Sascha Pöhlmann, “‘I Just Look at Books”: Reading the Monetary Metareality of Bleeding Edge’ (2016) 4(1): 2 Orbit: Writing around . orbit Pynchon, DOI: ARTICLE “I Just Look at Books”: Reading the Monetary Metareality of Bleeding Edge Sascha Pöhlmann1 1 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE
[email protected] The essay analyzes Bleeding Edge for its pervasive representation of money, arguing that it operates as a metareality in the novel both on the levels of plot and style. Money is presented as a symbolic structure behind reality that is accessible to the initiated, the interpretation of which offers genu- ine insight about the world and its interrelations, in parallel to religious or scientific discourses. This does not simply mean that everything—politics, society, culture, technology, etc.—is ultimately determined by economic factors, but rather that money underlies the reality of these phenomena like a kind of source code, and that it is readable as such, for better or worse. In the novel, real and virtual money is heavily associated with moral values and their loss, although it is not at all only associated negatively with greed and the abuse of power. Money also harbors subversive poten- tial in Bleeding Edge, as it can uncover corruption and fraud as much as other conspiratorial phenomena (especially in connection to 9/11). In par- ticular, cash money can become an alternative medium of communication that combines the private and the public. Money does exhibit a tendency towards moral corruption in the novel, but at the same time it eludes any complete control and remains an economic as well as symbolic tool that can undermine the very capitalist system it seems to perpetuate.