EXTENSIONS of REMARKS September 12, 1973
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29502 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 12, 1973 Bethea, Herman R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ritter, Joseph L., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be general Blair, George A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Robertson, Bruce M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Lt. Gen. Robert J. Dixon, xxx-xx-xxxx FR Bower, James N., xxx-xx-xxxx . Rubeor, Russell G., xxx-xx-xxxx . (major general, Regular Air Force) , U .S. Air Bradach, Bernard, xxx-xx-xxxx . Salem, Harold D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Force. Brog, David, xxx-xx-xxxx . Shelton, John L., xxx-xx-xxxx . UNITED NATIONS xxx-xx-xxxx Shirley, Millard G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Brookbank, David A., . The following-named persons to be repre- xxx-xx-xxxx Smiley, Ralph P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Canney, Paul J., . sentatives of the U nited States of America to xxx-xx-xxxx Smith, Thomas J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Christensen, Russell N., . the 28th session of the General Assembly of xxx-xx-xxxx Solkey, Arthur R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cimini, Guido J., . the U nited Nations: xxx-xx-xxxx Taylor, Larry L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cook, Margaret E., . John A. Scali, of the District of Columbia. xxx-xx-xxxx Teitelbaum, Robert D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dixon, David L., Jr., . W . Tapley Bennett, Jr., of G eorgia. Thomas, Robert J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dodd, William W., xxx-xx-xxxx . W illiam F. Buckley, Jr., of C onnecticut. Tinsley, Robert L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dowell, James E., xxx-xx-xxxx . The following-named persons to be alter- Tracy, Robert P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dunn, Earl J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . nate representatives of the U nited States of Turner, Thomas H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Duval, Herbert J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . A merica to the 28th session of the G eneral Walker, James A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ferrell, Joseph B., xxx-xx-xxxx . Assembly of the U nited Nations: Waterman, Donald J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Friesen, Merle R., xxx-xx-xxxx . M argaret B. Y oung, of N ew Y ork. Williams, Arthur B., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gilchrist, James, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . M ark Evans, of the D istrict of Columbia. Young, Thomas C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gleske, Elmer G., xxx-xx-xxxx . W illiam E. Schaufele, Jr., of O hio. Gooch, Edwin J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . CHAPLAINS Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr., of New Jersey. Goschke, Richard R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Pearson, Roger H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Richard M . Scammon, of M aryland. Hageman, Dwight C., xxx-xx-xxxx . MEDICAL CORPS The following-named persons to be repre- Hancock, William R., xxx-xx-xxxx . sentatives of the U nited States of America to Sanders, James G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hansen, William, xxx-xx-xxxx . the 28th session of the General Assembly of Heiser, Frank W., xxx-xx-xxxx . NURSE CORPS the U nited Nations: Hepp, James T., xxx-xx-xxxx . Brady, Eugene P., xxx-xx-xxxx . R o b ert N . C . N ix , U .S . R ep resentativ e Higgins, Carlos W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Howland, Richard J., xxx-xx-xxxx . from the State of Pennsylvania. Hills, Frank D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Larscheid, Jon L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jo hn H . B u chanan, Jr., U .S . represent- Holway, Warren A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Morgan, Richard T., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . ative from the State of A labam a. Hummer, Walter L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Peterson, Roger M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Husak, Johnny R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Schnepper, Patricia A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jefferson, William J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES CORPS Jenkins, James R., xxx-xx-xxxx . WITHDRAWAL Bottom, Bobby D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Johnson, Donald H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Executive nomination withdrawn from Johnson, Thurmond L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Taschner, John C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jope, Howard E., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . The follow ing person for appointment in the Senate September 12, 1973: Kalmar, George E., xxx-xx-xxxx . the Reserve of the Air Force and U SAF (tem- JU STICE DEPARTMENT Keenan, Herbert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . po rary) (M edical C o rps) , in the g rade o f David J. Cannon, of W isconsin,to be U .S. Keeny, James S., xxx-xx-xxxx . colonel, under the provisions of sections 593, attorney for the eastern district of Wisconsin Kite, John T., xxx-xx-xxxx . 8444, and 8447, title 10, U nited States Code for the term of 4 years, w hich w as sent to Kop, Dietrich R., xxx-xx-xxxx . and Public Law 92-129, with a view to desig- the Senate on August 9,1973. Koopman, Howard W., xxx-xx-xxxx . nation as a m edical officer under the pro- Land, Clarence J., . xxx-xx-xxxx visions of section 8067, title 10, U nited States Larson, John H., . xxx-xx-xxxx Code : Lawrence, Rogers W., xxx-xx-xxxx . CONFIRMATION MEDICAL CORPS Leeman, David E., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be colonel Executive nomination confirmed by the Livingstone, John D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Senate September 12, 1973: Lockhart, Floyd R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Masters, O rlan V. W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Lord, John F., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . IN THE AIR FORCE OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTU NITY Madden, Thomas A. L., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . A lv in J. A rnett, o f M aryland, to be D i- The following officer under the provisions Manly, Donald L., xxx-xx-xxxx . rector of the O ffice of Economic O pportunity. of title 10, U nited States Code, section 8066, Markalonis, Vincent J., xxx-xx-xxxx . (The above nomination was approved sub- Moroney William P., xxx-xx-xxxx . to be assigned to a position of importance ject to th e n o m in ee's co m m itm en t to re- Morrison, William J., xxx-xx-xxxx . and responsibility designated by the Presi- spond to requests to appear and testify be- Morton, Norman E., xxx-xx-xxxx . dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, fore any duly constituted committee of the Pascuzzi, Eugene D., xxx-xx-xxxx . in grade as follows: Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PRESERVATION OF THE STRIPED mission to have its Oak Ridge National for Connecticut anglers. The fishermen fear BASS Laboratory, which has a model of the that the Storm K ing plant, w hich w ill take site in question, to thoroughly review the in nine million gallons of Hudson River wa- HON. ABRAHAM A. RIBICOFF issues involved. ter a m inute, w ill also suck in and destroy I ask unanimous consent that my let- v ast n u m b ers o f eg g s, larv ae an d y o u n g OF CONNECTICU T striped bass and thus cause the fishing in ter of September 10, 1973, to Dr. Dixie Long Island Sound to decline drastically. IN THE SENATE O F THE U NITED STATES Lee Ray, the Chairman of the AEC, be T he S to rm K ing plant, w hich has b een Wednesday, September 12, 1973 be printed in the Extensions of Remarks. licensed by the Federal Power Commission There being no objection, the letter has been the subject of litigation for nearly Mr. RIBICO FF. Mr. President, for was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ten years. Still, the effect of the plant on the years sportsmen from Connecticut and as follows: fishes o f the H udso n, particularly striped throughout the entire Northeast have SEPTEMBER 10,1973. bass, remains in dispute. Consolidated Edi- enjoyed fishing for striped bass in Long Dr. DIXIE LEE RAY, son maintains that a study show s the Storm Island Sound. Now there is a serious pos- Chairm an, U.S . Atom ic Energy Com m ission, King plant would remove only an insignifi- sibility that New York's Consolidated Washington, D.C. cant three per cent of the yearly striped bass Edison Storm King powerplant on the DEAR DR. RAY : I am writing to request the hatch. In rebuttal, fishermen state this claim assistance of the O ak Ridge National Labora- is based on incorrect mathematics because H u d s o n R iv e r m a y d e s tro y th e S o u n d 's the equ atio n u sed in the stu dy to p redict striped bass. tory in getting answ ers to questions that a number of Connecticut striped bass fisher- m ortalities did not include the tides in the Many of the striped bass are hatched Hudson. The fishermen also state that den- in th e H u d s o n R iv e r . F is h e r m e n f e a r men have asked me about. T he questio ns co ncern the S to rm K ing s.ty-induced currents w ere not treated fu lly th a t th e S to rm K in g p la n t, w h ic h w ill in the study. take in 9 million gallons of Hudson River pum ped storage hydroelectric pow er plant that Consolidated Edison proposed to con- The fishermen's assertions would appear to water a minute will also suck in and de- struct on the Hudson River at Cornwall, New have some substance, inasmuch as W. Mason stroy th e b u lk o f th e riv er's strip ed b ass Y o rk . M a n y o f th e s trip e d b a s s th a t a re Lawrence of the New York State Department eggs, larvae, and new born fish.