WITHOUT GOD Our week would be SINDAY MOURNDAY TEARSDAY WASTEDAY THIRSTDAY FIGHTDAY SHATTERDAY 7 DAYS WITHOUT GOD MAKES ONE WEAK!! FROM THE MANSE Dear Friends, Just a short note this edition of the newsletter as much of the past two weeks has either been in Fife or travelling back and forward to Fife. My Mum has just passed away after a long and courageous struggle with cancer. Thanks for all your kindness and support expressed at this time in so many ways. Your friend Stephen FROM THE EDITOR Summer is over and I am now back to reality. I trust that you had a good break and feel refreshed and looking forward to what the new session of all our organisations and groups have in store for us. It was good to see that Orders of Service, newsletters and magazines have been brought back from holiday. These will be displayed at the back of the Church once we resume worship in it. I am hoping that somebody out there who visited a church when on holiday would like to share their experience with us so as the ‘Churches Visited’ series can continue. As I’ve said before, this is your magazine and only what comes in can go out! The Winter magazine is scheduled to go out on Sunday 3rd December and all articles should reach me by Sunday 19th November. Alastair MacKinnon - Editor
[email protected] KIRK SESSION REPORT I hope you had a good summer. We have not had a Session Meeting since the last edition of the church magazine so just a few updates on what was reported earlier.