Tale of

Study Guide - Book the First

Chapter One 1. What was the attitude of the British and I~rench nobility concerning the future of their rule?

2. In France, what a common punishment for not kneeling to honor monks?

3. What was the crime situation in England at this time?

Chapter Two 4. How did passengers on the Dover mail interact with each other? Why?

5. What was the guard’s initial reaction to ?

6. Who is Cruncher’s message for, and what was the reply?

Chapter Three 6. What is Cruncher’s reaction to the message he is to take to Tellson’s?

7. What question does Mr. Lorry ask the spectre? What is the spectre’s answer? What does this mean? Chapter Four 8. Describe Mr. ’s dress and physical appearance.

9. Who is Mr. Lorry waiting for in Dover?

10o Have Mr. Lorry and the young Lady met before? When/under what circumstances?

11. What news does Mr. Lorry have for the young Lady? What is her reaction to this news?

Chapter 5 12. What are the people’s reaction to the broken wine cask?

13oThe spilled wine is a symbol of what?

1"4. What is the power that has ground the people down? What does this tell us about conditions in France?

Describe DeFarge and his Wife. 16. Why do all the men in the wine shop refer to each other as "Jacques"? (research the word jacquerie)

17. Why have Mr. Lorry and Miss Manette come to DeFarge’s wine shop? Why was DeFarge chosen for this du~y?

18. Why does Del~arge show Dr. Manette to the Jacques?

Chapter Six 19. What is Dr. Manette doing when they enter the room?

20, Describe Manette’s physical appearance. What does this tell you about his prison experience?

21. When the doctor compares the strands of golden hair in his "locker" to Lncie’s hair, what is his first conclusion? Does he figure out the ~ruth? Tale of Two Cities Stndy Guide #2 Book U Chaps 1 -

Chapter 1 1. Describe Tellson’s Bank. What is the bank’s attitude toward change?

How does Tellson’s treat the young men in its employ?

3. What behavior of Mrs. Cruncher makes Mr. Cruncher angry? Why does this anger him?

Chapter 2 4, What does Mr. Cruncher think is "Barbarous?"

5. What is the "Old Bailey" and for what is it famous?

6. Who is being tried, and for what charge?

7. Who is present in the courtroom to act as witness for the prosecution?

Chapter 3 8. Where do Mr. Lorry, Miss Manettee, and Dr. Manette first meet ? What was Lucie’s opinion of him?

9. What did the wigged man who was looking at the ceiling point out to the counsel, Mr. Stry~er, on ~he piece of paper he threw to him? 10. What does Mr. St~ver say about Mr. Basard and Mr. Clay?

11. What happens in the courtroom to prove that Mr. Car~on is much more observant than his manner lets on?

12. What personal service does Carton do for Charles Darnay?

13. Verdict? Tale of Two Cities Study Guide #3

Chapter 4 14. What does Car~on’s and Darnay’s toast foreshadow?

15. What is ’s opinion of himself?

Chapter 5 16. What is Carton’s job? Describe his working routines - when, where, how...

17.How does Sydney feel about his life?

Chapter 6 18. Where does Mr. Lorry go most Sundays?

19. What kind of housekeeper is Lucie?

20. Describe - how she appears on the surface and what she’s really like once you get to know her.

21. How does Pross describe the Doctor’s mental condition? What does it take to soothe him? 22. Who are the "hundreds of people" that visit Manettes on Sunday?

Chapter 7 22. What kinds of people associate themselves with the Monseigneur? What does this tell you it takes to get ahead in France at this time?

23. Describe the "accident" that befalls the Monsieur the Marquis in the streets of Paris.

24. What is the Marquis’ attitude toward this accident?

Chapter 8 25. What are the conditions in the Marquis’ home village?

26. What unusual sight did the roadmender see? Prediction?

26. Who is the Marquis expecting?