Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 556 Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020) Profile of Ability to Produce Fantasy Story Texts of Mataram City Junior High School Students: Aspects of Structure, Language, Characteristics and Coherence Syaiful Musaddat* M Murahim M. Syahrul Qodri Department of Language and Arts Department of Language and Arts Department of Language and Arts Education Education Education University of Mataram University of Mataram University of Mataram Mataram, Indonesia Mataram, Indonesia Mataram, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] M Mari’i Cedin Atmaja Department of Language and Arts Education Department of Language and Arts Education University of Mataram University of Mataram Mataram, Indonesia Mataram, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract— This study aims to describe the profile of the ability to produce fantasy story texts for junior high school I. INTRODUCTION students in Mataram city. The aspects studied include In 2018 and 2019, a study was conducted on the quality structure, linguistic rules, characteristics, and coherence. The of planning and implementation of text-based learning as a data was collected through the document review method. The characteristic of K-13 in senior high schools in West source of data is the text of fantasy stories made by junior high Lombok Regency [1]; [2]. Through this research, it is known school students in Mataram city. In this case, the sample was that the competence of Indonesian language teachers taken from four schools, namely two city center schools (junior (especially Alumni of PBSI FKIP Unram) in West Lombok high school 2 and 15 Mataram) and two suburban schools regency in designing text-based learning is still not optimal.