Moths of North Carolina - Early Draft 1

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Moths of North Carolina - Early Draft 1 Noctuidae Egira alternans Alternate Woodling Moth 80 70 n=11 • • • 60 • • • High Mt. • • • 50 • • • N 40 • u 30 • • • • • m 20 • • • • b 10 • 0 • • • e • • • • r 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 • 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 NC counties: 41 • • • Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec • o 80 • • f 70 n=66 • = Sighting or Collection 60 • Low Mt. High counts of: • • in NC since 2001 F 50 • = Not seen since 2001 l 40 140 - Macon - 2001-04-21 • 30 i 140 - Macon - 2001-04-21 g 20 10 Status Rank h 101 - Brunswick - 1994-04-11 0 NC US NC Global t 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 D Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec a 80 80 t 70 n=21 70 n=244 e 60 Pd 60 CP s 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 15 5 25 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Three periods to each month: 1-10 / 11-20 / 21-31 FAMILY: Noctuidae SUBFAMILY: Noctuinae TRIBE: Orthosiini TAXONOMIC_COMMENTS: A genus of some 23 species, most are North American but others come from Japan, South Africa, Turkey and the type from Europe. It is almost certainly a polyphyletic genus and in need of revision. We have but a single species in North Carolina and it does not seem particularly close to the European type species. FIELD GUIDE DESCRIPTIONS: Covell (1984); Beadle and Leckie (2012) ONLINE PHOTOS: TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION, ADULTS: Forbes (1954), as Xylomiges alternans TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION, IMMATURE STAGES: Wagner et al. (2011) ID COMMENTS: Pattern fairly distinct but could be confused with Psaphida rolandi. In Egira look for the alternate light and dark rings on the abdomen, there is often a reddish flush overlaying the forewing pattern, and it is in flight slightly later than Psaphida. In the heath habitats of the Coastal Plain it is often the most common spring noctuid whereas Psaphida species are quite uncommon. Sexes are similar. DISTRIBUTION: Found in wooded habitats from the coastal islands to the higher altitudes in the western part of the state. FLIGHT COMMENT: Univoltine, with adults flying in the spring, from March to May HABITAT: We have records from nearly every type of habitat in the state, from Maritime Scrub, Peatlands, Longleaf Pine Habitats and river floodplains in the Coastal Plain to mesic and dry ridges in the Piedmont and Mountains. FOOD: Larvae are reported from a wide variety of woody plants but preferences are unknown. We have found it on highbush blueberry in the Coastal Plain but it likely has a much broader range of foodplants. OBSERVATION_METHODS: Adults can be very common in traps in March and April (and May in the mountains). They do not come to bait but have been seen at spring flowers such as plum. NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM RANKS: G5 [S5] STATE PROTECTION: Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands. COMMENTS: We have numerous records for this species, unlike many others that fly at the same time of the year. Egira appears to be one of the most ubiquitous and abundant species in the state and is quite secure. March 2021 The Moths of North Carolina - Early Draft 1.
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