_3^ TODAY'S LIGHTING-UP TIME Sunrise: 7,07 a.m.—Sunset: 6.00 p.m. Lighting-up time: 6.30 p.m. Rule of Road: KEEP LEFT-^PASS ON THE RIGHT aft;? Enpl (SaEPtte aitft Qlnlmtiat 'lathj INCORPORATING fHE ROYAL GAZETTE -Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866)



MAGISTRATE STATES CASE GOVERNMENT HOUSE i YACHTING PARIS STILL IN TURMOIL : THEYJAY m NOVEL *HARGE The following were entertained by His Excellency the Governor and Eldon Trimingham Sails Princess That the news of the Hodsdon's U. Sa ARMY TAXES OVER AIR MAIL Owner Not Responsible for Lady Cubitt at Dinner at Govern­ to Victory in One Designs shelter was warmly appreciated. ment House on Saturday, Febru­ • * * Keeping Dog off Street ary 10th. Wednesday afternoon saw the That but for pressure of work at second race of the Winter Cham­ the P.W.D. it might have been Hurting Chaplain Made Dean of Bristol—Storm- Acting Magistrate Donald C. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. B. Talbot. Smith yesterday gave a stated case pionship for the Bermuda One built some time ago. Lt. Col. and Mrs. J. Baxendale. * * i Wrecked Ship's Crew Rescued—Nine Mur­ in the Hamilton Police Court on a Designs. Six starters came to case of some interest because of Captain and Mrs. F. 0. Misick. the line with Eldon Trimingham That the progress on the St. David's derers Die for Crimes—Canada Test Ship­ the somewhat unusual nature of Major and Mrs. A. W. U. Moore. sailing Seward Johnson's white bridge is most satisfactory. the charge. A man had been charg­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. p. Vesey. yacht Princess, and a fine start was a a a ment of Grain—Royal Party's West ed with committing a nuisance by Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Arton. made. Flirt being over first fol­ That the old old story of St. David's allowing a female dog to ream about Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gosling. lowed closely by Cyric II, Cardinal, residents who havefeever travelled Indian Tour—U.S. Stock Regula­ the Streets. Captain and Mrs. P. J. McKevitt. Princess, Starling and Longtail all as far a3 St. Georges will soon Mr. Gaff. practically overlapped. be impossible. tion Inaugurated — Trinidad He was cenvicted and fined on a a a * charge cf failing to have the dog Mr. Stuart Elliott. The going out of the harbour Agitates for Seaplane Base registered, but was acquitted en the Miss L. Grissell. saw the Flirt drawing into the lead That it is curious that the only The Lord Carew. A.D.C. with the Cyric a close second and saints in the island are down other charge and the police asked at the East End. —Alcorn Gets Life Sen­ for a stated case. oo Cardinal next, this order being * a m Yesterday the Acting Magistrate maintained until rounding the tence—King of Siam ruled that he could find no legal ROTaARlANS aAND CLUBMEN Pearl Island Buoy for the flow off That fishing faculties for visitors leeward to Morgan's Island Buoy. are being provided. grounds or precedent under which * a a Enroute to U.S. a man could be convicted of creat­ ARRIVE TODAY Here a good deal of jockeying took ing a nuisance in those circum­ place off the wind with the boats That the next thing to provide is fishing weather. stances. Big Parties for Bermudiana and behind blanketing the leaders but » * * BRITAIN RETALIATES PARISIAN ANGER UNABATED At the same court Ernest Martin the last four boats interfered with was accused of failing to wear his St. George's Hotels one another and allowed the Flirt That the hardy like deep sea trips. » * * Hints of Drastic Political Changes driver's badge on the evening of and Cyric to keep their lead and Cuts French Imports to Meet February 7th. He pleaded guilty Two important tours arrive to­ they rounded the leeward mark That even they are spoiled when —Doumergue Appeals for and explained that he tad taken the day from New York. They are the in first and second position some one starts fishing. French Redaction armlet off to ^>ut on his raincoat tours arranged by the Town Hall respectively where the other four a a * Peace Club ard League for Political scrambled for the inner berth at That the Legislative Council gets and had then forgotten to put the through a lot of work in a short LONDON, Feb. 11 (CP)—-The badge back on. Education, of New York, and the the mark. This was secured by Government announced over the time. PARIS, Feb. 11 (CP)—Paris over He was fined 5/-. Twent,-ninth District of the Ro­ Cardinal who therefore rounded in * * * weekend that it would invoke for the weekend continued to witness oo—— tary Club. Both are expected to be third position, followed by Starling, tbe first time the retaliatory clause sporadic outbursts from commu­ fairly large groups. Princess and Longtail. Just after That one wonders whether this is of the Import Duties Aet as a wea­ nistic groups here and there, and in BRITWSNAVY CRITICIZED The Rotarians will go straight rounding the mark the Cardinal's due to the limited number of pon to deal what it alleges are dis­ the working section of the city from the Monarch, when she docks, stay plate pulled out and she al­ members. criminatory French quotas on Bri­ there were several gun battles with to the Bermudiana Hotel, where most lost her mast. This neces- * * * Naval Author Forecasts Obsolete That with 36 members debates tish imports. At the toeginning of the police. Two churches were set they will stay until Wednesday. Continued on Page 2 the year Frence cut by 75% the on fire by rioters and several public might be prolonged. Ships in 1936 Their programme calls for lunch -00- import quotas on a numerous list buildings were beseiged. A great with the Hamilton Rotary Club on * * * of British goods. Early representa­ amount of looting was done on LONDON, Feb. 11 (CP)—Captain the Wednesday forenoon. PR.4ISE FOR LOCAL That perhaps t.*ie real reason is tions by the British Government Friday night and one policeman was Bernard Acworth declares that the This tour has been arranged to that members know what tbey brought about a modification of killed while hundreds on both British Navy would be powerless synchronise with the visit to the PHOTOGRaAPHER want to say—and say it. the French measures but Britain sides suffered slight injuries. to protect the United Kingdom's Bermuda clab of Governor Reeve remained unsatisfied, as the modi­ Parisians of the working class food supplies in home waters or Vanneman of the Twenty-ninth "The Bermudian," January, That there are some interesting fication did not. embrace quotas appeared determined to crush out coming from the dominions and District, and on the voyage down a 1934. This Magazine is the only conventions due shortly. on cotton goods. what they designated as "the wave territories of the Pacific, in the fact banquet in honour of the Governor production in the British Americas British officials have had this of Fascism*' and often the scenes of a determined attack. and Rotarf Ann Mercy Vanneman which compares in any way with That chief among them are the English Speaking Union rnd retaliatory measure in mind for took on a sense of the comic, es­ Captain Acworth is a retired of­ was held. our own magazine "The Trinidad- some time but have delayed action pecially when women hurled flower Members of the Town Hall Club Ian." Rotarians. ficer and a noted expert on naval * * * on it out of regard for the troublous pots upon the struggling masses in matters and the author of a recent will proceed to the St. George Hotel, Comparisons are odious, but if times in Paris and the expected the streets from upstairs windows, book which has been reeeived with a which will be their headquarters there is any direction in whioh the That a warm welcome awaits them. fall of the French Cabinet. hitting friends and foe alike. great deal of respect by naval for five days. They will fulfill a Bermudian production is superior * * * Owing to the absence of a reply St. Joseph and St. Ambroise correspondents in every leading programme of lectures as well as to our own it is in the direction of That the prospects for a big tennis to its demands the Board of Trade churches suffered somewhat from paper. The book is called "The taking advantage of the opportuni­ photography. tournament grow brighter. has announced that it would launch fire but the police rode into the mob Navy and the Next War," and in it ties for golfing, swimming and Bermuda, of course, is fortunate a* # * retaliatory measures. This British and drove it away from these build­ kindred amusements which the in the possession of one of the most That pre per attention has been Acworth maintains that Britain called to the dangers caused step will reduce imports from ings. learnt nothing from the lessons trip offers. famous photographers in the France by about the same amount 00 Atlantic He is Walter Rutherford, by what is known as the West The city, however, is gradually of the battle of Jutland "where India Colony. of the reduction of British imports taking on a semblance of the nor­ our great ships went down like the English boy who went to Can­ by France. mal; restaurants are open for bus­ ada, learnt his art in the United cockleshells before guns of lighter DEATH OF ONE OF BERMU­ That how some of the members iness and the business traffic moved calibre." States, and perfected it in a Crown got into the island is puzzling. as usual. Behind it all was the The book produces a detailed DA'S OLDEST CITIZENS Colony. strike call of the executive com­ argument that the craze for great In this issue he has achieved a * * * NEW YORK'S COLD WAVE mittee of eight hundred thousand ships and higher speed in capital The funeral of Mr. William remarkable reproduction of the That a good clean-up of the un­ state functionaries. This call was ships is wrong. The fleets of Kempe took place on Friday after­ last scene of Calvary, taken with desirable would do good. issued by the French Federation of foreign powers in 1936 will consist noon at Christ Church, Warwick. the aid of the Freiburg players who 00 Lowest Recorded Temperature Labour because it said that last exclusively of modern vessels, The service was conducted by Rev. recently visited Bermuda. Tuesday's rioting "dictated its whereas our fleet will be obsolete. J. W. Purvis, and the music was in Taken all in all, "The Bermud­ MILITARY BAND CONCERT will, and democracy was threaten­ ian" is a reminder to us of the op­ Brings Death to Nine in City -oo- charge of Mr. Arthur Vorley, who ed dangerously." played the organ. portunity for greater Government The first of rhe band concerts Even while the new Cabinet under HELP FOR FASCIST VICTIMS Deceased was 94 years old and support for local studios. Our to be given during the season by NEW YORK, Feb. 11 (CP)—A Oold the guidance of Doumergue was in had lived in Bermuda since he was cameramen complain there is no the band of the 1st Batt. Manchest­ wave yesterday sent temperatures process of formation, there appeared Lord Marley Presents Scientific four years old when his parents, quota for local films, and if there er Regiment will be given at Par-ia- down lower than ever before re­ to be indications Of sweeping poli­ with three sons, Richard, William are no local newsreels there is little Ville tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 5 corded on the north Atlantic sea­ tical changes in store for the coun­ Report and James, arrived from Cornwall, incentive to get out after news p.m. A second concert will be given board, but gradually released its pictures such as "The Bermudian" on Friday. try. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 11 (CP)— England. hold after registering a large death publishes. The band has a splendid reputa­ Paris has passed through an in­ Lord Marley, chairman of the world Deceased's father, William toll in five states. New York was Excerpt from article in the tion and we feel certain that their surrection aimed mainly against committee to aid the victims of Kempe, was an official in charge of the heaviest loser of life with a list "Trinidad Guardian," Port-of- concerts will be largely attended the Chamber of Deputies, and in German Fascism, said in an address the Convict station for which Ber­ of seventeen, nine being in New Spain, Trinidad. and thoroughly enjoyed. many quarters it is believed that the here last Friday that "of the hun­ muda was then used. York City. Fourteen persons met power and authority of the future Miss Sue Kempe, Mrs. Dudley death from the cold in Pennsyl­ dreds of thousands of people now Deputies will be severely curtailed. suffering in Germany only 10% Conyers, Mr. Charles Kempe and vania; New Jersey reported two, Edouard Herriot was reported as Mr. James W. Kempe are the sur­ Massachuetts three and Ohio fqur. are Jews." In describing the re­ DO YOU STUDY YOUR Minister of Commerce and Com­ port he presented as a scientific viving children. Hundreds of people were treated munications but this was an error. The esteem in which he was held for frozen ears and hands. Trains one compiled by Six inter­ The new Minister of Commerce is national lawyers and six famous was shown by the largely attended CHILDREN ? were delayed aid liners making Lucien Lamoureux, and Com­ funeral and the many beautiful their way into NewJTork harbour physicians, Marley said the aim of munications Minister is Andre the committee was to provide food floral tributes. were hours late. Rremen fought Mallarme. Henri Queuille has scores of fires and were hampered and shelter for various groups oo Albert Edward Wiggam Describes Child Study been appointed Minister of Agri­ which, he charged, were being by the freezing of the water almost culture. B.V.R.C. SMOKING CONCERT Herald Tribune as soon as it left the hose nozzles. prosecuted. "Any man," he con­ in Continued ou Page 2 tinued, "receiving help from our ON THURSDAY NIGHT -00- organisation is liable to arrest and imprisonment. Help must be given Surley the historian of the future i our psychologists are testing four DEPaARTMENT OF in an underground way. This Corps Bids Farewell to R.S.M. will describe this as "The Age of [ or five million more every year. RADICAL U. S. MAIL ACTION method is known to only three the Child." Think of it, i„ was only This enables parents and teachers AGRICULTURE living persons, one an American, Price of Permanent Staff twenty-three or twenty-four years to know what to expect individual one a Frenchman and one an Eng­ ago, at Iowa University, that the children to be able to do. Then Private Contracts Cancelled— Bermuda Tomatoes in New York lishman." The distribution is At a smoking concert of the very phrase "Child Welfare" was ' they can give the bright child men­ Routes Assigned to Army done by non-Germans living in B.V.R.O. on Thursday night the invented—probably by Dean Carl E. j tal tasks that will give exercise to POTATO PRICES ADVANCE IN Germany. The risk they take, said members of the Corps took fare­ Seashore! And now I look upon the its fine abilities; and, which is also Planes MONTREAL Lord Marley, is worthy of Our high­ well of R.S.M. Price, of the Royal shelf just above me as I write and important, they can refrain frcm ja-. est regard. Warwickshire Regt., who has been see a string of volumes with such giving the slower child mental Messrs. Mutual Brokers ask for on the permanent staff of the titles as "The Psychology of the WASHINTON, Feb. 11 (CP)— oo tasks which will cause it only won r 600 crates of potatoes by C.N.S. Corps for nearly four years and Ohild. "The Unadjusted Child," The United States Army will take and nervous strain and which, in Lady Rodney leaving Bermuda, leaves Bermuda shortly. ' 'The Gifted Child." ' 'The Nervous over the flying mails from twelve NOTED RAILWAY MAN the end, will develop the worst thing Tuesday 13th. $1.75 is offered for There was an excellent turn-out Child," etc., end I see piles of special concerns which fcave held domestic in the world, a sense of inferiority No. 2's of whieh 400 or more are ARRIVES TODAY of members of the Corps, two laboratory reports on "The Left- contracts. President Roosevelt end failure. wanted, $3.00 for No. l's. Fancy contingents being present from Handed Ohild." "The Stammering ordered the abrogation of these Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hanne, Toron­ I have observed many of thess No. l's are not wanted. Somerset and St. George's. Child." "The Fears of the Child." contracts on last Friday, to be to, arrive today and will make the experiments, in all parts of thie On behalf of all the members "How to Measure the Child's Sense effective February 19. This action TOMATO PACKING HOUSE Belmont their headquarters for a cou ntry, and in Europe. One of the of the Corps, Major Ingham, the of Art." "How to Measure the 1| followed the presentation of evid­ AGAIN OPEN stay of some length. Mr. Hanne most extensive is that conducted by O.C, thanked R.S.M. Price for the Child's Intelligence.," "How to ence gathered by a Senate com­ has many warm friends in Bermuda Professor Lewis Terman and his As the supply of Bermuda to­ efficient and zealous manner in Measure the Child's Mechanical mittee in a long study of the cir­ who are always glad to welcome associates at Stanford University. matoes now exceeds the local de­ which he had carried out his duties. Ability," etc., and here are three | cumstances of letting contracts him. Back in 1920 to 1922 they went f mand, tomato growers are looking Major Ingham wished him the large volumes tel^ng about meas­ during previous Republican admin­ into the schools of and to the Canadian mar" at. The He was one of the pioneers in best of luck and God-speed. uring the honesty, the will power istrations. Canadian Railways and his book on by mental tests and other means Station Tomato Paaking House is Two presentations were made and the co-operativeness of more they picked out one thousand of The army planes will fly the mails again open to receive tomatoes for the subject is full of historical and to R.S.M. Price during the course than ten thousand children in a technical information. More re­ the very brightest children. Please v over thirty-four routes. Pan- export. of the evening: a silver cigarette single experiment. note that they picked them out American Airways, which carried Farmers are advised that trans­ cently he was appointed the head case from the Bermuda Cadet More than thirty million children just for sheer brightness—nothing the mails to Caribbeam and South planted beets will not be received of tbe Ontario Liquor Commission, Corps and a clock from the mem- and his wise administration has have had their intelligence tested else. Their idea was to find out American ports, is not included in at the Government Packing Houses Continued •• Page 2 Continued on P»je 2 tbe cancellation order. for packing. evoked much commendation. durihg the last eighteen years, and

ey, the stagt/Jn!_l Q flNftfifc, H ARIGOLD, COSMOS — Whe doea it all, -ra­ ws* KffiBBB'iSBgSggSSSgflgSi "aC Pag? 2 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1934


Continued from P«fe 1 MECHANICS HALL THEATRE By Public Auction . what the eaverage gifted' child is Under the power of sale contained really like. Is he frail, anemic, in a mortgage there will}» sold on Feb. 10. nervous and queer, as he is usually Thursday, the 22nd day of Febru­ A great gale^ blowing this day pictured in cartoons, or is'he a ary, 1934, at 2.00 o'clock in the pretty husky child after all? PARAMOUNT so that I am unable to take my DOES IT AGAIN. afternoon on the premises in Paget weekly exercise at golf. So it comes They measured more than five Parish ALL THAT certain lot of about that my dear wife, well hundred of these children in thirty land situate in Paget Parish In the used to the chilly blasts of Nova seven different measurements— Islands of Bermuda delineated on Scotia, doth reproach me, for a arms, legs, chest, neck, height, ^ ^ ™ ^ This Mighty Story from the plan annexed to an Indenture thin-blooded 'Mudian, uneasy save weight, etc. The surprising finding dated the 13th day of June, 1930, when being scorched like a sala­ was that the brilliant child— NEW YORK DAILY NEWS the pen of E. ARNOT. and made between Thomas Mac- mander. many of them genuine child prodig­ Kay Doe of the one part and the . But I suspect she is disappointed ies—is on the average superior to the ROBERTSON is a mortgagors of the other part and for that she is full of enthusiasm ordinary child in every single thrilling tale of adven­ therein coloured pink and designat­ after taking another lesson from measurement. There were excep­ Men who called her a pest... ed as "No. 6" (Six) and bounded my enemy Nicol Thompson. That tions, yet, as a rule, the bright ture now brought to the NORTH-WESTERLY by the lot master of flattery has persuaded children were measurably bigger now fought for her favors! designated in the said plan as "No. here that she has Bobby Jones in and healthier specimens than chil­ screen by CECIL B. 5" (five) in the possession of Walter the hollow of her hand and me dren in general. They had less Thomas Lindsay and there measur­ at the heel of her mashle. She indigestion, they slept better, they school DeMILLE. ing One hundred arid thirty-eight returned yesterday from Belmont were less nervous, they had fewer feet NORTH-EASTERLY by the with a strange story that she had physical defects and they even ^untamed road or way sixteen feet in width lost six balls through driving them weighed over half a pound more, The amazing and excit­ coloured yellow in the said plan and too far from the practice tee, and on the average when they were born! graceful there measuring Fifty feet SOUTH­ that golfers passing by all wondered The whole story is that parents EASTERLY by the lot designated as |i: whose skins ing experiences of four whether she was Joyce Wethered who have a little genius in their "No. 7" (Seven) in the said plan in or Helen Hicks. home need not be worried that its Transformed persons who get lost in the possession of Alfred Gerald 0 a a normal mental activities will cause Smith and Kathleen Louise Smith As for that master of terminolo­ a nervous breakdown or that it is tbe jungle the Malayan Jungle. and there measuring One hundred gical inexactitude, Nicol, he had going to die young or be sent to the and thirty-eight feet SOUTH­ the effrontery to tell her that reformatory. Fortunately, Pro­ ^ ladies and You will be delighted WESTERLY by land of the heirs or never in my palmy days had I fessor Terman has been able now with this original and devisees of Thomas Sandiford Doe driven balls so smoothly or so far. to follow these children from the male and female! deceased and there measuring Fifty So she is peevish today for that I time he first started to study them— daring picture so bril­ feet OR HOWEVER OTHERWISE refuse to play in a wind that chills about ten or twelve years ago— the said lot of land may be bounded me to the marrow and would down to the present time. Dr. liantly acted and skil­ may measure or ought to be de­ divert my ball from the narrow Barbara Burks has written a book SCIL B. scribed TOGETHER WITH the and straight fairways of Frascati. telling the individual stories of fully directed. dwelling house thereon erected and My dear mother-in-law has also several hundred of these children. the appurtenances thereto belong­ taken the game up. More than A few of them of course have done e MILLB'S ing. that. In taking the game up she well, but most of them are now The New York Daily AND at 3.00 o'clock in the after­ is also taking my lawn up as she sailing along, finishing school or noon on the premises in Pembroke receives the second-hand instruc­ college with brilliant records, and News describes the pro­ Parish ALL THAT certain other lot tion of Nicol from my dear wife. some are already getting degrees as OUR of land situate in Pembroke Parish I did leave home one morning doctors of science, or developing duction as another mas­ in the Islands of Bermuda deline­ full oi pride that my estate was in as artists, or engineers or business ated in the plan annexed to an fair order, smooth lawns and neat men and women and highly suv- terly effort by the wizard Indenture dated the Sixth day of flower beds adorning the approach cessful persons. TENH) September One thousand nine hun­ to the golden stairway. I thought of Professor Terman's of the talking screen. dred and thirty-two and made be­ Alas! When I returned home to studies the other day when I read tween Herbert Spencer Grice Cris­ lunch, the lawn looked like the of the results of the experiment PEOPLE son of the one part and James pictures of some Egyptian scene with twin boys, Johnny and Jimmy, Henry Edward Rayner (called in the th ALSO TODAY where archaeologists had been now being carried on by the Neuro­ said deed James Henry Rayner) of honeycombing the terrain in logical Institute of New York. From CLAUDETTE COLBERT Paramount's Pictorial the other part designated as lot search of buried tombs. the time they were a few minutes number Forty-nine (49) and therein Yet did she count her time well- old until now, when they are some HERBERT MARSHALL "THENaAMEISFAMALUR" coloured pink and bounded on the spent. nineteen months old, Johnny has NORTH by a road or way Fourteen "I loffed three balls clean over been trained to do all sorts of MARY BOLAND "A CASTILIAN GARDEN" feet in width separating the lot of the net," she chirruped. stunts, while Jimmy, like Topsy, WILLIAM GARGAN And land now being described from the She had indeed! In another hour has "just growed.' lot numbered Fifty-five (55) on the she would have lofted the whole Johnny, at birth, was smaller 4 Paramount Picture Latest News of the World. said plan formerly held with the demesne mto the Marsh and put and slightly weaker than his twin lot of land now being described and an end to the Folly. brother. And this, perhaps, gave now in the possession of Donald 00 greater slgnificfnce to the experi­ Francis Atwood and there measur­ B.V.R.C. SMOKING CONCERT ment, for Johnny now far exceeds TODAY at 3, 7 and 9 p.m. Usual Prices. ing One hundred feet on the EAST Jimmy in his feats of strength by a road or way Fourteen feet wide ON THURSDAY NIGHT and courage, and he is somewhat coloured yellow on the said plan heavier as well. separating the lot of land now being Continued from Page 1 their physical and mental develop­ quite broadly, the training does described from land formerly held A little more than two weeks ago ment. not seem in this particular pair YACHTING with the lot of land now being de­ the twins gave a public demon­ bers of the B.V.R.C. This clock It was a natural reaction that of twins to have had much effect. scribed and now in the possession stration of their prowess. Johnny had crests of the Warwickshire many mothers, on reading of the When the twins were forty-six Continued from Page 1 of John Murray Hamilton and there scrambled up a steeply inclined Regt., and the B.V.R.C. on an in­ experiment, said to themselves: "I weeks old he tried training one to measuring One hundred feet on the plane, he swam at a lively rate, he scribed silver plate. am going to put my child through climb up a short stairway, the sitated her going about and re­ SOUTH by the lot numbered Forty- dove off the edge of the pool, and The Cadet Corps presentation this procedure and develop their training occupying a few minutes tiring from the race. In order to five (45) on the said plan heretofore when he was placed on a high was made by Major Murdoch, V.D., strength and courage." But that daily for six weeks. Then he let get on to the other tack she forced held with the lot of land now being shelf or a book case, be looked Commanding Officer of that Corps. is just what Dr. Tilney and his this twin rest without practice Longtail about, who took a small described and there measuring One calmly over the edge, swung over The clock from the B.V.R.C. was associates wish to discourage. for three weeks and gave her sister hitch into the Eastward before hundred feet and on the WEST by the side, let himself down as far presented by Company Sergeant "You see," he said, "we do not two weeks of training. The second tacking into the Westward after the lot numbered Forty-eight (48) as his arms would reach, and Major Barnes. know ourselves what these facts one beat the first all to pieces. By the rest of the Fleet. on the said plan heretofore held then dropped to the floor, picking R.S.M. Price expressed thanks mean. If any of those mothers only two weeks of training, when The Flirt and Cyric made a long with the lot of land now being de­ himself up after quite a bad jolt, for the gifts. He would never for­ know, they are far and away she was more mature, she outdid tack into the Somerset shore and scribed and there measuring One with a smile. Recently he has get his stay in Bermuda, he said. ahead of us. In the first place, her sister who had had six weeks of positions between them remained hundred feet OR HOWEVER learned to use roller skates, and this R.S.M. Price appealed to all mem­ we do not know with certainty training at an earlier age. unchanged, followed by Starling, OTHERWISE the said lot of land bers of the Corps to support his was included in the demonstration. Princess and at this moment it may be bounded may measure or that the training is what produced When the twins were eighteen successor, R.S.M. Williamson, who Jimmy, on the other hand, per­ looked as if Flirt had sufficient ought to be described TOGETHER these differences in behaviour. We months old he repeated similar would, he said, do his utmost to formed none of these feats. When lead to prevent her being caught. WITH the dwelling house thereon can, of course, speculate; but at experiments with almost identical keep the Corps in the efficient he was placed in a position of the With a variable wind, however, erected and the appurtenances present that is all we can do. One results. Dr. Gesell is careful to state it was in today. slightest danger, he whimpered thing we did find was that up to the positions were constantly thereto belonging. and showed every sign of fear. But point out, however, the very thing ENTERTAINMENT about eight months of age the changing and half-way up to wind­ For further particulars apply to: the most noticeable thing was the that is the entire purpose of this The musical part of the pro­ training of Johnny seemed to have ward Eldon Trimingham seemed to difference in the attitudes of the article to emphasize—namely, that gramme opened witn two items no effect. A new-born baby will get the Princess going very fast, two boys. Johnny will tackle we must not draw sweeping con­ G. O. G. MONTAGU, by the B.V.R.C. Band, under the make swimming movements shaking off first Longtail and Starl­ almost everything he is asked to do. clusions from this and conclude Hamilton, direction of Bandmaster Coad. spontaneously if placed in the water. ing and finally tacking under the especially if he sees a piece of that it does not pay to train a Attorney for the Mortgagee. Pte. Stubbing gave several monolo­ But at about eight months, if lee of the Flirt, almost fetched the candy or a banar.a as a future child. He also states in a letter to gues and S./Q.M.S. V. Blakeman, placed in the water, it merely weather mark which be rounded reward, but Jimmy holds back me much what Tilney pointed J. CRITCHLEY, R.E. told humorous stories. Char­ struggles indiscriminately and in first position. and does minor feats only after a out—that it would be very unwise Hamilton, acter songs were rendered by Sgt. appears frightened. Our work leads Flirt committed a tactical error in good deal of coaxing, and then he for parents to try these experi­ Auctioneer. Kearans, R.A.O.C. us to argue that this may be due ments on their children. standing too far to the Eastward does them with fear and trembling. to the fact that the higher brain, where getting a fair wind she was The highlight of the entertain­ Any observer who watched the The fine thing growing out of it 8150tf.m.w. ment was the film-shown by Ser­ the 'neo-cortex,* has at this stage all is that beyond doubt our psycho­ headed and allowed Trimingham to two boys now without knowing of begun to give the child a new slip through. The order of round­ geant Jeffrey, M.M. This includ­ the experiment, would surely con­ logists and physiologists are build­ ed "shots" of local "events such as evaluation of its environment; it ing up a vast body of knowledge ing the weather mark, which was clude that Johnny was tvr o or three probably has entered into new value Dundonald's Buoy, was Princess, the visit of Sir Julian Cahn's times as bright and courageous as which with proper guidance will ESTATE OF cricket team, scenes at Marsh of a perceiving, appreciating life, increase the number of healthy Flirt, Cyric, Starling and Longtail, Jimmy, or else two or three times as and this may inhibit and over­ and this order was maintained to Folly Road, the Armistice Day old and experienced with life. But boys and girls in the future. ceremony, etc. Another "event" come its previous automatic life. oo— the finish line which consisted of a NORMAN JOSEPH STEELE since the stories describing the broad reach to Two Rock and a which aroused great interest were Some years before these experi­ experiment and the demonstration close reach to the finish line off Deceased the "Emma Gees" war-time scenes, ments with Johnny and Jimmy related that, in so far as the experi­ THIRD MUSICS RECITAL AT the R.B.Y.C. acted by the Machine Gun Corps began, Dr. Arnold GeseL, of Yale, menters can now judge Johnny's Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 18?6» at Warwick Camp and filmed by superiority is due largely to coaching was working out tests to measure WESLEY CHURCH The finish times and percentages are as follows i Sect. 50. Sergeant Jeffrey at that time. and training by Dr. Myrtle B. the mental and motor develop­ ——00—— ment of babies from one month of McGraw, the psychologist in im­ Organ, Piano and Vocal Solos NOTICE is hereby given to cred­ age up to five years and beyond. I Yacht Times % mediate charge of the experiment, itors and others having any debts, PARISIAN ANGER UNABATED once saw him test a couple of 4 4.59.15 i I found to my amazement and Arranged claims and demands against the eighteen-month-old babies. When 3 5.00.35 Continued from page 1 consternation that almost every Estate of Norman Joseph Steele of he had finished I said: "This baby 7 5.00.59 On Saturday hand-to-hand fight­ parent of small children I met was Pembroke Parish in the Islands of can go through college, but I The third musical recital of the 1 5.01.02 ing occurred across barricades starting out to try to make child Bermuda, deceased, who died on don't believe the other one ever series being given at the Wesley 6 5.01.05 thrown up in the streets but the prodigies out of his or her children. the 6th day of January 1934 that Church has been arranged for 5 D.N.F. battles ebbed before dawn. Thou­ can." The day after the report was Monday, February 19th, at 8 p.m. they are hereby required to forward sands of police won possession of "Oh, no," he replied, "that is too the particulars of their debts published I attended a dinner at The solo pianist will be Miss several miles of streets which had radical. We are not justified as yet which the guests were nearly all Mary Turner playing the Concerto claims and demands to Messrs. been riot-ridden and terrorized in saying tbat.'' college graduates, and they were in A Minor by Greig, with Mr. Hallett and Whitney on or before throughout Friday night. Com­ buzzing with plans for putting their "Well," I answered, "this one can PERSONAL the Fourteenth day of February learn college studies easier than Norman Parker at the organ, Mrs. munists and police exchanged shots three or four-month or year-old 1934 after which date the under­ that one." And he agreed with T. D. Jones, contralto, will be the freely and there were reports of babies through stunts to which I signed Executor will proceed to dis­ that. vocal soloist, and Mr. Norman Congratulations are being ex­ several fatalities. Two score of would hesitate to subject a ten- tribute the assets of the said Parker is the solo organist. tended to Mr. and Mrs. David the police were hurt and at least year-old boy or girl. One young One of the most interesting of deceased amongst the persons en­ Knudsen of Devonshire West, upon a hundred were sent to hospitals mother was bubbling with enthus­ his numerous experiments has ——00— titled thereto, having regard only the birth of a daughter, which some wounded seriously. iasm over the fact that already she been a study of a pair of twin baby to the debts, claims and demands happy event took place at the King One of the communists' meeting had her ten-month-old baby climb­ girls whom he calls Twin T and KING OF SIAM TO UNDERGO of which he shall then have had Edward VII Memorial Hospital on places, the Place de la Republique ing down from a six-foot book-case, Twin 0. They are, from every ANOTHER OPERATION notice; and that he will not be Saturday morning last. Mrs. was held by the police, but in other had got him to paddle around, as present criterion, "identical twins" liable for the said assets or any part Knudsen was, before her marriage, districts bands of rioters produced never before, in the bathtub, and that is, the sort that are born from MARSEILLES, Feb. 11 (OP)—The thereof so distributed to any cred­ Miss Dorothy Mitchell. hundreds of fights simultaneously had already bought him a pair of one germ cell and are thus equipped King and Queen of Slam arrived itors, person or persons of whose over an area of a mile square in the roller skates: Other mothers and a with almost identical heredity. here yesterday aboard the liner debts, claims and demands he shall north eastern part of the city. couple of fathers in the group and "Maonia." They are journeying not then have had notice. In Dr. Gesell's last published by easy stages to the United States Premier Doumergue had pro­ one old grandfather seemed intent Mr. Bernard Lockwood of Hali­ report, when the twins were eigh­ where King Prajadhipok will un­ clamations posted asking for all on doing something with their fax, N.S., is staying a few days in teen months old, he relates how he dergo an operation for one of his R. DARRELL« loyal Frenchmen to do their duty little folks that had never been done Bermuda on his initial visit to the has tried experiments of training eyes. The couple left Bangkok on Executort i by refraining from rioting for the before, all with a view of putting Island. Mr. Lockwood is the Sec­ one twin to do various stunts while January IS, and are on a seven sake of France. them months or years ahead in retary and Actuary of the Maritime the other was not trained. Speaking months' tour. Dated 2Jth January, 1934. Life Assurance Co., Ltd., of Halifax. 8029tm29.m5.mil. LOOK FOR THE P — QNS LABEL-AN ASSURANCE OF REDOING QUALITY Bpl^iSS8^pS«*2»sM»Saeat^ THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1934 Page 3

INAUGURATING A SERIES OF GREATER ENTERTAINMENTS AT REID HALL ^ Latest Official Survey Indicates that over 75% °f Big Stars and Big Hits Come to Reid Hall -•¥-

Special Engagement WEDNESDAY of this Week TODAY — 3.00 7.00 9.00 Drama with Songs and Music! TUESDAY at 9.00 p.m. Preceded by New Shorts

I r ff •|Miiuiw1-.»^J-a1J»^..*a»r^^^ —mm.!. I>HI.'..I.». .MI "VIIOJ."."—'MJ"'. ".;. YEARNING fOR CARESSES... WILL HE ESCAPE? butchainecft ELECTRIFYING! io a career f From the Motyer Box (This is the picture that created such a sensation in London and New York—Thousands waited LI HO in line for hours to see it) CHANG in person with HEPBURN! HSR ELECTRIC MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN—FRANCHOT TONE- PERSONALITY Farewell WILL HAUH? PHILLIPS HOLMES—TED HEALY Performance YOU.' Also Last Showing of "HENRY VIII* EVERYTHING DIFFERENT!

PREMIERE With a New Feature Picture

FRIDAY MGM's New Screen Triumph!

One and Only


CLYDE BEATTY With • Super Film ADOLPME Broadway smiled its crooked MENJOU MASY DUNCAN smile as she fought with CAUMIY SMITH hunger and despair a a. and Directed by Lowell "THE learned the ugly word forlove . Sherman from the story by Zoe Akin! BIG HERBERT MARSHALL — MARY BOLAND — No Phone Reservations Please! LIONEL ATWILL —MAY ROBSON — ELIZABETH CLYDE BEATrY/K-Jh*. CAGE" at vttrve/ts/ai. S«£C/A _. ALLAN —RALPH FORBES—LUCILLE GLEASON No Advance in Prices


through difficulties that create ; Olaudette ColbBrt fn" the role of powerful human interest. the school teacher demonstrates An exceptionally strong cast has | the wisdom of DeMille's choosing been assembled to appear with [ her as a star to be reckoned with. Miss Brady. Maureen O'Sullivan Her performance is one of the BERMUDA BUHJDERS SUPPLY CO., LTD. plays the young daughter strug­ outstanding events of the screen gling for theatrical fame under her year. mother's guidance. Franchot Tone The comedy provided by Mary is seen as her young lover and is Boland makes her part outstanding said to give another brilliant per­ beyond the limits of the original The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the formance as in "Today We Live," purpose of the script. This superb above Company called for Tuesday, February 13th, 1934, AMAZING KATHERINE "THE SOLITAIRE MAN" "The Stranger's Return" and j actress is destined to win a large "Midnight Mary." audience as a result of her work in has been postponed until Tuesday, February 20th, 1934, HEPBURN oo—— this picture. Herbert Marshall heads the at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. strong cast assembled for "The Herbert Marshall and William Solitaire Man," starting drama of "FOUR FRIGHTENED Gargan are the two men who vie At Reid Hall Today III "Morning for Miss Colbert's favours, and the Glory" super Continental crookdom which PEOPLE" BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS. opens Tuesday at the Reid Hall contrast of their roles adds still Theatre. further colour to the intense situa­ Powerful Story Of Rise Of A Small tions of the story. A novel charac­ Town Girl The casting of Marshall in an­ Gorgeous Scenery, Superlative 8205+m. other role as a sophisticated "gen­ Acting Fill DeMille Film terization is provided by Leo Car- tleman crook" brings him to the rillo in the role of the guide. The When a rare star such as Kathar­ deft manner in which he plays it ine Hepburn is given a vehicle that | screen in a vehicle that has all the Another bull's eye in entertain- | appeal of "Trouble in Paradise." ment is scored by Cecil B. DeMille ; stamps him as an actor of great gives her full scope, a dazzling per­ versa tility. formance is assured. The added drama of a smashing in his latest Paramount picture, ' That is just what is offered in story of Bella and Samuel Spe- "Four Frightened People" which | DeMille's always reliable direc­ This Ad her powerful new drama, "Morning wack provides a thrilling basis for l opens today at the Mechanics' Hall tion has gone a few points beyond Glory," which has its-initial screen- I the action. Theatre, and features Olaudette what is usually expected of him. ing today at Reid Hall Theatre. In the Spewack play every char­ Colbert, Herbert Marshall, Mary i It marks a high point in his long Is Worth If Briefly, the drama centers about acter's life is involved with that of Boland and William Gargan. screen career. Aided by the pho­ a girl's gallant sturggle for success the Solitaire Man. When they It is one of the most eye-filling tography of Karl Struss, this pic­ on the New York stage, and her finally meet in the cabin of a pas­ pictures that has come to the ture is something unusual in The one name necessary to final triumph after bitter dis- j senger plane crossing the English screen in a long time, containing screen entertainment. Based on the novel of the same appointments and cruel experiences. Channel a situation arises that has every ingredient of first calss en­ remember in connection The girl of the story is an amazing i scarcely equalled on the screen. tertainment. DeMille still upholds name by E. Arnot-Robertson, the mixture of genius, naive enthu- ' The climax is a breathless defiance his reputation for breath-taking balance of perfection is made up siasm, romance and courage. erf death. settings, but this time he went to in a well contrived screen adapta­ with Canadian Fruit and ( tion by Bartlett Cormack and Not a backstage production in j Marshall's portrayal is that of a Nature for them. The various Lenore Coffee. any sense of that term, "Morning ] man driven to desperate measures jungle backgrounds used in the Vegetables. Glory" can be fittingly described by the loss of a fortune in the picture are more startling than oo as an epic of devotion to an ideal World War. Supposedly a rich anything that Hollywood has ever and unselfish love. The girl could j jewel merchant, he is really dispos- j built. THE EMPIRE PLAYERS just as easily have been fighting I ing of valuables obtained during Through these settings, five Cut it out and Present to win success as a writer or an nightly expeditions among Euro­ characters weave a story of adven­ To Open Season at Colonial Opera "NATURE'S artist. It is around her struggle . peans and Americans on the Con­ ture that never lets up in intense House and a unique love triangle that the tinent. interest for one moment. The story interest centres. In the feminine romantic lead deals with four highly-cultured The Empire Players arrive this BEST" PHOTOMATON Miss Hepburn again prove3 her Elizabeth Allan has trie most drat people who are forced to abandon a morning in the "Lady Rodney". right to consideration as one of matic role of her career. She es­ Dutch steamer. One is a young, These are the players who have the gsaetest stars of screen history. tablishes herself as one' of the prudish school teacher, another a come to thrill Bermuda. In addi­ STUDIO screen's new important personali­ Far from being a "flash in the pan," woman's club lecturer, another a tion to Mr. Young and Mr. Welles- Queen Street, Hamilton this dynamic actress not only ties in "Looking Forward," and is blatant newspaper correspondent, ley there is Harold Scott, a well repeats the triumphs she won in said to win new laurels in her per­ and the fourth a rubber chemist known character actor in England 1/ you will but make the test With only 1/- "ABill of Divorcement" and "Chris­ formance with Marshall. When they discover bubonic plague and does a great deal of broadcast­ topher Strong," but even im­ oo on board, they manage to escape ing; Geoffrey Toone hails from You will find 'tis "Nature's and receive 8 proves upon them with her amaz­ ashore into a wild section of the Dublin and is considered one of the ingly understanding interpretation Malay peninsula. In order to reach best looking juveniles on the Eng­ Different Photos of of the girl in'' Morning Glory." "STAGE MOTHER" the nearest seaport, they hire a lish stage; Marjorie Lane has had Best" yourself! Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. co- half caste guide. wonderful parts considering her starred with Miss Hepburn, gives To Open Here With Notable Cast Distead of the three day journey youth and is also a first-class sports a tremendously sympathetic and through the Jungle which they girl, playing hookey for Northum­ effective characterization as a Alice Brady plays a leading role had expected, they become lost for berland; Hazel Balnbridge, the girl young playwright who believes in in "Stage Mother," theatrical months. As they are forced more with the Sunshine Smile ,has made drama adapted from an original the girl, 'champions her when her and more to primitive modes of successful appearances at the 8196tm, MEN'S FLANNEL TROUSERS prospects are darkest, and teaches story by Bradford Ropes and filmed living, the veneer of civilization Strand, Gar rick and Lyric Theatres, her the meaning of idealistic love. by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer slips from them and they revert to London; Erio Noels has played All Sizes Adolphe Menjou is at his polished studios to be shown Wednesday prehistoric ancestry. The school leading parts in most parts of the best as a debonair and forceful at the Reid Hall Theatre. teacher, .heretofore considered world; Aidan Turner, is a light theatrical producer. She will be remembered for her merely a nuisance by the men, comedian with a very big future, Robey in "The Jolly Roger"; Joan 7/6 In addition to Menjou, such sensational personal hit in "When blossoms into a glorious jungle so the London papers say; Margaret Byford assails in the stage Settings, favourites as Mary Duncan, the Ladies Meet," and it is said that creature whose word is law, and Davey is not only a very clever also plays several important parts; veteran O. Aubrey Smith, Fred­ she outdoes all of her previous her beauty causes the men to fight actress but a delightful singer. Richard Haydn, a young actor ric Santley, Richard Carle, Tyler portrayals in the new picture. Her over her, thereby providing sub­ Hear her in "Hay Fever." Char­ who plays old abd young men with Brooke, Don Alvarado, and Geneva role is that of a domineering stance for developments which lotte Leigh, a character and comedy brilliant results; and Richard Hors- FRENCHBAZAAR Mitchell contribute strong support- "stage mother" who forces her make this story one of great audi­ actress of the highest class, has ley, the stage manager who says 8098*]»Im. Ui|perfor_B»ac«8. chili} to. success oa the stage ence appeal. just been playing opposite George he does it ail. •


The Train of Tomorrow WM0rm»iW yMmnes* 4

F.CVJ maritime Life Safety w The Company Molds $122 in Assets >* For Eaeh $1G0 of Liabilities Ho Policy Holders

^ho (31-Dec.-1933 at values fixed by Dept.j>f Insurance, Ottawa) Besides, there is the additional security of $750,000 uncalled capital, equal to an extra $66 for each $100 liability to Policyholders.

• VERY mother should ensure that she is ahle to feed t li baby herself. Upon this may depend his health and well-being*, now and in the years to come. Maternal milk is the one perfect food for baby. It is A front view of the first of the new 110-mile-per-houi Prote c tionJj^^^Securitif naturally constituted to suit his delicate digestion. It streamlined railway cars built for the Union Pacific Railway. contains, in the correct proportions, every nutritive Resembling a monster projectile on wheels, from its blunt nose HEAD OFFICE «• HALIFAX .CANADA element essential for healthy growth and development. to Its tapering tail, it is designed to reduce wind resistance to a minimum. Doctors and Nurses testify to the exceptional value of "Ovaltine" for nursing mothers. Taken regularly before A. E. NICHOLL. Special Agent, Hamilton, Bermuda and after baby comes, " Ovaltine " not only promotes a T. F. FALL, General Agent, Hamilton, Bermuda rich and ample supply of breast-milk, but also maintains the mother's strength and vitality. " Ovaltine" is scientifically prepared from the highest qualities of malt extract, creamy milk and new-laid EAUTY PR08IW eggs. Unlike imitations, it dees not contain household By JACQUELINE HUNT leave it on for ten minute? sugar to give it bulk and to reduce the cost. Nor does it ROUND NOONTIME there half an hour and remove the contain a large percentage of cocoa. Reject substitutes. A comes a lull in the day's oc­ cess with tissues. Then give yt. cupations — whethar you are a =km a final rinse with cold, co: homemaker and have spent the water, or if your skin is oily 01 morning at hcusecleaning, or a your tissues flabby, give it a vig­ Drink delicious business wo­ orous upward and outward mas man who has sage with a piece of ice" wrapped pounded a in a cheesecloth or piece of silk typewriter or Not so much for those with signed let­ fairly good skins to start with, i? ters and at­ there? Just a gentle soap thr. tended con­ really cleanses your skin, a ferences un­ cream that can be used both f c Enables Mothers to Breast Feed their Babies til twelve cleansing and softening, and ii Sold in air-tight tins by all Chemists and Stores. o'clock. Time your skin is oily or merely lazy, t o freshen an astringent or tonic to pep it your skin i:p. a cream rouge and a lipstick and tidy that harmonize in color, or one mm your hair of the rouges that can be used whether you for both the lips and cheeks. sit down to a simple lunch Whether you get along with t MISS HUNT all by your­ little or lots, it should be perfect self or dine with an important Match your cosmetics always to executive. your skin tones, not to the eoloi of your hair or a costume. And Simple though your new beau­ always be sure that, your cheeks ty and living program is, you and lips are the same tone JACK ARNOLD is the AGENT need to give your skin a thor­ There are a few clear red rouge? ough cleansing in the middle of and lipsticks, but many of them the day. And unless your skin have either a bluish or a yellow­ happens to be a really oily one, ish cast, so people who hav< you should use a quick-melting golden lights in their skin shouk: cleansing cream. It is a time- never wear a rouge that has >• saver if you are at home and bluish undertone. On the othn much more convenient than try­ hand, the girl with a transpar­ ing to wash your skin and renew ent or colorless skin and blue 01 your make-up with the facilities rrreenish eyes can use the bluish • that most office washrooms offer. red rouges beautifully. If your skin literally oozes oil, If your eyes need beautifyinr then use a liquid cleansing net a little eyebrow brush firs* agent. Apply fresh make-up and uid use it faithfully every day i smoothe your hair into place and keep the little hairs healthy an you will be ready really to en­ ilken and to train them to stp joy your lunch. in line. Give your eyes a da> At night cleanse your skin- bath ot simple boric solution » regardless of type—with a bland, for special party make-up h To obtain the best results freely-lathering soap and tepid at least a box of mascara so • Genasprin should be water. For the dry skin apply a ran darken year lashes • dissolved in a little mater. thin film of softening cream and brows allurinn'.v

.:::. pa Tasty Dishes For Today By JUDITH WILSON At the first symptoms of a cold- inches below the flame and to headache, aching limbs, rising tem­ h TAKE, GEN ASP R.N & i u* MENUS turn it several times. Both the perature, sneezing—take two tablets broiler rack and bacon should be of Genasprin at once and two more Breakfasts cold to begin with. Chilled Prune Juice Wheat Pineapple Pancakes at bed-time. Genasprin reduces tem­ Ready-to-Serve Cereal Whole wheat pineapple pan­ perature, and if taken in time nips a Qenasprin relieves the pain of Whole Wheat Pineapple cakes are something new for Pancakes, or breakfast. Beat four eggs well cold in the bud and wards ofHnfluenza. HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, Apple Fritters with and add to one and one-half MALARIA, NEURITIS. Maple Sugar cups of milk. Sift one cup flour A.H Chemists sell Genasprin in bottles of 35 Bacon Curls with one teaspoon salt, one ta­ tablets. If your Chemist is out of stock, SUNSTROKE, TOOTHACHE, nrite mm to NICHOLL & ASHTON, Coffee Cocoa blespoon sugar and three tea­ NEURALGIA, and gxickly checks spoons baking powder, then mix P.O.Box 529, Hamilton. %*:L?f: Baked Sausages and Bananas Mix the liquid and dry mixtures Poached Eggs and add one cup of crushed, well Buttered Toast drained pineapple and three ta­ Coffee au Lait blespoons melted butter. Bake GOSLING BROTHERS, Agents on a hot griddle. Serve with lots CIMPLE as it seems to bring of butter and shaved maple n Ltd., Loughborough, England, *f tempting gold-and-brown sugar. strips of bacon, cooked to exactly Tasty Fritters frSMftmfli the right crispiness, to the table, Fritters are also popular for It is an accomplishment that those who like something a bit amateur cooks sometimes strive sweet for breakfast. Make a bat­ for years to learn. Dry, crisp, ter with one cup sifted flour, a delicately browned bacon strips teaspoon of baking powder, a or curls make a plate of eggs or pinch of salt, two well beaten a creamed mixture something to eggs and one tablespoon sugar. PAPER NAPKINS write poems about. So today I Add milk enough to make a OUICKLV KSLlMVES CUTS, BRUISES, have a few hints for you on fry­ thick batter. Dip thick slices of SPRAINS, WOUNDS, COUGHS, COUDS. .<•• ing bacon and preparing other apple or orange into the batter IAMB BACK, ETC. AN OLJ7 AND TESTED goodies for the breakfast table. and fry in ham fat or deep fat. GREEN and YELLOW ' REMEDY FDR MAN OR BEAST. Frying Bacon Drain and sprinkle lightly with The secret of frying bacon is powdered sugar. 80 in package to have the bacon very cold, and Bananas With Bacon Sold in cite size only four frying pan not too hot. The Bananas, either wrapped In bacon should be turned often strips of bacon and broiled, WHITE Never sold In Bulk and the excess fat drained off turning frequently, or prepared two or three times during cook­ witb sausages, are delicious. For ing. When the bacon has reached i he latter, peel the bananas, cut 100 in package • the desired shade of brown lift n halves and split lengthwise, the rashers carefully to absorb­ toll them in flour and then ent paper, then to a hot platter irown slightly in hot fat. Trans* 9d If you want curls of bacon, roll er to individual ramekin with around the tines of a fork while mall link sausages that have very hot and still soft and allow >een fried. Pour a little rich to cool slightly and set. cream sauce over the banana* THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD, •An easier method is to broil and sausages and bake in ft hot the bacon on • rack several w Reid Street OTWJ for * f« wtoutei, *

•*——""" •••-j.-^ .•.•.•- m*•»! • If'f" 1 J'^-~:^J''ji* V " *"Ai"! in 1,. i/la1 .'WUW,l 1' 1 a r.111 niaya->-«a- THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1934 Page 5

STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Now, more than ever.... S.s. Lady Somers (O.N.S.) Is due to sail today for Nassau. Agents, "CANADA'S COMMERCE CARRIERS" J. S. Darrell & Oo. OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN NATIONAL RAltWAllS"* * * * S.s. Rotterdam (Holland-America line) Is due today from New CANADA—BERMUDA—WEST INDIES SERVICE VUKLV IE SS York sailing on Wednesday Feb. 14 for New York. Agents, Harnett & Specially Built and Equipped tor Tropical Travel Richardson. BERMUDA—EASTERN GROUP- DEMERARA (Via BOSTON, MASS.) * * * Fortnightly freight, passenger and mail service between Halifax, N.S.. Saint John, N.B., and Leads the Way T.e.v. Monarch of Bern:v.dr. (Fu£- ness-Berniuda Line) is d'^e «° ar~ Demerara, calling each way at Boston, Bermuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica. rive frcm New York tcday, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidal sailirg on return trip Rt 3 p.m. Wednesday. Agents, Watlinttca Arr and Leave Leave Leave 1 with the & Ccnyers. Art*** f \-r v*> Bermuda ior StSftVlitatT. Halifax * * * Boston Betiiiutia bfc) i: tillit St. Jol n S.I* S.s. Lady Rodney (O.N.S.) is N.S. Mass. for W.I. via Boston due to arrive from the West Indies MONARCH Lady Drake. Jan. 14 today, sailing tomorrow for Hall- Jan. 16 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Feb. 10 Lady Nelson Jan. 28 fax via Boston. Agents, J. S. Dar­ Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 21 Lady Hawkins..... Feb. 4 ren & Co. Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Mar. 3 of BERMUDA Lady Drake * a a Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Mar. 17 S.s.. Western World (Munson and the Steamers sail from Hal) fat and arrive at Saint Sotto. N.B Line) is due to arrive from South America tomorrow sailing the WESTERN GROUP SERVICE same day for New York. Agents, '-y QUEEN Fortnightly freight, passenger and m*U service between Montreal (in su turners, Hallfai, Nfe J. S. Darrell & Oo. via Boston (in winter), calling at Hamilton, Bermuda; Nassau, Bahamas; Kingston, Jan<»tp«, * a * making O.N.S. ecanwtfc a at Jamaica lei iiei'te. British Honduras k BERMUDA S.s. Orduna (P.S.N.C.) is due to arrive from Liverpool via French Leave Leave and Spanish ports on Wednesday, Leave Leave Arrive B'da for Arrive B'da for I WO of the outstanding vessels of the sailing the same day for Nassau. Steamer Halifax Boston Bermuda Nassau Bermuda Halifax ' world eacb over 22,400 tons—the Agents, Harnett & Richardson. only liners afloat that provide a private * * * Lady Rodney Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Lady Somers „ Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 batb with every room. Pleasure-planned S.s. Lombardy (R.M.L.Ltd.) is Feb. 11 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Lady Rodney ;.. Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Mar. 12 MPr. 13 especially for Bermuda service with mag­ due to arrive from Lcndon, with Lady Somers Mar. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 nificent lounges, smart night club cafes, cargo on Wednesday. Agents, Harnett & Richardson. '50.00V dam t SERVICE * * * padded rolls on the bell sleevt S.s. "SAMBRE" " " Peb. 25th. Mails per Q.t.e.v. "Queen of are details to note. M.*#. "LOCHMONAR" " * Mar. 14th. 1 Bermuda" for Great Britain, the S.S.CULEBRA" " " Mar. 28th. Dominion of Oanada, and the S.S. "CHRISTIAN KR0GH" sails St. John IO. Feby. 3rtf, Halifax United States of America, will "Loehkatrine** and "Lochmonar" carry passengers and also have close at the General Post Office Feby. 8th refrigerator accommodation. on Saturday the 17th. February TIDE TABLE FOR FEBRUARY, Cargo accepted on Through Bills of Lading from all the principal S. S. "CISSY" tail* St. John N.B. Feb. 17th, Halifax Feb. 22nd- 1934, at 12.00 Noon. centres in Great Britain and the Continent. And fortnightly thereafter—from Saint John via Halifax Supplementary Mail: (Double 1934 Subject to chang 3 without notice. Postage) From 12.00 Noon to 1.00 p.m. HARNETT & RICHARDSON, Agents. R. M. BROWNE, Agent , Hy. Langridge & Co. should connect with .the Q.t.e.v. High Water Sun- Sun­ 16, Great St. Helen's, \ Front Street Hamilton "Monarch of Bermuda" sailing A.M P.M . rise set London, E.C.3. Telephone 1710 for Bermuda oh the 10th. January W. 1.48 1.55 7.10 5.57 1934. Th. 2.55 3.05 7.09 5.58 * * * F. 4.07 4.22 7.08 5.59 Mails Despatched Sa. 5.16 5.33 7.07 6.00 M. 7.10 7.28 7.05 6.02 Individually Styled Mails leaving Bermuda on Tu. 7.59 8.18 7.04 6.02 Wednesday the 14th. should oon- W. 8.45 9.06 7.04 6.03 LADY BRAND nect with S.s. "Europa" sailing Th 9.30 9.52 7.03 6.04 CLAR-O-TYPE PERMANENT WAVES from New York for Southampton F. 10.12 10.37 7.02 6.05 on the 17th. Feb. Sa. 10.55 11.24 7.01 6.06 and a ar 'a by Su. 11.38 7.00 6.07 Mails leaving Bermuda on Satur­ M. 0.15 12.25 6.59 6.08 STOUT day the 17th. should connect with Tu. 1.08 1.19 6.58 6.09 CANT SLIP ANTHONY S.s. "President Harding" sailing W. 3.06 2.19 6.56 G.10 lOd. per bot. from New York for Plymouth on Th. 3.14 3.30 6.55 6.10 the 21st. February 1934. 6.54 6.11 for Typewriters COMBO RINGLETTE F. 4.21 4.22 9/- per doz. Sa. 5.21 5.44 6.53 6.12 Su. 6.11 6.33 6.53 6.12 3/- bottle or B0NAT SIMPLY WORN OUT? Su. 6.11 6.33 6.52 6.13 M. 6.55 7.10 6.51 6.13 Nourishing and Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Tu. 7.30 T.44 (.50 6.14 TYPEWRITER OIL £2.10.0 Vegetable Compound W. 8.04 8.18 6.49 6.15 Invigorating Can anything be more weartntt *°S Mean High Water Spring Tides— women titan the ceaseless round «* 1/6 bottle household duties? Yon have no time to t. 8ins. be sick ... you are tired ... aHlne-_• • yet cannot stop. There comes a time Mean High Water Neap Tides— when something snaps and you find your­ 3 ft. Bettys Beauty Salon JOHN F. BURROWS & Co., Ltd. self simply worn out. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ Front St. and Queen St. pound will help you. Its tonic action wiU Mean Tide Level—1ft. 11 ins. THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. Opposite Bermudiana Hotel give yon renewed strength, and will mane N.B.—All heights aro given abevs your dally tasks seem easier to you. Dial 1128 98 out of every 100 women who reportto soundings on charts. 80S9«Mm.citp. us say that they are benefited by tMsmed- B.W.F. & c. 7 hours, 59 minutes Reid Sorest Icta*. Buy a bottle today...»-»- watch y. ~**& e:t» .*&.,. the results. _ Age of Ti 1? asitf'neil to be 1 day.

*eammw*&im&ami*s " ^^s^asf-*.


certainly hope that*Mr. Speaker, for ] provided at any Colonial Post Office Department accepting other cur­ appointing that committee, may | for the exchange of American and/ rencies is practically making other .find it possible to .include my I or Canadian currency as a conven- currencies legal, and I do not think FARLLAMENT colleague upon that committee, I ience to our visitors wishing to we can do it. We will have practi­ because it is perfectly obvious from I purchase postage stamps. cally three currencies with varying his remarks today and on other I The House respectfully requests values, sterling, Canadian dollars NEW STOCKS PATTERNS OFHCIAL REPORT occasions that he has not that full that Your Excellency may be pleased and American dollars, and it would and complete knowledge witb re­ to ascertain whether it is possible put a burden on the clerks at tbe gard to the tourist trade of Bermuda for the Colonial Postmaster to Post Office which is, I think, in­ In Dinnerware Just Arrived Proceedings of the that any- hon. member of this. provide such facilities in tbe near advisable. But that is not my House should have. The hon. future.' main objection. To my mind the Honourable House member for Southampton, Mr. main objection is that sterling is of Assembly -, Vesey, has referred to my erstwhile Mr. C. G. GILBERT:—Mr. Chair­ legal tender here and so far as I am attitude towards the cruise ship man , I am not altogether in favour concerned I intend for it to remain type of travel to Bermuda. I have of that Message. I do not see how so. SESSION 1933-34 never had any occasion to regret the Post Office clerks are going to what I said about those early be able to arrive at this, as the cruises to Bermuda, and I think Hon. G. S. PATTON (Warwick exchequer is fluctuating and it is Parish):—Mr.• Chairman, I do not that the remark that he referred difficult to work out discounts and to today as having been made by me agree with the hon. member. I DAY No. M.—Tuesday, February 6, all that. It is not easy for them, and think that the chief difficulty of 193* aptly described tbe people who I am afraid it will hold up the work came on those first cruises to the visitors is not the difficulty of the Post Office to some extent; of buying postage stamps in a Continued from Saturday's Issue Bermuda, because tbat is exactly and I am also afraid the Post what they were. Now the whole foreign currency, tbe chief diffi­ Col. T. M.DILI.:—Mr.Chairman, "type of cruise travel today has Office will be the losers by it. If culty is tbat if- tbey have sterling would you not be likely to get the undergone a very great change, and the dollar does go up or down, as currency tbe service of the post same result by sending a Message it has. become so respectable that the case may be, I am afraid that office id.too slow. There is abun­ to His ExceUency asking him its very existence is threatened. the Bermuda Government are dant room for improvement in to get a report from the Trade Tbat is the price of respectability. going to be the losers by it. I think the purchasing of stamps in tbe Development Board^ as to whether When they were not so respectable the system at present is good post office by automatic machines anything could be achieved? in the there was a glamour about them, enough. I know I am in the bank, or by a little better organisation way of getting a cheaper tender and every ship went' out full, but and I hope that hon. members will on the part of the post office de­ service? .-...... "today they have~become respectable not think that I am thinking of partment , so tbat if you go in there, Beautiful Dinnerware, Tea Services and Odd and apparently they are about to the bank business, because I am especially on a steamer day, you Mr. H. V. SMITH (Warwick disappear entirely except at certain not: I am thinking from the don't have to wait in a line for half Pieces in Parish:)—Mr. Chairman, the tend­ times of tbe year. Now I think Colonial Government point of view an hour before you can buy stamps. WOOD St SONS Attractive and famous designs. er service has been talked of quite that the attitude put forward by regarding post office work and That is a much greater inconven­ frequently as being very high, the hon. member for St. George's, duties. ience for any visitor than the and it lias also been commented Mr. Tucker, and several other hon. inconvenience of not having ster­ The right kind of China for a cottage or rented upon by the ships which come here. members, that a Select Committee Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ ling money. house. I think that must have been known should confer with the Trade man, this is really quite a small also by every member of the House. Development Board with regard to matter. It will certainly make it Mr. O. G. GILBERT (Sandys If you are contemplating renewing your China, pay Now the Transportation Company this whole matter is an extraor­ easier for tbe tourist to purchase Parish) :•—Mr. Chairman, if I might must know that if their charges dinarily sound one, and I fancy stamps to get them without having digress a bit I think it would be us a visit and let us show you our varied stocks. are too high the?: ate~lcilling- them­ that that Select Committee when to go to the trouble of going over very much better for Bermuda and selves, because the boats came they report to the House will present to some store and changing 25 for visitors as well if we were to here, at least one of them that a report that will be very different cents. I do not suppose it would increase the premium allowed to Prices Lower Than Before came here, came here practically from the ideas with which they will be possible to accept American vendors of stamps. Instead of two for that purpose. I cannot for a first go into that conference. money in all the Post Offices, but I and a half per cent make it more, moment imagine that the cost for do think that it should be done in so that it will encourage more a free tender service would be such the Hamilton Post Office without shopkeepers to sell stamps, and that any member of this House Mr. "A. T."GOSLING (Paget much trouble. It would be well then visitors would not have to go could tolerate or at all consider it. Parish):— Mr. Chairman, regarding worth taking the risk for the bene­ tp the Post Office. It would relieve A. S. COOPER & SONS I am very much more in favour of the remarks made by the hon. and fit that would accrue to the tourists the pressure on the post office THE ENGLISH CHINA SHOP - Reid St the suggestion made by the hon. learned member for Devonshire, coming here, and the trouble it to a great extent, and it would be member fo*«D*v"onshixe; Colonel Col. Dill I should like to say that would save them. They would go easy to do tbat, Mr. Chairman. Dillg--b€iGause_.xigUtU' speaking if the whole matter of the tender away feeling better than they THE BERMUDA FURNISHING & SUPPLY CO., Front St. service here was really brought to this, matter is btought^hefore the do now when they have to stand —which was negatived. House tar some shape or form in the "puhBc notice through the in a long line waiting. discovery made by a member of the which the House is likely to give Ayes 4: Nays 26. ear to. it, fiejtajply it should come Trade Development Board with Col. DILL:—I wonder if the hon. fron^^e'lScjirti that controls-these regard to the ohartering. by a cer­ member can quote any other place tain competingg island tourist The House resumed, and adopted matters, and that is the Trade in the world, Mr. Chairman, where the resolution of the committee. Development Board. It is not 'tor resort of a tender from tbe United they receive foreign currency in me to say— I am not a member States. It was thought that that post offices. I have travelled a bit particular Government aimed at THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT of that Board^wbethetthis matter in my time but have never found ACT, 1930, AMENDMENT ACT, has been discussed in the Trade giving a free tender service. This a place yet. is not so. The charge for that 1933 Development Board' or not. I do Resumption in Committee not know, but it seems to me tender service is £63. 10. 0. The Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—I under­ PpJ TettU cert$|^/~^-niatter which- is par­ charge made by the local company stand you can do it in the New for a similar day service is £90. 0. 0. On motion of Col. Dill tbe Bill ticularly assigned to this Board. A York Post Office. I do not know entitled "The Revenue Department great deal has been said today about That is a little high, on the other that is a fact but I had it from very hand the service that is made for Act., 1930, Amendment Act, 1933" cruising ships that started coming reliable sources. was resumed in Committee. here. The trouble does not seem £62. 10. 0 is a quarter or an hour trip; the service that is made for to me to be any less in cruises, but Mr. W. E. S. ZUILL (Smith's Mr. GOSLING in the Chair. that we seem to be getting lessT the £90. 0. 0 here is at least half an Parish)?—Mr. Chairman, I should hour trip. So it would seem, if and it is apt to be said for that like to ask the hon. member in Clause 1, moved by Col. Dill on reason. The'- hon. member on my members want to get some idea as charge whether he has consulted to what the cost of this tender December 20th., 1933, under con­ right says a good many are cancelled the Colonial Postmaster about this sideration. Of course, if that is so it may be service might be to the Govern­ matter, because he is running the the main reason, but I think we ment, that it is £17. 10. 0. multi­ business and he must know more plied by as many tourist ships as Lt.-Col. the Hon. T. M. DILL should cultivate the cruise ships about it than any of us do. I should (Devonshire Parish):—This matter The social season returns and with here as much as possible, and I ! come in: in addition to which like to know what he thinks about j there are the larger ones that can- was last considered in Committee, think we should undoubtedly hear it. Mr. Chairman, on the 20th Decem­ it the necessity for replenishing from the Trade Development i not come up tbe channel. I think i the difference would be probably ber last. Minutes No. 25 contained your wardrobe. Board witb respect to their opinion. Mr. 3. D. B. TALBOT:—Mr. the account of it, and it was in Tbey should haveThe tourist inter­ j something about £50, so he could A most complete selection of | probably quite easily figure out Chairman, if you do that you are consequence of a recommendation ests at heart from every angle, going to find considerably more from the Colonial Treasurer that and I think this House would be i what it is actually going to cost the colony. money, American money, taken this matter was taken up. It likely to give more ear or credit into the Hamilton Post Office amends Section 13 of Tbe Revenue EVENING SLIPPERS to what they say than for individual than you think. People now will Department Act, 1930, sub-section Mr. E. P. T. TUCKER:—I just members to get up today and talk send up American currency to buy (1), which reads as follows: "13. (1) j want to say, Mr. Chairman, while I Open sandals, pumps, or T straps about it. and iVe should then be stamps, and you cannot say that The respective Revenue Officers j appreciate the remarks and figures in moire, faille, or satin. able„,JtO .give, more consideration that can only be done by visitors. shall attend to tbe discharge and that we are able to do at present. t that have fallen from the hon. 1 You cannot make rules confining shipment and warehousing or de­ All white, all black, coloured bro­ member from Paget, I regret that If Jhje. Message is sent in its present it to any particular nationality or livery of goods from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. he has not correctly quoted figures. cade^—plain or with silver trim­ fo^ml^faoTrTa certainly object to'it." anything else. Lots of people who from the first day of April to the I regret to say that, because per­ think they can save a cent on a last day of September, both in­ mings. haps I am somewhat responsible as •Mr. C. G. GILBERT:—M*. Chair­ sheet of stamps will send up Ameri­ clusive, and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. a member of The Trade Develop­ man, I think that the Message can currency to get rid of it. You during the rest of the year, with ment Board for talking about From 26/- in its present form does riot suit are entering upon a larger problem the exception of one hour at noon j another Government giving free most members of the committee, than you think. It is obviously to be allowed every Revenue Officer (including dyeing) ! tender service which actually did and therefore I will move^and I inconvenient to some people when for refreshment." Now these are I happen. When I was in the United hope the House •will consider this they take a 25 cent piece, and have tbe words which it is proposed | States, I think last August, I went motion as satisfactory—that a no English change On the other to take out i "with the exception of j to the United States for the purpose Select Committee be appointed to hand the fact that they cannot one hour at noon to be allowed H. A. & E. SMITH, LTD j of interviewing some steamship collaborate with the Trade Develop­ use their own money down here every Revenue Officer for refresh­ ! companies regarding cruisers ment Beard to consider and-report makes them realise that they are ment." It is proposed to take out The Queen Street Store ! calling at this island, and during to this House on the oost-'ef a in a foreign country, and is quite an those words because they were the time I was there the "Maare- tender service for cruise ships attraction, and the advantages for applicable a good many years ago I tania" was diverted from Havana arriving at Bermuda. it are just as many as the disad­ when your ship ceased to discharge j to Nassau on account of the un- vantages against it. You are open­ during tbe noon hour. The phrase ' settled conditions that were then Mr. GILBERT moved that a. ing a door and you do not know to is a bit obscure. One hour at noon, j existing in Havana and Nassau. Select Committee be appointed to what extent. Supposing somebody I take it, means the hour from | I think I am right in stating that collaborate .ith the Trade Develop­ takes a twenty dollar bill up there twelve to one,and apparently at the j the Development Board of Nassau ment Eoard and to consider and and wants to buy a penny stamp. time the sailing vessels were here <>ca<)<=>(>o<>c>iKa<>«=><>«=xi<^>ca>c»>«j<>c»>c^>o<>c>(>c><>C3< ooooooooel wired to New York and said that report. %9 the House on the What can tbey do? They cannot the Custom stopped discharging at = if the "Mauretania" would be cosTof a~fender service for cruise. give them American currency 12 o'clock and all hands went to allowed to remain over night they ships. axr.ivins at Bermuda. change, and if they give them dinner. Whether the batches were would provide,, free, tender service. British currency they are up against sealed or not I do not know, but Qood News for Penmen .., That was fox a particular ship. Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—I second the the exchange problem and every­ they resumed work at 1 o'clock. The figures that tbe hon. member motion, Mr. Chairman. Probably thing else. We had better leave it But now that a ship discbarges im Paget quoted as regards tbe that vvill give a better~Mea, but I alone. through the noon hour, the extra tender service, the special tender am very concerned over the present revenue officer who is employed Rich colours, full body, that is"now operating at Nassau, situation in Bernu.Sa, and I think Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ there is employed at the expense of makes your pen travel are correct. They get three hundred PARKER it is the duty of every member of man, I think that the hon. member the ship. But, as a matter of fact dollars per day for a day trip which swiftly and smoothly. A this House to do all they can to j for Paget does not want to help it now happens tbat one revenue is, taken at par, £69. 10. 0. Un­ product of the Parker assist in bringing business here, j the tourist at all. If an American, officer can relieve another: there are fortunately the figures that he has Fountain Pen Co., Ltd., and I feel that this is one way which f visitor presented a twenty dollar two or three on duty there, and it quoted for Bermuda are partially QUINK would help to bring more tourists bill at the post office to change I was felt that it was not fair to the Canada correct but not entirely so. to these Islands. I did not expect j presume that the Postmaster would ship to make them pay for that the hon. member for Sandys, Mr allow him the rate which the bank hour. It is not a great matter, but Misick, to agree with me anyway, —which was agreed to. would allow him for that day. He as a matter of fact it is well known The New because he, I think, at one time would cover himself immediately that, snipping companies are con­ described the people who travel on Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ and there would not be any loss of tinually drawing attention to the cruise ships as a rum-drinking and man, with your permission I with­ Fountain Pen Ink money at all. In reply to the hon. heavy port charges, wjiich in these m rollicking rabble or something to draw my original motion referring member for Smith's Parish, I do days of small returns from shipping that effect, and of course he would to the first message. not consider it is my place to go to make it difficult for them to keep J Dries 31% Quicker on Paper prefer them to come down on a the Colonial Postmaster and ask things going. This Act has come Writes Smoother — Makes Permanent Records regular ship. But apart from that Mr. Vesey with leave withdrew his him questions. I think that the forward on the recommendation he ought to take a broader view, motion. correct way is for me to ask this of the Colonial Treasurer, and I arid try to do all that he can to House to send a Message to His took it up for that reason. I believe 2 oz bottle 6d* 4 oz bottle 10d. get people here. I am satisfied if a Mr. VESEY moved that the fol­ Excellency the Governor. that the hon. member for St. Select Committee is appointed to go lowing Message be sent to His i George's, Mr. Tucker, with whom further intothe matter. - Excellency the Governor. Hon. S. S. SPURLING (St. J I have had several talks, has an George's Parish):—Mr. Chairman, amendment which he is going to Mr. F. O. MISICK:—Mr. Chair- May it please Your Exec Jency:—• I am very much opposed to this. offer, but at the present time I I THE BERMUDA PRESS, Ltd. nan, I should be very glad indeed We have British ourrency as legal { leave that for the consideration of :o_ support the motion, made by The attention of th i House has tender in this country, and to I ip'y colleague, Mr. Gilbert, and I been proy^jt to tjje \Wfi of taHitie'? start & »&<* bjvi ft (Joverj-'jRottt t&eBoufie. .... Tt to Cflptinv.d



DANOES OF LINCOLN'S DAY 8.30—Molle Show-—Shirley Howard and the Three Jesters wing Your Partner," a fea'. i.red 8.45—The Goldbergs orct estral programme consisting 9.00—Charles Webster in "Lin­ of d?.r ces that were currant during coln"—dramatic sketch the life of Abraham Lincoln will be 9.30—Voice of Firestone — Law­ heard this evening, commemorat­ rence Tibbett, baritone; ing the Great Emancipator's birth­ Wm. Daly's Orch - day, at 3 o'clock over an NBC-WEAF $0.0 £,. &v. Q,psj«9~ FijankPark­ network. Narrative recalling the er, uaanx; Harry Breuer steps in the career of the mar yred xylephonist President will complete the half- 10.30- -Ship of Joy—G.A.R. Veter­ hour broadcast. ans in Lincoln's Day pro­ THE FINEST HOTEL IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE * * * gramme ; Doric and Knicker­ /^ 1 £. 18 holes 6200 yards TIBBETT OFFERS VARIETY bocker Quartets PROGRAMME 11.00—Contented Programme- LUNCHEON TEA X^^J y_} \ I 10 minutes from Hamilton Gene Arnold; the Lullaby A variety of selections, including Lady, and orch. Dinner Dancing in Grill by Ferry an operatic excerpt, lighter classics 11.30—National Radio Forum FULLY EQUIPPED GOLF SHOP and a musical comedy hit tune, will 12.00—Frances Langford, contral­ Qala Night Every Thursday and be presented by Lawrence Tibbett to; Dick Leibert, organ when the Voice of Firestone pro­ CLUB HOUSE gramme is carried over an NBO- WLW, Cincinnati 700 kc Special Symphony Concerts- Sunday WEAF network tonight, at 9.30. 6.00—Same as WEAF GOLFER'S GRILL Following the introductory num­ 6.25—Emil Johnson ber, "Allah's Holiday," from "Ka- 6.30-7.0O—Same as WJZ GOLF —TRAP SHOOTING —SWIMMING POOL «?f**^r^ Nicol Thompson &. Harold Wells tinka,*' played by William Daly's 7.00—Jack Armstrong—sketch string orchestra, Tibbett will sing 7.15—Joe Emerson and orch. DEEP SEA FISHING Professionals "Songs My Mother Taught Me" 7.30—Bob Newhall—sports talk by Dvorak; Schumann's "The Two 7.45-8.15—Same as WJZ -fii- Grenadiers" and the Prologue to 8.15—Detectives Black and Blue THEODORE TTTZE Leoncavallo's opera, "I Pagliacci." 8-30—John Barker and orch. l#.- * * » 8.45—Red Davis—sketch Managing Director "MUSIC ON THE AIR" HONOURS 9.00—Bo-Peep Frolic—variety LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY 9.15—Ponoe Sisters—songs £*_?•««* 9.30—Same as WEAF Jimmy Kemper has been working 10.00-11.00—Same as WJZ on a special Lincoln's Birthday 11.00—Same as WEAF song drama which he will present 11.30—Theatre of the Air on Robert Armbruster's "Music on 12.00—College of Music Concert PRINCESS HOTEL the Air" programme over a WABO- Oolumbia network tonight, from WJZ, New York 760 kc. "A Design for Qood Living - - $j 8.30 to 8.45. "Battle Hymn of the 5.00—Betty and Bob—sketch Cardiff Point Bath Club and Princess Pool <§j Silver Qrill Republic" has been chosen for the 5.15—Library of Congress Musi­ final number to be sung by the en­ cale—The Kroil String Sextet —a convenient and healthful morning ^ of the semble, and the orchestra's offer­ 6.00—Piatt and Nierman—piano objective. fl ings will be "In a Shelter from a duo Shower" and "Belle of Barcelona." 6.15—Jackie Heller, tenor; Harry Bridge Tea—a suggestion to the discriminating \| HOTEL BERMUDIANA * * * Kogen's Orch. Hostess—Acquaint yourself with the helpful Sjl OROBY, ARNHEIM AND MILLS 6.30—The Singing Lady facilities of the Princess and insure the success Wi The Centre of Night Life in Bermuda BROTHERS BROADCAST 6.45—Little Orphan Annie FROM LOS ANGELES 7.00—U.S. Army Band of your next party. fck 7.30—Three X Sisters—songs Marine Grill with Ben Cutler and his pi Presenting AL DONAHUE Bing Crosby, Gus Arnheim's or­ 7.45—Lowell Thomas—news chestra and the Mills Brothers will 8.00—Amos 'n' Andy Orchestra—a charming invitation—"We are Jf and his Orchestra contribute their special type of en­ 8.15—Baby Rose Marie—songs dancing tonight in the Princess Grill—Come & tertainment on their programme 8.30—Potash and Perlmuttei*- No Cover Charge over a WABC-Columbia network 8.45—Mme. Frances Alda, soprano join us!" 3|| from the KHJ-Don Lee studios in 9.00—Side Show—Cliff Soubier, Special Party Lincoln's Birthday—Monday, p; Special Dinner is served in the Grill Los Angeles tonight, from 9.30 to barker; Morin Sisters, songs; February 12th. Supper served 11 to yt 10.00 o'clock, Bermuda Time. King's Jesters, vocal trio; 12. Dancing until one. r| from 7 to 830 Crosby's singing of "Last Year's Harold Stokes Orch. Girl" will blend into "Dancing in 9.30—Cyrena Van Gordon, con­ Cover Charge including supper 6/- * «| The Moonlight" as played by the tralto; Walter Golde, pianist Dinner $2.00 per person orchestra. From "Smoke Rings," 9.45—Red Davis—sketch sung by Crosby and the Mills 10.00—Sinclair Greater Minstrels 8184+111.eitp Brothers, the orchestra will drift 11.00—Carlos Gardel, baritone; into "Mine," the George Gershwin Hugo Mariani's Orch. hit from "Let 'Em Eat Cake.** "My 11.30—Henri Deering, pianist To dine and dance in the Tropical Qrill is the delightful Old Man" and "Dutch Mill" will 11.45—Pappy, Zeke, Ezra and Elton I receive special treatment from the hillbilly songs and dialogue and romantic "something that is different" vocalizing brothers, and Crosby's 12.00—Ramona, specialty singer solos will be "Day You Came The New Windsor Hotel and Along" and "On the Wrong Side WABC, New York 8 JO kc. of the Fence." The orchestra will 5.00—Columbia Dramatic Guild Palm Gardens augment the musical festivities presents John Drink water's Sill? with "Going to Heaven on a M'.le." Abraham Lincoln maintains the charming Bermuda atmosphere in the PALM a a a 6.00—Skippy—sketch GARDENS and in the beautiful and unusual TROPICAL GRILL. XYLOPHONIST FEATURED ON 6.15—On the Air Tcnight The facinating music of a new orchestra combined with the GYPSIES PROGRAMME 6.20—The Dictators romantic beauty of the surroundings make it the rendezvous of 6.30—Jack Armstrong—sketch the most discriminating. Famous for Bermuda dishes and the "Buffoon," a manuscript piece by 6.45—Reis and Dunn, comedy and excellent cuisine of its French Kitchen under the personal super­ the xylophone virtuoso Harry Breuer songs vision of Mons Mobers of Paris. features will be played by the composer as 7.00—Buck Rogers—sketch A la Carte — Table d'Hote Service an instrumental highlight of the 7.15'—Bobby Benson—sketch For table reservation phone The Headwaiter. 7.30—Household Music Box A. & P. Gypsies programme tonight European or American Plan at 10.00 o'clock, over an NBO-WEAF 7.45—Ye Happy Minstrel and Tiny The "Wisden" Racquet network. Band * a • 8.00—Myrt and Marge—sketch FOR THE "CHAMPIONSHIPS" TONIGHT'S PROGRAMMES 8.15—Just Plain Bill—sketch 8.30—Music en the Air with Jimmy (Bermuda Time) Kemper 8.45—Boake Carter—news HARMONY HALL 55/- GSB, 31.5 m.; GSA, 49.6 m. 9.00—Happy Wonder Bakers Daventry, England 9.15—Edwin O. Hill—news Guest House Paget West 5.00—Time Signal from Green­ 9.30—Bing Crosby; Arnheim's Or­ You wiU want the best racquet to wich. My sic and the Ordin­ chestra, and the Mills Bro­ ary Listener, a talk by Sir thers Situated near Elba Beach also Elbow Beach, and within play your best tennis. The bal­ Walford Davies 10.00—Philadelphia Studio Orch. one minute's walk of the Railway Station 5.20—Dance music (g.r.). 10.15—Andre Kostelanetz arid his All rooms are equipped with twin beds, hot and cold ance and driving power of this one 5.30—Gershom Parkington Quin­ Orch.; Howard Marsh, Mary fresh running water also electric heaters when required. tet. Eastman, soprano Will add half fifteen to your game. 6.15—News Bulletin 10.30—"The Big Show"—Gertrude For Rates Phone 262? Niesen, Isham Jones' Orch. 6.30-6.45—Dance music or call in and we will be pleased to show you through the and dramatic oast house and grounds GSC, 31.3 m.; GSA, 49.6 m. ll.CO—Wayne King's Orch. 7.00—Time Signal from Big Ben. 11.30—Columbia News Service C. S. FRITH, Manager Sir Harry Jackson presents 11.45—Presenting Mark Warnow the Brimingham Repertory 8050jth.ei to 15.2.34 Company in Eleventh Hour, KDKA, Pittsburgh 980 kc. by Anthony Armstrong: pro­ 6.00—Babe Ruth's Boys Olub duced by Herbert M. Pren­ 6.15—KDKA Kiddies Club tice, with Hubert Gregg, 6.30-7.00—Same as WJZ Vernon Harris, and Godfrey 7.00—Pat Haley IMPERIAL HOTEL / Kenton, relayed from the 7.15—Sports \ Corner Burnaby and Church Sts., Hamilton Repertory Theatre, Birming­ 7.30—Salon Orchestra ham. 7.46-11.15—Same as WJZ EXCLUSIVE but not EXPENSIVE 7.30—Dance music 11.15—Art Farrar's Orch. 8.00—Public Schools Empire Tours 11.30—Same as WJZ RATES:—American Plan $5.00, or £1. 0. 0. per day —a talk by Dr. M. J. Ben- 12.00—Sports European Plan $2.50 or 10/- per day. dall, C.M.G. Breakfast Lunch Dinner 8.15—Instrumental Recital (g.r.) WTIC, Hartford 1060 kc. SPECIAL SHOE SALE 8.45-9.00—News Bulletin 5.00—Organ Melodies 25C. 50C, 75C S1.00 $1.25 5.80—Same as WEAF CLARENCE H. MASTERS, Manager. Men's, Women's, Children's and Boys' WEAF, New Yea* 660 kc. 5.45—Morgan Memorial Talk— 5.00—Concert Artists Robert Drew-Bear Commencing Monday, Feb. 12th 5.30—Hampton Institue Quartet- 6.00—Same as WEAF 9.00-10.30—Same as WEAF Negro male quartet 6.15—Babe Ruth's Boys Club 10.30—The Travelers Hour Bermuda 10 a.m. 5.45—The Lady Next Door 6.30-7.00—Same as WEAF 11.00—Same as WEAF 6.00—Swing Your Partner—dances 7.00—Wrightville Clarion 11.30—WTIC Playhouse At Hamilton Store only and sketch 7.33—Same as WEAF 18.00—Same as WEAF S. P. C. A. 6.30—Adventures of Tom Mix 7.45—"Eavesdropping on the Doc­ 00— HENRY COOLIDGE ADAMS No Exchanges 6.45—The Wizard of Oz tor"—Dr. Henry F. Stoll 7.00—Programme summary 7.55—Piano Interlude—Laura C. Emerge • KCRffTARY 7.03—Xavier Cugat's Oroh. Gaudet •HW WIMOSO* HOVCL - 7.30—Irene Beasley, songs 8.00—Songs Without Words "It is right that humanity, now SYDNEY O. SIM* THE FRENCH BAZAAR 7.45—Henry Burbig, the Rhythm 8.15—Meistersingers of the Air no longer in Its infancy, should Boys 8.30—Same as WEAF iNSPVRTCMt 8185ts.ci. to si7. make great experiments instead 8.00—Trio Romantique 8.45—Shorty Hicks and his Cow­ of living in the chains of tradition." *»MOMC 17«I 8.15 Billy BatcheloT—sketch boys —Guglielmo Ferrero. '**«»a,' mm I — |I ^iwgpnMPii' PPIII1 •**- r


if ('rtts&wordrow . Puzzle By LARS MORRIS = ACROSS SATTJRDAF'S 8—Man (slang) ANSWER 7—Growing old l-Old exclamation 8—Unduly prole _ Travel Light but | ^ 5—With mouth open 9—Period of time" 10- Short poems 10—Path through 14—Tribe of Israel heavens 15—African native 11—Face of clock 16-Irritate 12—German river 17 Strike with flat 13—Children Travel Well object 21—Food fish (pl.) 8m 18—Odorous vegetable 23—Unity 18—M r. Both 25—Christmas tree 20—Sell 27—Habit 33—Trinitrotoluol 28—Parts of church 23—Rendered smooth 29—Girl's name 24—Idiot 30—Carry oft as booty 26—Outttnal sound 32—Carelessness 28—Gas surrounding 34—Discoverer of radium earth 35—Malicious burning 31—Relatives 16—General movement In 33—Peer Gynt's mother one direction You need a new piece of bag- 34—Animal 38—Cook in hot tat 3T—Choice 39—Pinal total 'gage and as you are going 40—Contented sound ol 40—Place cat 43—Rectangular tnset 41—Burns 45—Live itW%\~ abroad, you surely do. 42—Procure 46—Tear 43—Pocketbook 87—Cognomen 48—Nervous twitching 44—Covetousness 68—Fish-eating bird 51—Shrill whistle 45—Change 69—Panorama 52—Devour er Decide on the colour and 47—Observe 70—precisely 54—Item of creed 48—Prefix: three 71—Ktotlced 55—Primates buy a good piece with the 49—Uproar 73—Blue woolen cloth 56—Ripped I Wish My Mother Knew SO—Object 73—Take care of 57—Musical unit 51—Beleaguerment 59—Circlet for finger idea of adding apiece or two 53—-Favorite DOWN TJia^times out of ten the"most^wiitchfttl mother 55—Room under root 61—Donated for subsequent trips. 58—Attention 1—Otherwise 62—So be lt doesn't suspect the condition which causes fretful^ 80—Lawful 3—Ancient Sicilian cltj 63—Permit use of 64—Impoverished 3—Ancient barbarian ness, listlessness or loss of appetite. It is self-poisoning 65—Opponents ol a 4—Sign of repetition 65—Donkey which occurs even wherr'thejchUd's_habiteJina^ Good baggage need not be measure 5—Prefix: upward 66—Bishop'* Jurisdiction seem regular.C____ _ . _-—^—-3.-.——^- expensive. 1 a 3 5 6 7 a 9 IO 11 •£2 13 " Now the best way to correct this condition—tne 4 safe, drugless way—is with a little Castoria. It cleanses 1H 15 16 the system of poisonous waste, settles the stomach? I As your doctor will tell you, a child is healthy and; For evidence of this look over our stock n IS asar. strong only when the system is clean and digestion,; of good English Luggage and keep In mind normal. „ _ .„ _ ., ao L21 2<2. 23 Ask your doctor about Castoria. He will, tell you the suggestion made above. % % it is utterly safe—free from narcotics and harsh yb 3£> drugs—and also it is surprisingly effec e. Nothing r % m j_; 2© 29 SO 31 32 2© y 5M 55, 36. better for ailing children. Try it. % % A m from babyhood 39 MO in se y/A TOR to eleven years Hi. M2 H3 IDS THE HOME STORE % % MM M5 46 FREE—A valuable booklet containing information Reid Street y//, FREE MS H9 50 on MODERN METHODS OF OHILD OARE— >-n write for your c°Py to—W. S. Purvis & Co., Dept. 2B, Burnaby % % % i- 52 53 St. Hamilton 55 3

V -d Wne totWioi. teel and THE •AlU-Attt*t' MaU K«As also con- ^Vita^Da^" additiona11-• „1l fliAtm " m teething-

Wrue fo, free c% of "In/a* Feeding by the •Msnbwys' Foods."

UI «SHa i!,urysi^,Lo d, :.C.L. British sf ortening makes perfect pastries and 1 n OI) takes. Kerps them fresh for days on end. B.C.L. does t ot require refcgeration. Sold In { lb. and I lb pkts. | iip'xij/ ReLrz-tntatwe for B.W. I. 5b"e gents jor Bermuda; NICHOLL* ASHTON, P.O. Box529 Hamilton President Paul von ilindenburg (center) and Field Marshal von Macliensen celebrated H. S. HALSALL. iSStrS*-.mw ?1 i^any, s forces to the WorM War, shown at tbe receat wtutary ceiebratSn to • "IT # .M», * * S to 63d aiutfversary of the founding of t|» Rescjj, ™ ** _ _..* j IR^PPiPp*' * - TV**'";."* :'^Ipi


MIDSEASON ONE SHILLING SALE ARTY DRYOL^ANING BY JOSEPHINE NEWTON For Two Weeks Only~-Feb. 12th to 24th ft IfW feyUrn-ti l fM.tmt r*rh«lk*.te, Iae j Betty, sweet and unsophisti­ She didnt answer, only held Performance 2 SUITS Drycleaned cated, is st her first college herself tense and ri^id, her eyes house party. When ber escort. dowi-cast. She was so angry uhat ££££££££££££££££££££££££ Jack, gets arrested ami so fails she dared not speak. S&e felt £ & to show up to take her to the that she hated him as she had £ dance on the first evening, she never hated anyone before. That Justifies By sending us two suits at thej_§ £ goes anyway and meets Steve "Betty, darling, I didnt mean Pressed Harrod, an attractive young to catechize you. I didn't mean same time, during this sale, you £ professor, who is very attentive to souna so darned indifferent. It get one of them Gleaned and £ to her. When she learns, the was because I felt as if a chasm Recotn menda tion Pressed for 1/- £ For the price of next day, that he is engaged, had opened ap beneath my feet. she is' dismayed, suddenly re­ Take advantage of this special £ Id been hoping tha* you wouldn't One* alizing that she has fallen in nnd out about last night, because offer, have a clean-up period on £ Plus 1/- love with him. Meanwhile, Iknew you wouldnt understand. your wardrobe. £ Jack has turned up and ex­ This morning, when I woke up. t This is not a rush job, or a rin-°e £ 1 Suit 7/6 plains his defection of the pre­ could have ktcked myself around vious evening—with one omis­ the block. Oh, Betty, darling!" out in CAS £ 2 Suits 8/6 sion. Betty, from ber window late the night before, had seen He released her suddenly. Betty line riling is certain — unless Moffats him kissing her best friend, sat perfectly still, without saying THIS IS A a word. Eleanor. She bluntly asks him "Betty, how can I make you un­ Electric Stoves were good stoves they FIRST CLASS DRY-CLEANING JOB BY OUR EXPERTS to explain. derstand what happened? You're •TO sweet tad unsophisticated. would not be installed in such large num­ CHAPTER XXIII How can I make you see that a BERMUDA LAUNDRY 'WHY, w — what do you man can kiss a hundred girls, bers. The greater part of our orders come Cleaners and Dyers Phone 2104 " mean?" Jack faltered. and still love only one!" as the result of recommendations by satis­ "Just what I said," Betty |_|E LEANED toward her. and Let Us be Your Laundry and Cleaner replied. She still spoke in a ** touched her arm very gently. fied users. I do love you, Betty. However I 817StilO.ral2.ililS.ml9 cold, matter-of-fact voice. may act, whatever you may think "Why were you kissing of me, I love you. I mean it. I've We do everything possible to justify those Eleanor last night outside the never felt the same about anyone Inn?" before, oh, I've made love to who so kindly say — plenty of girls," he added quickly, She looked at him inquir­ cs Betty shot nun a skeptical ingly, but he fhowed no sign glance. "Girls expect that. But of replying to her question. you're different. You're real and NOTICE "Of course you dont have sincere, and so sweet. Honestly. Betty, I'm crazy about you. I fen Put in a to tell me," she said. in love with you the moment I Still he kept silent, an inscrut­ met you. It hit me Hfce a thun­ able expression on his face. Then derbolt, and I've meant every GUERLAIN he rsached for another cigarette. word rve ever said to you, or Moffats Electric Stove Net until he had lighted it and written to you. Will you believe PARFUMEUR taken several puffs did he say a that?" word. Betty gazefi at him with a "I har hoped that you wouldn't strange feeling of wonder. She "We, Societe Gueriain, 68 Avenue des find out about that, Betty," he knew that Jack was in earnest. Champs-Elysees, Paris, France, hereby warn said Anally. She knew that he meant every "Oh." She said nothing for a word he said. And it made her the public that we take absolutely no re­ moment. Then, "At least, then, feel rather humble. She had AT OUR SHOWROOMS sponsibility for perfumes, etc., soldunder you're not going to deny it?" really won his love. Oh, things our name in Bermuda outside the esab- were so uneven, so wrong. Jack lishment of MESSRS. FENISTON-BROWN "]j\JO. of course not. I wouldn't loved her, and she loved Steve, and Steve was engaged to Mice. COMPANY, LIMITED, and their recognised * *l lie to you, Betty." The Electric Light Company "X see." She was sarcastic. It was all such a wretched mix- agents. "But what puzzles me," he went up. on, "is bow you found out-about Jack loved her — something The name of PENISTON-BROWN will be it. Did Eleanor tell you?" within her, something hurt and stamped on each package imported by them "No," she replied rather shortly. lonely, quickened at the thought. and customers should look for this mark "Then how . She had longed for some con­ before purchasing." His manner was still reflective solation for the ache in her heart and inquiring—Impersonal, as if that the news of Steve's engage- Signed, th-3 matter had nothing to do men* had brought. And here was with himself at alt. Betty felt Jack's love. Warm, beautiful, sin­ SOCIETE GUERLAIN. herself growing angrier by the cere. Why not take it for what 670MJ<3m.tp. moment. How dare he take it all it was worth? And try to return so calmly? How dare he sit there it. bombarding her with questions? Anyone would think that she IT WOULD help her to put Steve were the culprit instead of he. * out of her mind. And Jack was Well. If you really want to so dear. There had been a time know." si'e said, and she could when she had longed for his af­ feel the bot color mounting to her fection. Tears of self-pity sprang MILLINERY cheeks, "nobody told me about it. into her eyes. And Jack saw I happened to see you, that's all. them. The next time, you ought to be "Oh, Betty darling! Please more careful about tbe place you forgive me for last night After select iTou really shouldn't stand I got out of jail and came back A new selection of small Berets, right under the window of the to the campus I just happened to girl vcr've asked to the house meet Eleanor on tbe steps of the Caps, and Scarf Sets, in White party. Also, it would be a good Inn as she was going in. She said Angora, Flannel and knitted- idea tc be t. little more quiet that you were terribly angry about it . " with me. She flirted with m* material— Her voice broke with anger. Oh, I'm not trying to lay the And tears burned her eyes until blame on her. It was my fault she had to turn her head away But it didrt mean a thing. Can Priced 4/6 to 35/- from him. Then, before she knew you believe that. Betty? Can you what had happened, he had ? fp^t believe thai kissing her had noth­ her into bis arms, she fought to ing to do with as? Can you free herself. believe thaw Betty looked up at him rather H. how dare you!" she cried shyly. Something within her LOCKWARD &. CO. O "Let me go! Do you hear? thrilled and responded ' to his Let me go! oh, how I hate you words. She wanted to believe Reid Street Jack Donaldson!* him, desperately. "Betty! Betty!" He held her "Yes,** she said. And her voice in spite of herself. "Vou must was very low. "Yes, I-can believe listen to me. 5Tou must. I dont that." blame you for being angry. But you must let me explain." (To oe continued'

11 4* A Canadian benana con.peny HOMELIGHT NEWS FROM THE SOUTH has offered a five-year contract for a government franchise to take all PORT-OP-SPAIN, Feb. 9. (CP)— bananas at £6-50 cents a bunch. A sharp earthquake shook the city The prcpesals will be discussed this at five o'clock this morning but morning. did no damage. The 'quake was a The Brand of Kerosene that has given short one. * * * Jcnas Phillip Cadman and universal satisfaction for over 25 years Humphrey Frederick White were Senor Nero Lairat, a government sentenced to death tcday for the revenue inspector aboard a Trinidad murder of Palbo Din, an East and Venezuela channel steamer Indian and small merchant in was arrested on his arrival from Madras, a village in the country WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY Ciudad, Boh via. He was accused of district here. The defence admitted Again on Sale smuggling ammunition for the a conspiracy to raid the store for Wholesale Distributors benefit of local rebels. Several jewels, declaring that death was arrests are reported of a number due to an unforeseen struggle of persons in east coast ports on ©lite (£k?lzm because of the heroic efforts of similar charges, and a large number Palbo to def en d his property. are suspected of sympathising with LIQUEUR CHOCOLATES the vain revolutionary effort in , oo MORRIS A. GIBBONS Venezuela. The Finest Obtainable * * * Supply and Demand in boxes of 1 lb, Vfc lb, and % lb MEN'S CARDIGAN COATS Princess Marie Louise, the King's "Recently there were more stu­ cousin, landed from the "Duchess dents in schools of journalism than An Acceptable Qift All Sizes of Richmond" and visited Trini­ there were actual reporters in the only 6/6 each dad's Pitch Lake which was dis­ country."—Stuart Chase. covered by Sir Walter Raleigh. She GOSLING BROTHERS LTD. later visited the Millfields Imperial Look Up St. George's Store College of Agriculture and dined "We look backward too much. Sole- Agenti 8151*f*If. at Government House. The ship Thus We miss the passing moment" 7391aJ«3w.f.fll.tO. sailed at midnight. —William Lyon Phelps.


% By George McManus « 1934, King Futures Syndicate, lac, GrMt-Briuir. rigliis r«J«vd. 1 i •JjfWBJrfr iiwr.%.«'f..ffii*.fo'- • , A" 1-iA'J'* "^


CASTLE HARBOUR NOTES THE BOOK STORE 1 Festoons of smilax suspended W<*k Baskets that Hold from the electroliers in the^Qfccill for A Love Token ...... i its Gala Night last Thursday even­ : : : : KAPOOT by Carveth x ing. Tables were decked with Everything Wells, 10/5. Here is the * } native Bermuda blooms, and noise unvarnished story of the x makers and paper .snowballs • were Valentine Day celebrations recent visit to Soviet Russia jj distributed to the dinner guests. by Carveth Wells and his jj Huge balloons of pastel shades were began away back about A. D. wife. The trip they took K released over the heads of the extended into the Caucasus ^x. ipuples .<}ancing to the strains of Here's an idea while Sewing 270—the real" meaning is Mountains, where they 5 the Sigmund Schatz orchestra. Week lasts* obscure. visited the descendants of fi Mr. and Mrs. George Emlen the Crusaders, all the way Roosevelt came over from "Out- We do know that Wednesday, south to Taibunt Ararat,' x o' Bounds'* for the dinner dance, then back to Finland. It's bringing their daughters, Miss Lay in a stock of Sewing 14th has a happy significance a strange story and grim in I Margaret Roosevelt, one of this essentials in a handy Basket. f nowadays. spots. I seasons' debutantes, and Miss : : : : THE STATS VERSUS Medora Roosevelt. With their x ELINOR NORTON by Mary party was their house guest Mr. Let us help you prove your Roberts Rinehart, 8/4. The X Townsend Phillips and also Mr. £1. 2. 0 will buy. love with a token nner story of a woman's I Harold Williams. life and of a murder, the Mr. Bay A. Huber, publisher of the I r, dramatic- and. jet realistic "Nevi* *£ork World-Telegram, gave VALENTINE CARDS a dinner in celebration of his birth­ series of events that pro­ Id. to 3d. duced the character of i day. In his party were Mrs. Huber STANDING BASKETS 18/6 Elinor Norton and Drought and their daughter Mrs. Mary Jane her to struggle against the Weeks, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. PAIR SCISSORS 2/- A box of WHITMAN'S, Jennings. law for-her. freedom. j THIMBLE „_ _ 2i/2 FULLER'S, TERRY'S, or : : MURDER OX THE Mr. Theodore Titze surprised NEEDLES 2 y ORIENT EXPRESS by Mr. Huber with a birthday cake 2 NEIL SON'S CHOCOLA­ Agatha Christie, 7/6. This I lighted with candles and Sigmund PINS „.2% is the Crime Club Book of Schatz played "Happy Birthday to TES or a bottle of PER­ You." SPOOL SILK ; 5 the month. x : : SKIN AND BONES by Mrs. William C. Delafield was SPOOL COTTON 3 Vfe FUME. Thorne Smith, 8/4. Not 5 hostess to Prince and Princess Vlad­ HOOKS and EYES 2 since Turnabout has there I imir Koudacheff and the members been so wickedly hilarious 5 of their party which includes Mr. £1.2.0 a tale as this sage of Mr. I and Mrs. Donald O. MacRae, Mrs. THE HOME STORE Quintus Bland, who found 5 James R. Deering, Mr. and Mrs. himself in the strangest Harold P. Tasker, Miss Violet Orth- Sewing Week Continues All This Week.. condition of any mortal I wein, Miss Judy Rose, Mr. Griswold and since time's beginning. X Thompson, Mr. Griswold Tasker, : -. : : THE DEATH SHIP I Mr. Arthur O'Neill, Mr. Clarence THE WOMANS SHOP m» by B. Traven, 7/6. This S. Rose and Mr. Delafirld. Ad­ an d MEDICAL HALL book has taken continental X ditions to the party for the dinner THE HOME STORE ?SvJ^7»_<: Europe by storm and has X were Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ralston ft^.*w--3s__i» Reid Street been translated into 12 X of Dixon, Ills. Reid Street

languages. It is a sea X Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bertles story with a blend of the of Glen Cove also came over to the horrible, the pathetic and 5 Grill for the dinner dance with a the -sublime. Definitely a X small group. BELMONT MANOR NOTES son is a Director in the same bank dark horse among the new I Others having tables included Mr. in Rochester. . Spring publications. I and Mrs. Bernard F. Hogan of Gar­ Dr. E. L. Loblein, President of the Major Hugh C.% Maclean, of Vannote Lumber Company of Point :„i^._i,-JKORJK OIL ART by X den City, L.I.; Mr. and Mrs. John FIRE! Sinclair Lewis, 10/5. Tins Toronto, arrived on Friday^for his Pleasant, N.J. and Mrs. Loblein X L. Merrill and their son Mr. John is ^the^rgjoxy-.. of . J_C_xon L. Merrill, jr. of New York; Mrs. annual holiday]_"at the Belmont. are paying a visit of a few days to We sell Fire Insurance, but give eagte> Sa38t- "Of America. Hugh V. Rodin and Miss Dorothy The Major has many firnds in Ber­ the Princess. The Lobleins are sB&Btewwgf


x >crx xc* )o<)o«»o<>o< K TRINIDAD WINS INTER­ ENGLISH FOOTBALL RESULTS COLONIAL: CUP ENGLISH LEAGUE ; Local^lihd Foreign Sporting News JJ Defeat Barbados by 288 Runs Division 1 Aston Villa 1 Portsmouth 1 BY "ELUS" PORT-OF-SPAIN, Feb. 9 (OP)— Blackburn R. £ Manchester C. 0 Barbados did not feel so happy Derby C. 1 W. Brom. A. 1 SlOIIOK»)OI)0<000()CK)CXO(0C>aOOC»0(IOI)0


WINDJAMMERS-THE LAST gg ><=><)<>>cx>e><>oKx=xxcx>o«o<>o<>o< 85| Classified PHASE | "JEFFREY'S'' | Advertisements Corn Special Articles for Royal Melon Gazette | MARCHES | EMPLOYMENT GOVERNESS, English lady with Arrangements have now been 5 wONm I! $ completed whereby the Royal Gaz-j I x I long experience, at liberty to give ette and Colonist Daily acquire the, 5 — | lessons in usual subjects. Write Squash exclusive rights in Bermuda for the; P.O. Box 410 Hamilton. publication of six compelling articles! 1 JUNE 1929 * 8190*m. of "Bowsprit Ashore," and one of x 5 Immediately, Competent COOK, etc the outstanding writers on naut­ Apply mornings to 'Mrs. John Cucumber, x Jeffrey's the Cleaners x ical subjects in the world. jt opened for business in a * Pitt. These articles will deal with the 5 tiny store with the very jj 8203fm. sailing ship era and the author will y minimum of equipment. 9 give his own personal experiences WADSON'S | DECEMBER 1929 5 on different windjammmers and FOR SALE jj Discarded first equipment | 8043 A Bill proposing stringent federal O cD MRS. ROBINSON © c3 regulation of stock exchange opera­ dian parnter of Verne D. Sankey vides ltd policyholders with a fur­ The scientific strapping or M •—i tions was ready for introduction was sentenced to life imprisonment ther $66,00 of protection for every CAMPBELL, GOSLING & CO. I Temperatur e a t i Weathe r a t 8.0 0 aching ankles — arches »**• in­ over the weekend as President for conspiracy to kidnap for ran­ $100.00 of liabilities, This position Phone 2066 Cablet "Carbreok" CANADA: Roosevelt published a special mes­ som. is altogether remarkable. steps — etc. Montreal -12 b — Bank of Bermuda Building sage to the United States Con­ * * * It is also note-worthy that nearly CHIROPODY Ottawa -16 be — NEW JAPANESE AMBASSADOR 70% of the Company's Assets are Toronto -2 b — gress upon the same subject. The PEDICURE proposals are for an absolute pro­ FOR U.S. in Government, Provincial, Mun­ COTTAGES U.S.A.: hibition on pool operations with icipal Bonds, First Mortgage Loans Qualified Expert in Attendance Boston 2 b NEW YORK, Feb. 11 (CP)—Hir- on Real Estate, Policy Loans and the provision for making them a oshi Saito, the youngest ambassa­ Rent and Sale New York ... 0 b criminal offence subject to a heavy Cash. Philadelphia.. 6 b — dor ever sent to the United States During the year the death claims STANLEY'S BEAUTY SHOP fine and imprisonment. by the Nipponese Emperor, arrived GERALD GRAY Atlantic City 2 b — President Roosevelt has asked experienced were much lighter than Telephone 1403 Washington .. 8 be — here on Saturday. He stated that daring 1932. Fire and Marine Buildins Congress to curb "purely speculative Japan did not wish to take over the 8198+m. to 5.3.34 BERMUDA: i operations" in the markets. The The Company now has in force St. George's .. 47 bep .26 Philippines and laughed at the $12,217,321 of Business. Front Street (West) Phone 1169 • bill to be introduced immediately suggestion of a possible Russo-Jap­ will give the Government broad The following were elected Direc­ NOTE: b—blue sky, bo partly anese war. He said "We don't tors for the ensuing year:— ruRNl5HED-AND-UNr-URNISHE[) cloudy, o—cloudy, o—overcast, powers of control over stock ex­ want to fight and Russian doesn't H. Murphy, Halifax, N.S.; Hon. E. changes and will outlaw various Hon. W. A. Black, Halifax, N.S., A. Reilly, Moncton, N.B.; H. R. r—rain, p—passing showers, s— want to fight, so we aren't going Sen. F. B. Blaok, Sackville, N.5., snow, f—fog, t—trace, bf—blue manipulative practices which were Silver, Halifax, N.S.; J. H. Win- recently brought to light in Wall to fight. R. B. Colwell Halifax, N.S., W. f.j * MacDougall, SAFE — SOFT The President explained that collapsed on Friday and died of gonish, N.S.; J. D. McKenna, President, H. R. Silver, Vice-Pre­ heart failure while hunting near Saint John, N.B.; Sen. John Mc­ * Sterilized 20 Times "speculation has been made far sident and Ohairman of the Exe­ ^TucAer too alluring and far too easy for Salisbury. He was sixty years old. Lean, Souris, P.E.I.; Red Hugh cutive Committee, Bernard Lock- NSW WESTBURY « McLean, Saint John.fN.B.; W. 2jE.j NORTHERN TISSUE those who could and for those who He was a noted tactician and a wood, F.F.A., A.I.A., A.A.S., Sec- { RICHMOND ROAD could not afford to gamble." specialist on field artillery, Miller, Campbellton, N.B.; Dr. G. retary-Treasurer and Actuary. "HOME MOB CAiLt TSUCP.0 New Models in ATWATER KENT RADIO SETS-WADSON'S '" ""