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A thymus-specific member of the HMG family regulates the human T cell enhancer

Marian L. Waterman, Wolfgang H. Fischer, 1 and Katherine A. Jones 2 Molecular Biology and Virology Laboratory and Regulatory Biology Laboratory, 1peptide Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 USA

The human T cell-specific TCF-la plays a key role in the tissue-specific activation of the T cell receptor (TCR) Ca enhancer and binds to pyrimidine-rich elements (5'-PyCTTTG-3') present in a variety of other T cell-specific control regions. Using amino acid sequence information derived from the DNA affinity-purified protein, we have now isolated cDNA clones encoding TCF-la. The TCF-Ia cDNA contains a single 68-amino-acid domain that is homologous to a region conserved among high-mobility group (HMG) and nonhistone chromosomal . Expression of full-length and mutant cDNA clones in bacteria reveal that the single HMG motif, which is predicted to contain two extended a-helical segments, is sufficient to direct the sequence-specific binding of TCF-lc~ to DNA. Northern blot experiments demonstrate further that TCF-I,~ mRNA is highly tissue specific, found primarily in the thymus or T cell lines. The immature CEM T cell line expresses relatively low levels of TCF-la mRNA, which are increased upon activation of these cells by phorbol esters. Interestingly, the cloned TCF-I¢~ protein is a potent transcriptional activator of the human TCRa enhancer in nonlymphoid cell lines, whereas the activity of the endogenous protein in T cell lines is strongly dependent on an additional T cell-specific protein that interacts with the core enhancer. TCF-let is currently unique among the newly emerging family of DNA-binding regulatory proteins that share the HMG motif in that it is a highly tissue-specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor. [Key Words: TCRa enhancer~ HMG protein~ T cell-specific transcription factor] Received January 2, 1991~ revised version accepted January 25, 1991.

The development of pluripotent stem cells into highly with transcriptional regulation mediated by potent T specialized T cell lymphocytes can be defined by the cell-specific enhancers that have been mapped down- appearance and assembly at the cell surface of multicom- stream of many of these {Krimperdort et al. 1988~ ponent complexes containing the T cell receptor {TCR) McDougall et al. 1988~ Ho et al. 1989~ Winoto and Bal- and CD3 antigens. Functionally distinct T cell lineages timore 1989a~ Redondo et al. 1990}. bear either the et/B or ~//~ heterodimeric forms of the T The best-characterized of the TCR enhancers lies 4.5 cell receptor [Davis and Bjorkman 1988). TCR~t/B + cells kb downstream of the cx-chain (Chien et al. 1987} predominate in mature peripheral blood T cells {includ- and is recognized by a complex array of DNA-binding ing helper and cytotoxic cell subtypes) and function to proteins, although a minimal core segment spanning 100 mediate major histocompatability complex {MHC)- bp is sufficient for high-level activity in mature ot/B + T restricted antigen recognition in combination with ei- cell lines {Ho et al. 1989~ Winoto and Baltimore 1989a). ther the CD4 or CD8 antigens {for review, see Marrack This core segment interacts with three DNA-binding and Kappler 1987; Strominger 1989}. The TCR genes, proteins: a ubiquitously distributed member of the like other members of the immunoglobulin gene super- cAMP-responsive {CREB/ATF} transcription factor fam- family, are rearranged and expressed developmentally in ily (Ho et al. 1989), the T cell-specific TCF-lcx factor a stage-specific manner that begins with the ~//~-chain {Waterman and Jones 19901, and a distinct T cell-specific genes and follows with the B-chain and lastly the (x-chain protein (TCF-2~t} that may be a member of the c-ets pro- genes {Furley et al. 1986; Pardoll et al. 1987; Havran and tein family (Ho et al. 19901. The core TCRct enhancer is Allison 1988). The coordinate synthesis of the members a potent T cell-specific control region that can activate of the TCR-CD3 complex is accomplished by a combi- heterologous promoters in mature T cell lines, and each nation of both transcriptional and post-transcriptional of the three protein-binding sites is necessary for en- steps {Wilkinson and MacLeod 1988; Paillard et al. 1990}, hancer activity in vivo (Winoto and Baltimore 1989a~ Ho et al. 1990; Waterman and ]ones 19901. Interestingly, a 2Corresponding author. subfragment of the enhancer lacking the CRE motif re-

656 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 5:656-669 © 1991 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory ISSN 0890-9369/91 $3.00 Downloaded from on October 9, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

T cell-specific HMG transcription factor presses transcription from heterologous promoters in a T TCF-lu transcription factor was found to harbor a single cell-specific manner (Ho and Leiden 1990). The a en- 68-amino-acid domain that is homologous to a con- hancer is less active in immature T cell lines (e.g., served region of the high-mobility group (HMG) and CCRF-CEM cells) but can be stimulated in these cells by other nonhistone chromosomal proteins. This HMG mo- treatment with phorbol esters (Winoto and Baltimore tif is shown to be both necessary and sufficient for spe- 1989a), which also induces surface expression of the cific binding of TCF ol u to its conserved pyrimidine-rich TCRu/B complex (Shackelford et al. 1987). DNA element. The cloned TCF-lc, protein can also Rearrangement and expression of the TCRu gene is strongly activate the expression of a minimal promoter regulated in a lineage-specific manner in developing thy- linked to the TCRc~ enhancer in nonlymphoid cells. Ex- mocytes because the a-chain gene is transcribed in pression of TCF-lu mRNA is highly restricted to the TCRa/[3 + but not in TCR~//8 + T cells (for review, see thymus and to T cell lines and can be further induced Alt et al. 1987). In the mouse, the minimal 116- bp TCRu upon activation of an immature T cell line. These data enhancer core was found to be fully active in ~//8+ cell establish that TCF-lu belongs to a new family of regu- lines, whereas larger fragments of the enhancer (5 kb or latory proteins related by the shared HMG box homol- greater) were inactive (Winoto and Baltimore 1989b). ogy. Other members of this family include hUBF, a ubiq- These larger fragments contain multiple "silencer" ele- uitous RNA polymerase I enhancer-binding protein ments reported to extinguish enhancer activity in a va- (Jantzen et al. 1990), and SRY, a testis-specific protein riety of non-~f~ + cell lines. Consequently, the T cell- encoded on the Y that is implicated genet- specific factors associated with the minimal enhancer ically in human sex determination (Gubbay et al. 1990; appear to be expressed and active in both T cell subtypes Sinclair et al. 1990). TCF-lu is presently unique among but are subject to lineage-specific repression in ~/8 + T this family in that its specific DNA-binding activity is cells. determined by a single HMG motif, and it is required for We recently reported the purification and character- the T cell-specific regulation of RNA polymerase II ization of TCF-lu, a new T cell-specific DNA-binding genes. protein that recognizes the 100-bp core region of the hu- man TCRu enhancer (Waterman and Jones 1990). TCF-1~ was purified from nuclear extracts of Jurkat cells Results and shown to consist of a family of 57- to 53-kD proteins Amino acid sequence analysis of DNA that bind specifically to pyrimidine-rich elements (e.g., affinity-purified TCF-1 a 5'-PyCTTTG-3'), which are present in a variety of T cell- specific control regions, including the TCR~ enhancer, Our previous analysis of the T cell-specific TCF-lc~ fac- the p561ok and CD3 (~/and 8) promoters, and the HIV-1 tor indicated that it was a unique protein that had not long terminal repeat (LTR). More recently, we have been implicated previously in T cell-specific transcrip- found that the TGF-lu protein also interacts with the tional regulation (Waterman and Jones 1990). To isolate TCR8 enhancer (M.L. Waterman and K. Jones, unpubl.), cDNAs encoding TCF-lu and further characterize this as well as with transcriptional regulatory regions of the regulatory protein, -200 pmoles (16 ~g) of TCF-lu was murine CD4 gene (M.L. Waterman, K. Jones, J. Siu, and purified from Jurkat nuclear extracts, using a combina- S. Hedrick, unpubl.). A double point mutation within the tion of conventional gradient and DNA affinity chromo- TCRu enhancer (5'-PyCTTTG-3' to 5'-PyCATAG-3') tography. TCF-lu activity derives from a family of 57- to that eliminates the binding of affinity-purified TCF-lu 53-kD proteins, each of which is capable of binding DNA was found to decrease TCRa enhancer activity specifically in Southwestern blotting as well as gel exci- -100-fold in vivo (Waterman and Jones 1990). This mu- sion and renaturation experiments (Waterman and Jones tation also destroyed the striking synergism observed be- 1990). Three distinct TCF-lu proteins copurified with a tween tandem copies of the TCRR enhancer, effectively nonspecific DNA-binding protein of 116 kD during the eliminating T cell-specific transcriptional activity in purification procedure. The proteins were resolved on a vivo, and reduced enhancer activity in an in vitro tran- preparative denaturing SDS-polyacrylamide gel, trans- scription system derived from Jurkat nuclei. The strong ferred electrophoretically to an Immobilon filter, and vi- activation provided by TCF-lu was highly dependent on sualized with Amido Black stain (Fig. 1A). The major its context with the TCR~ enhancer, because constructs TCF-lu species (a single band of 55 kD) was eluted from bearing up to four tandem copies of the isolated the Immobilon membrane and digested with trypsin (Fis- TCF-lu-binding site did not demonstrate appreciable T cher et al. 1991). Individual tryptic peptides were then cell-specific enhancer activity in vivo or in vitro in the purified by HPLC chromatography for microsequencing absence of the flanking CRE and TCF-2a/ets-binding site (Fig. 1B), and partial amino acid sequence information (Waterman and Jones 1990). These observations raise the was obtained from six distinct peptides of the purified interesting possibility that TCF-lu interacts directly TCF-lu protein (Table 1). with the CREB and TCF-2u/ets proteins to activate the Sequence information from two of the peptides (G537 TCR~ enhancer. and G538) was used to design combined degenerate and To better define the role of this transcription factor in "guess-mer" oligodeoxynucleotides to different regions T lymphocytes, we have isolated and characterized of the TGF-1 u gene, following the guidelines established cDNA clones encoding TCF-lu. Most strikingly, the by Lathe (1985). These DNA probes (Table 1) were an-

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Waterman et al.

B A SDS.PAGE 60- 60 iv)o) (5 -7 i ~r m 116 kDa ~ (5 i~;~,:~:~;:~ ~ 40- 40 .,~ .

- 211

] TCF-I~

0 i I I I 1 I 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time (min.)

C PeR ~lllllllll~

I s' .rR I * ,, ,,'~ 3' UTR ] ~a ~2 5~7 54o s39 ~,

Figure 1. Purification of TCF-la for amino acid sequence analysis. (A) A total of 16 ~g of purified Jurkat TCF-la cells was transferred to an Immobilon membrane following 10% SDS-PAGE, and transferred proteins were visualized by Amido Black staining. Brackets indicate the 57- to 53-kD TCF-lot proteins; a 116-kD nonspecific DNA-binding protein contaminant is also marked. (--*) The 55-kD band excised for tryptic digestion and amino acid sequencing. (B) Reverse-phase separation of TCF-la tryptic peptides on a Vydac C-18 HPLC column (dimensions: 2.1 x 150 ram; pore size, 300 A; particle size, 5 txm). G537-G541 refer to six peaks that were collected manually and used for amino acid sequence determination. (C) Schematic diagram of the 3.2-kb TCF-la cDNA clone. Open boxes represent 5' and 3' UTRs, and the ORF is indicated with a line. Black boxes show the relative location of the six sequenced tryptic fragments. The hatched bar indicates the DNA fragment obtained by PCR amplification, using oligonucleotides complementary to peptides G538 and G537 (arrows). nealed to cDNA prepared from Jurkat poly(A) + RNA, The 203-bp PCR fragment was then used to screen a h and a 203-bp DNA fragment was selectively amplified by ZAP II lurkat library for larger cDNA clones. A total of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (see Materials and 80 positive clones were detected from a screen of 250,000 methods). DNA sequence analysis revealed a single open individual plaques, indicating that TCF-1 a is encoded by reading frame (ORF) that happened to encode the 20- a moderately abundant mRNA class [0.03% of total Jur- amino-acid G542 peptide (Table 1), as well as the G537 kat poly(A) ÷ RNA]. The largest of 12 cDNA clones iso- and G538 peptides to which the degenerate oligodeoxy- lated by in vivo rescue (clone 3.2) was 3.2 kb in length, in nucleotides were designed. Thus, the 203-bp DNA frag- close agreement with the size observed for the largest ment specified three of the six TCF-la peptides obtained mRNA (see below). The cDNA insert was sequenced on by protein microsequencing, strongly suggesting that the both DNA strands, using full-length and ExolII-deleted amplified DNA was derived from a portion of the templates in combination with overlapping oligodeoxy- TCF- 1ot gene. nucleotide primers. In addition, a second cDNA insert

Table 1. Amino acid sequence of tryptic TCF-la protein fragments Peptide Position a Residues b Sequence c Probes a G537 89-104 16 EHPDDGKHPDGGLYNK 5'-GG RTG YTT NCC ATC ATC RGG RTG YTC-3' G538 37-50 14 IFAEISHPEEEGDL 5'-CAY CCY GAR GAR GAR GGN GA-3' G539 348--353 6 YYELAR G540 142-159 18 VPVVQPS(H)AVHPLTPLIT G541 383-391 9 LQESASGTG G542 55-74 20 SSLVNESEIIPASNGHEVAR Purified peptides were analyzed by Edman degradation on an Applied Biosystems Protein Sequencer 470A, equipped with an on-line PTH Analyzer 120A. Recovery yields were between 33.6 and 1.5 pmoles of PTH amino acid per cycle. aThe location of each peptide within the coding sequence {amino acid is assigned to the putative initiator methionine). bThe number of residues sequenced in each peptide. CA single histidine residue in peptide G540 (in parenthesis} was not assigned by sequencing. dSequence of the degenerate oligonucleotides designed to encode peptides G537 and G538, which were used for PCR amplification.

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T cell-specific HMG transcription factor

(clone 3.1)was characterized and found to differ from the original cDNA by a short in-frame deletion, as described below.

Structural features of the TCF-1 ~ protein predicted by the cDNA sequence Inspection of the sequence of the largest TCF-la clone (clone 3.2) revealed a single extended ORF capable of encoding a 399-amino-acid protein, preceded by an un- usually long (655-bp) 5'-untranslated leader segment and followed by a 1.211-kb 3' noncoding segment containing a canonical polyadenylation site (shown schematically in Fig. 1C). An initiator methionine codon that fits well Figure 2. In vitro synthesis of TCF-la proteins. {Left) SDS- PAGE analysis of aSS-labeled proteins synthesized in translation with the Kozak consensus sequence (Kozak 1990) is reactions that lack added RNA (lane 1) or contain either 2 or 4 present starting at position + 656 in the cDNA. The ORF txl (lanes 2 and 3, respectively) of in vitro-synthesized TCF-la continues for 106 amino acid residues upstream of this RNA. Lane M contains ~4C-labeled protein standards (Amer- methionine before a stop codon is reached in the sham). {Right) SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins generated from 5'-untranslated leader region (UTR). The predicted ORF reactions with no added RNA (lane 1), with RNA from the en- contains all six sequenced peptides from the 55-kD tire 3.2 -kb TCF-la clone (+leader, lane 2), or with RNA from TCF-I~ protein (Fig. 1C). Southem analysis confirmed a bacterial TCF-Is fusion protein that lacks the 5'-untranslated that TCI~-la is encoded by the and sug- leader (-leader, lane 3). gests that the protein is encoded by a single gene (data not shown). Interestingly, the predicted molecular mass of the Figure 3. We have also characterized a shorter cDNA TCF-la protein (44.2 kD) is at least 10 kD smaller than isolate, clone 3.1, which differs from the full-length the apparent mass of the native TCF-la protein. There- cDNA in that it contains a precise 28-amino-acid in- fore, either the TCF-la protein migrates aberrantly in frame deletion (amino acids 214-241; see Fig. 3A), which denaturing SDS gels or the putative initiator methionine removes a short, serine- and threonine-rich segment of at + 656 is not the first amino acid of the synthesized the protein. The first notable feature suggested by the protein. For example, translation of TCF-loL could initi- sequence of these clones is that the TCF-la proteins are ate at either of two leucine residues (CUG codons) lo- particularly rich in proline (12%)and serine (10%)resi- cated upstream of the first methionine (AUG codon), as dues. A basic region between amino acids 374 and 382 has been observed with certain viral proteins (for review, might serve as a nuclear localization signal. An addi- see Kozak 1990). To distinguish between these two pos- tional domain from amino acids 244-286 is notably rich sibilities, we compared the apparent size of proteins syn- in proline and histidine residues (40% proline plus his- thesized in vitro from constructs that either contain or tidine) and may be weakly related to the "paired repeat" lack the 5' UTR. In the construct lacking the leader, domains near the amino termini of the Drosophila ho- translation initiation was specified by a 21-amino-acid meotic ems and bicoid genes (Burri et al. 1989). Most leader segment of the bacterial gene 10 protein. A single strikingly, the carboxy-terminal one-third of the protein TCF-la protein, with an apparent molecular mass of 55 encompasses a 68-amino-acid domain (amino acids 295- kD, was synthesized from each of these constructs (Fig. 362) that strongly resembles a conserved region of HMG 2). Thus, translation of the TCF-1 a protein must begin at and nonhistone chromosomal proteins (NHPs). This mo- the predicted initiator methionine ( + 656) to yield a 399- tif is also present in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe amino-acid protein that migrates in SDS-PAGE substan- mating-type compatibility gene, Mc {Kelly et al. 1988), tially larger than its predicted size. In addition, RNA the human RNA polymerase I enhancer-binding protein derived from the construct lacking the 5' UTR was trans- hUBF (Jantzen et al. 1990), and SRY, the putative mam- lated at substantially higher levels than RNA derived malian testis-determining factor (Gubbay et al. 1990; from the full-length clone, indicating that the long GC- Sinclair et al. 1990). Although the HMG protein family is rich 5' leader region of the TCF-la gene is highly inhib- thought to associate relatively nonspecifically with itory to translation in vitro. The discrepancy between DNA, only slightly preferring AT-rich DNA segments, the predicted and actual size is due to the particular com- the hUBF transcription factor does bind specifically to an position of the amino-terminal two-thirds of the TCF-la extended GC-rich segment of the RNA polymerase I en- protein, which is exceptionally rich in helix-distorting hancer (Jantzen et al. 1990). Deletion of these HMG re- residues (14% Pro), since fragments expressed from the peats prevents stable attachment to DNA affinity matri- carboxy-terminal one-third of the protein were found to ces, suggesting that the HMG motifs mediate specific migrate according to their predicted size (see Fig. 5, be- binding of hUBF to DNA. lowl. At least 33 residues within the 68-amino-acid HMG The protein sequence predicted from the ORF of the motif are identical or highly conserved among the previ- largest TCF-la cDNA isolate (clone 3.2) is presented in ously characterized members of the HMG protein family

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661 CAA CTC TCC GGA GGA GGT GGC C~C GGC GGG GGG GAC COG GAA CTC TGC GOC ACG GAC GAG gln leu ser gly gly gly gly gly gly gly gly asp pro glu leu cys ala thr asp glu 22

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1501 AAG CCT CAG CAT GAA CAG AGA AAG GAG CAG GAG CCA AAA AGA CCT CAC ATT AAG AAG OCT lys pro gln his glu gln arg lys glu gln glu pro lys arg pro his ile lys lys pro 302

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I I 1741 TAT CCA GC_K: TGG TCT GCA AGA GAC AAT TAT GGTIAAG AAA AAG AAG AGG AAG AGA GAG AAAI A tyr pro gly trp ser ala arg asp ash tyr glYllYs' lys lys iys arg lys arg glu lys I 382 MET HMG /- - I l:L~.~i-~Z:::i:ie-- * - -/ 3 9 1801 CTA CAG GAA TCT GCA TCA GGT ACA GGT CCA AGA ATG ACA GCT GCC TAC ATC TGA AAC ATG

•" leu gln glu ser ala ser gly thr gly pro arg met thr ala ala tyr ile OPA 399

MET ~7 HMG 1861 GTG CAA AAC GAA GCT CAT TCC CAA CGT ~ AAG CCA AGG CAG CG~ OCC CAG GAC CTC TIC b - ! ::~<<<<,~:~e--, - -/ 3. I 1921 TGG AGA TGG AAG CTT G~ ~AAC OCA CA(= TGT CTC ~ GGC CTG OCC AGT C~ C~C 1981 ^~ ~ ^cT GAc ^~ ~T TTT ACC CTG AC~ TCA CTG CTA GAG ACG CTG AT(: CAT A~ C~C Figure 3. Structure and sequence of two TCF-le 2o41 Mr CAc rGc c~ ecc CTC TTT CGT CTA CTG CAA GAG CCA AGT TCC AAA ATA AAG CAT AAA 2101 AAG GTT TIT TAA AAG GAA ATG TAA AAG CAC ATG AGA ATG CTA GCA GGC TGT GGG GCA GCT cDNAs. (A) Schematic diagram of the 3.2- and 3. l-kb 2161 GAG ~ C~ ~ CCC CAT ATC TGC GTG CAC TTC CCA GAG CAT CTT GCA TCC AAA OCT TCF-I~ cDNA isolates. Dashed lines denote the 5' 2221 ~rA ~cc ~rr cc~ c~ GC~% CC4~ TAA CTT GGC TGC A~ TGC CTG TCA TGC GCA ACT GGA GCC 2281 AGC AAC CAG CTA TCC ArC AGC ACC CCA GTG GAG GAG TTC ATG GAA GAG TTC CCT CTT TGT and 3' UTRs. The stippled box shows the location of 2341 ~c ~ ~ ^~ CTT TCT TTT CTT TTC TCC TAA AGC TTT TAT TTA ACA GTG CAA AAG the HMG motif. (B) Amino acid sequence of TCF-la, 2401 GAr ~ rrr rrr rrG CTT TTT TAA ACT TGA ATT TIT TTA ATT TAC ACT TTT TAG TTT TAA 2461 TTT TCT TGT ATA TTT TGC TAG CTA TGA GCT TTT AAA TAA AAT TCA bAG TTC TGG AAA AGT starting from the initiator methionine, as predicted 2521 T'I'G AAA TAA TGA CAT AAA AAG AAG CCT TCT TTT TCT GAG ACA GCT TGT CTG GTA AGT GGC from the 3.2-kb cDNA clone. Brackets encompass a 2581 ~c ~ ~ ~r CI~ TAA CAC ATA GTG GCT TCT COG CCC TTG TAA GGT GTT CAG TAG 2641 AGC TAA ATA AAT GTA ATA GCC AAA CCC CAC TCT GTT GGT AGC AAT TGG CAG CCC TAT TTC 28-amino-acid {84-bp) domain that is absent in the 2701 ^~r rm rrr war err CTG TTT TCT TCT TTT CTT TTT TTA AAC AGT AAA CCT TAA CAG ATG TTT GCA GTG bAT TIT CAT TTC TTT CCT TAT CA(: CCC CTT GTT GTA 3.1-kb clone. The 68-amino-acid HMG domain is un- 2761 c~r rcA ~.a GAc rc~ 2821 AAA AGC CCA GCA CTT GAA TTG 'ira TTA CTT TAA ATG TTC TGT ATT TGT ATC TGT TTT TAT derlined, and a basic region (possible nuclear localiza- 2881 ~G ~ A~ A~ ATT TTA TGC CAG TTG TTA AAA TGA GCA TTG ATG TAC CCA TTT TTT GCC TTT GCC CAA AAC TGT CAT CCT AAC GTT TGT CAT TCC AGT ITG tion signal) is boxed. The sequence of this clone has 2,41 ~ ~ c.~ A~ 3001 AGT TAA TGT GCT GAG CAT TTT TTT AAA AGA AGC TTT GTA ATA AAA CAT TTT TAA AAA TTG been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries. 3061 ~cA rrr ~ ~ AAA AAA AAA CTC GAG GGG GGG

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T cell-specific HMG transcription factor

(Fig. 4). Overall, TCF-la contains 24 of the 33 shared T7 RNA polymerase is induced upon treatment with residues and conserves 8 additional amino acid residues IPTG (Studier et al. 1990), and soluble bacterial fractions with the Mc and SRY proteins that are not found in the enriched for the induced TCF-la protein were prepared hUBF, NHP-6, and HMG-1 proteins. Only two residues (Fig. 5B). The induced bacterial TCF-la protein (bTCF) are not found in TCF-la that are otherwise invariant bound the human TCRa enhancer in a manner identical among other members of the family: a proline residue at to that of the purified native TCF-la protein (hTCFI in position 26 (threonine in TCF-la) and a basic amino acid DNase I footprint experiments (Fig. 5C). No specific at position 49 (glutamine in TCF-la). Thus, TCF-la is binding to this DNA fragment was observed with unin- most similar overall to the Mc and SRY proteins. The duced bacterial extracts (data not shown). A double point Me, SRY, and TCF-la proteins are distinguished further mutation in the TCRa enhancer destroyed the binding of from hUBF by the fact that each contains only a single bTCF in mobility-shift experiments (Fig. 5D). We have HMG box, whereas this motif is repeated at least three shown previously that this mutation eliminates the times in hUBF. binding of the purified TCF-la protein in vitro and dra- Chou-Fasman analysis of the TCF-1 a protein sequence matically reduces TCRa enhancer activity in vivo (Wa- predicts that the HMG domain forms two extended 26- terman and Jones 1990). Thus, the bacterially expressed amino-acid a-helical stretches separated by a 6-amino- cloned protein maintains the binding specificity ob- acid spacer segment (Fig. 4). The hUBF protein has also served with the native protein purified from Jurkat cells. been noted to contain a high a-helical propensity within To map the DNA-binding domain of the TCF-la pro- its repeated HMG motifs (Jantzen et al. 1989). a-Helical tein, two mutant cDNAs were constructed and ex- repeats are found in a variety of DNA-binding domains, pressed using these bacterial vectors. One construct, including those of the helix-loop-helix, helix-turn-he- AHMG, contains an in-frame deletion from amino acids lix, and homeo box proteins (for review, see Johnson and 237 to 396 and, hence, encodes a protein lacking the McKnight 1989; Mitchell and Tjian 1989). Interestingly, HMG domain. The second construct, called HMG, gen- the second half of the HMG domain displays weak ho- erates a truncated 162-amino-acid protein (amino acids mology to a portion of the DNA-binding domain of the 237-399) derived from the carboxy-terminal third of the c-ets oncogene (Fig. 4), suggesting that the HMG and ets protein that contains the HMG motif. Soluble extracts DNA-binding protein families could be very distally re- containing induced bacterial TCF-la proteins were pre- lated. pared and analyzed for enhancer-binding activity. The DNA-binding properties of the truncated HMG-contain- ing protein were found to be indistinguishable from A single HMG motif mediates specific binding of those of the full-length TCF-la protein in DNase I foot- TCF-1 a to DNA print (Fig. 5C) and Southwestem blot (Fig. 5F) experi- To compare the DNA-binding properties of the cloned ments. In contrast, the AHMG protein did not bind the and native TCF-la proteins, we subcloned the TCF-la TCRa enhancer in either footprint, mobility-shift, or gene (clone 3.2) into a modified pGEMEX vector that Southwestem blot experiments (Fig. 5F, and other data utilizes the phage T7 RNA polymerase promoter (Fig. not shown). The Southwestern blotting procedure de- 5A; H. Mangalam, pets. comm.). TCF-la protein was tects only specific protein-DNA interactions, because then expressed in a bacterial strain (pLys-s) in which the the renatured TCF-la proteins were not bound by a la-

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Waterman et al.

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Figure 5. DNA-binding properties of TCF-1 ~ proteins expressed in bacteria. {A) Schematic illustration of bacterial TCF-ltx expression vectors. {FLI Full-length protein expressed from the 3.2-kb cDNA; (AHMG} mutant protein lacking amino acids 237-396; {HMGI the truncated HMG-containing protein {amino acids 237-399). IB) SDS-PAGE analysis of the induced bacterial FL {55-kD) and HMG (21-kD) TCF-I~ proteins. {M) Protein markers. Aliquots containing 10 gl of total lysed bacterial extract obtained before {-) or after l+} induction with 0.5 mM IPTG IMaterials and methods} were analyzed by 10% SDS-PAGE and visualized by silver staining. IC) DNase I footprint analysis of affinity-purified Iurkat TCF-la ceils (native; 0.6 and 1.5 ng) or bacterial extracts containing the FL TCF-la {1.7 and 3.4 ~gl or truncated HMG-containing TCF-la (0.5 and 1.0 ~g) proteins, respectively. {D) Gel mobility-shift analysis of the binding of bacterial TCF-lc~ (0.25 ~g~ truncated HMG protein) to the wild-type TCRa enhancer {WT} or to a double point mutant in the enhancer (see Materials and methods). IEJ {O) SDS-PAGE analysis of the induced bacterial FL (55-kD), AHMG {27-kD}, and HMG {21-kD) TCF-la proteins. Note that both the FL and AHMG proteins migrate aberrantly on SDS-PAGE, whereas the shorter HMG protein migrates according to its predicted size. IF} Southwestern analysis of bacterial TCF-la proteins. Proteins were transferred from 10% SDS-PAGE to nitrocellulose and probed with oligonucleotides of the wild-type TCR~ enhancer (left, wild type) or the double point mutant {right, double point mutation}. {M) ~4C-labeled molecular weight markers {Amersham). beled DNA probe containing a double point mutation in suggest the presence of mixed heterodimers, even when the TCRa enhancer {Fig. 5F1. the mixture containing the two forms of the protein was At present, little is known about how sequence-spe- denatured with guanidine-HC1 {to dissociate any sub- cific HMG proteins interact with their DNA targets. To units} and then renatured prior to the binding assay {data investigate whether the HMG proteins bind to DNA as not shown). We were unable to assess the binding of dimers or other multimers, the truncated and full-length short and long proteins that had been cotranslated be- bacterial TCF-I~t proteins were mixed and the resultant cause TCF-ltx proteins formed by in vitro transcription protein-DNA complexes were analyzed by mobility- and translation are unable to bind specifically to DNA shift experiments. Complexes specific for the truncated {data not shown}. We conclude that TCF-I~ most likely and full-length proteins formed; however, we failed to binds to DNA as a monomer, although it remains pos- observe any complexes of intermediate size that would sible that it forms a tightly associated dimer or other

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T cell-specific HMG transcription factor

multimer that cannot be dissociated or reassembled fol- Namalwa B cell line (data not shown); however, TCF-ls lowing translation. DNA-binding activity was not observed in nuclear ex- tracts from Namalwa cells. Thus, it appears that the low level of RNA synthesized in the Namalwa B cell line is Thymus- and T cell-restricted expression of TCF-1 insufficient to generate substantial levels of TCF-ls pro- mRNA tein or, alternatively, the gene may be regulated post- We demonstrated previously that TCF-ls is a T cell- transcriptionally in these cells. Overall, the TCF- 1s gene specific DNA-binding protein, present in nuclear ex- appears to be regulated transcriptionally in a highly T tracts from Jurkat and CCRF-CEM T cell lines but not in cell-specific manner. extracts of a mature B cell line (JY) or the nonlymphoid In addition, we noted that the immature CCRF-CEM HeLa cell line (Waterman and Jones 1990). To determine T cell line expresses at least fivefold lower levels of whether this cell-type specificity results from transcrip- TCF-ls mRNA than are found in the mature Jurkat cell tional regulation of the TCF-ls gene, we analyzed vari- line (Fig. 6A, cf. lanes 1 and 2). A subclone of this CEM ous cell lines and tissues for TCF-ls mRNA by using cell line (clone 1), which differs from the parental cell Northern blot experiments (Fig. 6). A DNA probe con- line in that it possesses many of the features of an acti- sisting of the original PCR primer detected two TCF-ls vated cell, including the expression of endogenous TCRs mRNAs: an abundant species of 3.4 kb and a minor on the cell surface (Shackelford et al. 1987), was found to mRNA of 2.3 kb (Fig. 6A). TCF-ls mRNA was detected contain TCF-ls mRNA at levels comparable to those in total RNA prepared from Jurkat cells (a mature helper found in Jurkat cells (Fig. 6A, cf. lanes 2 and 3). Similarly, T cell), CCRF-CEM cells (an immature T cell line), and a TPA treatment of the uncloned parental GEM cell line subclone of CCRF-CEM (clone 1-CEM: an activated increased TCF-ls mRNA levels three- to fourfold (data CEM line) but was not present in JY (an Epstein-Barr not shown). We conclude that TCF-ls mRNA is present virus (EBV)-transformed B cell line) or U937 cells (a mac- in both mature (Jurkat, WEHI) and immature (GEM) T rophage cell line). TCF-ls-specific mRNA was also cell lines and can be induced upon activation of the im- present in the murine WEHI T-cell line and was found to mature GEM cell line. be absent in the following murine B cell lines: S107, P3, To better define the overall pattern of expression of MOPC, CH12, and J558 cells (data not shown). A very TCF-la mRNA, a DNA fragment corresponding to the low level of TCF-la mRNA could be detected in the HMG domain was used to probe a Northern blot con- taining RNA from different murine tissues, derived pri- marily from 4-week-old mice (Fig. 6B). Two murine TCF-ls mRNAs were detected that are similar in size to the human TCF-1 s mRNAs, although the 2.3-kb mRNA species was relatively more abundant in routine cells. The two TCF-ls mRNAs were present at high levels in the thymus and were not observed in RNA derived from the brain, heart, lung, kidney, placenta, liver, or spleen. Thus, TCF-ls mRNA is expressed in a highly specific manner that is restricted to the thymus. The absence of significant TCF-ls mRNA in the spleen is consistent with the relative lack of expression of this gene in ma- ture B cell lines.

Transcriptional activation by the cloned TCF-1 a protein

Figure 6. TCF-I~ mRNA expression is restricted to T cells. (A) The TCF-ls protein encoded by the full-length cDNA Aliquots of 15 ~g of total RNA purified from the different in- (clone 3.2) was tested for transcriptional activity in the dicated cell lines were separated on a 1.0% formaldehyde-aga- HeLa nonlymphoid cell line, which we have shown pre- rose gel, transferred to Hybond N membrane, and probed with a viously to lack endogenous TCF-ls DNA-binding activ- random-primed DNA fragment corresponding to the original ity. For these experiments, a construct containing a sin- PCR probe (amino acids 15-82; see Fig. 1C). Arrows indicate the gle copy of the 95-bp core domain of the human TCRs sizes of the two TCF-la-specific mRNAs and their migration enhancer positioned upstream of the HSV-1 TK pro- position relative to 18S and 28S RNAs. Size estimates were moter and luciferase gene (sltk-LUC; Waterman and determined relative to a series of RNA marker standards that Jones 1990) was used as the reporter gene. Expression of were run in parallel. (B) Aliquots of 20 gg of total RNA from different murine tissues were separated on a 1% formaldehyde- the TCF-ls protein was obtained by inserting the 3.2 agarose gel, transferred to Hybond N, and probed with a ran- cDNA clone (the entire ORF and 161 bp of leader se- dom-primed 450-bp DNA probe encompassing the HMG do- quences) at position - 19 of the human cytomegalovirus main (amino acids 253-399). Ethidium bromide staining of the {hCMV) promoter (-1122 to -19). As a control, the 18S rRNA band is shown below each panel to indicate total a ltk-LUC reporter was cotransfected with pCMV-1 (the RNA levels in each lane. expression vector lacking the TCF-la gene) and the data

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Waterman et al.

are presented as fold activation seen with pCMV- TCF-I~ protein is rich in proline, serine, and threonine TCF-lcx, relative to pCMV-1. We observed a strong (20- residues, whereas the carboxyl terminus is strikingly de- fold) activation of the altk-LUC vector upon cotrans- void of proline residues and contains a 68-amino-acid fection with the pCMV-TCF-loL expression plasmid in domain conserved among the HMG protein family. The HeLa cells (Fig. 7). This activation was slightly lower two TCF-la cDNAs differ from one another by a short (sixfold) at higher ratios of the pCMV-TCF-loL expres- in-frame deletion that removes a serine- and threonine- sion vector to the reporter gene, most likely due to com- rich segment that lies upstream of the HMG domain. petition from the strong hCMV promoter. No increase in Comparison of these and other partially characterized luciferase activity was observed upon cotransfection cDNAs suggests that at least some of the diversity of the with pCMV-1. Furthermore, the cloned TCF-loL protein 57- to 53-kD TCF-lc~ protein family may be generated by was unable to activate constructs in which the wild-type altemative splicing. Northern blot analysis reveals that TCR~ enhancer was substituted with an enhancer con- TCF-la is encoded by two discrete mRNA species that taining a double point mutation in the TCF-loL-binding are highly restricted to T cells, the larger of which cor- site {amltk-LUC; Fig. 7), which destroys the binding of relates well with the size of the two characterized TCF-lo~ (Fig. 5C). Therefore, trans-activation in this non- TCF-la cDNAs. It will be interesting to leam the struc- lymphoid cell line requires the TCF-loL protein as well as ture of cDNAs representative of the shorter transcripts an intact TCF-la-binding site. and whether the variant eDNA forms encode proteins with altered activity. The strong tissue specificity of ex- pression, relative abundance of possible phosphorylation Discussion sites, and potential for splicing indicate that TCF-lc~ ac- Among the key regulatory proteins important for T lym- tivity could be regulated both transcriptionally and post- phocyte formation are likely to be transcription factors transcriptionally in T lymphocytes. that activate and restrict the expression of cell-surface One of the more striking findings presented here is antigens associated with specialized T cell subtypes. that TCF-la is a member of the HMG protein family. TCF-loL, a T cell-specific transcription factor that acti- Until recently, it was thought that this family consisted vates the human T cell receptor Ca enhancer, is a good solely of abundant chromosomal proteins that associate candidate for such a factor (Waterman and Jones 1990). nonspecifically with DNA; however, the discovery that Indeed, TCF-la is likely to play a varied role in T cell- the hUBF RNA polymerase I transcription factor con- specific because it binds to transcription tains several HMG motifs (Jantzen et al. 1990) clearly control regions of antigen genes that are transcribed at demonstrated that at least some HMG proteins are in- both early (e.g., p561ok, CD3, and TCRS), and relatively volved in more complex regulatory phenomena. More late stages of T lymphocyte development (TCR~, CD4; recently, the eDNA for SRY, a candidate for the human M.L. Waterman, K. Jones, J. Siu, and S. Hedrick, unpubl.). testis determining factor, was also found to contain an To further characterize this transcription factor, we iso- HMG domain (Gubbay et al. 1990; Sinclair et al. 1990). lated the gene for TCF-la, using amino acid sequence Although specific gene targets for SR Y have not yet been information derived from the purified Jurkat TCF-la identified, the regulatory nature of the gene product protein. Analysis of two related TCF-1 e~ cDNAs revealed strongly suggests that it is a specific DNA-binding pro- that the amino-terminal two-thirds of the predicted tein. The reiterated HMG motifs of hUBF were required

Figure 7. Transcriptional activation by the cloned TCF-la protein in nonlymphoid cells. Reporter con- ¢z 1 tk / LUC ~LUC ] structs for transfection analysis contained a single copy of the 95-bp core TCRa enhancer {altk) up- stream of the TATA box of the HSV-1 thymidine ki- ctmltk/LUC ~ "A'A ~LUC t nase (tk) promoter and bacterial luciferase gene {Luc), or a single copy of the enhancer bearing the double point mutation that eliminates the binding of TCF-1 (etmltk; Waterman and Jones 1990), as indicated sche- TCRa / LUC : CMV / TCF-lc~ 0.89 matically at top. These constructs were cotransfected 2.5 : 1.0 ? c~milk + 3.2 into HeLa SL-3 cells along with an expression vector in which TCF-la protein (the entire 3.2-kb clone) I o~ltk + 3.2 6.3 was positioned downstream of the cytomegalovirus 0.66 (CMV) immediate early gene promoter. The pCMV-1 10.0:1.0 ? ¢xmltk+ 3.2 promoter plasmid lacking an insert was used as a con- 1 c~ltk + 3.2 20.1 trol plasmid in separate cotransfection experiments. i ' ~ f • i i ! .... - i • i Luciferase activity from the reporter gene was mea- 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 sured in light units, normalized by adjustment for protein, and the data are expressed as the fold in- duction observed relative to the luciferase reporter Fold Activation plasmid cotransfected with a pCMV-1 control plasmid. Shown are representative data obtained with two different ratios of TCRa-luciferase reporter and TCF-lcc expression plasmids, as indicated at the left of the graph.

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T cell-specific HNIG transcription |actor for its attachment to DNA affinity resins, implicating specificity. A recent report that some XY females con- the HMG motif in DNA recognition (Jantzen et al. 1990). tain point mutations in the amino-terminal half of the The DNA-binding properties of TCF-I~ differ signifi- SRY HMG box (Berta et al. 1990} indirectly underscores cantly from those of hUBF in that the former recognizes the importance of this region of the HMG motif. Further a short conserved pyrimidine-rich element (Table 2), identification of important amino acid residues in the whereas hUBF binds relatively weakly to an extensive HMG domain awaits site-directed mutagenesis of the GC-rich region of DNA, and different characterized HMG box, as well as identification of specific gene tar- hUBF-binding sites lack an obvious consensus motif gets for the Mc and SRY proteins. At present, we con- (Learned et al. 1986). Indeed, the unusual binding prop- clude from the analysis of TCF-la that a single HMG erties of hUBF have led to the proposal that specific bind- motif can be sufficient to interact with a specific target ing may require elements of DNA structure as well as and that members of the HMG family are critical not sequence (Jantzen et al. 1990). A second notable differ- only for transcription of RNA polymerase I genes and sex ence is that the primary structure of hUBF contains three determination events but also for cell- and tissue- or four repeated HMG boxes, whereas TCF-1~, like the restricted activation of RNA polymerase II enhancers. Me and SRY gene products, contains only a single HMG Interestingly, our computer search also indicated that motif. Expression studies reveal that the single HMG the HMG motif is distally related to the DNA-binding box of the TCF-loL gene is both necessary and sufficient domain of the c-ets proto-oncogene family {for review, for specific binding to its pyrimidine-rich target site in see Karim et al. 1990}. In contrast to the members of the DNase I footprint, mobility-shift, and Southwestern ex- HMG family, however, c-ets contains only 3 of 7 invari- periments (Fig. 5), and mixing experiments indicate that ant residues, and the homology is limited to the distal the protein may bind as a monomer. Overall, the differ- half of the HMG box (Fig. 4). Contiguous with this region ent members of the HMG protein family display a re- of c-ets lies a series of three "tryptophan repeats" that markable diversity in protein-DNA interactions, rang- resemble the binding motif of c- and have been pro- ing from nearly nonspecific to highly specific binding, posed to be an important component of the ETS DNA- which appears to be determined by the exact composi- binding domain (Karim et al. 1990). These repeated tryp- tion of the HMG box. tophan residues are not conserved in the HMG box, and The HMG domain of TCF-I~ is predicted by Chou- there is no striking similarity between the c-ets- and Fasman analysis to consist of two large cehelical seg- TCF-l~-binding sites, apart from the fact that both are ments separated by a short spacer (Fig. 4) which, overall, short, pyrimidine-rich elements. Nonetheless, the c-ets is somewhat reminiscent of the helix-turn-helix and he- proteins are also important transcription factors in lym- lix-loop-helix DNA-binding structures. The a-helices in phoid cells (Bosselut et al. 1990; Klemsz et al. 1990; Wa- the TCF-lc~-binding domain are considerably longer, sylyk et al. 1990), and it will be interesting to learn however, and are not notably amphipathic in nature. whether the modest homology described here is reflected Shorter cx-helical stretches are also present in hUBF (Jan- in the manner in which these two different classes of tzen et al. 1990) and may be an important structural proteins interact with DNA. component of the HMG-binding domain. The differ- Unlike the elements for other tissue-specific activa- ences in the DNA-binding properties of TCF-lc~ and tors, reiterated copies of the TCF-le~-binding site do not hUBF noted above may be specified by the distinct num- create an enhanson, or minimal unit capable of indepen- ber of HMG boxes present in each protein, or, more dent enhancer activity in T cells (Waterman and Jones likely, by individual amino acid differences within the 1990}. Instead, it appears that the strong activity of HMG domains. In this regard, it is interesting to note TCF-I~ in T lymphocytes requires interactions with that TCF-la shares an additional 8 residues with the neighboring DNA-binding proteins. For example, the yeast Me and mammalian SRY proteins that are not minimal TCR~ enhancer appears to absolutely require found in hUBF or the other members of the HMG protein contiguous binding sites for three proteins: CREB (or a family. This region of extended similarity is localized to related CRE-binding protein), TCF-le,, and a second T both extremes of the HMG domain and may define a cell-specific factor, TCF-2a. Ho et al. (1990) have re- subclass of the HMG family that is related to DNA-bind- cently shown that the c-ets-1 protein can bind specifi- ing sequence preference or to the degree of DNA-binding cally to the TCF-2a region of the enhancer and that the ets-binding sequence is critical for enhancer activity in vivo. Although these data suggest that TCF-2a is iden- tical to c-ets-1, several observations indicate that recog- Table 2. Sequence comparison of TCF-I~ DNA-binding sites nition of the TCF-2e~ site is more complex. First, TCR t~ 5'-GGCA~-3' TCF-2e~-binding activity appears to be restricted to T TCR 8 5'-AAAGC~-3' cells, whereas c-ets-1 is abundant in B cells and macro- HIV-1 5'-AGCAGTCTYIG~A-3' phages, as well as T cells (Chen 1985; Bhat et al. 1989). lck 5'GGCCT~-3' In addition, Southwestern experiments indicate that Shown are sites from various genes that are recognized with TCF-2~ is a 63-kD protein (M.L. Waterman, unpubl.), relatively high affinity by affinity-purified TCF-la protein (Wa- substantially larger than the 54-kD c-ets-1 protein. One terman and Jones 1990}. The pyrimidine-rich core motif con- possibility is that a T cell-specific protein binds in con- served among these sites is underlined. junction with c-ets-1 to the TCF-2a-binding site or, al-

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tematively, TCF-2Ot might be a distinct, T cell-specific further resembles GATA-1 in that both proteins activate member of the c-ets protein family. transcription from distal downstream enhancers as well In contrast to c-ets, the expression of TCF-lot mRNA as proximal promoters, are strikingly cell type-specific, is highly restricted to the thymus and T cell lines and and are present at both early and late stages of develop- was not found in B cell lines, macrophages, or the spleen. ment. The GATA-1 protein frequently functions in com- Somewhat lower levels of TCF-lot mRNA were detected bination with a ubiquitous protein and a cell type-spe- in immature CCRF-CEM cells than in mature T cell cific AP-1 protein, and its activity is strongly context lines, consistent with the low but detectable activity of dependent in erythroid cells (Orkin 1990). These con- the TCROt enhancer in these cells, and these low mRNA served features of the GATA-1 and TCF-1 ot proteins may levels were increased in an activated CEM subclone as be a hallmark of proteins that function in the early de- well as in TPA-treated CEM cells. Although transcrip- termination of cell type specificity. tional induction of the TCF-lot gene could contribute to A distinct member of the GATA family (GATA-3) has the increased activity of the ot-chain enhancer in TPA- recently been described that is localized to the thymus treated CEM cells, it is unlikely to be the sole determi- and brain (Yamamoto et al. 1990) and therefore may also nant of TCROt induction because enhancer mutants that play a role in the transcriptional regulation of T cell- can no longer bind TCF-lot retain the ability to be in- specific enhancers. A potential GATA-binding site is lo- duced by TPA (Waterman and Jones 1990). Indeed, it is cated just outside of the minimal TCROt enhancer core; likely that the TCF-2ot/ets proteins are also induced and although it is not required for the activity of the upon activation of immature T cells (Ho et al. 1990) and minimal enhancer in mature T cells, it may play a role in could function in combination with TCF-lot to activate developmental regulation. The converse situation exists the enhancer. The finding that TCF-1 ot mRNA is present in the human TCR~ enhancer, which contains a GATA in immature T cells and in the thymus of young mice is sequence within the minimal region required for activity consistent with its potential role in regulating the ex- in ~/~+ T cell lines (Redondo et al. 1990), and a pression of genes expressed at relatively early times in T TCF-lot-binding site that lies just beyond this region. cell development. From the juxtaposition of the TCF-lot and GATA-3 mo- Given the strong context dependence of transcrip- tifs, it is tempting to speculate that these two proteins tional activation by TCF-1 ot in T cell lines, it was some- play reciprocal roles in the coordinate regulation of the what surprising to find that the cloned TCF-1 ot protein is TCROt and TCR~ enhancers in primary thymocytes (Mar- capable of activating minimal promoters bearing a single tinez-Valdez et al. 1988) or during T cell development. copy of the TCROt enhancer in nonlymphoid (HeLa) cells The pronounced heterogeneity of the TCF-lot protein (Fig. 7). This strong activation of the TCROt enhancer was family indicates that different members may play dis- eliminated by a double point mutation that destroys the tinct roles in T cell development. Recently, Clevers et al. TCF- lot-binding site. These results indicate that TCF- 1ot reported the characterization of a gene, TCF, that was can act alone in these cells to induce transcription in a isolated by screening a kgt 11 expression library with the binding site-dependent manner. In contrast, the activity TCF-lot-binding site from the CD3¢ gene enhancer (van of the TCRcx enhancer in T cell lines was completely de Wetering et al. 1991). Interestingly, the gene is dis- dependent on each of the three protein-binding sites tinct from TCF-lot, although it demonstrates extensive (CREB, TCF-lot, and TCF-2Ot), and partial activity was homology throughout the HMG motif and is expressed not observed with constructs bearing only the CRE and predominantly in the thymus. The predicted TCF pro- TCF-lot-binding sites. Thus, the requirement for proper tein is considerably smaller than TCF-lot. DNA affinity protein-protein interactions among the CREB, TCF-lot, resins used for the purification of TCF-lot did enrich for and TCF-2Ot proteins appears to be more stringent in T a collection of shorter proteins in the size range of TCF lymphocytes versus nonlymphoid cells. It will be inter- (38-42 kD); however, these proteins bound less avidly to esting to learn whether TCF-1 ot can function synergisti- the column and were eluted at lower ionic strength (Wa- cally with TCF-2ot/ets to induce the TCROt enhancer in terman and Jones 1990). It will be interesting to compare nonlymphoid cells. the DNA-binding specificities, transcriptional activation The differences observed between newly synthesized properties, and developmental pattern of expression of and endogenous TCF-lot suggest that the activity of the these two proteins directly and to leam whether other protein may be modified in lymphocytes to become genes related to TCF-lot are also expressed specifically in more dependent on protein-protein interactions. A very the thymus. similar observation was made for the erythroid-specific Together, the CREB, TCF-lot, and TCF-2ot/ets proteins GATA-1 regulatory protein, which can activate minimal create a powerful enhancer that is critical for tissue-spe- promoters bearing an upstream GATA-binding site in cific expression of the ot-chain of the T cell receptor. The nonerythroid cells but cannot activate these same pro- striking ability of the TCROt enhancer to regulate tran- moters in erythroid cell lines (for review, see Orkin scription over a very large chromosomal domain, which 1990). Thus, the endogenous erythroid GATA-1 displays is critical for its normal function in activating distal up- a more restricted requirement for activity than does stream Vot promoters, is also likely to be a contributing GATA-1 protein that is newly synthesized in noneryth- factor in the deregulated expression of errantly translo- roid cells, which parallels the differences observed be- cated proto-oncogenes during leukemogenesis (Erikson tween endogenous and newly expressed TCF- 1ot. TCF- 1ot et al. 1986). Further characterization of these factors, in-

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T cell-specific HNIG transcription factor cluding the TCF-lct HMG protein, will help to deter- gel and subcloned into the SmaI site of Bluescript SK-. This mine how a small number of critical proteins interface to 203-bp fragment was then sequenced using the T3 and KS {Strat- create this long-range, cell type-specific enhancer. agene) primers.

DNA sequence analysis Materials and methods The largest insert (3.2 kb) was sequenced with Sequenase en- TCF-l a purification and sequencing zyme (U.S. Biochemicals) by using a combination of specific Large-scale DNA affinity purification of TCF-lc, from Jurkat oligodeoxynucleotideprobes and various ExoIII 3'-deleted tem- nuclei (1.76 x 10 l° cells) was performed as described previously plates. Both DNA strands were sequenced within the 5'-UTR (Waterman and Jones 1990) to yield 16 ~g of TCF-I~ protein at and ORF regions of the gene. -50% purity. To separate the TCF-la proteins from a single contaminating 116-kD protein, the affinity-purified protein was Bacterial expression precipitated with trichloroacetic acid [25% (wt/vol)] and loaded onto a 1-mm 10% SDS-PAGE preparative gel. Following elec- TCF-I~ cDNA clones and subclones were inserted into a deriv- trophoresis, the proteins were transferred to an Immobilon filter ative of the bacterial expression vector, pGEMEX {Promega), (Millipore) in transfer buffer {TB; 40 mM glycine, 50 mM Tris- engineered to remove most of the bacterial gene 10 gene-coding HC1, 0.04% SDS, 20% methanol) using an LKB Electrophor sequences (H. Mangalam, unpubl.). Final clones contained an electrotransfer apparatus (1 mA/cm2 for 1.5 hr at room temper- in-frame fusion with 21 amino acids of gene 10 at the HincII site ature). The Immobilon membrane was stained with Amido in the vector polylinker. All plasmids were sequenced to con- Black (0.1% in methanol/acetic acid/H20; 45 : 10:45) for 2 firm that the construct and translation flame were correct. rain at room temperature, followed by three changes of a destain For expression, plasmids were transformed into pLysS bacte- solution [methanol/acetic acid/H20; 450 : 10 : 40 (vol/vol/vol)] ria (Studier et al. 1990). Cultures (200 ml} were inoculated with and two separate washes with double-distilled water. 0.5 ml of an overnight culture and grown at 37°C until bacteria reached a density of OD6o o = 0.7. TCF-1~ expression was then induced with 0.5 mM IPTG for 2 hr at 37°C. Bacteria were har- Library construction and screening vested and lysed in l x lysis buffer [LB: 60 mM KC1, 20 mM A kgtll expression library was constructed with 5 ~g of HEPES (pH 7.9), 1 mM EDTA, 5 mM MgCI~, 2 mM dithiothreitol poly{A) + RNA isolated from Jurkat cells (Chomczynski and (DTT), 0.1 mM phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF), 2 mg/ml Sacchi 1987). cDNA was made from the poly(A)-selected RNA of benzamidine, 1 ~g/ml of pepstatin A, 4 ~g/ml of leupeptin, 10 using a k ZAP II kit (Stratagene), ligated into k ZAP II arms, and ~g/ml of aprotinin, and 20 ~g/ml of soybean trypsin inhibitor], packaged using Gigapack Gold (Stratagene). The library was with two consecutive cycles of freezing and thawing. After a found to contain 1.1 x 10 6 independent recombinant clones and 45-rain spin at 50,000 rpm, the supernatant was brought up to was then amplified before use. 20% glycerol and stored at - 100°C. The pellet was resuspended A total of 250,000 individual plaques were transferred to Hy- in 4 M guanidine-HC1 and placed on a rotating wheel for 30 rain bond-N filters (Arnersham) and screened with a 203-bp PCR at 4°C. Insoluble material was separated by centrifugation for 30 fragment that had been labeled by random priming to a sp. act. min at 50,000 rpm. The guanidine-HC1 was removed from the of 1.7 x 109 dpm/~g. Hybridizations were carried out in 50% extract by stepwise dialysis at 4°C. Glycerol was added to 20%, formamide, 1% SDS, 5x Denhardt's solution, 5x SSPE, 20 and the extract was centrifuged to remove insoluble protein ~g/ml of salmon sperm, and 1 x 10 6 cpm/ml of probe, at 42°C before freezing. for 12 hr. The final wash of filters was in 1 x SSPE/0.1% SDS, at 65°C for 30 rain. Twelve positive plaques were purified through DNA- bin ding procedures four rounds of plating and rescued into XL1 Blue bacteria by coinfection with the R408 helper phage (Stratagene). In vivo Bacterial extracts (amounts indicated in figure legends) were excision of the inserts from the k ZAP II vector to a Bluescript incubated with 1 ~g of salmon sperm DNA in a 14-~1 reaction SK environment was performed according to the manufacturer's containing 1 x EMSA buffer (10 mM HEPES--KOH at pH 7.8, 2.5 suggestions (Stratagene). mM EDTA, 5 mM spermidine, 10% glycerol, 1 ram DTT, 0.5 mM PMSF, and 67 mM KC1) at 0°C for 15 min. The a2P-labeled oli- godeoxynucleotide probe (0.2--0.5 ng; 1 ~1) was then added and PCR amplification incubated for 10 rain at room temperature. Ficoll dye (20% A total of 1 ~g of Jurkat poly[A) + RNA {Chomczynski and Sac- Ficoll, 0.1% Bromphenol blue) was added to 2%, and the entire chi 1987} was treated with AMV reverse transcriptase (Life Sci- reaction was loaded directly onto a 6%/0.5x TBE/1.5-mm na- ences) by priming with 0.5 ~g of oligo(dT) {Promega), according tive polyacrylamide gel. The sequence of the wild-type TCR~t to the protocol of Frohman et al. (1988), except that the reaction enhancer oligodeoxynucleotidewas 5'-GATCTAGGGCACCC- was terminated by diluting it fivefold with water, and freezing TTTGAAGCTCT-3', and the sequence of the double point mu- to -20°C. An aliquot of this cDNA pool (100 ng) was used for tant was 5'-GATCTAGGGCACCCATAGAAGCTCT-3'. each PCR reaction at a final buffer concentration of 10 mM Southwestern experiments were performed as described {Wa- Tris-HC1 (pH 8.4), 50 mM KC1, 0.01% gelatin, 3 mM MgC12, 200 terman and Jones 1990) except that hybridization solutions con- ~M each dNTP, 1 ~M each degenerate primer, and 2.5 units of tained 4.5 ~g/ml of salmon sperm DNA. Oligodeoxynucleotide Amplitaq polymerase (Cetus). Degenerate oligodeoxynucleotide probes end-labeled with 32p were identical to those described for primers (Table 1) were purified from 15 % native polyacrylamide mobility-shift experiments. gels prior to use. Each reaction was incubated at 94°C for 3 rain and cycled 35 times at 94°C for 1 rain, 55°C for 2 rain, and 72°C In vitro protein synthesis for 3 rain, followed by further incubation of the reactions for 5 rain at 72°C. Resultant PCR products were analyzed on agarose Twenty micrograms of each of the indicated plasmids was lin- gels, and the 203-bp fragment was purified from a 1.5% agarose earized with HindIII, phenol-extracted, and precipitated with

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Waterman et al. ethanol. RNA was synthesized by using T7 polymerase and 5 ~g search, California Division. M.L.W. is supported by a postdoc- of the linear templates in 50-~1 reactions that were incubated toral fellowship from the American Cancer Society, and K.J. is for 1 hr at 37°C, according to the manufacturer's suggestions a member of the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program. {Promega). Reactions were terminated by RQ1 DNase treat- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by ment (5 units, Promega) for 15 min at 37°C. RNA was phenol- payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby extracted, ethanol-precipitated, and resuspended in 50 ~1 of marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section DEPC-treated distilled water. An aliquot of RNA {2 ~1) was 1734 solely to indicate this fact. translated by using the rabbit reticulocyte lysate, according to the manufacturer's protocol {Promega), with 2.5 ~1 {37.5 $Ci) of [aSS]methionine. 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A thymus-specific member of the HMG protein family regulates the human T cell receptor C alpha enhancer.

M L Waterman, W H Fischer and K A Jones

Genes Dev. 1991, 5: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.5.4.656

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