Icesihelcom Benthos Taxonomic Workshop
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Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment ICES CM 1998/ACME:8 Ref.: E {)/O REPORT OF THE ICESIHELCOM BENTHOS TAXONOMIC WORKSHOP Roskilde, Denmark 4-7 November 1997 This report is not to be quoted without prior consuItation with the General Secretary. The document is areport of an expert group under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the views of the CounciI. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Conseil International pour I'Exploration de la Mer Pal:rgade 2-4 DK-1261 Copenhagen K Denmark TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page INTRODUCTION 1 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE 1 3 PROGRAMME FOR THE WORKSHOP 1 3.1 Phyllodocidae 1 3.2 Nephlyidae, Nereidae, and Polynoidae 1 3.3 Porifera 1 3.4 Sampling Techniques and Preservalion Practices 1 3.5 Pholoidae, Cirratulidae, and Ampharetidae 2 3.6 Gastropoda: Hydrobia. and Potamopyrgos 2 3.7 Gastropoda: Tectibranch Opistobranchia 2 3.8 Bivalvia: The Cardium-complex 2 3.9 Polychaeta: Spionidae and Flabelligeridae 2 3.10 Amphipoda 3 3.11 Feedback and General Discussion on Future Workshops 3 3.12 Closing ofthe Workshop 3 4 REFERENCES 3 ANNEX 1: LIST OF WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS 4 ANNEX 2: AGENDA 6 ANNEX 3: PHYLLODOCIDAE 7 • ANNEX 4: SELECTIVE LIST OF REFERENCES FOR POLYCHAETA FROM THE KATIEGAT AND THE BALTIC SEA 9 ANNEX 5: IDENTIFICATION OF SPONGES 10 ANNEX 6: FINAL NOTES 21 - ANNEX 7: CIRRATULIDAE FROM THE KATIEGAT, 0RESUND, AND BALTIC SEA 22 ANNEX 8: A TAXONOMIC SCHEME 33 ANNEX 9: MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES 37 ANNEX 10: THE LUMBRINERIDAE OF THE KATIEGAT AND THE BALTIC SEA 38 ANNEX 11: THE SPIONIDAE OF THE KATIEGAT AND THE BALTIC SEA 39 1 INTRODUCTION The ICESIHELCOM Benthos Taxonomie Workshop (WKBT) was the outcome of work initiated by the ICESIHELCOM Steering Group on Quality Assurance of Biological Measurements (SGQAB). An intercalibration exercise carried out by the Steering Group indicated that misidentification of species often occurs in the monitoring of benthie macrofauna. The aim of the Workshop was to minimize the possibility for species misidentification and to raise the general level of taxonomic knowledge among the persons who carry out the practical monitoring. The Workshop was held at the National Environmental Research Institute (Roskilde, Denmark) from 4-7 November, under the chairmanship of J~1rgen N~rrevang Jensen who opened the Workshop and welcomed participants. Danny Eibye-Jacobsen made a short presentation on practical issues of the Workshop. Taxonomie experts from the Zoological Museum ofCopenhagen acted as Iecturers. Twenty people (the maximum number) participated in the Workshop. The names and addresses of Workshop participants are listed in Annex I. 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE The terms of reference for the ICESIHELCOM Benthos Taxonomie Worksho{? were to: leES C.Res.1996/3:4 • a) identify benthie invertebrate species over which there is taxonomie disagreement and find a common identification; b) review rriäterial brought together by researchers and research assistants that has created taxonomie problems and determine ways to obtain a correct identification; e) review the development of 'in-house quality assurance manuals' for benthos studies; d) prepare the materials resulting from this Workshop as a laboratory report for publication. 3 PROGRAl\1~1E FOR THE WORKSHOP The Workshop was a mixture of lectures on special taxonomie groups and exercises in species identification. In general, the Agenda for the Workshop, as presented in Annex 2, was followed. 3.1 Phyllodocidae The first lecture on the polychaete family Phyllodocidae was given by Danny Eibye-Jacobsen, who started with an overview of the morphological features which are important for distinguishing the different species. A list of these are found in Annex 3. After the lecture, participants could examine preserved specimens ofthis family. 3.2 Nephtyidae, Nereidae, and Polynoidae A lecture on the Nephtyidae, Nereidae, and Polynoidae families was also given by Danny Eibye-Jacobsen. The characteristic morphological features were presented and Rainer (1991) was recommended for use as the key for the genus Neptlzys. A selective list of references for Polychaeta from the Kattegat and the Baltie Sea are given in Annex 4. The lecture was followed by a practical session on preserved specimens. 3.3 Porife ra ale Tendal gave a lecture on the phylum Porifera. An overview of the taxonomie problems with sponges was given as weil as a key to the speeies of sponges found in the Baltie Sea. The presentation by ale Tendal appears in Annex 5. The lecture was followed by a practical session on preserved specimens. 1998 WKBT Report 3.4 Sampling Techniques and Preservation Practices A diseussion on sampling teehniques, preservation praetices, and interaetions between monitoring units and zoologieal museums were on the programme. A range of sampling gear (Van Veen, HAPS, Smith-McIntyre) is apparently used in the Kattegat/Belt Sea area. It was reeommended that sampling follow the ICES guidelines for soft bottom maerofauna (Rumohr, 1990). Problems with sampling epifauna as weIl as the more searee infauna were diseussed. It was reeommended to use a dredge to supplement the traditional infauna sampling, although this gear is normally not quantitative. It was noted that a quantitative dredge has been developed in Holland (Bergman and Santbrink, 1994). Different fixation teehniques were diseussed. Although fixation in formaldehyde is generaIly reeommended in the HELCOM and ICES guidelines, preservation in ethanol is preferred by several counties in Denmark for health reasons. However, the Zoologieal Museum in Copcnhagen wiIl only aceept material that has been fixed in formaldehyde. The aspeet of quality assuranee (QA) was diseussed. Several laboratories have already practieed resorting 10-20 % of the sampies for quality assuranee purposes. This practice is recommended. The eoIlection of referenee-speeimens was reeommended. It was further suggested that the Zoological Museum should make a list of rare speeies (with synonyms) for the internet. The use of denaturated ethanol as a preservative is not recommended for health reasons if the sampies are to be used for histological purposes after preservation. The use of Rose Bengal as a coloration dye is not recommended as it may make • the identifieation of some species difficult. It was generally agreed that identification only to the genus level is preferred to an incorrect species name. 3.5 Pholoidae, Cirratulidae, and Ampharetidae A lecture on the families Pholoidae, Cirratulidae, and Ampharetidae was given by Mary E. Petersen. Taxonomie problems within these families were presented as weIl as keys for identifying species. These keys are attached as Annex 6. The lecture was followed by a practical session on preserved specimens. 3.6 Gastropoda: 1I)"drobia, and Potamopyrgos A lecture of the genera llydrobia and Potamopyrgos was presented by Bent Muus. An overview of the taxonomie and ecological aspeets of these genera was given. Copies of drawings of these speeies are attached as Annex 7. The leeture was foIlowed by a practical session on preserved speeimens. 3.7 Gastropoda: Tectibranch Opistobranchia ., A lecture on Tectibranch Opistobranchia was given by Tom Schi~dte. The taxonomie problems in this group were presented. A taxonomie scheme of the group is attached as Annex 8. The lecture was followed by a praetical session on prcserved specimens. 3.8 ßivah'ia: The Cardium-complex A leeture on the Cardium-eomplex was given by Gotfred H~'pner Petersen. The taxonomie problems of this group were presented, foIlowed by a praetical session on preserved speeimens. 3.9 Polychaeta: Spionidae and Flabelligeridae A lecture on Spionidae and FlabeIligeridae was given by Dannny Eibye-Jacobsen, including an overview of the morphologieal features which is important for the distinetion of the different speeies. A list of morphological features are found in Annex 9. The leeture was followed by a practical session on preserved specimens. 2 1998 WKBT Report 3.10 Amphipoda A lecture on Amphipoda was given by Teunis Jansen who gave an overview of taxonomie features, which is a problem for this genus. The lecture was followed by a praetical session on preserved speeimens. 3.11 Feedback and General Discussion on Future Workshops J0rgen N0rrevang Jensen introdueed the diseussion on the evaluation of the Workshop and suggestions for future workshops. Several partieipants expressed that the idea behind taxonomie workshops is good. Several suggestions to improve the quality of future workshops were given. Suggestions included: workshops should coneentrate on speeific phyla, families, or genera in order to have more time for detailed studies; speeimens of problematic genera/species should be distributed in order to insure a correct identification; partieipants should be encouraged to bring their own materials to future workshops; programmes should be sent in advanee announcing the topies and leetures on the different groups; regional/national workshops should be held every second year, alternating with international workshops held during off years; • participation in taxonomie workshops should be optional for institutes collecting monitoring data in the OSPAR area. 3.12 Closing ofthe Workshop The Chairman thanked the staff of the Zoological Museum for their engaged teaehing and for arranging a very fruitful Workshop. The partieipants were acknowledged for their active participation and positive attitude. The Workshop was adjoumed. 4 REFERENCES Bergman, M.J.N.,