Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration Volume 13, Issue 1
Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration Volume Xlll Fa11 1995 Number 1 Ten Products of Fluency Ogden R. Lindsley Lindsley 's Unteaching Citation Ogden R. Lindsley ' Visual Imagery and Structure Words: Julie Spaulding, Manfred Accelerating Number of Words and W.Haerte1, Randy L. Seevers, & Number of Descriptive Words Written John 0.Cooper During Free Writing Use of Error Drill, Feedback, Praise, Lisa DeAngelis, T. F. McLaughlin, and Fading to Increase the Legibility of & William J. Sweeney D'Nealian Handwriting with Two Special Education Students The Effect of Music on Head Posturing V. Timmons, T. F. McLaughlin, of a Student with Cerebral Palsy: & V. Kinakin A Case Study Using Precision Teaching to Enhance Michele Morrell, Robert Mouell, Direct Instruction Sight-Word Reading & Richard M. Kubina Jr. Use of Daily Measurement, Standard Susan Abba & T. F. McLaughlin Celeration Charting, and a Nicotrol Patch to Reduce Cigarette Smoking with a Female College Student: A Case Study The Effects of Precision Teaching Christine Bashore & and a Token Economy on Handwriting T. F. McLaughlin Skills: A Case Study Notes From Below the Floor: The National Debt Abigail B. Calkin PT Data Lands in Fiction Abigail B. Calkin A Publication of The Standard Celeration Society The Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration (ISSN 0271-8200) is a multidisciplinary journal that is dedicated to a science of human behavior which includes direct, continuous and standard measurement. This measurement includes a standard unit of behavior, frequency; a standard scale on which successive frequencies are displayed, the Standard Celeration Chart; a standard measure of behavior change between two frequencies, frequency multiplier, and a standard, straight-line measure of behavior change across seven or more frequencies, celeration.
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