ADAIR PROPERTY Build to Suit (317) 523 - 6854 For Sale or Lease
[email protected] Pricing Available on Request INTEGRITY DRIVE DEFIANCE, OH 43512 LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE EAST OF US-24 ON US-424 AT INTEGRITY DRIVE. 1/6 SITE PLAN SPECIFICATIONS Approximately 9.5 acres to the north and 9.5 acres to the south Rail Service Serviced by Michigan Southern Railroad Co. Connections with both Norfolk Southern and CSX Transportation Proposed non-hazardous trans-load center Pioneer Railcorp 1318 S. Johanson Rd. Peoria, IL 61607 Nathan Johns, Marketing 309-697-1400 - voice
[email protected] Storm Water 12” storm line on the west side of the property 15” storm line on the north side of the property Sanitary Sewer 10” combined sewer Water 12” Water Line Hydrant # Static Pressure: Residual Pressure: Pitot Pressure: Flow Pressure: Gas Ohio Gas Company ANR/TransCanada Doug Westhoven, Marketing Manager Andy Armstrong (419) 636 - 1117 ext. 239 (832) 320-5273 Size: 4” Line South side of property on south side of railroad Pressure: 60 lbs. 3 gas lines: two 30” lines and one 36” line Pressure: 650 psi normal, 858 psi max Electricity Toledo Edison Ask for new construction, application for service (800) 447 - 3333 ADAIR PROPERTY 11650 Olio Road (317) 523 - 6854 Suite 1000-305
[email protected] Fishers, IN 46037 2/6 ADAIR PROPERTY 3/6 ADAIR PROPERTY 4/6 Local educational and training institutions Archbold, Ohio Northwest State Community College Archbold, Ohio Four County Career Center Bowling Green, Ohio Bowling Green State University