0HFiQLFD&RPSXWDFLRQDO9RO;;, SS± 65,GHOVRKQ 9(6RQ]RJQLDQG$&DUGRQD!(GV" 6DQWD)H±3DUDQi $UJHQWLQD 2FWREHU AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A LOW-SPEED ACROBATIC AIRPLANE BY NUMERICAL SIMULATION Andres D. Ortiz*, Luis E. Quiroz*, Rodolfo A. Köck† *University of Concepción Department of Mechanical Engineering Edmundo Larenas 234, Barrio Universitario, Concepción, Chile Casilla 160-C, correo 3 Concepción e-mail:
[email protected] ,
[email protected] , http://www.dim.udec.cl †Cadetech S.A. Fluid-Dynamics Division Serrano 551 of. 208, Concepción, Chile e-mail:
[email protected] , http://www.cadetech.cl Keywords: numerical, simulation, acrobatic airplane, aerodynamic, performance, analysis, FLUENT® code. Abstract. The goal of this work is to simulate and to analyze, by means of the CFD commercial code FLUENT®, the flow around a low-speed acrobatic airplane, the ENAER T- 35 PILLAN, with similar characteristics to the most light civil airplanes, widely used anywhere in the world. Specifically, the aerodynamic loads on the structure are required, specifying the critical conditions of flight and the consequent load distributions on the airplane according to the application of norm FAR-23. Finally, the worst flight conditions happen at the cruise speed (Mach 0.25) and maximum load factor. In this condition the lift and drag forces, bending and torsion moments at the main spar of the wing are maximum, even greater than for the highest speed of flight (Mach 0.37). Finally, a series of graphs were made to considering the maximum loads on the wing as function of the speed of flight and the angle of attack. ***************************************************************** $'2UWL] /(4XLUR]DQG5$.|FN 1 NOMENCLATURE 1.1 General symbols AR Aspect Ratio, dimensionless.