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Project Profile

Project Progress

Tat a St eel Parivar R and R Overview Yo u are in: Home > The Project > Project Profile Social Rehabilitation

Economic Rehabilitation

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R and R Init iat ives In partnership with the Government of , Tata Kalinganagar – Project Highlights Education Steel is committed to set up a 6 million tonne per annum integrated steel plant at Kalinganagar Healthcare Industrial Complex at Duburi, in the district. MOU for the steel project was signed The Steel Works will be established in two modules between the and Infrastructure of 3 million tonnes of steel each and when on November 17, 2004. Women Empowerment completed, will have a capacity of 6 million tonnes As per the MoU, Odisha Government per annum. Sports agreed to provide 3,471.808 acres of land, earlier acquired through the S p e c ia l attention has been given to all the Industrial Development Corporation of find us on: requirements of the families in rehabilitation Orissa. colonies and resettlement camps that are fully equipped with all amenities. With Kalinganagar MOU was also signed with the Nippon emerging as the steel hub of Odisha, Tata Steel will Steel Corporation on August 28, 2005 for

help boost the pace of industrialisation and socio- offering technical assistance for the

economic development, not only in the State but in project. the Country as well. When operational, the Kalinganagar

Works is projected to generate revenues In 2012, Maniapatala village was added where 39 in the range of Rs 2,200 crores per families are to be displaced, taking the total annum and also provide direct and number of families to be displaced to 1234. As of December 15, 2012, 993 families (out of 1234 indirect employment to about 20,000 families) have relocated voluntarily in support of the people. project.

Details of the Plant Site

The proposed plant site happens to be a part of six revenue villages - Gobaraghati, Chandia, Gadapur, Nuagaon, Khurunti and Baragadia - of the Tehesil in .

The specific details are given in the table below:

Area (In Acres) Sl. Revenue Village No Private Land Government Land Total Land

1 Gobaraghati 731.600 61.940 793.540

2 Chandia 1083.810 263.345 1347.155

3 Nuagaon 90.70 15.82 106.52

4 Gadapur 388.49 135.749 524.239

5 Khurunti 128.006 0.540 128.546

6 Baragadia 236.78 123.63 360.41

Total 2659.386 >601.024 3260.410

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