The following is a sample itinerary of where you might dive during your holiday with us. We wish to show you the very best diving but a number of factors can determine where we visit. Weather, tides and currents how busy a site is with other dive vessels all play a part in the Cruise Director’s decision of which route the yacht takes. The safety of all on board is paramount and we always do our best in offering diving at alternate locations. The Cruise Director is happy to listen to requests from guests to visit or remain at certain sites and providing it is possible and the schedule allows, then guest’s requests are respected.

Southern 10 Nights- Kaadedhdhoo to Kaadedhdhoo Up to 32 Dives including up to 5 night dives

Day 1 – Welcome Aboard On arrival in Male, transfer to your flight to Kaadedhdhoo in South Huvadhoo Atoll. A member of the Worldwide Dive and Sail team will be at the airport to meet and greet you on arrival. Transfer to the Maldives Siren, after a short boat briefing and introduction to your crew, relax and settle in to your cabin.

Day 2 – Huvadhoo Atoll – 4 dives Dive 1 -Khuda Giri is where we do a check out dive before we push on to some amazing dive sites. Thila, Vaadhoo Kuda Kandu and Boduhutta Kandu at the very south of the atoll offers divers a wake up call to what can be expected for the remainder of the trip. The atoll is just 13 miles north of the Equator, with lots of channels leading into it from the ocean. The reefs are unspoiled with dense and varied species and the reefs are teeming with sharks including possible sightings of juvenile and adult tiger sharks.

Day 3 – Huvadhoo Atoll – 3 dives Dive 1 -Maarehaa Kandu is amongst the best dive sites in the Maldives for regular shark sightings. On most dives here large numbers of grey reef sharks, white tip reef sharks and eagle rays can be seen in the blue. Dive 2 -Maarehaa Reef – We will dive the islands house reef and enjoy the reef fish and coral. However if the sharks were out in numbers we can dive Maarehaa Kandu again. Dive 3 -Nemo Thila – As the name suggests this is a fantastic spot for finding the playful anemone “nemo” fishes.

Day 4 – Huvadhoo Atoll – 4 dives Dive 1 - Kandu – We head North along the Eastern side of Huvadhoo Atoll and the first dive of the day is at the channel between Kodey Island and which are both quite large islands. We can expect further pelagic sightings with sharks, tuna and eagle rays known to be regular visitors. Dive 2 -Munandoo Kandu – is our second dive. A resort is proposed to be built on the island of Munandhoo. Generally this is a sign of great diving in the area. Dive 3 -Vodamulu Kandu – In order to back up this theory we shall dive Vodamulu Kandu which is a stones throw from Munandoo. Dive 4 - Giri – Giri means a small patch of coral a couple of metres below the surface and this is precisely what we shall dive on for the last dive of the day. This site is perfect as a dusk or night dive. We shall moor overnight sheltered by Nilandhoo Island.

Day 5 – Huvadhoo Atoll – 4 dives Dive 1 -Nilandhoo Kandu – An early start to get the best out of this dive site and sightings of visiting pelagics with barracuda, tuna and trevally often seen in large numbers. Dive 2 -Kuredhdhoo South – The island of Kuredhdhoo is not large and we shall dive both ends of the island. The Southern end has Kuredhdhoo Kunda and we can choose to dive the channel of the reef wall where schools of snapper and trevallies can be seen. Dive 3 -Kuredhdhoo North – We will enjoy the islands northern reef and the corals, groupers, angel fish and puffer fish as well as many other colourful reef fish it offers. Dive 4 -Mattidhoo Reef – is positioned within the inner atoll waters and is a beautiful spot for a dusk dive.

Day 6 – Huvadhoo Atoll - 4 dives Dive 1 -Maamendho Kandu – We continue travelling North on the Eastern side of Huvadhoo Atoll. Our first dive is toward the Northern edge of the island as we dive the channel. Dive 2 - Corner is on the other side of the channel that separates Kooddoo Island and Island. The site should reward us with a thrilling dive as we see more sharks and schooling trevallies. Dive 3 -Vilingili Kandu is the next northerly island from Kooddoo Island. An afternoon channel dive will depend on the tides and currents as to what we might see. The possibilities include snappers, Napoleon wrasse along with eagle rays and reef sharks. Dive 4 -Vilingili Reef is our night dive location, a fantastic spot for many small creatures, where devil fish and octopus are often sighted. We shall stay the night moored up off Vilingili.

Day 7 – Huvadhoo Atoll - 4 dives Dive 1 -Vilingili Kandu – Another morning and another great channel dive. The channels allow us to dive in the blue, on the walls or inside the atoll. White tips and grey reef sharks may be seen in the channel, whilst enjoying your big breakfast we shall travel north to the

very top of Huvadhoo Atoll. Dive 2 -Ekefaru Kandu is a channel at the top of a large reef wall. The diving here is fabulous as the channel combined with the reef brings in all sorts of marine life, with bannerfish and red toothed trigger fish in their hundreds. Dive 3 -Maadhiguvaru Kandu – The Northern part of the atoll has many channels and islands and this makes for some great diving opportunities. There are some stunningly beautiful lagoons surrounded by coral reef. Dive 4 -Maanaagalaa Giri is the perfect location to end a great days diving and we shall enjoy a night dive here.

Day 8 – Huvadhoo Atoll - 4 dives Start the day with a dive at Vilgili Kandu where large pelagics can be seen. Dive 2 -Kolamaa Fushi Corner finds us on the Western side of Huvadhoo Atoll. There is a large reef running south and so we shall dive the reef wall and enjoy the good coral and reef fish. Dive 3 -Mauddoo Kandu has a long coral wall on both sides and makes for a great dive and allows divers a choice of where to drop in and either enjoy the action of any visiting pelagics or take it easier on the reef wall where coral groupers, angel fish and snappers can be found. Dive 4 -Fulangi Giri is further south and we shall dive the reefs surrounding the island of Fulangi. We spend the night in a suitable mooring.

Day 9 - South Huvadhoo Thila – 3 dives Dive 1 -Fulangi Kandu is where we start the days diving with a channel dive. As with the majority of the channel dives there is always a good opportunity for pelagic sightings including white tip reef sharks, grey reef sharks, hammerheads, eagle rays and more. Dive 2 –Devvamaagala Reef is quite a distance inside the southern area of Huvadhoo Atoll. The shallow reef surrounding this thila is home to an interesting array of creatures. Dive 3 -Baulhageella Reef further still inside the atoll, the diving here is perfect for a dusk or night dive.

Day 10 – South Huvadhoo Thila – 2 dives Dive 1 -Bazu Thila a gentle drift around this coral rich thila a great way to start your final day. Dive 2 - Corner which is South of the airport and the island of Kaadedhdhoo. Make the most of your last dive on this reef dive. We spend the remainder of the day relaxing with the possibility of an island visit. A BBQ and party in the evening, as we look back on some amazing diving of the Deep South.

Day 11 - After breakfast we disembark and fly back to Male for your onward international flight or continue your stay in the Maldives at one of the many resort islands.