Intro Cover Page
EXCERPTED FROM Encyclopedia of South Africa edited by Krista Johnson and Sean Jacobs Copyright © 2011 ISBN: 978-1-58826-749-8 hc 1800 30th Street, Ste. 314 Boulder, CO 80301 USA telephone 303.444.6684 fax 303.444.0824 This excerpt was downloaded from the Lynne Rienner Publishers website CONTENTS Preface vii Map of South Africa viii Encyclopedia of South Africa 1 Appendix1 Chronology 325 Appendix2 HeadsofStateSince1910 331 Appendix 3 Government Structures 333 Appendix 4 Provinces and Major Cities 335 Appendix 5 Political Parties in theApril 2009 National Elections 337 Appendix 6 Key Racial andApartheid Legislation, 1856–1967 339 List of Acronyms 343 The Contributors 345 Index 349 About the Book 373 v A Abdurahman, Abdullah (In the Union of South Africa, coloured males in (1872–1940) the Cape Province who met certain income, prop- Abdullah Abdurahman, a politician and a physi- erty, and education standards were granted the cian, was born in the town of Wellington into a right to vote.) Later, between 1927 and 1934, relatively affluent CAPE MALAY family. He Abdurahman and the APO started working more received his medical training in Glasgow, Scot- closely with black African political leaders in an land, qualifying as a doctor in 1893, but received attempt to create a united front. However, little his early education in Wellington and then in CAPE came of this, and some contemporary commenta- TOWN where he set up his medical practice upon tors regard the APO’s position as being too returning to South Africa. accommodating to the white authorities. By the In 1904, Abdurahman was elected Cape late 1930s, other political parties, such as the Town’s first COLOURED city councilor, and he more radical National Liberation League, had sur- remained a councilor almost without interruption passed the APO in prominence, leaving Abdurah- until his death.
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