
San Francisco Microscopical Society Volume 4, #2 April 2009

“...I have come across SFMOMA exhibit: Brought to Light: Annual Treasurer’s among the scientists and Photography and the Invisible, 1840-1900 Report Accepted By curators that the right way By Linda Wraxall SFMS Board to die is slumped in front of the at an ex- tremely old age. In the right The recent exhibit at Lange and Alfred Stieglitz, to Unlike the national econo- hand the quill pen will just SFMOMA called “Brought to name but a few. my and the travails of the Light - Photography and the have scratched out the last Science, and in partic- banks and over-extended description of a huge and Invisible 1840-1900” was a masterly study of the scientific ular , was advancing in homeowners, the financial complex group of organ- great strides and most educat- spirit that pervaded those status of the San Francisco isms. The old boy or girl ed people were interested in years. The power of photog- Microscopical Society is will have a vague smile up- raphy to make science visible finding out more about the on that wrinkled but deeply played an increasingly im- world they lived in. It became sound and well supervised th commonplace by the 1860s to distinguished face: a Job portant role during the 19 cen- by our four-member tury and contributed significant- find in upper class board. As treasurer, it is well done.”(1) pp290 homes in Europe where they ly to the development of the my pleasure to make this medical sciences. To demon- were used for both entertain- strate this, the museum had ment and education. Once pho- edited report to the mem- hung the walls of more than six tography developed beyond the bership. (1) Dry Storeroom No. 1: The Secret rooms with photographic prints. daguerreotype, people began Life of the Natural History Museum, to find ways to make images of When distributed to the board Richard Fortey, 2008. You will find They consisted of an enormous what they could see with micro- members, this report was ac- several quotations in this issue from variety of subjects, ranging this interesting book describing this from the very small as seen scopes and . companied by the following famous British Natural History muse- through a microscope to the documents: um. Astronomy provided very far as seen through a tele- the starting point and the exhi- 2008 Guaranty Bank Ac- scope. There were also pic- bition and discussions of pic- tures of electricity and magnetic tures of the and the sun’s count Register of In- P lease send to: fields, X-rays, ghosts, and mo- surface helped to secure the come and Expendi- [email protected] short ac- tion studies, culminating in sev- interest and enthusiasm of the tures counts of what you have ob- eral more rooms showing the general public. However it was served through your micro- works of early photographic the photomicrographs of scien- 2008 Treasurer’s Cash scope. pioneers like Ansel Adams, tists like Auguste-Adolphe Expenditures Edward Weston, Dorothea (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2)

INSIDE Members Participate in SFMS

th Planaria 2 The January 13 meeting of the board makes the decisions by cret ballot was passed out, re- Society occurred at the Randall majority vote, but it does provide turned and counted by a past Photomicrographs 3 Museum in the upstairs room and the society with someone who officer, Helmut Will. The results Minerology and ….. 3 was, as a result of the active par- can articulate the program and were a foregone conclusion. The ticipation by several members, an purpose for which this society is elected were: Bill Hill, Vice Presi- Darwin 4 interesting and rewarding evening. chartered as a non-profit organiza- dent and Program Chair; Henry Abbe 4 The meeting chaired by the acting tion, to function as a scientific and Schott, Treasurer; Linda Wraxall, president and treasurer, Henry educational organization. Secretary. The position of Presi- Nomarski Microscopes 7 Schott, began with the only disap- dent remains vacant and will ro- Before the election of officers pointing event of the evening, the tate among the three officers for a

failure to lure someone into the occurred, each office was opened four-month stint until a volunteer for nominations and the duties position of president. It is not a can be found to lead the organiza- difficult job nor is it one of over- were explained to the audience. tion, at which time the board will whelming responsibilities since the Members were invited to stand for any of the positions. The se- (Continued on page 3)

Page 2 San Francisco Microscopical Society Edward Heron-Hart was an extraordinary polymath, a skilled violinmaker and Persian linguist as well as a world au- looked into skin and the veins underneath. A.W.Bawtree be- thority on “forams.” (Single- came famous for his stereo celled Foraminifera) (1) pp 245 photos of the miniscule while Wilson Bentley spent his whole life photographing snowflakes (and never finding two the same). The initial goal of pho- tomicrography was to eliminate the tedious task of drawing by (Continued from page 1) hand what could be seen under the microscope. It also avoided Bertsch with his amazing en- the “editing” of the background largements of diatoms, proto- features by the illustrator for the zoa, insects and crystal struc- sake of clarity. Now everything tures that got the ball rolling. in the microscopic field could Jules Lirard examined cross be seen and, despite the chal- sections of plant stems and lenges of lighting, focus and wood while Joseph Woodward Planaria, a flat worm, Photomicrograph by Bill Gurske (Continued on page 5)

PLANARIA When it comes to being (Continued from page 1) interest is used for operating Society for this event was flat, Planaria meet all expenses. The Life Member- therefore $340.00. expectations, They are 2008 Income and Expens- ship account grew from $2, Ultraphot Microscope Ex- flat from stem to stern es and Life Member’s 989.84 to $3,710.84 as five penses: An agreement reached although in other re- Account with line ID new life members enlisted. with Peter Barnett houses the gards they demonstrates # There is no need to calculate Ultraphot Microscope at the utter disregard for con- Year to year Comparison exactly how much interest is Richmond Laboratory of Fo- ventional organization. of All Funds earned by the Life Membership rensic Science Associates Shaped somewhat like account since we are financially Yearly Summary of Fi- (FSA) at no rental cost to the an arrow, albeit a fat secure. The bank will report one, the anterior does nancial Transactions Society. A rented truck and a the interest that the CD earns not contain a mouth, nor 2008 helper moved all the material and that will appear in the to the new location from Oak- does there appear to be Members of the Society are 2009 report. What is im- land for $180.09; One training a posterior anus. Yet eat entitled to inspect these doc- it must since it is not portant is to track the amount session, held for members by uments if they wish. photosynthetic and this that has accumulated in the Helmut Will, prepared a few they do by an extendable How Funds are Held: The Life Membership account and members to use this instru- tube that projects from Society’s funds are held in to identify all life members. ment. Members who complete the midsection. Lacking three categories. The first is Major 2008 Expenditures: the training may use the mi- a heart and circulatory our checking account where The Ford dinner, shared with croscope by arranging access system to distribute nu- we had a balance of $3,104.99 the California Association of through Peter Barnett. trients to various parts on January 1, 2009. All funds Criminalists, represented the Micro News Expenses: The of its body, they never- received by the Society are theless succeed because greatest optional expenditure. third major expenditure is deposited into the checking the digestive system is Besides our $300.00 share of associated with the production account. The second catego- ramified into all parts the honorarium, SFMS provid- of Micro News, the Society’s ry is a CD (certificate of de- including the head and ed some support to student quarterly news and infor- posit) that was purchased on tail. The gut is a bag members who wished to at- mation letter. To facilitate pro- May 9, 2008. Comingled in, without exit so what tend. The cost of meals was duction we purchased Mi- enters by the tube must the CD is the third category, $570.00 while we collected crosoft Publisher software for also, if indigestible, exit the Life Membership funds, $530.00 from attending mem- $184.86. thereby. HS that are set aside as an en- bers. The actual cost to the dowment from which only the (Continued on page 5) San Francisco Microscopical Society Page 3

January Meeting (cont.)

(Continued from page 1) efforts to do so produced an un- clear image. appoint the individual to the posi- Linda Wraxall attended the tion until an election is held in MOMA (museum of modern art) January, 2010. exhibit Brought To Light: Photog- Two new members were made raphy and the Invisible 1840-1900. welcome in the society. Bill Her talk and the pictures she cir- Gurske, a chemist, brought with culated provided a clear view of him a CD of the photomicro- this multifaceted exhibit that end- graphs he has taken of protozoa ed on January 4th. With the ad- Fig. 1 View of Don Edward’s Slue, a collecting site. and other specimens collected in vent of photography and improved the field. Reproduced in this issue optics, experiments were per- are a few of his excellent images. formed in recording images taken We hope to have more of them through microscopes, telescopes, available on our web site, sequentially tripped cameras to www.SFMicroSoc.org (capitals not study motion, the phenomena needed) where pictures from associated with electricity and other members are already availa- magnetism, the discovery of ble. Niel Straus, whose wife also x-rays and the fad of having hands attended the meeting, is a biologist x-rayed, and “spirit” photography. (see brief professional history Examples of these early efforts elsewhere in this issue) and were displayed including some brought one of his microscopes. It that were published in books. was used to see several slides as Recall that before the recording well as view the text on a plastic by photography, images were NCR Microform, 5 centimeters made with India ink drawings and square, that contained the entire sometimes by non-scientists who AM0E- bible. It was brought by Henry were skilled in drawing but not in Schott. Mike Kan then demon- strated how, using a hand held digital camera, it was possible to photograph the text. Henry’s first


Mineralogy and Modern Microanalysis

From a recent book: (see pg 1) old furnaces of the alchemists “Mineralogy came from this were replaced by the blow- ancient tradition, and the mod- pipes of the assayers, and then ern science gradually shed the by the batteries of reagents — esoteric baggage of its fore- strong acids, solvents and poi- bears. One of the earliest no- sonous cyanides — used by nonsense science* books was “wet” chemists, the men and Georgius Agricola’s De rerum women who used test tubes metallica (1555), a practical and titration to identify the Three photomicrographs by Bill Gurske, guide to mineralogy and the composition of minerals. Even art of mining. It remained use- today there is still a “wet lab” a new member of SFMS ful for several centuries. As in the Natural History Museum knowledge of chemistry and used to identify certain light the elements developed, the (Continued on page 4) Page 4 San Francisco Microscopical Society “Not everything is as blame- less as we might like. But the Concentrated light, The Abbe Condenser sum total of that deep ar- chive (the psyche) is what The word “condenser” has ance and intelligence. He stud- makes us who we are. … been known for a long time. It ied at and Göttingen Uni- There are histories that deal must have been used by alche- versities and earned in 1861 a with the decisions fo the mists when they distilled liq- doctorate in physics from Göt- mighty, and there are histo- uids and then condensed the tingen with a dissertation on ries that are concerned with gasses. Distillers who con- thermodynamics. At age 23 he densed spirits knew it. That started teaching at the Univer- the ways of ordinary peo- the word could be applied to sity of Jena. He rose in rank to ple.” (1) pp 3. light must have been of more professor of physics and math- recent origin since light, partic- ematics in 1870. Eight years ularly in microscopy, needed later, he was appointed direc- DARWIN to be concentrated rather than tor of the astronomical obser- changed from a gaseous form vatory at Jena. He continued at Darwin was born 200 to one that is liquid. But to Jena until his resignation in years ago on February name the structure below the 1891. 12, 1809, the same day microscope stage a concentra- approached Herr that Lincoln was born. tor would have introduced a Professor Ernst Abbe, for that “The theory of evolution word that was not familiar to is how he would have been provides humankind the general public while addressed, in 1866 with vari- with more than just a ‘condenser’ derived from the ous optical problems. In the scientific narrative of (Continued from page 3) bringing together of moisture same year, Abbe was made life’s origins and pro- (or condensation) was a fre- research director at Zeiss op- gression. It also yields elements. But most of the quently observed phenomenon tical works. This work stimu- invaluable technolo- routine work assessing chemi- on windows and mirrors. lated his interest in astronomy gies.” Scientific American, January cal composition of the majori- One of the most successful and optics that resulted in his 2009, pp 82 ty of minerals is now entrust- innovations of 19th century invention of the apochromatic ed to high-tech equipment: microscope was the develop- lens system for microscopes in Examples: molecular electron probe microanalysis ment of the Abbe condenser. 1886, another major advance clocks; accelerated evo- and ion probes can work on In addition to the flat and con- in microscope construction. lution in labs to improve tiny quantities of material, cave mirror used to direct Chromatic aberration results vaccines. even a sample only five mi- light from the sky into the mi- when light passes through a crons across, that is, five- croscope, the need to create lens. The light is broken up —————————— thousandths of a millimeter, an evenly illuminated small disc into its component colors with plucking out and sorting its of concentrated light required violet being bent the most and “On the eve of Darwin’s atoms to an accuracy of pica- optics that could focus the red the least so that they do birthday last Thursday, a grams (that is, a million mil- light and one or more dia- not come to the same focus. If new Gallup Poll was re- lionth of a gram). There is phragms that could reduce uncorrected (by properly com- leased showing that 39% something almost mystical stray light beams from being bining lenses of different types of Americans believed in about these kinds of figures, directed onto the observed of glass with dispersive power evolution, with 25% not something that should inspire specimen. Ernst Abbe perfect- but similar refractive power) believing in it and 36% in the ordinary person a feel- ed such a system. Who was chromatic aberration causes holding no opinion. ing not unlike the awe felt by he? the image of the observed ob- Among weekly churchgo- the initiate wandering into the Ernst Abbe was born on Janu- ject to be bordered by a col- ers, 24% believed in evo- alchemist’s lair. But as the ary 3, 1840 in , Grand ored halo. In achromatic objec- lution and 41% do not.” figures are derived from ma- Duchy of Saxe-Weimar- tives only two colors of the SF Chronicle 2/14/09 chines, faced with dials and Eisenach. was not spectrum have been accurately Charles Burress pp A8 plasma screens that are famil- united in 1840 and was com- corrected and brought to one iar from a hundred films fea- posed of many divisions, some focus. The uncorrected colors turing the scientist at work, large but others quite small. form a defect called the second- Go to : somehow the achievement of While his father worked long ary spectrum. In the apochro- http://evolution.berkeley.edu such accuracy can be taken on hours, his father’s employer matic objective three colors for more information on the nod. It is remarkable how helped young Ernst with his are brought to one focus leav- Understanding Evolution. the remarkable has become studies. He won scholarships ing only a slight tertiary spec- unremarked.” (1) pp229 for he demonstrated persever- (Continued on page 6) San Francisco Microscopical Page 5

Where the Money Went

(Continued from page 2) the current year’s dues of $12 have been paid. Production and mailing costs The Web Site: The Society’s were $411.55 for four issues web site of the four pages, 125 copies (www.sfmicrosco.org) is newsletter. This expense also housed by Microdataware, a includes the printing and distri- company owned by Steve bution of the Directory of Mem- Shaffer, a former member. bers. All costs associated with The treasurer contacted Ste- recruitment of new members ve two times to get a bill for and collection of dues was his service but has not re- (Continued from page 2) included in the cost of postage ceived a response. The last and printing. The software cost time we paid for this service speed, the medical sciences could be prorated over three began to use lantern slides to was on 2/24/2006 ($403.20). teach students. In fact, bacteri- to five years if it is to be in- The treasurer requested that ology was being taught in both cluded as an expense associat- a yearly bill be presented cov- American and European medi- Early Photomicro- ed with the production of Mi- cal schools by the 1890s. Once ering a specific time-period graphs cro News. The board allocated the gelatin dry plate was invent- such as a fiscal year so that ed in the 1870s, vision itself $380.00 to the production of we can budget for this ser- became an object of study. One Micro News and directory. vice. It is not clear what the experiment, using a firefly’s eye, A simple comparison of in- yearly cost is for this service. discovered that not only could “But despite all the the insect’s mosaic eye com- come to expenditures shows a A member, Michelle Caisse, bine the separate images into recent advances in deficit of ($206.53). This maintains the site for us. one but it was seen right side basic research and its amount, however, does not Recommendation: The Soci- up. reflect that Life Membership ety’s fiscal health is best In 1885, photographers practical achieve- like William Jennings made im- funds are sequestered into a served by a board-approved ments, American sci- separate account. The actual ages of the various forms of budget for the fiscal year. lightning and, a few years later, ence — and the fund- deficit is thus $206.53 plus Properly designed, a budget Etienne Trouvelot’s work re- $721.00 giving $931.53. From provides funds allocated to vealed what a direct electric ing for it — is lagging. this amount must be subtract- conduct the business of the spark looked like on film. Nikola ed the interest earned by the Tesla, the original “mad scien- The public’s under- society (the fixed costs) and tist” and father of physics, was CD during 2008 which is esti- for a successful way to imple- actually born during an electrical standing of science as mated at $175 resulting in a ment the aims and functions storm. He went to work for Edi- the key to a productive deficit of $756.53. Little is of the Society (the variable son but soon split to work on his gained by such detailed ac- own discovery of alternate elec- and healthy future re- costs). To build a budget the trical current. In 1893, the World counting since the Society board needs to formulate and Exposition in Chicago used his mains woefully lim- could comfortably support implement a program for the invention to light the whole exhi- ited, and our public such a deficit for years. The fiscal year. bition. Lord Kelvin of England, growth of the Life Membership who at that time was working schools, with slashed Prepared by: Henry Schott, account is desirable because it with G.Westinghouse to build a Treasurer. power station at Niagara Falls, budgets, have been creates an endowment and was so impressed with it that he reduces the burden of collect- changed the power station’s facing critical shortag- ing dues at the end of each design to accommodate this es of science teachers, new technology. fiscal year. Members are en- science labs and lab couraged to purchase Life Soon after that, in 1895, Memberships by making four Rontgen discovered X-rays and tools.” (2) The SF Chron- they became a source of gen- icle, Feb 3, 2009 equal payments of $36 or four eral fascination. Within a year, a equal payments of $33 prior to thousand books and articles B3 David Perlman October 1 of the fiscal year if had been written about them Page 6 Continued San Francisco Microscopical Society

SFMOMA exhibit: and it became fashionable to during séances, and even the graphic series of birds flying, have one’s hands x-rayed for hands of the medium could hens running, and fish swim-

Brought to Light: show. We could even see the show a magnetic type of aura ming. Much later, in 1938, Photography and the Invisible, bones of the hands of the last when photographed. when film and camera technol- 1840-1900 Czar and Czarina of Russia, x- ogy was much more developed, Motion studies also By Linda Wraxall rayed by Henri van Heurck it was possible to see the swing complete with rings! Victor attracted photographers’ atten- of a golf club and a baseball bat Chambaud used X-rays to pho- tion and, in 1878, Eadweard in sequence. By 1964, it was tograph the delicate skeletons Muybridge demonstrated the possible to freeze the flight of a of fish and Joseph Jungla be- sequence of movement in a bullet leaving a gun barrel, came known for his X-rays of galloping horse by using a bank passing through a banana and the human body. of cameras and trip wires. The cutting a playing card in two on series of photos produced set- film. Who does not remember During this same peri- tled a long argument as to seeing for the first time the pho- od, spiritism became popular; whether the horse’s hooves to of a drop of milk splashing, people who had lost loved ones kept contact with the ground at which revealed the symmetrical would try to reconnect with speed. He also made sequen- corona of droplets? “But within the Natural them using a medium and pho- tial photos of boxers fighting, History Museum (Peter) tography became a means of cougars running and so-called As long ago as 1858, both revealing and recording “aesthetic” photos of plump it was predicted by Thomas Mattingly was famous the invisible spirit world. Many naked ladies bathing, dressing Skaife, a very early high speed for being the most ab- attempts were made by reputa- or even spanking a small child photographer, that a camera sent-minded of all scien- ble scientists to photograph the (also naked). In 1883, Etienne- tific staff, and this in a ghosts of the dear departed Jules Marey made a photo- (Continued on page 8) profession where absent -mindedness is regarded as part of the job de- (Continued from page 4) ration, diffraction and coma were Abbe’s association with Zeiss scription. He was quite described and understood. Abbe made him wealthy and gave bent over, particularly at trum. Compensating oculars described the optical process so him time to study sociology the top of his back—not used with apochromatic ob- well that this paper has become and law. He set up and en- I believe because of any jectives give the best results the foundation upon which much dowed the Carl Zeiss Founda- congenital deformity, and generate very little chro- of our understanding of optical tion for research in science but as a consequence of matic aberration. science rests today. As a reward and social improvement. The many years peering The success of the develop- for his efforts Carl Zeiss made direct beneficiaries of the foun- down a microscope. The ment of apochromatic objec- Abbe a partner in his burgeoning dation were the Jena Universi- condition is known as tives hinged greatly on the business in 1876.” (1) Article ty and the employees of the “microscopist’s hump.” glass chemist by: J J O'Connor and E F Robert- Zeiss company. Abbe intro- So when he walked who had a doctorate from son from the Internet: Abbe’s duced in 1896 benefits that about the place it was Jena. They met in 1881 and by work as described by The Carl today are widespread including with his head leading 1884, Schott, Abbe and Zeiss Zeiss Foundation. the eight hour day, sick and the way, glasses perched formed a new company There were several other re- holiday pay and pensions. It is somewhere near the tip known as Schott and Sons in markable achievements, Abbe reassuring that behind the of his nose. When he left Jena. Their experiments in- had calculated the limit of re- bearded face we now associate work in the evening he cluded new formulas for mak- solving power of lenses using with Abbe was a mind that not took off down the front ing glass, new techniques of visible light, no matter what only focused on physics but steps of the Museum at a mixing and annealing the glass refinement in shape or glass also on the wellbeing and hap- terrific lick and marched to eliminate internal defects, composition, would exceed piness of those who had straight across the resulted in high quality optical the theoretical limit which is helped make him wealthy. HS Cromwell road, briefcase glass. This made the apocho- about one-half micron. (2) Pio- dangling from one hand. mats possible with primary neers in Optics: Ernst Abbe The Cromwell Road is and secondary color distor- (1840-1905) by Michael W. one of the busiest thor- tion eliminated. Davidson, Microscopy Today, oughfares in London, so “One year after beginning the January 2009. He formulated how Mattingly managed manufacture of the Carl Zeiss what is now known as the Ab- to escape being run over compound microscope, in 1873, be sine condition that defines ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS was a mystery. Possibly Herr Abbe released a scientific the correct construction of ISSUE? Your comments and sug- paper describing the mathemat- lenses and was a breakthrough thinking about mosqui- gestions will help to make future toes protected him, … ics leading to the perfection of in microscope design. issues even better. Send e-mail (1) pp207. this wonderful invention. For the first time in optical design, aber- to the editor, [email protected] San Francisco Microscopical Society Page 7 Nomarski Microscopes by Helen Gourley When it’s too small for a stereo scope and too Figure 1 (a and b) large for a scanning shows a diagram of the electron microscope optical paths that gen- (SEM) we use an ordi- erate a false-color im- nary high-power instru- age representing the ment, typically up to contour of the target. 400X magnification. An OSA Publication (1) When it’s flat, opaque explains it like this: and reflective, we can get spectacular results “Light from the illumina- from a Nomarski micro- tor passes through a scope, also known as a polarizer and then DIC – differential inter- through a Wollaston ference contrast. In- prism, where it is split tween the beams. The Figure 2 Glass, see vented more than 50 into two beams polar- reflected beams again text. years ago, it has grown ized at right angles to pass through the micro- into a key tool of the each other. The micro- scope objective and the Wollaston prism, inter- Semiconductor industry scope lens focuses this This works best on for several decades. It light into two spots fering in the image plane. Each color in the metallic surfaces, also serves aerospace [ typically centered which are very in analyzing super- about 1 micron from image is associated with a specific phase opaque, and very smooth surfaces like each other]. Any small reflective. But with a change between the the Hubbell defects or slope varia- little patience you and spectral- sensitive tions on the surface will two beams.” can make the con- thin film coatings on introduce a relative tour of other objects glass. phase difference be- visible in color, and even get a hint about their material. A re- cent forensic prob- lem was to show that tiny fragments of glass were trapped in a solid white plas- tic panel. Because it was white, it scat- tered incident light, obscuring all fine de- tail. The question we asked was “Can we see very small bits of clear glass in the field of a bright white background?” (Continued on page 8) 1

Page 4 Next Meeting March 10, 2009 Stamp Healthy Pond Scum - Small Organisms in our Environment

Our next meeting will be again be at Randall Museum on the second Tuesday of the month, 7:30-9:30 PM, March 10. As it is springtime, we will SFMS bring samples of *pond water* that we collect in our favorite places. We will identify the various organisms, invertebrate larvae, etc that we find and some specimens that you find at this time of the year. Bring your own instrument or use society’s microscopes available at Randall. Bring with you any identification guides you may want to help us decipher what we find. This will be a *hands-on* 'wet' workshop.

FROM: Micro News San Francisco Microscopical Society 20 Drake Lane Oakland, CA 94611-2613 TO: MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION

To join the Society,: fill in the form available at www. sfmicrosoc.org and mail it to the above address with your We’re on the Web! annual 2009 dues of $12.– made out to SFMS. example.com Life membership is $144.00

(Continued from page 7) surfaces – clear glass. also trick it into show- (See Figure 2.) Yes, ing us hidden secrets The plastic was flat there was glass em- obscured by too much and mostly clean, but bedded in the white scattered light. there were a few small plastic. Not much, but Footnote 1 areas that seemed enough to show the slightly darker than direction of the projec- Optical diagram Figure 1 average. Most of tile that struck the and quoted explanation (Continued from page 6) those proved to be just glass. from “Introduction to would one day be able to ex- plain dirt. But, on a Surface Roughness and pand the visual field far beyond few, it was possible to This is an extreme Scattering” by Bennett the range of human sight “as see and photograph case. The missing in- and Mattson, ISBN 1- decidedly as the presence of 55752-609-5 animalculae in blood or water is some colored regions. formation is just barely by a microscope”. 19th century Careful adjustment of visible. If you look at a science began the revelation of the polarizers revealed semiconductor chip, Figure 2 Photomicro- the unseen forces and creatures graph at 200X from Sys- the typical conchoidal the contour pattern that surround us. Its examina- tem Sciences Group ar- tion of natural phenomena that shape of shattered shows up in clear col- chives cannot be seen became both glass. A slight color or contrast. The possible and visible through photography, whether it was a pattern proved that the Nomarski microscope Helen Gourley is a mem- distant star system or a fast light came from a is a standard inspec- ber of SFMS and the moving object, and continues transparent material tion tool in chip manu- Director of System even today. with slightly reflective facturing. But we can Sciences Group. By Linda Wraxall, SFMS Sec.