Everglades National Park Freshwater Aquatics Monitoring

Jeffrey Kline ENP 2009 History/Background

6 L-31W canal stage • Generally speciesCanal lists overflow into marsh Canal bank elevation 5

• 416 species of non-native fish

3 • Stage (ft) Pomacea insularum and P. diffusa-2005 2 Water management change begins • 1Misc other late 1999 16 Spotfinned spinyeel Timeline of introduced fishes entering ENP & Banded cichlid 14 Brown hoplo Asian swamp eel 12 Sailfin Jaguar guapote & African jewelfish 10 1960-1980 Mozambique tilapia 8 Black acara Walking catfish Pike killifish 6 Blue tilapia Peacock bass Spotted tilapia 4 Mayan cichlid Oscar

No. of introduced species introduced of No. 2

1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Year 2009 Priority Species

• My perspective – The most recent introductions – Most abundant – And those not in ENP yet!

Image by Windser Aguirre • Newly Detected Aquatic Species – None known 2008- present – Asian swamp eel spreading in Taylor Slough? Courtesy of K. Sunderland 2009 Monitoring

• Fish monitoring – 50 Sites park-wide sample- Annually – Other monitoring efforts- ENP and cooperator – Misc observations

• Non-native apple snail – Pomacea insularum • Old Tamiami Canal survey every 8-10 days • Since May 2005 – P. diffusa at Frog City – 2008 & 2009 survey of border canals 2009 Monitoring 2009 2009 Exotic Apple Snail Monitoring

• {Other monitoring maps or data?}


S-12A S-12B S-12C S-12D L-29 - 31N ENP - 67E

2009 Non-native snail survey L L

P. insularum

P. diffusa

Canals Canals surveyed ENP Boundary 2009 Special Assessment

• Task Name – Assessment L-31W Brown Hoplo (Hoplosternum littorale) aggregation • Description – Aggregation of a large number of brown boplo in a small areas of the L-31W canal bordering ENP • Objective – Assess aggregation of large number of brown hoplo in L-31W canal • Partners – ECISMA discussion • Start/End Dates – March 2009 – April 2009 • Status – Removed-mostly • Funding (FY): – Staff Time: 2 people, 4 trips ~20 hrs of time, 3 cast nets • Annual Summary: – ~1900 lbs removed = ~45,900 individuals – Some specimens saved for additional analyses 2009 Fiscal Year Treatments: {enter FY period}



Brown Hoplo Hoplosternum littorale

L-31W canal March 11, 2009 2009 March 11, 2009 Planned Treatments: {next FY period}

April 16, 2009 May 5, 2009 2009 Planned monitoring efforts (2009-) Detection of new invasive exotic fish using long-term monitoring of canals adjacent to South National Parks. • Cooperative effort – – South Florida/Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network 2009 Planned

• Meeting to discuss canals, exotics and controls • How to facilitate working together on non-native aquatics issues.

• ECISMA sponsored

• At ENP Early Fall 2009 2009 Planned Treatments: {next FY period} area levee area Detention Detention area between S-332C ENP and S-332D

Detention area levee East Plug West Plug

Hoplos - 31W L