
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 www.elsevier.com/locate/palaeo

Milankovitch climatic signals in Lower () peritidal carbonate successions, Nanpanjiang Basin, South

Wan Yang a;, Daniel J. Lehrmann b

a Department of Geology, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260, USA b Department of Geology, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, WI54901, USA

Received 5 March 2002; received in revised form 9 July 2003; accepted 14 August 2003


Meter-scale peritidal carbonate strata from an isolated platform in the Nanpanjiang Basin of South China were tested for the presence of periodic or quasi-periodic climatic signals. These signals provide information on factors controlling cyclic sedimentation in the equatorial eastern Tethys during the greenhouse period. Parasequences are composed of shallowing-upward successions of subtidal , including skeletal packstone and grainstone, calcimicrobial boundstone, and oolitic packstone and grainstone, intertidal laminated lutite and ribbon rock, and rare supratidal microbial laminite. Parasequence stacking patterns display three orders of cyclicity, suggesting hierarchical stratigraphic relationships. Gamma analysis of Kominz and Bond [ . Sci. Lett. 48 (1990) 233^244] was used to estimate facies-dependent thickness^time conversion factors (i.e. Qs), and to construct Q-tuned and Q-untuned time for two stratigraphic sections. Spectra of these indicate the presence of quasi-periodic signals, with prominent short-eccentricity (94.9^131.2 kyr), short-obliquity (35.8 kyr), and long- precessional index (21.2 kyr) peaks, and minor long-eccentricity (412.9 kyr), long-obliquity (45.3 kyr), short- precessional index (17.7 kyr), and constructional-tone (9.7 kyr) peaks when calibrated on the Q-tuned spectra. Thus, Milankovitch climatic forcing probably greatly influenced sedimentation. The calibration indicates that the subtidal facies has a sedimentation rate of 24.6^30.7 cm/kyr and the intertidal^supratidal facies has a rate of 2.7^6.0 cm/kyr. The estimated duration of deposition of the two sections is 1139^1423 kyr, and corresponds to a stratigraphic completeness of 32^92%. The completeness is much greater than that of icehouse stratigraphic records. We speculate that variations in carbonate productivity and environmental conditions driven by Milankovitch climatic forcing, combined with low-amplitude sea-level fluctuations, were likely major controls on cyclic sedimentation. Furthermore, evolutional spectra of the two sections show that dominant Milankovitch climatic forcings varied from short- eccentricity, obliquity, to long-precessional index during the course of sedimentation. Some spectral differences between the two sections suggest variations in depositional/recording mechanisms of Milankovitch climatic signals between platform interior and windward platform margin. ß 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Peritidal carbonate; Early Triassic; China; Milankovitch; spectral analysis

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-316-978-7241; Fax: +1-316-978-7229. E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Yang).

0031-0182 / 03 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(03)00614-X

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 284 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306

1. Introduction thinly bedded lime mudstones, with interbedded siliciclastics (cf. Broglio Loriga et al., 1986; Schu- The Early Triassic was a period of greenhouse bert and Bottjer, 1995). They are also di¡erent (Berner, 1991; Frakes et al., 1992) on the from other Lower Triassic cyclic sections that Pangea and the superanoxic lack Renalcis mounds (Wignall and Hallam, (Isozaki, 1994, 1997). Milankovitch 1992;cf.Lehrmann et al., 2001). A spectral anal- signals have been detected quantitatively in Late ysis of these sections is particularly useful for Triassic lacustrine records of (e.g. evaluating Milankovitch forcing on climatic and Olsen, 1986; Kominz and Bond, 1990; Kent and oceanic conditions in a mid-ocean position in the Olsen, 2000), and in Middle and equatorial eastern Tethys (e.g. Kutzbach et al., peritidal carbonate records (e.g. Fischer, 1964; 1990; Crowley et al., 1992; Parrish, 1993; Kutz- Goldhammer et al., 1990; Hinnov and Goldham- bach, 1994). mer, 1991; Preto et al., 2001). In addition, several Several authors have suggested that perturba- qualitative studies have suggested Milankovitch tions in shallow-marine oceanic conditions (e.g. climatic forcing on cyclic sedimentation in marine deleterious anoxia, or high CO2 concentrations) settings during the Early Triassic (e.g. Broglio may have contributed to the end- extinc- Loriga et al., 1986, 1990; Bottjer and Schubert, tion and prolonged biotic recovery until the end 1997; Yu et al., 1998; Twitchett, 1999; Woods et of the Early Triassic (cf. Isozaki, 1994; 1997; al., 1999). However, quantitative tests of Milan- Knoll et al., 1996; Woods et al., 1999; Lehrmann kovitch climatic signals in Early Triassic marine et al., 2001). This study will provide constraints records are lacking. Whether Milankovitch orbital on the unusual environmental and oceanic condi- forcing was a major climatic driver during this tions in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass time is essential to understanding the controlling extinction. factors and depositional mechanisms of peritidal cyclic carbonate sedimentation, and the shallow marine environments associated with the pro- 2. Geology longed biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction (Flu«gel, 1982; Flu«gel and Stanley, 2.1. Tectonic and depositional setting 1984; Stanley, 1988; Schubert and Bottjer, 1992; Wignall and Hallam, 1992, 1996; Knoll et al., The Lower Triassic peritidal cyclic limestone 1996; Twitchett and Wignall, 1996; Bottjer and occurs in the interior of the isolated GBG in the Schubert, 1997; Twitchett, 1999; Woods et al., Nanpanjiang Basin, South China (Fig. 1; Lehr- 1999). mann et al., 1998, 2001). The Nanpanjiang Basin In this study, two Lower Triassic cyclic periti- is bordered on the north and west by the vast dal carbonate sections on an isolated carbonate carbonate Yangtze Platform, and faced the Te- platform, the Great Bank of Guizhou (GBG), in thys to the east and south. The entire region re- the Nanpanjiang Basin of South China were an- sides on the Yangtze Plate (Enos, 1995; Xu« et al., alyzed to test whether Milankovitch signals are 1997), which was located in the eastern Tethys present in a pure carbonate in a green- near the equator during the Early Triassic and house climate (Fig. 1; Lehrmann et al., 1998, experienced progressive rotation, northward mi- 2001). The sections consist of meter-scale shallow- gration, and eventual docking with the North ing-upward parasequences containing subtidal Re- China Plate from the Late Permian to Late Tri- nalcis reef mounds, skeletal or oolitic packstone assic or Early (Klimetz, 1983; Sengo«r, capped by intertidal, £aser-bedded ribbon rock. 1987; Enkin et al., 1992; Enos, 1995; Li, 1998; They are substantially di¡erent from other Lower et al., 1989). Triassic successions that consist of lithologically The GBG evolved from a low-relief bank with monotonous, low-biodiversity, skeletal wacke- 50^100 m relief, rimmed with oolite shoals and stones, packstones or oolitic grainstones and gentle basin^margin slopes in the Early Triassic

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sloping basin^margin strata (Fig. 1C). The strata in the shallow-water facies of the £at-topped plat- form interior are 265 m thick, composed of sub- tidal to peritidal lime mudstone, dolo-oolite grain- stone, overlain by peritidal cyclic limestone. The platform^margin shoals are composed of oolitic packstone and grainstone. The basin^slope strata are composed of pelagic lime mudstone, debris- £ow carbonate breccia, and turbidite grainstone and packstone (Lehrmann et al., 1998, 2001). The of the peritidal cyclic limestone is con- strained to the Olenekian by the occurrence of the Lonchodina nevadensis on the platform and timorensis, an index for the Scythian^ boundary, at the platform margin (Lehrmann, 1993). Lehrmann et al. (2001) found that the Lower Triassic platform interior succession contains fabrics consistent with shallow subtidal to peritidal conditions and interpreted that the Olenekian cyclic limestone fa- cies were deposited in relatively low-energy, re- stricted- to normal-marine, shallow subtidal and peritidal environments.

2.2. Lithofacies and depositional environments

This study focuses on Olenekian peritidal cyclic Fig. 1. (A) Paleogeographic location of the Yangtze Block at limestone in the Dawen and Dajiang sections on about 12‡N latitude, which had migrated across the paleo- the GBG (Figs. 1Cand 2 ). The Dawen section is equator from the end of the Permian to the Early Triassic. 164 m thick and contains 83 parasequences rang- Modi¢ed from Scotese (1994). (B) Early Triassic paleogeo- graphic map of the Nanpanjiang Basin compiled from re- ing from 0.2 to 7.1 m thick. The Dajiang section is gional geologic maps of Guizhou Bureau (1987) and Guangxi 137 m thick and contains 64 parasequences rang- Bureau (1985), showing location of the GBG. (C) Restored ing from 0.25 to 7.4 m thick. An ‘ideal parase- cross-section of Lower Triassic strata in the GBG, showing quence’ has a skeletal packstone or oolite base stratigraphic architecture and location of the Dawen and Da- overlain by calcimicrobial mounds, and capped jiang sections. The cross-section location is shown in panel B. Modi¢ed from Lehrmann et al. (2001). by £aser-bedded ribbon rock (Fig. 2C). Variations from the ideal parasequence include those with calcimicrobial facies at the base, those lacking (Fig. 1C), to a Tubiphytes reef-rimmed platform calcimicrobial mounds, or those capped by a mi- with more than 400-m relief and steep basin^mar- crobial laminite rather than ribbon rock. The de- gin slopes in the (Anisian^early tailed facies description and interpretation by ) and, ¢nally, to a high-relief erosional Lehrmann et al. (2001) are summarized below: escarpment before the platform was drowned Skeletal packstone is the most abundant facies and buried with siliciclastic turbidites at the be- (Figs. 2 and 3). It is dark gray to tan and typically ginning of the Late Triassic (Lehrmann et al., massive. Skeletal grains include thin-shelled bi- 1998). valves, gastropods, ostracodes, , mi- The Lower Triassic architecture of the GBG is nor fragments, and sparse lingulid a low-relief isolated carbonate bank with gently and spirorbid worm tubes. This fa-

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PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 287 cies is interpreted to represent open to restricted tion of surrounding laminae. Scoured surfaces are shallow-subtidal environments with relatively low commonly overlain by imbricated intraclasts and current energy. The presence of sug- convolute lamination formed by soft sediment de- gests occasional open-marine circulation. The formation. Opposed current indicators suggest re- abundance of lime mud indicates low-energy con- versing currents. Discontinuous lime mudstone ditions. layers and drapes over ripple forms and grain- Oolitic packstone and grainstone are more stone lenses are ubiquitous. The ribbon rocks rep- common in the Dajiang section located at the resent muddy tidal £ats dominated by intertidal windward edge of the platform than in the Dawen conditions. Scours and ripples formed during tide section in the platform interior (Figs. 2 and 3). It advance or retreat; lime mud drapes formed dur- is light gray or tan and thin to medium bedded. ing slack tide. The rarity of desiccation features Most of the oolite is packstone. Peloids, bivalve suggests predominantly intertidal rather than fragments, and imbricated £at-pebble conglomer- supratidal conditions. ates are locally abundant. Grainstone fabrics and Microbial laminite occurs sparsely in parase- imbricated intraclasts indicate a current-swept quence caps in the upper parts of the Dawen shoal environment. Common in¢ltrated mud fab- and Dajiang sections only (Figs. 2 and 3). The rics suggest shoal stabilization and shift to lower- laminite contains wrinkly microbial laminite energy conditions in the upper parts of oolite layers and shows evidence of desiccation, such beds. as water escape structures and prism cracks and Biostromes and bioherms composed of calcimi- autoclastic breccia layers with reddened clasts, crobial boundstone occur in the middle and base calcareous soil concretions, and minor irregular of parasequences immediately below parase- fenestrae. This facies represents supratidal condi- quence cap facies (Figs. 2 and 3). The boundstone tions and prolonged exposure of the tidal £ats, is dark gray with light-gray splotches, composed which were rare during the deposition of the Da- of a dark-colored framework surrounding light- wen and Dajiang cycles. gray to tan internal cavities. The framework is composed of globular micritic with a mor- 2.3. Hierarchical parasequence stacking patterns phology similar to the calci¢ed Re- nalcis (Lehrmann, 1999; Lehrmann et al., 2001). Stacking of individual shallowing-upward para- The calcimicrobial boundstone was interpreted to sequences represents repeated upward shallowing have formed as organic mound and bioherm con- from shallow subtidal, open to restricted-marine structions in open to restricted marine environ- conditions to predominantly intertidal conditions ments characterized by low biodiversity (Lehr- on muddy tidal £ats and rarely to supratidal con- mann, 1999). ditions. A larger-scale pattern is manifested by Flaser-bedded and horizontally burrowed rib- systematic variations in parasequence thickness. bon rock is the most common cap facies (Figs. Parasequences progressively thin upward in the 2 and 3). It is dark gray to tan and consists of lower parts of both sections and a cluster of laminated and £aser-bedded interlayers of lime thin parasequences underlie a sequence boundary mudstone and peloid-skeletal grainstone. Hori- (SB) in the middle parts of the sections (Fig. zontal burrows occur locally with minimal disrup- 2A,B). The parasequences then progressively

Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphic columns of Lower Triassic strata in (A) Dawen and (B) Dajiang sections. Three orders of cycles, namely parasequences, parasequence sets, and depositional sequences, were identi¢ed. Systems tracts and SB of depositional se- quences are indicated. TST, transgressive systems tract; HST, highstand systems tract; SB, sequence boundary. Vertical bars indi- cate segments of evolutional spectra. Dashed line indicates tentative correlation. The typical or ‘ideal’ parasequence is shown in panel C. Modi¢ed from Lehrmann et al. (2001). Facies ranks are interpreted relative water depth of component lithofacies from Lehrmann et al. (2001).

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Fig. 3. Facies composition of Dawen (A) and Dajiang (B) parasequences. Dajiang parasequences have more diverse facies compo- sition than Dawen parasequences, because the Dajiang section is located close to the windward platform edge and, thus, had been subject to more dynamic wave and wind actions and storm-induced oolite spill-over lobes than the Dawen section located in the platform interior. thicken upward from the SB. The thinning-then- Early Triassic (Scythian) is thus estimated to be thickening pattern may either represent a long- 4.3^6 Myr (253^247 Ma or 251.3^247 Ma). Con- term change in accommodation space or in sub- sidering the analytical uncertainties, the duration tidal carbonate productivity (Yang and Lehr- may range from 3.1 to 7.2 Myr (i.e. an overesti- mann, 2001; Yang et al., 2002;cf.Goldhammer mate or underestimate of 1.2 Myr resulting from et al., 1990; Lehrmann and Goldhammer, 1999; an analytical error of þ 0.6 Myr at the lower Lehrmann et al., 2001). and upper boundaries). The ^Olenekian Two estimates of the duration of the Olenekian boundary has not yet been dated; we thus inter- (2.125 and 3 Myr) were derived from re- polate the boundary at the midpoint of the Early cently published age dates. Recent zircon U^Pb Triassic on the basis of equal number of ammo- age dates that have resulted in major changes in noid zones in the two stages of the Early Triassic the Triassic time scale include: (1) a Permian^Tri- (cf. techniques employed in Harland et al., 1989). assic boundary age of 251.3^253 Ma (Bowring et With these assumptions, the mean duration of the al., 1998; Mundil et al., 2001); (2) an Olenekian^ Olenekian is thus estimated to be 2.125 or 3 Myr. Anisian boundary of 247 Ma (Martin et al., Considering the analytical error limits, the range 2001); and (3) an Anisian^Ladinian boundary of duration of the Olenekian is from 1.55 to 3.6 age of 240.5^241 Ma (Mundil et al., 1996; Palfy Myr. et al., 2002). The analytical accuracy of these ages The estimated duration of the Dawen and Da- ranges from þ 0.3 to 0.6 Myr. The duration of the jiang successions (Olenekian) at 2.125 or 3 Myr

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 289 thus places the large-scale cycles (termed deposi- were estimated in to compare the periods tional sequences in this study) in the third order and relative amplitudes of the spectral peaks (1^10 Myr) and the small-scale primary cycles with those of major Early Triassic Milankovitch (termed parasequences in this study) in the ¢fth cycles. A section is represented by a facies curve order (0.01^0.1 Myr) (Lehrmann et al., 2001). with facies types ranked by interpreted environ- The repeated clustering of thin and thick para- ment as the horizontal axis and thickness as the sequences de¢nes 14 parasequence sets in fourth vertical axis (Fig. 4). Spectral analysis was carried order (0.1^1 Myr), suggesting thickness bundling out in three steps: (1) the facies curve in thickness of parasequences into parasequence sets (Fig. 2). was converted into a time series using gamma The number of parasequences in a parasequence analysis (explained below); (2) the spectra of the set changes systematically from a maximum of time series were calculated, including evolutional eight in the highstand systems tract (HST) and spectra of segments of each section; and (3) the transgressive systems tract (TST) to a minimum spectral peaks were calibrated to obtain their pe- of three near the SB. Yu et al. (1998) postulated riods, which were then compared with those of that the bundling suggests Milankovitch forcing the Milankovitch climatic cycles. during parasequence formation. Parasequence sets also change systematically in thickness from 3.1. Thickness^time conversion using gamma a maximum of 18 m in the HST and TST to a analysis minimum of 4.3 m in the minimum accommoda- tion zone near the SB (Fig. 2; Lehrmann et al., Thickness^time conversion can be done by as- 2001). The hierarchical stacking of parasequences, suming a constant sedimentation rate for the en- parasequence sets, and depositional sequences tire section. The spectrum of the resulting time suggests allogenic controlling processes acting at series may, or may not, show indications of Mi- variable time scales during cyclic sedimentation of lankovitch signals, because component lithofacies the Dawen and Dajiang sections (cf. Barrell, have di¡erent sedimentation rates. The true time 1917; Goldhammer et al., 1990, 1993; Read, series of a section is di¡erent from the spatial se- 1995; Kerans and Tinker, 1997, among many ries and, thus, the spectrum of the time series will others). di¡er from that of the spatial series (e.g. Yang Lehrmann and Goldhammer (1999) performed and Kominz, 1999). Exact sedimentation rates Markov chain analysis, run tests, and Durbin^ of individual facies are di⁄cult to obtain. Serious Watson analysis on parasequence stacking pat- e¡orts, however, have been made to achieve more terns in stratigraphic sections, all of which indi- accurate thickness^time conversions (e.g. Hays et cated statistical order and non-randomness in the al., 1976; Olsen, 1986; Park and Herbert, 1987; vertical facies successions and parasequence thick- Kominz and Bond, 1990; Hinnov and Park, ness. The hierarchical stacking patterns and the 1998). speculations of Milankovitch climatic forcing of Gamma analysis of Kominz and Bond (1990) previous studies (e.g. Yu et al., 1998) prompted (see also Bond et al., 1991, 1993; Kominz et al., the spectral analysis in this study to search for 1991; Kominz and Bond, 1992; Kominz, 1996; periodic or quasi-periodic signals in the Dawen Hinnov and Park, 1998) calculates a thickness^ and Dajiang sections and to test the possibility time conversion factor, Q, for each facies in a of a Milankovitch climatic origin of the cyclic- parasequence, which is the reciprocal of e¡ective ity. sedimentation rate that takes into account e¡ects of compaction and diagenesis and intracycle hia- tuses (Yang and Kominz, 1999). Assuming that 3. Testing the periodicity of the Dawen and the e¡ective sedimentation rate of a facies is the Dajiang sections same in all parasequences, a of linear equa- tions may be established for m parasequences in a Spectra of the Dawen and Dajiang sections section:

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Fig. 4. Facies curves and Q-tuned time series of Dawen (A) and Dajiang (B) sections. Facies-dependent thickness^time conversion using selected Qs(Fig. 5) has changed the time proportions of component facies in individual parasequences, as shown in a para- sequence correlation (shaded). Q-tuned time series were used for spectral analysis. The ¢rst horizontal time axis is in relative Q- time units; the second one is in kyr, as derived from period calibration of spectral peaks.

Xn T cy;j ¼ Q ici;j j ¼ 1; 2; T; m ð1Þ is only used in the regression. The best-¢t Qs min- i¼1 imize the variations in Tcy among all m parase- where n = number of facies in a parasequence, quences, but do not produce constant-period m = number of parasequences (mEn), i = facies parasequences (Kominz and Bond, 1992). A number, j = parasequence number, Tcy;j = period succession of best-¢t Qs is calculated in iterations of the jth parasequence, c = facies thickness. using m, m31, T,n parasequences after removing The unknowns in Eq. 1 are Tcy;j and Qi. When successively the outlier parasequences in Eq. 1 Tcy;j is assumed to be unity for all m parasequen- (see Kominz et al., 1991 for procedure). In the ces, Eq. 1 becomes an overconstrained linear least-squares regression, both Q assumptions are problem, which is solved by unconstrained least- applied to obtain the best-¢t Qs; but in the remov- squares regression to obtain the best-¢t Qs of the n al of successive parasequences, the assumption facies. The assumption that all parasequences that all parasequences have equal duration is re- have the same duration (i.e. Tcy =1 Q-time unit) laxed (Yang and Kominz, 1999). Finally, the Q

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 291 values have the dimension of [(Q-time unit)/(thick- cies combination was necessary to obtain positive ness unit)]. and stable Qs in unconstrained least-squares inver- The best-¢t Qs usually stabilize after removal of sion, because many parasequences do not contain only a few parasequences (cf. Yang et al., 1995). all the six component facies (Figs. 2^4; e.g. Yang The stabilized Q values are then used to calculate et al., 1995; Yang and Kominz, 1999). the duration of facies i in the jth parasequence: The best-¢t Qs of the two combined facies be- come stable after removal of four parasequences t ¼ Q c ð2Þ i;j i i;j for the Dawen section and only one for the Da- and the duration of the entire cyclic section (T)is: jiang section (Fig. 5). The clear separation and Xj¼1 Xi¼1 stability of the Q values with the successive remov- T ¼ Q ici;j ð3Þ al of parasequences suggest that the two com- m n bined facies have grossly di¡erent sedimentation T includes hiatuses associated with incomplete rates. For both sections, the combined subtidal facies in a parasequence, but not hiatuses repre- facies has a smaller Q value (i.e. larger e¡ective sented by entirely missed parasequences (Sadler, sedimentation rate) than the combined intertidal 1994). and supratidal facies, although the best-¢t Qsof A facies-dependent (i.e. Q-tuned) time series was Dajiang parasequences are di¡erent from those of converted from a facies curve using Eq. 2.AQ- Dawen parasequences (Fig. 5B). This results from untuned series was also produced by applying an the similar cyclostratigraphic pattern but di¡erent average Q for all facies, which is calculated by detailed lithofacies type and proportions between dividing T in Eq. 3 by the thickness of the section. the closely spaced Dawen and Dajiang sections Spectra of Q-tuned and untuned series were calcu- (Figs. 2 and 3). The Dajiang parasequences lated to determine periodicity of the section and formed at the windward edge of the platform are compared with each other to determine the and contain more diversi¢ed subtidal facies with e¡ects of tuning via the selected Qs, because the Q-untuned spectrum is devoid of the e¡ect of Q tuning. Gamma analysis has been tested and re¢ned over the last decade through applications on nu- merous cyclic successions (e.g. Ko- minz and Bond, 1990, 1992; Bond et al., 1991, 1993; Kominz et al., 1991; Woronow, 1992; Yang et al., 1995; Kominz, 1996; Hinnov and Park, 1998; Yang and Kominz, 1999). It has been e¡ective in tuning the spectra of ancient cy- clic strata where accurate chronostratigraphic time constraints are lacking.

3.2. Results of gamma analysis of the Dawen and Dajiang sections

Prior to gamma analysis, the six facies compris- Fig. 5. Q results of Dawen (A) and Dajiang (B) sections. Q ing the Dawen and Dajiang parasequences were values of the combined subtidal and combined intertidal^ combined into two facies, one including the sub- supratidal facies of the Dawen section stabilize after removal tidal skeletal packstone, oolitic packstone and of only a few parasequences. The horizontal axis is the num- ber of parasequences removed in each iteration of least- grainstone, and calcimicrobial boundstone facies, squares inversion. The selected Qs were used to convert facies the other including the intertidal ribbon rock and thickness into time to construct Q-tuned time series of the the supratidal microbial laminite facies. This fa- Dawen and Dajiang sections, respectively.

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 292 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 approximately equal portions of skeletal pack- cycles predicted by Berger et al. (1992). Several stone, oolite, and calcimicrobial boundstone, calibration schemes are possible and the scheme whereas the Dawen parasequences formed in the that resulted in a maximum number of Milanko- platform interior and contain predominantly skel- vitch peaks on a spectrum was regarded as opti- etal packstone in the subtidal facies (Fig. 3). The mal and is reported here (Fig. 6A). depositional mechanisms of the three subtidal fa- Four statistically signi¢cant and prominent cies were probably di¡erent (e.g. Major et al., peaks on the Dawen spectrum have periods close 1996; Lehrmann, 1999), causing the di¡erences to those of long-precessional index (21.2 kyr), in absolute values of best-¢t Qs between the two short-obliquity (35.8 kyr), and short and long ec- sections. Combining three subtidal facies into one centricity (95^131 and 413 kyr) cycles at 247 Ma facies probably exacerbated the di¡erences. (Fig. 6A; Berger et al., 1992). Three low-ampli- The selected best-¢t Qs of the combined facies of tude but statistically signi¢cant peaks may also each section were used to convert the facies curves match the Milankovitch peaks. They are the into Q-tuned time series, wherein the facies curves short-precessional index peak (17.7 kyr), the were non-uniformly stretched into Q-tuned time long-obliquity peak (45.3 kyr), and the peak series (Fig. 4). An average Q for all facies of with a period of 9.8^10.4 kyr representing the each section was also used to construct Q-untuned constructional tone (9.7 kyr) between the short time series, where a facies curve was uniformly and long-precessional index cycles (Fig. 6A; e.g. stretched into a Q-untuned time series (Fig. 4). Yang et al., 1995). In addition, the peak with a All time series are in Q-time units. period of 27.5^30.1 kyr between the long-preces- sional index and the short-obliquity peaks may 3.3. Spectra of Q-tuned and untuned time series of represent a minor obliquity peak (e.g. Berger, the Dawen section 1977), although it is predicted to occur at 26 kyr for the Early Triassic by Hinnov (2000). Lastly, The spectra of the Q-tuned time series of the several distinctive peaks are also present on the Dawen and Dajiang sections were calculated us- Q-untuned spectrum (Fig. 7D). Using the same ing the multi-window prolate spectral analysis calibration scheme as for the Q-tuned spectrum, method of Thomson (1982). A prominent spectral many peaks also fall within major Milankovitch peak has a large magnitude in power density. A bands. statistically signi¢cant point on the spectrum co- The Q tuning of the facies curve has concen- incides with a peak of the lower 90% con¢dence trated the spectral power into a fewer number of limit and a trough of the upper 90% con¢dence peaks in comparison with the Q-untuned spec- limit (Figs. 6A and 7A). Only the points that are trum. Moreover, the close match in period and both statistically signi¢cant and on prominent relative amplitude between peaks on the Q-tuned peaks were selected in this study. They were in- spectrum and those of the Early Triassic Milan- terpreted as representing periodic signals in the kovitch climatic cycles suggests that peritidal cy- time series. Both the Dawen and Dajiang spectra clic sedimentation of the Dawen section was sig- of the Q-tuned time series have several prominent ni¢cantly in£uenced by Milankovitch climatic and statistically signi¢cant peaks, suggesting qua- forcing. si-periodicity in the two sections. The spectral character of the Dawen section The signi¢cant peaks were calibrated to obtain was further investigated through evolutional spec- their periods in . The calibration is on a trial- tral analysis of segments of the section. The spec- and-error basis (e.g. Yang et al., 1995; Yang and tral power shifts toward higher frequency from Kominz, 1999). Initially, a peak was arbitrarily the lower part to the upper part of the Q-tuned assigned to the period of a Milankovitch cycle, Dawen section (Fig. 6B,C). The evolutional spec- and the periods of other peaks were calibrated tral analysis and period calibration used the same to it. The periods were then compared with those parameters and scheme as those for the entire of major Early Triassic Milankovitch climatic Dawen section. The spectrum of the lower part

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 293 contains prominent short and long-obliquity and wen section con¢rm the shift of spectral power short-eccentricity peaks, without the precessional described above (Fig. 6E). The spectra of the 0^ index and the long-eccentricity peaks. The spec- 40-m and 20^60-m segments contain prominent trum of the upper part, however, contains a short and long-eccentricity peaks and a minor prominent long-precessional index peak and low- amalgamated short and long-obliquity peak. An amplitude but statistically signi¢cant short-obliq- abrupt shift to the obliquity occurs in the 40^80- uity, short-precessional index, and constructional- m segment and continues to the 60^100-m seg- tone peaks. The eccentricity peaks are relatively ment. The 80^120-m spectrum contains all short weak and not well de¢ned in comparison to those and long-eccentricity, amalgamated obliquity, and of the lower part (Fig. 6B,C). The two spectra short and long-precessional index peaks. The oth- indicate that the spectrum of the entire Dawen er abrupt shift to the long-precessional index oc- section (Fig. 6A) appears to be the simple addi- curs in the 100^140-m segment, which also con- tion of largely mutually exclusive spectral peaks tains signi¢cant short-eccentricity power. The from the lower and upper spectra, with minimal complete shift to the precessional index peak oc- interference among signals of the lower and upper curs in the 120^160-m segment. The low resolu- parts of the Dawen section. The spectra also tion of the evolutional spectra in comparison to suggest that Milankovitch short-eccentricity and those of the entire Dawen section and the lower obliquity forcing dominated during the sedi- and upper parts of the Dawen section are ex- mentation of the lower Dawen section, where- pected because the same parameters (e.g. the as long-precessional index forcing dominated dur- number of windows) of spectral analysis (Thom- ing the sedimentation of the upper Dawen son, 1982) were used for short segments of the section. Dawen section, causing more spectral smoothing The evolutional spectra di¡er from that of the (see Section 4). The shift of Milankovitch forcing entire section for two major reasons. First, the during the course of cyclic sedimentation of the dominant Milankovitch climatic forcing may Dawen section is noteworthy but is expected of have changed its character at a location over typical Milankovitch climatic forcing, as docu- time and/or at di¡erent geographic locations mented in many Plio^ records (e.g. (e.g. Berger, 1988; Berger et al., 1992; deMenocal, Berger, 1988; deMenocal, 1995; Hinnov and 1995; Yang et al., 1995), when the South China Park, 1998). It implies that the dominant deposi- Plate migrated across the paleo-equator to the tional mechanisms and controlling factors, which north over several millions of years (Scotese, were related to Milankovitch climatic forcings, 1994, 2000). Second, there may have been long- had changed during the sedimentation of the suc- term variations in sedimentation rate during the cessive segments of the Dawen section. The buildup of GBG, which gamma analysis cannot changes are re£ected by upsection changes in fa- detect (Hinnov, 2000). Additionally, in both cases, cies proportion and parasequence thickness of the possible interference of individual Milankovitch Dawen parasequences (see Section 4). peaks may change the spectral con¢guration. Conversely, a seemingly Milankovitch-like spec- 3.4. Spectra of Q-tuned and untuned time series of trum of the entire section could result from inter- the Dajiang section ference among non-Milankovitch peaks. Evolu- tional spectra of the lower and upper parts of The Q-tuned spectrum of the entire Dajiang sec- the Dawen section indicate minimal long-term tion contains a prominent and statistically signi¢- spectral interference, provide information on cant short-eccentricity peak, and low-amplitude evolving forcing during the course of sedimenta- but statistically signi¢cant long and short-preces- tion as discussed above, and ¢nally, con¢rm that sional index and long-eccentricity peaks (Fig. 7A). the spectral calibration and interpretation of the The scheme of period calibration of the Dajiang entire section are reasonable. spectra is di¡erent from that of the Dawen spec- The evolutional spectra of segments of the Da- tra because di¡erent best-¢t Qs were used in con-

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 294 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306

Fig. 6. Spectra of (A) Q-tuned Dawen time series, (B) upper part of Q-tuned series, (C) lower part of Q-tuned series, and (D) Q-un- tuned Dawen time series. (E) Evolutional spectra of Q-tuned time series. Thick lines are spectra; thin lines below and above the spectral line are lower and upper 90% con¢dence limits; thin vertical lines are Milankovitch line spectra at 247 Ma (Berger et al., 1992). The period calibration scheme (marked with a ) used in all spectra is (1/0.494 = 35 780 yr, the period of the short- obliquity cycle), which results in one Q-time unit = 17.6 kyr. Nyquist frequency is 20 for all spectra. Spectral power density is nor- malized for all spectra. Eight windows were used in the spectral analysis (Thomson, 1982). Segments of evolutional spectra are 40 m with a 20-m overlap, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3.

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 295

Fig. 6 (Continued). structing the Q-tuned time series (Fig. 3B). The slightly longer than those of the long and short- low amplitude of the long-eccentricity peak may obliquity peaks predicted at 247 Ma by Berger et be caused by the short thickness of the Dajiang al. (1992) (Fig. 7A). The slight shift to a lower section. A pair of statistically signi¢cant and frequency of the obliquity peaks may indicate prominent peaks are probably the short and mis-tuning by the selected best-¢t Qs or amalga- long-obliquity peaks but they have periods mation of the short and long-obliquity peaks

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 296 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306

Fig. 7. Spectra of (A) Q-tuned Dajiang time series, (B) upper part of Q-tuned series, (C) lower part of Q-tuned series, and (D) Q- untuned Dajiang time series. (E) Evolutional spectra of Q-tuned time series. The period calibration scheme (marked with a star) used in all spectra is (1/1.304 = 21 248 yr, the period of the long-precessional index cycle), which results in one Q-time unit = 27.7 kyr. Nyquist frequency is 25 for all spectra. Segments of evolutional spectra are 35 m with a 17.5-m overlap, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Other parameters, procedures, and explanations are the same as for the Dawen spectra (Fig. 6). caused by depositional mechanisms, as also seen gests that the Milankovitch climatic forcing prob- on the Dawen spectra. A low-amplitude peak of a ably signi¢cantly in£uenced the formation of frequency of about 2.65 may or may not be the Dajiang parasequences, similar to Dawen parase- constructional tone. The spectral calibration sug- quences. However, the spectral di¡erence between

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 297

Fig. 7 (Continued).

the Dawen and Dajiang sections, mainly the low is also suggested by multiple peaks on the amplitude of long-precessional index peak and the Q-untuned pectrum, which have periods close shift of the short-obliquity peak, suggests that the to those of predicted Milankovitch peaks (Fig. depositional mechanisms were somewhat di¡erent 7D). between the platform interior (Dawen) and the The spectra of the lower and upper parts of the windward platform edge (Dajiang) (see Section Dajiang section (Fig. 7B,C) show a decrease in 4). The quasi-periodicity of the Dajiang record obliquity forcing and an increase in precessional

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 298 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 index and short-eccentricity forcing upsection. 4. Discussion This trend is similar to that of Dawen section (Fig. 6B,C). The di¡erences are that, on the spec- 4.1. Sedimentation rate, depositional duration, trum of the upper part of the Dajiang section, the and stratigraphic completeness precessional index peak has a small amplitude, the short-eccentricity peak (the destructive tone) has a The period calibration of spectral peaks to the large amplitude, and the constructional tone is Milankovitch cycle periods assigned absolute time absent. to the Q-time units of the Dawen and Dajiang se- The shift of Milankovitch climatic forcing dur- ries. A unit of Q-time of the Dawen series is equal ing the course of Dajiang sedimentation is dis- to 17.6 kyr and that of the Dajiang series is 27.7 played on the evolutional spectra (Fig. 7E). The kyr (Table 1). Then, the sedimentation rates of spectral shift of the Dajiang section is similar to the two combined facies, which are the reciprocals that of the Dawen section (Figs. 6E and 7E), with of selected best-¢t Qs, were calculated as 6.0 and strong obliquity signals in the lower segments but 2.7 cm/kyr for the combined intertidal^supratidal strong precessional-index signals in some of the facies and 30.7 and 24.6 cm/kyr for the combined upper segments. In the Dajiang evolutional spec- subtidal facies for the Dawen and Dajiang para- tra, short-eccentricity and short-precessional in- sequences, respectively (Table 1). dex peaks are present in the 35 m, but the Subsequently, the duration represented by the amalgamated obliquity peak is prominent in the total thickness of all parasequences in Dawen and 17.5^52.5-m segment. A single broad peak on the Dajiang sections was calculated using Eq. 3 as 35^70-m spectrum covers the short-obliquity to 1139 and 1423 kyr, respectively (Table 1). The short-eccentricity band. In the 52.5^87.5-m and duration is the time represented by complete 70^102-m segments, the spectral power is concen- and partially eroded parasequences (Sadler, trated at the short-eccentricity and long-preces- 1994), excluding the hiatal time represented by sional index bands with diminished obliquity completely missing parasequences, which were power. Upsection, the spectra of the 87.5^122.5- not used in gamma analysis (Yang and Kominz, m and 102^137-m segments contain a broad peak 1999). Thus, the duration can be regarded ap- covering the short-obliquity to short-eccentricity proximately as the duration of deposition of a band, similar to that of the 35^70-m segment. section. On the other hand, the total duration of The spectral resolution of Dajiang evolutional the Dawen or Dajiang section, including time rep- spectra is low in comparison to evolutional spec- resented by both rocks and hiatal surfaces, was tra of the longer segments of the Dawen section. estimated as 2.125 or 3 Myr, with a potential Nevertheless, the general spectral evolution is range from a minimum of 1.55 Myr to a maxi- clear. mum of 3.6 Myr according to recent geochrono- The spectral results of the Dawen and Dajiang logic constraints (Bowring et al., 1998; Mundil et sections indicate that Milankovitch climatic forc- al., 2001; Martin et al., 2001; see discussion in ing in£uenced the cyclic sedimentation on the Section 2.3). The ratio between the depositional GBG platform in a greenhouse climate. Further- duration and the chronostratigraphically esti- more, the evolutional spectra of both sections sug- mated total duration represents the stratigraphic gest varying dominance of Milankovitch forcings completeness of a section (cf. Sadler, 1981). Thus, during the course of sedimentation. Di¡erences corresponding to the two estimated age dates and between the Dawen and Dajiang spectra and the maximum to minimum ages considering errors, amalgamated obliquity peak suggest that geologic the stratigraphic completeness of the Dawen sec- processes responding to the Milankovitch forcing tion is estimated to be 38^54%, with a minimum may have varied between platform interior and of 32% and maximum of 73%, and that of the windward margin during the course of sedimenta- Dajiang section is 47^67%, with a minimum of tion when dominant Milankovitch forcing shifted 40% and a maximum of 92%. Last, the average (discussed below). sedimentation rate of a section was calculated by

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Table 1 Sedimentation rate, depositional duration, and stratigraphic completeness of the Dawen and Dajiang sections based on spectral calibration

Unit Q Selected Qs E¡ective sedimentation Average Depositional Stratigraphic time rate sedimentation rate duration completeness (kyr) (Q time/m) (cm/kyr) (cm/kyr) (kyr) (%a)

Dawen 17.6 0.95 (combined intertidal 6.0 (combined intertidal 7.0 1139 38^54 (32^73) section and supratidal facies) and supratidal facies) 0.18 (combined subtidal 30.7 (combined subtidal facies) facies) Dajiang 27.7 1.34 (combined intertidal 2.7 (combined intertidal 9.9 1423 47^67 (40^92) section and supratidal facies) and supratidal facies) 0.15 (combined subtidal 24.6 (combined subtidal facies) facies) a The range of stratigraphic completeness corresponds to the two estimates of mean duration of the Olenekian Stage (3 and 2.125 Myr). The range given in parentheses corresponds to the maximum and minimum estimated duration of the Olenekian Stage (3.6 and 1.55 Myr). See text for discussion on stratigraphic completeness and age estimate. dividing the depositional duration by the total located 3 km apart, have comparable depositional thickness of a section. The rate is 7.0 cm/kyr for durations, suggesting that the period calibrations the Dawen section and 9.9 cm/kyr for the Dajiang are valid. It may seem inconsistent that the Da- section (Table 1). wen section has a shorter depositional duration The sedimentation rate of the combined subti- than the Dajiang section since the Dawen section dal facies is about ¢ve and eight times greater has more parasequences (82 vs. 66) and is thicker than that of the combined intertidal^supratidal than the Dajiang section (164 vs. 137 m). We ex- facies for the Dawen and Dajiang sections, respec- plain this apparent inconsistency as follows. First, tively. These rates and the average sedimentation the primary function of the best-¢t Qs is tuning the rates are within the range of documented peritidal spatial facies curves; thus, the sedimentation rates carbonate sedimentation rates of modern and an- and the depositional durations should not be re- cient analogs (e.g. Hallock and Schlager, 1986; garded as exact values (Kominz and Bond, 1990, Kukal, 1990; Enos, 1991; Sadler, 1994). This sug- 1992; Kominz, 1996; Yang and Kominz, 1999). gests that: (1) the gamma analysis successfully Second, the depositional duration of a parase- di¡erentiated the relative time represented by the quence depends mainly on the proportions of fa- subtidal and intertidal^supratidal facies; (2) the cies with unique sedimentation rates. Thus, two facies-dependent thickness^time conversion is parasequences of equal thickness may have di¡er- more accurate than the thickness-proportional ent durations if one parasequence contains a larg- conversion; and (3) the period calibrations of Da- er proportion of the facies with a low sedimenta- wen and Dajiang spectra are valid, yielding rea- tion rate than the other parasequence. Finally, the sonable and consistent sedimentation rates, even multiple peaks on the Dawen and Dajiang spectra though the best-¢t Qs for the two sections are dif- indicate that the parasequences do not have equal ferent. However, we caution against citing the ex- duration (see also next section). Moreover, the act values of sedimentation rate and stratigraphic variety of subtidal facies in the Dawen and Da- completeness, because they were derived from Q jiang parasequences probably do not have pre- estimates and chronostratigraphic time estimates cisely the same sedimentation rates, although with variable uncertainties. The values are likely they were combined and assigned with the same only reliable in the general trend and order of sedimentation rate in gamma analysis. This dis- magnitude (cf. Sadler, 1981, 1994; also see be- crepancy would also contribute to the di¡erence low). between the estimated depositional durations of In addition, the Dawen and Dajiang sections, the two sections. There must have been additional

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 300 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 factors a¡ecting the depositional duration of Da- 4.2.1. Dawen section wen and Dajiang sections. Above all, the deposi- The strong obliquity and short-eccentricity sig- tional durations of the Dawen and Dajiang sec- nals in the lower part of the Dawen section sug- tions may be regarded as roughly equal. gest two orders of cyclicity (Fig. 6C). However, The stratigraphic completeness of the Dawen they are not strictly hierarchical because orbital section (32^73%) and Dajiang section (40^92%) eccentricity and obliquity are physically indepen- is much higher than those estimated for other dent, whereas the precessional index is modulated shallow-marine and non-marine records, which by the eccentricity (Berger, 1977, 1988; Berger et are commonly less than 20% (e.g. Sadler, 1981, al., 1992; cf. Liu et al., 2000). Eccentricity is dom- 1994; Wilkinson et al., 1992; Yang and Kominz, inant in the 0^40-m and 20^60-m segments, 1999; cf. Sadler, 1999). The relatively high strati- whereas obliquity is dominant in the 40^80-m seg- graphic completeness of the two sections may be ment (Fig. 6E). This character is re£ected in the associated with the greenhouse climate, when time series and facies curve (Fig. 4A). The 0^60-m large sea-level £uctuations were absent (see also segment contains a mixture of thick/long and Sadler, 1994). records formed moderately thick/moderately long parasequences during periods of continental glaciation are likely (thick or thin denotes interval in space, long or to be less continuous than those formed during short denotes interval in time). Some of the longer periods of non-glaciation (e.g. Wilkinson et al., parasequence sets contain thin/short parasequen- 1992; Sadler, 1994; Read, 1995; Yang et al., ces and are probably bundles of short parase- 1995), because large sea-level £uctuations would quences. If eccentricity signals arise from destruc- have repeatedly exposed the carbonate platform tive interference of the precessional index, the lack to cause abundant erosional and non-depositional of power in the precessional index band suggests hiatuses and missed beats (cf. Goldhammer et al., that eccentricity came to dominate the precession- 1990). Supratidal facies are minimal in the Dawen al index carrier through some non-linear climatic and Dajiang sections (Fig. 3), suggesting little and geologic interactions (e.g. Ripepe and Fisch- subaerial exposure time, resulting in the relatively er, 1991; deMenocal, 1995). The 40^80-m seg- high stratigraphic completeness of the two re- ment, on the other hand, contains predominantly cords. parasequences of approximately equal thickness/ duration and lacks thick/long parasequences (Fig. 4.2. Sedimentary expressions of Milankovitch 4A). The correlation between the thickness and climatic signals in Dawen and Dajiang strata duration of parasequences and the calibrated Mi- lankovitch periods implies that the thick/long par- The link between Milankovitch climatic forcing asequences are short-eccentricity cycles, the mod- and cyclic sedimentation is largely a ‘black box’ erately thick/moderately long parasequences are due to the complex interplay of many climatic, obliquity cycles, and the thin/short parasequences oceanic, biologic, tectonic, and sedimentary pro- are precessional-index cycles. cesses that control sedimentation. The evolving A one-on-one correlation of the GBG parase- Milankovitch climatic signals in the GBG records quences, their thickness, duration, and facies com- serve as a starting point to examine the link. The position with is tentative at depositional mechanisms of cyclic peritidal car- best. First, the multiple spectral peaks indicate bonate sedimentation on the GBG in a green- that the Dawen series is quasi-periodic, as are house climate have been the subject of ongoing the Milankovitch climatic series. Even the period research (e.g. Lehrmann and Goldhammer, 1999; of a speci¢c Milankovitch cycle, be it short eccen- Lehrmann et al., 2001; Yang and Lehrmann, tricity, obliquity, or precessional index, varies 2001; Yang et al., 2002). The following discussion over several to 10s of kyr (Yang, 1996; Hinnov, brie£y explores the sedimentary expressions of 2000). Second, the algorithm and parameters used Milankovitch climatic signals in the GBG rec- in spectral analysis a¡ect the precision of the pe- ords. riods of spectral peaks (Thomson, 1982; Brace-

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 301 well, 1986; e.g. Yang et al., 1995). Last but not The 0^35-m spectrum has clearly de¢ned short- least, allogenic and autogenic geologic processes precessional index and short-eccentricity peaks other than Milankovitch climatic forcing a¡ect (Fig. 7E), as re£ected by the mixture of thick/ cyclic sedimentation. For example, stratigraphic long parasequences and thin/short parasequences incompleteness caused by the erosional and non- on the facies curve and time series (Fig. 4B). Up- depositional hiatuses and inaccuracy in thickness^ section, the obliquity becomes dominant in the time conversion a¡ect spectral analysis (Sadler, 17.5^52.5-m and 35^70-m segments, as re£ected 1994; Yang and Kominz, 1999). These processes by many parasequences of similar duration in must also have mixed their signals with Milanko- these segments (Fig. 4B). The spectral character vitch signals in the GBG records. of evolutional spectra of the lower Dajiang sec- The upper part of the Dawen section has an tion is similar to those of the lower Dawen section exceptionally strong long-precessional index sig- (Figs. 6C,E and 7C,E). For example, the 17.5^ nal (Fig. 6B). The destructive tone of the preces- 52.5-m segment of the Dajiang series correlates sional index signals, i.e. eccentricity, is weak but stratigraphically with the 60^90-m segment of the constructional tone is conspicuous. The pres- the Dawen series (Fig. 2) and both segments are ence of thick/long and very thin/very short para- dominated by obliquity (Figs. 6E and 7E). In ad- sequences in the 90^125-m segment re£ects the dition, the spectra of the segments covering the spectral character of co-existing precessional in- SB (35^70 m in the Dajiang series, 60^100 m in dex and short-eccentricity (Figs. 4A and 6E). On the Dawen series) are both poorly de¢ned and the other hand, the thin but approximately equal- signify a spectral transition associated with the thickness/duration parasequences in the 120^160- SB, characterized by a shift from obliquity to pre- m segment re£ect the dominance of precessional cessional index and eccentricity. index with a minor constructional tone peak (Fig. The spectral shift upsection across the SB is 6E). marked by prominent short-eccentricity and The spectrum of the 60^100-m segment of the long-precessional index peaks on the spectra of Dawen section has a broad peak centered on the the 52.5^87.5-m and 70^102-m segments (Fig. obliquity band. It is the transition from the lower 7E). This shift corresponds to the occurrence of obliquity-dominated spectrum to the upper pre- thick/long parasequences and, for the ¢rst time, cessional-index-dominated spectra (Fig. 6E). The supratidal microbial laminites (Figs. 3B and 4B). spectral transition is re£ected in the facies curve Upsection, the spectra of the 87.5^122.5-m and and time series (Fig. 4A), where thin/short para- 102^137-m segments are characterized by a broad sequences mix with moderately thick/moderately low-frequency peak spanning the obliquity and long parasequences in this segment. The absence short-eccentricity band, indicating a return of of sharp spectral peaks may be the result of mix- obliquity forcing and absence of precessional in- ing of obliquity in the lower part and the preces- dex forcing (Fig. 7E). The spectral character is sional index in the upper part of the segment or re£ected by the mixture of thick/long and moder- unmodeled sedimentation rate changes. This seg- ately thick/moderately long parasequences in the ment covers the stratigraphic turning point from two segments (Fig. 4B). the upper HST to the lower TST across the SB There are similarities and dissimilarities in spec- (Figs. 2A and 4A). The correlation between spec- tral character between the upper Dajiang and tral and stratigraphic transition may indicate an upper Dawen sections. The similarity is the pres- unknown cause^e¡ect relationship between Mi- ence of long and short-precessional index peaks. lankovitch climatic forcing and cyclic sedimenta- This may be related to the ¢rst occurrence of tion. supratidal microbial laminite in both sections (Figs. 4, 6B and 7B). The spectra of the 52^ 4.2.2. Dajiang section 87.5-m and 70^102-m segments of the Dajiang The obliquity signals are dominant in the lower section are also similar to the spectrum of the part of the Dajiang section (Fig. 7C). In detail, 100^140-m segment of the Dawen section. The

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 302 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 major dissimilarity is the absence of a strong long- that a¡ect the energy and water chemistry of the precessional index signal but the presence of a windward platform margin. For example, the fre- strong short-eccentricity signal in the upper Da- quency and strength of tropical storms would af- jiang section. In detail, the dissimilarity originates fect the extent and thickness of oolite spill-over from the di¡erent spectral peaks between the lobes into the platform interior (Fig. 1C). Plate uppermost Dajiang and Dawen sections. The reconstructions place the Dajiang section of the 120^160-m spectrum of the Dawen section is GBG at 12‡N latitude facing N45‡E into the dominated by a single precessional index peak, northeast trade winds (Fig. 1; Kutzbach et al., whereas the 87.5^122.5-m and 102^137-m spectra 1990; Crowley, 1994; Scotese, 1994, 2000). of the Dajiang section are dominated by a broad Thus, obliquity forcing may have been transferred peak spanning the obliquity and short-eccentricity to the sedimentary record via equatorial atmo- bands (Figs. 6E and 7E). The di¡erence corre- spheric circulation (cf. Crowley, 1994). sponds to di¡erent facies compositions between Variations in carbonate productivity in the sub- the uppermost parts of the two sections (Fig. tidal factory could have a¡ected carbonate sedi- 3A,B). Subtidal skeletal packstone and intertidal ment supply in the shallow subtidal, intertidal, laminated lutite dominate the uppermost Dawen and supratidal environments on the GBG plat- section, whereas diverse subtidal oolite and skel- form (Yang et al., 2002). The slowly recovering etal packstone and intertidal ribbon rocks and biota and low bio-diversity of the superanoxic lutite dominate the uppermost Dajiang section. ocean in the Early Triassic (cf. Stanley, 1988; The correlation between spectral di¡erence and Wignall and Hallam, 1992; Isozaki, 1994; Knoll di¡erent facies associations at the platform interi- et al., 1996) makes this mechanism attractive. Pe- or and windward platform margin suggests di¡er- riodic £ooding of the subtidal carbonate factory ent depositional/recording mechanisms of Milan- by anoxic ocean water could have caused £uctua- kovitch climatic signals at the two localities tions in carbonate productivity. The £ooding during the course of sedimentation. could have been induced by periods of intense upwelling driven by hemispheric deep-water circu- 4.3. Mechanisms of Milankovitch climatic control lation. on peritidal cyclic carbonate sedimentation In addition, low-amplitude sea-level £uctua- tions, which certainly had caused changes in ac- The spectral evidence linking Milankovitch cli- commodation space on the GBG platform, may matic forcing and parasequence characteristics have aided anoxic £ooding in causing carbonate provides clues for interpreting the mechanisms productivity changes. Sea-level £uctuations are in- of cyclic sedimentation on the GBG in a green- dicated by the presence of supratidal microbial house climate in an equatorial mid-ocean setting. laminites, albeit few, in the sections and the cor- A thorough exploration requires more data (e.g. relation among parasequences, parasequence sets, geochemical and paleontologic) in addition to and depositional sequences between the two sec- those presented above. Only a few speculations tions (Lehrmann et al., 2001; Yang and Lehr- are presented here. mann, 2001). Non-glacial global and regional A close examination of facies composition in- sea-level changes of several meters can be caused, dicates that strong obliquity signals are present in for example, by variations in continental water segments containing abundant oolites and thin/ storage, which were induced by Milankovitch cli- short parasequences, such as the 40^80-m and matic forcing (Jacobs and Sahagian, 1993). 60^100-m segments in the Dawen section (Figs. The spectral shift in Milankovitch climatic forc- 2A, 3A and 6E) and the 17.5^52.5-m, 87.5^ ing suggests, on the other hand, that no one 122.5-m, and 102^137-m segments in the Dajiang mechanism dominated through the entire course section (Figs. 2B, 3B and 7E). Formation, distri- of sedimentation. The latitudinal position and, bution, and deposition of oolitic sediments are perhaps, the orientation of the GBG platform closely related to climatic and oceanic conditions may have determined that the platform was sub-

PALAEO 3199 14-11-03 W. Yang, D.J. Lehrmann / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (2003) 283^306 303 ject to varying climatic and oceanic conditions The sedimentation rates of subtidal and inter- induced by di¡erent Milankovitch forcing mecha- tidal^supratidal facies were estimated on the basis nisms (e.g. Kutzbach et al., 1990). Paleomagnetic of period calibration of the Dawen and Dajiang data indicated that the Yangtze Block migrated spectra. The sedimentation rate of subtidal facies northward from the paleo-equator in the Late ranges from 30.7 to 24.6 cm/kyr and that of in- Permian to 12‡N at the end of the Olenekian tertidal^supratidal facies ranges from 6.0 to 2.7 and experienced a 45‡ clockwise rotation (Fig. cm/kyr. The estimated depositional duration 1A,B; Enkin et al., 1992; Van der Voo, 1993; ranges from 1139 to 1423 kyr. The stratigraphic P. Montgomery, personal communication, 2002). completeness, which is the ratio between the de- If the evolving Milankovitch signals in the GBG positional duration and the chronostratigraphi- records were mainly caused by an estimated 6^7‡ cally estimated total duration, was estimated as northward plate movement during the Olenekian, 32^92%, suggesting that greenhouse peritidal rec- the latitudinal climatic gradient in the eastern Te- ords are more complete than icehouse peritidal thys must have been very steep, conforming with records. a similar interpretation from the low-latitude con- Evolutional spectra of segments of the Dawen tinental record in Late Triassic western Pangea and Dajiang sections indicate that Milankovitch (Kent and Olsen, 2000). climatic forcing varied among short-eccentricity, The other possible scenario is that, assuming obliquity, and long-precession during the course the amount of plate movement is insigni¢cant of sedimentation. The spectral variation is re- during the Olenekian, the evolving Milankovitch £ected in the variations in parasequence thickness, climatic forcing may have been caused mainly by duration, and facies composition. Milankovitch dynamic changes of global atmospheric and oce- climatic forcing greatly in£uenced the peritidal anic conditions. Temporal changes of dominant cyclic sedimentation on the GBG. The evolving Milankovitch climatic forcing at a given locality Milankovitch signals and the dissimilarities be- were documented in continental northwestern tween Dawen and Dajiang spectra suggest that a Africa in the Plio^Pleistocene (e.g. deMenocal, variety of climatic, oceanic, and geologic process- 1995), and should have been common in the geo- es and mechanisms may have been operating at logical records (Berger, 1988; see Hinnov and the platform interior and windward platform Park, 1998; Meyers et al., 2001; Palike et al., margin during the course of cyclic sedimentation. 2001 for more examples) because of complex in- One mechanism, for example, could be the varia- teraction of atmospheric and oceanic systems (e.g. tion in subtidal carbonate productivity as induced Crowley, 1994). The above speculations on depo- by upwelling and £ooding of anoxic ocean water sitional mechanisms and paleoclimatic changes onto the platform, low-amplitude non-glacial sea- suggest that depositional processes and mecha- level £uctuations, variations in frequency and nisms, other than sea-level £uctuations, may strength of tropical storms, and/or latitudinal have played a major role in cyclic sedimentation plate movement and rotation. This study provides on the GBG. clues for future research on the mechanisms of climatic forcing on peritidal cyclic sedimentation in a greenhouse climate. 5. Conclusions

Milankovitch signals were calibrated on the Acknowledgements spectra of the Dawen and Dajiang peritidal cyclic carbonate sections deposited on an isolated car- M. Kominz provided the computer codes for bonate platform, the GBG, South China, during gamma and spectral analyses. Reviews by P. the Early Triassic period of greenhouse climate, Wignall and, especially, L. Hinnov have greatly with prominent short-eccentricity, short-obliquity, improved the science and readability of the - and long-precessional index peaks. script. D.J.L. was supported by grants from the

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