Assessing Japan's Self-Perceived National Identities and Integration in Asia
Corso di Laurea magistrale (ordinamento ex D.M. 270/2004) in Relazioni Internazionali Comparate Tesi di Laurea Assessing Japan's self-perceived national identities and integration in Asia Relatore Ch. Prof. Rosa Caroli Correlatore Ch. Prof. Roberto Peruzzi Laureando Davide Sampaolesi Matricola 805304 Anno Accademico 2011 / 2012 Acknowledgments First of all I would like to express my thanks of gratitude to my thesis supervisor Prof.Rosa Caroli as well as to my co-supervisor Prof.Roberto Peruzzi. Most of this thesis would not have been possible without their support and guidance. Special thanks go to my family and Giulia for their continuous support, love and patience. In Italy I am particularly indebted to Gabriele Protopapa, Patrizio Barbirotto, Alice Santinelli, Luca Bartozzi, Elena Santilli, Marco Trieste, Eleonora Rossi, Andrea del Bono, Alberto Lussana, Ulisse della Giacoma, Jan Trevisan, Davide Stevanato, Tommi, Tancredi Cocchi, Filippo Colombo, Daria Zanuttigh, Lorenzo Lazzati, Ilaria Zanandreis, Letizia Lanzi, Elio Ticca, Tolja Djokovic. In Japan I am particularly indebted to Yuki Chamberlain, Ayako Kajiwara, Ryuhei Watanabe, Teruko Maehara; in the UK to Paul Conversy, Mike Hamilton, Fahad Khan; Hasti Esfandiyari. I am also grateful to the European Delegation in Tokyo, to the Embassy of Italy in Japan and to the Asian Development Bank Institute, from which I received enormous insights on Japanese politics during my last visit to Japan in 2010-2011. Final thanks go to Christopher Ibbett and Lisa Albertani, proofreaders of this thesis.
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