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Mayor Dimitar Nikolov Will Submit the Candidacy of for European Capital of Culture

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Tomorrow, the 18th of October, Mayor of Burgas Dimitar Nikolov will submit in the Ministry of Culture the documents, which are related with the candidacy of Burgas for European Capital of Culture. Application forms have to be submitted on the same day from , , Varna, Ruse, , , . At 10.30 representatives from these cities and the Minister of Culture Dr. Petar Stoyanovich will hold a joint press conference.

Committee of 13 independent experts - 6 from and 7 from other EU member states, will evaluate the documentation for the project. Meetings with representatives of each city will be hold in December and they will be able to protect their applications to jury.

Only one of all Bulgarian cities will be awarded with the prestigious title "European Capital of Culture". In 2019 it will have to prepare and present year-round cultural program with events and initiatives which will attract audience and artists from all over Europe.

Burgas stated its intention to apply for European Capital of Culture since 2008. A turning point in the preparation of the candidacy was in the middle of 2012 when the mayors of the 13 municipalities of Burgas region signed memorandum of partnership in which they supported the cause. In the early 2013 the relationship between Burgas, , , Nessebar, , , , , , Ruen, , , became even stronger with the establishment of Association for Development of Culture in Burgas and Burgas Region. Gradually the idea of a united application of Burgas lit many people and they began to believe that the region can be Cultural Capital of Europe and they began to initiate actions in this

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direction. In 2012-2013 nearly 200 cultural workers - artists, representatives of independent associations, cultural institutions, events organizers gave their approval for the candidacy of Burgas, putting their names and signatures after those of the mayors in the Memorandum of Partnership. Over the past two years there weren't a cultural event without the symbol "Burgas - Candidate for European Capital of Culture", no matter whose initiative was the event. Numerous events, the Facebook page, logo, promotional materials, hundreds of media releases, presentations to various audiences made more people to be aware of "Burgs 2019". The culmination came this summer with Burgas 2019 Summer Tour - one unprecedented event for Bulgaria, in which one region showed that it is united and can work together effectively when there is a common cause. In a specially designed feedback form we asked the audience of Burgas Summer Tour 2019 what they think about the tour, the candidacy and that they dream to happen in 2019. We asked them why Burgas should be chosen for European Capital of Culture. Here are some of the answers:

"The city is settled and cozy. The sea is life. Burgas creates artists and art! There's no other - agreat project of our beautiful city!"

"The spirit and life of Burgas are imbued with culture. It is a birthplace of many artists. European Capital of Culture is suitable for the city."

"Burgas is already a cultural capital. During 2019 there will be international recognition."

"Because it is the fastest growing and most beautiful in recent years."

"Burgas gives to Bulgaria people of the culture and art for years. The city has traditions not in only one art. It has all conditions for that. It has a thirst for culture."

"Because it is my hometown and recently it invested lot efforts for the development of culture."

"Cultural spirit of the city should be revived. People need this."

"Our city is a cultural capital for quite time. Now it has European look and things come naturally".

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