Transcription of M.R. James’s unpublished description Cambridge, University Library, MS Gg.3.21

Title Missale (Tewkesbury)

Secundo folio 4f. Principium


Material vellum

Measurements 9 ¾ x 7 ¼ ins.

Collation a2 18 – 108 (3 canc.) 118 (3 canc.) 128 – 148 (6 canc.) 158 – 178 ½ 1810 (one canc.: + 1) ½ 198 (wants 2 + a slip) ½ 208 – 228 (+ 2) 238 – 268 (+ 4*) 278 – 318 ½ 324 (wants 4) ½ 352

[a2 1-98 108 (3 cancelled) 118 (3 cancelled) 12-138 148 (6 cancelled) 15-178 │ 1812 (4, 11 cancelled) 1910 (wants 2, 3; 8 cancelled) │ 20-218 2210 23-258 2610 (7 cancelled) 27-318 │ 324 (wants 4) │ 332 – HLP]

quires 1-17 are mainly of the early hand, also quires 19 and 32 (1st leaf): quires 18, 20-31 mainly of the later.

Number of leaves 256

Columns single

Lines to a page 23

Date XII late and XIII early, and XIV and XV

Handwriting The first hand splendid; the rest good

Binding brown leather

Parris 367 Holdsworth 79? Tewkesbury Abbey


Missale On f. 1a in a narrow xvth century hand: Mass for safe delivery of a woman. On 1b and 2a additional prayers badly scrawled. On 2b Sequencia in aduentu domini de S. Maria (xv). Missus gabriel de celis. alia sequencia. Uerbum bonum et suaue. On 3a in the early xivth century hand: De S. Leonardo abbate officium. On 3b begins the early hand, a very fine one of cent. xii late. Kalendar in blue, red, black. Verses on dies Egyptiaci. 4 3b has a table in frame of coloured lines, of number of days in months, and of Regule feriarum, etc. The Kalendar has a number of marginal obits, etc., which will be given together. The original hand gives: Feb. 9 S. Thelyai ep. et c. 23 Milburge v. 28 red Oswaldi archiep. et c. Alb. Mar. 1, 2 David, Cedd Ap. Guthlaci, Elphegi May in blue. Augustini archiep. red June 7 Transl. S. Wlstani ep. et c., perhaps added early 15 Edburge v. (Pershore) (16 S. Richardi transl. added late) 18 red capitals Dedicatio Eccl. Theok’ with Octave 30 Marcialis ep. c. July 2 Swithuni in red Festiuitas Reliquiarum 4 Transl. et ordinatio S. Martini, blue 7 Tr. S. Thome m., blue, erased (3 Uisitatio b. Marie, and Octave, added late) 11 Transl. S. Benedicti in blue with octave 17 Kenelmi m. in blue 23 Dedicatio altaris S. Thome martiris, added early Aug 1 S. Ethelwoldi in blue 31 Aidani ep. c. (Cuthburge v. added early) Sept 3 Ordinatio S. Gregorii, blue 4 Tr. S. Cuthberti added 10 Tr. S. Egwyni ep. et c., blue Oct 22 Ordinatio S. Dunstani Nov 16 S. Edmundi Archiep. et c. added, but in a hand very like the main one 21 Oblatio S. Marie iij lc., red Dec 8 Conceptio S. Marie v., blue 13 Judoci c. 29 Thomas, blue, erased

Obits Jan 4 Ob. Edwardus Rex 18 O. Ysabel Com’ Glouc. Commemoratio agitur Patrum et Matrum et Parentium omniumque familiarium nostrorum. Hec solempnitas fiet sim... uno die in tribus capp’ Feb 4 O. Aliua uxor Ailwardi. D.M. Mean 17 O. Ricardus Archiep. 27 Hugo de mortuomari Mar 15 O. Benedictus abb. et Robertus filius Haimon 22 O. Mabilia Comitissa et Samson ep. Wig. 30 O. Petrus abb. April 20 O. Anselmus et Theobaldus archiepi May 2 O. Wills ep. Wigorn. 4 O. Samson ep. W. 7 O. Alanus abb. et Walterus abb. 18 O. Fromundus abb. 25 O. Hawysa com’ Gloucestire 26 or 27 O. Lanfrancus archiep. June 1 O. Rogerus abb. 9 O. Hugo abb. 10 O. Henricus rex iunior July 2 O. Raıı (cut) prior 6 O. Henricus rex secundus 22 O. Joh. de Cotes abb. Teukesbur’ 29 O. Mathildis Com’ 31 O. Aluredus Ep. Wig Sept 9 O. Willelmus Rex senior 28 O. Benedictus abb. de ... Nov 20 O. Robertus abb. Theokesb’ 21 O. Giraldus abbas primus Theokesb’ Dec 8 O. Robertus abb. 24 O. Robertus abb.

Table de termino paschali 10 Paragraph: Legitur ut aiunt quidam in epistolis grecorum (of St Pachomius: commonly 10 found in Kalendars of this time) Added cent. xiii: Office in Natale S. Uincentii m. 10b Prayers for priest before Mass

In a very fine large script (xii-xiii): Proper of Time 11 There are some few marginal additions which have been cut by the binder’s plough. The first hand continues to 135 (feria vi before Palm Sunday). A gap follows. The next quire, f. 136, is in the early xivth cent. hand, beginning with the Creed. On 136 is a xvth cent. addition of the music for Gloria in excelsis. 137, an inserted leaf (later xv), gives the text of the Gloria and prayers: pro ebdomedario lectore; and on the verso, a yet later one, Mass for S. Katherine. With 138 begins the noted portion of the Mass with large initial P, continuing with the Prefaces. Quire 19, f. 146-152 [154], is of the earlier hand and contains the end of the Prefaces, and the Canon, of which the first leaf is gone. Ff. 147-149 [152] are much soiled by use. On 149b [151b] is a slip with a rewriting of a marginal addition. From 153 [155] onwards the writing is of the second hand. Missae uotiuae occupy 150- 177 [152-179]. After 172 [174] are two late xvth cent. leaves in several hands, with Masses pro benefactoribus ecclesii, contra raptores ecclesii, etc. Proper of Saints 177b [179b] beginning with S. Saturninus, including , ordin. S. Ambrosii, concept. S. Marie (S. Thomas Cant., blotted), Wlstan, Brigida, Milburga, Oswald c., , Benedict (the last). F. 206 [208] is an added leaf with Lady Day office of S. Ambrose. Common of Saints 207 [209] ending with: In oct. cuiuslibet sancti 249b [251b] Additions in various hands follow. Initium s. evang. sec. matheum. 250b [252b] In commem. S. Benedicti 251 [253] De S. Anna 251b [253b] 252 [254] is a leaf in the earlier hand with a Gospel (Unjust Steward), and on verso a later Epistle, Ad philipp. Fratres nos sumus circumcisio. Catchword, early hand. Lect. Malachie In festiuitate S. Marie Magdalene (xiv) 253 [255] S. Katerine v. Corporis Christi In a bad xvth cent. hand: De S. Dauid 255 [258] De S. Ceaddo 255b [258b]

There is no Proper of Time from Palm Sunday onwards, and no Proper of Saints from April to November.