
TNO | Knowledge for business

Programme Summary Defence and TNO: crossing borders for tomorrow's solutions

Introduction To support the Royal Marechaussee in control from a broad and integral Nowadays border control gains much reaching her objective the Royal perspective. Through discussions with national and international attention. Border Marechaussee and TNO have developed the (inter)national stakeholders ideas of the control is strongly influenced by many social research programme Border Control. future of border control will be explored and and technological developments. The aim of The programme objective is to develop and future developments and trends of illegal border control is broadened towards verify an up-to-date set of instruments to immigration, frontier-running and human contributing to combating illegal immigration, test new operational concepts for border trafficking are studied. These activities result frontier-running and human trafficking and control on effectiveness and in future operational scenarios. preventing threats for the interior security, efficiency and to perform Also visions, ambitions the public order, the public health and sensitivity analyses. and ideas of the international relationships (combating This is done in close future from the Ideas of the future Self-image terrorism). The Royal Marechaussee is cooperation with Dutch 2006 government confronted with the dilemma of mobility the Royal Vision growth versus defending security interests. Marechaussee. Align will be

In this context the Royal Marechaussee wants The ultimate 2007 explored. Study of Concept Ambition to reconsider her current concept of border objective is to environment Arrange Another control and the underlying assumptions. support the line of 2008 and further Royal Action - approach Perform Objectives Marechaussee is The objective of the Royal Marechaussee is to with the executing a People Technology implement a new concept for border control. development of a technology The future border control should be more vision, doctrine and watch: which effective and efficient. Effectiveness hereby policy on future border technologies are refers to the actual improvement in the control and to support her in suitable to use and supply safety of the Society of the by acquiring systems to carry out future border surplus value to the process of border stopping illegal foreigners and potential control. control. The last area of research is the terrorists. Efficiency hereby refers to human factor: in which way can the human checking only high-risk groups extensively Programme of work factor optimally contribute to the desired and speeding up the process. The programme aims to survey border capabilities. Defence Border Control

TNO Defence, Security and Safety

All these activities result in the settlement of operational concept for border control for TNO Defence, Security and Safety provides goals for border control and the development the Royal Marechaussee, which will be innovative contributions to the advance of of a desired concept of border control. implemented from 2008. With the comprehensive security and is a strategic partner of the Dutch Ministry of Defence to Besides these results also methodologies will knowledge built up within this programme build up the defence knowledge-base. We be developed to evaluate the effects of the the Royal Marechaussee is able to realize employ our acquired knowledge for and new concept of border control and a field action points resulting from her 'Policy Plan together with contractors. experiment with identification techniques 2010'. Besides this the Royal Marechaussee is will be executed. able to structurally consider and decide in connection with the future of border control Application and start up actual materiel projects, The instruments developed within the introduction of biometry and working-out programme contribute direct to the ICT-developments. realization and review of the new A. (Angela) Kwaijtaal, MSc.

Oude Waalsdorperweg 63 Programme P.O. Box 96864 2509 JG Supervisor The Netherlands Mr. A.C. van Steijn, head of department immigration legislation, Staff Royal Marechaussee P +31 70 374 00 28 F +31 70 374 06 42 Manager [email protected] A. Kwaijtaal M.Sc., TNO Defence, Security and Safety

Title Border Control

Programme number V604

Time schedule 1-1-2006 - kick-off 31-12-2009 - completion

Budget 1000 kEURO DenV S070127