
ETU0017 - Lofa Voinjama ETU0011 - Voinjama Partner: MSF Switzerland Foya Partner: Unknown LAB0003 - Lofa Partner: Unknown : LOFA GUINEA Ebola Outbreak - (LBR21) Location and status of Ebola Response Units SIERRA ETU0008 - Zorzor LEONE Zorzor Partner: Unknown (as of 7 Oct 2014) CCC0001 - Zorzor Partner: Samaritans Purse ETU0004 - Tubmanburg Partner: IOM Map shows the location and status of ETU0007 - known Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs), GBARPOLU Partner: PIH ETU0018 - Bong Community Care Centres (CCCs) and (LBR45) Partner: IMC Laboratories (LABs) Karnplay LAB0004 - Bong Ganta The ETUs, CCCs and LABs are as of GRAND Partner: Unknown CAPE MOUNT 07 Oct 2014 Bopolu (LBR12) COTE ETU0006 - Sinje D'IVOIRE Sacleapea Partner: IOM BONG Tubmanburg Ebola Response Units (LBR06) Robertsport NIMBA Type, Status BOMI MARGIBI (LBR33) (LBR03) ⛳⛗ ETU, Open (LBR24) ETU0003 - Kakata Cumulative ETU0013 - Tappita ⛳☴ ETU, Under Construction Partner: FMT Cases Bensonville Partner: PIH 1 - 10 ⛳⛗ ETU, Planned Harbel 11 - 50 GRAND ⛌ CCC, Planned BASSA 51 - 100 (LBR09) ETU0010 - Zwedru 101 - 250 ⛳⚁ LAB, Open GRAND Partner: PIH 251 - 500 Buchanan GEDEH ETU0005 - Buchanan RIVERCESS (LBR15) 501 - 1000 Partner: IOM (LBR36) Settlements Borders 1001 - 1523 MONTSERRADO National National Monrovia (LBR30) ETU0009 - Fishtown County County ETU0023 - ATS Stadium ETU0016 - Cestos City Partner: Unknown Partner: Unknown Partner: Unknown CCC0002 - Fish Town RIVER GEE Data sources SINOE Partner: Samaritans Purse (LBR42) MoHSW, DoD, LISGIS, NGA LAB0005 - LIBR (LBR39) River Gbeh Partner: ETU0021 - JFK Memorial Medical Centre Fish Town Partner: MoHSW Greenville Created 06 Oct 2014 / 19:00 ETU0014 - Greenville ETU0001 - Congo Town Partner: Unknown MARYLAND Map Document MA012_Ebola_Treatment_Units_v4 Partner: Unknown GRAND KRU (LBR27) Glide Number EP-2014-000039-LBR ETU0002 - SKD (LBR18) Partner: IRC/ WHO/ MOSHSW ETU0015 - Barclayville Produced by MapAction Supported by Barclayville Partner: Unknown Pleebo Please provide feedback, updates, additions LAB0002 - ELWA 3 Pleebo and revisions to [email protected] Partner: Unknown ETU0020 - ELWA 3 The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown Partner: MSF Belgium ETU0012 - Harper Harper here do not imply endorsement or LAB0001 - ELWA 2 Partner: Unknown acceptance by MapAction. Partner: Unknown