Princeton University Bulletin, Feb. 15, 2010
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY BULLETINVolume 99, Number 8 February 15, 2010 Diemand-Yauman selected to receive Pyne Honor Prize RUTH STEVENS the relationship between the Univer- sity and the eating clubs, instituting a rinceton senior Connor Diemand- gender-neutral housing pilot project, Yauman has been named the implementing measures to help foster P winner of the University’s 2010 understanding about Princeton’s grad- Moses Taylor Pyne Honor Prize, the ing policy, revising the pass-D-fail highest general distinction conferred policy and reallocating Undergraduate on an undergraduate. Student Government (USG) funds for He will be recognized at a luncheon student-initiated service projects. during Alumni Day on campus Satur- “I never considered that I would day, Feb. 20. actually be in the running for this The Pyne Honor Prize, established distinction so I was floored when I first in 1921, is awarded to the senior who heard the news,” Diemand-Yauman has most clearly manifested excellent said the day after he was informed. scholarship, strength of character and “It’s wonderful to be recognized for effective leadership. Previous recipients academic and extracurricular work include the late Princeton President that was intrinsically rewarding from Emeritus Robert F. Goheen ’40, former the start.” Brian Wilson U.S. Sen. Paul Sarbanes ’54 and cur- His senior thesis tests a theory on Connor Diemand-Yauman, winner of the 2010 Moses Taylor Pyne Honor Prize, is a psychology rent U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia learning and retention. He conducted major and former president of the Undergraduate Student Government. Sotomayor ’76. a field study with 250 students in 15 Diemand-Yauman, who is from classrooms at a high school and is that Princeton students produce,” and probing.” In a letter of support, Chesterland, Ohio, is majoring in analyzing the data for papers that will said Danny Oppenheimer, associate Ronald Comer, lecturer on continuing psychology.
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