RCA Victor's Sensatinai 1938 Line!

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RCA Victor's Sensatinai 1938 Line! 1.2-vzszipdAmieed uleyiz>aegeleattag RCA Victor's SensatinaI 1938 Line! RCA Victor Electric Tuning! The first truly auto- RCA Victor Overseas Dial! One of four new RCA CA Victor Armchair Control! Makes it possrjblé to matic tuning. Just push a button-there's your sta Victor easy -to -tune dials. Makes foreign tuning eas- une from any armchair, or from another town! Like tion! Long-lasting and fool -proof. Any 8 stations.! ier than dimestic tuning by spreadingshort wave lectricTuning,RCA Victor Armchair Control is auto- It's another RCA Victor first-a real sales clincher stations 5r) times wider- ordinary ' scales ex- atic, practical, virtually fool -proof. Applicable to that makes buyers out of rrospects! tended to 9%" each! Foreign city names on dial! ny Electric Tuning Model. A sure-fire selling feature. 170 ,.y... .. 2,1 7A 2.2 ,,..,c 150 9 +' 2.3 t:fì..;*;1 e ; 9 =?: 2.5 RCA Victor Sonic -Arc Magic Voice! It's new. It's RCA Victor Beauty -Tone Cabinets! Made by skilled RCA Victor Magic Eye! The famous Magic Eye is improved. It's a demonstrable feature. New construc- craftsmen in the world's oldest and finest radio gain an outstanding RCA Victor feature, this year tion employs band -shell principle, traps "boom," abinet facory, the 1938 RCA Victor instruments s a part of the dial. Magic Eye is the most accurate rovidesfiner tone than ever before. This is an even eature cabinets whose acoustic perfection means nown method of manual tuning. It now applies on, better sales feature than first Magic Voice! beauty of tine as well as appearance. hort wave as well as standard broadcasts. R1 5l r e six outstanc visi e eatures s own J on this page the great new 1938 RCA Victor line an es vun 19 others-all factual evidence of true quality. You will find this line easy to sell because it offers ,outstanding value --and because RCA Victor hacks it I, with salts -compelling advertising and promotional campaigns. Get full details from your RCA distributor RCA MANUFACTURING CO., INC., CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY A pr,.ean ,hr ,tfagic Key'' every Sunday SERVICE OF THE RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA o P,/j K. D. f. on NBC Blue Neteuu www.americanradiohistory.com DEPENDABLE PERFORMANCE r AT THE SEASHORE .. OR MALLORY REPLACEMENT CONDENSERS When you buy Mallory Replacement Conden- ment Condensers for dependable perform- sers you get full capacity. There are no "skinny ance any time, anywhere-at the seashore or mikes" to account for ... no lean performances in the Sahara Desert. to alibi. Mallory Replacement Condensers have estab- The generous capacity of Mallory Condensers lished a position of national leadership in the is important. So is the lower power factor. To- service field-yet Mallory Replacement Con- gether they mean improved filtering and better densers cost no more. The longer you use them performance. And-better performance means the more readily you'll agree that they actually better satisfied customers. cost less in the long run! What is done to assure the permanence of Mallory Condenser characteristics? Are You Missing the Biggest Plenty ! Help a Service Man Ever Had ? The famous Mallory Metal Seal hermetically Have you delayed asking the Mallory-Yaxley closes each Mallory Condenser against the distributor about your copy of the MALLORY- YAXLEY RADIO SERVICE ENCYCLO- effects of moisture and dryness. PEDIA ? See him now before the edition of That's why you can depend on Mallory Replace - this great book is exhausted. Use Use cumlu P. R. MALLORY & CO., Inc., MALLORY INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA AxLEy REPLACEMENT Cable Address-PELMALLO REPLACEMENT CONDENSERS... VIBRATORS VOLUME CONTROLS www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO RETAILING AUGUST, 1937 O. FRED. ROST Editor RADIO MONTH By O. Fred. Rost 7 W. MacDONALD Managing Editor DISPLAY - MANAGEMENT - ADVERTISING - SELLING II FIGURES C. A. NUEBLING Technical Editor 15 HUSBANDS WIVES I6 T. H. PURINTON. Assistant Editor AND COST HARRY PHILLIPS Art Director ACCOUNTING FOR SERVICE. .By Russell B. Rich 18 FARM MARKET FACTS 21 Tom Blackburn George Tenney LOW-DOWN ON HIGH -LINES By D. C. Frederick 22 San Francisco Chicago POWER TO SUIT THE PURSE By Tom Blackburn 24 H. S. Knowlton Boston FACTS ABOUT BATTERIES 26 SOUND ON A SHOESTRING By Bob Wright 28 HOWARD EHRLICH SOUND EFFECTS 29 Executive Vice -President AUGUST NEWS 31 H. W. MATEER Manager PREVIEW OF NEW PRODUCTS 47 CIRCUITS 61 SOUND 63 SIGNAL GENERATOR AND CONDENSER BANK By Jim Kirk 65 SHOP SHORTCUTS 67 TRICKS OF THE TRADE. 71 LETTERS 80 McGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. Publient' Office 99-120 North Broadway. Albany, N. Y. SALES STATIC . IT JUST SMOKES A LITTLE. WHY CAN'T Editorial and Executive Offices 330 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. YOU FIX IT HERE? Cable Address: MCGItAWHILL, New York Member A.B.P. Member A.B.C. .lames H. McGraw, Jr President Howard Ehrlich Executive Vice -President James H. McGraw Honorary Chairman B. R. Putnam Treasurer D. C. McGraw Secretary RADIO RETAILING, August, 1937, Vol. 22, No 8. Published monthly, price 25c copy. Subscription rates-United States and possessions, Canada, Mexico and Central American countries $1. All other countries $2 a rear or eight shillings. Printed in 1J. S. A. Entered as Second Class Matter. September 8, 1936, at Post Office, Albany, N. Y.. under the Act of March 3. 1879. Cable address "McGrawhill, New York." Member of A.B.P. Member of A.B.C. Copyright 1937 by McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 330 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Branch Offices: 520 North Michigan Ave., Chicago; 883 Mission St., San Francisco: Aldwych House, Aldwyoh, London. W.C. 2; Washington; Phila- delphia; Cleveland; Detroit; St. Louis; Boston; Atlanta, Ga. www.americanradiohistory.com aor. d fozc haoe a SATISFIED CUSTOMER This is fundamental. And in Tone, on account of the Acoustical Laby- rinth and Carpinchoe Leather Speaker, Stromberg-Carlson stands apart ... in Beauty, the cabinets by Worthington speak for themselves . in Action, Flash Tuning and Telektor Automatic Remote Con- trol, among other features, provide every operating convenience that radios possess ... in Value, every model from $57.50 to $1050, offers more than can be obtained in any comparative set. Prices quoted are for all sections except Southeastern States and West of Mississippi. STROMBERG-CARLSON TELEPHONE MFG. CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. No. 240 - S Drop - Door with No. 240-W Mahog- Console any Desk with Laby- Labyrinth. 8250 rinth. Price $250 Price . No. 231-R Arm $145 No. 240-R Half-Round 8215 Console. Price . Chair. Price . clere,iahotliw`rq &ll2 a Stromberg -Carlson 1937 PAGE 2 RADVO RETAILING, AUGUST, www.americanradiohistory.com NOTABLE ADDITIONS TO A DISTINGUISHED LINE AND REASONS WHY YOU WILL SELL THEM 1-They Have a Good Name. 2-They Have the Features. 3-They Have the Right Price. Model 425A-Designed to hold its own in fast company. Has every- thing - will do everything that John Q. Public expects of a radio de luxe. Yet we price it to you at a figure that will enable you to do business with Trader -Inners without losing Your Shirt. Look at these Features: 8 Station Push Button Tuning (motor driven) - Brings 'em in on -the -head and does it instantly! Bass Boost. Push-pull Beam Power Output (14 watts). Three MODEL 425A bands, 18,000 to 540 kc. Edgelight dial. Flashy dial and gold plated escutch- eon. Copper plated chassis. 15 -inch speaker. Massive cabinet. 14 tubes. Model 325-As practical as it is beautiful. Control panel has just enough tilt to make tuning easy from a standing position without making it look more like a cash register than a radio - as some of the new bend-over eliminators do. Push-pull Beam Power Output. Three bands, 18,000 to 540 kc. Dis- tinctive three -color edge lighted dial with gold plated escutcheon. Copper plated chassis. 12 -inch speaker. 10 tubes. Model 280 - We put a lot of time in on this one to make sure you HO WARD Dealers would be all set for the big turn to Arm Chair Models which is predicted for the Fall. We believe we have here just about what it takes to get you the business. A swell cabinet, beautiful tone, and a price that will surprise even you! Beam Power Output. Three bands, 18,000 to 540 kilocycles, copper plated chassis. Impressive dial with big easy -to -read mark- MODEL 325 ings. Edge lighted. Gold plated escutcheon. Six tubes that perform like eight. 12 -inch concert dynamic speaker. The HOWARD Line is the line for YOU. At least you owe it to yourself to investigate our proposi- tion. Write or wire TODAY for our Dealer's or Distributor's proposition. It will only take a moment, so why not do it NOW! HOWARD RADIO COMPANY 1735 BELMONT AVENUE CHICAGO CABLE ADDRESS "HORAD" MODEL 280 RADIO RETAILING, AUGUST, 1917. PAGE 3 www.americanradiohistory.com Only RCA Radiotron offers thisvaluable Sales Aids ... Store Equipment ... Technical and Business Helps-RCA offers them all in this complete service! non-profit service to Dealers and Service Men SALES AIDS Many tested direct mail pieces like the fa- mous Hatchet Letter The Tube display shown is life-size- and the Listening Ear a dramatic, appealing interior or win- Card shown here are dow displaythat attracts attention. Part forcefulsalesproduc- of year 'round window display service. ers. RCA provides them with your im- print-inexpensively . STORE EQUIPMENT The Metal Flange Sign (left) This Neon Sign is unique! Famous means quick identification. RCA Monogram glows when bulb is Durable. Four-color enamel put in electric outlet. Special device job, with your name on bottom permits "RCA" to face in any direc- panel.
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