Leadsla Ltcal New•Aa• ,..,.OfieW�; Advertitiai ffl'._Tt"'-� THE LEADING AND MOST CIRCULA7lD WEEKLY Nl OIW...-W-';-1_£_ THE WESTFIELDWIDELY ..SPAl'ER INLEADER UNION COUNTY YEAR-No. 13 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ORTY-EIGHTH 25, 1987 Members ftION YIARISGIVING of Active Hi-Y Club FON S FIOI LECTDIE ADULT EDUCATIOft D . SEIVICES TO IE I DECEJllEI TO RECEIVE INFETUS IBJ11e and White Primed For DAYIN OD T O CB FOIUJI7 WILL rROJECT AT MEETIRG NOIDAY '.� JIETI IS CI I AID Final Game With Pearl Claurchea Unitiac International Councl Present- Ton and School In- Hith School leven Pointiq ClaanceRive r· Local Towuds Laat ear Obtenance at in1Speaker01Chinese· rited to Diac1t11Olici� New E to Brelk - inAnnaal Scori111fUJine With New York State M. Sitution de in Tua ' 10:00 A. Japanese Un rt akinf Game The Westfield High football. C£1Sus SIOWS 63oft will School McKINNEY SPEAKER TO PUBLIC IST PETITION SI RS ers be shooting at their GN V lut L · chance for a win and a ecore e £1JLDl£N OID£1 when s been the custom in th MB£TINGDr. Ch'ao-TioPEN hlnese a thor. Rep1·ese1 tati thirty E they line up against the Pearl ha u II 1 � . seven ' As the Baptist, Co gregational, ity on international affairs, will Westtield organiiations will on ZO River, n ;.chl,C speak met't representativC4 :Recreation t Presbyterian Churc�ea b c e Senior I n ay night at 8:30 m. th N. Y. at ethodist and at a pu li meeting in th Mo d · p. in e No Gain Since Despite Field Thursday at a. j in i union Thanksglvmg lligh a ditoriu Tuesd Roos v Ju i o , form 1930 11 m. o n School u m ay, . e elt nior gh ho l to or m ao morn· p. Oil a s H Sc Population F eight games Coach DullClltt rvice tomo w (Thursday) Dec. 7, at 8:15 m. Hia subject, pl n for an adult education program lncrea••...., a'n hu rr William the Chinese Conflict," is pa e t M slid up and down the bench g. This year Dr. M�­ ''Behind r- n x year. ayor Robert S. Mac- a s 81 hla c e K. cou regou but unf o rtunate boys tried will pre111 h t h ticularly timely, is well qua\ Cormack nnd County Treasurer Ar- 1n. · of 2,000 u inney rc at 1sermon0 o'c.lo.ck fl discuss and b.em m er of t n tilely linlte touchdO'.vn spark. Methodist Chu h i ed to it. A e b he thur N. Pierso arc being invit d, as f w f to a t e for e loose best they could salvage was wo e a hers take tu ns in giving ditori l ect rer well o he town t e su11er· inp etc �xce 11 he pre c Left right : Front Row-Tom Sawyer, George Holl , e board of l u as · r · officials, h Co i pt Tho o r ac s aa and Jack Tew, the a S oo Amerasia,or Silc i es ng t _ r ci p s es out- scoreless ties, ago.Inst Madiaon " serm ns and each church t r ceto Bagger, at N ew ch aI earch I s prmcipa o f sc mos, p m l ends In the busin s dislrict and an.1- e B u Vice-P1·es.; Harry Cornwall, President; Frnnk 1 t R , v I _ I I J • • Plainlleld. In the other battle1,' fourth year. and a speaker for the Foreign Policy o · the oth r prominent skirts, th.., child of h every Leonard, Secretary; Clifton Beardslee, Treasurer; "Charles Crandall .all schools, anrl e " census t Boal'd the o i l al.x nta r st s oc a , has been f ns e ppol t on recorded 89 pol o re will be read by Rev. Eu­ : eim Al f B A s i tion Ch'ao-Tjn-Chi citit . of ca ion Scriptu Second Row Fred Gl Hastor , Howard Walker, arton Heinz, Edu t shows that the t�tal an avcr11ge of just over two s r ••1d Dr. , si ti ally recei ed as one who Organizationse which h v e e ne Mintz, Baptist pa t , George Frost, Jack Camp, Bob Polhemus and Gilman Hand enthu as c v a endors d number oi children under 20 years of dowm g e, touch- o o c n use e o am lph Unny, Metho ist ast r, Third Row: Victor Johnston, t a Amei·ican forms of expre.s- a p ti tion entl p1 nt d t the lr ti as !n he a B. d •. F cul y Adviser; John Tandy, Bill 1·cc y ·csc e Is ] ac ally the same a I n the l>icture of the Sino- Board of i age S ome 80 ace may b oun n sion to o vey du t asking for the conduct the serr;fc:e. Rev . Don L m , Bob ier, c ca on fcderd census of >ri l 030, accord-t I t d th y an ill Keith Lyman, Bill Heckcnkamp, John Pollock, ! E Al l, h Columbia ofe I e ill i H Ja lancse situation which only a f ci i ie he Junior High School at South O anre an Patch, Congregat onal pastor, Jack Crichton; Bud Doerrer l na- a l s of t ing to Supci·visor Ro ert L. 'l'omblen. fact t und .Arthur Foust, YMCA Adviser ll·ve hi s t o b Inflicted the deepest cut on r i of C na can 1re ent. for conducting clnsses, are as foll ws : · the Blue ill read M ssing from the Picture: Bob Derge, Chal'les Chambers, Bill w Re s ta ed thla mor ng from Scripture. Lo e 1 l mit ns bulat ni and White p1·ostlge when they Sponsored by tho Westfield lnterna· Westll� d m n Cl ub un · acam· and Bernard Jones 1 Wo a 's 'J oi wo m Indic te that the total num er of fam- ered leav• PH1ltrteriaa Clnorch CouncJl the m n Club, Collego Woman's Club, Se-- p victory; thereby be no prayer service on tlonal eeting has two n 's ilies aIn s e aroundb to 11 46-0 There will o W tll ld ls ing only for the are invited objectives. 'l'hcflrstlstoglvcto'the ni r lgh PTA,.Junlot• High PTA, e 4,600,··and 43 polnta hanksgiving Eve but all ======,H the numberofehlld1·en undor20about llve wlnnen, or lees than reruain!nine tal-nr v com unity un sua opportunity to A the mc l , a hin ton, join in the Union Thanksgi ing m an u l PT ! o n W s g ,300, In 1930 th1m were 5,385 The 11-Y CLUB COLLECTS YS ao•r n i 8 of , 5 chll- lies apiece. Columbia slaughter Dr. M i y w!ll o tinue obtai an intimate v ew of the pres Wilson, Franklin, Columbus, MeKln- rvke. c nne c n · dren under 20, although the popula partly forgivable sinc K 11 11 t. ond Is l an�I ant schools, Scjlool Welfare · e the marvel• series of studies on the Apostles 380 IO Joi• ent Asiatic conftlc 'l'ho ec to ey Gr ls Marvellte1 fArEI ON FllDAY s Le g e of me tion was less by that 's o' l ck, rRIZE TU'IEJS raise a fund by means of which the Council, YWCA, a u W n 80!110 2,()00 reed Sunday morning at 11 c o o or 700 f amilies Tlie averageP.Cl'SOUS, size of talon DUS stampeda s So sameIt is to- 1' I\ Council can Voters, Westfield Art Association, three other te m 11vl· the subject, Believe -- Westfield International the y say Jlfr Tomblen lias . king up �01 r cl Catholic famil ; de- dent that Westfield la defensively tol· e "I In lend Its su port to the project d WestlMd Sc vi • League, th Father Almighty." Special e creased sli htly du� to the d:icllnco f erable. od, Proceeds From Annual Co Man Other Awards G n. Westfield P up lic Poi Dauglitcrs o f Ame l ca, es � ' usie jn the Thanksgiving theme will Uec y ive b ·um. W pl"tlporti n of childr n fam- - . R , s ar f w the e has been a long i e p! d. e e i g service Now ut o k is a mu i Chapter, D A . o to t m since e nye At v n n . w r c m n ty • : 0 OS��:l� Tw-o out of every famlllos It d l b a. tne lion 'd d Am onf l l o COlll· Busin ss ro Jiles. l d ea ha a een o weat members of Atlas Lodge of Ma­ I l tee ny ng tho f oundati n of . a e and P - fiven n t m e • to ueL o·lfl e ID H' I- U y I ClDDU8 b' A m . Council, D. of A., District visited havo no chlld1·en u der 20, re· Wne stee8t•�erk. T n p1·0Jt•ctt d o fesslonal Club o th hey came clo est Sa-. ns, C o rinthia Chavter, and Sir L I Ch es Even t �o be. launc h n o fleeting •! ..- o 1 1 1938 Nursi AssWoclmun'an ion, Westfield, B tho ncronc urday " m s ed de D l OCI UI'ti' which will r g to cvcr_ycarmie y - • ng t ird e h t f bl th when"' they i s a touchdown a.i111au cn11vter, Or r of eMo ayi b m · control. mcn o r s . , 111 Wc�t- Club Westfield Cnrde11 Club, Musical by about yard and later failed attend. Dr. McKinn ey e pect i Y C of the Y CA h s a i field n chancll pai-t1cipn� 1 n dis- six x s The lub M a Every section of town w s v stc . . s d Intei·national Coun· Be o e ht e project s finished I t ill special message to e e H · d �o Club' We tfiel f r I by only a few nches o regiator bring a th s completed its plans for ita annual P11- Monda y by 380 boys w ho joined cuss10n of pu�h c nf!alra. S1m1lur in of , r s received by enumerators nil a the ell, of Wars, West- ca d ust safety. rethren. The e s of these Ma per Da Hi·Y pl n to the fotum discussions now be- F'oreign m m mber - y, which will be held Friday, the annual tu\"key hunt of the n fie Vetm•nnsCivic C ub Rotary Club Amo1·i· ch c ed Hi co s nic r me t 5 g o ld l e k Pearl ver me boaat-­ orde s will e at :4 ll· m. Proceed the sale of the lu . gen r sity in broadcast by America's wn behi n against bschooll listsI nnd town 7 s received from C b Through the e o of lo­ can f, g I. o�s Club, NAACP, Itnl- c ldre must bo at u at-Od n indl- Ing to o the eha cl In of the c urch o to Mcctmg the Air, the loclll orum e ion, l a record of five vlcrofies and tw p front h ld papers and m aga ines West- en! merchnnts 68 p!'izcs were award­ of l i R Mr omb r ss fun Soc al Club oyal Arcanum Wat- vldunl year groups. . T lon eats. team averages around nd march In p -0ee ion into the c i z go the essful hunters. A r 1n·?gram will meet a n d whlch hns ' de Their field har table organizations. ed to succ rthu e: ehung 37, flc Iiovcs th latter process. will re vbe--eal 102f s x1 d In Wcstfi�ld U mo. Camp, est ld Bnnd, e 11ound and contains many ud!torium. o st boys' sec t t e YM e st� for_ e me No. W s · s Bill- Lowe Is the general chairman S. u , re a y of h � Hand l Choir, Gnosis Club. Many that the pre ent hil population i a s vetu­ • F' r Detail• of the pwgram me not yet e c d n . Coach Ted Shuttleworth has r adviser; a r CA, co ducted the atfnir. r e e �heir interest; concon tcd tho y ar cla s Fir�t Church of CLrut, Sclentlo� Bob e g r y n release. othe s hav express d fa>a In 10·16- c s . worked 16 years with Pearl Riv r It cust�rn�ry on Thanksglvm(!' with D a· 88 H T r 10-pound rke ready for e I!! . Cornwall, Tom Sawyer and Bob Derge h ee tu ys were do­ cnndl1l11tes for r1 t Bn Scienc!) church<:11 s de•irability of of proteges ay �h � serve as T hr ug nnted by the Rotary, Lions and E lk !Mievlng in the such 1 Stales to the truck committee. o h Oanny F�; mOnoan his 11 nd societies n the a communi ty forum, however, and 1'111•s BAZlAI t all·Amcrlcan at Col· U�lted the co-operation of Westfield business clubs. Among tho merchants who 600 SEE BOY SCOUTS CBllSJ• , atar o a serv ce1 avproprrnte to the oc· gato and now gua1·d with l� i houses the committee has secured ten contl·ibuted wer the Quality Market, feeling thnt tho bringi n w� tflcld II a lesson-sermo g � � Ch cag Bears. the as10�, at which time a � · o spcn ur Ch-ao-Tm-Cht i t c s to cover he entire town in the Windfoldt Mm ket and Klingcr's k of Dr. s c11J. DENOISTRATE TALE•ts orE·s· o• l\EC. o specialiy prepar ed at the he�dq a1- t Mar­ a year utt I� t can d epon d u ru k in , Store, Mei­ ibro Is luu·mony with tho forum R 6 'l'hls Sh wor h . paper collection. e z heads kct Rosen's Stntionery n ff I/ e ers of the ebur h _B oston 1s read. Barton H l Store, Green's .Sta­ · d thht w esti\ tcrna onnl on left Stev nson 203 pounde, � . th assisted by Clif se 's Stationery 1 ca, . Id In ll , a co a 10 t m, Fmt e lunch committee, . c e . , en tackleholes tor n c rd nce w�th this_ cu� o J t one y St Sh p, CourlCll hns llgrccd to turn over the to op hla backs who ton Beardslee and ohn Tandy. The i r re, Gartland's Men's o Thri t hop to eII To y Loc a) i are hurch of Chr1.st, Sc1�nt1st, sl- I o e meeting to the om- Contests and Exhibits Enter- f S S 1 l ght and fast. ic es, f ullback W Mayf ir of t c � advertising committee is under Bob John Fi·anks H11berclashe1·y, a proceeds h c. S kl , eld, will hold ts servi ce at 10 .30 53 munlty forum committee. Re aired has crowded the spotlight often. His } s Ch r s Crandall. Tallors. The Theatre gave ta n Visiton at Finl aremen ave p • P lhemu , aided by a l i • Sickles, , m. Thanksg[v.mg Day, o e nsRiulto n o pl'izes. f' ff brother, at right end · he storage committee is chair maned movie tickets c solat n J. fa C la T o i "Scout-0-Rama" Aid Undernouriahed tho lightest vlnyer, acallng only 145. l ir c s g e to- by G eim, with Bill as Pra er m i be ld ed Lowe as· kc , : A E lnterscctlonal y h Fr h .Wcstne�d. I ofr�w night �it Beiiideq prizo In t ' lleforu c tic au ie'nco of ·T e annual Chrlsln1as'b1izriifi."iiflhe gnme llNew th_o ,®l:r-, Yo k ers Predic· �:�a�: 8 o'clock. eam captains and third a!!�1,f duck. Fourth!.�:i:: :n:iu:ho £0�1CIL rFllOV nri' for r he usual m r hlg and evening ser ela,}t�t. followi�g S o e n� s i Thr ft Sho1> is schcdulecl to bcgl11 lon tbo g m. of s - n v- . ss t t : Team younge�t; group,��1:.!c� 8 to 11 , wn n ocket llOAD SEWER WOii{ v r people tho We tfield D trict i t s aro uacless In a a e thi o a regular o-- a is t h been se e c ed s d s es, Sunday, pe ts l · in p a Boy S500 s Scout. Doc. and continue until Chr!st111nB sort because foes have been young an avee en Al knife, the intermedait-0 group, 12 , cout staged their novel mutual le'& meetin be Initiated at 7 g r Eve. 6 'h s wil no g will captain, D ; Van , D oren, pen and pencil set, and in 0-Huma prog am in the armory Fri· i year it l be lnrgcr ond met nnd the true class of Pe rl River n e l, nstor nnd Gi�man Hand , 'l 'clock. Amo g those who will tak H Team to 14, 11 Permits Wychwood Corp t day Somo 250 a o o ned moro elubornle thnn ever 1Jefo1·e, with Is . a C�pt. f arry Cornwall, Jack Tew and the oldest' class, 15 to lapel . evunlng.. u li unknown . The visitors, however, art in thls program are Mary Ann H 2• 18, a o up i c l quuntities of toys of every descrip­ s be r t d on i Cn Dcr e, watch. Fifth prize in nil classes wns for the open ng ceremonies, fca. mu t a e favorites, not the r Bill p t Bob g M e mprovemen t l · tion. The mem tho e Lyman;He Team 3, · 1 . a ecktie All tr il were '8tarted from k J t u ietl by tho 1111y1n of tho "Stn1• bers of st l record, lmt on Westfield's. Pag Barton I a 1 ec ken k amp; n a s � (Continued on e 4) nz nd Bi . a S 8 · fire de]lut·lmcnt 1 v jlllintedW and llc d Clifton II O e s Siinnglcd nnnncr"1 by Jark Fitz erald, h e 1·e­ Dunca Team Capt. Beardslee, Washington School. wn xp n e � g i n 1 n wlU • E former orn t plnycr of condit o ed tho to the Conell Jose onl1 six Chambers4, and John Pollock; TeaChas.m 5, The y ungest group of 260, foll ow- -- scouc nnd c e men from his entire varsity squad. o h S Thrift Shop, andloys many donated of BELLS FRIDAY nnd cd n mil c 100 b nn d them arc They lef guard, Capt. Bernard Jones, Bob Hli,licr e P nal was given by the 1: g · t Cliff Beardslee, three course t.o Hecreatlo11 i rutiflcntion the 1 1 1 n te tho l d r d quite as nttrnctlve now ns when tl1cy are T am 6, Capt eld nners were: first, Fred Town Cuun M n rl ght the W1t111n. mi u s c eare i and halfback, Artie Wolff, co-cap BURCH Keith Lyman; e . Frank Fi . Wi cil ny n 5 . · w tho do!IR, Scrv· · U E SEAL SALE h s on o i to I - Ing loor 4of tlio armory was ti nns- ere 11ow, As for the tnlnA; ete Dughi, l'ight guard, w o R IN I d Jk d Ch WeiHs of Not-t avenue; ec d, Gil- hwrn>d Cor om tioll make m h s r 1 o '\' to formedJ Into n mod camp, ompl te ice Lcoguo has been busy for weeks P e I 1 \"c pt rgc H�j: bert Snowden Prnspcct street; o,.Uons W chw od el e �tcndy d pendabil ity has brightened SH T . c r t rin to 7 f o ln the of y o b gc g cw fl g pole, two in es o g them beauty-not only tho e S u er l������1i;and, Bruc e �;B �gge,r and: �John�: Tandy third, Clifford Dull f Dorian rond; �ond, Spcciflctilly, terms of tiw "'.Ith nl ay, a Elm street morale; Ituss a nd s, ; r��cmcnts � l rnt l er w r r mp hnvo they been bed •clml in new reasurer Iuues Appea for pa om Sawyer, .Jack ourth t n i n of udi o i n c · uct o s1g1rn w , s, n ate -f ont, ca . left tackle, whose true merit Team Ca t. T Herber Bry i d8e M - l"d n nce ovide n sh n of c ot s been was not l s sf n street;, flft!1, t pre fortt co nd pia Ic1rn·toR,o tepee, und tent for boys l he , but their fucea hnve care­ cov re until late in an, d Bob Polh emus; 11n l Tcam o Wal er Iliddulph of anitar H wer sv t m n v ng s dis e d the season; Public Suppo in Tuber­ Camp · i fire, o c all" tenta fully cold-crell/)JCd 1 l'emovo 11ny rt Ca J ack Cr•c ht " ha es< Pro spect m vie tickets to •"•t 1.,h, nl "li· of u nd ffi ers. Actu ' were quarterback, Zollo, game and fiery; pt. nii, '' r • nfs the tyr ce c• r • lp . to Doe!' street; 27 o 8 c , ·11 e ec ed 16 of which w 2Hr trnccs of g rubby finKers, nnd the p1·op· 9, a 1 William Murrough, T e re Wright, 0 aca am. C Work1.. wi.l l o rl r t , e tlwRe used nnd fullback , culosis Drive rer nd George Frost. h do m d ' " nc u th e c1· en· Hess. war o 1 . o � local scouts at the Nutional Jam. 1111pliod will r most unxious that all d h r Watrous, c pe 1 c o the corpurnt1on. • Tl1c stnrt p omptly at The club is a x � f unde1 suc-1 by h mnlw-upce judlcirrnsly to be E Thd flichnrds,n, aHie d d ! _ . b�rno in Washington lust summer. rrn their chnrm. There will m.game w r white stflclders share in their commun- Jack ompso How r Knauer, Al- crvi t n of t t_ wn engineer. None n. Westfield wJll ea We p s o h o games, bloc s good people all, e on Edward H oke " e i In contrnst to ht model lay-out, wagons, automobiles, ­ shirtsl 1 Ulwr, nlso upholder!I ity ide paper day, •o that �h pr_o- bert Newl , p t the p bl c hearrng. 11 s k Pcurl List w t u comedy net o horriblee hiking and in h ort, compre­ as H l 11 c o l c on will Joline. Rober Cooley, of blue nnd wh te, hnvc been granted c cds from the paper c e h Final npprova lso w ven on f he siv toyan storeattractive nnd t d 11t B t o Hoy tz a a� �l camtilng was given by Commissioner n e will bo loc a e u i s p a here be an p ia e i gi ve to AIM Sam 'Unc t , wer , ! the us uni g est courte y of kee ing a� rec bl a�ou.nt l E ordinnnce nmend 11g the b�1ldmg code. J Thri ft the c�����!! :�l� a;c to e e k ic d · 1 Bnuck, A•sistant Commissioner ack the Shop for duration of their Bringing health and cheer. the c i le g o W s Fr d Grove�, Fred Pi e, R har Ti y. A ng to st t u rl' dcfmccf n n- colors. the message the church har tab or anizations f t· pplyi ruc B aR o u r S mp- That is llrncly nnd Senior Scout t! dc u the bazaar. Lin -up: bclls of est eld ep o o requir • bet- W fi and throughout the field. (Continued on Page fir r f, the ordinance e son. L Since the ro eeds of tho sule will o pealing and bringing nt a c il!VER WESTFIELD county will be 4) tcr conetl'Uction and space llotments n p splendid w ''To the Colors wns s u cd by be used carr on the r k PEAR!,LF.-M ornngello ·--· -···· ·····-·····-· 11 :30 rid y, Thanks· to imi h11zurde. Ther wus to · Meyer a the dny afte · el nate tlre e ------�! d r n y ou ishi g luncheso · F 1 GLEE CLUB AND CLUBS e in 1 " < of ae vi hot nnd n r n LT-Slevee1vmg he th co be l r mca•ure C uus a the local c of he H . Co-operatmg Clubs, uld attributed a ge l n Parent-Tea her t torium. to 11 s n Albert mean we a e ing y ou m ! Council of r wo S mp o and Assistant they r ' seek r the verit11blc ovation tendered Miss Associations, control programs for I wrote a commcndati�n fo the rk n up.to-dale c m d of Hhoades · n of you < to A o e y, full Alexn11dc1• Cl fford as friendstime, hip nnd e p our fight to h · Chnirmun i h l in J an e te Vreela d, g uest artist, o n hildr n Saturday n e by the c ncil for t e ni e GAY TWENTIES TO e n t n . !!s .one wtit dramo, and 7'/io Leader G your answer to the challenge th J e t t a. r . h k h last week's report, DANCE TONI HT do b e to nnnouncc e rcscrvnt.ron: requested pt�c ud OVl'J' elate in being a l that th mnnngemcnl hns agreer! run nmnqua Sho the nction !milds to a drnmntlc gawin ofd $171)0 of $�000, h h he s of the th n kin f up to r gonl w ic the I Miss Vrcel n will again a•si t c! ea u e n esignedto fo 'ln st ll ti in dr wat�r acll m a n < ohnston nrc op· High School Donates JJccorntiorrn, in e ep ng / __ o i�y i with thc­ 11. he cmploycs v l ntunl . flic� �I osing1111<1 w.vern. J · to k Po tmaster John ra 'nor re- proscnt at l'nrh Jierformunce aud will t o u y A11 p ln fa!l AJJOl't, w i l ron•ist of goal post<> • T , · ! ) . fr m . Otlwr.�oor! � olc'" arc played by Children's Country Home ut c11d1 l col­ Contents This Issue orted the delivery of 1,600 letter help the ushers / e � �!rs. erul the bnlkoocn, and s d rA<'icnse. Farfoy o st.aPostnurslerles that no .w1Jrk(,c11 '.11e1 mJim.ny L11fk111 th, � rs. A va S. nlk· of rom Westfield during "Air !llail The n w routine will be trie �nu ! l pennants. Tho entrance to the h s t e cut i be o deliver gift pnckai:es F..e_;, Cnrol Dnnfer, Mrs. \\ Jn 11nnu11I Thnnlrngiving- pro- l"JI'."duh m About Town With Sally ...... No . Of t i he time Saturtli"11sth" High the HtudtlllHn111rnim; l a e l si d ...... ll dis e i iwr<•k.ehi dren rof ew rule,to Mr. lraynor re�eulecl one rn1u d to the Army-Nnvy football gnme. o ue I ' c l s Mr T y o ., ts rnl�a!M ; t.hlli'ro!(rarn I'1'<.,dr!Pnl'B r Locnl . . l , f k will b dPlrv<:_ red on.the mnt, (,eon;o PhilpJr., Al u S. Wnlk- prra·lnmntion. md Elevl'n nnd News . . . 11 iv g m�n under c�ver. M ------hohrlay, nncl v nnnws will be ...... f! , . f�tw!Pnt in Brief f.-. .. ��� �� �c nrnte :;oriels prrntmnst"re n1·c. r lwdy Rnllµ; t\vcJ :Hill��, Th" numher seif,cled Obituaries All let. tcrc Jn t� West e!d office S Fever C ses The <'mph1rn1zrd �hr. . winning ti('kot ...... •... � R • carJet P 1jC•11ne I from thlq People, Programs 12Ii Saturc ny Y . ht rl h N a PS'iily.. early mn1lrn!' dt11'/llK lhe Thn club th" pro<'l'CllH Pmpl the picked. Tthehe and l l were nmpe1 ew --- , · · · · Yt• 1 mu " st · for I I J usesln I �1rI lof rh Thunkfu!•r Thnnk'lgiving-. Con1<'"' and will ht> tlw nnnH•s will he l'or,onalP!nres Pond erin s ...... 10 it Rnt P ia ntg Five cameYJ Health Cnmmb;sioner ndrew 1n•-Chr1r;tmas t f· 'l h1 11tHllt11 a�r !


--� "

MA BII 'l'B IJB S., NOV. •11 . .. .DAY-A�ROSS ·THE EARTH-BAMBERGER'S GREA g/F . TEST PARADE f ,, roll LIVE ,�, BY •.t NtsB A.M.: � 13• At.inual Thanlugiving day mile •••1 long ••• ••ANfrE, •144 A.M.� • �rch· ••• ••.. .A Ul.IU SI'•• •; 35� �rchen 14 JWo,. ·gallop" 'llllNN B, ••ANIJB-l•l9a trumpeter• A I'•., A. JI,� e The mo1t belo"ed people in 1toryland life tee in ing come to ••• clae111 per10n •' tJ••l'B SI'.� B•• ._.NfJB-1•1111 A.H.� NBWA•• ••1a:J ark •••bear1, monkey•, tM10" PiROCClaio ridel 'l4dJ ill'•• .t.lil.: !Noah'• liom, 1ee t�m ff'""' by e comJ!lele wieA1 ,w, MA •••r sr NBWA••· 1•::11 A. .• ltl.' �01e., 1ixfe ee long dud •••QBN sr., NB WA •• 1•:u M. 1 • ,• e See Simqn. and hU. 'pieman A. : Ille.gia n� Jack kilkd e • e L�ile . , · S�ple - _ 'N••l'•£a: NB W'Aatr_l.147 - Civic Education SI'., A. Snowdrop and the uven periods1'eld M.' duiarf• Sinbad the elephant In homerooms at the il1tJ• sr.. NBW'A•• e the tuwr - pirate . 1•111• A.JI.I the ship, the the direct on of. studHIPllll 1ailor llnder i cllf NBll' men be coordina AB.lr,- Punch and wlll ted by a Mil W'A Judy -Jack box - Hickory el ass in whlch school MIJf"l'•N IT., llM A.JI• e See in _the Clauat problemstil e &lnta be dfscussed, it was Dick'!?'Dock annomei - Linda Johnson last Miss week.Tli. - education class will meet civic 1111 week di c prob\11111 fronijnga to high schusosol ell student!, d> s 11 · civic �ducation. as Two representatives !mi home room will attend clul \ the least we ks at a time. two e 1·eport on the discussions inTl!e7 d; tli e Ill[: minute home peri mornings. The roomome r odstopio in Ill, h oo 1. ing the week will m 1111 , the next civic educationbe reported cl851· •

General Motors to Guard Employees�u � ?.foto-;;;dits Generalion divis s throughout thespen U States and Canada open��..: will than urin g I"_. the health$5,000,000 d than1937 to of onmore the 210,00(J tory workers ir Dr. � Selby, director jobs, medical of thecorplll', ion Jiii t announcedlarge Snturday. part of this sum W!-5 1 ·1 A ontrol dust nnd to c fumes 8�n1'. foundries means of, ::· hy vcntil tion il tio ng and forced � � and i which oper t nnd rthen a io s ma!D�onuljd annually,alone u into thousundsalso of.nd 1 The figu�c capital and expen e items f?'..� nd hospitals facilit�es, 1&1- equipmn cnt a tioll supplies, physicaln �,,... exam ·andnrfos, surveys snfegunrd : to e 1""'­ !rom occupational s. this industrialdisease 11; "From hygie�e 111 hns been p gram, which gomg_t l of steadily for number al-' n the ye.a r:;: reasonable to· expect uJtim� of occupntiona!, WBD., NO Y. 24 control 00 in ,l . NIGHT- B<>lutewell n marked �·· ACROSS THE BEAYENS as as reducti �JlAllll -SANTA BIS sickness of non-occ I IF "YO lJ LI VE IN : REINDEER�1 employe 'litf general community h � BY conhe�lt1but>n?f tit (BAJHBERGER'S>-6160 P. ltl> origin, thereby :: • · ULAUS AND �� , r SelW NB'WA BK In Nll7' which we � · LB� 6 Wa tch tire 1kie1 a vhion operate, said 1 e • • you never •aw ainc BL IJIFI L €BN'l'BB 6::1:111 P. Jft./ff, • e your open.., OO E __ eyes e Throw Civil Service GLEN BIDGED 61.'IO P,p, /ff,' you firat. opened l lJl !PER /flONTCLAIB 6132 Jtf, .your aliur:era throw up the nount� ••• Santa Claus ms ations An p,P. ltlo e hi e and his sleigh fu ll of Examin IJtlONT€LAIR CEI\TBE___ stuh See toy& -- Civil LL .6:406 6 - lf The ni d utes • !I' fl' te St s."'1� · E CA LDWEl,L-ESSEX F S :4 P. JJI. Hear tli.e · U jingle· his bells See im sooming Commission h:is n.nnounced IJA1''ESTST OllAN�E 6:$1 p, Ifie e l oiler ')'_our liouse on his down petitlve exammnt10ns 1�:1.: P. of i thSJ f OBAl\'GE 1:00 n� f o rindpaL ORANGE l'A LLEY. '1tllJ u. way clue • /rem Drailimmnnssistan ' and t P 11. '· 'IJOVTU P. Jfl, senior, and d ftsmcn, ltflLLBVRN-SllltlltllT__._'1:33 Jlf, �orth his 620 Option�!, ran - e prancing fly ing fm ter yenr. r:: ebes ill 'BLIZABETll p, than houaetop• top gn aphic nd i Pole See £Duraen th Ses1 o r n stnt1s.t ca iaxonomJI• . '1146 P. JJI, e les over • omologist P. JJf, ag e Associnte ent of / n llAlfllllLLSIDEBEBGBll'S B:OO'1:·18 P, $3,200 n Bur�nu E comoh>l1 ••• ye�r, - see Dancer ••• see Prancer-.!-• o nnd P nnt Jtf, Dtulier ·-• Liaten. to the. voice � gua�n�tlll?· f Sa.'1ta_Claus_hirmelf.!. !..!l. Jumor scientific /foss!dil!),- !11 NOTE: If1reat/1er Is /11clemmt ll'Ulcl• 440 U. n1dtio ns /or S; N� I Santa lie a Chrutmm memige f n year, Claiu, Tln1r11loy nigltl-8'0mt hour,'. luu you.: Smithsonian Institution. o $2,600 a ear' jat r Senfor steward • �Wt a Y ior steward, �·enr, $2,300: Prison � $2,000 year. cook, ll Justice. Department o t D RE E E Full 'lnformntiof n nt the po& of!kl- r --srinf Bt l D A Y A N D A N 1 G H T -Ou Cent-A-Word AdS C H I L N AN D G R 0 W N U P S W I [ t N EV ll ·r 0 R G T r· suits. THE WESTFIELD LEAD THURSDAY, ER, NOVEMBER 25, 1931 ...... DE CLUB WITHW FOR FAIR WJU. CON · -- ·.. COaENDS - ______;-__ ..· ...... ¥. LE'ITEIS AIDSYllBOU TllLECO. WOlll!-- . POSTED 1.------�· :;- - : ptfwf�ll Kvojps ljih Tdippm Carl K. Withers, of i Dm11c. This a product of a Banking and lnsurancecommissioner for the ia state and promising group the and trustee for Banker's itle in T and To non-members, it means Mortgage Co., recentlythe liquidated, in sevelt1. Junior High School Code a letter to ewell S. Nichols Jr., 80 members, .who deal attorney for Rosthe ·" The security holders pro­ codes and cryptQgrams, are un­ tective committee, commended the the sponsorabip of :Mrs. Georgiana manner in which the solution was She has given them tlieir reached. The CommiBSioner we. wrote' e's" in think yo11 should know that of the"[ de-a sycodes:stem of symbols or char- dozen or more title companies which rs; . have come possession urpos�reey andb there mtois none my where I hasav et rus­re­ ryptogram-a writingre\Tl inty secret; ceivedtee, a mo:re whole-hearted co-opera­ · and tion in my attemps arrive at a ;yptography-the art of writing lution of the problem,to with the l easso­t secret characters or ci phers , or possible disturbance of the investor's invisible i nk. and public mind." e presentation of codes by mem­ The settlement of the affairs of the hc general procedure at meetings Title Company and the formation of who had volunteered at the pre­ a new company was have been s meeting, and th ir· solution by accomplished in onesaid of tothe shortest rest. These codes aree simple now, periods on record for similar cases. will gradually become more dif­ Last week Vice-Chancellor Alfred t to test the members' advance­ A. Stein allowed fees in connection t. with the trusteeship, aggregating $10,- he club will ubscribe two 000. The allowances were follows : togram magaziness and willto pur Robert S. Snevify, attorneyas who Bea111iful Lorene Phillipo •li1pla•• ­ the firot po1ter e new book called "Elementary served as sofocitor of the trustee, $4,- h:r the 8 Colden Gate International1.. ... 1 1939 tanalysls.'' Subscription the 500; Roswell S. Nichols Jr., solicitor tlon, lo held on Trea1ureEapo•I· laland s will enable the dub to be­ for azine the security holder's protective in San Franci1cobe Bay. e a member of the Americanto committee, whose reorganization plan . ptogram Association. Trip will becomes eft'ective t his month, $4,000; the national convens tion Withers, trustee, $1,000 nd I =====""'"-'-=-""-"'-"'-"'--"'-=·-"""''"' made to Car a MAN RECEIVES he Ame1·lcan Cryptogram Associa­ Louisl K.J. Cohen, a deputy�attorney BURNS nnd to the local police depart­ general attached to ither s office, IN NEW ACCIDENT t. f500. W ' ARJC fetter has been received from Burned when ladle of molten steel abeth Smith Friedman, whose a HI exploded Thursday in the American 1 k e i codes for JUNIOR G has been d c phering H PUPILS Steel Foundry t:o. plant, Newark Ed- Treasury Department, the Coast HE MRS EGBERT ward J. Walsh 314 Scotch P,l ains AR • ff. . , othet' organizatiom outside the . -- 1 avenue is recupe22,ru ting in St. James' y or Navy. Miss Friedman has Mrs. H. D. Egbert, one of the inan-Hospital, Newark. ed the reputation of The Key agers of the Children's Country Home, Also injured in the accident were man of the T Men." An" article 1 gave a talk on the work of the home four other men. Joseph Lopez, New· her a pears in t e p h September is­ and its dependence on contributions ark, is in the hospital suffering fncc of the at the assembly meeting of the Roose- and body bu ns William Readers' Digest. r . Hynes, Jcr­ velt School last week. She was intro- sey City, Joseph Straselkl, Newnrk, duced by Howard Zweme member 1 and Nick Hornic�, Bayonne, were , n Form GardeaClub of the ninth grade. Schoolr contribu· treated for burns and taken home. -�-- tions of canned he Junior Garden Club of Roose­ foods and sugar were Walsh has been employed at the piled on the platform Newark School, under the sponsorship ot in anticipation plant for a year. for. of Mrs. Egbert s coming. The a e He s Mary Rogers, plans work ss m merly worked in a Pittsburgh branch bly was ended 'by u ils sing-- h the focal garden club. to all the p p of t e American Steel Foundry. He Ing the selections, "Praise God From he son ht the moment the club Is concen· ls t of and Mrs. E. J, Whom les ings Flow," "Come Mr. ting on terrariums. Later they All B s Walsh, also of Scotch lains avenue. Ye Faithful People, Co e and "We P to make an aquaterrarfum, a m Newark police attributed the ex­ · Gathered Together Ask" t e blnation of land and water with h Lord's plosion to dampness In the foundry B s n W lton S. Bu s nt and animal life, le si g," with a to rri s Jr., air. head of the music department, lead­ ,Fo.r The 31st ·,Time, It Is ing and Miss Beatrice Preussel at the Flrework1 WiD Give piano. Dance \ n Mexico fireworksPopalar formla Kellee a maj or GOOD-WILL ot .every celebration-mar. d be e West. 'l'he Westfield will supply A ance will held by th t , field Civic i birthdays a vertisers with FREELeftder lllu1tration1. Club Fr day, Nov, In the COUPONS Ilona)�es, samts days, and r a 26 d Ame ic n Legion Hall, Prospect With every DOLLAR hollda)'I, I street. , Chairman J!]dward DcStefanls pul'l!hase made here, has arranged to present a dance team, of known us Al Vfra and Peppe. Joe rec e Iv e ONE !fOU be the master of cere­ Good W Ill Christmas Firpo will • monies. coupon. Each one on­ tlt.les you to share In the giving of $1,000 I worth of Valuable A'Wllrds, sponsored by the Retail Trades Divi­ sion. . . At Te·ppers '. LETTER OF • CREDIT

Would you like a Tep· The curtain about rise on our 31st season, per Letter is to Christmas ' of Creditor for $30.00, $40.00 ' Everything for a perfect holiday here. Tappers' Is a rallying e v e m o r This . TO la . n o ?of bud­ ' IT unique method , ground for you who refuse to be stampeded Into random pur­ The Leader's Christmas Gilt s END get shopping will solve all your gift problems t It e . chases. Here are things that are RIGHT for gift-giving . · N currying charges, . • <> Column Rings the Bell VAN DOREN LAUNDRY SER. no monthly statements . l • RIGHT Quality ...RIGHT in Value ...and RIGHT in Price. You'll it on the Classified Page beginning Visit 011r Credit De· in' find purtment for further next week. NOW ADD'L IN SHIRTS 4c: details. Fourth Floor, PRESS FINISHED SERVICE For 31 years the Tepper Santa has brought happiness and If you've toya or gamea your children have out• 2·1200 wearing apparel, etc., etc., if you want PHONE WESTFIELD cheer to thousands of homes in �his vicinity. Why not adopt grown, or GIFT to buy these, we thia column on the Claaaified CERTIFICATES hi� this year for your guiding spirit? You'll save time, s.ave Page. SALE If you're puzzled over money, save wear and tear on disposition. Above all, you'll some ]>articular per· .Y.OUl" son's gift, just pur­ be secure in the knowledge that when the gift you choose reveals · DRUG position in thia column wlten �ou place chase a Tepper Gift A.k for At Certificate. By so do­ the Tepper label, your stock will rise, you'll be instantly dubbed your advertisement. See PAGE 9 Jarvis jng, the rcclpic)lt can then select anything an expert in giving gifts that please. he or she desires, in Public Corporation any department of thl' ONE CENT WORD ServiceNew store, for the amount A Dividendof No. Jerseony Com• stipulated on tho Cer· M nimum Charge 2Sc mon Stock122 tiflcate, ! DMdend No. on 8% CumulatiYe Pref76erred Stock Dividend No, on Cumulative Preferred60 Stock1n;,, Divkle nd No. 38 on THE WESTFIELD LEADER FREE ; I Santa Beckons Youngsters To Toytown CumulatlloarJ iYcof Preferred $5.00Stock Director•of l'uhllcha8 PARKING ServiceeTho Corporation or Tel. WEatlield 2-4401 I d clare�� J 214P n a • MJJQS!IO ' !J284 Contract does not Call for Waterproof rooms-those strongholds of room wit cream colored wood· t :: r ·� . • • . .. ' 7 .. S • Jest Coles, Redeemer Luth t un r ..• . ' • . ,...... 187166 lU111 • , , John Hilferty, Clarence Briant, Redeemer Luthe::• Lo. e ". ". . ". 17� lPO 1 9 Goger . ". . , while the Jomt Meetmg holds over work, h ::: ,�.· . change-have gone because pink and cream'• . . 110 . •••..•• household e.n . . • I CassiLee 212 Hti m Jack McHugh, Roy Twaites, e Thanks 1 o. ga John Obs rve giving. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 194 2U th if mate�ials were used In accord- irii·· H dloap " I H I to the color side n a big way. The a n w combination too. •. · .100:· t Coles, Art Knauer. divine service · Totala . ·• 918 854 8 2 Totals ance with the specifications and the i at iDa • • • 6 . people who make bathroom Thosee small, old-fashioned rar • • , , ... , ....Toi nio I CA. W. 9 8, 111, 6'"'•tu work was properly done, the job would andfix· Reuning will ' 10·1 tum are trying all shades ruga In bright colors are one. Rev, .�.-Tlthe'· eA1'i :�fle ... ' ' us147 Noaaenae the subject, "A Csl ' . . be water tight. Engineer reported No. 4-The i . . . . 1 48 16 Herkstrotter '.""..• lluea dusty pink, mauve, blue more very smart for batbrooDll. McManlgal' ' ' ' ' ' ' . 1 .. ••• sing Op-i: . ... . 168 . . , .....L" 168169ire 114 193 r Turkey The choir will toan •" • . 168 Hope . ... tha t ts o f th e mor ta ueeds owe h d e ou 10 167 ... . . 218 and-heaven h lp us-black ! Per· Then, if y top otr with aome 190 . 193 teS t r Prayer. of the � . d e llapa your bath still has the stand· new window curtains-bright it little 110ttaen now then, , Thanksgiving'' hr ff..���� : : : : ,'::,':: ,' m ser- • • d os:�i� � =���/:� ard white porcelain fixtures your room res rain in o o : "AIB 1·elished and Downing, Totals · 884 t c l r by the wieBt • '•' • •; &lii m To · · · · · · · the walls, it was found that leaks (moat o l 's do), but that's no pale or whiteia lf the roomed vivid men." The new Redeemer tals · " '' · 826 �::�; �!n pe p e • 923 892 h MacC••••••• � t����r1::�:':':"' :'::':::': m m �!mi g t be due to improper application reason the room can't be as color- -and a few nice towels,la you'll to b under construction at Chwrti, . l s m Sometime I'd like e a turk . . .. . 19 lltl e ����� Cowperthwaite e CO!lltl'�,.• .Tohn1on .. . 2 . ��'"'to1•""9ff4 20601 of material. ful as any other in the house. Be· have a bathroom you needn't lac the . :::. m m . 1 .'.·. . . 182 118 1 That makes my dear old Grandpa Cfl!I :: �l:'n\ er' ":::::: ..k . . id of people will always ashamed of bf street, will be p and m m m 1'n >lor l . . . 213 It was the opinion of the Joint s es, lots in any work, completed°ellif t . 1 ������� . . ' '. 1938. �he e 78 180 ' " cont.t. d l a n c df. . 191 1 ."..". '. .. ". m m Meeting that conferences should be 'Cause when d tlo sel:licel M � • 190 1s; ... . ,.. . . he chews, he looks so � 11ti. J!l3�o"o':i .·.· . ·::::::: 19 Cha1>man . 157 201 ;n pected the middle • • • •••• . held with the general contractor funny, Handicap 11 U 11 Totals ' · "·"· to Arthur mBrunn, presiden{cf lJ ftllJIT\: . . 941 962 a n of ...... , "· re ch a agreement under which the ROOSEVELT PTA LISTS RECREATION EXPERT Just like my big old Easter bunny. . 847 910 . lOl2 a t�eran �11 �It'. Total• no p1... contractor would make an llowance Atlantic dfatrict, Lanning 18� . . v1ted to preach the Hale ...... • , �, • •�:':'���9 161 177 . . . Hotel194 for he waterproofing be done by LARGEST ENROLLMENT There's me ded!eatloa . 118 DlRenzlKoehler ...... 218005 178 VISITS TOY LIBRARY and Ma and Uncle Joe, o . beeijf Tltrt ...... lU 1 .. . . 197 t to m n 1, . . . . 1 8 l . . . 183 177 16 . . . 7 the Joint Meeting. Sallie Anna and her beau, , ,.,, ��: .�=· . · Lutherans of Wes l are -��. '. ' . To Smith, Plainfield n Sister Sue t '. . '. m �:ll:r .",': · · · 0 e - and brother Davie, . . .Kelly:: ,'::· ,':::: m m fig 6 Arthur . twenty-thr d ,!'g� , ' ' m m · · · · 8 18 8 E Four hundred and ee Mt. Atwell, an expert in recreation ng with interest thefie weekly . • • · 1 3 1 To l ·""" 8 T gineer and contractor, was awarded h Watching Daddy spill the gravy. i r•' ta 42 806 747 . . . fathers, mothers, and teachers, t e cast of the Lutheran btili' • ·" . . . . 3 the contract for construction of work, conferred with a small group of ' . 9 9 3 l l'l••b•r•. 10 967 r- hour, onlll ' Tota s . pe largest number In the history of the Dr.. Walt�r A. Maie the 1,.,: .iarvl• 11 1 sonnel safety equipment at the plant v interested citizens Monday evening at My Ma, she says, "Th�t Turkey's ,r ...... Roosevelt Jr. High PTA, ha e been spry, u cuter . . . . 14 c o ' .'. " '. . . $4,67 . This national cham broad . .. 8 . ' " for 7 Five other bids were re- the Don't eat there's Clll)' . 192 189 c. .J':a1�yta n. '. " ". l�i U' n: enrol ed members. Of the total Toy Lending Library. This pro­ t · · 161 celved with figures ranging up to l toQ much, 'cause heard every Sunday at m �n� · · ...... m 6,- 2 4 mRSothe rs, 113 r ' . . 1 170 tributions for emi-:, DFurnessa ...... , 193 m glary that t k place in the home of n valves in the building had been opened etanset 176 --· e ter ncgroes might grow out of ...... December Program oo but . , .. . 169 176 Harvey A. Buland, 311 Hazel avenue, for most of the flood was caused by . . m W. cthe present setup; therefore, through Only $2 a year brinu yoa Totals . . . . 866 Nov. 10, In which n typewri er and water escaping ft"Om the radiators of ill Ill . . . . m 182 Senators ...... 16 11L p�.593 t Williiihl A. Smith, Jr., state super­ local news every Thul'Bday-SQ. Margaret Pierce and Dorothy Deal $600 the heating system...... articles of jewelry valued at Rugs in the vari­ r the LEADER. Collegians . . . . 16 11 .593 e visor of Colored Activities of the Na­ sc ibe to . . will compare the Chl'istmas characters were stolen. The thieves n d en­ ous church rooms and offices were POX PUW AWAY Woodchoppers ... 11 16 .407 gai tional Youth Administration, the vis­ LA . . of Dickens and Irving at the Decem­ trance by breaking the glass of a soaked, as was all furniture near the Keystones ...... 11 16 .407 it of Mr. Atwell wns arranged. Mr. ber meeting of the Literary Club of side door leading to the cellar and floor. Ultimate extent of the damnge FROM ARCANUM, . High h Atwell found out the facts and ad­ 3-0 the Sc ool, it was decided at the kitchen of the Buland home. The vised will not be dctc1·mined until after it Townley's 205.. and 202, together the ' the interested group as to the PERSONAL lt••!'f•s club's meeting Thursday, at the door was dnrnaged considerably, is learned whether the floors will with Johnson's 206, gave steps to take in estnblishing a Com­ •I tile the Senators borne of Jane Kitson on Birch avenue. Chief John R. e warp XMAS CARDS . S hreib r beli� munity Center. At some future date, , . . .. . 'l'••;�n Loin a sweep win over the Collegians and The members discussed biography. Name lmprlotd , LaPox , .. . , , , • 18 e c be Police With Your . . . a tie for that the incident may one in the Mr. Atwell will again be in West­ investigation established that for � the league lead with their The highlight was a report on the $1.00 '."." ".".". ".". ' ' ' ' '. '.' '. 1 i il r o e the church 50 :Met• . , , �, ••...... j n series of s a burglaries which field and it is h p larger doors were locked, but that Ni:�i�.m . . , , , ., , , , , g op o ents Monday night's Yll!CA biography of Tschaikowsky given by , •. , • . 5 19 p r m d thatbe a t er� arc ---'- pin play. in Deitz v have occu re throughout Union and group of citizens will interested � several keys out among pa­ · William Sowerwine. Helen ga d 47 Elm ROSEN'S r e Essex ounties. enough to come out ond hear him. r1sh1oncrs, and perhaps among others. ELD, Ii.J. LaPox shattered a fi st place dead-I ' The Keystones by trimming Wood­tie a 2·eport on types of biographies in c St., WESTFI lock with Arcanum last night by choppers in two games, gained a different periods, taken from the Sat- --- _ --·- -- n or thir 210 n "--"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"=-==-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-"'-=--"'-=-=-="""""""'-"'-""-=====-"'-""-=-"'-"'-""-==-=-==-=· ---··--·-- trou cing them in the Tuesnite f d. Walworth's a d Be­ urday Review of Literature. ...;;. :.;;,;. 8-0 222 220 ,------;;.;;::;;;.;;:.;;,;. ;.;;;;;;;;;.______"i• League. Thomas had for the dell's in the flnnl game settled a of winners. the Issue. Margaret Belcher won a g me biographies. Refreshm en ts were Metz went deeper into the cellar Scores: Coiled••• 1 served by the hostess. Miss Carol by dropping two to the Presbys, Brinser is sponsor of the club. Scorca: l" 146 0 161 !G7 ��ft�gelitii .;:::::;:: m lU Winter ...... 1 : . '. . 149197 LOCAL NEWS ON EVERY PAGE � � 148 '. . 40 TUDOR OVAL :'°'.":' 'f m 1t�J�e•,�d...... '..'.: . '.. '.. :. ..'.: 118m m . . 13l . . llofC lli 181 ' . . '_ ' ���t':.1�J'h.�� '.' ' ' : , m i:\O Totals 8 2 APPTaylor ..• , ...... ,, 159 ' 778 3 , . 187 190163 i3i 201 ...... m Ken11e••.y •••..••• Sennton ...... 136 , , . , ' ' , l 67R a UO o"� :f ��1;; ' ' ," , m , ' ' ' ' ' o 7Ua , , , , , m 1 8 T t ls ..... 'i.;.r :4o 767 lti3 7:( Ebersole . o Townley . 1 . . . . s�\1•��. ,':.: ;'; ,';;;:.. . ::;.. g� 190 · ... . . 163 181 167 . . 103 ���i.':as :::::::::::: .. . i8f 20Z ...... 0 ...... 912 9 . m199 m m Totnls m 7 Tichenor{l a!lher . . . . 170 181 , ...... , .. 201 169 179 . . 8 33 833 · \\�oodeho1111er• Totals ...... 9:i0 J;:�7�9 �so� H� i7o ::::::::::. : 17 rn . �������:-crk'e'r' ::::: 1806 206 Walker . Ml!t1. 144 141 · mg 187 U414:! ... · Mellor ...... 168 s :::;:. :::.".'.'.' 145 1 2 . .. 6 lR6l i���� :�� Le1. ,_ X- W'"""' ;, o;;;.,., •""' "'' ...._,, --;;u;i CAROLINE S u John Sellon of Troop after leased yesterday by W. R. Judson of Victor Herbert's "Italian Street Son on .. a- 7'7 I g" School for Piano, 64 Rahway avenue "Y" Players will present � "N a t i ns 0 Frit!ay ing of suitable quarten :a . Mrs. Caroline Goddard t:la.rk, which various contests and �hihi- Tuttle Bros. shows the cost of a com- nneretta u1: x of �Couts- have risen of clude each u ay e g w Garretson btlsiness manag�r urges . res Y ti rely o hobb e hibits min- .�rom the panic lo�s the T esd �:.n 's work o either of r h. b �::c�c��=�llo� �� I houses, r la e declared. us s��dents not playing n that tickets be procured h o g LOAD te m 0 o e1·als, maps, bird ai p n and depression, he 'But so wti h an enth lasti c G d re- the in t � the HEAVY BRINGS k lace ihe same in ., 00 these rogt·ants wlil take part ln YMCA. As former pr esentations, y tt :llm e· I boat models, leather work, metal work bas practically everything else- hearsal, boys I Dee. with FINE 0 � ;:� i� pl In Everlfl'een Christ�as carol recital, Sunday, the guest ticket plan will be u ed TO MOT RJS • • C: and stamps. stocks, bonds, cotton, wheat, lamb s a� s . 'I' tery, N ew Haven• Conn spe- u dur• 1 While all troops erected tents, chops �nd most everything you " ffi· lo H ld 19 And on Sunday evening Dec 26 the u contributions solictied praise ' the buy. Y o Annual an sion. cial for feature attractions �tudtes conducted by th�re will be a recital and �eeeptio� in� IntermisSchaub, Charged with carrying an over..ffoo T PAID mu be American . for formet: students who are now Bhet•wood president of the paeity load his truck, Michael LICH muul'ln st given the following: Builder show the Interesting fact that Th--•- • D schoolsMl\• .11.a t e on Camp sign o jorlng In music at preparat.ory "Y" group, well director h Pastuch, New Brunswick avenue, fire,70; al towers, 72 and homes are nearly always bought n ....lll Yllll ance na of c ts Mon•New . IU COURT SESSION ' play, bas expressed the appreciation Market, waa flnod and s In 1 77; waterfront, Senior Degree; ftag a rising mar et. When costs o and colleges •to o --- k are ab- Tho Hl-Y will h ld its sixth annual In . I I pole and rustic shelters, 75 ; gateway, normally lo , they were Ma- of tho entire club for the manner In day by Justice Fran� Lydinr Moun• :n- as a few Thanksgiving Nigh Dance 11ttho have A flne of $10 for reckless drlvmr years �n days Te le A o mi te F which the people of Westfleld talnslde police court. 77; bridge, 74 ; tepee, 78. back the deep, �ark of sonic mp c m e for Dec. ID received 11rescntatlons was imposed on Philip Messina of one did . t the ·J ina ate the many oft'er - fl cl t y The scouts were led In the 11dmoni- the depression, no any buy- dance includes ed Others ne at he week-end aet• b order Nash I Jack Crichton, Al Haa- f Se E by this group. Ho Is hopeful that Edw"d - Elizabeth, Rec A. Ing. But wh o • were: C. tion and closing ceremonies by Wat. en business is expanding torf, IIany Cornwall, Charles Cran- r s sions of the court J; in Police Court last night. For pass- e ta ICIUI ll&JI Wcstfteldel'B will continue their up- uth unction, chung Area Council Commissioner, and inco�es, r n and prices going dall, Tom Sa\vyer, Bud Doerrer and Brabston, Monmo J cot1pau·tll " ing a stop sign, Walte E. Billow, time port. and r Charles E. Bingham of Westfield. up, that is the people buy. George Holland. Mrs. WlUism Boice, 1·egent Ing trnffio on th right, 'S Annandale, was fined $ . proper Lane 11111• ohn 3 llll "Taps" and echo were blown by Scout " We arc In the early stages of just This dance has served as a get Chapter, chair- Edward W; Neai·y, West Orange, arking n cost J Jame - Westfieldf D. A. R., d e s se nd d p sig s, John Sellon and Fitzgerald. such a recovery ra Att en C · , u pe e sentence i Ja1, ark, New- Jack r Judson. "[ e now," declares together for former high school stu- man o the Seaqu!centennial EsBBy ODYIDf IOD liar otl'ens $2, and William Swanson, Cald- a E. l M . see no prospect that dents who have been away to college. Committee, has announced th11t ll Ness, Kearny, careless drMng, 'a w l , E can or i the e $1. JUNIOR WOMEN H AR material nnd labor costs will Chaperones for the evening are r. entries in the Sesqulcontennial essay own o cial attending Atlan and costs ; Theodorene Dobrzyn, Mount Five motorists drew $1 ftnes for R. L. ca Mr. Jl 'l' fficonvents ion - o and go down. There Is every reason why nnd Mrs. Dun n, contest must he In her hands not tic City of the Carmel, Pa., headlight no ertime parking Sarah J. Ott, En- NT p e and Mrs. ahoulrl Munl p l t e State d M ov : CONVE ION REPORT peo l should build now. Our local ictor Johnson and than 1. Essays Lcn1rue of cl n ! l a were Henry lg c ts rr R:n b-d A. bui er V May. Mr. and Mrs. later Dec. 42 be N, ��e� ��:n!; Ui �; �l � $�� dicott, N. Y. ; Dorothy BurM, __ ld s a1·e giving to e, ee ng more house for - · Pierson, Wal- v John -- addre!IScd Mrs. Boice at West W. Plelster, Arthur Scotch Plains; Edward, Schillinger, R - or Nutley,< I tl' r t�e money· t�an cvei· before. M . - costs•, Wiiiiam A. Wharton, State . o icers of the Junio b y ad- Music will be played by Quincy · street, Cranford. Date ter R. Darby, Frank L. Ro d and M . e e -·Holly· o p ra. •5 ep, vic is : - · e verse r the ooi-. and e Henry A. K1 Jr., 61-l Woman's Club were introduced Don misled by false or Dictators. t ill b announced lutor. o e o( coats, and Arthur Elizab th; T to misleading t Spachs and his Ail foo - awards w BcRsle F._um, speedlnll,c e , ox avenue . B. Reynolds, propaganda ball . . u L. paulng traf• Len ; 401 the members at a meeting Tuesday about high lettermen of 1937 will be admitted . . S h st r Ja maica, J,, Lenox avenue. costs. And .. . . R G ftc and costs, S mmit, as evening in the home of Mias Flor- �ue to the technical ad· free. SAV& MONEY - READ WANT ADS B N RESULTS 011 right, t& � . . THE ADS I o, w . Tony Colangel. , encc vances n . Euclid avenue, at I lns�iatlon, heating and . - for Mills, South . - _ __ _ ---·- - fined $2 parkmg w1thout hghts; constr -. � which members of other unior \Vo- sound uction, the homes wo arc _ same o ense brough m 's J _ while the ff t U an Clubs in the district were building today are much more cco- I fincs to Andrew G ompson, guests operntc." . rh. Rah- of the local club. , nomical to own and way, and Norman Trtttipoe, 16 Pros- of Mrs. J, Leonard Roselle, • w. We t pect street. state tr�asur,er, and several s - COUPLE RECOVERING field members who are state chair- · ·SPCA GIFT SHOP TO men of the organization, were pre- FROM CRASH INJURIES SELL XMAS NOVELTIES sented. es I Mrs. Jam D. Savoye is" state Arthur Abernethy of 31 HuntsmanStoneleigh chairman of Insignia. Mi11S Lot� park and lilies Marguerite $130,806.83 The SPCA Gift Shop, with head- Wright is Fifth District chairman of of 920 Cedarbrook road, Plainfield, quarters on Nq,rth avenue, will soon Braille. Miss Kathleen Millarr is Fifth are from 11ainful injuries be stocked witll Christmas noveltles District chairman of a t and Mra. recovering L. , sustained Saturday when a car In under the direction of Mrs. CharleR Walter Day is Fifth District chair­ which they wero rilling crashed Into Gilman, treasurer of the group. All man of drama, the the prod uct of hom e- ll!iss Marion Mllls, who represent. a ditch in Lincoln Highway, New articles are Brunswick. an to work of invalids, shut-ins d young eda i the l state of New Jersey at thu Abernethy Is confined Mid· people who are in need of help. 1 n t ona convention in Tulsa, report- lllr. ed adlescx Hospital, New Brunswick, with Members and friends of the SPCA on the convention. fractured wrist and lacerations of will find many suil.nble gifts and will thel\liss �calp. perform a double service by patron­ GIRL SCOUTS WILL Huntsman is reported "get· izing the Gift Shop. in her h m ppr a n ting along nicely" o e where a is to theOfficers of the society eci t ENTERTAIN FATHERS er bed with severe support that citizens she confined litu i s the of West­ lacerations and con s on of the arm, field have given the society in the t This year the annual get-together of nose, forearm and both legs. It was raising of funds. Tickets ho a first benefit forr the Westfield Girl Scouts will t reported she had possible movie, "Dead End," a e hav­ t e a Father-Daughterbe up in­ n ing h form of s fractured skull. an encouraging sale. They can t Paul's parish house secured r m ws er per inDec. S . p. Thurs­ ba f o Mrs. Bre t at day, at 6 :30 m. Members headquarters. , of Co !J,m PT p e e a Local Artists to the lu bus A will r par spa)l'hetti supper. Each Girl Scout Sing in "Pinafore" who e s FIRST SNOWFALL DATE att nd this supper must be ac- o ie father, ut c mpan d by her b if this Numerous Westfielders a e d A mp i le bring will tt BECOMING HABIT s the 11resentation n -- I is i os b , she mny a subti- of "Pina! ore" in tutc father. Cranford, e Friday and Saturday eve­ lllrs. ' g .e a! WestfieldC1·s For three years Westfield baa '! Atthur C. Muller Jr., ns r nings, in which two have almost the same date for its I chairnian, is being assisted by r ad ng roles. James Craig pickeds C. ea M, . 1'' . le i will Ring fi t snowfall. Tlie initial flakes fell Addicks, Mrs. E. ld inr late at i� t Stillwell, H Mrs. the tenor lead, and Dorothy French 1935 on Nov. 23, n h •AF.lbert llfrs. Henry Wright p t of "I,ittle u prcup ; I and the G i has the ar B tt ." in l!l36 the snow came on the l Scouts of Troop 3, who James a o member t day, before umt will r C rs n fa a of he shortly be in charge of tables and decora­ midnignc. 1 111s ! chorus. year the inaugural evidence of win- tions. , i SCOUT NEWS ter appearedin the Saturday, Nov 20, at o'�lock The �all '!la morning. . PHILHOWER SPEAKS � � Just heavy enough to an ! at t1c1patory . brtng - Troop 71 was well represented grma to the faces of ON ROTARY. IDEALS Scout-a-Rama the m· youngsters for h held in Ar t e There were ma y even and not. heqvv """'�i, 1 __ ory. n events among Supervising tho most ambitious sledden. Principal of Schools which was flint and steel fire build­ P l w r O e . U ntil mid-nfternoo!' the combina: Charles A. hi ho e addressed the ing, won by rti b, member tary Club on the principles our Larry a t1on of snow and ram made motor- Ro of,.Ro­ troop. We put on boxing p r l ry at e rei:rular meet­ 01 which over way. ing 11 e i , but an indignantthe sun soon I ta th luncheon match went in a big rnelted the slick mats on roads. ing in the YMCA yesterday. Mr. .John White's songs were enjoyed by ------district governor of he Philhower is t all and we had 11 good time singing JUNIOR WOMEN WILL Rotary talk with hlm. 183rd Districtn heand delivers his on was similar the o e ARTHUR LEAMAN, Scribe. HOLD DANCE DEC. his vis s to Clubs 18 it to Rotary in his dis­ . ELECTED trict Ile is a member of the local JOHNSTON u - Saturday night, Dec. 18, the J n organization. ' t o u ior Woman's Club is giving its usual Charles Clark in r d ced two guests Irvin B. Johnstonepresidency has been elect­ 'from to the Qf the West­ I on.gay Christmas party at Shackamax- Plainfield, four from Cranford ed t rs Other Join· Our Tug field Board of Real o . offi- ' Banks and hi• or�hestra , and two visitors. They were wel­ e t W d un il a. m. I wm be there from 1 t 2 corned by Henry Biswat. Fred Doe�- cers lec ed arc: P. al emar 0 committ .. in e pres1- Cooper, vice-president; Herbert R. ll!embers of the c 1 r r inducted Henry L. Rost, 1938 Christmas Club charge Welch, secretary; Harold Gordon, Walla -of, the dance are Marjorio ' dent of the Peoples Bank and Trust ce . member. treasurer. Betty Plum•� Fl�""'•'n Co., as a ---new --- for,Mills, Alicer a McGough, Kathryn Tar· All the local Forming Ma g ret Savoye, with Kathleen newa--whfle it's new1 "The American -i F l is "The Cn.-:d"Amerlcrin's Vogt as chairman. n the LEADER. ol owin · "I11 be Now Creed": liev in the United of me e a government ica We have a class for everybody-young and old- ofStales people,A r ns p opl I the the e, whoseby u e for the people ; J st powers are to $10.00 per week-and more if you wish derived from gov n the consnntIn of the 25c er e a a lic; dver; eidemocracyg nation of manyrepub­ sov­ � ----- a so n ereign sta t s n on, e ; u i one inseparable;a perfect est b lis d We Pay Interest and 11 he upon those principles or fre�dom, justice,• humanity equall· where payments are made punctually ty, and o which m patriots f r their YES A er n ica fortunes. sacrificed liv s and I therefore be· JIP.vee is it my duty lo to lo supp myConstitution; country ve it; to ort MEMBER OF NATIONAL SELECTED MORTICIANS its laws ; its Funeral Directors to obey to rcspr.d its defend it aguinst Ong; and to n!; ene­ PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPAN'Y 318 E. Ave., N. mies." 106 Broad St., UnionCranford lleall" We1t&eld Plant Called:'v'lountaln Elephant's Phone plant coil�J Pho De "elephant'sThe Rocky h ea " sma l Cranford d l red· WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY purple nowcr has a Wesl&eld Z-0143 6·0092 lllres of mind � . y meetingonald Launer, 425 .Al­ per en dl YOUR seeres were reveal, the with · . residence of The D host gave a puppet above average lirlitGa CUITING den avenue. Bow may the - Kr,i$ rin le is inti· I as Otherfollows : Miss Fay Randall and heart g known FOOD COSTS show he had written. I Stre , to h Mitchell, 59 Mr. and ngth and � mawrt KSanta Claus, is scheduled to e by Mrs. Joseph I Four puppet shows se n % i f depth of as Newark this e ning Mrs. Lon Green, 58% ; Mr. and Mr . .__!Ill, v the nio t the apwiller Millsbe Pl11y 1 we feel, ""''°" aiTi� over e a 56 %; Mr. and Mrs.s we that (W esday) in sleigh drawn by Withrv e ,5.00-$6.00U n County Extension P e Stuart Shotwell, e4n Se ic a week menus. Htheou sclube, Short Hills in the n xt few Sinceday I wed, his bli>oded reindeear , Dasher, Donner, Don Donaldson, 54 ; Mrs. Howard ,..,.,..__ - ,. re ar Mary w. Armstrong w ···-.. weeks. Waltero/o Smith, . 63% ; ALTER. D. and Blit.zen, with his pack on his ack P p ed by a fam•, Park and Mrs. for Barnes, a member of 52% KUT and book in whil:h are writtenb the home demonstrationw agent Miss Barbara Mr. snd Mrs. Ned Valentine, . ily of t o. a play in French O $2 ! Ir. ;� namesthe of all the good boys and girls. the club, has written The next session will be held the nly a bringa for the French at oU special loud-speaking ar· which will be given club house on Wednesday evening, local news everyyear hu i, Through a FruitSuggMtive in Season Daily or TomaroB-reakfast Jui ce T th boys and classes of the school. Dec. s ri e the LEAD lll ii;k rangement he e Cereal With Milk ER. ., will talkto L c b to J girls on during his journey or and '."'... -·:; theearth eky . through Eggs in Any FormI or Other Hot Dish Plainsmen Spoil Santa got off to a late Toast or Bread final year and 1s taking this speedS't&rty way this in . WHS Jayvee Milk, Cocoa or Coffee · .. order arrive in time take SUNPAY to his place toin Bamberger s Thtonltsgiving Roast of beef, Yorkshire pud- A sour note ended the Westfield b- arsi y Day Parade ' Di11ner: sweet J ayvee season as the u . l s Mond11y,s v 20-0,t men on When he arrives over Bamberger's potading,toes, baked tomato squash, an dbrowned green pepper Scoteh ain Jost to P Touchdowns were at o'cloek, orthe n cole slaw, fruit suet p dding with the rival field. N r New Jersey will u y Wojnorowski, on a ya d 6treated to a new and exciting sight. foamy sauce scored b r 26·:.FBEE·.. . on line plunge60 and .,. ... ., beBrilliantly illuminated, t e 12Z foot Grapefruit juice, and run, Hamilton, Btaudfuta•to� ·c. a and run of a � long foot high reindeerh and Suppcheeres :e salad, pecan ro ls tomat.oTo Novello on a recovery •..,..,.U.f"""" ' i ht DUJquality.Taka aleighand carrying 16 Santa Claus and his grapes. l , tea, by blocked kick. ojnorowsk caug ...... O - W another to .... pack, will be towed by an aeroplane. MONDAY a pass for one extra point and marvhhyoureloustowaauppl a,l>CIRUDilJ'yatllG ...,QMf� , At 8 P. M., Santa Claus will wave Mixed green was allowed on the pass interference 1011.111ppl7 Ooe WU. lef toa� -- farewell, reappear Luncl,eonsalad, honeyoi- Supper French: dressing, UM , Ace Honow.tpofal hr I Day in Btoamb erger s Thanksgiving toasted pecan rolls, milk. rule. ' Day Parade, which will bThankse even largergiving Di1mer: Shepherd s pie, bread butter, Wulier u4 and m re spectacular than last year's apple and grap'e sal11d, fruit suet ... Cannoathl• 26" parade.o I pudding with hard sauce, coffee. The •ir la who woke up Rip VanWlnkle in time for h'm to ret into pc. It will be a mile and a quarter long. TUESDAY Bamb r1er'a Thank••ivln• Day parade. The parado will preient towel Mt­ flllll There will be 400 march rs !loats, Luncheon. Supper: Toasted cheese charac>ter1e from fairy talei, Arabian ni•hh and nuriery or It wlill be mile and a quarter lon , will immenoerhym••· one of which feet long,e , 23 mountes, bre d LL G WOM WTC L WINNERS CO E E EN ISTS Durln1 · the footlial!' oea10n, muaic. , cream coifee. �AR. ii theFairy tales Arabian Nights and butter, SpanishWllDN JllSDAY, SUMMER THEATRE TALK . JN CON.TRACT' BRIDGE wa• an1one' 1 1 me, , I a E•en tlae · N11raery Rhymes will be repreunted Luneheon. or Stipper: Vegetable soup, mod espert of t he ' 1emo • by characters which have 'been So thern spoon bread and butter, Warren Lee Terry, lccture�1·ecltal· The follo ing were above average c:uuld fore• huge u w many nperl• aot ;,over a yeal"in the ma.king. , Spanish cream, !st, gave an nteresting and informa· in the eighth session of the first quar­ tell which tean11 would lead ot the moat striking floats wi l Dinner: D ed eggstea. s u e I Westfield Tennis Club: 111 One l vlll in cheese a c , tive talk before college women and ter the 1ectloa1 the h 60 t Jack e steamed at the t foo Giant that toast points, broccoli, their guests on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. :A. D. Robbins, 90 verlo111 wouldof hue be e Killed. po. ooulllrr. Wlille It Rip Van Winkle will awake in time tames in jackets, bread, butter, His subject was The Summer Thea- match points ; Mr. and 'Mrs. John · rell.,,ed the atraln Jbin the parade with his Sin· lemon mer ngue tre-its raison d'etre, its distribution Morss, 8 8'h;Mrs. Taylor- r . oe our nor• ·' t.o dog. i tarts, coffee. vou• 1r1tem1 to know how . bad .the Sailor, Hickory, Dlekory Dock Tl!URSPAY and Its value as a training-school for A. Stewart, 86W.; p, Sch Mr-Cs. J11ot a e "Three I the • ..•on would end, all of ua and Mouse f l in lin . Day) young men and women ambitions for c.A. Searle, 85 %; Mr. A.n d Mrs.roede J, K. the w!U l (Thandagiving c our hearll ·Dudes:' comic figures which have just .Diner\ Oyster cocktail, roast turkey, a histrionic career. Roekey, 83'h : Mr. anda Mrs. C. prefered to enr l11e arrived trom abroad, a laugh· cranberry jelly, wi d rice and chest· r. Terry th al each week'• M divided the summer · Nicholas, 83; Mrs. A. Schroeder-MrsH. our lunr• , will be l • Humpty Dumpty, nut stuffing, baked stuffed onions, tre into two types :.,the summer st ocke S. Bender, 81 ; Miss N. Cummins·T, end • pr0vokln1 feature. In the Box, Simple wit let company controleld by E uity large-, H. Taylor, 79'h ; Mrs. G. W. Burke­ •••••• J'aclt Simon h mashed pc>tat.oes, olives, irfb , hi1 Cart, Olil Hubbard, the gravy, celery, gTapefruit avocad ly composed of well·knownq actors Enright, C. M. Hulings· It vlll Pie Mother o of a Snake Charmer, Pin«N!ehio the salad, pumpkin paean custard, sand having played one part for . a who,lo g G.Mrs. Bailey, J. P. 78. �8; drain onnot Jo•r llti pock tooetb o m•ch ok and , Little Snowdrop, RObinson tarts, m nta, coffee. run, ish the opportunity to do na Miller·llranto On account of the holiday this b11J at Crusoe, and the Pirate Ship, will all .Sttpper: Mixedl hors d'oeuvres, crack· var etwy of parts get s es a Cu A.,.. them elv out week's session has been postponed un- Motora,Uted Inc,, of South there. The Middle Ages will be era, coffee or tea, mixed tarts and f i t; an theto non-Equity ll o ru d contro · til · 301 be a Thursdav' ' Dec' ' Their reeonditlooed, 1ueree• represented by knight in armor. fruit. ed su mer playhouses which are in a 2 Among other noveltiesa are a Rocking m teed cart alway1 reHonahlr slight majority and may .be ound ere Clo� Head and Smoking, Turk SupFamAYptr: Avocado pear wherever theatre-going people gatherf Ladies• Aid to prlced aad there 11 alway1 a The anlm1l1 haven'ta been forgotten. L.unoheon. and che e11e01• salad, Melba toast, but- for the summer. Both types give )Jeet model• and make• : varietr of either, for Old Noah and hla Ark ter, chocolate training to large numbers of student­ The Ladies' Ald ociety of the to frein. today thgood will be sand tarts, hot • . will wi us, and there ele- . Dinner: Scallonped oysters, potato actors and furnish a place Mountainside nion ChapelS will meet chotMeline aenlce anComed a In bur. ·Phanta,be where U tigers and col\'8, say noth ring with creamed celery aµd radio a d cinema may find Dec. 1 In Mou ta nside for re

A PERMUTIT WATER SOFT�NER will give you much to be thankful for every day in the year. It will �anish your costly and harmful hard water problems.

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I Thousands of industries, hotels, hospitals, beauty parlors and homes use endorse and PERMUTIT unreservedly. for the iie'ahn of your family. Protect . A size and model to fit every home and, 11-alwayi-by keepingyour home at an • purse. healthful temperature D&H even, wilh Ask for complete information. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite.

Place your order today PIERSON; J CALL•• , NORMAN E, bl\ICE K. 0. lllt.LUUIUI,D11trll>dlor, N, J, 620 Coleman Place West. 2-3030 or 2-3031 Local Repreaontatlve THE SOCIAL SEASON J.S.IRVUN COMPANY. is in swing ' II 239 CENTRAL Avr.. ,.. WESTF lELD. llJ. '!I ! Parties, full Check-Order these Christmas dances, bridge and theatre - Don't be Gift Items NOW caught unprepared THE S<>lid Fl}EL FOR S� COMFORT when that unexpected invi­ Old family portraits or photographs be copied, en­ tation to comes way, Go through your larged or reduced (or yo r snapshots) . your wardM u favorite robll Special pictures and paintings to be framed. Per­ now-then call us to clean and press that sonal stationery engraved calling card plR.tes, etc. favorite evening gown, wrap , or Your p erson l Christmas Cards, a collec­ tuxedo. a beautiful tion, prompt service. Prices start at 50 for $1.00, HATNowS- showing exti·emely interesting co). 1111 nam complete. lcction in Fdbi, nnd Models e prin ted, Silks Bagheerus, to fit all occasions. One price ...... $1 .95

WESTFIELD PATRONS Toll) CALL WX-2100 (N!l FRONT STREET, PLAINFIELD, N. SWA�17 WESTIN'S ART STOREJ. PARK AVENUEMRS� G. O. KELLER, by STREET Inc. LELAND PLAINFIELD, N. 127 COR. SOUTH & S. Any Evenlnr Appointment Call Plfd, 6·1707 608CLAIRE EAST 7th HAT SHOPPE • AVE J. N. PLA INFIEL-D, J. - .- THE NOVEMBER 25, WF.m'�D LEADER, THURSDAY, 1937 BARITONE VOCAL venity, at Talledega Qd topic chosen Lilliu IN been soloistat theCollege principle mhuu- I bJ lfiaa Gillilan, CONCERT guest J YWCA lfOTES who SUNDAY . aical events of southern _ __ ...._ _ negro I'i n E�forglish nine in-·1�v - Woman's.....'--- ....,.,..'-- ·- w.uw;, Chrietian_. -· untruisitey siCQdeur f.esy she m t every· be!"llhip willthe lie hosteu at a mem1.;� Choir. as the spe was he q e Willar4 Meaning Thanksgiving." wandhere . She said that in spite of dif· Wednesday,tea Dec,of l at . WOTV "l r��f'wfitl!1· .:Cf- K� ���!.'!1: Her recitals this fall in the New of . "ti:�� �erences in CW1toms and ways !iv. n of prize 2:30p ... ···• :.•e .:10ll:v!:se v· York area are part a n tiona ur The Friendly Club is selling home- O e n·Em. .,,��L11iMl l o8ad T Street audAL by Missions Council of home love family, ''Lo B Ur1ny, Their object is ise s d hfe, of and all and Fritz K1·eil�r'a "Old Refrain" In the ca st will Mn.will Sidney be CllURCH, .Ave nu-Rev.Eatl Jia b the Congregational hr ian ra money to en . l t &lmple U1e Swaa,.'·· · Nortb p B. delegates to d u ri l pleasures and that are played by a t rio of high school Mrs. Raymondhe �hurches. Th e purposeand of Ch istour to the in st a conference Ch&tft r t e f everyday lifesorrows e stu- low • o which will be une. part o everywhere, To d nts, Carolyn Gill, piano; Philap Do� Iva Patch, �fo;;t�.·;3m. M.ornlns8��t'l:1�t: w�v�r :1�11 c�r:;� a. 111. 1a threefold ; to give a demonstration held 9 :•Ii a. l\\,ee next J l illustrate her point Launer, i lin, G endol C11r- v r , n Miu eh k of achievement s c me Blue Triangle Club will she com• v o w yn A e y Stev dt.r which ha o p i i n of t read the and George o� : ,Pi m:m . .. thra at Tthehe "Y" on Wednesday, D cmeet1. os t o s wo of her pupils-the rier, cello. 1·uJf. All friendaSwallow, aJ'e invited. �r 1!e �-9e°!i!:id ·e the negro education supported in the e 1 FIRST CONGHOO.A�ION.fLn CHURCHPatch., . �rst Persimmons " describ­ •: er n south by the chu e The girls given instruction in en�Ued E Street-Rn, o 1...., rches promot t e " , ---- ·-·-----·- -·>---- =��- � -�--·-- lm ; h willlinger-pa be inUn by Mrs. I h of the children 11t the rip· a. greater p a to t e art of g . . - • -�-- �- /fl · ap reci tion of ne rd artis- m ,- --- - .c_,,� �� * s g 1 enmgl!' ofJOY the luse10ua fruit, and the u-:::rn.. �:�?tp,1f:�i1• �6 v:U:1i y and n Donna Loughran, art i structor in tr , to further bette inter-racial o r e :z;<� h the public schools. n the "M mory of My Sisler," a poig- s.f··���L9J"1�1f'and1�P� Paul'•i'.:" lf'liStreeta­blci't relations. l . East Broad nant picture of happy childhood days Rev. Arthur St. rector. M.iss Van Buren is petite and g Sund y aervlceaF.: O'Donnm ellt race- now gone forever. .. TryoutsHealtk for th eEd ucationclub o1· ad- a m.,8 a. Cburcb. Holy Scbool Com• ful manner, and has a rich melodic new f aervtce and sermon; 111 vanced swimmers will be held Miss lfatsuyo Omorl, an interne in munlon; 9:89 a.. voice of exquisite beauty and rare on Yo ur he Hof)'11 Communion:00, on l\rat and servlcs; Thursday evening, at 8 :30 in the the science department of thirt d Sunda a: morning prayer on tonal purity which delights a most l a J)ee. 15 Go doHmouseesticee e critical listener. "Y" pool. All gMs over who wish od- k ping Institute wh re �� �� 'C�! .���r�n r:i she pr r c The b ic will be s to join and were unable to tryout last is epa ing herself teach in ee �d atf.:ly r W'::m.; the.": pu l welcome at thi to CHRISTMAS 1ervtce1: w k will have a hance do so neirt the YWCA in Tokyo, spoke of the or­ W k dally,7:26 except la. Wed· recital. There will be no charge for ee H Communionrl to ganization of o,;.r 1:: admission but Thurs y, her m un t'lJ n .J d H a free will offering will g� � f h�� da n ti e apan. that assocoiationf In CARDS �and :., ! � s i e taken to meet expenses. club will meet regula ly on a v J She told the various R"MAN :f r c ff•.. r MfoN laaft w dar.: 7THINITY :%5 &:so ,, holy ,.y erv c , be ThursdaysThe at 7 p. an has a com· dep�t'lments and girls lubs s o aim· HOLY C.A'l'liOLICe n m. d I ilar to ours, ubs more �T�� n-;v, i : prehensive program pla ned includ· -cl for hi h school lhowa dWiactin . n � �1:.Pu �cJ� 'w':1�!��� :. Mallet; LASSNER Grace Church Notes ing diving, perfection of strokes, life- · dulpe from wbtck .. �� f. l . ::; JOllr �·15�i1,'f0b��/i ��·�.t::;�t. UbCAlt saving, formation swimming and all : ;:::;:::;:::::;:;:::;:; Oscar �assner eminent Vien ����;:� aeleot Fl�'�v�1i:�i!�; : nese- Friday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. I M, kinds of water M nin wonhlp, born b aritone, dn·ector of the v ice a� �V�oiHiia�l�. s�m!I o �· F�ehen, for 15 years missionary A si s u a i PERSONAL School. 8:46ldweek a. m. service,g de r bu nes girls' cl b w s nau . ALE r pa tment of the New Jersey Col- C - ��/a�'.m � Wodnes· . in hma and Japan, will speak at the gurated last wgames.eek at th "Y" and CHRIS7MAS CARDS lege for Women, will present pro F Grace Church of Amer­ will held its second meetinge t night. GRAl'E l'RESBYTEKIAN CHUitCH O gra 1 i by an ­ o DR u G s PriC9Cl �ru::r;·��an � �� � of vocal us c Johan Se­ ica. ThePreshyte1fan present place !';E�����? � m of meeting is Their program will be planned for u low • Proa ect St. RAev. ,Don- bast1an Bach Sunday evening at 8 Hall, r, the American Legion Hall, Prospect the season and officers elected. The aidt.egton Graht. ulster. Service• at o clock All Souls Uni arian C. m, t street, near Broad. h s service is 50 for 11.00 1 mp, Sunday icbool, CB c , P at T i girls are fotmlng a team AtSee PAGEJarva 9·a �1 a·:.'n,�nd hur h ark avenue and Seventh j 0 one of a series of monthly meetings play In tournament. at tho "Y." to F ' P�ainfiel . The accompan!st under the North Jersey Bible C Wcril,. � C8 T, b'!¥���� o ­ IJ.ii� M! � ���� st.reet, d C n Meetings will evet'Y 'l••••llllliliiiill••lli . P ul S will be Miss Helen Reichard, orga mst Euclid Avenue and St. a treet- ference. day at 8 be Newheld membersWed nes­will 8u nday School, a. Church 1er- of the church, who is also a member m. While Mr. Frehem was a missionary be welcomedp.. · vice II a. m. 9:80ed m.ead ay o th music l W n Ret.dln••enlns· f facu ty of the College In C ina, he was captured by Co tes imony moetlng, f c · m­ I roomt open dally froma p, m. to for Women. munisth bandits and $12,000 l:SO 4: O held for Monday atGirl :45 Reserve p. sthe advisers rn. The program will include : Chorale ransom, He tells thrilling story of of the Girl 6R eserve clubs will meet E�;Slom.rc.AL E CHURCH all LUTHERAN. prelude e Exc sis, i n t d k tr ��Ft . on th Gloria in el h s i·emarkablc release In later for dinner 11t the YWCA. Miss }lran­ a :: W A ia from cantata 8, ea . 2IReunlng Ti� ' ����:,.t P sto . �Grad:! ed Sunday r "Liebster Gott," y rs he went to J apan, ac ccs Va der Linden, 'Girl Reserve sec­ school,A a. rAdult i l b hour, Recitative and aria from cantata 82 in a Bible seminary, laterfirst to todo te pio­h n l y r 9:30 Mom,rn ing B e " retary, wi l discuss plans for the ea I • a.9:30 m. a. rn. oervlee, lO:h c h h a b e enug, 11 Ch orale prelude on neer missionary work in the northern with them, and t e new advisers will l!lPISCOP.AL the Song of Simeon Aria "Et in Spir most part of Japan. His message h CHRIRT · METHODIST will have n chance get acquainted with H itum to Sanctus fro� the Mass in be illustrated by lantern slide pic­ their colleagues. �����fo T���Itallan.11/l�li. �����:�1.rfi•,�� " B a. In Sunday achool, p, Minor Sinfonia to c ntata 29 "Wir t res. bo Miss Mar­ m., n a u Those present will I danke Dir, ' Mfn1 f � l!l CH.AP UNTON Gott,' · garet Dietrick, Sophomore Club ; Miss MadA'/nfison Avenue� � -Rev. Nhltfteld � a I All music o Carol Brinser, Senior Club; Mrs, E. Christmas :�:r��- t lovers are cordially in­ First Church f c�u'i!i vitcd ; there will be no charge for ad- S. Lynch, Senior Tl'ianglc Club; Mrs, ��": "ic'h�':!tr.9 � :i,��i mission or collection. A. Trinity . Christ, Scientist Byrd, Junior Triangle Club; the nl·flt�L.,JAf;,. 'rsT CHURCH. Misses Alice Westenberger, Edna m "Ancient a Modern Necromancy, B d and Agnes MacDonnell, Ro- 1 m. s nd o 1 Sun�!��T;;;teday :t �1' a. �: !'ri:i0 rr:al�'�<;:;:P, Conirerational Note y Prayerschool, m e1 etp,ln , 8, T. IJ. 6 Alias Mesmerism and Hypnoti m, De- gional High School clubs ; Mmes, Ken- p. m. ommu n Fcon,Wedne..iu' Sunday I I . Woman s Association of th u the subject sof the ncth Allen and D. Haucnstien, Junior t fri �nn�gtr C nrat The ' e no nced" will be Congregational Church will hold Its Lesson-Sermon in all Churche of High Clubs ; J\lrs. Howard Vail, Gar­ BT. LUKE'Se A. M. l!l. ZION CHURCH,a d Dow r Street-Rev, u io• annual meeting on Thursday, Dec. 2 Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. s wood Grade School Club, and Mrs. Sea.soil 600 Cl c. n eo to J, in the parish house. The officers for The Golden Text Is: "Do they not W. L nard, assistant adviser the :·nlng�.t:, worshJ���fiip, ����t'."� t'·���?"'e.��rlday, High T:30 the coming year will be elected and err that devise evil? but mercy and Junior groups, p, m.: each8:30 J Poly Cominunton, the usual business of the meeting truth shall be them that devise The three unlo1· High clubs and · s���•:y. to Rr:n · transacted. Miss Ella M ckridge good." Proverbs 14:22). the Garwood Grade School Club will' ST. anTHOM.ABwood A. M, E, CHURCH, o of F 1100 ( · Avenue, H. Solomon Hill, Mendham will present a talk on Among tho citations which comprise holcl a candle lighting service for their l'C- b on u y 3 :30 at ���t;,,rti ligious paintings and show a the Lesson-Sermon Is the following new mem ers T e da at ' So� ��r.1��00: ��'.�r:. .��\�� flUm- s , MOUNft'.MTAINSIDE UNION s ber of nteresting from the Bible: "Beware of false the "Y ·" Tomorrow i reproductions of . Opens Sunday services: SundaCIIAPEJLy - t e best known works of the great prophets, which you in sheep's The Ga1·wood Grudc School Club , ve i worship, 7 m. ng school, a h come to m · will h ld m e ng Wednes- p, m., e n :45 p. artists. clothing, but inwardly they are v o its rcgula1· e ti I 1 There will vespe1· at cning shall know them . day, Dec. . n D Bachelors Elect Budde ; the Congregationalbe musicalChurch Dec, 12. by thehwolves.· fruits. Yeo men gather grapes WorldIn hFellowshipe of Dessert world nL1rmokoona Laurence Dllsner, the organi, st, is pre- of thorn , or figs of t histles Even t se times u est nd Prepare Informal Dance w so ever:.. good tree ringcth ? good conflict it was an cncournging sign paring fine musical program ith b forth •• CHECK YOUR n to find 230 n at he the co-operation of the church choir fruit; buts corrupt tree brlngeth ome gathering t forth evid fruit."a Matthew 7:15-17). YWCA last Friduyw take part In a Fred Budde was resi· and the n w quartet, e D�'C 3, 8:3 Lesson-Sermon( also celebration of Worldto Fellowship dent of the Bachelor re-electedClub at a rpecent On Friday evening, at 0 The Includes l meeting in the Netherwood Country at the First Congregational Church in the fo lowing passage rom the Chris· Week; The which Westfield, a reeital will be pres nted tian Science textbook, "Science and r om in the luncheon Club. Other officers chosen were : e o the was held was bright wllh decorations Martin Vincentaen. vice president; by Miss Catherine Van Buren, a nn- Health. with Key to Scriptures" y Mary Ilaket· Eddy: A im mag- gathered from over the wol'ld, and James Seymour, secretary ; Robert tionally known lyric soprano. H er b n al ull " c bl e e d r r program will include netisrn has no scientific foundation, ea h t a e r p r sente different Lincoln, t easurer, e elected ; Charles ii - Mozart Cod hnr- country, with the nationnl motif cur­ Wcntlandt, "whip as selections by Sc ubert, and God governs all thatis real, ." n Congregationalh C r monlous and eternal, and His power ricd out In the table decorntions and r in Hayd The spirituals ash uwellch The club will be epresen ed t e .• of is one of 11 in the M t·o- is bas- the costume the hostess At the Community Basketball Le tg e withh churches ct 1 a u neitheri animali nor human. Its . Informal politnn are'a to have the privilege of I Is be ng bel e and this belie! ani- request of the guests an Dick Smith as captain. Another In­ mnl, in nScience f animal magnetism, "p11radc of nations" was stagecl so form b iv S u , hearing Jlliss Van Buren. al dance will e g en at rday r an 011por­ . . Miss Vnn Bure , during the short mesmerism, or hypnotiem is me e that everyone might have .( Dec, 4, at Netherwood Country Club. o 11 e costumes, pssessing the n gation, of admiring n y , has tunit career neithc1· intclli- period of her pro essional brought' from power, or sense of hud be n �;· become the foremostf negro lyric so- gcncc, n reality, and in many which rcprcRcnted.e prano on concert platform. She it is nn unreal concept of the so-call- the countries they I (p, 102). Tho program opened with Ed- was a "ntheational discovery" of the eel mortnl suyin;; J\llss Congregationalists was mind" nu Beekman grace, after )Vhich I w en she the Mrs. S. Paul council soloist throughouth the sessions HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS dessert was served, i ru1m1�1m11� ne Council of Con- 1 Johnston, president of the YWCA, of. the Gc rnl the e i d of w c m and grcgational and START PHOTO GROUP d l vere nddress el o e, Christian Churches nil cailerl u11on Mrs. Churl!•s of the United States, at Oberlin Col- - introduce the membersA. Phil· 'of legc in June, 1934. At that time, The Westfiel d Photo Club was or bower to her world fellowship committee, A ... with ... Miss Van Buren was a student nt the gnnizert dln1' Sufely Co111panyof Hartford, � oprn 1mhlle,H. dnl1 Y1 el[. l list soo.n - let the ads. help you - then start - "Shopping POSA LES-SNTIER VACICE f'�lHuom•tln1< lu•lld111•,fo ibe l<:to I The USED CAR DISPLAY to� SOUTH AVENUE Opp. Thatcher GARWOOD Westfield First". WESTFIELD Agency Inc. 116 Quimby • Telephone NORTH AVENUE, I 2-4422 WEST Westfield 2-2010 Street 603 WEIR MOTORS, TOY" & SPORT SHOP . .. MARTl'N 'S IQrnt•t:q ..A.Etna Lif•ln•ruc.e C• ffartfori. CeaQ.. I We have a fine collection

of DOLr,. S window. It is ea�y toin ourmake your selection for Christmas.

The Wheel Goods from our second floor display arc shown in our other window. A Deprrnit HoldsSmall Any Article.

You at our o.- tLe qualitJ w�n't kick service, price, of the you. You'll find tho joy CENTRAL PHARMACY g'eod• we furnish freah llYintr in the poraonal and family ne ultie CENTRAL PARK 148 better c & St. EAST BROAD ST. of aell. e a Tel. We1tAeldAve. we 2-14S8 LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER THE WESTFIELD 25, 1937

� --- -- R CD FOR FU NI ED LO T AND FOUND SE VI SALE o \f shbi HOUSES 1 S I TheC st of a ------I -- R SH - net RATES: - Roo.... I \\II . . m rnin AC JI CLBAl'liERS -Rep•ittd N E expend1turea F R ENT garage u o g and "1!ri w!:': f.i Zlf O$�0 R Sbp rc ant=!tat1on• this \ UU i l c ne ..Wh ��!'.3:8:..� rabotue of Georg screene1 t ll lV l d e So erset 2 1020 l g" "tor• or howroom •pace\ wldtll o �� ,�\ t E IO E ll'lr.pbee W largest aar se n don andmm m h Co r oarr 1 h u a "e ag l DISTRICT "���. ��J!rJtoo�rn • rotted manure and top soil pyr midt1llc1 cityaJ which 1,�,e"s ! n"ul ome ��}f"� w t o t l rg rear ar e ui •ttabllshed and growing buslnesa t er 3046-W H C ,, e 1 e d 2 •,r' 6o6 s � �-ii-ti . n hone o e t a Web seen Inmoun I in� Reasonable re IfP W s Must have c r man preterabl> L n Westfield 2 11 4-lt d• T"" WANTED 2040 t epa A O I D FURNl'l'tRE REPAIRED re n- "ELL ROTTED cow llAl'liURlil I ll ESTA o y l'iGrtb• el REAL who c ble ot handlln salesmeh n, I a d polished m l and habltat10nwa s aircases OWNER n To 110 a LONU DISTANCE Movln 1< Iron n f om the or location ls cent.rat ne r s housewifei gwho discriminating WOOD ROAO t e to i hool& LOOAL AND l o nd appreciates snnttu.ry, j s or s station churohca and l brary a specialty rates reasonable New a i oundlngs for washing and open GENEllAL OllDlll' There re Allleec l El'liT11 l 1 wi n C onial glass eloset \\ell l l l ______1t • nd JI s l t on •AN t ol l A l __t n oaom,1:1 e k 2 r 1 v e t 1 ANll Jl.h��� �re f ���:" n 8 �.? W�:t��v1l2 ��s\s� R• \&,,m�'�""c"a 1\!!J1lf6r '10 lll' Ul lA'IF ctl'!Mlt go�dbelro��H t��,o Mi s Scl ��ctC n":mr�i�i:i t l Ave 0 Storage nee Ga ,; ""'""'""'""'�'.�31ay nnn 811mmlt Me CourtcsvJoel Uckets Dead v second floor& i N J 11 18 '\ C1VcnlngI s H ll In rt \llTclasses I for chlldr n nncl 12 8 i.� with McCrea and Sylvia Sidney .A o J.,_AJlGI Comfortnble. l n o W:atk�l!Jb2a r3��S t und Kenny Baker 1n Mr Do_:__! _�"'._ \\ cstfield 2 4700 den rurnlturoIi I by ap u ninted u)- RAMDLJNfl COi llNIAL l AllM llOlJSI t\ i'�1�!� e Ccntcir J1ull I Jl\!l11g tmn a ws�;e�lalt� a��i;:b�ro,f'.!'�f�: I stoneug c roome l

Your he ostllcld !er nd m l \V Len rent hrs mor0in nny W cstOald 1ieople thnn It "ould other paper In the county .- THE WF.STFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVE:MB�R 25, 193'1 ::::., STUDENTS OF MANY NATI I ONS N MOUNTAINSID:! PROGRAM ''AMERICA'S PROGRAM" aided by the sale by I the Band otherscantif A.asoci �po�soredation. · M I l.'!S£MBLY TOPIC I The Band Mothers have not yet · ISA.;J & completed the sales returns, but 1 I __ very welL the "What is America's Program?" v.·ill sale is progressing The be a High School assem- money from these sales buy 12 discussed will 3, in of the schoo more uniforma enabling the school bly, Dec. by members l to Foru.m. The speakers will examine equip a band of 72 members. the viewpoints of labor, the New Dealers, the cons vative business BAPTIST CHURCH TO men, the Socialists, eretc. The chainnan for the forum will Clason Saun­ SELL CHRISTMAS GIFTS ' ders. Other speakersbe will be Fred Doerrer, Charles D()errer, Bernard Everyone will be welcome to the Jones, and Robert Hillier. Christmas sale of the Baptist Church The second forum on Dee. 10, Thursday, Dec. 2. The sale begins at have for its subject, "How Can willWe 2 p. n1. and continues until 10 p. m., I Carry Out America's Program Within with a turkey dinner served in the the Frainework of the Constitution?" eal'iy evening. Tickets for the dinner Jack Haviland and Betty Freese will may he secured from Mrs. H. C. speak on the. question. Newell, 607 Prospect street. There will be Christmas gifts of many varieties, a large supply of STUDENTS EAT CANDY aprons, groceries, homemade cakes BARS TO AI FU and candy, Christmas stationery and D ND wrappings, and other interesting articles. Not only all the candy they sell, There will also be a child1-en's grab but also the candy wrappers regard­ hair, ice cream cones and other attrac­ less of where they come from, repre­ tions for the young. sent a profit for High School the Band whose uniform fund will be LOCAL NEWS ON EVERY PAGE The Students' League of Many Nations, a oup ()f young people from the Practical Training Bible School, Bible School Park, N. Y., \\ lgrl appear Saturday evening at Mountainside Union Chapel. They are in charge of Rev. M. C. Pattel'l!on,i vice-president of the school. Members of the group dress in national costume, speak or sing in their native language and translate, depict will Europe and other e()untrfos, and give snatches of personal exper­ iences. The Russ'anco whonditions ha., insuffer�d eat �ersecutions will thrill with experiences; born in Rus­ sia, he eecaped under thrilling circumstanciires The Sp irit of America with her silk flag about which she weav her m age also due for applause., The group haa given performances in every in the Uniones welleBll as Canadals Mexico. rney will stay overnight in borough homes. atate No admission;as free will ottering,Pna , ·

·-·-··-- BUY RIGHT r10M1sE · STRESS SAFETY �dJob,"al ra1vGAINS!1£ IN-eu NORTHlwiN $10.95. eo11p<•r) be obtained byweek. writing or calling at (Ro!lfl contest committee hendqunrtera, Broad street, Newark. 605 J *We rermmmmcl Lux for Stockings , , ,

ii'lsh Hides In Shark's JARVIS DRELM STREETUG STORE The remora hideMoulb th& fish will 54 Va11 Arsdale's o t In to efin{;ape m uenemieh of as. shark order 1 !ts ROS"•!.a!llN&'-•'•E ll&�BTllOPOUTAMAUM 111U4'"'S THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1937 Pare Ten THE WESTFIELD LEADER, of Christmas gift list. These people know I THE WESTFIELDLEADER thE crowded stores, the weary clerks, and in In Vogue Today S-Ome instances the depleted stocks that face L.t.)1«)9111!:& ..... BJ' IJl'EZ them if they wait until the very last minute. ....,Im\ Most stores are now ready for gift shop- PLANNING FOR CHRISTMA'S. auer.A11• h d yo one of folks who dis- at pers and most of them will be glad to ol Are u those Post 01fice ing b"".ause . of the Westfield, aa likes Christmas shopp . Entered at N. I., s ity of batt!mg with s Washington, best ei:s- Class Matter. a purchase until wanted if a small deposit is s ming nece s Mo t of s Second New the ee gi al at Jerse;r, rnade. Everything If take a h nt from , are willing bet that the sp . 1 Thursdays Westileld, is done that can be done crowds? so do i crs t.o . . Iii' Publi•bed , and r hop es ion adJou:i:n ith- The Westfield Leader Printing and Publi1hing t d past experiences do yo � s · s s of Congress w:n Co111- o make early shopping pleasurable an attempting a�Y I out a U:SJOr An Independent Newspaper. ping early. Befo1·e having passed smgle 8'!· pan7. profitable. t hst 1t 01ficial Newspaper for th e Town of shopping do make a comple e The one possible exception is th�t Westfield. made � your plans carefully may ke extremely neces ·ary rates year We urge upon W estfielders to give the and hav ma some $2.00 a l plan· taxes. Subscription in advance. work as e l as under Good changes in . Established 1890. G w control. d I OFFICE: 60 ELM stores and themselves a break. et to save many a weary h.ead a� are many contributing �a- Street. Tel. 2-4407-2-4408 on th ning can I There Christmas list. like dis· for but 1g- National Advertising Representatives, llOW at body for there is nothing sons that fo!ecast, the Ntw Jersel' tar out of . , Inc., YoTlt. organization to take the s h is that basic humar. emot1 n- Newspapers New • • .. c gest one. fear. t S ea ) the last session ended, (!on- ch e include, fil'st of When nl' MU I Th plan should ack me w one supposed go With the conclusion of the Red Cross Roll all, list of na s to hom gressmen were to 8 thede- e get of the c un· sires give gifts. Then comes hom and the "feel" Call, there begins another very important pub- to o t smnmo ed it m f t se1 ec try. The they were to . · h brain-racking e wha to n es be service, th e sa e o f Chr1s • t mas sea s. T e a . A r into special s si n finish up the IIC I 1 h for e ch one good ule to follow o to t r_eclpient has gis t e for ti proceeds from these seals are used for e 1 to om t n the le la iv program laid out em is give s e hi g e but is to b�y last January. re lief of those suffering from tuberculosis and always want d �nhkely important still, They did go home and they did et · th or himself And more · ' f effect was e never-en di ng war agamat thIS drea d t reflect the But the just lll th th� ift should the "feel." 1 recipient rather than the opposit what had been ho ed. disease. It is encouraging to know that efforts �o ce� of th� e of c i to to It strengthened rather than weake 1ed giver, as type and THURSDAY, 25, in this direction have been fruitful, for in the the both m · NOVEMBER J937 the tentative convictions of ny co or. United States the death rate from the ·disease I 1If k e members that they had been play ng one starts now to wor on th On Thia Thank11ivin1- the s ill with by approving ccono1 ic has been steadily reduced. list one has k dynamite Christmas and if e periments h c und r· n look a d s r se the needle, there x w i h few eo e I persons and an and e u p pl Americans in any walk of life ca lt is habit with most , e i to s ood. should be ample time make several t e one to use the seals on Christmas to about them and reflect today that they indeed ircellent ' i ts ease the matter • • • It h' attractive g f . To the b have , · these According to their stories, g- considerably more to be thankful for mall and packages. IS. partly f or t 1s rea- of for the makings of shopping · I gest th ng th Congressmen fou d h t homemade gi fts be sur ud n i e years son th th ey are mail ed ou a t t th.i s season. e to me e i k =-=- .,.- ...,- ··""--""'- ·""·· than our pioneer forefathers, w o, a "back home" was a surprising = ====,,,======316 y the la notions and tr!mn_iinga 1 / = ,.,,,,= A b C p n all T n, 3' ust bef ""'-===-- ago, paused in. their November labors to toast joint statement the Red ross and of real optimism. he re . , , which will be needed for the fimshed harvest on American il- h t ey headed W11shington-ward, the so fi st the Christmas seal committee last week, pomt- that are not too h 0 their first t e r article. Pick patterns eces on b g n make 0Uf ar en lS et i k and choose fabric i t sl e a d out that there is no connection between the d fficult t-0 m s �cl� �:i� to . y d Th• .. s..,.. Thanksgiving Day. r a e Br 11.. c. McLEAN, N. 1. Asrlc•lt•ral E&tHsiW k r 1;1re· that are not only good to look at but see abn.ut today o t o organi other than that they individual mlssi At thl s o year eners a e d . We us the harvest u w zations and energy With optimism g, t'1 me gard r ram· aw ay rom . v of • • • whi h time s df f ! them own la ra---a greater con\fort c will justify the and ·with busin sse fo1·bldden by ta x- m n u arti a y to Thla bo harvest giving both doing a splendid public serv1ce. Th e expended upon them. e i l that perennials and other p cul rl those pe;erui!&li · build up th t d . h es to reserves to carry m plants must be given protection. Do do not retain • and grea r those f t th f th t R d the l ng any leave. te security ; comforts which ac • ere. ore, a you enro 11 e m e e Gifts of i erie type are always t r a ess'o tt natu owever. over i h ough rec 1 n, is only not app y a mu c.h ear y, h good ay to protec C a h ci. en rs I J 1 too 1 A w t ; ross, d oes not mean t h t you ave a l so acceptable if one knows the re p. t that the legislato should wond r. It is g al y wait until these pioneers never dreamed would exist machines of ener l and especially chrysanthem11D11, i fi ht well enough to sure getting the , for t •Y advisable to sev- . back-breaking labor of in the g tubercu- be Now he tl rst ime In years, th the ground is frozen a depth of pla e an inverted through the the harvest ; aligned yourself against correct und yle. Most fash on t to c doing • size st , i · are 1 u about such things as t e era nc es be ore app ng mu Ul ap r y or "'"'I""' h. dub'o s I h f b 'Id. p e s 1g • man, e mas er of a m Ios1s wise women and gir1s ays wll l - ' TVA' ,' 1 Jyi l h c to mg , 1 htl r.1....., .1 th th t achi ne, wh e th er t at • • th ese d w ge hour bi'll, the "litt' e b lb b By th t' crowns f · t d t t th · perenn I or u ed s. a th e a ter the machine be an au mob e, c enjoy the new fitted slips with zipper lumpa 1 givi g 1as t 1me ground to il radio, electric We f ee I no nee to a 11 a tten ion O e sum appropratlons and protection will needed to prevent freeze. This will shed water closings. or 8 am-proof e Pr be tractor or Pure-dye ilk th e d unlimited po\ • and thiwing of the bal · w s turbine- importance of this latter work-it is already d j si ent virtually alternate freezing still let the plants have , ashing machine team epe p vl a the :federal g v If ICClllta harves r uc d r er to reorganize o er • soil and it will also the frost wh ch is essential. p od e by a great deal well known. We only wish to remind the �: y be �� so�e keep i a greater c!sf:er�� ro�� ment. from penetTating much deeper unless comes too cl lesa t n otu r W tfl Id · �fu�hf n net for l n ng part osely ff r · ' peop e es le t at t h e t me h as aga n e i e l l the upper Regardless of what ls the weather becomes extreme. which i·emain foPl'tlliedage, e o t ha forefathers found neces I 0 f h i i Usf e e might e Rave plants li of o the slip to give better wear as s d t ng they nc lack sary. when the call is made for support well ai about these hi s, do t ev rything in readiness, and in De- suffer from of air. C<1me a pro e sio a garment, fi e · Maar • • as f s n l look to the stimulate con denc because all f ce mber when the wea er is a m ms are I s t e < th rea nthe u ost eveey That '.the machinery for distributing these thi· 1· mpot'.1-•an service, New patterns for nightgowns, cut them are experiments •nd bo , JIY 1111 � no v cold, do the mulching. This will insure too heavy mulching; a llg]ll blessings' either bia� straight, are to found knows for sure what they will creaks a bit here, fails entirely there, 'Ill • ,. or be do. • er ace s is gene ally an advantagi. at pattem countci·s and best results for your h b ou r • all the range why Stop ADO t h er D eprflll D • • • plants. Another reason ia regrettable, but not to be unexpected, con· � styles is larg . se. bulll e Op7nli;ig day of any legislative • There l however, in ap- er There . by of . . s no harm, many succulent-rooted id ng d grow th • Fancy b t and girdles provide an- s n s u t another day to lo f a light mulch around plants not mu too earlyberba S I our rap1• ls a grave danger, pornted out el s . m 1 s !l t plying be lched Today, o fo; h me e gift but Congressmen.J They k w tak w rk Isthat t o, we feel about us a wealth · of ts country ot.her Idea the o m d no it s now. This light co�ering will keep he often � under a many responsible economis , that the wil r a they I about a wee to get the Congresslon 1 t mulch 'llitea l acbcal nl k intangibles for an • • p o ground from excessively ground is which we also give thanks ; srn• o be y when def.a I drymg out not frozen. If put may k m t O an ther d epress!Qn-un I ess cor· match a given costume. For into operation, o mnny f as is apt happen if there worship in inltely machinery s to are many have brought sad expefieJllll inalienable freedom to the house any one of the �hort fancy t e old ti ers- nless they old po of n f ll. field mice, now is rective steps are quickly taken. The same lal'ger gift, h - m ? . b �· days d1-ying wi ds this a Do not a jacket. leadership or committee chai of m, good timt11 -Of our chosen faith, to speak without fear of e . l r d that two of the so muc� worn w�th evening tlons o! - cover the crowns of plants, though. rld the either exp rts are general y ag ee JUst thmg. Velvet, n 1 d a that by app\Jin& rep isal, the igh . . • clothes may be the nsh ps wh ch m nd they b bait by r r t of unhampered d' O m i e garden perennials do not like or setting traps. enterprise OU tat an mg �a use� f the rec en t d r�p m b us1• m t avoid While The and freedom political dominance.; our . satin, brocade or e al eloth to match present-deliberately the hull excess moisture, th eir roota r equire method is sometimes from s d a may be abaloo of opening some. n to N t e ne s pro uction and the collapse m security ga�ment may be used., These day. . The mai precaution is see aph hal ne flakes maybewed11' true pec ehildren receiving more education and cut bole o style, fitted lln�s or That was as for th s 1 pe le , and many more values are the Capital •Gains Tax and the m r � that the crowns of the plahts a re well re l nt h . o o Jacket session as ever. The ga ler es wer gardtnul -Opportunity an exists any e else square and boxy. One b ler l 1 drained to insurfl that wat r will these fairly successful. t plac in the d. tr l b U e d fit ax. noted . was made of rows of fringe packed with but therew e world. We tT n T IS t PrO S T spe<;tators, er 1 are thankful that we live in Amer- he sewed a crepe satin empty the bot! ======,,,,,,,..,,,,,===� Capital Gains Tax, by heavily penaJiz. on to or back- seats on floors of ica, a Constitutional n ground. House an� Senate. . should not let nation· blessed with g ns who sell securities at a profit . "foolish pride" keep lib· I perso , , th h the greeting them from having their quota of milk FASHION NOTE erty · f • t . As for the men of family, many Interestingly, oug , for the individual and a constantly rising t l the e changed by �e ber · d ams up th norma1 flow o pr1va e capl a readily accepting unlined x m s in the clo�k every day. . , . ? arc the new Sock on the s n a d mto ic i rooms a d lobbies were le e u v " e milk food him Jiving ta d r productive industry. A man who make11 t s, which so eas ly made from n ss ff s1 h n Is considered as a on the klssll!, es a are and . . wa W Put h m pan, Y , on th s Thanksgiving D y the new patterns available. Spun the talk about ieg1slat1on as as a beverage and it is used i i we have such an investment must take'" all the risks of well Roll him ' h. t ore serious. en t ' caJ J in the o n rayon s a fa�or Jt fa b r to replace its equiv a or es a mangutter­! any th'mgs f h gi ve th a • e c. m I m t n business m or w lC ks loss-but if he makes a instead • the tax j j meal, it to contribute n i profit . more-be sure that ll1 . • • • each tends buoy- He's we . , . And one thmg ustrabve t chang ng as A d · t • ay on we may a 0f h e h a without 1S a d W h'IC h II deprives him of a large part it. Under this all sewing equipment is in good r i 1 W nt health and fitness adding dedi a e o r to ' • th of ep r ington viewpoint was a conferenC!l th g " , Ireland. the sucker, c t u se es prese rd r speed a ong bod d' wei t, said Dr. "Too Pillory 1 v rvmg ose th! ngs, condition, who can blame capital for staying i o e l this absorbing . other day among some h lgh-rankin Y h Poke in the tn k to ga him as of making Christmas ts ffi many persons re d milk as food eye, and to increasing their distribution and use- i " "? gif . o ce holders. They got around to r a Jump upon his n hiding babies and growing ch ld en tors1>­ fulness of the for i r only. the business guy! ' discussion business recession, young people r He's The Undistributed Profits Tax prevents NEWS FROM TRENTON and spot was when High school age eason ,. the high reached that have drinking 111 "' build one flat- because they been busine11 corporations from using funds to Up nee- "advanced thinker" suggested Has he built a s chlldren, they e ta · are Comm'' ' . b that milk ince they were enormous b essary reserves agams t a d t'lmes, f or expan d - In casting about for future con- ly the situat1'on showed the weak- can forego In order h ig School D.VI1 safely it. to seem To I on h Mon- lea ing ness s of a dem ratic for of gov- Brand as a cheater­ Adult education is t e way. Next ing inventories, for rehabilitating plant and tacts after v the governorship, c oc m "grown up" foresake milk for him h as c era ers crnrnent. He wondered whether d n theu' mind rigbtal of organiza- overnor man s l so- r l beverages." N over h s day evening representati es the equipment, etc. Indus- G H 0ff v 0ff less esi b e i v To quote a National under consideration. 1, tho most cialism wouldn't be the answer-gov- • No. ernmcnt ow e • • • tions sponsoring the movement are ls n rship and operation Republic Does he meeting to trial Conference Board survey, "The tax pen- attractive, general promotion and of an leaders are optimistic giveroll employmenil ndevrtis ng all business and industry. 1938. Meeting for the Is t big? elect officers and form an executive com- alizes thrift and introduces tendencies con- i manager of the General about first he pay . ,, Motors The other He got landed on like the provc1·bial i the R - bum in irons! nu s o o • . Corporation. two me since Nov 2 election, epub Put the ' . ton br t . , 'tt ee. After th at lt' a mere ques t'ion f trary t conservative financial practice. . • state berths. n Un- of i !\'.. His two most state committee membe Toss him in the brig! are O e is with the c bitter Jican rs were detai (and may the committee forgive us for Two m o director at a critics were men said only a year a work l bills have been introduced in Con- e pl yment Council as who dvised to go to for 1938 elec- s y an ua l and ago that our system was a bad one. of Glen Does he pny in the "mere") until this excellent idea g e an l D - lar of $1 0 ,00D n l y the !ion by Clayton E. Freeman taxea becomes r ss by Representative Em uel Ce ler, em a the calls for! other with the State Advertisin� Ridge, new state chairman. He point- What law fact. i·eptile .a . ocrat of New York, to �orrect these taxes. In Council. ed out that there will be elected next Why, the dirty mbe support of e o n n u Significant T �!:�N � ;!���� � � � ni States enat , Sh d be paying morel is the wide nu r and variety these bills ls the practically united h Governor leaves his office on h s i a year U ted s or con- o l e re ae n t January 18 when he turns tho G reat �f:J!t g ss and state senators and as- ·of organizations who have signed the petition sentiment of economists, financial journalis s, dance by n group of young women my c !I, the Stnte over to sucees- sembl rnen. urged the hi in lh hcad\in move . Th'rty-s e groups d ust d any h' Seal of his n r Mason He Republicans Blast m to fur ther th's l. �en o ria• ea d ers, · G rn u de Mrs. to ked aclll f m · 1 1 nn m men lgh, m eth sor, ove or A. Harry Moore, from f the direction of not wait unt l a a e croo , Mrs. Brewster Mrs. i few weeks before Ch rg sume he K rkland and the election. Tho slog'!!1: W estfield peopI e f rom th e Service League to government service. There is no qualified op- whom received the emblem three omm ttee discuss· Let this be your 1 y Cnrol Badeau. , p a s rr c i but d n Club of ago anu r . Since then Geo g e cd l n ca out platform "Anything facts I the Band,' t h e ar e to position worthy the name. years next J a r e Keim of Edg water to y party Westfield G the DeB. p ratified e state conven- solidly behind of ho Gco vern. 1: Hoffman has won nntional , air of the New r ledges at th .American Legion, are this idea. Prompt passage these two bills s uld 0 Park ch man Je sey October. The p some rcogn1t 0n. . tion rogram will Has he money! to late to the i st i m s last m11

0 • will fittingly portray FRENCHand GRAVE BLANKE'rS Spaniah GRAVE SPRAYS your continued devotion toward those loved 5 N ROAD UR Green Mra. Emily DePuy ANCARLORETO N h g Adult Courses. Children (5.15 yrt.> of color : WESTFIELD 5 ones wl10 have out of o n (1'lorn, nnd TUTORINGEve.) (A This Blanket of witb 11 bit O rrnssed this life. t i tternooml) can be mo e lovely h lt Ecole Francaise de expressing deepest sentiment and r or thoughtful than eartfe Westfield the of rem cm bra nee, us expressed in this manner. 645Tel. North Cha1tnut Street lasting devotion : emains a soft covering provide lasting de­ Wc1tf1eld 2-1969-J r Grave blanl1ets this token of MADAUI!� 11.\ll'I', lJJrl"etor. far into Spring. votion. Placed over they the grave now, remain the same, far into the Spring, without further Pricea $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 attention, as an exguisite expression of one's love and remembrance. Really Clean 1 RUGS when clothes are -- I Telephone 32 1 South Ave. CLEANED Westfield · j?JSJ:• Weatfield, N. J. 2-2525 ,,o N. Opp, R. R. Station DOERRER & SONS VANCEI�� . 167 ELM STREET WESTFIELD, J. R. G. VANCE H. L Telephone Westfield 2-2400 Cor.H::�;::;. ELM & QUIMBY Sta. 11 WE CALL FOR Telephone AND DELIVER 2-0028 I THE W:ESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1937 SPEAIERS The regent, Mrs. illiam Lane Boice, Clif ord, P. W. Eldridge, Jr., C., E. , tlonary War. The Junior Group is DAil HEARS W f M sori g !of the barest, blealrat am -� pr�ded, and reP?rts were given I Cranch and Charles E. unro. I n n seholanhrip countryside, BUSY s o the BP?th a y ar TJack'ahe this · those Bat they '!lfllnl -'f AT CONFERENCE; which h w interest taken by 'l'he regent announced that Mrs. 1 . other child, Myrtle old church ed officers D v n, eIs t recipi ! da7, memlienof .• · the various chapter and a id H.' Hill had consented to act Gree h ent of the Judith R t e 1 GREET FORMER MEMBE chairmen. ni of the hony Roll Scholal'Ship which or President is .Iba. A,. DunhamLu4iow, ree, as Se C. Robert givenAn by Mrs. George B. Anthony F Mrs. Raymond o cnairman French Cociety, A. R. in place D. axon · Mrs. Robert John1toa F. F M of memory of her little ghter.In e ted and Mrs. .A, K. of arrangements for the mother- Mrs. Oliver W. Hall, resigned. rs granddau a sis · Guut . the hostess in w Speaker Friday At daughter luncheon, announced the af- Boi also stated that at the request Mrs. Johnston read a moat intel'ellt- gueata. Refreshments ce i wen 1 was so successful that those pres- I of members of the executive commit- ing and amusing of "Vermont the bospitalit)' Mr'8!i fair a omised stor7 N n ch.U-IUll, Jfrl, Meetina ent had voted m ke it an annual the l"Cgent had pr to act About 1840." Thia paper was written o is Cubberly, who"Wll� event. to astee r epresentativ of Westf eld Chap- by mother who read it before Mrs Hastins, of f he� . Kn.;-. l"li!IJ' �� One the most enjoyable meetings Mrs. Harry D. Taylor ps ter, on the boarde of all campuses, the highest scholastic llns on Thanks ivin . scholarship children of Westfield row. He's been playing junior var­ g Day , the most ideal social life, g • d�'ltg Chapter. Jack Snyder come of good standing sity football a member of the • and is • • D and the greatest number of unbeat­ band at Lafayette where he's a sopho­ Jean Saitta will be home from stock, for his ancestors, the e ms Briarcliff Junior College for Thanks­ You See Wla ere You able tea . mo Groats, "came across the water when re. i no ! g ving and will And are we jealous? Oh my, • • • have Rosamond Frye ow.. boats were little." as the mountain turning green with envy. her guest for the week-end. They're people say. Dr. Sloop said those We're just The holidays will bring home �'nm as • • • going to the Army-Navy game on Sat­ "days" were long before the Revolu· Snevily, senior at Skidmore. She's �C!IJIJ, u d Esther Sosman was included in the a ..,.dA. president of he senior class d r y. h t an of e cast of the show presented by t • • ening a the Sociology Club. • mUICLE junior class last Saturday ev t Midge Jones, Wellesley • • • '40, n arrivesthe Mt. Holyoke, spe w o home Friday evening to d Doug Rogers will also s ell ur week-end with , her parents Mr. SAV.E + + + during the next and IUlllEI Ruth Glover, class of '38, is one of population few days. Mrs. R. C. Jones of Tuttle parkway. the one hundred and eight st11dente at He's manager of fencing at Cornell • • tlae Bailclinw and • HAIRCuTTING NJC who, having had an average of where he's a senior geology major. Freshmen bids to Rutgen frater- SlllEI c • • • nitks n keeps or better, was awarded academi h were accepted I st week by mlld'1 S irley Rankin is doing a little feetIt 1hapethe - prevenufeet Proaa­laper. Loan Way honors1.8 for th college year. three Westfield boys. They were: • • traveling to be in Westfield for e 1936-37• the Wesley L. Reyn lds, Beta Theta Pi; lion or and Miller is taking part in the big w -end. She's a freshman at Edward o 1urca Wrak a •y Foot, fu ture freea.. Each month you know that you have made a Bernice eek S. Hoe 31·d, Lambda Chi Al­ b erli Vassar. Psi. from yourbow·legs, b knocka College Thanksgiving formal Ob n • • • pha; William Mulheron Jr., Zeta definite step forward definite atep In the • • • knees, arrangements. She's social chairman and olher -a Shirley Wo�d, Lasell J unior Col Walter S ager Jr., Lousiana right direction and 'one .that w'ill bring you of the junior class. - e of &ttcoedsl11hlly, unhealthy archer, faulu.un• • • • 1 ege '39, Is bringing home her room- State University, will spend Thanks­ worth investigatingfoot ? handsome returns when your sharea mature. drew 'em mate, Shultz of Youngs. The Princeton-Navy game Marry Jeanne giving and week-end as the guest of Isn't It town, as h Your doctor will recommend Young p ople are finding this thel best way from all over last week-end. Edna Ohio, er guest at Thanks­ his room-mate, Frank Ehret, in New m giving. They're going to the dll1 Dring your child In e f o Army­ Valcntine came down r Vassar for Orleans. The boys are planning to towards an independence they can be sure of. m at T nk - g m with oo s on and we'llshoe. happy 1 the She'll ho e ha s Navy a e the W d Satur- t explain asion. n i g occ - spend most of the time hu n . be 0 -But It works as well for people of all ,ages. glving be day lucky gal ! • • • 1he of 1hl1 ne • · too. • • • e• • • Barbara Plumer and oring Pratt lacu back fi sl�oe The most attractive face Come In for details. P a Trenton Teachers Col- frosh, State Don Pollock, U. of a. w s From students at Middlebut y College,L spent, and figure can be ruined lcge Carolyn Pray Emily Cranch · homc last week-end. Tomorrow he and Monday and Tuesday in New York on by the wrong kind of hair will oy a i din· return for the olidays. Ca m enj his turkey at a f m ly h rolyn, a the annual first se ester field trip cut. Here we carefully een p c h b ra c P a elp i . ner of nineteen hil d a He'll s enior, has ti teaching in conducted by the sociology depart­ study your type, taking in the junior and e I m HOME see the annual Penn-Cornell game senior high schools n ment. Both are ho e for the Thanks­ Crnn r lately ; Emily, ju ior In into consideration the tex­ with his parents, and then come on d n , giving holiday. fo a ture and quality of your activities. the grade division. • • • Bu1LD1Nc&LoAN Ass•N home for the week-end • • • • • • J unc Scoville took part Friday eve- hair. •.l 30 Eut Broad Street The Wells contingent, consisting of Barbara Griswold has made the ning in the presentation of a group of team at M Holy- Peggy Wick and Harriet Deck r, is freshman speed ball t. e one-act plays by the Centenary Play­ oke College. on the way ho c ers h in e Little he Ce tena � 1:>·• t T atr at n ry Whit• llllo Bloct...WWtho - for IM ··-· J • • • Junior College. .c m m h k - June, e ber of D...... Slloo Jlo•• c. Marion Corke entertained an "Out Richard Lea is spending T un s 11 . HAIR STYLIST the senior class, has recently been .... E. •,,,, 1.c.... homecoming giving in Glouce e Mass. He at- ..IO ANDREW of Towner at Bucknell st r, pledged " Into the Peithosophian So­ 1o rm•rl¥ el 5111.•••lt• and its so ia tends the Beacon School. FHEfol l'AllKJl'fG 01'1'. Hl!Ol' Station North c l activities. • • • spending th T ank mttePlaaa, atbtmnru Glnrner • • • ciety. She is h s i ­ . Cra•f•••, Now .loner argaret lass g vin a a ion it h er , Nmx�· TO ANG!OLO'll jun- M Benson, at w r a ents LUNCHEON centa Catherine Van Doren is on the c of v c t h p 233 NORTH AVENUE cent� DINNER h Hood, entertain a classmate,'4 0E l a g • • e 61> .$1.00 SUPPER 811 College. ior hockey team at Smit will l h • SUNDAYS : DINNER centl il i p P Gu rd has been niti at d n Telephone 2-4090 - • • • Daven ort of Bu1falo, while she is i to - 71 Theta Alphabo Phi, n I e Private Room for Parties . Telephone: Roberta Rosendale enjoyed a visit home this week.end. Brother Ed will ational honorary CRanford 6-01411 dramatic society with be home from utger too. at College of !lfiss Gertrude Swift, directer of R s m the I il ia and es • W l Mary. girls' physical education in W tfield • -- ...... - - The Bucknell delegation• will be • • High, who was down at William and Janet Hay, who Is• a freshman a games. pouring in for the holi�ays, a d hat t ary refer some hockey � � Wilson me ns that Ralph Ch1l s, V1rgm n Colelge, spent the we k-end in MRobertato will speeen d Thanksgiving Day . a . � � Westfiel d celebrating her be da in Virginia as the Cornelher, Lawrence Currier, Eu me irth y at Fort Monroe gc We hnve u t . D lts, Joe R id and Edith Lipphardt j s learned that Janet is a guest of Colonel Clark On Saturday � � m me e of the freshman ho e t m . P Will be back b r ck y ea ng her family in hi d l town. she's meeti la e - m • • . game. • BOOT SHOPER 'S phia for the Ar y Na y After n Tha• k•gi ' * ng gc�-to- Bill Tice, a Junior a Hamilton Col- GL109 ASASST BROAD STREET -:' � : n s v eve t g th so h i lege, Clinton, N. Y., is ringing home E e er of me of t e Westfield girls b WESTFIELD, J, Bob Hof11tctter saw his family last his room-mate, Eng a colleges Pat William Leavenworth N. Lehigh-Lafayette attending Now. l nd Saturday when the mmi h m of Crawfordsville, Ind., o ng a , Bar Cu r the m b Well and R me came o1f. as esley P ESCRIPTIONS FILLED ga Bob, a m r a 1 Nash Smith will '41, on to Wollas­ Th nksgiving recess. The;ir fboth be. o the Brown and White band, ewase a , go :ij r 1oon•lllllllr of ton, 41, Ion" to f ra tc n'ty. I We ddld•• f that eve- Ma s., where' they will spend the Chi • r i a

. � YOUR XMAS SHOPPING EARLY. 99� Smart women have stand­ _-_ ·· DO . _ ing appointments with us FLOOR SERVICE THANKSGSERVEDIVIN THANKSGG IVINGDIN DAYNER ! to 8:00 1 :00 at frequent intervals for Haye your ld l and refiniahedo floorsDura reJcraped Seal. SUNDAY DINNER-1100 8:00 waves, manicures and The w:tt. SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPER-to 6:00 to 8:00 facials. lifetime finiHh approved by Floor Manufacturers' A.os'n. We Cntcr Dinner Free lo Bridge and Tea Partiaa Estimnteg Anywhct·c. OTTO TORJESEN CAVANAUGH'S 19 Morris Avenue BEAUTY SHOP, Inc. The 447SIL W. SEVER v;ENTH ST., PLAINCHURNFIELD, N. SPRINGFIELD, N. J. ELM ST. TEL. 2-2970 J, Telephone Plainfield 6·1994 4 Tel. Milburn 6-1018 LUNCHEON - TEA DINNER DAILY New Laid and Scraped. - Floor1 I'll Y, NOVEMBER 25, 1937 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THUR.SDA Page -Fourteen · Slide to . . ... and Scoreless · field Slip �; Westfield and Plain . V RSITY WINS ucc f s on win- T !FOOTBAU XT V had a ess �l eas , KINGS EN'S S R Goal E ENSI E SPORTS .. wo ames CONTEST mug : � and :ymg th ree. M END INITIAL � . . RUSHED TO NO THIS WEEK j"Y" A Line Stands Feat FOR RJHS···rc? Thisvdl wmter badrnmton will be ING 21 l GAMES I · ure m- - ec1s1on PLANNED p o- · • 1 ck Gold troduccd into the school's athletic r --- J --- h Allen's Bl and . • • e ; R I basketl>all Coac Ken d , and seventy oosevelt Intramural will Tka,nlcsgidngat Da11 ! f Westfielda "Y" en · . · t the Two hundred m Stuudiug of ihe 'l'r•m· ve Westfield cagers o o - "c gra . s . [o�o vs. Pead Ri r N n D a Gam Christ a . Westfield 1 r 1937-38 succ ssfu tie frustrated th� efforts b ll the 1n··Iii ta t immed after the a A scoreless < Thurs- s r ately . . . '�i 4 I e se son c � � e boys play every Tuesday and m Kin-g•men · .· . . . . . Lo . !6 I Co e vs. P nnsylvan ia at Philadel- th i Y Y J to Westfi d · · 1 C of stripe · . . a a ion. n · · · · · · · 10 1411 J rn ll e w ing A Bay- f Plainfield and Westfield ms . Kat' e's esperateI on I ""' · t wushouls · · · d n the Ranger o the d y a th b ti amui a 1'�alnmc · · · 'a as- � -.i da noon m e oys m : v c · · · · · · · 1 .3.a ph1 tea. • 1 � the n - . 90 k n �n th Recreation field. Only smothered as th ali ftei· Ear y i s ng t ; l!crs ...... 4 17 .1 NYU at Yo ·k , Brno ly ' e Saturday e h P lillgt... instituted by Coach'J 1 p ennis tou C'liffdwe -- Fordham vs "' ew 1 i i·oi' dge 33 to i3, at fte sports program t w1l l e e l a_ f th1s " i here at . g ht · for a few moments was the e:s:· A r t ended. ·, . . , namen b h d. mners ease .Drown Providence I soci t on c ourt � u�day m game he . t rm�sion Wo 0a · With monotonous the vs. . k r m e . itlitliiJi bigger ath letic pro- event will members f the v r8ity Kings- Rutgers --at ! n omb at ons the citing and then the crowd was aroWled too the ein ;' . b n won number 19, 20 2 I asi everal c m s. Crichton Cluesmann. ·� has been plan- : tennis e r w also me and I U g l he ID ement. Eeach team toug 1 gram than evei before The e ill b iie g three quarter�, t _ excit h pl c !lade a. team. e a 1 o n � local to intense Witn h � ell- a ed ned for the boys. team. The home straight Thurs against the Saturday, No1J. 27 . ! in t o l ldmg a had one chance to score and failed. was dow e er .� !varsity , Army Navy at Philadelphia c urtsters bad r ub e ho d y ey on tbePlillttlii! � . c p t t ve day night vs. o m pull a bo n in the fi Di � g ld bas been marked rooms will have om e i i C f ll e . e YMCA young b vs. ! i itors who had Plainfield ed er rst ks n g � The p laym fie intra- I rf1 d we r th \ Colum ia Stanford at New York small lead over the s h ne 4. o t pr m , � , ys when, wit o yard am c rs o h into six parts. Twelve intra�ural mural softball games. This gra D wl 245 I and a fast, s hort serie• of p a , h e n � infield booq{� lanm'd o o mgm League. Beyer a perfect ml r own C b 8 fair offu t a or soccer will is p insure the 8 Ii ! defense go, fo t down, on thei 36, fleet balfbaek �[a!: hu11t< -f b ll go . 8& to ch oo games to pa ticipati n Men 8 A. L ff s . v · h 'f wenty-� ur : largeBt n m er rRoosevelto and Wilk he influentia! PARK GAR GE S IPS passing en e . to c e a !me buck 8 : on in one a!ternoon. � th� u o� e ; 202 I o fourth period, with the quarterback a d line t e P d own theeuiawe.c; of b scores, although219 wereKern s and D1 Going into the ll first to h 8 o l l will o Jn a d tio , m the school's athletics. B I 20-20, J cn on of which fail d. It was the br ak Coa Di B � �t· �b e llOln61 mpe e. d i n boys P I UT CLINGS TO T OP at s e ch ll r nn fir.'' c t risco's 201 count.ed, Beyer's average . he h e u W e i homerooms field there • t Rscore knotted a fou hot and of t e gam � t estfield faced t by stoppi n c aes lllld 1iif'. the improved playing was 201. 212 d Cl f - I -- angers dropped l s tossed it s rgel!s t.o h Young's le the i f the a pass ro o g eetennis court and two a<1d- I StandJDii tli• J g put the ACs out away on lngh f m bers for two f u r H

W cstfteld 2-3346 Dr. Henry N. Turner , SURGEON CHIROPOD IST EAST BROAD STREET I 224 Westfield, N. J, I

All the local news-while it's news llAYll K'l'All'l'I NU thru SATURDAY 1'U1UNI U!ll \'IN!I -in the LEADER, llAY TODAYliJ:rJ18Contlnuons Thanlis11Yins31J Da Cl'HIOVIJ I'. Wl�DNl•]fl !JAY NIOllT) SPENCER TRACY, LUISE RAINER "WHISnlNG In IN THE DARK" CITY" "BIG

"Y" PLAYERSA u n.\\'H M'l'A.ll'rniu Presentation ROOSEVELT JUNIOR HIGH FRIDAY SATURDAY & December 4 3 and Evenings 8 :30 P. M. Saturday Matinee for Children GUEST TICKETS AV ABLE AT M. C. AIL­A. Y. -Students ore enthusiastic about the new I. S. LAMPS. Long hours E. / of reading and writing ore less tiring 'PhSURGEONoR.w�r P:CHIR OPODIST (Marge)-That's EAST BROADeAs STREs1rrET under the soft, scientifically dif­ 227 I WtndrirldtWest&eld, Rolldlas N. J. fused light they provide. The Rose­ the lamp need ville Pottery Lamp illustrated is on I'll ASK DAD I. S. "light conditioning" lamp E. to get me one I SALE carrying the approval of the Illumi­ DRUG nating Engineering Society. At Jarvis �· This lamp will "light condition" See PAGE 9 at the study table. It combines direct and indirect light using · o single watt light bulb centered 100 in a gloss reflector. The result is ade­ COLDS I nnd quate,glareless, restful illumination. FEVERflrlffdny F<1r RMI Dnr.-n.lna Vl111lt Price-$7.95 cosh-$6.95 if you USIC U11uld. GREGORY'S trade on old lamp. See this and Nowt"•rnhlrh• lludube JO minulu In Snlvr. 'l'rv,uro111• nJy 'f' J111nt" Music Shop and Studio other S. table and floor lamps •'ltuJi .. ..J,lnhuent -World'• Uul N'e,.- Jer11t7'• JarM't""t nnd mo•t I. E. eompletr JQU•dc •hop., displayed at Public Service stores. £.s::pe-rt nepnlrln«. They may be purchased on terms 332 WEST FRONT STREET, with small carrying charge. AD�� �! ! PLAINF1ELD, N. J. R !r:uhM�T�C L L N -__ ..,,..,____ Q G rr rnde Accepted. _ OPEN ..fo• EVENINGS Enough Outletsfor OPEN-EVERY-NITE I I SUNDAY AFTERNOON � Enough lighi'l I'/ \ Ul•'Tll 1 �Are there "dork spots" whlcli could be properly lighted if there BTARTll l'IJANK�GJ\'INO VAY --I were available outlets? The neces­ I J I i 4 ------!PINCH DYS sary equipment for better home RACY OLA RcpRirinrr on the premises. Brina Notary Public with an old lump T Wn doin Doll now t o lighting con be hod at little cost. EOBGEIn thern Lef tJra h ru1l1. tr11derlin. '" G PERSONAL CARDS See your local electrical dealer. JmprintedCHR withISTMAS Nama L E. Tantum RA'iNER "MADAME 50 Leader Office, Elm St. for $1.00 60 "B IG LAZAAR'S ,PUBLI� SERVICE WAHIN 'Phone Weatfield 2-4407 WILLl4Mx� COR. EAST FRONT STREET and WATCHUNG AVENUE __!!-AINFIELD, N. AN TlllS CHRISTMAS. ANYPUBLIC llRVICI EMPLOYI ABOUT THUi LAMP SPECIAL CITY" Toi. Ploinfield 6-1758 J, MAKI IT EUCTRICAL Gin ASIC x��� THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1937 •••• Sisteea MOUNTAINSIDE �RWOOD NEWS �I CJhcSNAPSJ.IQT CUil� D� E=L E= G=A=TE=P= R=ES=E=NTS= =� Pf UPILSBUILD BANK LEARN YOUR LIGHTING HONORS TO BOROPTA TO HELP ARITHMETIC j • RA� A blue ribbon signifying of Miss Miriam Eisenring's fo rth membership subscribing· 34%the na grade pupils have established a banku ­ r tional Parent-Teacher magazine,to to­ in rder to make arithmeti wo k o · c gether with certificates in more reali tic. CENT of th publicity book compiledrecognition by Mrs. During bsanking hours, child en pre­ e te r Frank Lyding lllld tne attain ent of sent their money to llers and con­ 100%-15 g a s set by them state duct business with other "bank offi· IL6Boci'1tlon"were o ls-a Mountain­ cials.'' Funds to build the bank were eide �st weekprese11ted at the school by realized th ough the sale of home­ Mrs. Pl'Gilbe1·t A Pittenger, substitute del­ made ca dy.r egate the recent State Parent­ Garwoodn teac ers who attended the h Teachers' Teaehers� convention. annual New Jersey State tided : C. M. Vanderbilt of Newark spoke c nvention Atlantic City incl o Batlu t, supervising rinci on Y arly Robert e re­ R. n Victor Leopna d, port"Visual of summer Education." round-up was given pal ; Franklin Wicks, r ornel a by Mrs. Other re­ Miss Sylvia Epright, Miss C i ­ pman, Miss Marjorie Smith, Miss ports werChal'lese by Mrs. Shomo. Rus sell Knapp, Chi ss Marian ways and means committee; M_rs. Miriam Eisenring, M George, is Anne Tobiasen,i Miss f'rederick Spitzhoff, parent education M s Alice committee; Paul Davis, safety com­ Geneva Musgrove and Miss Rogers. mittee, and Mrs. J. C. Peter, mem­ bership committee. Miss Marjorie The 5·A pupi have collected a con· ld bl ls Perry's eighth grade dass won the s era e amount of tinfoil which wlll s te o l attendance banner. Hostesses were : pre en d the "Tinf i Lady," of be to Mrs. Harry Welland, chairman ; Plainfield. is sold for the benefit It C. akeF.r, Mrs. Harry Boyton, of le er relief. Members of the Ii-A Mrs. B p Mrs. C. G. Brokaw, Mrs. M. P. Chat­ class re completing large class pic­ ture depictinga life ina a Pilgrim vil­ tin, Mrs. W. B. Cole, Mrs. Conrad, ts lage. The Pil ims on their way to Mrs. J. W. Cord , Mrs. George Dan­ gr Hugo Eitel, and Mrs. church, the log cabin and Indians In Williamenhour, Doyle.Mrs. the back ground are part of the scene. The children are executing life-sized Canful H1htlftl, low .,.. te -l al•, 11vtt tllle •oharttter portr1lt" Ill pictures of members of the Puritan unu•ua flr1ll1ht effect. no direct lllht 1blnes Into the cam• colony. roa eYer trtell •hooting DRIVERS PAY FINES er l na. · Seventy pup!ls are enrolled at Lin­ AVllawa1 whole roll on COURT a o! tllm one a e u manr aa the INBOR OUGH coln School and sixty at Washington .ubJeot,H not changing ltl poaltlon In · lenlth'fl7 of the ftlm rpoalUonaoll allow1. When School, for the tap dancing classes the least but merel1 alterlogthe Charged with speeding or careless picture• are developed a d print· As· the lig t ·. W'll1 tho four motorists sponsored by the Parent-Teacher h on Route 1trllle1 IU ell, the dllferencea will a1tounn you. driving -29, sociation under the direction of Miss It a1 1eem tool11h and were arraigned Thursday before Jus­ Study them and :vou w ll learn:I what Drew Mossman, WPA recreation su· gant 111but It can be one of hHtraY&·e most tice of the Peace Frank Lyding. Each t ca be done with lightl when It 11 pervlsor. The enrollment Is about hnport1mt photocraphlc leHona rou p id a fine of $10 and coats. They properl7n u1ed. double that of last year when the eYer toulr. aer · Smith, Liberty rou don't like 1tlll a classes were Introduced on w e FrankPlainfi eJ.ld ,John Suntuk,12.& Coop· th r the 1eUrle1 portraltt, u lnglife, tr)'nme . Tl'1 It thil ao r: that olJ. •treet, Elias; Sims, Easton, Pa., picture li&Te no penon ofand the 11mea posethe but dlf• · Jeeta In a real fQ. enbur&',nd Sidney Pa., Marks, Millburn. S1hmit1PT ReportA them1eln1 that a l the ferent angle1 or lighting. From pie· teremt In a Frank Green, New Brunawiek, lntereat 11 the botwar tber arel to picture, racial expression t u k minus , A report on the recent PTA con­ lighted-howID l t 1trlkea, charged with operating a r c the l rh wtllture aatonlahlngly-dead wi h tail light, and also having a long ventlon at Atlantic City was submit­ •badow• are In the wohowrd• llatfront Yal')' light, 1lnl1ter with the lightt . ova erhang with no signal device as ted last week by Mrs. E. W. Severs of great Frenchcaat. photosrapher, Or, th1t low and dlrect11 In front, 1tartiell lllllety measure, was fined $5 and costs at the meeting in Lincoln School of thea eubJect 11 nothblr, the llrhtlnr evea terrllled with the light loll' . on e ch count; , the Garwood PTA. Franklin Wicks, II eYel'1tblng. anllor nd on, Johna Conway, Union City, charged vice president, presided In the absence pboto oo4. lamp In a 'l'heto one nma 1!de, truea 10of land1cape1 •. with reckless driving, was fined •r> of Mrs. Lester Stetfen, president. Mrs. leTatector anda anllnge num�er r•of each hourII of the da:v they a nd 'costs and Martha C. Hutcheson Dorothy Pearse's sixth grade won the amall obJect11-1a7a 1ome fruit aplll• Withchange, the deep morning 1hadow1 aGladstone, charged speeding, was, attendance award. The program con­ IDS from bowl-on white tabl dwlndlln1 Into noon and growlnr fined '10 and costs.with sisted of talks by the following mem­ top.H n aenough aenerala room lighet again Into the grandeur of evening, u a bers of the fac lty gin detail bl the 1hallow1. Light 11 the photographer's wort­ supervising principal-: Robert"Home R. Blunt;Work, toNow 1et up rour camera llrml1 ln1 m terial, clay from Twe Men Get$38 ia What Kind and How Much" ; Mias With the lrht right bealda It, for which ahe model•thehla plaaUc pictures. Btud1 l Holdap Anne Toblasen, first grade teacher, roar flnt picture. Tate another with It. Learn what lighting can do and Gu Statitn "Importance of Reading" ; and Mr. the light far to left anll high up. applp rour knowledge and you will m. Sunday, two men Wicks, "The Appllc1,tlon of Psycho). Take one with thelight dlrectl7 produce plct11re1 of which 1ou w ill o'l'er pproAbout1ch e4d p.Dunn's service station, ogy in the Making of Better Parents the 1ubfect. Takethe one with It behind be proull. a and New Providence road, and Teachers." Refreshments were the1ubJect, ahadlnr the bulb 10 that -John nn Oullder Rout.e 29 served under the direction of Mrs and leveled at Irvin Schneck, · -- attendant. Resistanceguns wasg offered by Carol Warbasse, instructor of home. on r da o Stirlngneld an o omics. N. F i y er!�• requesting l!cheneck, but he was knocked down ec n twaJ., , November 12th, 1937, roprlnllon; of $3,600.00 be Incl udedSP· and relieved of his change carrier alld at Directorp. m. presiding. Roll call r t o In sh ' 1 Meisele e � nte�':i��� t co"����11•_r:;ir�g�11:.!!.1 bills amountin about •so.25. r referred Po­ �r�t!1'a1 01J1 �!� �e�i?:; n�f October .:Agentr In Un to0nr Count� wae g Wuniq C ittee of the "hole.. lice Chief to lauea wore approved as per print• To omm from Charles 'Honecker Invest!· 28th 1937 on the members Co nloatlon nPproveddesk•. Cra mmd ex ,reeeln their nppreclallon . . Chief of Po ice Al beit shfie d edResolution copies' thnt all bills nfor u Township of p�henckted described the holdup l W. A l t be r f announced Saturday that the police ad· I °.:':"i��greiJ�}i';!­ S rl �ven aJ>out 5 feet, inch s tall, dmarenk, Or<6��J'g1�a t'to� � fr�� �g;, he �fnck'��1�o��h e will summon to court ch!ldren caught 1 o lT r fe red aa111ed!um build, ones· about 80 years and f a�Pfu�� !Jl.T�� [�g h�P�{��·b'!i 1ri't��� was e r trespassing on . school property after ��·111.� llli�: \�''U'a�:�� t m 1 Pr s t Term the other about 25. The station has Clerk and lilben1 Keuchel as ExtraJ Jail Copy of Rsol tton of e en school hours. He said that, In spite recelveosed matters, wasrd received trom the Prose· a1·e keep of school lawns trntllc •lgnals \burn . nt Route and Mll culor, � rei>orts e and premises,to violationsoff of tha edict Avenue was rererred 24 Road Com- Month}) w r rbcelvod from mlttee.' t-o the following and orderede flied: Coun· con inue. t n GiveVidory Dinner t 0�eJ!::�l��10ta!,t'���cec �1ro�{ 1����r:101���� �f nafrom"h0� ftvEast Milton Avenue to lD1\.f;t �\rW T���i���f�th hts nn1l cg����� .T tl �lp•stclqn; · The victory dinner for. Mayor-elect Grand Avenue, to be take over ne· ,helrrd DistrictMfln Court;eures: Public n Property, MERCHANTS ARRANGE Et 1 Alan T s Councilmen-elect ad a ref r n to R-0ad ut l m homp on and ·gg��ltt!�. , w s er ed ��1�;:::3R J:�go�t �� l\?�i;� �� �����· Wynant B. Cole · and Fred J. Wep· SHOPPING CAMPAIGN Applloadon for position l'urchn•· Hqultn C m ss n, nnd Longii�� of nnd o i io successful candidates ·or lng Age11t1 was reclllvcd from l'Juy Co. roprlatlons, wns ndovted.In r np· Union, �questlng int r Reirnlutlon bv Committe thn , 10, am! Fiecre stock of r 11rotectlon of e � of 30. , chand e, among which are many �cctlon of Street, with Jndla.n 'Vhnle rncotnmt;""ntllng the appotntrnonte August is n e as n was grand displays of appropriate h liday Chei_;itnutY 0n rfo �nt���f ��lv , L w l�lbrarlan, T W 1 r������'S t n tt �ra!�v:.r\�;!tc;�rcy 1 O ELS ===�======:::;::: gifts. o ���Communl('nllon Louis ll.('1tolutlo11. Committee !!9------� I cnllln).!' nttentlott tntrom df\.n •trrrou� UesPc,condl· '\'hole reC(lmmendlngby the a ppotofnt incnthe 1 ov a er t · 1A�·�ri�n ;:x F1��l hA����1�1:, w�1� �/�;�11�� �;�(1'�?::���e�u���1���:t�� Synopsit o( Minutes of il��rt>fcrrOOrjl: to BrldgeN, n lnnge and ��Tlrnro hf'lng no further buslne11sand ! lt""'loo