Choux Used for Eclairs, cream puffs and lots more


200g milk


3g sugar

3g salt

200g Mix B

4 - 5 whole eggs Foto: Jürgen Bing


Pour milk, butter, salt and sugar into a cooking pot and heat it. Weigh the flour.

Once the milk-mix boils fold in the flour and stir consistently using a wooden spoon. Stir until the mass does not stick to the spoon and a thin white layer forms on the bottom of the pot.

Pour the mass onto a tray, cover with foil and let it cool.

After the mass is cold place in the kettle and use the flat stirrer (K-hook for Kenwood, not the hook or whisk!) slowly. Step by step add the eggs, until the mass is like egg white foam. It should not be too stiff, so it can be used with an icing bag.

The egg amount may vary, it depends on the time the dough needed on the stove.

For cream puffs/Eclairs: Preheat the oven to 170°C fan/circulating air (180°C top/bottom heat) and place a (metal-)bowl (fireproof) in the oven.

Prepare a baking tray with baking paper and form the dough using a icing bag. Place the baking tray in the oven, pour 100ml into the fireproof bowl and close the oven immediately.

Bakingt ime varies due to the size. Cream puffs take about 25- 30min. The should be brown, but not golden-brown.

Do not open the oven while baking, the pastries will collapse. Foto: Marina Faust

Foto: Marina Faust Version 01 © Copyright @Oliver Welling


The is neutral flavored and be varied.

For sweet pastries: add 5-10g vanilla sugar, 20g sugar and some citric. This supports the sweet fillings, like Eclairs with different creams (vanilla, chocolate, or nougat), cream puffs or cherry-rings.

For spicy pastries: add e.g. pepper, nutmeg, paprika, curry and 10g salt to the dough. Makes e.g. small cream puffs with cheese cream, eclairs with potato cream.

The dough works for and such.

Foto: Marina Faust Foto: Marina Faust

Foto: Marina Faust Flat stirrer

Version 01 © Copyright @Oliver Welling