25, 1987 Members Ftion YIARISGIVING of Active Hi-Y Club FON S FIOI LECTDIE ADULT Educatioft D
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Leadsla Ltcal New•Aa• ,..,.OfieW�; Advertitiai ffl'._Tt"'-� THE LEADING AND MOST CIRCULA7lD WEEKLY Nl OIW...-W-';-1_£_ THE WESTFIELDWIDELY ..SPAl'ER INLEADER UNION COUNTY YEAR-No. 13 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ORTY-EIGHTH 25, 1987 Members ftION YIARISGIVING of Active Hi-Y Club FON S FIOI LECTDIE ADULT EDUCATIOft D . SEIVICES TO IE I DECEJllEI TO RECEIVE INFETUS IBJ11e and White Primed For DAYIN OD T O CB FOIUJI7 WILL rROJECT AT MEETIRG NOIDAY '.� JIETI IS CI I AID Final Game With Pearl Claurchea Unitiac International Councl Present- Ton and School In- Hith School leven Pointiq ClaanceRive r· Local Towuds Laat ear Obtenance at in1Speaker01Chinese· rited to Diac1t11Olici� New E to Brelk - inAnnaal Scori111fUJine With New York State M. Sitution de in Tua ' 10:00 A. Japanese Un rt akinf Game The Westfield High football. C£1Sus SIOWS 63oft will School McKINNEY SPEAKER TO PUBLIC IST PETITION SI RS ers be shooting at their GN V lut L · chance for a win and a ecore e £1JLDl£N OID£1 when s been the custom in th MB£TINGDr. Ch'ao-TioPEN hlnese a thor. Rep1·ese1 tati thirty E they line up against the Pearl ha u II 1 � . seven ' As the Baptist, Co gregational, ity on international affairs, will Westtield organiiations will on ZO River, n ;.chl,C speak met't representativC4 :Recreation t Presbyterian Churc�ea b c e Senior I n ay night at 8:30 m. th N. Y. at ethodist and at a pu li meeting in th Mo d · p. in e No Gain Since Despite Field Thursday at a. j in i union Thanksglvmg lligh a ditoriu Tuesd Roos v Ju i o , form 1930 11 m. o n School u m ay, . e elt nior gh ho l to or m ao morn· p. Oil a s H Sc Population F eight games Coach DullClltt rvice tomo w (Thursday) Dec. 7, at 8:15 m. Hia subject, pl n for an adult education program lncrea••...., a'n hu rr William the Chinese Conflict," is pa e t M slid up and down the bench g. This year Dr. M� ''Behind r- n x year. ayor Robert S. Mac- a s 81 hla c e K. cou regou but unf o rtunate boys tried will pre111 h t h ticularly timely, is well qua\ Cormack nnd County Treasurer Ar- 1n. · of 2,000 u inney rc at 1sermon0 o'c.lo.ck fl discuss and b.em m er of t n tilely linlte touchdO'.vn spark. Methodist Chu h i ed to it. A e b he thur N. Pierso arc being invit d, as f w f to a t e for e loose best they could salvage was wo e a hers take tu ns in giving ditori l ect rer well o he town t e su11er· inp etc �xce 11 he pre c Left right : Front Row-Tom Sawyer, George Holl , e board of l u as · r· officials, h Co i pt Tho o r ac s aa and Jack Tew, the a S oo Amerasia,or Silc i es ng t _ r ci p s es out- scoreless ties, ago.Inst Madiaon " serm ns and each church t r ceto Bagger, at N ew ch aI earch I s prmcipa o f sc mos, p m l ends In the busin s dislrict and an.1- e B u Vice-P1·es.; Harry Cornwall, President; Frnnk 1 t R , v I _ I I J • • Plainlleld. In the other battle1,' fourth year. and a speaker for the Foreign Policy o · the oth r prominent skirts, th.., child of h every Leonard, Secretary; Clifton Beardslee, Treasurer; "Charles Crandall .all schools, anrl e " census t Boal'd the o i l al.x nta r st s oc a , has been f ns e ppol t on recorded 89 pol o re will be read by Rev. Eu : eim Al f B A s i tion Ch'ao-Tjn-Chi citit . of ca ion Scriptu Second Row Fred Gl Hastor , Howard Walker, arton Heinz, Edu t shows that the t�tal an avcr11ge of just over two s r ••1d Dr. , si ti ally recei ed as one who Organizationse which h v e e ne Mintz, Baptist pa t , George Frost, Jack Camp, Bob Polhemus and Gilman Hand enthu as c v a endors d number oi children under 20 years of dowm g e, touch- o o c n use e o am lph Unny, Metho ist ast r, Third Row: Victor Johnston, t a Amei·ican forms of expre.s- a p ti tion entl p1 nt d t the lr ti as !n he a B. d •. F cul y Adviser; John Tandy, Bill 1·cc y ·csc e Is ] ac ally the same a I n the l>icture of the Sino- Board of i age S ome 80 ace may b oun n sion to o vey du t asking for the conduct the serr;fc:e. Rev . Don L m , Bob ier, c ca on fcderd census of >ri l 030, accord-t I t d th y an ill Keith Lyman, Bill Heckcnkamp, John Pollock, ! E Al l, h Columbia ofe I e ill i H Ja lancse situation which only a f ci i ie he Junior High School at South O anre an Patch, Congregat onal pastor, Jack Crichton; Bud Doerrer l na- a l s of t ing to Supci·visor Ro ert L. 'l'omblen. fact t und .Arthur Foust, YMCA Adviser ll·ve hi s t o b Inflicted the deepest cut on r i of C na can 1re ent. for conducting clnsses, are as foll ws : · the Blue ill read M ssing from the Picture: Bob Derge, Chal'les Chambers, Bill w Re s ta ed thla mor ng from Scripture. Lo e 1 l mit ns bulat ni and White p1·ostlge when they Sponsored by tho Westfield lnterna· Westll� d m n Cl ub un · acam· and Bernard Jones 1 Wo a 's 'J oi wo m Indic te that the total num er of fam- ered leav• PH1ltrteriaa Clnorch CouncJl the m n Club, Collego Woman's Club, Se-- p victory; thereby be no prayer service on tlonal eeting has two n 's ilies aIn s e aroundb to 11 46-0 There will o W tll ld ls ing only for the are invited objectives. 'l'hcflrstlstoglvcto'the ni r lgh PTA,.Junlot• High PTA, e 4,600,··and 43 polnta hanksgiving Eve but all ========================== ,H the numberofehlld1·en undor20about llve wlnnen, or lees than reruain!nine tal-nr v com unity un sua opportunity to A the mc l , a hin ton, join in the Union Thanksgi ing m an u l PT ! o n W s g ,300, In 1930 th1m were 5,385 The 11-Y CLUB COLLECTS YS ao•r n i 8 of , 5 chll- lies apiece. Columbia slaughter Dr. M i y w!ll o tinue obtai an intimate v ew of the pres Wilson, Franklin, Columbus, MeKln- rvke. c nne c n · dren under 20, although the popula partly forgivable sinc K 11 11 t. ond Is l an�I ant schools, Scjlool Welfare · e the marvel• series of studies on the Apostles 380 IO Joi• ent Asiatic conftlc 'l'ho ec to ey Gr ls Marvellte1 fArEI ON FllDAY s Le g e of me tion was less by that 's o' l ck, rRIZE TU'IEJS raise a fund by means of which the Council, YWCA, a u W n 80!110 2,()00 reed Sunday morning at 11 c o o or 700 f amilies Tlie averageP.Cl'SOUS, size of talonDUS stampeda s So sameIt is to- 1' I\ Council can Voters, Westfield Art Association, three other te m 11vl· the subject, Believe -- Westfield International the y say Jlfr Tomblen lias . king up �01 r cl Catholic famil ; de- dent that Westfield la defensively tol· e "I In lend Its su port to the project d WestlMd Sc vi • League, th Father Almighty." Special e creased sli htly du� to the d:icllnco f erable. od, Proceeds From Annual Co Man Other Awards G n. Westfield P up lic Poi Dauglitcrs o f Ame l ca, es � ' usie jn the Thanksgiving theme will Uec y ive b ·um. W pl"tlporti n of childr n fam- - . R , s ar f w the e has been a long i e p! d. e e i g service Now ut o k is a mu i Chapter, D A . o to t m since e nye At v n n . w r c m n ty • : 0 OS��:l� Tw-o out of every famlllos It d l b a. tne lion 'd d Am onf l l o COlll· Busin ss ro Jiles. l d ea ha a een o weat members of Atlas Lodge of Ma I l tee ny ng tho f oundati n of . a e and P - fiven n t m e • to ueL o·lfl e ID H'I- U yI DDU8Cl b' A m . Council, D. of A., District visited havo no chlld1·en u der 20, re· Wne stee8t•�erk. T n p1·0Jt•ctt d o fesslonal Club o th hey came clo est Sa-. ns, C o rinthia Chavter, and Sir L I Ch es Even t �o be. launc h n o fleeting •! ..- o 1 1 1938 Nursi AssWoclmun'an ion, Westfield, B tho ncronc urday " m s ed de D l OCI UI'ti' which will r g to cvcr_ycarmie y - • ng t ird e h t f bl th when"' they i s a touchdown a.i111au cn11vter, Or r of eMo ayi b m · control.