ...... 4669 6871 No. 108--Lelter dat.ed June 15, 1923, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to F. 0. Clements (GMC) ...... 4670 6872 No. 109-Lctter dated June 20, lfl~3. from F. 0. Clements to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 4671 6873 No. 110- Letter dated June 25, 1923, from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to F.· 0. Clements ...... 4674 6876 No. Ill-Letter dated July 3, 1023, from F. 0. Clements to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... __. ___.. _. 4675 6877 No. 112- Letter dated July 20, 1923, from Alfred P. Sloan, .Jr. to F . 0. Clements...... 4677 6879 No. 113-Heport of Paint. and Eaamel Committee of Gen­ eral Motors Corporation, August 22, 1923 . 46i8 6880 No. 114-Letter dated November 26, 1933, . from H . C. Mougey to W. P. Allen (du Pont) _...... 4689 6891 No. 115-Lctter dnted Janunry 11, 1924, from W. P. Allen lo F. 0 . Clements . _ ...... 4603 6595 No. 116-1\Lnutes of meeting of Paint and Enamel Com- mittee January 22, 1924...... : ...... 4697 6899 No. 117-Letter dated January 26, 1924, from F. 0. Clements to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 4706 6908 No. US-Letter dated January 31, 1924, from Wm. P. Allen t(') Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... _ 4709 69ll No. llSA-Letter dated March 5, 1924, fr6w W. P. Allen to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... _...... 4710 6912 No. llSB- Lett.er dated March 20, 1924, from "Secretary to the President" to W. P. Allen (Du Pont) . . _...... 4712 69H No. 119- Lettt>r dated March 21, 19'24, from Wfu. P. Allen to AJfred P. Sloan ...... 4713 6915 No. 120-:-Letter dated April 18, 1!)24, from H. H. Bassett (Buick Motor Company) to C. S. Mott, Gen- ertll .l\fotors ...... 4715 6917 No. 120A-M.emorandum dated May 2, 1924, from R. C. Williams (du Pont) to E. l\I. Flil.berty . . .. 4717 6919 No. 121-Mcmoranch1111, dated August 31, 1923, fro111 C. S. Mot.t ('G.1\LC.} to Messts. H. H. Rfoe and A. B. C. Hardy ...... '...... 4726 6928 INDBX Ix.Xiii General 1\fotors Exhibits: Origina l Pl'lnt No. 122-Lctter elated October 29, 1923, from F. 0. Clements to A. P . Sloan, Jr...... 4728 6930 No. 1:?5- Excerpts from minutes General Purchasing Cow- rnittee meeting April 18, 1024, re Prn

No. 131-Let.ter •lated December 3, 19271 from James 1\Ic- E ,·oy to John L. Pratt...... 47'!3

No. 132-Lct.ter dated March 81 1027, from Alfred P. Sloun, J r. to Thom:ts Midgley, Jr...... 4744 6046 No. 133-l\fonthly A\·erage Cotton and Rubber Wholesale Prices, 1923 through J 932 ...... 4i45 6047 No. 134-Let.ter daterl April 27, 1928, from Jttmes Mc- Erny to Alfred P . Slonn, Jr...... 4746 6948 No. 135--Letter elated April 5, 19'.:?8, f roiu Thomas Midg- ley, Jr. to Alfred P. Slonn, Jr...... 4749 6951 No. 136-Letter dated A ugust 30, 1928, from Ja.m 1~s l\fo- E,•oy to .J. L. P.ral.t...... 4750 6952 No. 137- Letter

No. 144--Lettcr dntecl Februnry 2, 19201 frow .Tnmc.<; Lynn b tu W. S. Carpenter ...... 4760 6962 No. 145-Let-ter dated February 4, 1920, from W. S. Car­ penter to James Lynnh ...... 471J:3 6964 No. 146-Lct.ter dawd Septe1uhcr 5, 1922, from Alfred P. Slonn, Jr. to H. H: 1\fain (G.MC) ...... 4764 6966. No. 147- Lctter dated September 8, 1922, from .fames Lynnh to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr...... 4766 6967 No. 148-Lettcr dated September 11, 1922, from Alfred P. Sloon, Jr. to Jn.mes Lyonb ...... 4766 6968 No. 149-C:oordiuution of Purchases, revised to September l, 1923 ...... 4767 69G9 No. 150-Excerpt .from Minutes of General P urchasing Com­ mittee, Aagu.st 2, 1923 ...... 4783 6985 lx.xiv INDEX

General Motors Exhibits: Original Print No. 151-Letter dated February 6, 1923, from James Lynah to Alf reel P. Sloan, Jr...... 4784 (3986 No. 152-Excerpts from Geueral Purchasing Committee Memorandum re Impeortanee of Standardiza- tion, Policie:> and ProC'edures ...... 4786 6988 No. 153---E~cerpts from General Purchasing Committee Memorandum r e Illustrations of Stani.Iarrli- zation ...... 4791 0993 No. 154-Summary of Contracts Approved by Genera.I Purchasing Committee (GMC) ...... 4821 7023 No. 155--Summary of Products Rejected by General Purchasing Committee (GMC) ...... 4S75 7017 No. 15~Excerpts from General Purchasing Committee Memorandum re Illustrations of Contracts Producing Savings ...... 48!)i 709rl No. 157-E~cerpts from General Purchasing Committee Minutes of Meeting July 2, 1924 ...... 4901 110:~ No. 158-Excerpts General Purchasing Committee Memo­ randum re Two-Source-of-Snpply qucstion . 4904 7106 No. 159-Excerpts from GeDeral Purebnsing Committee .Miuutes of Meeting Jualmty 4, 1923 ...... 4906 7108 No. 160-Excerpts from General Purchasing Committee Memorandum re The Problem of Secrecy, Keeping Prices Coufideotial ...... 4910 7112 No. 161-Excerpts from General Purchasing Committee Minutes of· Meeting October 29, 1924 ...... 4915 7117 No. 162-Exccrpts from General Purchasiug Committee 1\finutes of .Meeting July 2, 1924 ...... 4918 7120 No. 163---Excerpts from General Purchasing Committee .Minutes of l\·f eeting Novewber 0, 1925 ...... 4941 7143 No. 164-Escerpts from General Purchasing Committee Minutes of Meeting July 23, 1926 ...... 4945 7147 No. 16~SpeciaJ Discounts on Purchases from du Pont showi ng Amount of Discount per Vehicle Sold ...... 4953 7155 No. 166-Excerpts from Minutes of General Purchasing Committee October 25, 1923...... 4954 7J.5G No. 167-Agreemcnt dated January 2, 1925, between E. I. du Pont de & Company (Chemical Products Division) and General Motors Cor- Corporation ...... 4957 7159 No. 168- 1\Iemorandum

General Motors Exhibits: Orlg l nnl P r int No. 172--:Mcrnornntlum dnte1l January 22, 1925, from James Lynah to G. G. Allen, et al...... 4964. 7166 No. 173-Lctter dn.t.cd February 10, 1925, from ,Jnmes Lynah to F . .J. Clements (GM. Resenrch) . . . 4% 0 7168 No. 174--Lctter dated ·March 13, 1925, from H . C. Mougey to L. B.! Valentine ...... 4967 7169 No. 175-Memorandum dated l\lay 20, 1925, from James Lynah to H. G. l\fougey ...... 4908 7170 No. li6---Lette1· dated, May 23, 1925, from H. C. Mougey to J nmes Lynnh ...... 496!) 7171 No. 177-''Test Pnoels Submitted to Mr. Lynnh" ...... 4075 7177 No. 17S-Lctter da ted Mny 26, 192.5, from "Director of Resea1·ch" to "Paint and Enamel Commit- tee!' ...... 4978 7180 No. 179-Agrecnwot dated July 1, 1925, between E. I . 1lu Pont de N emonrs & Company ( Chemical Produch Division) nod General .Motors Cor­ pomtion ...... 4079 7181 No. ISO-Letter dated August 27, 1925, from " Chairman Pain t nod. Enamel Committee'' t.o H . C. Wcekler (Buick Motor Company) ...... 4984 7186 No. 181- Letter dated August 27, 19~, from "Chairma n, Paint and Enamel Committee" to John M. Scott (Olds Motor Works) ...... 4985 7187 No. 182-Letter Jntcd Angust 27, 1925, from "Chairmnn, Paint nnd Ennmel Committee" to S. Houser (Fisher-Body Corporntion) ...... 4986 7188

N o. 183-Let.tci· dated August '27, 1925. Lrl)lll "Chair111n111 Paint nnd Enamel Committee" to J ohn l\fac- Qunid ( Che\'l'Olct Motor Cnr Co.) ...... 4987 7189 No. 184--Lettcr dntecl Jnnnnry 5, 1926, from ''Mannger, A utomoti\'e Snles" to ,J amcs Lynah ...... 4988 7100 No. 18.5-Ag rcenumt dnted J11nun.ry 1, 1926, bet ween E . I. du Pout de Nemours & Company ( Chemi- cal Products Division) nnd Gencrnl Motors Corporation ...... 4998 7200

No. 186--Agreeutcnt dated Jnuua ry 1, 19271 between E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (Chemical Products Di vision) nnd General Motors Corporation ...... _ . . . . _ _ 5005 7207 No. !Si-Agreement dntcrl Janunry 1, 1928, between E . I. du Pont de Nemours & Compauy (Chemical Products Division) :md General l\[otors Corp C\ration ...... !lOlO 7212 No. 188-Agl'eemcnt dat.ed Jnnuary 1, 1929, betwee11 E. I . du Pont de Nemours & Company nnd Oen ~ er:iJ Motors Corporatio11 ...... 501fl 7217 No. 189-Agreemcnt dated Jm11rnry 1, 1930, hetwmm E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and Gen- era] Motors Corporation ...... 5018 7220 fuvi

General Motors Exhibits Orlgl.ou.1 Prlut No. 190-Agreement dated January ~ ' 1931, between E . I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and 1'Jen- eral Motors Corporat.ion ...... 5022 No. 191-LettH 1lntell J une 27, 1928, from Jnmes Lynah to William Ri<~ hter (tlu Pont.)...... 50'.W 7228 No. 192-''Perfornrnnce of Quantity Discount Contracts" as of October 31, lfl27...... 50::!7 No. 193- Letter dated May 16, 1928, from 0. H. Briggs to J ames Lynah ...... :'502fl 7231 No. 104---Letter

INDEX lxxvii

General Motol'$ Ex1tibifg Orlgioal Print N(I. 213-Lcttei· dnteil September 2S, 1031, from ~fo son V. Enngcr Compnny (signature iJIP.gible) to .John L. Pratt...... 5064 7266 No. 214-Lettcr date1l September 30, 1931, initiall(:d JLP to Silas B. Mason ...... 50().5 7267 No. 215-Lettci· <1atc~i September 30, 1931, init.inllerl JLP to Edw:ml F . Fisher...... 5066 7268 No. 216- Letter tlntc1l Ot!tobcr 16, Irf31, from E. F. Fisher to J. L. Prutt...... 5067 72G9 No. '217-Lettm· rfot.c1l May 27, Hl26, from Pierre S. du Pont to .John L. Pratt ...... 5068 7270 No. ~18-Letter elated J une 8, 1926. • init.ialled JLP to P. S. du Pont ...... 5069 7271 No. 210-Letter dated September HI, 1926, initinlled LduP to Alfred P. Sloan, .Jr...... 5070 7272 No. 220-Let.ter doted Scpte111hcr 20. 1026, from Alfrecl P. Slorui, Jr. to Lammot <111 Punt...... 5071 7273 No. 221-Lctter 1lateci Scptcmhcr 2S, ]Jl26, fr•Jm J . L. Prnlt to Lammot clu Pont...... 5072 72'74 No. 222-Letter clntt::d September 30, 1026, initfalled LduP to J',·,Jrn Pratt ...... 5074 7276 No. 223-Lettcr dated Octobel' 1, 1926, from J . L. Pratt to Lmumot du Pont...... 5075 7271 No. 224-Letter f1af.cd September 22, 1026, from T.nmmot clu Pont tl'.l ,John Pratt...... 5077 7279 No. 225-Letter dated October 2, 19~6. initin!Jcd JLP to L..'lmmot 1lu Pont ...... 5079 7~81 No. 226--Let.ter clntctl -Oclober 25, 1!)26, initialled JLP to Lammot du Pont...... 5081 7283 No. 227-Letter

General Motors Exhibits Ortginal Print NI). '.337-E::dract. from minut{!s of the meeting of the Exec­ nti\'C: Committee ( GMC) August S, 1930 . ... 5098 7300 No. 238-Extrn~t from minub.•s ilt meeting of the Fiunnce Committee ( Gl\lC) September S: H.130 ...... 5099 7301

NI), ~39-Let.ter l\Iidgley, Jr. . . _...... 5133 7335

No. ~51-Lettcr dated NoYemher 18, 10221 initialled TM to Dr. Norman Roberts ...... 5136 7338 No. 25:?-Mcmornn

No. 253- Letter dated Deeember 181 10~2, from Walter G. Whitman (:Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology) to Tllos. 1\Iidgley, Jr...... 5140 7342 No. 254:--Lctt.er dated Nov. ~O, H123, from E. Krause (In­ stitute nf Technology-Berlin) to ''Est.eemed Hen Profc.

No. 259-1\Iemoranclwn dated June 181 1924, Ei\IC ...... 5.J.,57 7358 JNDEX mix

Oenernl Motors E:.:thibits Orlglnnl Print No. 261-"Procecdings of a Conference to Determine W hether or Kot T here is n Publ ic Heall.Ii Que.ns wby • we should manufacture· tctraethyl lead;'

dated June 281 1926...... 5274 7473 l:x.x.x INDE~

General Motors Exhibits Oi:li;loul Print No. 285-C. E. Wilson Employment History with General Motors Corporation ...... 5277 7476 No. 286-Exctrpt from Minute!> of Joint Meeting of Operations and Executive Committees (GMC) July 17, 1930...... 5279 7478 No. 287-Memorandum dated August 25, 1930, from C. E. Wilson to J . L. Pratt...... 5281 7480 No. ::!SS-Excerpt from Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting (GM:C) Septemher 8, l!J30 .. .. . _ _ _ 5283 7482 No. 289- Excerpt from Minutes of .Joint Meeting of Oper- ations nnd Executive Committees (GMC) ~larch 12, 1931 ...... ·5285 7484 No. 290-Excerpt from minutes of FinRnce Committee l\Ieeting (G:MC) Marc.h 23, 1931 . _.. ___ . .. 52S9 7488 No. 291-Exccrpt from Minutes of Executive Meeting

(GMC) April 97 1931...... 5291 7490 No. 292--l\femoraudum dated June 11, 1931, from C. E. Wilson to Operations Committee ...... 5293 7492 No. 293- Exccrpt from Minutes of Exccut.ivc Committee Meeting (GMC) October :2!), 1931...... 5296 7-195 No. 294--Undnted l\Iemorn.ntluru f rom W. F. Armstrong to J. L. Pratt, et al ...... _...... 5299 7498 No. 395- Memoranrl nm dnted December 17, 1931, from C. E. Wilson to Operations Commit.tee . __ .. 5301 7500 No. 206-Ex~erpt from Minutes of F inance Committee .Meeting (GMC) September 12, 1932 ..... _. _ 5303 7502 No. 209-Lett.er elated December 13.• 1948, from :Melville C. Williams (Department of J usticc, Chicago) to Fen-is E. H urd ...... 5305 7504 No. 300- Letter dated December 17, 1948, from Willis L. Hotehkiss (Department of Justice, Chicago) to Fer ris E . Hurd ...... 5309 7508 No. 301-Lett.er dated December 20, 1948, initialled FEH to Melville C. Willinms ( Depnrtment of J u::;t.ice, Chicago) _ . ... _...... 5312 7511