Reconsidering the Notion of Employer in the Era of the Fissured Workplace: Traversing the Legislative Landscape in Australia
Reconsidering the Notion of Employer in the Era of the Fissured Workplace: Traversing the Legislative Landscape in Australia Tess Hardy University of Melbourne 1. Introduction The concept of the employer has been receiving renewed attention in Australia following a raft of media and government investigations into the working conditions of temporary foreign workers in the past 12 months.1 In particular, these recent inquiries have highlighted that certain sectors of the Australian labour market most notably the horticulture and food processing industries,2 and the convenience store franchise sector3 may be riddled with exploitation .4 While it is generally now accepted that employer non- compliance with workplace laws is a pressing problem in Australia, there is far less consensus about what can be done and who should be held responsible. These issues are undeniably complicated by the fissuring of work described by David Weil.5 Indeed, the labour market in Australia reflects many of the structural shifts which have occurred in the US and elsewhere.6 Like many advanced economies, Australia has also witnessed a move away from manufacturing towards services, a decline in trade unionism, greater competition in capital and product markets and increased commercialisation of work relationships. Particular management techniques and organisational forms such as sub-contracting, outsourcing and franchising have grown 1 These investigations have prompted a number of ongoing government inquiries at both federal and state levels. See, e.g., Australian Government, Senate Education and Employment References Committee, Inquiry into the Impact of Australia s Temporary Work Visa Programs on the Australian Labour Market and on the Temporary Work Visa Holders (Final Report, March 2016); Victorian Government, Inquiry into Labour Hire and Insecure Work (due to report by 31 July 2016); South Australian Government, Economic and Finance Committee, Inquiry into Labour Hire Industry (established on 11 June 2015, submissions closed on 27 July 2015).
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