Regulation of the Nucleic Acid-Sensing Toll-Like Receptors

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Regulation of the Nucleic Acid-Sensing Toll-Like Receptors REVIEWS Regulation of the nucleic acid- sensing Toll- like receptors Nicholas A. Lind1,3, Victoria E. Rael 1,3, Kathleen Pestal 1,3, Bo Liu1,2 and Gregory M. Barton 1 ✉ Abstract | Many of the ligands for Toll- like receptors (TLRs) are unique to microorganisms, such that receptor activation unequivocally indicates the presence of something foreign. However, a subset of TLRs recognizes nucleic acids, which are present in both the host and foreign microorganisms. This specificity enables broad recognition by virtue of the ubiquity of nucleic acids but also introduces the possibility of self- recognition and autoinflammatory or autoimmune disease. Defining the regulatory mechanisms required to ensure proper discrimination between foreign and self- nucleic acids by TLRs is an area of intense research. Progress over the past decade has revealed a complex array of regulatory mechanisms that ensure maintenance of this delicate balance. These regulatory mechanisms can be divided into a conceptual framework with four categories: compartmentalization, ligand availability, receptor expression and signal transduction. In this Review, we discuss our current understanding of each of these layers of regulation. CpG motifs Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of innate immune One possible strategy for limiting such adverse outcomes Short single-stranded oligode- receptors whose activation is crucial for the induction is recognition of specific features that distinguish foreign oxynucleotides containing of innate and adaptive immune responses. Expression of nucleic acids from self-nucleic acids. However, although unmethylated CpG motifs TLRs in antigen- presenting cells links the recognition ligand preferences based on sequence or chemical modi- function as Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) agonists. Different of pathogens both to the induction of innate immune fications do reduce the likelihood of TLR responses classes of CpG oligodeoxy- effector mechanisms that limit pathogen replication and to self- nucleic acids, discrimination between foreign nucleotide are given letter to the initiation of adaptive immunity1. TLRs recognize and self- nucleic acids is not based solely on these dif- designations (for example, conserved microbial features shared by broad pathogen ferences9,10. NA- sensing TLRs also rely on mechanisms CpG-A, CpG-B and CpG-C) classes, which enables a limited set of receptors to recog- that reduce the likelihood that they will encounter based on the distinct responses they elicit. nize the tremendous diversity of microorganisms poten- self- nucleic acids and/or dampen the response when self- tially encountered by the host. Five mammalian TLRs nucleic acids are nevertheless detected. These mech- can be activated by nucleic acid ligands (referred to here anisms collectively set a precisely tuned threshold for as NA-sensing TLRs): TLR3 recognizes double- stranded receptor activation: too low a threshold would result RNA; TLR7, TLR8 and TLR13 recognize fragments of in sensing of self- nucleic acids and autoimmunity, single-stranded RNA with distinct sequence preferences; whereas too high a threshold would hinder defence 1Division of Immunology and and TLR9 recognizes single-stranded DNA containing against the very pathogens that the NA- sensing TLRs Pathogenesis, Department of unmethylated CpG motifs. NA- sensing TLRs are parti- aim to detect (FIG. 1). Recent research has shown that Molecular and Cell Biology, cularly relevant for the detection of viruses because multiple mechanisms function together to determine University of California, viruses generally lack other common, invariant fea- this threshold for a given TLR. The picture emerging Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. tures that are suitable for innate immune recognition. from these studies is becoming quite complex, as each 2Present address: CAS Key Laboratory of Molecular However, NA-sensing TLRs can also detect nucleic acids NA- sensing TLR is subject to distinct modes of regu- Virology and Immunology, from other pathogen classes, and each of these recep- lation, suggesting that the ‘solution’ to the problem of self Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, tors has been implicated in the host response to diverse versus non-self discrimination may be different for each Chinese Academy of Sciences, pathogens (Table 1). TLR. Such receptor-specific regulation probably explains Shanghai, China. Targeting nucleic acids greatly expands the breadth the differences in the relative contributions of different 3 These authors contributed of microorganisms that can be recognized by TLRs but NA-sensing TLRs to autoimmune diseases. For example, equally: Nicholas A. Lind, Victoria E. Rael, comes with the trade- off of potentially sensing self- inappropriate activation of TLR7 by self-nucleic acid is Kathleen Pestal. nucleic acids. Indeed, improper activation of NA-sensing much more consequential than TLR9 activation in ani- ✉e- mail: [email protected] TLRs by self-nucleic acids has been linked to several mal models of SLE, even though both TLR7 and TLR9 11–13 autoimmune and autoinflammatory disorders, includ- can contribute to pathology . Although the field has s41577-021-00577-0 ing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and psoriasis2–8. taken initial steps towards identifying the molecular NATURE REVIEWS | IMMUNOLOGY 0123456789();: REVIEWS Table 1 | Key examples of pathogen recognition by nucleic acid-sensing makes them more prone to interference from pathogen Toll-like receptors evasion strategies. Localization of NA- sensing TLRs to endosomes also Receptor Ligand Class of pathogen Examples specificity recognized achieves a crucial regulatory function by sequestering these receptors away from self-nucleic acids. The impor- TLR3 dsRNA dsRNA viruses Reovirus tance of this sequestration was first demonstrated by the ssRNA viruses Respiratory syncytial virus, finding that certain types of immune cell that are nor- hepatitis C virus mally unresponsive to self- nucleic acids can be activated DNA viruses HSV-1, HSV-2, vaccinia virus if these ligands are efficiently delivered to endosomes7,16. Retroviruses HIV-1 This concept is further illustrated by studies in which Bacteria Lactic acid-producing bacteria NA- sensing TLRs have been mislocalized to the plasma membrane, which increases their access to extracellular Protozoa Neospora caninum nucleic acids17. Mice engineered to express mislocalized TLR7 and ssRNA ssRNA viruses Influenza A virus, SARS-CoV TLR9 have fatal systemic inflammation and anaemia18,19. TLR8 and RNA These examples illustrate the importance of mechanisms breakdown Retroviruses HIV-1 that limit the activation of NA- sensing TLRs to endo- products Bacteria Group B streptococcus, Borrelia burgdorferi somes. In the following sections, we discuss our cur- rent understanding of how such compartmentalization Fungi Candida spp. is achieved. Protozoa Leishmania major TLR9 ssDNA DNA viruses HSV-1, HSV-2, HPV, adenovirus Receptor trafficking. The NA- sensing TLRs are trans- (containing Bacteria Salmonella enterica subsp. lated at the endoplasmic reticulum and trafficked via the CpG motifs) 14 enterica serovar Typhimurium, classical secretory pathway to endosomes . Trafficking Mycobacterium tuberculosis itself is a regulatory mechanism, as the number of func- Fungi Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida spp. tional TLRs in endosomes and lysosomes influences the receptor activation threshold. It is beyond the scope Protozoa Plasmodium falciparum, Leishmania major of this Review to cover all aspects of the trafficking of NA- sensing TLRs, which have been reviewed in detail TLR13 ssRNA Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, REFS14,15 (mice) Streptococcus pneumoniae elsewhere (for example, ), but we highlight the key players and the latest developments. ssRNA viruses Vesicular stomatitis virus All NA- sensing TLRs require the 12- pass trans- ds, double- stranded; HPV, human papillomavirus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; SARS-CoV, membrane protein UNC93B1 to exit the endoplasmic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; ss, single-stranded; TLR, Toll- like receptor. reticulum and traffic to endosomes20–22. UNC93B1 stays associated with NA-sensing TLRs during their basis of this specialized regulation, substantial additional trafficking, and it is now clear that UNC93B1 also work is needed to determine how such closely related mediates regulatory functions after exit from the endo- receptors can make different contributions to disease plasmic reticulum21,23–25. For example, the association outcomes. of UNC93B1 with NA- sensing TLRs is essential for With these questions in mind, here, we review our their stability in and beyond the endoplasmic reticu- understanding of the mechanisms controlling activation lum23. Non- functional alleles of UNC93B1 that abolish Systemic lupus of, and signalling by, NA-sensing TLRs. We believe that interaction with NA- sensing TLRs result in reduced erythematosus (SLE). A chronic autoimmune this discussion is timely, as several strategies to modu late receptor stability, failure of export from the endoplas- 22,23,26 disease characterized by NA- sensing TLR responses, both positively and nega- mic reticulum and loss of function . These findings the production of antinuclear tively, are being pursued therapeutically (BOx 1). We dis- have clinical relevance, as humans with loss-of- function autoantibodies and often cuss the four categories of regulatory mechanism that mutations in UNC93B1 are non- responsive to ligands associated with production of type I interferon.
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