The Parishes of with , and Guarlford with Newland


As a result of a change in UK law on data protection (GDPR) the churches of the above two parishes now need your permission as to how we contact you. Your privacy is important and you are receiving this form because you have a current link with the churches within the parishes and unless we have your recorded permission to contact you, we will not be able to stay in touch. We would like to continue to communicate in a way which has their consent, and which is in line with UK law on data protection. This specifically covers electronic as well as mail contact.

If you are willing to provide some or all of your contact details, please complete the form below using BLOCK capitals.

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………..


Email: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Phone: ……………………………………………………………………………..

In signing this form you are consenting to the parish churches holding and processing your personal data for the following purposes (please tick where you grant consent):

I consent to the parish church(es) from the above two parishes:

….. contacting me by post, phone or email, to keep me informed about meetings, news, events, activities and projects deemed relevant by churches of the parishes

….. sharing my email address and phone number with other representatives of the churches of the parishes where there is a legitimate interest to do so

….. I do not wish to be contacted by churches of the parishes.

Signed: …………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………….

All data will be stored securely and treated as strictly confidential. The parishes will not share your personal information with any other organisations unless you explicitly give your permission. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time, or change your personal details by contacting the The Vicar - The Reverend Gary Crellin - The Vicarage, 31 The Greenway, Colletts Green, Powick, WR2 4RZ or via [email protected]. All processing of your personal data will cease once you withdraw your consent, other than where there is a legal requirement, but this will not affect any personal data which has already been processed prior to this point.