Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 6 Number 8 (2017) pp. 1302-1314 Journal homepage:

Review Article

Edible : Future Prospects for Dietary Regimen

Atanu Seni*

Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, AICRIP, RRTTS, Chiplima, Sambalpur-768025, Odisha, India *Corresponding author


Increasing world population pressure will create serious problem of food K e yw or ds security in coming future. Entomophagy is the consumption of insects by Ecological humans, is practised in many countries around the world but predominantly advantages, Entomophagy, Food in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America yet it has not been fully used and security, . developed as a food source. It has the potential of great interest as a

Article Info possible solution due to their many advantages: (i) they are an important

source of protein, fat, carbohydrate and other nutrients; (ii) their use as food Accepted:

17 June 2017 has ecological advantages over conventional livestock and, in the long run, Available Online: economic benefits; (iii) Their rich species diversity and large populations 10 August 2017 bring diversity in diet menu.


The present world population of 7.2 billion is exist and within the 1 million described insect expected to increase by 1 billion over the species, only 5000 are considered to be coming 12 years and reach 9.6 billion by harmful to crops, livestock or human beings 2050. To accommodate this huge number, (Lenteren, 2006). Insects deliver a various current food production will need to boost up ecological services which are fundamental to almost double. Farming land is decreasing; the survival of humankind. For instance, climatic deviation and environmental insects play a crucial role in plant pollution could have profound implications on reproduction. An estimated 100000 pollinator food production. To meet the food and species have been identified and almost all of nutrition challenges of today, we need to find these (98 percent) are insects (Ingram et al., new ways of growing food. 1996). Over 90 percent of the 250000 flowering plant species depend on pollinators. Since the last 400 million years, evolution has Insects play an equally vital role by acting as produced much variety of species scavenger. Beetle larvae (grub), flies, ants and and helps many of them to adapt new termites break down the dead plant matter and environments. About 1 million of the 1.4 helps to improvement of soil condition. By million described species on earth are this process, the minerals and nutrients of insects, and millions more are believed to dead organisms become simple available form


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 for uptake by plants. Besides serving as species; and (2) their association with the pollinator and scavenger, insects provide concept that they are only eaten in times of humans with a variety of other valuable starvation or as a food source of primitive products. The most commonly known insect hunter-gatherer societies (MacEvilly, 2000; products used by human being are Honey and DeFoliart, 1999; Yen, 2010). Over 1500 silk. Bees help to produce almost 1.2 million species of insects are known to be consumed tons of commercial honey per year (FAO, by humans from over 300 ethnic groups in 2009), while silkworms produce more than 113 countries (MacEvilly, 2000) and it is 90000 tonnes of silk (Yong-woo, 1999). In estimated that insect-eating is practiced other way, scale insects (order ) regularly by at least 2 billion people produced a red dye, known as Carmine used worldwide. Even an issue of the Food Insects to colour foods, textiles, fashion and Newsletter cited that 80 percent of the world's pharmaceuticals industry. Resilin, a rubber- population eats insects intentionally and 100 like protein that enables insects to jump, has percent eat them unintentionally. Globally, been used in medicine to repair arteries the most commonly eaten insects are beetles because of its elastic properties (Elvin et al., (Coleoptera) (31 percent) because of their 2005; Van-Huis et al., 2013). Many insects large no of population almost 40 percent of all also act as an important indicator of aquatic known insect species; followed by ecosystem health i.e. mayfly, stonefly, and caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, caddisfly nymphs as their presence is a locusts, crickets, , leaf and reliable indicator of a high quality planthoppers, scale insects and true bugs, oxygenated, less polluted water. Further termites, dragonflies and flies. The these, insects are serving as sources of food. consumption of caterpillars (Lepidoptera), Edible insects have always been a part of especially popular in sub-Saharan Africa, is human diets from very early date, but in some estimated at 18 percent. Bees, wasps and ants societies there is a degree of distaste for their (Hymenoptera) come in third position and consumption. It is found that the majority of share is around at 14 percent (these are mostly edible insects are collected from forest common in Latin America). Following these habitats; innovation in mass-rearing systems are grasshoppers, locusts and crickets has started recently in many countries. They (Orthoptera) (13 percent); cicadas, contribute a significant opportunity to merge leafhoppers, planthoppers, scale insects and traditional knowledge and modern science in true bugs (Hemiptera) (10 percent); termites both developed and developing countries to (Isoptera) (3 percent); dragonflies (Odonata) become a part of dietary requirement in every (3 percent); flies (Diptera) (2 percent); and society. other orders (5 percent). Lepidoptera are consumed almost entirely as caterpillars and Entomophagy around the world Hymenoptera are consumed mostly in their egg, larval or pupal stages. Both adults and The practice of eating insects is known as larvae of the Coleoptera order are eaten, while entomophagy. Edible insects in many cultures the Orthoptera, Homoptera, Isoptera and have been eaten as staple or as a delicacy. Hemiptera orders are mostly eaten in the adult However, in some societies there is a degree stage (Cerritos, 2009; Van Huis et al., 2013). of distaste for their consumption. There are two main reasons behind the acceptance of It is found that the most popular edible beetle eating insects: (1) the bad reputation they in the tropics is the palm weevil, have as unhygienic and disease-spreading Rynchophorus, which is distributed


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 throughout Africa, southern Asia and South Aegiale hesperiaris etc. (Van Huis et al., America. The palm weevil R. phoenicis is 2013). The Australian aborigines eat the found mainly in tropical and equatorial Witchery grub, moth larvae (Xyleutes Africa, whereas R. ferrugineus is found in leuchmochla) that are reputed to taste like Asia (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New almonds (Srivastava, 1996; Yen, 2010). Guinea, the Philippines and Thailand) and another species R. palmarum found in the Ants are very popular in different parts of the tropical Americas mainly Central America world due to their tasty delicacies (Rastogi, and West Indies, Mexico and South America. 2011; Del Toro et al., 2012). The larvae, In the Netherlands, the larvae of mealworm pupae and eggs of weaver ant (Oecophylla species from the Tenebrionidae family, such spp.) constitute a popular diet in Asia. In as the yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), Thailand they are mostly sold in cans. Shen et the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus) al., 2006 reported that the ant, namely black and the superworm (Zophobas morio), are weaver ant (Polymachis dives) is widely reared as feed for reptile, fish and avian pets. distributed in China, Bangladesh, India, They are also sells in specialized shops as Malaysia and Sri Lanka and mainly used as a human food for consumption (Van Huis et al., nutritional ingredient. They are also processed 2013). into various tonics or healthy foods. The value of ant is so high, even State Food and In lepidopteran insect the mopane caterpillar Drug Administration and State Health (Imbrasia belina) is one of the most popular Ministry of China have approved more than and economically important caterpillar 30 ant-containing health products since 1996. consumed in different parts of African In Japan, the commonly consumed insect is countries. One interesting fact that about 9.5 the larvae of yellow jacket wasps (Vespula billion mopane caterpillars are harvested and Dolichovespula spp.), which is locally annually in southern Africa which value in known as hebo. An inventory compiled by monetary term is almost US$85 million Ramos Elorduy and Pino (Ramos Elorduy and (Ghazoul, 2006). It is found that 38 different Pino, 2002) in Chiapas, Mexico, suggested edible species of caterpillar are present across that most insect species eaten in the state the Democratic Republic of the Congo, belong to the Hymenoptera order, and two Zambia and Zimbabwe (Van Huis et al., leafcutter ant species (Atta mexicana and A. 2013). Latham, 2003 documented 23 edible cephalotus) are very popular there (Van Huis species in the Bas-Congo, a western province et al., 2013). of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In Asia, the bamboo caterpillar (Omphisa In Orthopteran insects, almost 80 grasshopper fuscidentalis), also known as the bamboo species are consumed worldwide, and the borer or bamboo worm, is a popular food that large majority of grasshopper species are is being promoted by the Thai Department of edible. Locusts may occur in swarms, which Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture and makes them particulary easy to catch. In Cooperatives as an increasingly viable source Africa, different types of locust namely the of income (Yhoung-Aree and Viwatpanich, desert locust, the migratory locust, the red 2005). In the Chiapas region in Mexico, locals locust and the brown locust are eaten. are believed to consume up to 27 caterpillar Grasshoppers and locusts are generally species, such as red maguey worms, larvae of collected in the morning because of their the moth Comadia redtenbacheri and white sluggish nature at morning cool temperature. maguey worms, larvae of the butterfly In Oaxaca, the harvest of chapulines (edible


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 grasshoppers of the genus Sphenarium) only delicacies. In a study carried out in Thailand takes place very early in the morning (04:00– in 2002, 53 of 76 provinces had cricket farms 05:00 hours) (Cerritos and Cano-Santana, (Yhoung-Aree and Viwatpanich, 2005; Van 2008) because chapulines are too active and Huis et al., 2013). As of 2012, there were difficult to catch during the hotter part of the about 20000 cricket farmers in Thailand. day (Cohen et al., 2009). The chapuline is Beside this, another cricket which is called probably the best-known edible grasshopper short-tail cricket (Brachytrupes portentosus), in Latin America also. This small grasshopper which has a large body and large head, is also has been a part of local diets from very early very popular for eating (Van Huis et al., times and is still serving as food in several 2013). In Japan, the most widely eaten insect parts of Mexico. The valleys of Oaxaca State is Oxya velox, a rice grasshopper, locally in Mexico are especially famous for the called ―inago‖. Catching inago has a poetic consumption of chapulines. Cleaned and charm in Japan. There some elementary toasted in a little oil with garlic, lemon and schools arrange an imago hunt every year in salt for flavour, they are a common food which parents are also invited to participate ingredient among not only indigenous with their wards. After collection, they are communities but also the urban population in cooked and served. In markets, processed Oaxaca city (Cohen et al., 2009). Another inago are sold in packets. Inago-hunting important edible insect in Mexico is serves two purposes: provides animal protein Sphenarium purpurascens, which is a pest of and reduces the number of an agricultural pest alfalfa. Harvesters use conical nets (about 80 (Srivastava, 1996). cm in diameter and 90 cm deep) without handles to lightly beat the alfalfa plants, In Malawi, several species (Ioba, allowing each local family to obtain about Platypleura and Pycna) are highly consumed 50–70 kilograms (kg) of grasshoppers weekly as food. Some Homoptera yield products (Cerritos and Cano-Santana, 2008). commonly used by humans, such as carmine Chapulines also play an effective role in local dye (a bright red pigment also called E120) small-scale markets as well as in restaurants derived from the cactus cochineal bug and export markets. A grasshopper called (Dactylopius coccus) often used in food cone-headed grasshopper, Ruspolia nitidula is products. In South Africa the psyllid a delicacy among many tribes in Uganda and (Arytaina mopane) that sucks the phloem sap other central and eastern African countries as of the mopane tree (Colophospermum far as Zimbabwe. In Uganda, locally call them mopane) is eaten. The largest number of lerp- ―nsenene‖. Introduction of electric street light building (a crystallized, sugary secretion into towns of East Africa has revolutionized produced by the nymph of psyllid insects) their collection as the insects are attracted in insects are found on Eucalyptus trees in so much vast numbers so that in Kampala Australia. The Aborigines of Australian (capital of Uganda), sometime streets are collect this lerp as a sweet food source (Yen, blocked to traffic by people coming from 2005; Van Huis et al., 2013). Different nearby rural areas for their collection pentatomid bugs are consumed widely (Srivastava, 1996). In Asia, the crickets throughout sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in namely Gryllus bimaculatus, Teleogryllus southern Africa. In the Republic of Sudan, the occipitalis and T. mitratus are collected in the pentatomid Agonoscelis versicolor, a pest of wild and then consumed them. In Thailand, rainfed sorghum that causes considerable The house cricket (Acheta domesticus) is damage, is eaten as roasted food. Sometimes, reared and commonly eaten as popular oil is also extracted from these insects and is


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 used in preparing different food items and on the plant. The villagers of Pithra village of also used for treating scab disease in camels Simdega district of Jharkhand eat eggs of (Van Huis, 2003a). Mostly pentatomid Demta, a red ant found on the trees aquatic bugs are consumed as food. The (Srivastava et al., 2009). Tribes in Karnataka famous Mexican caviar, ahuahutle, is and ‗Irumbars‘ tribe in the North Arcot composed of the eggs of at least seven species district of Tamilnadu consumed winged of aquatic Hemiptera (the Corixidae and termites as food which is commonly called as Notonectidae families); these insects have Eesal (Chakravorty, 2014). In Kerela at least formed the backbone of aquatic farming, or five species of insects (bees, ant and termite) aquaculture, in Mexico for centuries were consumed as food (Chakravorty, 2014). (Bachstez and Aragon, 1945). In Manipur, a total of 41 insect species belonging to 8 orders under 24 families and The most commonly consumed termite 36 genera are consumed as food. They species are the large Macrotermes species. consumed maximum number of Hemipteran Van Huis (Van Huis, 2003b) observed that, in edible insects. Meitei, Tarao, Tangkhul, Africa, locals beat the ground around termite Chothe and Thadou tribes consume a higher hills (simulating heavy rain) to provoke the number of species (28-30) in comparison to termites to emerge. In Amazon valley the other ethnic groups in Manipur (Shantibala et most commonly eaten termites are Syntermes al., 2012). In Arunachal Pradesh, the Nyishi species which are also bigger in size. The and Galo tribes consume at least 81 species of Baganda community, who live around the local insects, belonging to 26 families and 5 northern shore of Lake Victoria in Uganda orders of insects (Chakravorty et al., 2011). use termites and fried grasshoppers as snakes The most favourable insect life-stages are the between the main meals (Srivastava et al., caterpillars and pupae of the mulberry 2009). silkworm, Bombyx mori and non-mulberry silkworms (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), viz. Entomophagy in India Antheraea pernyi, Antheraea assamensis, Attacus ricini and Samia ricini (Gahukar, The type of insect consumption in different 2012). In Meghalaya, sexual forms of termites states of India is not documented well till are consumed as a source of proteins and date. Further work is necessary on that aspect. carbohydrates. Beside this, the mineral It is found that tribal people of Phek, Dimapur content of sexual forms of termite is greater and kohima districts of Nagaland eat than conventional vegetarian food, salmon grasshoppers, cricket, red ant and larvae of fish and broiler chicken (Paul and Dey, 2011). mulberry silkworms. They also eat green Around 29 species of different edible insects colour larvae infested on golmohar tree in the are consumed by tea tribes in greater Chabua month of March April (Srivastava et al., of Dibruagarh of Assam (Das et al., 2011). 2009). Some tribal people of Midnapur Most of the tribal people of are also district of West Bengal eats red ant eggs, habituated with the consumption of Giant larvae and also uses them as fish bait water bug (Lethocercus indicus), cricket, [personal experience]. Tribal people of locusts, honeybee brood, especially late instar Kandhamal, Koraput, Sundergarh, Keonjhar larvae and pupae etc. (Doley and Kalita, and Mayurbhanj districts of Odisha eat red ant 2012). The commonly consumed insects of and termite (Srivastava et al., 2009). Termites Assam are Dorylus orientalis, Gryllus sp., were collected at the time of swarming, while Lethocercus grandis, Odontotermes red ants were collected from the nest formed obesus,Apis indica, Vespa sp.,Agabetes


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 acuductus or Hydrochera rickseckeri, (e.g. larvae of Ephemerella jianghongensis Heiroglyphus bannian, Neoconocephalus [66.26 percent], Sphaerodema rustica [73.52 palustris, Philosomia ricini, Antheraea percent]) is higher than that of commercial assama, Bombyx mori, Acheta domesticus etc. meat, fowl and eggs and they are highly (Doley and Kalita, 2012; Deva Nath et al., digestible (between 77% and 98%) (Ramos- 2005). The Mishings tribe and the Ahom Elorduy et al., 1997). Finke et al., 1989 Community of Assam uses Red tree ants reported that the house cricket (Acheta (Oecophylla smargdina) as one of the food domesticus), when fed to weanling rats, gave items during an Assamese Festival Bohag better result to get amino acids than soy Bihu in the month of April (Doley and Kalita, protein food at all levels of intake. 2012). It is believed that these insects keep their health free from infection of diseases. Fat is an important energy supplier in human The formic acid of these insects is being used body and also supporting and protecting in connection with scabies, malaria, tooth different organs. According to reports and aches, stomach disorders, blood pressure analysis (Xiaoming et al., 2010), many edible anomalies etc. (Chakravorty et al., 2011). insects are rich in fat. The fat content is higher in larvae and pupal stages; whereas it Nutritive value of edible insects is relatively lower in adult stage. The average fat content of edible insects is between 10 and Besides being a delicious food commodity, 50 percent; the fat content of Oxya chinensis the nutritive value of edible insects has of Orthoptera reaches only 2.2 percent attracted the attention of nutritionists, health whereas in some larvae and pupae of workers and physicians. Many insects not Lepidopteran insects have higher fat content, only have high nutritive value, but are also such as Pectinophora gossypeilla (49.48 considered to have health-enhancing percent) and Ostrinia furnacalis (46.08 properties, such as some caterpillars, ants, percent). The fatty acid of edible insects is termites and silkworms. different from animal fat; it has higher fatty acid that the human body needs, such as that Protein is the building block of life and found in the larvae and pupae of Dendrolimus constitutes many important components in houi, larvae of Musca domestica, Chilo body. Insect bodies are also rich protein Fuscidentalis and some ants. source. In nearly 100 analysed edible insects (Xiaoming et al., 2010), at egg, larva, pupa or Carbohydrates are another important nutritive adult stages, the raw protein content is elements as well as constituent materials of generally 20-70 percent. Raw protein content the human body. They can support different is 66.26 percent in Ephemeroptera larvae, 40- physiological functions after conjugate with 65 percent in Odonata larvae, 40-57 percent protein and fat (Jin, 1987). Edible insects in Homoptera larvae and eggs, 42-73 percent mainly content higher amount of protein and in Hemiptera larvae, 23-66 percent in fat, but less carbohydrate. The carbohydrate Coleoptera larvae and 20-70 percent in content is varies from 1-10 percent depending Lepidoptera larvae. Protein content of Apidae, on insect type. It is also revealed that insects Vespidae and Formicidae in the Hymenoptera have considerable amounts of polysaccharide Order is also high (38-76 percent). After that can enhance the immunity function of the different analytical studies, it is found that the human body (Xiaoming et al., 2010). Chitin, protein content of insects is higher than most the main constituents of insect body is a plants; the protein content of some insects macromolecular compound which is


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 nutritious and has higher health food value. It zinc. Beef contents average 12.5 mg zinc per can stop bleeding, prevent thrombus and help 100 gm of dry weight, while the palm weevil wounds to heal; it can be made into a larvae (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) contain medicinal film and can also be used in 26.5 mg zinc per 100 gm (Bukkens, 2005). making cosmetics. The body and skin of Bukkens, 2005 showed that almost all edible edible insects are rich in chitin; different insects has thiamine (vitamin B1) ranged forms of edible insects have different chitin from 0.1 mg to 4 mg per 100 g of dry matter; content (5-15 percent), such as Bombyx mori Riboflavin (vitamin B2) ranged from 0.11 to dried pupa content 3.73 percent, defatted pupa 8.9 mg per 100 mg. By comparison with content 5.55 percent and Dendrolimus houi insects, wholemeal bread provides only 0.16 pupa content 7.47 percent whereas adult mg and 0.19 mg per 100 gm of B1 and B2, content 17.83 percent (Chen and Fang, 1999). respectively. Vitamin B12 occurs only in animal originated food and it is sufficiently Inorganic salts, vitamins and trace elements present in mealworm larvae, Tenebrio molitor are important components of the human body. (0.47 μg per 100 g) and house crickets, They are necessary materials to maintain Acheta domesticus (5.4 μg per 100 g in adults normal physiological functions of body (Jin, and 8.7 μg per 100 g in nymphs). 1987). According to analysed results, edible insects have rich trace elements such as Benefits of rearing insect for food and feed potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese As demand for meat rises dramatically, so too (Mn), phosphorus (P) and vitamin A, does the need for more grain and plant carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, D, E, K, C, protein. Pimentel and Pimentel (Pimental and etc. (Xiaoming et al., 2010). Beef has an iron Pimental, 2003) calculated that for 1 kg of content of 6 mg per 100 g of dry weight, high-quality animal protein, livestock are fed while the iron content of the mopane about 6 kg of plant protein. The conversion capterpillar is 31–77 mg per 100 g. The iron rates between the feed-to-meat (how much content of locusts (Locusta migratoria) also feed is necessary to produce a 1 kg increase in varies between 8 and 20 mg per 100 g of dry body mass) is widely vary among animal to weight, depending on their diet (Ooninex et animal. Insects require very less feed due to al., 2010). As iron deficiency as the world‘s their cold-blooded in nature and do not most common and widespread nutritional require feed to maintain body temperature, i.e. disorder and in developing countries, one in the production of 1 kg of crickets requires two pregnant women and about 40 percent of only 1.7 kg of feed (Collavo et al., 2005). preschool children are believed to be anaemic When these figures are adjusted for edible (FAO, 2001). Given the high iron content of weight (usually the entire animal cannot be several insect species, inclusion of edible eaten), the advantage of eating insects insect in human diet can solve the problems in becomes even greater than other animal (Van certain way. Zinc deficiency is another Huis, 2013). Nakagaki and De Foliart, 1991 important mineral as its deficiency can lead to estimated that up to 80 percent of a cricket is growth retardation, delayed sexual and bone edible and digestible compared with 55 maturation, skin lesions, diarrhea, alopecia, percent for chicken and pigs and 40 percent impaired appetite and increased susceptibility for cattle. to infections mediated via defects in the immune system (FAO, 2001). It is also found The benefit of insects can be used as an that most edible insects are rich sources of alternative animal protein source by rearing


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 them easily, requiring minimal space. There Trade in edible insects is a major source of they can easily increase their population. income in some parts of the World and they After that, they can be processed and fed to a provide important livelihood opportunities for specific animal, the meat of which is then sold many people in developing countries. Rural to the consumer (Veldcamp et al., 2012). people can easily maintain their minilivestock, such as insects within their Further this, livestock rearing is responsible villages and due to their easy transportability; for 18 percent of greenhouse gas (GHG) they can easily move to urban markets by bus, emissions (CO2 equivalent), a higher share truck or bicycle. For example, the indigenous than the transport sector (Steinfeld et al., communities of Papua, Indonesia consume 2006). Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide between 60 to 100 edible insect species to (N2O) have greater global warming role diversify their dietary needs and surplus (GWP) than CO2: if CO2 has a value of 1 insects later sold in markets, such as the black GWP, CH4 has a GWP of 23 and N2O has a palm weevil (Rhynchophorus bilineatus), GWP of 289 (IPCC, 2007). Among insect which is collected from the sago palm species, only cockroaches, termites and scarab (Metroxylon sagu). One interesting fact that beetles produce CH4 (Hackstein and Stumm, the price of one bag containing 100–120 1994), which originate from bacterial larvae of Palm weevil fetches US$ 2.11 in fermentation by Methanobacteriaceae in the local markets, comparable in value with 20 hindgut (Egert et al., 2003). For this reason, chicken eggs and 3 kg of rice (Ramandey and they have the potential to become a part of van Mastrigt, 2010). In Mexico, grasshoppers dietary regimen in the Western world include and other edible insects are sold in village species such as mealworm larvae, crickets and markets by pound and many are sold in cans locusts, which compare favourably with pigs as fried grasshoppers, ants etc. in and beef cattle in their GHG emissions supermarkets and local grocery stores. Due to (Ooninex et al., 2010). their high protein and low fat content they can be fried or ground into meal and mixed with Water is life and lack of water is already flour to make tortillas. Tortillas are served constraining agricultural output in many parts with red and white agave worms in many of the world. Chapagain and Hoekstra Maxico city restaurants (Srivastava et al., (Chapagain and Hoekstra, 2003) estimated 2009). One species in Asia, the giant water that producing 1 kg of animal protein requires bug, is now exported from Thailand to Asian 5–20 times more water than generating 1 kg food shops in the United States of America of grain protein. It is expected that less (Pemberton, 1988). There are cricket farms in volume of water is required to raise an America, which raise the insects for the pet equivalent weight of edible insects than other trade (Srivastava et al., 2009). Ethiopian livestock. For example, Mealworms are more tribes preserved bugs in salt and later sold drought-resistant than cattle. them in markets (Srivastava et al., 2009). Examples of insect prices can give an idea of Economic benefits orders of magnitude and are taken from a wide variety of specific cases at the village Many communities understand that Insects level, in markets and online. In United are a major source of animal protein and are Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern critical for their diet diversification. Further, Ireland one have to pay €7.50 for the purchase insects do provide valuable buffers against of 70 gm of weaver ant pupae online. In the seasonal shortages of food (Dufour, 1987). Netherlands, 50 gm of the yellow mealworm


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314 and the lesser mealworm costs €4.85, and 35 difficult to increase productivity to a level that migratory locusts cost around €9.99 online. In satisfies food demand, mainly because of the the Lao People‘s Democratic Republic, the scarcity of farmland in coming years. This price of grasshoppers is much lower, at will lead to shortages of food, especially approximately €8–10 per kg. In Oaxaca, animal protein. Mexico, chapulines sell for around €12 per kg. Canned white have been exported to When total food resources are insufficient, it Canada and the United States. The cans is unwise to feed livestock with grain and containing only five or six agave caterpillars other foodstuffs, which can be consumed and sell for US$ 50 per kg (Ramos Elorduy et directly by humans. For this reason, it al., 2011; Van Huis et al., 2013). becomes necessary to look for new sources of animal protein such as insects, which are rich Eating insects can offer a many choices on the in nutrients, vitamins etc. Most insects are menu due to the presence of their million edible, although there are some toxic species species (except harmful species) whereas and they should be avoiding for consumption. meat offer a choice of only a few dozens of them. Many edible insect species So, sound knowledge about edible insects is such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, termites necessary. By this way, insects can take part etc. are quite injurious to our important crop as a viable option to become a food item for plants. So, eating insect would act as a direct human consumption or allowing insects biological control on these species. as food additives for provision of protein and other nutrients and encouraging the use of Actually, common prejudice against eating insects as domestic animal (poultry, pig and insects is not justified from a nutritional point fish) food. of view. Insects are not inferior in comparison to other protein sources such as fish, chicken, Good associations and organizations are pork, mutton and chivon. Although some needed to link between decision-makers, societies still do not taken entomophagy NGOs, scientist and farmers. By offering a seriously but hopefully in near future they common voice to farmers and gatherers – in will take them seriously due to their high this case those who are involved in the edible nutritional value, low environmental impact, insects sector – they can aid the planning, low-risk nature (from a disease standpoint) design and implementation of policies and and easily digestible (Pliner and Salvy, 2006). programmes that directly or indirectly benefit their livelihoods (FAO, 2007). In early decade, like lobsters and shrimps considered as poor-man‘s food in the At last, further research is needed to develop West, but now appear as expensive delicacies and automatize, cost-effective, energy- there. Further this, creation of new recipes efficient and pathogen free safe rearing, and tasty menus in restaurants to the design of harvest and postharvest processing new food products; the food industry has a technologies as well as sanitation procedures bigger role to play in raising the status of to ensure food and feed safety and produce insects as food. safe insect products at a reasonable price on an industrial scale, especially in comparison To maintain the large number of World to meat products (Rumpold and Schluter, population, food production should be 2013). increased accordingly. However it will be


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(8): 1302-1314

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How to cite this article: Atanu Seni. 2017. Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Dietary Regimen. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(8): 1302-1314. doi: