3 13-5 , (1998) 8 12 Scot, Antiq Soc Proc

The excavation and survey of prehistoric enclosures at Blackshouse Burn, Olivia Lelong* & Tony Pollard* with contributions by A Crone, D Jordan & S Ramsay

ABSTRACT Limited excavations were carried out in 1985-6 on a large, subcircular enclosure and a smaller adjacent one, built on the edge of an ancient bog, on Pettinain Hill in Lanarkshire. These investigations established that the larger monument had been built by erecting a double row of timber posts and piling a stony bank between the two rows; the preserved, waterlogged stumps of oak posts were found in post-holes on either side of the bank. The bank was later elaborated, with stones pitched around the standing posts and, in a final stage, it was capped once the posts had decayed. Excavations on the bank defining the much smaller, adjacent enclosure, built just within the bog, found it had been built by digging holes in the peat and building a stone structure above. An oak post from the large enclosure was dated to 4035 + 55 BP (2697-2453 cal BC). The authors suggest the large monument had its origins in an early Neolithic tradition of transhumance and that its builders were drawn and held to the upland basin by the presence of water there. The excavation was directed by Peter Hill; the project has been funded throughout by Historic Scotland and its predecessor department (SDD/HBM).

INTRODUCTION Described as 'one of the strangest monuments in Lanarkshire' (RCAHMS 1978, 78), the enormous, banked enclosure at Blackshouse Burn and a much smaller neighbouring enclosure lie in an upland basin in Upper Clydesdale (NGR: NS 9528 4046). This report begins by setting the monuments in their topographic, geological and archaeological contexts. It then returns to focus on the monuments, presenting the excavation results and environmental and dating evidence. In the final section, the report places the larger monument in its cultural context and discusses how it might have developed from and worked within particular, local histories.

Y GEOLOG D AN Y TOPOGRAPH , LOCATION The monuments at Blackshouse Burn lie in a glacially modified landscape of rolling hills and fertile river valleys, through which the has worn a broad, open corridor (illus 1). Where the Clyde winds north past Tinto Hill and then bends abruptly south-west, an area of high

* Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD), Gregory Building, University of G1Q w 28Q Glasgo , Glasgow 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 4 1

Westral wHil ,.----===T^ ,,250m-..._.

BLACKSHOUSE :BURN *- , Swaite' l sHil




Tinto Hills

Key t Settlemen d Unenclose Cultivation Terraces

Settlement Subterranean Structure

Hillfort Pit Alignments

Enclosure cr Cropmarks

Earthwork f Cremations

_^_ Cairn Inhumations

(^} Cairnfield Finds Spot

Crown copyright) Crown © map Survey Ordnance the on (Based . context d an n locatio e sit e Th ) facing d an e (abov ILLU S1

ground lies cradled in the bend, defined on the west by a small, nameless valley. These uplands, called here Pettinain Hill (after Christison 1890), comprise a broad ridge curving north to east and then south, and sheltering a high basin nearly 1 km wide and c 800 m deep. The ridge climbs . Hill r Cheste d an l Hil s Swaite , Hill w : CairngryfFcrests Westra , w lo e Hill r fou o t The larger, subcircular, banked enclosure lies at the south end of the basin, extending east from its southern lip to the foot of the ridge, and inside it spring the double heads of the Blackshouse Burn. The stream flows out of the enclosure on the south-west, descending the e th o int g emptyin , east y sharpl g turnin e befor y valle t adjacen e th n dow h sout n ru o t s upland River Clyde 3.5 km on. 16 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998



0 ' 50 metres

ILLUS 2 Survey plan of the enclosures, with trench locations

Within the enclosure, the two heads of the burn flow through its lower, southern portion, t par n norther e th p u s make h whic d groun r drie , higher f o e tongu a g skimmin k for n wester e th of the interior (illus 2). The west edge of the enclosure skirts a stretch of wet ground. Eighteenth- t apea d an , swamp a s a s thi e describ ) 1890 n Christiso ; 1794 n (Ferguso s account y 19th-centur d an y possibl , bog e extensiv n a n bee d ha t i t tha d confirme s excavation e th g durin t ou d carrie y surve e th n i e drainag l unti y marsh d remaine d an , built s wa e enclosur e th n whe , lochan w shallo a n eve 19th century. The bog presumably once drained to the north-west, as the topography would have blocked drainage to the east. A much smaller, subcircular enclosure abuts the large one just LELONG & POLLARD: BLACK.SHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE 17

within the edge of this ancient bog (NGR: NS 9509 4054) and another lies c 190 m to the south- y ston , low y b d define e ar h bot ; 4035) 2 t Meadowflat956 a S d N : groun r (NGR t highe e th n o t eas banks. Several small cairns have been built both inside the large enclosure and to the south and west of it, and funerary cairns and another enclosure occupy the crests of the ridge which half- encircles the basin (illus 1). Pettinain Hill is composed of stratified metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of Silurian age, f greywacko s S (BG epatche y b n overlai , sandstones g intervenin h wit e conglomerat y mainl 1:63,360, Sheet 23). The pebbles within the conglomerate are well rounded and highly resistant to weathering. The matrix of the conglomerate and sandstone weathers to a light-coloured sand in g Overlyin . process e th n i s ion e mobil d an y cla g releasin , predominate z quart d an s feldspar h whic the rock is a thin, consolidated, glacially deposited till, mainly derived from the Silurian sediments , unaltered e wher y sand d an k pin s i t I . pebbles d an x matri e sandston f o s lump t intac g includin d an but it becomes clay-rich when weathered due to the clay released by mineral decay. The solid geology has implications for both the large and small enclosures, as both are e wer — e sandston d an e conglomerat — e ston f differend o an s , type t stone f o y mostl d compose used to build separate sectors of the large one. Although there is slight evidence of quarrying in s wa c fabri s it t tha t sugges t i d buil o t d require e ston f o s quantitie e th , enclosure e th f o y vicinit e th mostly derived from elsewhere on the hill. The soils found on the hill vary, but they essentially comprise various podzols and peaty podzols (Macaulay Institute 1982). Until recently, the basin and surrounding rising ground were largely unimproved heather moorland. In the 1970s and 1980s this land was improved: the ground east of the large enclosure was reseeded, and liming transformed the vegetation from heather to rough grass. The ground west of the enclosures is still mostly unimproved heather moorland, n Pettinai f o s flank e th d an , reseeded d an d ploughe n bee e hav d groun r highe f o s patche h althoug Hill are mostly under cultivation. The field in which the large enclosure lies is improved but . grazed y currentl , grassland d uncultivate

SURVEY OF THE MONUMENTS e programm e th f o t par s a n undertake , one t adjacen , small e th d an e enclosur n mai e th f o y Surve d produce n pla e th n o d base s i t accoun s Thi . topography x comple r thei d reveale , excavation f o during the survey and on the account by Hill (1985a) of his first season's work. The large enclosure is defined by a low, stone bank, varying from 8 m to 14 m in width, which describes an irregular circle with an internal diameter of up to 300 m and a circumference of c 970 m (illus 2). On the ground the monument appears to be made up of fairly straight e Th . stretches e thes g joinin s angle t sligh g showin , this s confirm y surve e th d an , bank f o s stretche n tha r highe d stoo r neve t par d excavate e th ; high m 1 n tha s les g standin s place n i , low y ver s i k ban g alon d an , dykes g neighbourin r fo e ston f o d robbe y extensivel n bee e hav o t s appear t I . m 5 1. c e du e b t no y ma e appearanc d waste s it h althoug , intact e surviv s flank e th y onl s stretche e som simply to robbing. Ferguson (1794, 39) describes stone robbers finding inverted urns in cists k ban e th n i n insertio e Ag e Bronz , later a y possibl — s remain d cremate d waterlogge g containin l interna m maximu a s ha , plan n i l ova p plum a , enclosure l smal e Th . below) , Discussion e (se diameter of c 40 m, defined by a low, turf-clad bank with stones protruding from it. The small enclosure has a possible entrance on the north-east (illus 2, j), where an inturned . enclosure e larg e th o int ) (A e entranc e possibl a f o n directio e th m fro d lea o t s seem k ban f o n sectio This, the large enclosure's most likely entrance, pierces the bank on its west side; the bank is in- y hummock , low s it e wher , south e th n o d out-turne d an e entranc e th f o e sid h nort e th n o d turne 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S | SOCIET 8 1 ANTIQUARIE F YO

appearance might indicate a collapsed structure. Another possible entrance (B) is on the south, near the western fork of the Blackshouse Burn where it leaves the enclosure, and a third (c) is on the south-east, where the eastern fork leaves the enclosure; both are suggested by amorphous breaks in the bank. Two other possible entrances, on the north and south-west, both appear to be later breaks through the bank, related to the paths which cross the interior. n i s break e th f o one h throug h nort s lead d an y wa n sunke a s a s (De )appear on , paths e th f O . enclosure e th f o t par n norther e th s acros g (in )runnin drai w shallo a y b t cu s i h pat s thi ; bank e th The other trackways are rutted, and appear relatively recent. Running east/west across the south e onc h whic , maps e estat y 19th-centur n o d depicte , (E) k trac t car d ol n a s i r interio e th f o t par e th d connecte ) M & L , G , (F s track r mino , Other . Pettinain d an n Thankerto f o s village e th d joine farms on the flanks of Pettinain Hill with each other, the high ground and the main cart track. The shallow drain (i), running east/west across the northern part of the interior, was y wa n sunke e th s cut t I . west e th o t d groun h roug , low e th m fro y awa r wate w dra o t g du y probabl t upcas n a h wit ) (H n drai r Anothe . G) & F ( s track d rutte r mino e th f o o tw y b t cu n tur n i s i (Dd )an t car d ol e th d an k ban e th f o r secto t south-wes e th h throug y obliquel d an y deepl g du s wa k ban e th h throug n sectio a e provid o t d exploite s wa n drai s thi west; e th o t g bo e th g (E)k drainin , trac n souther e th s divide h (Ke whic ) dyk h marc a s i e featur t lates e Th . excavations e th g durin k ban quarter of the enclosure, on Blackshouse Farm, from Meadowflatt Farm in the northern part. t i t bu , 1858) n i d (surveye p ma y Surve e Ordnanc n editio t firs e th n o r appea t no s doe e dyk e Th does appear on the second edition of 1898. It cuts across the cart track, but other minor tracks lead to a gateway through the wall, now blocked. To summarize, the relative chronology of the site's recent history is (1) the use of the sunken way; (2) the use of the cart track, the north/south tracks and possibly the shallow drain; ; tracks r mino e th f o e us d r routecontinue t majo bu , a s a k ) abandonmentrac (3 t car e th f o t (4) excavation of the deep drain and continued use of the minor tracks; (5) construction of the f o g blockin ) (6 d an ; gateway e th h throug n ru o t s track r mino e th f o n diversio d an , dyke h marc . traffic f o d en e th d an y gatewa e th The drainage of the bog through the deep drain (H) can be precisely dated through early , 'connectebog e th dn withi g lyin s a e enclosur l smal e th s (1974n describe ) 39 , Ferguso . accounts s condition e thes , later s 10t moss'e 0year th h Almos . throug e mad e passag a y b p cam e larg e th h wit e th s describe , 1889 n i t fieldworg ou d reportin kcarrie , 329) , (1890 n Christiso . prevailed l stil smaller enclosure as 'planted entirely in marsh, which even occupies the inside of it'. Now, however, the small enclosure stands on dry ground. The deep drain must have been dug, therefore, between 1889 and 1898 — after Christison visited the site, but before the march dyke was built h 19t e lat e th l unti p swam e th f o l surviva e Th . Survey e Ordnanc e th y b d mappe s wa d an t i s acros century proved important to the archaeology of the large enclosure; the wet conditions preserved d threatene y undoubtedl s ha e drainag d an , bank e th h beneat d seale s post f o s stump n woode e th . enclosure e th f o e sid t wes e th n o g survivin l stil y an s it h wit d associate y possibl s feature l severa d identifie y surve e th e enclosur e larg e th e Insid ancient use. These include at least one possible pathway (N), 19 stone mounds and many rocks protruding through the turf (illus 2). Two 'ponds' were also identified, although apparently not n a y b y partl d define one , enclosure e th f o t par n wester e th n i , survey d fiel l origina e th y b d recorde d groun t we g prevailin e th f o n exploitatio s suggest g bo e th o t y proximit r Thei . bank t upcas . water g standin f o s pool e creat o t s perhap , conditions r diamete n i m 5 n tha s les , small e quit l al e ar r interio e th n i d recorde s mound e ston 9 1 e Th e th n o p grou a m for e thre h althoug , shelf l centra e th n o e li t Mos . high m 3 0. r unde y generall d an e th f o e som g recallin , ditches w shallo y b d surrounde e b o t m see l Severa . interior e th f o e sid t eas 9 1 | E LANARKSHIR , BURN E BLACKSHOUS : POLLARD & G LELON

smaller burial cairns recorded in Lanarkshire and Peeblesshire (eg Maxwell 1974). The two excavated mounds, however, appeared before excavation to be surrounded by ditches, but proved d associate o n h wit , surface d groun d ol e th n o y directl d lai s stone f o s pile e discret l smal e b o t ditches.

ARCHAEOLOGY OF PETTINAIN HILL The programme of investigation included a preliminary survey of the surrounding uplands, supplementing the earlier work of the Royal Commission (1978), as well as that of Christison (1890), Childe (1941) and Stevenson (1976). The picture compiled from these sources shows the r latte e th , dead e th f o t treatmen e th r fo d an g farmin r fo h bot , occupied y densel e wer s upland certainly in prehistory. n i t buil n bee e hav t migh h whic s feature l severa e ar e enclosur e larg e th d aroun y Immediatel reference to it, associated with activities there (illus 1). About 300 m to the west is a group of six small cairns, none standing more than 0.6m high (RCAHMS 1978, 46). About 190m to the south-east of the large enclosure, lying on higher ground and overlooking it, is another small , slight y ver a d an m cf 40 o r diamete l interna n a s ha h whic , Meadowflat , 153) enclosure (ibid, t e th o t d relate y directl e b o t , position d an e appearanc s it m fro , seems t I . bank d turf-cla e th g breakin s alway , visible t jus s i e enclosur t Meadowflat e th : complex n Bur e Blackshous . enclosure e larg e th e insid s point t mos m fro , horizon At the south end of the ridge, on Chester Hill, is a circular enclosure denned by two banks and a ditch (RCAHMS 1978, 97-8). Usually regarded as Iron Age on the basis of its form, it s suggest e landscap t ancien x comple s thi n withi n positio henges o s t it d d an , compare e b o als d coul it may have an earlier origin, even if the surviving earthworks are later in date. . cairns o tw e ar , enclosure t Meadowflat e th m fro e upslop , north-east e th o t e ridg e th g Alon One, Swaites Hill, is very low and appears spread and mutilated, while the other, the Hero's t i , (1976) n Stevenso y b d Excavate . 64) , 1978 S (RCAHM e enclosur l smal a s a s appear , Cairn proved to be a robbed cairn, with a cist partly exposed and disturbed inside it. Part of a Food t a e ar e ridg e th g alon d scattere o Als . cremation a h wit d associate , cist e th n i d foun s wa l Vesse least 26 other cairns recorded by the Royal Commission (1978, 64-5). These are thought to form y surve y preliminar e Th . systems d fiel d an s cairn e clearanc l smal r othe g comprisin m syste a f o t par f o s remain e th e includ e Thes . Hill s Swaite n o s feature r othe 0 9 t abou d foun l Hil r Pete y b d directe l smal l severa , trackway a d an s cairn l smal , lynchets , banks d fiel f o p u e mad , systems d fiel structures and traces of both narrow and broad rig and furrow (Hill 1985b). At the north-west end of the ridge, on Cairngryffe Hill at Cloburn, the survey found and recorded what were first thought to be a house platform and associated field system, which were s wa m platfor e th t threa s thi f o e Becaus . hill e th f o e fac h sout e th n o g quarryin y b d threatene partly excavated in 1986-7, and proved to be a ring cairn sealing cremations associated with Bronze Age ceramics, which in turn sealed early Neolithic pottery (Lelong & Pollard, this vol). (1941e Child ) y b d excavate , structure e ston d an h eart x comple a d stoo l Hil e Cairngryff n o o Als n a g containin s cist l Severa . quarrying y b d destroye r late s wa t i ; fort a s a m hi y b d interprete d an enlarged Food Vessel and two other cinerary urns were found on Cairngryffe Hill in the 19th century; they may have formed part of a flat cemetery (Morrison 1968). At least 12 small cairns have also been recorded on the south-east slopes of the hill, while a waterlogged, stone-lined trench lies at the foot of the hill, in the basin (NMRS, NS 94 SW no 12). To the north on Westraw o als e hav , boundaries d fiel d ditche d an d banke d an s cairn g includin , remains n cultivatio , Hill been recorded (NMRS, NS 94 SW No 50). 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET 0 2

T CONTEX L ARCHAEOLOGICA R BROADE E TH The archaeological remains on these uplands lie in a landscape abounding with remains from e th h wit , own s it f o e coherenc c topographi a s ha e Clydesdal r Uppe f o t par s Thi . prehistory n ope , broad e th g definin d an g flankin l Hil o Tint d an n Commo r Bigga , uplandPettinain f o s l natura a n bee e hav d woul r rive e th g alon d groun (illue w lo sClyd e 1)r Th . Rive e th f o y valle s upland e th f o s slope e th d an y valle e th f o d lan e fertil e th e whil , prehistory n i l trave r fo r corrido . settlement d attracte e hav d woul On the west side of the Clyde, c 1 km east of Blackshouse Burn on the slopes of Pettinain, two adjacent excavated enclosures at Wellbrae appeared to be a late Neolithic settlement and d an s seed d carbonize g containin s pit d an s post-hole e wer r forme e th n I . enclosure y funerar pottery, including late Neolithic Impressed Ware, and stone axeheads and other tools. In the latter was a cremation accompanied by a stone axehead and a Beaker (DES 1991, 65). Another settlement has been excavated upstream along the Clyde's west bank to the north-east of , 365) 1 00 T N : (NGR n Clachat a Anniesto , s pit nd Burn an s ditche g rin , There . Burn e Blackshous produced sherds of coarse pottery dating to the second millennium BC (DES 1992, 69). s enclosure , ditches g rin t abundan e ar s site d excavate f o r gazettee d limite s thi g Expandin and earthworks, identified from aerial photographs and surface remains along both banks of the Clyde within a 6 km range of Blackshouse Burn (RCAHMS 1978). There have also been numerous finds of flint and chert tools and stone axeheads (ibid; MacFadzean et al 1984). Many l archaeologica e comprehensiv g durin d discovere e wer n Symingto f o h sout n know s site e th f o , ring-ditches l Severa . &b) a 1992 ; 1991a d (War 4 M7 e th f o n constructio e th f o e advanc n i s survey enclosures and finds of flint tools and prehistoric pottery are also known from the north-facing e th o T . 1978) S (RCAHM e Clyd e th f o h stretc g east-flowin e th g alon , Hill n Pettinai f o s slope e ar , hills o Tint e th f o s slope g south-facin d an - north e th n o , Burn e Blackshous f o t south-wes a , remains n cultivatio e som s a l wel s a , purpose l ritua a d ha e hav t migh h whic s enclosure l severa e thes g Dominatin . settlement m platfor d unenclose one t leas t a d an ) 1993 d (War d moun t burn ; 1978 S (RCAHM l Hil o Tint g toppin n cair d gran e th s i s valley t adjacen e th d an s slope 1993)d War .; 1986 n MacFadzea While most of these sites are undated, their general character and the density of finds in this f o s Find . prehistory n i e Clyd e th f o e sid s thi f o n occupatio x comple d an g lon e th t sugges a are Mesolithic tools show people at least travelled and hunted these lands before they took up farming, and the evidence of Bronze Age funerary sites shows that they continued to live and care for their dead here well into the second millennium BC. At Elmwood Nursery, St John's Kirk, 1 km south-east of Blackshouse Burn, two intercutting cremation burials, one in a pit and one in a stone cist, were broadly dated to the Bronze Age (CFA 1992, 70). At Boatbridge Quarry, , also c 1 km to the south-east, two cists containing inhumation burials, one accompanied by a Beaker, were excavated (Clarke & Ritchie 1971; Clarke, Ritchie & Ritchie 1984). At Sherifflats, 200 m west of Boatbridge Quarry, Food Vessels and cinerary urns were found with cremations in a gravel pit (Anderson 1878-9), while at Warrenhill Farm, just 0.4 km south-west of Blackshouse Burn, six cinerary urns were 1855)g .(Irvin s cremation h wit d foun While the valleys and slopes on this side of the Clyde are densely sprinkled with a are d uplan n a s i n Commo r Bigga n o r rive e th s acros , prehistory m fro s remain l archaeologica extremely rich in evidence of settlement and funerary practice from the earlier Neolithic into the d an s scatter e surfac d foun g ploughin y forestr f o e wak e th n i g Fieldwalkin . Age e Bronz s a l wel s a , pitchstone d an t cher , flint d worke d an y potter c Neolithi n Wester f o s concentration LELONG & POLLARD: BLAOCSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE 21 n a e b o t d prove d moun g lon e Th . 60) , 1989 n (Sherida d moun g lon a d an s cairn d roun l severa early Neolithic monument which sealed a late Mesolithic stake-built structure and several early Neolithic bonfires; later burials had been inserted in the mound (Johnston 1997, 189-98). Excavation of some of the artefact scatters on Biggar Common found large amounts of Western s structure c Neolithi y earl e thre t leas t a f o s trace e th d an s tool e ston , pottery r othe d an c Neolithi (ibid; Ward 199 Ib, 66-7). The abundant evidence from this part of Upper Clydesdale and its surrounding uplands, from the earlier Neolithic into the Bronze Age, indicates dense occupation involving the commitment implied by settlement, as well as long-held traditions and places for caring for the , remains r othe d an s cairn g surroundin e th h wit g alon , Burn e Blackshous t a s enclosure e Th . dead n Pettinai n o e landscap l archaeologica t ancien e Th . occupation t tha o t t importan n bee e hav t mus is central to this part of the Clyde valley and its surrounding uplands, both geographically and visually, and the scale of the monuments suggests they were invested with long-term meaning for a large number of people. This local importance of the enclosures is considered at greater length in the Discussion, below.

EXCAVATIONS IN 1985-6 In 1985, the owner of the northern (and major) part of the Blackshouse Burn enclosure asked for o T . monument e th f o e shar s hi n o y forestr t plan d an h ploug o t t consen t monumen d schedule , excavation f o e programm k two-wee a k undertoo l Hil r Pete , this f o t impac l potentia e th s asses e Th . (SDD/HBM) t Uni n Excavatio l Centra r forme e th f o f behal n o g samplin d an y surve programme had four components: (1) a detailed topographic survey of the large and small enclosures; ; interior e th f o y surve e phosphat a ) (2 ; bank e enclosur e larg e th h throug n sectio a f o n excavatio e th ) (3 (4) the excavation of features revealed by the surveys. Three trenches were opened in May and June 1985 (Hill 1985c; illus 2). The first, Trench 1 (17.5 m by 3 m), was a section through the bank of the large enclosure on its north-west side, at a s Thi . robbed y severel d appeare h whic h stretc a d joine h lengt d undisturbe y relativel a e wher t poin section, extending 4 m into the interior, was excavated in plan through part of the bank's stone sondagee metre-wid a g du s excavator e th , time f o t shor , excavation e th f o d en e th t A . matrix down to subsoil along the length of the trench, against its west-facing section. This revealed two massive post-holes, one on the bank's inner flank and one on its outer flank; both contained the t par s wa k flan r inne e th n o t pos e th t tha e evidenc r fo g Searchin . posts k oa f o s stump d waterlogge e Ther . , 1.5mside square t wes s it n o h trenc e th o t n extensio n a g du y the , post-setting r regula a f o they discovered a third post-hole, which contained fragments of a rotten post. Finally, to test the h trenc l smal a , bank e th f o h stretc t robbed-ou y apparentl e th n i s post s a h suc s feature f o l surviva f o e becaus t bu , features x comple d expose s Thi . 1 h Trenc f o t 10d msouth-wes opene s wa ) (la time constraints these were left unexcavated and unrecorded. d recorde , mounds y ston o tw r ove d opene s wa ) m 5 0.4 y b m 2 (1. 2 h Trenc , interior e th n I during the survey, to establish what kind of activity they represented and whether they might be broadly contemporary with the bank. These lay on the central plateau near its western edge, 2 m . mound y grass , low a s a d appeare d an r diamete n i m 3 t abou d measure h Eac . apart - north e th (in n )i drai e possibl a s acros d opene , m) 4 0. y b m 6 (0. t slo w narro a s wa 3 h Trenc west part of the enclosure, about 1 m from the inner edge of the bank. Its aim was to establish the . bank e th h wit , any f i , relationship s it d an e featur e th f o e natur 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 2 2

These generally fruitful explorations prompted the peat and flora surveys, as well as the preliminary survey of the archaeology of Pettinain Hill undertaken in September 1985; the phosphate survey, however, had proved uninformative, showing evenly high background levels d reveale d ha n excavatio f o n seaso t firs e Th . enclosure e th e outsid d an e insid h bot e phosphat f o f o n preservatio e remarkabl e th d an k ban e enclosur e th f o g phasin d an n constructio x comple e th organic material below it, with the chronological potential it promised, as well as the undisturbed n i s week x si r ove n seaso d secon a n i d opene e wer s trenche e Thre . interior e th n i s feature f o e stat n Clobur t a n cair g rin e th n o n bega o als n excavatio e tim s thi g Durin . 1986 f o y Jul d an e Jun , May Quarry, discovered on CairngryfTe Hill during the survey (see Lelong & Pollard, this vol). The first of these new trenches, Trench A (18.3m by 5.5 m), stretched across the main enclosure bank, parallel to and immediately west of the 1985 trench but separated from it by a e Th . trench) t tha o t n extensio e 1.5e th md squar encountere t i e wher t (excep e wid m 8 0. k baul excavators hoped that by exposing this larger area and carefully recording the deposits in plan they would better understand the structural development and complexity of the bank as well as the relationship of the wooden posts to its stony matrix. They might also, they hoped, gain not r timbe e successiv y an g connectin y chronolog e absolut n a t bu s post e th r fo s date e absolut y onl structures. r earlie n a f o e advantag e tak d an k ban e th s acros n sectio s thi f o s finding e th t supplemen o T disturbance of it, another trench was opened in the south-west part of the large enclosure. Trench C followed the side of a drain (H) cut obliquely through the bank in the 19th century, a r ove , face t north-eas s it f o n sectio a d recorde d an d cleane s excavator e Th . NNW/SSE d aligne span of 24m. The third 1986 cutting, Trench B (24 m by 2 m), was dug through the bank of the small . monument s thi f o e natur e th d an k ban t tha f o n constructio e th e elucidat o t e enclosur r circula

EXCAVATION RESULTS 1 s Trenche . layout s site' e th o t g accordin d organize s i s finding ' excavations e th f o n discussio s Thi (1985) and A and C (1986), all cut through the main enclosure bank, are described first. The B h Trenc s treat t i y Finall . interior e th n i (1985)3 d d an opene 2 , s Trenche o t t nex s turn n discussio . enclosure t adjacen , small e th f o k ban e th h throug t cu s wa (1986) h whic ,

(1985)1 &ATrenches (1986)bank: enclosure Main Before excavation, this north-west stretch of bank appeared as a gently rounded ridge, with a slight depression in the outer face and a much deeper one toward the inside of the enclosure. A e th , topsoil d an f tur e th g removin n Upo . surface s it n o f tur e th h throug d protrude s stone w fe , progressed n excavatio s a , distinguished e b d coul h whic x matri y ston a d encountere s excavator as discrete dumps of material. The upper stones were supported by a matrix of mixed mineral and organic soil which also overlay them and had filtered down between them. Below this horizon the stones were generally clast-supported, with stones supporting each other rather than being supported by a soil matrix. Four phases of use and construction emerged from the excavations: ; hearth a d an s structure t ligh g includin , activity k 1e pre-ban : Phas ; them n betwee t buil k ban y ston e th d an d erecte s post r timbe e th : 2 e Phas Phase 3: stones heaped around the standing posts, broadening the bank; Phase 4: stones laid to cap the bank after the posts had decayed. Section

A Natural e Ker bSubsoilsPost-Hol Wood stakehole OGS ?Hearth Natural Subsoils ?Collapsed Kerb Gully 12? 109 11) 131 126 138 127 124 1)6 143

Post-Hole „ /T, , „. 109 x Revetment/Kerb b FlagKer s e Bay Post-Hol l Backfil g Robbin Jlfi 112 HO 022

r1 in 5 O R? 3



o on W W

Robbed Core of Bank Plan___ 4m ILLUS 3 South-west facing section through Trench 1, with plan of Trench 1 /A and detail of post-hole 015 24 I SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998


e Pip t Pos


Post 139

Wood Post Pipe

e Pip t Pos 019 _ 018


lLL.us4 Trench 1/A post-holes in plan LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE I 25

03) 076

067 025

'Cut Post 019 020

066 075 D

Cut 018


Post 039



ILLUS 5 Trench I/A post-holes in section 26 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

Phase 1 (illus 3) The old ground surface exposed during the excavations had seen human activity before ) (126 e stake-hol a , 1 h Trenc n i k ban e th f o e cor e th e b r late d woul t wha h Beneat . it e abov t buil s wa k ban e th had been cut and several small slabs (127) laid on the surface near it (illus 3). This was tentatively interpreted by the excavators as the remains of a hearth, because of charcoal and fragments of unburnt bark s stone e th ; stake-hole) e th g sealin y apparentl o als d (an s slab e th e abov ) (138 y cla y greas e th n i d concentrate themselves, however, were unburnt. The clay also sealed a tree-hole (130), which contained a root already in decay by the time the clay formed: it was covered with perfectly preserved wood louse faeces. The greasy clay covered the expanse of old ground surface later sealed by the bank and exposed in this trench, and it also appeared at least patchily in Trench A (024 & 029). The soil beneath the greasy clay comprised two horizons. The upper stratum (124), a pale grey sand, and the lower one (125), a red-brown sandy clay, made up the B horizon, under which lay glacial till (illus 3). Nineteenth-century drainage of the adjacent bog had lowered the water table, and so the smaller particles in the upper part of the B horizon had washed down into the lower part, leaving the upper elluviated (leached of finer material) and the lower illuviated (having received the finer particles and become clay-rich) (see Jordan, below). The absence of a buried A horizon on the surface of the leached subsoil led the excavators to suspect that the turf had first been stripped from the ground, and that the greasy clay had developed on a surface left exposed for some time before the bank was built. However, gleying and modern leaching may have removed evidence of such a horizon, as well as other signs of activity preceding the bank. Also cut into this ground surface in Trench A were a hollow (028) with a charcoal-rich fill (027) and 11 possible stake-holes. Most of these stake-holes were scattered widely and formed no discernible pattern. If they were cut to support a structure, its nature could not be established, either during or after excavation — a common problem with putative ephemeral structures. Finally, to the south of the slabs and stake-hole in Trench 1, under what would later be the inner flank of the enclosure bank, a gully (143) was cut and slabs (142) pitched against its south-facing side; it appeared to have partly silted up (illus 3).

Phase 2 (illus 3, 4 & 5) In this phase, post-holes were dug and oak posts were erected in two lines, defining . posts f o s line e th n betwee t buil s wa s stone f o k ban a d an , enclosure e th f o t par s thi The first post-hole discovered (140) was dug just west of the gully (143); it was 0.82 m deep and 0.8 m in diameter. The original diggers seem to have dumped the upcast from that hole into the gully. In the hole they planted a massive oak post (139), with a rounded, axe-dressed base, 0.4 m in diameter; it was found in 1985 as a waterlogged stump. Four other post-holes (148, 019, 018 & 025) were dug to the west of the one discovered first, in a line extending along what would become the inner edge of the enclosure bank. These were not spaced at perfectly regular intervals, but lay between 0.8 m and 1.4 m apart (illus 3). They were of similar dimensions, averaging 0.6 m in diameter and 0.8 m deep (illus 5 for section drawings). All but one (025, the smallest) contained the decayed remains of a substantial wooden post, packed into place with small slabs. All the holes had silted up once the posts had decayed, and their upper fills were e th e abov s stone e th f o g robbin e extensiv t tha d suspecte s excavator e (Th . cones g weatherin f o d compose (14s 0 post-hole e th f o o tw d Aroun ) decay. e complet s it g causin , post e th d expose d ha ) (025 e post-hol y empt & 019) a deposit, consisting of charcoal-rich clay (133 & 076), had developed on the surrounding surface while the posts were still standing (on the evidence of subsequent dumps of stone around the posts). d trample , charcoal-rich , patchy a e abov d lai n bee d ha e surfac y ston a s post r inne e thes f o h sout e th o T t bu , posts e th f o h sout t jus g cobblin f o m for e th k too d sprea s Thi . surface d groun d ol e th n o ) (026 r laye continued as closely spaced paving which extended into the enclosure's interior. While later robbing of the inner flank's stones made it difficult to determine how far north this stony surface extended, it seems to have at least lapped the inner row of posts and appears to have respected them. It was certainly overlain by the latest phase of bank construction. Given these relationships, the paving may have been laid when the posts were being erected, although this cannot be demonstrated from the excavated evidence. A line of posts corresponding to those on the inner flank, but more widely and irregularly spaced (from 1.4 m to 2.7 m apart), defined what would become the bank's outer flank. Three posts were found on that side, one in the 1985 trench, just clipped by the west-facing section (illus 3), and two in 1986 (illus 3). LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE 27

The two westernmost post-holes (015 & 017) both measured about 0.5 m in diameter and were between 0.45 and 0.7 m deep; they contained the scraps of wooden posts as well as packing stones. Again, the ground ) (013 d trample d an d mottle e becom d an e bar t lef n bee d ha ) (017 s post-hole e th f o e on t leas t a d aroun during or after the post's erection. Along the outer flank, several pieces of evidence support the contention that the builders erected their posts first and then assembled the bank between the inner and outer post rows. Visible in Trench 1 (1985) e th g alon n ra s thi ; surface d groun d ol e th n o e edg n o d (113)s end-to-en t se , flagstone f o d forme e lin a s wa line of the bank, just south of the easternmost post-hole (109), forming a kind of outer kerb or revetment to r simila a d an , 017) & 5 (01 s post r othe e th f o e sid r inne e th h wit d coincide e lin s It (illuk . ban 3) s e th e larg y ver A . post-holes e thos e besid s section k baul e th n i d appeare e edg n o t se s flag f o d forme t revetmen - post e middl e th f o t wes t jus , ground e th n o t fla y la e edg e on n i h notc d curve l natura y apparentl n a h wit b sla e th t tha o s t i d lai e hav o t d appeare s builder e th t bu , post-hole e th d respecte y onl t no b sla s Thi . (017) e hol e flagston a s wa n sectio e th m fro g protrudin d an b sla e th n o g Restin . post e th d aroun y precisel d curve h notc (046) set upright to form part of the kerb. Stones had been heaped on the large slab and pitched against the outside of the upright, as if to support it. The bank built between the lines of posts — either immediately after the posts were erected or some s robber r (Late . flank r oute e th g alon y onl , addition r late a s plu , height l origina s it o t d survive — r late e tim n a , behind s stone r smalle e th g leavin , flank r inne d an e cor e th m fro s stone r large d extracte e hav o t m see event documented by Ferguson (1794, 39-40) and proved by the frequent stone-holes found in the ground beneath the robbing backfill.) s it o t s clue w fe a , robbing y b d deplete d an d disturbe y badl s wa k flan r inne s bank' e th h Althoug original extent survived. The soil (133) which developed during this phase on the ground surface around the posts, exposed in the 1985 west-facing section, appears in that section to curl up at its north edge (illus 3). This seems to delineate the inner edge of the original bank, which extended out from, but did not envelope, . posts f o e lin r inne e th The excavators also noted pitched stones forming a line just north of the posts and suggested that hurdling or planking may have once retained this bank material. A few primary stones of the bank left behind by the robbers are visible in the section drawing, just north of the inner posts and resting directly on the old ground surface (illus 3); one large, pitching slab (136) might once have stood upright, forming a d decaye g hurdlin r o g plankin g retainin s it e onc d slumpe g havin t bu , flank r oute e th n o d foun t tha e lik b ker or was removed. These structural elements together form a picture of a stony bank extending between the two lines of posts, and defined at least on its outer side by a neat flagstone revetment. The fabric of the bank was composed with some care. The builders set more flagstones on edge, end-to-end, in lines running across the f o d kin a g 1h formin , Trenc n i d foun t revetmen e flagston e th d (112e lin )joine h suc e On . bank e th f o s axi bay (illus 3). Other bays (or fragments of them; eg 061) were left behind in the bank's core by the robbers, who removed the stones from around them; the flags, set into the old ground surface, were presumably more difficult to dislodge. Other bays (077 & 060) along the inner flank of the bank seemed to frame or at least respect two post-holes (019 & 018). The excavators traced remains of other possible flagstone bays in the severely robbed core and inner flank exposed in Trench 1. After constructing the bays, the builders dumped stone inside them to form the bank, but not entirely e fin n the d an , bay e flagston e th (116e s flag )insid e sandston d dumpe t firs y 1h the , Trenc n I . indiscriminately conglomerate slabs (117) (illus 3). Outside this bay they put angular sandstone blocks (118). In the core of the bank only small backfilled rubble survived, but in Trench A the builders had stacked uprights in neat heaps and wedged boulders between them. In the core, some groups of large boulders (004) belonging to the primary bank remained, as well as a stack of slabs apparently dumped along the outer flank by someone standing in the core. Finally, the builders capped these dumps of stone with a layer of slabs, laying them flat and one deep; these are visible in the section drawing (illus 3).

Phase 3 (illus 3) In the next phase of construction, the builders added more stone to the bank, giving it extra breadth and enveloping the bases of the still-standing posts. During excavation of both the inner and 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 8 2

outer flanks, the post-holes were first observed as places where groups of slabs lay pitched against each other, as if around a central point. This pitching was particularly noticeable around the post-holes on the outer flank (015 & 017) (illus 3). Also visible in Trench 1's west-facing section were a dump of stones and loam (132) on the inner flank, a heap of clast-supported stones (152) dumped against this to the north, and d an s stone e Th . 3) s (illu k flan r oute e th n o ) (109 e post-hol e th e abov g tippin d an d pile ) (105 s slab e som loam dumped on the inner flank lay directly on the soil (133) which had developed on the exposed surface around the posts. , standing l stil e wer y the e whil s post e th f o s base e th d aroun s stone d pile e hav o t r appea s builder e Th n o k ban e th d widene y the s thi g doin n I . timbers e th t agains t uprigh s stone e som g proppin n eve s perhap , large g layin y b e edg r inne t nea a k ban d broadene y newl s thi e gav y The . faces r oute d an r inne s it h bot y clearl d an r interio e th n i ) (026 g pavin e th g overlappin , ground e th n o ) 022 , (005 s boulder r angula respecting the standing posts. They may have given the bank's outer edge a similar kerb, but this is less . record n excavatio e th n i d define y clearl

. remained s stump r thei y onl t tha o s d decaye d ha s post e th , construction f o e phas s thi y B ) 3 s (illu 4 e Phas s post e th r Afte . capping l fina a d an t heigh e som g addin , more e onc k ban y ston e th d elaborate s builder e Th had decayed and the heaps of stone around their bases had collapsed inward over the stumps, the builders s Thi . bank g existin e th e abov , core e th r ove r thicke t bu s flank e th n o p dee o tw r o e on , slabs f o n ski a d lai e edg r inne y ver e th n o d an , (120) e cor e th f o t par t adjacen e th d an k flan r oute e th n o y onl g robbin d survive of the inner flank (131). Elsewhere, these slabs were robbed; the hole left by the robbers, filled with small . 3) s (illu g drawin n sectio e th n i e visibl s i , rubble In the 19th century, when the adjacent bog was drained, the descending water table left the surviving lowest stories of the bank in a layer of iron- and manganese-stained sand (122), its upper part loose and its lower part compacted. The loose, upper sand was interpreted as the weathering products of the stones above, stained by the formerly high-water table; the lower, compacted sand appeared to be the remains of sandstone lumps decayed from long immersion in the wet conditions.

Main enclosure bank: Trench C (1986) e th h throug t cu h ditc e drainag a f o e sid e on k bac d cleane s excavator e th , trench s thi g openin n I e th h throug n sectio e obliqu n a g gainin s thu , century h 19t e th n i e enclosur e th f o t par t south-wes bank. Because of its oblique line, this trench was not as informative as Trenches 1 and A; however, its findings supplement those of the other trenches and illuminate the ground conditions y clearl e b t no d coul h trenc s thi m fro e evidenc e th h Althoug . construction s bank' e th g precedin r othe e th n i d foun e thos o t s similaritie e clos e bor s element l structura s it , phases o int d resolve n discussio s Thi . there t eviden s phase e th o t d correspon o t m see d an k ban e th h throug s section again treats the archaeological events from the earliest to the latest; a schematic, interpretative section drawing (illus 6) illustrates the discussion.

, (503) y cla y peat e grey-blu a , bank e th f o t par s thi y b d seale e surfac e Th ) 6 s (illu e surfac d groun d ol e Th l charcoa d containe t i h althoug , construction s it g precedin y activit n huma f o e natur e th o t s clue r clea o n e gav , (Ramsay e tim t tha t a r wate g standin f o e presenc y nearb e th t sugges d di d an remains d woo t abundan d an below). Below it the grey, clay-rich sand of the B horizon (502) contained lenses of charcoal which may have e hav d coul l charcoa e th y alternativel ; leaching y b d maske r late s intrusion l archaeologica d represente leached down into that stratum (Jordan, below). The till-derived subsoil was not differentiated here into an upper, leached horizon and a lower, clay-rich one, as in Trenches 1 and A. e indicat t migh e absenc s Thi . missing s wa e surfac y peat d ol e th , section e th f o t par n easter e th g Alon the turf was stripped under part of the bank before it was built, although no clear cut in the peaty soil was observed. The excavators considered the possibility that the peaty surface resulted from the area's having LELONG & POLLARD: BLACICSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE 29

Stones tipping above Raising of Bank Upcast from Ditch Post-Hole

k Ban f o g Widenin

50i5 South-east

Key to Plans and Sections

|x\\S>| Peaty Soil |E~~I silt

U''-^,?'»| Clay l-lyCll Charcoal

':-'-'.'.-.'-.-.' Sand V \| Wood/Root

: :

Loam Bark

Detail of Post-Hole 504 50cm ILLUS 6 Trench C interpretative south-west facing section, post-hole section and key

been deliberately covered with a mat of organic matter, such as brush or wood, before the bank was built. r clea e th f o e absenc e th t bu e surfac s thi n o s remain c organi f o n preservatio d goo e th n give , However y bogg a d encountere t firs k ban e th t buil o wh e thos t tha y likel e mor s seem t i , mat a h suc f o s constituent : it e consolidat o t s perhap , ground t we e th n o s stone d sprea t firs y the t tha e evidenc e som s i e Ther . surface . surface d groun d ol e th n upo t fla y la ) (506 s slab l smal , flank r inne e th d towar

Post-hole (illus 6) In the first phase of construction, as in Trenches 1 and A, a post stood on the inner flank, defining that edge of the bank. The post-hole (504), dug into the old ground surface, may have been t somewha s wa t I . interior e th n o t i e besid g pavin e th h wit y contemporar s perhap , events t earlies e th f o e on smaller than most of those found in the other trenches (illus 6), only 0.28 m in diameter and 0.35 m deep; it too held the remains of a wooden post (517). Those raising the post had tucked small packing stones (505) b sla e th t agains d an , ground e (507b th sla n )o k thic a d lai y the s thi f o t wes t Jus . base s it d aroun e hol e th o int they set an upright flag, apparently creating an inner revetment or kerb to the bank's core like that observed in the other trenches.

The bank (illus 6) The core of the bank was created by packing large, angular boulders (509) close together ) (508 s slab g pitchin y b e edg r oute s it g alon k ban e th d define y sharpl s builder e Th . surface d groun d ol e th n o steeply against these boulders, rather than by revetting it with upright flags as elsewhere. Around these lowest stones, which were very weathered, lay stratified, dark brown, clay-rich sand (519), probably the remains of decayed stones as well as weathering products percolated from the stones above. In a second phase, as in Trenches 1 and A, slabs were tipped around the post standing along the inner edge of the bank. Above the post-holes lay a collection of blocky slabs (510); the higher ones tipped away 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 0 3

from a central point above the post, while the lower ones tipped down toward it. This deposit was very like the stones observed around and above the post-holes in Trenches 1 and A, and here also it appears that the builders widened the bank in a second phase of construction, so that its stony fabric enveloped the bases of the standing posts. . (512) s stone r rounde g amon t fla y la s slab l smal , flank r inne e th n o s slab g pavin e possibl e th e Abov e th s a e tim e sam e th t a s perhap , construction f o e phas d thir r o d secon e th t a d adde y apparentl e wer e Thes stones were heaped around the standing post. Above the large stones of the bank's core sat small rounded stones (513), again presumably a late, second or third phase of the bank's development. Finally, to the west f o t deposi a d stretche , edge r oute l origina s it g definin , core y primar s bank' e th t agains d pitche s slab e th f o angular stones and some smaller slabs (514). The builders, then, elaborated the bank on its outer side as . side r inne e th n o k bul s it d extende y the s a e tim e sam e th t a s perhap , well s thi , Indeed . elsewhere d di y the s a , point y an t a k ban e th d cappe y carefull e hav o t m see t no o d y The part of the bank appeared much more casually built than the other; more soil made up the fabric here, suggesting those building this section were short of stone, or possibly just using a simpler construction method. y obliquel t cu h ditc a d ha r landowne n moder a n whe , century h 19t e th n I (illuy ) 6 s centur h Nineteent r thei d pile s digger e th , Burn e Blackshous e th o int t eas n drai o t g bo t adjacen e th w allo o t k ban e th h throug e th n i e visibl s i ) (515 f tur y centur h 19t e th f o e surfac e Th . ditch e th e besid k ban e th f o p to n o ) (516 t upcas h 19t e th n i d survive t i s a k ban e th f o s contour e th s preserve t I . upcast s thi w belo ) 6 s (illu g drawin n sectio century, and this profile bears no apparent robbing cuts.

(1985)2 Trench enclosure: large the of Interior r fo e sequenc e simpl a d reveale , interior e th n i s cairn e possibl o tw r ove d opene , trench l smal s Thi their construction and proved the lack of later cultivation in this part of the interior. The soil on which the two stone heaps were built was a brown forest soil, a small area of which was found r fo t tha d foun s excavator e th e otherwis t bu , heap n easter e th f o s stone e th f o e on h beneat d seale the most part the stones lay upon the surface of the B horizon. This was distinguishable as two h wit y patchil d staine e (213)y surfac cla s y it , sand , leached , grey a : A d an 1 s Trenche n i s a , strata iron pan, above a red-brown, illuviated clay (218). As elsewhere, the distinction probably came about as the water table was lowered through local drainage in the 19th century. Some charcoal was found concentrated in a small, natural hollow in the lower stratum, otherwise filled with the s heap e ston e th h beneat d seale y activit l archaeologica r fo e evidenc r firme y An . clay y sand y gre s table' r wate e th y b t abou t brough l soi e th n i s change l chemica y b d eradicate y probabl s wa reduction.

mn 3 i t abou , stones f o g settin r circula y roughl a e b o t d prove p hea n easter e Th ) 7 s (illu s cairn e Th diameter (illus 7). The stones (205) had been laid one deep, and the cairn given clearly defined, straight edges. It appeared disturbed on its southern side, and its centre may have been robbed, as the stones were sparse there. The other heap lay 2 m to the west. It was nearly as large (2.8 m in diameter) and rather less angular in plan (illus 7). Its edges were also well defined, and it too appeared to have been robbed (or else s stone e th , too , Here . stones e larg f o y empt y relativel s wa e centr s it s a , way) t tha d constructe y originall (204) had been laid one deep, above a shallow, natural hollow filled with sandy clay identical to the upper layer of the B horizon (illus 7). Sealed beneath this upper, grey layer, just west of the heap, was a small sherd . action m wor y b n horizo B e th o int n dow t brough y presumabl , Beaker ) impressed d cor r (all-ove C AO f o s wa t i o s , 39) , alet 1991 s (Kinne C B 0 180 d an 0 260 t abou n betwee e anywher o t e dat t migh d sher s Thi probably deposited there around the time the bank was being built or at some later phase in the enclosure's LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE | 31


218 ——i Natural Subsoils

ILLUS 7 Trench 2 pre-excavation plan and north-facing section

Trackway (illus 7) Between the two stone heaps ran two parallel, linear, compact concentrations of small m 3 0.2-0. s wa h eac ; NE/SW , trench e th s acros y obliquel n ra e Thes . 207) & 6 (20 x matri y peat a n i s pebble n ra h whic k trac t car a f o s rut e th s a d interprete e wer y The . 7) s (illu t apar m 5 0. t abou y la y the d an wide between the cairns.

Stone surface (illus 7) In the south-east corner of the trench, a compact spread of pebbles (203) was initially thought to be the remains of another track (illus 7). However, it bore no ruts, and appeared to be a ) (202 t pea f o r laye A . enclosure e th f o e us t ancien e th h wit y contemporar s perhap , surface d lai y deliberatel . mounds y ston e th d an s rut k trac e th , surface s thi d covere While the evidence from this trench shows the stones of the so-called cairns were deliberately set in t tha s confirm r no e ther m the t se o wh e thos f o s intention r broade e th s show y clearl r neithe t i , groups o tw o t y proximit e clos n i d foun s wa d sher r Beake a h Althoug . bank e enclosur e th h wit y contemporar e wer y the the western cairn, it was in a disturbed position and need not be associated with either cairn. The rutted d ha t pea r afte m for d di s rut e th t bu , antiquity e som f o e b y ma s heap e thn eston betwee g runnin k trac e comparabl e ar s cairn e Th . use t ancien s it e post-dat y the g suggestin , interior s enclosure' e th n i d accumulate in size and manner of construction to Cairn 7, excavated on Biggar Common (Ward 1991b, 66-7), but both . purpose d an e dat n uncertai f o e ar s cairn e Blackshous e th d an e structur t tha

(1985)3 Trench enclosure: large the of Interior This trench was a small section through a feature interpreted from surface remains as a drain (i) e th d confirme h trenc e Th . bank e th n withi t jus , enclosure e th f o t par n norther e th n i y la h whic 32 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 d ha f itsel h ditc e th d an t i e besid d sprea n bee d ha t upcas s ditch' e th t tha g showin , interpretation . found s wa e evidenc g datin o N . times l severa t ou d cleare n bee d an p u d silte

The small enclosure: Trench B (1986) (illus 2&8) e larg e th d bordere h whic g bo t ancien e th f o s limit e th n withi t jus t buil s wa e enclosur l smal e Th enclosure (illus 2). Trench B, a narrow slot through its bank, revealed an unusual and not wholly intelligible sequence of construction. Before this enclosure was built, the surface of the bog was hummocky peat (420), covered with decaying tree roots and a thin layer of rotten branches and other vegetation (434). The earliest events exposed in the trench were several holes dug into the e th f o e sid r oute e th n o g du e Thos . till g underlyin e th f o e surfac e th o t n dow m the f o t mos , peat . 8) s (illu e sid r inne e th n o t cu e thos m fro r characte t differen y ver f o e wer e enclosur g du n bee d ha ) , 41412 1& (410 s hole e thre , bank e th f o e edg r oute e th d beyon t jus r o g Alon d an , tools r simila r o e sam e th g usin g du n bee d ha h Eac . surface s bog' e th n o s root e th h throug h wit t cu n bee d ha ) (412 t pi n wester e th f o d en e Th . 8) s (illu s corner t nea d an s edge t straigh n give n i e visibl l stil e wer h whic f o s mark e th , tool g diggin e th f o s stroke t adjacen d an e consecutiv r fou the peat; its flat base had been filled with peat and pieces of wood, and clay had been dumped above (407). The other holes (410 & 411) had similarly straight edges, and also bore the marks of the digging tool. The former (410) had been backfilled with a mixture of clay, small stones, cut , base s it n i d accumulate d (411)e ha t hol r sil , shallowe e th n i ; (405) t pea e som d an d woo f o s piece t i o int d dumpe n bee d ha d woo d an t pea y finall d an e fac h sout s it t agains d lai n bee d ha s stone y evidentl d ha y cla e Th . peat g surroundin e th n tha r dense e wer s fill e th , cases e thre l al n I . (406) been quarried from elsewhere, possibly from along the edge of the bog; those quarrying it probably dug down through peat and decayed wood, and this material seerns to have got mixed with the clay they extracted. , broader a , flank r oute s bank' e th e b d woul t wha w belo , holes e thre e thes f o h sout e th o T o t t pea e th n o g lyin t roo e tre a d an g lo a h throug g slicin , trench e th s acros n ra ) (408 e hol r deepe ) penetrate t no d di t (bu d skimme e bas s it d an , wide m 2 t abou s wa e hol s Thi . 8) s (illu h sout e th the underlying till, up to 1 m below. Stones (429) had been packed against its base and sides, and clay and peat dumped in afterward. When the sides were cleaned during excavation, this fill came peeling away from sharply cut vertical scars in the peat, made with a slicing tool like the one used to dig the three other holes; a descending series of step-like cut marks could be traced down the west and east sides of the pit's south face. Resting, as if carefully laid, on one of the steps between o tw f o s end e Th 0.1c . ( 5m) h lengt l equa t abou f o d woo f o s piece x si e wer s cut l vertica e thes appeared pointed, as if they had been stakes. Five of the sticks lay side by side, with the sixth at r o n tractio d ai o t , step e th n o t ma a s a d lai n bee e hav t migh e Thes . others e th o t s angle t righ . seat y temporar a s perhap — e surfac y dr a e provid It is possible that these holes were dug to facilitate construction of the enclosure bank, allowing water to be bailed out of them, leaving the surrounding ground drier. The 'causeway' between the pits would have allowed room for someone working on the construction to stand or f o e surfac e th e consolidat o t s perhap , material r firme h wit d backfille n the e wer s hole e Th . walk the bog around the enclosure, making the structure more stable. However, this is not an entirely convincing interpretation, as peat is not easily drained. a d supporte e hav y ma s hole t cu y squarel r othe o tw , ditch r o t pi e larg s thi f o h sout e th o T putative superstructure (illus 8). One shallow hole (417), about 1 m wide, had been sliced through the same log (436) whose other end was cut by the large pit (408), and had been backfilled with a g formin , side h sout g slantin s it t agains d stacke n bee d ha s stone e Th . (416) y cla d an s stone a o o 3

423 c) 427 CO 422 > o R to 420 South O North 411 410 408 a1/3 CD C 70 Z

409 42} 427

South 418 403

70 2 4041 4,79 \_._ j W 5m North

ILLUS 8 Trench B pre- and post-excavation plans and sections 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 4 3

a , this f o h sout e th o t y Immediatel . it e abov e continu o t n sectio n i d appeare h whic e fac h roug deeper hole (415) was cut through another, thinner log (435). It contained a mixture of silty clay and peat, with a few stones. At its south edge, resting on the thin log, lay stones several courses . cut e th f o p to e th e abov e ros h whic e sid t tha n o e fac h roug a g formin o als , deep The stones above the edges of these holes, which made up the bulk of the bank, seemed during excavation to be part of a tumbled heap (or several heaps), mixed with clods of clay; the alignment of stones with the edges of cuts beneath was visible only in section. The interpretation g durin e mad s observation h wit t consisten s i s analysi n post-excavatio g durin d emerge h whic excavation. It seems likely that the foundations of a dry stone wall skin were set against the south (415e s hol )wa r Anothe . material m fir h wit d fille n the s wa (417)e h hol r ,whic shallowe e th f o e sid dug just beside it, and another wall face laid on the surface of the bog beyond its south side. This n earthe m fir a g providin , skins e ston o tw e th n betwee t pea d an y cla h wit d fille s wa e hol d secon core for a stone structure. Lying above these features, the apparent jumble of stones (404) mixed d appeare t i t tha o s d ruine d an d tumble r late , fabric l wal e th d forme e hav y ma y cla f o s clod h wit structureless on excavation. The broad ditch or pit (408) outside this low wall might have drawn e th m fro d tumble e hav t migh t pi e th e abov d clustere ) (424 s stone e th d an , it m fro y awa r wate structure. , (427) y cla f o t deposi a s wa k flan r oute e th g alon s hole h squaris , smaller e th e abov d Sprea forming the slope of the bank and then petering out above the peat to the north. This, too, might have encouraged water to run off the bank; alternatively, the clay might have been a bonding agent within the stonework, subsequently washed out and redeposited. At the centre of the bank, several curving holes had been crudely dug into the peat. Two y peat s it n i l too g diggin e th f o s mark e th d showe r forme e th ; pits h roug e b o t d seeme ) 402 & 1 (40 f o e cas e th n i , and d woo f o s piece , peat , stones f o e backfillen mixtur a bee h d ha d wit h Bot . sides h wit d mixe , stones f o ) heaps l severa r (o p hea a s wa m the g Overlyin t (401) . pi r clay , large e th f o e centr e th t a e superstructur e th m fro d tumble e hav t migh s Thi . (423) t pea d an y cla f o s lump , easier n constructio e mak d an r wate n drai o t t cu n bee e hav d coul s hole e th o to e her d an , bank e th a s wa e thes f o h Sout . others e th n tha g du y roughl e mor e wer y the h althoug , it e outsid e thos e lik g penetratin y partl d an h trenc e th s acros y obliquel g runnin , (403) t slo r irregula , shallow , broad the peat; its north edge curved erratically, but in general it seemed to mark the inner edge of the bank. It had been filled with the ubiquitous mixture of stones, wood and peat. The excavators also observed a sharp cut (438) through the peat to the surface of the till in the base of the shallow slot. Above and partly within it, at the south end of the trench, lay a spread of flat stones (422), d excavate l smal e th , however , Otherwise . interior e th f o g pavin e possibl s a d interprete y tentativel . featureless s wa r interio e th f o t par The lack of unifying stratigraphy in this trench made it impossible to establish a sequence of relationships between most of the dug features, but the similar ways in which they were dug and the similar tools used to dig them suggest they were part of the same project. That project e structur e ston a g buildin d an n functio n uncertai f o s pit r o s ditche g diggin d involve e hav o t s seem of some kind, possibly with two drystone skins around an earthen core. 0.1t 2m abou s wa s hole e thes g di o t d use l too e th , peat e th n i s mark e th f o e evidenc e th n O wide, its back flat or very slightly curved and its toe sharply rounded. The cuts sloped out from the top to the bottom as if the blade had been thrust in at an angle. If the tool were a spade, then , However . himself r o r he m fro y awa g du d an e surfac g bo e th n o d stoo r digge e th e cas h eac n i several details make another tool a more likely candidate. There were no leverage marks on the south face of the large pit (408), and the pitting effect, especially on that face but also in the base e mor s seem t I . peat e th o int t bi t i r afte d upwar y sharpl d pulle s wa e blad e th t 410t pi sugges ,e th f o LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE | 35 o t h enoug y sturd d an p shar s wa t i , was t i r Whateve . mattock a s wa l too e th t tha , therefore , likely slice cleanly through peat and rotten logs, but not strong enough to penetrate the till, as all of these cuts stopped at its surface. e th n i d lai , drains d fiel c cerami o tw e wer h trenc s thi n i d observe s feature t lates e th , Finally 19th or 20th century, one at the south end of the trench (418) and one at the north end (419), with a sump possibly associated with the latter.

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS SOILS n Jorda d Davi e ar e Thes . 1982) e Institut y (Macaula s serie e Linhop e th f o s soil n o g lyin s a d mappe s i e sit e Th freely drained brown forest soils developed in drifts derived from greywackes and shales of r coarse m fro d derive y actuall s i e sit e th s underlie h whic l til e Th . age n Suluria d an n Ordovicia y imperfectl s gley d an s gleysy peat non-calcareou , e includ s soil l loca e Th . these n tha s sediment drained brown forest soils as well as occasionally podzolic brown forest soils. The soil around the excavated areas of the large enclosure bank is a non-calcareous gley while that examined in the . status e bas w lo f o l soi t fores n brow w shallo a s i e enclosur e th f o e centr

bank enclosure main The Two sections were cut through the bank, both in the western part of the enclosure which drains toward the bog. The water table is high, and soils around the sections are groundwater gleys. The t ou k pic o t r orde n i d offere e ar s description c schemati d an , complicated y ver e wer s section k ban the main points of soil interest (depth of profile is measured from the bank top).

Section 1 (Trench 1,1985) This section was cut back from the west-facing section of the trench. A 0-10 cm. The surface Ah horizon of mixed mineral and organic matter which overlay and had filtered . bank e th f o s stone e th o int n dow B 10-90 cm. Bank structure. Platy blocks of conglomerate, 80% to 90% sandstone matrix by volume of stone, clast-supported (stone supporting stone instead of matrix-supported). s sand d stratifie y finel , granular , loose f o r laye a s wa k ban e th f o s stone t lowes e th d Aroun . cm 6 90-10 C and clays. It respected and curved around the stones of the bank, which were much more weathered in this material than above it. The upper part of this layer was loose, the lower part compact. , stratification l archaeologica r furthe g containin m stratu a o int y slightl d projecte s D stone 106-12e Th . 0cm including charcoal. This layer was light grey sand, occasionally stained brown by iron compounds. Post-holes containing post bases were cut through it. The posts were well preserved except for a decaying upper 15 cm. l archaeologica w fe unstratifiey a h mostl wit , t dbu loam y cla y sand n red-brow d mi A . cm 3 120-14 E disturbances. F Mid grey-brown till. In broad terms, the profile beneath the banjc was differentiated into an upper, elluviated, light- coloured, clay-poor horizon and a lower, illuviated, darker-coloured, clay-rich horizon, probably due to the c organi d uncarbonize d an l charcoa f o s Band . drainage y 19th-centur h throug l leve r wate l soi e th f o g lowerin matter were occasionally found in the upper horizon. These appear not to have been influenced by pedogenesis beneath the bank and represent now otherwise invisible stratigraphic units. The other clues of 36 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998 e wer y stratigraph l archaeologica g interpretin n i y rel y normall s archaeologist h whic n upo e textur d an r colou unreliable in these horizons. d filtere d ha l topsoi h A n moder e th m fro d derive l materia c organi , bank e th f o n portio l centra e th n I t firs n whe s a h muc e wer d an d separate e wer s stone e th , this w Belo . stones r uppe e th n betwee n dow s wa s stone e th n o l detai e surfac e th f o s freshnes e Th . surface d weathere d an y powder a r fo t excep , deposited t lowes e th n Betwee . surfaces r thei f o s millimetre w fe a n tha e mor d remove e hav t canno g weatherin t tha h suc stones, above the buried soil surface, was a sandy and iron-stained deposit, its lower part more compact and its upper looser and drier; similarities in composition between this material and grains found on the surfaces of the stones above show the former derived from the decay of the stones. This sandy debris was stratified, A . bank e th f o s stone e th d respecte y stratigraph s it d an , deposition d an g weatherin f o s phase g suggestin n Eildo e th f o k ban n mai e th h beneat d locate s wa , weathering k ban m fro d derive y probabl , stratum r simila clast-supportef o n proportio da h wit s bank f o c characteristi e b y ma a strat h suc d an , 1987) n (Owe t hill-for structure. e hav t no d woul r gleya n wate ; bee e hav o t s appear n constructio k ban e th d precede h whic l soi e Th e hav t mus f itsel k ban e th d entere h whic r wate e th s Thu . time f o h lengt y an r fo e surfac s it e abov d ponde f o n compactio e th , Firstly . this n i t par a d playe e hav t migh s processe o Tw . below l soi e th m fro t i o int n rise the soil beneath the bank will have constricted pore space and made drainage more difficult, thus increasing soil wetness; secondly, the sand may have caused water to be drawn up by capillary attraction.

Section 2 (Trench C, 1986) The second section was cut back from the side of a drainage ditch which runs : into s divide n sectio s Thi . bank e th h throug A 0-2 cm. Grass and root mat. B 2-8 cm. Ah horizon developed on upcast from the ditch. C 8-28 cm. Upcast from the ditch, mid-yellow to white sandy clay. D 28-46 cm. Buried Ah. granular, organic-rich. l soi d an s root t Abundan . soil y b d supporte e som , slabs e conglomerat y Mostl . matrix k Ban . cm 2 46-8 E matrix. . lenses y cla d an t sil , sand f o x comple d stratifie y Horizontall . cm 3 82-9 F t wha g includin l materia d laminate y horizontall , compacted , organic y entirel t Almos . cm 1 93-10 G d obscure s wa h whic f o l detai e th , stratigraphy x comple a d ha r laye s Thi . laminae d woo e b o t d appeare . above s stone y b d disturbe s area d an s crack l vertica y b H 101-109 cm. Mid to dark grey sandy clay with a complex stratigraphy, incorporating charcoal and very . conglomerate d weathere y highl I 109-115 cm. Light grey sandy clay loam with many very highly weathered stones. J Till. Section 2 differed from Section 1 in several ways. The upcast from the ditch which sealed it had a t buil s wa f itsel k ban e Th . bank e th f o a strat e th n o d superimpose , it n i g developin e sequenc l soi y secondar t differen r rathe a d ha d ha d burie t i h whic l soi e th d an , matter d soil-derive f o n proportio r greate a h wit tillf o -h dept r greate h muc a r ove y la o als 2 n Sectio t a k ban e 1n Th . Sectio f o t tha m fro y histor n formatio derived sands. These sands lacked the differentiation into an upper leached horizon and a darker lower o t t subjec n bee d ha k ban e th h beneat a strat e th l Al . above m fro d leache r matte d receive d ha h whic n horizo the downward movement of water, and the mineral matter within it was highly weathered as a result. The t buil s wa t i h whic n o l soi e th t tha s show ) G t uni n (i k ban e th h beneat r matte c organi f o n preservatio d goo must have been a gley. To sum up, the two bank sections show that the bank was built at or near the bog margin on its s wa e tabl r wate e th , anything f i , although y toda d foun e thos o t r gleyn o t ssimila buil s wa t I . side n wester higher than it is now. The soil beneath the bank was disturbed in places by previous archaeological activity. The bank itself had decayed slightly since construction, and the weathering products had found their way down to overlie the buried surface of the pre-bank soil. Soil from above had also percolated down into the d elluviate n a o int k ban e th h beneat l soi e th f o n differentiatio f o e caus e th e b y ma e drainag t Recen . bank 7 3 E LANARKSHIR , BURN E BLACKSHOUS : POLLARD & G LELON e th f o h muc d destroye e hav o t s appear n differentiatio s Thi . horizon r lowe d illuviate n a d an n horizo r uppe archaeological stratigraphy beneath the bank, and the form and rate of soil formation within and beneath the bank will have changed as a result.

S ANALYSI N POLLE y Ramsa n Susa Evidence for the reconstruction of the past environment of the Blackshouse Burn area comes from pollen analysis of peat samples from the bog, adjacent to the site, and from the old ground . built s wa k ban e enclosur n mai e th h whic n o e surfac

bog the from Samples d provide y kindl s ha e h d an 6 Moffan 198 Bria n i ty b t ou d carrie s wa g bo e th f o s analysi n polle e Th e middl e th h bot m fro s sequence t Pea . report s thi r fo s analyse s hi f o s result y preliminar e th n radiocarbo d an d analyse e wer g bo e th f o ) II n Bur e (Blackshous e edg d an ) I n Bur e (Blackshous - post e th f o t mos s cover e therefor d an , BP 0 8000-900 n betwee o t k bac s extend t pea e Th . dated n vegetatio e th w sho t no o d ) published t (no s diagram n polle y preliminar , However . period l glacia changes in detail, as only summary pollen results were available for analysis. The preliminary pollen diagrams prepared by Moffat show a wooded landscape in the earlier part of the post-glacial (7500-9000 BP) with Betula (birch) and Corylns (hazel) the most likely dominants at this time. From the diagrams it would appear that after 7500 BP woodland y probabl , shrubs d Ericoi n i e increas g correspondin a s wa e ther d an e declin o t n bega r cove Calluna vulgaris (heather), as well as grasses and sedges. If this woodland decline is, in fact, anthropogenic in origin, this would provide evidence for Mesolithic activity in the area. e tre n i s decline e wher , (1983d Arran n Boy )o y b d note e wer s disturbance d woodlan r Simila pollen were accompanied by increases in open ground species, in particular heather. These vegetation changes were dated to the Mesolithic period and were considered to be the result of t fen/we n o y fireg particularl , usin o als d an r cove e tre e th f o e som g removin n i t impac n huma n i , heather f o h growt e th d favoure e hav d woul n tur n i g burnin s Thi . game t ou e driv o t , grassland e degre t grea y an o t d use r eve s t firewa tha y unlikel s i t I . fire o t e resistanc s it f o e becaus , particular t (excep s , 'Britis72) , hwoodland (1986 m Rackha o t g accordin , as d woodlan g standin r clea o t pine) burn like wet asbestos'. The preliminary pollen diagram from the bog centre shows these n polle l loca y b d swampe n bee t no s ha t i s a , clearly t mos s change n vegetatio l regiona e mor produced by the lagg vegetation growing around the bog margins. s sample n polle e thre n i a ov e fluk r live s a l wel s a n polle x fla f o s grain d identifie t Moffa e th m fro e com y probabl e hav s grain n polle x fla e Thes . BP 0 6500-750 y approximatel g coverin species Linum catharticum (fairy flax) rather than Linum usitatissimum (cultivated flax). Pollen from cultivated flax has often been found in pits used for retting the tough flax stems to produce fibres; however, this cultivated flax is not known in Scotland before the Neolithic period (Bond & Hunter 1987). If this flax pollen had come from a later retting pit dug into older peat there would have been disturbances in the peat sequence, but no such discontinuities were noted. It is considered, therefore, that this flax pollen came from fairy flax (Linum catharticum), a small herbaceous plant (< 0.25 m in height) which grows on grasslands, heathlands and moors d favoure e hav y ma e landscap n ope y increasingl e Th . al1987) et m (Clapha n Britai t throughou this particular species. 38 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTEAND, 1998 s i s s identificatioegg a , e parasit caution f nh o wit d interprete e b t mus a ov e fluk r live e Th s wa e agricultur l pastora t tha y impl y necessaril t no s doe t i a ov e fluk r live e ar y the f I . problematic being practised on the site, as there is no evidence that these parasite eggs came from a domesticated herbivore. y ma s Thi . decline l initia s Blackshousit d r afte aroun n e eBur regenerat t no d di d Woodlan have been a result of a deterioration in climate, but it could also reflect the presence of grazing animals, not necessarily domesticated, in the area. Tree seedlings could not easily have become established in these circumstances and heather, sedge and grassland communities would have become dominant. This grass/heathland landscape seems to have continued, with only minor t tha s suggest m diagra e bog-edg y preliminar e Th . sequences t pea e th f o p to e th l unti p u , changes grass/sedge became more dominant than Ericoid shrubs, but the opposite is noted in the bog- t tha t bu s specie t dominan e th e becam r heathe , itself g bo e th n o t tha y likel s i t I . diagram e centr the bog-edge diagram reflects changes around the bog and that grassland was becoming dominant . whole a s a n regio e th n i It is likely that the top of the peat sequence has been truncated, as the radiocarbon dates suggest that 4000 years of peat would have to be present in the top 20-30 cm if it were complete! d increase y impl d woul m diagra e bog-edg e th f o p to e th t a s grain n polle d damage n i e increas e Th microbial activity as a result of drying out of the bog surface, probably as a result of drainage of the bog in the 19th century. This would have caused increasing decomposition and loss of the surface layers of peat. n polle d detaile e mor m fro d obtaine e b d coul e sit e th f o y histor n vegetatio e complet e mor A information showing individual pollen taxa rather than summarised data. Unfortunately, this t presen o t , consequence n i , possible n bee t no s ha t i d an r autho e th o t e availabl t no s wa l detai detailed histograms.

bank enclosure main the under surface ground old the from Sample n mai e th f o t par t south-wes e th y b d seale e surfac d groun e th (503) y m cla y fro , peat f o e sampl A t no s wa t i h Althoug . 1986 n i g datin n radiocarbo r fo C h Trenc m fro d remove s wa , bank e enclosur n i n show e ar s result e Th . author e th y b 7 199 n i n polle r fo d analyse s wa t i , dated y subsequentl Table 1. The pollen from this context shows a high proportion of trees and shrubs, in particular birch and hazel. Of note are the relatively low percentages of oak and elm and the absence of alder from the spectrum. Oak and elm arrived in Scotland at approximately 8000-9000 BP, but , therefore , suggested s i t I . BP 0 6500-700 y approximatel e befor a are s thi e coloniz t no d di r alde that this pollen sample dates to sometime between 7000-8000 BP. The pollen spectrum from this e Th . bog e th m fro s Moffat'f diagram o n s spolle region d age y correspondingl e th h wit n i s fit e sit only major difference is that the ground surface pollen spectrum shows no evidence of the Ericoid s a h suc s specie e becaus e b y ma s Thi . diagrams g bo e th n i y prominentl o s e featur h whic s shrub s i n polle d Ericoi y wh n explai o t t difficul s i t i h althoug , bog e th o t y solel d confine e wer r heathe . here t absen y completel Evidence for the wet nature of the local environment is seen in the high percentage of sedge pollen. Sedges indicate a variety of habitat types, but the majority are colonisers of waterlogged or damp sites. The presence of standing water nearby is indicated by the presence of pollen of , lakes r Myriophyllumbase-poo n i d foun s alterniflorum water-milfoil)e specie c (alternat aquati n a , 9 3 | E LANARKSHIR , BURN E BLACKSHOUS : POLLARD & G LELON

TABLE 1 Pollen from the ground surface under the main enclosure bank Pollen type % total pollen (excluding spores) Trees and Shrubs 1 30. ) Betula(birch 0 18. Coryloid (hazel/bo ) gmyrtle 2 0. ) Crataegustype n type(hawthor Pinus (pine) 2.5 Quercus (oak) 0.2 Salix (willow) 1.9 Ulmus(e\m) 1.0

s Sedge d an s Grasse Poaceae (grass) 3.1 Cyperaceae (sedge) 33.1

Herbs Filipendula (meadowsweet) 0.4 Galium type (bedstraw type) 0.2 Potentilla type (cinquefoil type) 0.2 2 0. ) (buttercup e typ Ranunculus 2 0. ) type l Rumexsorre s acetosella(sheep' e typ 2 0. Valerianan ) valerian n officinalis(commo

Aquatics Callitriche (water-starwort) 0.4 Myriophyllum alterniflorum e water-milfoil(alternat ) 1.1

Damaged grains 7.1

Spores* Equisetum (horsetail) 0.3 Filicales (ferns) Sphagnum (bog moss) 2.4 *Spores expressed as a % of 'total pollen including spores'

- (water Callitriche . 1997) e (Stac s upland e th n i y particularl ditches, d an s stream w slo , ponds n ca t i c aquati y totall e b n ca s plant f o s genu s thi h althoug t bu , identified o als s wa n polle ) starwort . ground f o s patche y mudd e coloniz o als Although the main enclosure bank sealed this context (503), it does not follow that this pollen spectrum must be that of the immediate pre-construction environment. The excavators d coul s Thi . built s wa k ban e th e befor d strippe n bee d ha f tur e som t tha y possibilit e th d considere have removed many hundreds of years worth of organic material from the site, leaving a much a o ont t buil s wa k ban e th t tha d postulate n bee o als s ha t I . bank e th h beneat y directl e surfac r olde boggy surface; the presence of Sphagnum (bog moss) spores in the pollen spectrum supports the . construction s bank' e th e befor t poin e som t a y bogg s wa a are s thi t tha a ide

Conclusions d ol e th m fro d an e sit e th o t t adjacen g bo e th m fro s analyse n polle e th f o s result combined e Th ground surface under the main enclosure bank provide an idea of the vegetation changes which have occurred in the environs of Blackshouse Burn during the greater part of the post-glacial t bu g predominatin l haze d an h birc h wit l post-glacia r earlie e th n i d woode s wa a are e Th . period with willow in the wetter areas. Areas of standing water were present, perhaps with muddy banks. 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 0 4 r cove e tre e th n whe , BP 0 750 y approximatel m fro d suggeste s i n vegetatio e th n o t impac n Huma began to decline and there was an increase in the representation of Ericoid shrubs (heather) and grasses/sedges. The increase in heather suggests that fire was used by Mesolithic people in the area, perhaps to flush out game. However, the summary pollen analyses from the bog are not detailed enough to pick up the more subtle pollen signals for subsequent agricultural activity in the area. There does not appear to have been any woodland regeneration after the initial clearance/decline began, and as a result the area remained as an open landscape for the greater part of the post-glacial period.


POTTERY g Lelon a Olivi n i l subsoi f o n horizo r uppe e th m fro d recovere s wa y potter f o d sher d abrade y highl , small A , soft , fine a s ha d sher e Th . weathering y b n dow t brough n bee y probabl d ha t i e wher , 2 h Trenc , time t shor y relativel a r fo d fire s wa t i g indicatin , reduced s i e cor s it d an , fabric s micaceou t i s a t uprigh d stoo t po e th o s , oxidized e ar , however , surfaces h Bot . bonfire n ope n a n i y probabl f o s row r fou s bear d sher e Th . exterior d an r interio s it h bot h reac d coul n oxyge d an d fire s wa - (all-over C AO n a f o t fragmen a e b o t s appear t I . exterior s it n o s impression d cor d twiste , faint cord impressed) Beaker (Clarke 1970) (not illus). d broa a y onl , chronologies r Beake d establishe y formerl d atten w no h whic s doubt e th n Give dating bracket can be given for this sherd. It probably dates to between 2600 and 1800 BC (Kinnes et al 1991), so it might have been deposited inside the large enclosure while it was being built or at any point in the following eight centuries. Its tiny size and weathered state do suggest it was n i d lodge e becam t i e befor c traffi s perhap d an s element e th m fro e abus e considerabl o t d expose o int t brough , deposit n midde a f o t par n bee e hav y originall d coul t I . horizon l subsoi r uppe e th the enclosure to enrich the soil; in any case it does not appear to have been found in its primary . deposition f o e plac

E STON D WORKE d Pollar y Ton Chert and quartz Only nine pieces of struck, or possibly struck, stone were recovered from the excavations, including eight pieces of chert and one piece of quartz. None of these is diagnostic and some appear little, if at all, modified from their natural state. Although a couple of possible cores were present, the majority represent rough debitage and provide no evidence for retouch or utilisation. e th e besid d expose s soil e th m fro y locall p u d picke n bee e hav d coul t cher e th d an z quart e th h Bot ) below n give t (tha n informatio l contextua d limite y Onl . themselves s bed m strea e th m fro r o s burn was recorded. From the core of the bank in Trench 1 came a fragment of quartz, possibly natural, and a small, pyramidal fragment of chert debitage. A possible chert core and a fragment of e th n i d foun s wa e cor t cher a e whil , 2 h Trenc n i k trac e th h beneat d foun were e debitag e probabl r Othe . 3 h Trenc n i h ditc e th f o l fil e th n i d foun were ) burnt e (on s flake e wast t cher o Tw . topsoil . origin n i l natura y likel t mos were d recovere s piece 1 4 | E LANARKSHIR , BURN E BLACKSHOUS : POLLARD & G LELON d rounde e Th . recorded t no s wa t contex s it t bu , recovered s wa e pebbl z quart n broke e On r numbe a f o e cas e th n i s a , stone r hamme a s a e us s it r fo e evidenc o n s display e pebbl s thi f o d en recovered from the nearby cairn at Cloburn (Lelong & Pollard, this vol). However, the edge of the very even fracture does display several small removal scars. The pebble is similar to many m fro g protrudin d an s bed m strea l loca n i d expose s soil y cla e th m fro g erodin n see e b n ca h whic lumps of conglomerate included in the matrix of the enclosure bank.

Stone discs More interesting than the few pieces of chert and quartz are two stone discs. They both came from topsoil, although in which trench is not recorded. Both are made from locally obtained sandstone, with roughly circular edges formed by a series of straight facets. This was achieved by m m 0 1 d an r diamete n i m m 5 6 s i e On . pieces e th f o s edge e th m fro l materia f o l remova e percussiv thick, and the other is 60 mm in diameter and 7 mm thick. The faces of the larger piece are flat, while those of the smaller are slightly bevelled, giving it a convex profile. , misnomer a 'poe m b tter y lidc ma ' generi e Th . uncertain s i s artefact e thes f o n functio e Th as these discs are far too small to cover most known prehistoric vessels, other than pygmy cups. n agai , applied y generall m ter a s i s thi h althoug , pieces g gamin e includ s function e possibl r Othe possibly incorrectly in many cases, to any small stone disc; these may be a little too large to be a m the s make e siz d an e shap r thei t tha s piece e th g handlin n whe s obviou s i t I . such s a d categorise perfect fit between the average thumb and forefinger and their weight would make them ideal throwing stones, used in the same way that flat pebbles are skimmed across the surface of water. r thei d an , say o t e impossibl s i s weapon s a d use n bee e hav d coul s implement h suc r Whethe purpose may have been much more benign, perhaps to urge on stubborn cattle, or simply as e ar t bu , interpretations e definitiv s a d intende t no e ar s suggestion r latte e Thes . fun f o s object offered merely to demonstrate the possibility of alternative interpretations to those usually suggested.


RADIOCARBON DATES One radiocarbon date was obtained from the large enclosure's bank. This came from the outer r inne s bank' e (140e th n )o post-hol t easternmos e th n i g standin p stum t pos k oa e th f o d heartwoo e th g usin d calibrate s wa s Thi . BP 5 +5 5 403 f o e dat n radiocarbo a d I/A)h yielde t I . (Trenc k flan 1993 calibration curve on the OxCal software package (v 2.01; Stuiver et al 1993) to 2863-2404 BC at the two-sigma level of confidence. There is an 88% probability that the oak was cut down between 2697 and 2453 cal BC. 5 198 e th g durin y surve t pea a f o s mean y b d determine s wa g bo t ancien e th f o t exten e Th season, and two peat columns were taken from it, one from its centre and one from its edge. Seven 3 199 e th g usin d calibrate e wer e Thes . columns o tw m fro d obtaine e wer s date n radiocarbo o t 6 218 m fro s date f o e rang a g givin , 2.01) v ( e packag e softwar l OxCa e th n o e curv n calibratio 7924 cal BC for the bog centre column and 1752 to 7547 cal BC for the bog edge column. The sample from the bog edge (GU-2292), in which Moffat identified flax pollen (possibly fairy flax (Linum catharticum)) as well as possible liver fluke ova, was dated to 5571-5004 cal BC; its pollen spectrum appeared to equate to that of the peat sample taken from beneath the main enclosure bank in Trench C (Ramsay, above); this early date could, however, be due to stripping of the turf and topsoil before the bank was built. 42 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

TABLE 2 Radiocarbon dates from Blackshouse Burn P B d!3C%o e Calrang d date l Materia La o bn GU-1983 Quercus (oak) post from pesthole 140, Trench 1(1985) 4035±55 -25.3 2697-2453 GU-2287 Bog centre column, depth 20.5-22.5 cm 3850 + 50 -26.8 2459-2186 GU-2288 Bog centre column, depth 56.5—58.5cm 7260 + 60 -27.7 6178-5978 GU-2289 Bog centre column, depth 102-104 cm 7700 + 80 -28.3 6698-6266 GU-2290 Bog centre column, depth 131-133 cm 8710±80 -25.9 7924-7548 2 2100-175 7 -26. 0 5 + 0 358 21.5-23.h GU-229dept , m 5c 1 column Boe gedg 4 5571-500 8 -27. 0 13 + 0 638 41-4h m 3dept c , 2 column Boe gedg GU-229 GU-2293 Bog edge column, depth 83-85 cm 8430 + 60 -28.0 7547-7307

DENDROCHRONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THREE WOODEN POSTS Anne Crone Samples Samples from two posts retrieved during the excavations had been in storage since 1986. They y simpl e wer d an s post e th m fro t cu n bee d ha h e 100mwhic , som , mthick slices f o d consiste labelled 'Sample 1' and 'Sample 2', with no other site information attached to them. Although originally waterlogged, they had since dried out completely, causing shrinkage and distortion to the cross-section. A third post, labelled 017, was also located. This had survived whole but was also desiccated and split. A slice was removed from this post also for analysis.

Sample 1 Almost half of the roundwood post survives. The sapwood and the outermost heartwood rings t fragmen g survivin e Th . mm 5 8 s i , surface r oute o t h pit m fro , radius m maximu e th d an y awa d decaye e hav is 150 mm across.

Sample 2 A wedge survives, forming approximately a third of the original roundwood post, but has split into two pieces. Like Sample 1, the sapwood and the outermost heartwood rings have decayed away and the . across m m 5 18 s i e wedg g survivin e Th . mm 0 14 w no s i , surface r oute o t h pit m fro , radius m maximu

Post 017 This roundwood post is 0.62 m long and tapered toward the top as a result of timber decay while in the post-hole. The sapwood has decayed away but the curvature of the outer surface of the post indicates that the heartwood/sapwood boundary is still present, although fragmented. The maximum radius of the post, from pith to heartwood/sapwood boundary, is now 14 cm.

Analysis The surfaces of the samples were prepared for measurement by fine sanding. The ring-pattern was enhanced by rubbing powdered chalk into the polished surface, a procedure which highlights both the large springwood pores and the smaller latewood pores. The samples were measured on - data a g usin C P a o ont d logge e wer s ring-width d measure e th d an e tabl g measurin n Henso a n constructio y chronolog d an g Cross-matchin . 1992) (McNeill G TREERIN , programme e captur were undertaken using DENDRO (Tyers 1990), supported by visual cross-matching. The ring-patterns of the samples were very different from each other. The ring-pattern of . difficuly measure o t t extremel e wer h whic s ring d compresse y ver f o s band d containe 1 e Sampl These usually occur when there has been little or no deposition of summerwood, either because 3 4 E LANARKSHIR , BURN E BLACKSHOUS : LELONPOLLARD G& s pore d springwoo e larg e Th . season g growin e th g durin r weathe r poo r o s insect y b n defoliatio f o are consequently compressed against each other and it becomes very difficult to determine where e wer i radi e separat o Tw . , p2a) i 1982 e Bailli e se e exampl r (fo s end r o s start g rin l annua h eac measured to check that no mistakes had been made and a ring-pattern, 116 years in length, was constructed. However, it still remains a possibility that the recorded ring-pattern contains errors. In contrast, the ring-pattern of Sample 2 was relatively fast-grown, with wide rings and no bands of compressed rings. The measured sequence was 107 years long. The sample from Post 017 was also relatively fast-grown but with occasional small bands of compressed rings. The measured sequence was 117 years long. The ring-patterns of the three samples were cross-matched against each other, visually and statistically, but no acceptable position of best match was found. Consequently a site master r maste f o s serie a t agains n ru n the e wer s sequence l individua e Th . constructed e b t no d coul chronologies from northern Ireland and England, but no consistent correlations were found.

Conclusions It is possible that there are pronounced differences between the ring-patterns of the samples because they grew at different times (ie they were not fully contemporary with each other), but in the absence of any correlation between the sequences it is impossible to determine their temporal relationship to one another. Alternatively, their different growth patterns may result from their having grown in different micro-climates. s i s chronologie e referenc e th t agains s sequence l individua e th e dat o t e failur e Th n i s deposit n occupatio c Neolithi m fro l materia e suitabl f o y scarcit e th n give , disappointing Britain and Ireland (Hillam et al 1990). The tree-ring sequences from Blackshouse Burn are the first to be found in a Neolithic context in Scotland and will be stored for future analysis in the . chronology g tree-rin c Neolithi h Scottis a r fo n foundatio e th m for y da e on y ma y the t tha e hop

BLACKSHOUSE BURN IN PRACTICE t specialis d an y surve , excavations d limite e th m fro d produce a dat e th m fro k bac g Steppin analyses, a composite picture of the two monuments emerges. Early activity in the basin possibly involved light, stake-built structures and a hearth (Phase 1), as well as vegetation clearance - pre y activit f o s trace r Othe . water g standin s it d an g bo e th d aroun ) game t ou h flus o t s (perhap e th f o g gleyin d an g leachin y b d remove n bee e hav y ma n constructio ' monuments e th g datin . soils d burie Later, two rows of massive oak posts were erected — possibly marking out the entire n excavatio d limite f o s basi e th n o h (althoug e enclosur e th e becom d woul t wha f o e circumferenc e th e whil , 2)e Then . (Phas m the n betwee t buil s wa k ban y ston , low a d an — ) this w kno t no o d e w posts were still standing, this bank was widened by heaping stones around their bases (Phase 3). Finally, after the posts had decayed, more stone was added to the bank, raising its height to c 1.5m (Phase 4). This sequence of events was established by excavation in two sectors of the enclosure, the north-west and the south-west. Other sectors might have been built differently, or at different times. The overall plan, with its fairly straight stretches joined by slight angles, does suggest the , small e th r Fo . time f o d perio a r ove r o s group t differen y b r eithe , segments n i t buil s wa e whol adjacent enclosure, holes were first excavated in the ground at the edge of the bog, these were filled with firmer material and a stone structure was built on this surface. The post-glacial 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET | 4 4 e th d an , regenerated r neve , built e wer s enclosure e th e befor e sometim d cleare , woodland surrounding land remained open grassland and bog. n pla y surve e th ; vast s i t I . paradoxes n certai s contain n constructio s enclosure' e larg e Th and photograph (illus 2) convey this to some extent, but walking into the enclosure for the first time one is still taken aback by its scale (up to 300 m in diameter and almost a kilometre in t i e mak e siz d an y topograph s it t monumen e th e insid s place l circumference)severa t a , Indeed . impossible to see from one side to the other. Despite its mammoth scale, in places it was built with great attention to detail, with flags set on edge to form neat bays within the bank, and these bays filled with different kinds of stone, suggesting that different gangs of workers built their own sections and collected their stone from different places in the locality of the site. These bays and various dumps of stone would not, however, have been visible when the bank was finished, as its . them d maske e hav d woul g cappin In other places, it seems constructed to an uneven standard; the section recorded in Trench C revealed much more soil in the bank's matrix than in the other trenches. Long stretches of the bank are very low and hummocky, as if unfinished. Although stone robbing might account for some of its appearance, it does not explain it fully, particularly along the western edge which skirted the bog and where the water table was high until recent drainage. Until those e mir t tha o int s cart d an s horse t brough e hav d woul s farmer t tha y unlikel s seem t i , improvements to collect stone, especially when they could have robbed the better-drained sections of bank to the n (Ferguso y e 18tth hcentur n i d documente s i — e wher e sur t no e ar e w — g robbin e Som . east 1794, 39), 100 years before the bog was drained. The spreading mass of stones between the small enclosure and the large one, beside the latter's inturned entrance, was interpreted by the Royal s seem s thi , however , argument e sam e th y B . robbers y b t lef s heap l spoi (1978n s a ) 78 , Commissio an unlikely place for robbing. Those piles of stone might as well be interpreted as the remains of a drystone structure which supported a timber superstructure associated with the entrance or the small enclosure and which, once the timber decayed, collapsed into its present undistinguished state (A Barlow, pers comm). If the double rows of oak posts continued all the way around the perimeter of the enclosure, d coul s post f o s hundred y man n the , examples d excavate e th o t y similarl d space e wer y the f i d an h eac e mak o t n dow t cu n bee e hav d woul e tre one t tha y unlikel s seem t I . time e on t a d stoo e hav m 4 20. f o h lengt a o t ) England n easter n (i w gro d coul k oa n a t tha e evidenc e th n give , post without branching (Wainwright & Longworth 1971, 223). The three posts to which dendro- chronological analysis was applied each represented trees with life spans of over 100 years (Crone, n o t exten e larg a o t d depen d woul t heigh r thei h althoug , tall e quit n bee e hav y ma y the o s , above) - post r thei f o h dept e th n give , stood e hav s post e thes d coul h hig w Ho . conditions g growin r thei e enclosur c Neolithi e th t a t pos k oa h eac f o d one-thir t leas t a t tha s (1976s )assume Burges ? holes of Meldon Bridge would have been embedded in its post-hole, allowing the top two-thirds to stand above ground. This seems a rather conservative estimate, but if we accept it, then the posts at Blackshouse Burn could have stood up to 1.6 m high. We know that builders in this period e thes ; sockets w shallo y ver n i t se e wer h whic e ston f o s upright l substantia t erec o t d prepare e wer posts, therefore, may have been much taller. Heaping stones around the bases of the standing posts may have been an attempt to stabilize them; it follows from this that the posts could have . heights s ambitiou o t d stoo The timber posts certainly formed a double row along part of the enclosure, and — above l horizonta y b d joine n bee e hav y alternativel r o , free-standing n bee e hav y ma e thes — k ban e th planks or hurdling attached to their flanks or linking their tops; they might also have been painted or carved (cf Catherall 1976, 4). Were they all standing at the same time? Dendrochronological 5 4 | E LANARKSHIR , BURN E BLACKSHOUS : POLLARD & G LELON

analysis of three stumps did not find correlations between the three tree-ring sequences to suggest that these trees grew at the same time (Crone, above), but neither did it find evidence to the contrary. It is possible that the trees' life spans did overlap but that they grew up in different microclimates, thus developing different ring sequences. Without more dating evidence it is d excavate o tw s it n i k ban e th f o e coherenc c stratigraphi e th t bu , certain r fo y sa o t e impossibl sections creates a strong impression that all of the excavated posts were erected at roughly the k ban e th e befor t bu ) built g bein s wa t i e whil r o t buil s wa k ban y ston e th e befor (most e tim e sam . posts e th f o l al d aroun s stone g heapin y b d broadene s wa It may be possible to determine how long the timber posts stood, and therefore the length of the bank's first phase. The posts were massive, but they stood in damp ground and in the open, where they were vulnerable to wind and to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Wainwright t Fores e th d use , Walls n Durringto t a s post r timbe f o e lif e th g (1971)h calculatin , Longwort & r diamete r large f o s timber t tha d foun h whic , experiments s Laboratory' h Researc s Product , oakwood f o s kind e durabl t . Quercusmos e th posts f r o e roburon s thinne i n tha r longe d survive although its sapwood decays much faster than the heartwood (ibid, 224). Accounting for this decay, they estimated that oak posts with large diameters would survive about 15 years for each r thei h wit , Burn e Blackshous t a d excavate s post e th , formula s thi g Usin . 225) (ibid, s radiu f o h inc 9 10 t Pos s a h (suc s post r Othe . years 0 13 s perhap r fo d stoo e hav d shoul , m 3 0. o t p u f o s diameter d an , standing l stil e wer s post l origina e th e whil t bu , later d erecte n bee e hav y 1h ma ) Trenc n i therefore during this period; this may show that new posts were added over time. There was no evidence that new posts were inserted into old post-holes, replacing decayed posts. Those using the monument finally capped the bank after the posts had decayed, and s stone e th t tha d showe (illu1 ) h 3a s Trenc h throug n sectio e Th . afterward g lon t no y probabl heaped around the post had already collapsed above the post-hole by the time the bank was capped, as the capping (where it had survived robbing) was in situ, not slumped. This capping d ha e profil l soi y an e befor t bu , complete e wer e collaps d an y deca e th r afte , then , laid s wa developed on the stony bank. Nothing survived to indicate how long the monument held meaning r earlie e th n i m see d di y the t bu , ten r o s generation o tw n bee e hav t migh t I . this r afte e peopl r fo s perhap d an , ridge g surroundin e th o ont s effort g monument-buildin r thei t re-direc o t e Ag e Bronz also to the adjacent small enclosure. The small enclosure contrasts markedly with the large one in the manner of its construction. Its builders thought ahead about how to build on such wet ground, and their carefully dug and backfilled drainage holes (if this interpretation is assumed) and consolidated foundation slots y The . bank y ston e simpl a n tha e fragil d an e elaborat e mor e structur a d intende y the t sugges e th n withi t jus t sa g rin l smal s thi : metre e th o t t almos , precision great h wit , too , position s it e chos e th o t s metre l severa g movin y b r easie h muc b jo r thei e mad e hav d coul s builder e Th . bog t ancien north-east, for example, but clearly it was important that the enclosure sat on the edge of the wet e distinctiv s it , enclosure l smal e th m fro d recovere s wa e evidenc g datin o n h Althoug . ground construction suggests it was built at a different time than its larger neighbour; however, their l smal s It . larger e th o t e referenc h wit t buil s wa e on r smalle e th t tha e indicat o d s entrance d oppose e edg s bog' e th n o g sitin l carefu s It . people r fewe g involvin , project s ambitiou s les a s suggest e siz g Hardin & s Cole e (se e Ag e Bronz e th g durin e elsewher n know r wate r fo n veneratio a s recall 1979; Coles & Coles 1996). The interior of that enclosure was investigated only in a limited way; . nature e votiv a f o s deposit n contai d coul t i Finally, for all the monuments' grandeur, the work at Blackshouse Burn leaves us with e visibl n bee e hav d woul h whic , slab e larg e th : actions l individua , moments l smal f o s impression e curv o t d groun e th n o t fla d place , bank s enclosure' e larg e th f o e lif e th n i e phas t firs e th g durin 46 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

just so around the edge of a standing post; the mattock-dug holes in the peat under the small enclosure, some dug with precision, some with much less care, and the mat made of short lengths t res d coul t i n i g workin n perso e th t tha o s s perhap e hol p dee one n i p ste y peat a n o d lai , wood f o on a dry seat.

COMPARABLE SITES e th , practice n i n Bur e Blackshous f o n interpretatio d an n examinatio r close a g offerin e Befor discussion turns first outward, to similar sites elsewhere from the later Neolithic. Comparisons to the large enclosure can be drawn in several different directions. Its character and position suggest , below s discus e w s a , however ; purposes c domesti n tha r rathe l ritua r fo d use s wa t monumen e th that distinction is in some ways redundant when applied to the Neolithic in Scotland. With its large size, circular plan, bank and timber revetment or palisade, the large enclosure might plausibly be classified as a henge. While the site was not included in Burl's (1969) gazetteer and discussion of henges, it does appear in Clare's (1986 & 1987). In sheer size Blackshouse Burn is comparable to the grand henges of Durrington Walls or Avebury in Wiltshire or Forteviot in t migh t i y complexit l ritua d an e importanc s it n I . 295) , 1986 e (Clar s other g amon , Strathearn compare to the henge at Balfarg in Fife (Mercer 1981a). Its timber element also recalls Priddy, Carviak, Fall Hill and the Cocksbarrow (Clare 1986, 302). Like other henges, at least one entrance faces south-east (Barclay & Russell-White 1993, 199). It has a known (albeit secondary or intrusive) mortuary element, in the form of the cremations apparently uncovered by stone . 303) , Berwico 1986 t r e k(Clar simila , 39) , 1794 n (Ferguso k ban e th h beneat s robber In another direction, Blackshouse is similar to very large banked enclosures from the later Neolithic. These include Lyles Hill, County Antrim, where a low, mainly earthen bank was piled k ban e th ; posts f o w ro e doubl s place n i d an e singl a h wit d toppe d an s revetment l paralle n betwee and palisade ran around the edges of a knoll, and enclosed a low cairn. This contained cremations, . 6-29) , 1953 s (Evan s vessel y funerar s a l wel s a , fabric s it n i d inserte d an d scattere o als d an s cist n i Blackshouse Burn might also be compared to large earthwork enclosures elsewhere in Scotland, some of which may have Neolithic elements as yet undiscovered, such as Leadketty in Perthshire and Dundonald in Ayrshire (A Barlow, pers comm; Halpin 1992). In scale these monuments recall the causewayed enclosures of southern Britain and, like henges, may descend from that . 1998a) s (Evan n traditio In the massive timber posts which helped define it, Blackshouse Burn is also reminiscent of r timbe , There . 1976) s (Burges e Peeblesshir n i e Bridg n Meldo t a e enclosur y promontor e larg e th posts up to 0.6 m in diameter were planted to form a free-standing barrier c 500 m long on the spit of land between the Meldon Burn and the Lyne Water. The enclosure was approached by a timber-lined avenue, and inside it were pits, two of them lined with crushed pottery, as well as several cremations and at least one possible building. Although interpreted by the excavator as defensive, it seems more likely to have been a specially defined ceremonial centre, given its vulnerability to the rising ground immediately beyond the timber barrier. s thi n I . water y b s side o tw n o n definitio s it s i e Bridg n Meldo t abou g strikin y Particularl sense Blackshouse Burn can be compared in yet another way: the large enclosure is clearly positioned to encircle the double heads of the Blackshouse Burn, while the small enclosure sat in t a s appear o als s source r wate o t e referenc s Thi . water g standin f o e edg e th n o y possibl d an , bog a - Russell & y (Barcla s burn o tw n betwee d brackete s lie x comple l ceremonia e th e wher , Balfarg White 1993, 50). LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE 47

Finally, the way the bank of the main enclosure was constructed, its flagstone bays filled with dumps of stone, recalls the chambered tomb at Point of Cott in Orkney (Barber 1988). (The bank's fabric, however, was not made up mostly of voids, as the tomb's was.) It also might s hurdle r o s fence t ligh e wher , 1983) y (Barcla e Perthshir n i s Main h Nort t a w barro e th e resembl created bays, and turves and subsoil were dumped inside them. Shepherd (1996,45) has suggested s it n i d observe n segmentatio e th , Pitglassie f o n Midtow f o d moun g rin c Neolithi e th t a t tha construction would have allowed continued access for some time before the bank was finished. In t tha g suggestin , monuments d finishe e th n i e visibl t no e wer s bay n constructio e th , cases e thes l al . product e th s a l wel s a , builders e th o t t importan s wa n constructio f o s proces e th The small enclosure at Blackshouse Burn bears some comparison with a Late Bronze Age structure at Bargeroosterveld, in Drenthe, The Netherlands. There a ring of stones 4 m in t wha d an t i e insid d lai e wer s plank k oa ; marsh a n i d groun d waterlogge n o t se s wa r diamete Hardin& s g(Cole s footing e ston e th n o t buil s wa e structur r timbe d horne a n bee e hav o t s appear t a y Similarl . deposits e votiv n bee e hav y ma y nearb d foun l meta f o s hoard l Severa . 521) , 1979 o t d foun s wa w hollo y bogg r o l poo d embanke y artificiall n a , Ireland n Norther n i s Stable s King' . 1988) n Lyn & n (Hamli s deposit l ritua n contai This brief review of the kinds of sites comparable with Blackshouse Burn may give some f o y subtlet d an y variet e th l al h wit , enclosures e Ag e Bronz d an c Neolithi e lat f o e rang e th f o a ide meanings they must have held for those who built and used them. Rather than pursuing , example r fo , henges l cal e w s clas e th t wha w kno y reall t no o d e w s a y especiall — a comparand actually meant in the later Neolithic — it seems more fruitful to look at the monument within its own context (cf Barclay 1995, 4). It is likely that those living in different regions developed their n ow r thei e accommodat d an s expres o t , ways r particula n i g monument-buildin f o s tradition n ow views of the world (Barclay 1989; Bradley 1993; Harding 1991, 147). Just as there is no single 'Scottish Neolithic,' there is no single definition, function or label which can presently be imposed . Burn e Blackshous t a s enclosure e th n o

THE MONUMENT'S HISTORY It is generally recognized that the adoption of farming in Britain was not a sudden change, but a t brough o als t bu s implication c economi y onl t no d involve h whic , process x comple d an e subtl about fundamental, if gradual, changes in the ways people understood and experienced the world (eg Barclay 1997; Pollard 1996; Thomas 1988; Thomas 1991). Bradley (1991) has discussed how n i d expresse n bee e hav t migh e natur h wit s ' differenfarmers relationship t d an ' hunter-gatherers , world l natura e th n i d intervene s monument e larg g buildin e Thos . monument f o s form t differen re-ordering it in a substantial way, and this physical scarring must have both developed from changes in, and also had profound effects upon, their conceptions of the world (ibid, 136; see also e whos e thos o t e appropriat d seeme e hav d woul e scal t tha n o s Intervention . 93) , 1988b s Evan world-views already accommodated exploiting nature, as farmers do. With their agricultural systems depending on sustained interference with natural processes and the handing down of t construc o t d neede y the , generation o t n generatio m fro e knowledg d an k livestoc , seed f o w vie g lon e th g takin , ancestors r thei d commemorate d an d incorporate h whic s monument . 135) , 1991 y (Bradle e tim n huma For hunter-gatherers, who 'belonged' to nature and to whom such continuity was perhaps less vital, places could act as natural monuments, a focus for rituals (see Ingold 1986). As Bradley (1991) argues, monuments as culturally constructed places and places as natural monuments began with very different ideas, but 'the process of "becoming Neolithic" involved the gradual 48 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 1998

merging of these categories' (ibid, 136). As we will argue, the large enclosure at Blackshouse Burn . Clydesdale r Uppe n i g mergin s thi d an s proces s thi f o n manifestatio l monumenta e on s seem e larg n Bur e Blackshous e th , monuments l natura s a d perceive s place s Bradley' e Lik enclosure uses the topography of an upland position, although not for its extensive views. In its position in the basin, the low Pettinain ridge half-embraces it on the east, creating a kind of amphitheatre, with the enclosure at stage-left. From inside the enclosure the lip of the basin hides e Carmichaed an distanc l d an — lKirkhil , Tinto — y valle e th s acros s hill e th f o s top e th t bu l al t i e circl e th g completin , behind e ridg e th s a t heigh e sam e th t a g bein f o n illusio e th m the s give begins. The large enclosure seems almost to echo this low, encircling curtain of hills. s follow e resistanc t leas f o h pat e th , valley t adjacen e th m fro t monumen e th g Approachin e enclosur e th , kinks n bur e th s a , basin e th f o p li e th m m0 fro 30 t abou t poin a t A . uphill n bur e th begins to come into view. Here, one can only see the stretches of bank flanking the burn's s les n withi s i one l unti n horizo e th n o e ther n remai y the d an , skyline e th g breakin , fork n norther e th t a w vie o int s come o t Meadowflatals a t e righ e th enclosur o t l smal e (Th . them f o m 0 10 n tha ) enclosure. e th e insid s point l al t almos m fro r thereafte d an e her n horizo e th g breakin , time e sam While the monument is virtually hidden from the valley below, from the ridge above it is anything but hidden: not visible from all points on it, but certainly spread out below for anyone conveniently placed to see, and bristling with posts and marked out with stone — neither of which f o t redolen s i e enclosur e Th . striking n bee e hav d woul t i — e insid s activitie n hidde e hav d woul o t w ho w kne e on f i t bu , below r o e abov m fro r eithe , itself e advertis t no s doe t I . knowledge l loca t I . it h approac d coul e on , Clyde e th m fro p u n bur e th g followin y b r o , ridge e th m fro , there t ge appears, then, to have neither particularly invited nor excluded, but it must have been prominent in a conceptual landscape which had long been familiar to those inhabiting it. The scale of the large enclosure also speaks of long, established knowledge of the place. A place does not overnight acquire meanings deep and large enough to warrant building an , built e Onc . required t i t effor l communa y probabl d an s enormou e th h wit , scale s thi n o e enclosur d an n modificatio , use h throug t monumen e th y carr o t m momentu h enoug d ha s meaning e thos elaboration over perhaps hundreds of years, and to overflow into the surrounding landscape in d ha e peopl t tha , then , likely s seem t I . basin d an e ridg e th g pepperin s cairn l buria e th f o m for e th . built s wa t monumen e th e befor e tim g lon a r fo e her g comin n bee Of the several possible entrance candidates, the two most likely ones lead directly to or e th o t g leadin , inturned d an d elaborate e ar s bank e th e wher , south-west e th n o one : water m fro e th e leav s burn e th e wher , south-east e th n o one d an ; bog e th o t e thenc d an e enclosur l smal h whic n i w hollo e Th . water d confronte one , then , monument e th g leavin r o g Enterin . enclosure the monument lies offers a natural route between the surrounding hills (a feature exploited more n traditio g lon a d ha e hav y ma e Peopl . enclosure) e th h throug n ra h whic k trac t car e th n i y recentl h ric d prove e hav d coul s upland e Thes . built s wa t monumen e th e befor e rout s thi g alon g movin f o e gam h wit , periods r late o int n eve s perhap d an , Mesolithic e th g durin s ground g huntin congregating on the higher ground during the summer months. The burns would have provided water, and the presence of a lochan or bog (suggested by the pollen analysis) would have made it even more attractive, providing a clearing in the forest cover and drawing game, such as deer and water fowl. d an e cattl g keepin e peopl , around d groun r drie , higher e th d an e sourc r wate a h wit , Later e th s support e evidenc n Polle . grazing r summe r fo e suitabl s upland e thes d foun e hav t migh p shee n adoptio e th f I . above) , (Ramsay e landscap y grass , open e mor a h wit d woodlan f o t replacemen k livestoc g includin , domesticates f o n adoptio e selectiv d an l gradua e th h wit n bega g farmin f o herds, as Bradley (1991) and others have argued, then generations of the earlier Neolithic in LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE | 49

southern Scotland might have known a long tradition of transhumance. With groups from r summe e th t a g gatherin , uplands e expansiv e thes differenf g o s usin s part t settlement t differen grazings may have been a central social event. e enclosur e th t Tha . uplands e thes n o l surviva r thei r fo l essentia s wa r wate , case y an n I bounds the twin sources of the burn, rather than just stretches of it, expresses water's fundamental n i n eve d an , places l specia s a d regarde n ofte e ar s Spring . eloquently t mos e her e importanc , systems f belie n paga n i e rol t importan r thei ; shrines y b d marke s sometime e ar e practic n Christia e Blackshous e Th . 1994) n (Buxto d atteste l wel s i , purity d an h birt r fo s symbol s a y particularl Burn might have been linked in the minds of those using the enclosure to rituals connected with the fertility of humans or livestock. In its link with the River Clyde they might have seen a . communities n ow r thei g amon s link r fo r metapho Any interpretation of the monument's origins must take into account the enclosure's , origins s it e wer e thes f I . memory g lon d an e knowledg l loca f o r ai s it d an , water d aroun n positio . it k undertoo o wh e thos o t t mean e enclosur f o t ac e th t wha e untangl o t s remain t i r earlie e th n i t mean e enclosur f o t ac e th t wha f o s strand t ou d (1988bs tease s Evan ha ) d an e insid s i t wha n betwee s differentiate e Enclosur . camps d causewaye n i d expresse s a , Neolithic outside, creating a boundary that can be both physical and cognitive. A major act of enclosure l natura e th f o g re-workin l substantia a t mean n Bur e Blackshous t a t tha e lik n constructio d an d worl l natura e th f o s constituent g usin , structure s enormou n a h suc g buildin n i , physically : world such as trees and boulders to do it; and conceptually, in the expression of cultural order or its inevitable restructuring which such a communal project must have involved. Evans (ibid, 93) has suggested that through such acts societies objectify themselves, projecting a kind of code or 'skeleton' of their social structure in a physical trace, where before they carried this code only in n constructio l monumenta d an e : 'Formaenclosur l knowledge d an y memor e collectiv r thei d an k framewor l socia a s a s last e landscap y thereb d an n actio n a [sic] s enshrine y essentiall medium.' The process of 'becoming Neolithic' in Scotland probably involved (to varying degrees in d an g breakin , settlements r large n i n congregatio g includin , changes l severa ) regions t differen e whil k livestoc f o s herd g managin d an , effort l communa g usin s perhap d groun e th g workin e mor h muc d involve s proces s Thi . food d wil e availabl y locall r gathe d an h fis , hunt o t g continuin than changing daily or annual practices. It involved people's gradually associating themselves e th o t p relationshi r thei g redefinin , wild h wit n tha e mor s animal d an d lan d domesticate h wit wildscape which became landscape (Evans 1988b, 94; Fowler 1981), as their practices required and in a way that in turn shaped their lifeways. A place — the basin and its surrounding t bu , meaning e hav o t d continue s generation r fo m the o t t importan n bee d ha h whic — s upland e th e enclos o t t wan o t e cam y The . world e th f o s view g changin r thei h wit d altere g meanin t tha heads of the burn, to formalize and physically express their collective memory of the place and the practices and rituals it meant to them. From the manner of the enclosure's construction, clearly the process and social context of building it was as important as the final structure. The flagstone bays and the segmented appearance of the enclosure in plan suggest that people from different families or settlements g takin , one g ongoin n a s wa s proces e th e indicat t migh o als s segment e Th . sections t differen t buil many years. The trees and stones used to build it could have been cut or picked up while land on t monumen a , sense l litera a n i , enclosure e th g makin , cultivation r fo d cleare g bein s wa e ridg e th to the farmers' changed relationship with the land. The individual or small group labour l symbo a t i e mad e hav t migh s thi d an , capping s bank' e th y b d maske s wa s bay e th y b d suggeste r Uppe n i n know e ar e siz n i n Bur e Blackshous g approachin s monument o N . cohesion l socia f o 8 199 , SCOTLAND F O S ANTIQUARIE F O Y SOCIET 0 5

Clydesdale, and so people may have come from considerable distances to whatever gatherings were held there. The extraordinary concentration in the Biggar area of stone axeheads from a are e th o t l trave d di , goods t leas t a r o , people s suggest d Irelan n Norther d an n Britai n i e elsewher (Clough & Cummins 1988). At some point people incorporated cremated human remains in the bank. Ferguson (1794, s slab e ston f o d forme s boxe g findin , bank e th h throug g diggin , robbers e ston s describe ) 39-40 containing inverted urns covering 'some soft, slimy matter', possibly cremated bone lying on the wet, sandy subsoil. The later burial of the dead beneath the bank is reminiscent of inhumations in the ditches of causewayed enclosures (Smith 1971). The incorporation of the dead into these boundaries suggests that they were already considered liminal and perhaps dangerous zones, which demanded certain actions from or changes in anyone crossing them and entering the space e th f o t par s a t buil n bee e hav d coul s describe ) (1794 n Ferguso h whic t cis e Th . defined y the original fabric of bank, but the practice of placing cremations beneath inverted urns in a cist does appear to be a Bronze Age rather than Neolithic idea. This means that people dug down through the stony bank in the Bronze Age to place the remains of their dead beneath it. Adding the y continuit f o e circl s it d reaffirme y the , monument e th f o y bod l communa e th o t s bodie l individua between themselves and the past, even if their own world-views had radically changed since the . meaning e accumulat o t n bega t firs n basi

CONCLUSION Evans (1988b, 94), in his discussion of causewayed enclosures, poses a question: if, before the d perceive t tha s doe e wher , spiritual e th y b d animate s wa e natur l al , agriculture f o n adoptio spiritual world reside after much of nature is tamed? The ever-increasing evidence from o t t l 'ritualnex labe e li e ' w s pit n i s deposit e wher , Scotland n i s site c Neolithi f o s excavation structures we call 'domestic', suggests that the answer is 'almost everywhere'. Several writers on the Neolithic (eg Barclay 1995; Barrett 1989; Harding 1991) have bemoaned our general inability - all n a n bee e hav t mus t wha f o g understandin n a o int e subsistenc d an l ritua f o e evidenc e weav o t g permeatin h bot , practices y dail n i d linke y closel e wer o tw e th e wher , view d worl g encompassin all of life. n expressio n a e wer s enclosure e thes t tha Blackshoust a s k show wor n e th eBur , anything f I a o t d attache e peopl g meanin e th h wit n bega s monument e th , here e argu e w s A . unity s thi f o place, meaning perhaps bound up with fattening their stock there and meeting each other, things vital to their physical and social survival and to that of posterity, and the idea of water permeated that meaning. After a long period, as their relationships to the land, to nature and to each other changed and such an act became possible, they came together to express that meaning in a d nee y The . cognitive d an l physica h bot e enclosur n a d create h whic n constructio f o t ac l physica not have done anything inside it, but it is likely that anything they did there continued to express their ever-changing relationship to the place. From this point of view, the word 'ritual' is both redundant and deeply implicit in whatever we say about either monument.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The excavations at Blackshouse Burn were supervised by Dave Pollack, Andy Barlow and Jenny d helpe o wh s excavator e thos k than o t e lik o als d woul e W . Hill r Pete f o n directio e th r unde e Le with the writing of this report. Peter Hill, who directed the excavation and survey, was generous LELONG & POLLARD: BLACKSHOUSE BURN, LANARKSHIRE | 51

with his time and insight, as was Andy Barlow. Brian Moffat, who did the initial pollen analysis, also helped flesh out the picture. t par s a d Scotlan c Histori y b d provide s fund y b e possibl e mad s wa t repor s thi f o g writin e Th of their backlog programme, and the authors would like to thank Gordon Barclay for his encouragement and assistance at all stages of the work. The illustrations are by Keith Speller; illus 2 and 3 are based on original ink-ups by Mary d provide e wer t managemen t projec d an p Back-u . respectively , Kemp-ClarkPollack e Dav d ean . out d carrie s wa k wor e th s auspice e whos r unde , GUARD y b

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This paper is published with the aid of a grant from Historic Scotland