family of proteins that carry functional domains typical of nucleases, helicases, polymerases, and polynucleotide-binding proteins (4). CRISPR, CRISPR/Cas, the of in combination with Cas proteins, forms the CRISPR/Cas systems. Six “core” cas genes have and Archaea been identified, including the universal markers of CRISPR/Cas systems cas1 (COG1518) and cas2 (COG1343, COG3512, occasionally in a Philippe Horvath1* and Rodolphe Barrangou2* fused form with other cas genes). Besides the cas1 to cas6 core genes, subtype-specific genes Microbes rely on diverse defense mechanisms that allow them to withstand viral predation and exposure and genes encoding “repeat-associated mysteri- to invading nucleic acid. In many Bacteria and most Archaea, clustered regularly interspaced short ous proteins” (RAMP) have been identified and palindromic repeats (CRISPR) form peculiar genetic loci, which provide acquired immunity against grouped into subtypes functionally paired with and plasmids by targeting nucleic acid in a sequence-specific manner. These hypervariable loci particular CRISPR repeat sequences (4–8). The take up genetic material from invasive elements and build up inheritable DNA-encoded immunity size of CRISPR repeats and spacers varies over time. Conversely, viruses have devised mutational escape strategies that allow them to circumvent between23to47basepairs(bp)and21to72bp, the CRISPR/Cas system, albeit at a cost. CRISPR features may be exploited for typing purposes, respectively. Generally, CRISPR repeat sequences epidemiological studies, host- ecological surveys, building specific immunity against undesirable are highly conserved within a given CRISPR genetic elements, and enhancing viral resistance in domesticated microbes. locus, but a large assortment of repeat sequences

has been shown across microbial species (1, 9). Downloaded from icrobes have devised various strategies viral and plasmid sequences) and are often ad- Most repeat sequences are partially palindromic, that allow them to survive exposure to jacent to cas genes (CRISPR-associated) (Fig. 1). having the potential to form stable, highly Mforeign genetic elements. Although cas genes encode a large and heterogeneous conserved secondary structures (7). The number outpopulated and preyed upon by abundant and ubiquitous viruses, microbes routinely survive, csn1 - like cas1 cas2 cas7 CRISPR1

persist, and occasionally thrive in hostile and competitive environments. The constant expo- sure to exogenous DNA via transduction, con- L1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 jugation, and transformation have forced microbes T to establish an array of defense mechanisms that allow the cell to recognize and distinguish GTTTTTGTACTCTCAAGATTTAAGTAACTGTACAAC incoming “foreign” DNA, from “self ” DNA and to survive exposure to invasive elements. CRISPR2 These systems maintain genetic integrity, yet pyrDcas1 cas2 cas6 csm1 csm2 csm3 csm4 csm5 csm6 pyrF occasionally allow exogenous DNA uptake and UU GU conservation of genetic material advantageous UC

35 34 33 for adaptation to the environment. Certain strategies, L2 UG on January 27, 2019 T GA such as prevention of adsorption, blocking of UA· injection, and abortive infection, are effective GU· GATATAAACCTAATTACCTCGAGARGGGACGGAAAC UG· against viruses; other defense systems specifi- CG· cally target invading nucleic acid, such as the GU· CRISPR3 AU· restriction-modification system (R-M) and the serBcsn1 cas1 cas2 csn2 ycxC GC· use of sugar-nonspecific nucleases. Recently, an AC· UA· adaptive microbial immune system, clustered UA L3 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 · regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats UA· (CRISPR) has been identified that provides UA· NNGC· NN acquired immunity against viruses and plasmids. GTTTTAGAGCTGTGTTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC CRISPR represents a family of DNA repeats found in most archaeal (~90%) and bacterial 1–3 CRISPR4 (~40%) genomes ( ). Although the initial cas3 cse1 cse2 cse4 cas5e cse3 cas1 cas2-dnaQ discovery of a CRISPR structure was made for- tuitously in Escherichia coli in 1987, the acronym was coined in 2002, after similar structures were L4 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 observed in genomes of various Bacteria and T Archaea (1). CRISPR loci typically consist of several noncontiguous direct repeats separated 1 kb GTTTTTCCCGCACACGCGGGGGTGATCCH by stretches of variable sequences called spacers Fig. 1. Overview of the four CRISPR/cas systems present in Streptococcus thermophilus DGCC7710. For (which mostly correspond to segments of captured each system, gene organization is depicted on the top, with cas genes in gray, and the repeat-spacer array in black. Below the gene scheme, the repeat and spacer (captured phage or plasmid nucleic acid) 1Danisco France SAS, BP10, F-86220 Dangé-Saint-Romain, France. 2Danisco USA, Inc., 3329 Agriculture Drive, Madison, content is detailed as black diamonds (T, terminal repeat) and white rectangles, respectively. Bottom WI 53716, USA. line, consensus repeat sequence. L1 to L4, leader sequences. The predicted secondary structure of the S. thermophilus *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: CRISPR3 repeat is shown on the right. CRISPR2, CRISPR3, and CRISPR4 systems are [email protected] (P.H.), rodolphe.barrangou@ homologous to the CRISPR systems of Staphylococcus epidermidis (20), Streptococcus mutans (19), and (R.B.) E. coli (28), respectively. SCIENCE VOL 327 8 JANUARY 2010 167 REVIEW

of repeat-spacer units is documented to reach 375 (Chloroflexus sp. Y-400-fl), but most loci commonly A Immunization contain fewer than 50 units, as exemplified in lactic acid bacteria genomes (8). Microbes may Virus contain more than one CRISPR locus; up to 18 such loci have been identified in Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, totaling more than 1% of the genome (10). are typically located on the chromo- Viral Infection some, although some have been identified on DNA plasmids (11–13). The CRISPR loci have highly diverse and Novel spacer hypervariable spacer sequences, even between Plasmid Cleavage closely related strains (14–16), which were initially DNA exploited for typing purposes. A variety of putative roles for CRISPR sequences was originally Insertion of a novel Cas repeat-spacer unit suggested, including chromosomal rearrangement, Conjugation complex modulation of expression of neighboring genes, target for DNA binding proteins, replicon par- L 5 4 3 2 1 csn1 cas1 cas2 csn2 T titioning, and DNA repair (5). In 2005, three CRISPR array independent in silico studies reported homology

between spacer sequences and extrachromosomal Downloaded from elements, such as viruses and plasmids (11, 14, 15). Acquired immunity against subsequent viral infection or plasmid transfer This led to the hypothesis that CRISPR may B Immunity provide adaptive immunity against foreign genetic Absence of PAM within the elements (6). CRISPR array prevents autoimmunity L 6 5 4 3 2 1 A Vast Spectrum of Immunity csn1 cas1 cas2 csn2 T In 2007, it was shown in Streptococcus thermophilus Cascade Transcription that during natural generation of phage-resistant (Cas complex) variants, bacteria commonly alter their CRISPR Inactivation pre-crRNA

loci by polarized (i.e., at the leader end) incor- T poration of CRISPR repeat-spacer units (Fig. 1) Targeting (17, 18), consistent with observed spacer hyper- Processing variability at the leader end of CRISPR loci in crRNAs various strains (14, 16). The integrated sequences were identical to those of the phages used in the challenge, which suggested that they originate Interference

with the invading nucleic acid on January 27, 2019 from viral nucleic acid. To determine whether bearing a proto-spacer and PAM CRISPR impacts phage resistance, spacer con- tent was altered via , which CGGACGTGGT TGCTCGACTTGTTAAAAAAACTACTGAAGATGGCGATGAA ······························ showed that spacer addition can provide novel CAAAAC UGCUCGACUUGUUAAAAAAACUACUGAAGAGUUUUA phage resistance, whereas spacer deletion could crRNA result in loss of phage resistance (17). These Streptococcus mutans findings were confirmed in , Fig. 2. Overview of the CRISPR/Cas mechanism of action. (A) Immunization process: After insertion of where phage-resistant mutants acquired novel exogenous DNA from viruses or plasmids, a Cas complex recognizes foreign DNA and integrates a novel CRISPR spacers with sequences matching the repeat-spacerunitattheleaderendoftheCRISPRlocus.(B) Immunity process: The CRISPR repeat-spacer phage genome, in vitro and in vivo (19). Although array is transcribed into a pre-crRNA that is processed into mature crRNAs, which are subsequently used as the ubiquitous and predatory nature of phages may a guide by a Cas complex to interfere with the corresponding invading nucleic acid. Repeats are explain the overwhelming representation of phage represented as diamonds, spacers as rectangles, and the CRISPR leader is labeled L. sequences in CRISPR loci, CRISPR spacers can also interfere with both plasmid conjugation and undergone horizontal transfer between genomes, of plasmids, prophages, transposons, and, per- transformation, as shown in Staphylococcus notably differences observed in codon bias, GC haps, chromosomal sequences, studies should epidermidis (20). Furthermore, several metage- content variability, their presence on mobile investigate whether CRISPR/Cas systems prefer- nomic studies investigating host-virus populations genetic elements, the presence of neighboring entially target certain elements and could deter- dynamics showed that CRISPR loci evolve in insertion sequence elements, and their variable mine whether they are symbiotic or mutually response to viral predation and that CRISPR spacer presence and location in closely related genomes. exclusive with other defense systems. content and sequential order provide insights This is in agreement with the lack of congruence both historically and geographically (21–24). between the phylogenetic relation of various Idiosyncrasies of the CRISPR/Cas The ability to provide defense against invading CRISPR elements and that of the organisms in Mechanism of Action genetic elements seems to render CRISPR/Cas which they are found (8, 12). This horizontal The mechanism by which CRISPR provides re- systems particularly desirable in hostile environ- gene transfer may be mediated by plasmids, sistance against foreign genetic elements is not ments and may explain their propensity to be megaplasmids, and even prophages, all of which fully characterized (Fig. 2). Even so, the func- transferred horizontally between sometimes dis- are documented to carry CRISPR loci (2). tional link between Cas and CRISPR repeats tant organisms (12). There is extensive evidence Given the variety of defense systems in has been inferred from the congruence observed that defense systems such as CRISPR have microbes and their role in controlling the presence between their sequence patterns. cas genes provide


CRISPR-encoded immunity, because inactivat- native mRNA) on a plasmid that allows ilarities with the vertebrate adaptive immune ing the CRISPR1-associated cas7 gene (Fig. 1) conjugation despite the presence of a matching system, although CRISPR spacers are DNA- impairs the ability of the host to integrate novel CRISPR spacer (20). Conversely, the Pyrococcus encoded and can be inherited by the progeny. CRISPR spacers after phage exposure (17), CRISPR effector complex, a ribonucleoprotein which suggests that it is necessary for recogniz- complex that consists of crRNA and Cas proteins, Circumventing CRISPR-Based Immunity ing foreign nucleic acid and/or integrating the targets invader RNA by complementary-dependent Even though CRISPR can provide high levels novel repeat-spacer unit. Cas1 appears to be a cleavage, in vitro (30). Given the large diversity of of phage resistance, a relatively small propor- double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) endonuclease CRISPR/Cas systems in Bacteria and Archaea tion of viruses retain the ability to infect the involved in the immunization process (25). It (4, 6), it is likely that both DNA and RNA may “immunized” host. These viral particles have has also been proposed that Cas2 may act as a be targets. More information is needed to specifically mutated the proto-spacer (sequence sequence-specific endoribonuclease that cleaves establish and understand what the functional within the invading nucleic acid that matches a uracil-rich single-stranded RNAs (ssRNAs) differences are among distinct CRISPR/Cas CRISPR spacer), with a single point mutation (26). The mechanistic steps involved in invasive systems. that allows the viruses to overcome immunity, element recognition, novel repeat manufacturing, The initial hypothesis that CRISPR may which indicates that the selective pressure im- and spacer selection and integration into the mediate microbial immunity via RNA interfer- posed by CRISPR can rapidly drive mutation CRISPR locus remain uncharacterized. ence (RNAi) (6) is misguided. RNAi allows patterns in viruses (17, 18, 23). Analysis of Although some Cas proteins are involved in eukaryotic organisms exposed to foreign ge- phage sequences adjacent to proto-spacers re- the acquisition of novel spacers, others provide netic material to silence the invading nucleic vealed the presence of conserved sequences, CRISPR-encoded phage resistance and interfere acid sequence before or after it integrates into called CRISPR motifs (13, 16, 18, 19, 33, 34), with invasive genetic elements. Mechanistically, the host chromosome, and/or to subvert cellu- or proto-spacer adjacent motifs (PAMs) (35). although defense is spacer-encoded, the infor- lar processes through a small interfering RNA Phages may also circumvent the CRISPR/Cas Downloaded from mation that lies within the CRISPR repeat- guide (31). A key difference between RNAi system by mutating the CRISPR motif (18), spacer array becomes available to the Cas and CRISPR-encoded immunity lies in the which indicates that it is involved in CRISPR- machinery through transcription. The CRISPR enzymatic machinery involved. Although both encoded immunity. Additionally, CRISPR motif leader, defined as a low-complexity, A/T-rich, are mediated by a guide RNA in an inhibitory mutation can result in loss of phage resistance noncoding sequence, located immediately upstream ribonucleoprotein complex, only Dicer, Slicer, despite the presence of a matching CRISPR 34 of the first repeat, likely acts as a promoter for and the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) spacer ( ). The absence of this motif in the the transcription of the repeat-spacer array into a may have analogous counterparts (6, 30). CRISPR locus likely allows the system to act CRISPR transcript, the pre-crRNA (13, 27). The Mechanistically, although the short RNA du- on the invading target DNA specifically and full-length pre-crRNA is subsequently processed plexes at the core of RNAi are typically 21 to precludes an “autoimmune” response on the into specific small RNA molecules that corre- 28 nt in length (32), crRNAs are larger, be- host chromosome (Fig. 2). Such a motif may spond to a spacer flanked by two partial repeats cause they contain a CRISPR spacer (23 to not be necessary in CRISPR/Cas systems target- (27–29). In E. coli, processing is achieved by a 47 nt) flanked by partial repeats. Also, RNA- ing RNA. Although proto-spacers seem to be multimeric complex of Cas proteins named dependent transcription generating dsRNA and randomly located on phage genomes, a given Cascade (CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral using the cleaved target RNA seen in RNAi CRISPR spacer may be acquired independently defense), which specifically cleaves the pre-crRNA have not been characterized in the CRISPR/Cas by different lineages. It is thus tempting to spec- transcript within the repeat sequence to generate systems. In other ways, the sequence-specific ulate that CRISPR motifs also play a key role in small CRISPR RNAs, crRNAs (28). Similarly, in and adaptive CRISPR/Cas systems share sim- the selection of spacers. on January 27, 2019 Pyrococcus, Cas6 is an endoribonu- These mutations may have an clease that cleaves the pre-crRNA impact on the amino acid sequence, transcript into crRNA units that in- as either nonsynonymous mutations clude a partial [8-nucleotide (nt)] re- or premature stop codons that trun- Viruses Plasmids peat sequence at the 5′ end, as part of cate the viral protein (18). In addi- the Cas-crRNA complex (27, 29, 30). tion to mutations, phages may also The crRNAs seem to specifically DNA target circumvent CRISPR-encoded immu- guide the Cas interference machinery nity via deletion of the target sequence toward foreign nucleic acid mole- (18, 21). This perhaps indicates a cules that match its sequence, which Immunity strong cost associated with circum- leads ultimately to degradation of venting the CRISPR/Cas systems. the invading element (30). The in- CRISPR/Cas systems Alternative strategies that allow cas volvement of genes in CRISPR Regulation viruses to escape CRISPR, such as defense was originally demonstrated suppressors that could interfere with when inactivating the CRISPR1- crRNAs biogenesis or Cas machin- associated csn1-likegene(Fig.1) RNA target ery remain uncovered. Defense tactics resulted in loss of phage resistance employed by viruses to circumvent despite the presence of matching Viruses Plasmids the CRISPR/Cas systems are yet spacers (17). another critical difference between The observation that CRISPR RNAi and CRISPR: Eukaryotic spacers match both sense and Chromosomal sequences viruses may express inhibitors such antisense viral DNA led to the (including prophages, transposons…) as dsRNA-binding proteins that inter- hypothesis that some CRISPR/Cas fere with the RNA silencing machin- systems may target dsDNA, and ery (32), which are yet to be identified this was confirmed by disruption Fig. 3. CRISPR interference. The CRISPR/Cas systems may target either DNA in response to CRISPR, whereas oftargetDNAwithanintron(the or RNA to interfere with viruses, plasmids, prophages, or other chromosom- microbial viruses specifically mutate excision of which restores the ally encoded sequences. or recombine (21) the sequence SCIENCE VOL 327 8 JANUARY 2010 169 REVIEW

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Although CRISPR loci primarily evolve via provides potential for perennial use of industrial 17. R. Barrangou et al., Science 315, 1709 (2007). Downloaded from polarized addition of novel spacers at the leader microbes. Alternatively, the ability of CRISPR/ 18. H. Deveau et al., J. Bacteriol. 190, 1390 (2008). end of the locus after phage exposure, internal Cas systems to impede the transfer of particular 19. J. R. van der Ploeg, Microbiology 155, 1966 (2009). 20. L. A. Marraffini, E. J. Sontheimer, Science 322, 1843 spacer deletions have also been reported, likely nucleic acid sequences (such as phage or plasmid (2008). occurring via homologous recombination be- DNA) into a host might be exploited via genetic 21. A. F. Andersson, J. F. Banfield, Science 320, 1047 tween CRISPR repeats (1, 16, 18). Perhaps this engineering to specifically preclude the dissemi- (2008). 22. V. Kunin et al., Genome Res. 18, 293 (2008).

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170 8 JANUARY 2010 VOL 327 SCIENCE CRISPR/Cas, the Immune System of Bacteria and Archaea Philippe Horvath and Rodolphe Barrangou

Science 327 (5962), 167-170. DOI: 10.1126/science.1179555

CRISPR Defenses Prokaryotes can be infected by parasites and pathogens and, like eukaryotes, have evolved systems to protect themselves. Horvath and Barrangou (p. 167) review a recently discovered prokaryotic ''immune system'' characterized by CRISPR−−clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats−−found in most archaeal and many bacterial species. CRISPR loci harbor short sequences captured from viruses and invasive genetic elements. These sequences Downloaded from are transcribed, and the RNA is cleaved into short CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) by one of a family of CRISPR-associated (cas) proteins. These crRNAs direct other cas family proteins to homologous nucleic acid targets to effect their destruction. Through its ability to impede the spread of specific nucleic acid sequences, the CRISPR/Cas systems might be exploited to block the dissemination of antibiotic-resistance markers.



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