SBYC Summer Return to Rally

Notice of Race / Sailing Instructions The Organizing Authority for the 2020 Summer Return to Sailing Rally will be: The Santa Barbara Yacht Club (SBYC), 130 Harbor Way, Santa Barbara, CA 93109

The Return to Sailing Rally will be in the vein of the three bridge fiasco where competitors can choose the order in which they will round each of the designated course marks. However this event also has a staggered start component to it where competitors will be allowed to choose their start time window. Every boat must start no earlier than 10:00am on Saturday, June 6 and finish no later than 4:00pm on Sunday, June 7. They can choose to start on either day as long as they are finished by 4:00pm on Sunday. The order in which competitors are permitted to choose their start time will be decided via a live random drawing online on Friday morning at 9:00am.


1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), applicable rules for One Design and PHRF classes and the US Safety Equipment Requirements “Near Shore” for all boats.

1.2 PHRF boats shall use regional random leg course (RLC) ratings and have current and valid PHRF rating certificates on the PHRF of Southern California website (

1.3 US Sailing prescriptions to rules 63.2, and 63.4 will not apply.

1.4 Appendix V, Alternative Penalties, Rule V1 – Penalties at the time of the incident will apply.

1.5 Appendix T, Arbitration, Rule T1 (post-race penalties), T2, T3, and T4 will apply.

1.6 Rules Part 2, “When Boats Meet” is replaced between the hours of local sunset and local sunrise by Part B—Steering and Sailing Rules, of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS). Competitors are also reminded that under the preamble of Part 2 of the Racing Rules of Sailing, boats racing must comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) when they meet other marine traffic.


2.1 Boats shall comply with orders from the United States Coast Guard and adhere to US Coast Guard Regulations. Failure to comply with orders from the United States Coast Guard, Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol or any other recognized authority is grounds for disqualification without hearing at the discretion of the Race Committee. This Changes Rule 63.1.

2.2 Boats shall conform at all times to regulations regarding commercial traffic. Any boat that retires from a race shall notify the race committee as soon as possible.

2.3 Boats shall comply with the US Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER) except as modified by the notice of race and these sailing instructions. The course is classified as a Near Shore Race. The equipment requirements are available at: tions/. ​

The US Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER) are changed for the following sections: 2.3.1 For USSER 3.19.1, the words ‘permanently mounted’ are deleted. A permanently mounted magnetic compass is a recommendation for the race.

2.3.2 All vessels shall also comply with USSER 3.7.2 regarding man overboard equipment.

2.3.3 Boats using a ‘One Design’ PHRF configuration may use that One Design classes’ published safety standards.

2.4 Rules Part 2, “When Boats Meet” is replaced between the hours of local sunset and local sunrise by Part B—Steering and Sailing Rules, of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS). Competitors are also reminded that under the preamble of Part 2 of the Racing Rules of Sailing, boats racing must comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) when they meet other marine traffic.

2.5 An operating VHF radio with at least channels 12, 16, 71 and 78 is required.

2.6 All boats must monitor VHF Channel 16 after their start for the duration of the race. Competitors must obey directions given to them by any naval vessels on VHF Channel 16. No competitor may protest a boat for infringing this Rule. This modifies RRS 60.1.

2.7 A boat shall not exercise right of way, cross in proximity to, or interfere with reasonable transit of commercial ships, tugs, or barges in the race area. Boats must take evasive action well in advance of a potentially dangerous situation. A boat without way may use any means of propulsion to avoid commercial traffic that is under way provided: (a) The boat does not gain an advantage, and (b) Use of the propulsion is the boat's only means of avoiding the commercial traffic, and (c) The boat submits a report to the race committee by the protest-filing deadline describing the incident and the boat's actions.


3.1 This event is open to members of the Santa Barbara Yacht Club. Eligible competitors may enter the series by submitting a completed race entry form to the Santa Barbara Yacht Club no later than 1030 hours on the day of the race. Race Entry Forms are available at the front desk of SBYC or online at ​ Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Race Committee.

3.2 Classes invited include: PHRF A (RLC less than 41), PHRF B (RLC 42 and greater), Harbor 20 one design, and CHRF.

3.3 Eligible boats shall have valid PHRF Certificates or use SBYC recognized one design class ratings as listed in these Sailing Instructions.

3.4 Valid PHRF rating certificates for PHRF boats must be on file with the Race Committee no later than 1100 hours on the day of the race.

3.5 One Design boats in SBYC recognized classes may enter this regatta without a PHRF certificate using the class ratings listed below, and at the discretion of the race committee.

Standard Ratings: Harbor 20 = 216; J/70 = 102; J/105 = 84; Melges 24 = 72

Non-Spinnaker Ratings: Harbor 20 = 234; J/70 = 162; J/105 = 113; Melges 24 = 100

3.6 Entries must be received by 8:00am on Friday, June 5 to be included in the start time selection draft. Entries received after this time will be accepted but not entered into the start time selection draft.

3.7 There is no entry fee for this event.


4.1 The race will be run with no two boats starting at the same time. Boats will be allowed to start at their chosen start times ranging anywhere between 10:00am on Saturday, June 6 (first available start time) to 3:00pm on Sunday, June 7 (last available start time). Start times will be available in increments of five minutes. Each boat shall start on or after their selected start time but no later than 2 minutes after their selected start time.

A. START TIME SELECTION Each competing boat will be allowed to select a start time in the following order: a. Early Entrants: Boats that have entered online by 8:00am on Friday, June 5 will be given preference for start times via a start time draft selection that will take place live online at at 9:00am on Friday, June 5. ​ ​ A boat that is drawn first to select their start time shall submit their preferred start time via email to [email protected] by 4:00pm on Friday, June 5. Each boat ​ ​ drawn after that will submit their top three preferred start times and submit them via email to [email protected] by 4:00pm on Friday, June 5. Any boat that does ​ ​ not meet the 4pm deadline to submit their preferred start times will be added to the late entrants list. Boats will be given their top preferred start time that is still available in order of the draft selection. Once a boat’s start time is selected, it may not be changed without written permission from the SBYC race committee. b. Late Entrants: Boats that registered after 8:00am on Friday, June 5 will be given their preferred start time from what is still available on a first come-first serve basis. c. The final official start times will be posted online in ‘Attachment A – Summer Rally Start Times’.

B. RACE COMMITTEE a. There will be no race committee during the race. Each boat shall report the following items via email to [email protected]. ​ ​ i. Start Time ii. Time each mark is passed / rounded and a picture of the mark iii. Finish Time


5.1 Notices to competitors and amendments to these Sailing Instructions will be posted online at under the Summer Return to Sailing Rally. ​ ​


6.1 Any change in the sailing instructions will be posted by 0900 hours on the day it will take effect.


7.1 There will be no signals made ashore.


8.1 Friday, June 5 at 8:00am: Entry deadline to be included in start time selection draft.

8.2 Friday, June 5 at 9:00am: Live online draft of start time selection order at Selection order will be emailed out and updated live as ​ people respond with their choices.

8.3 Friday, June 5 at 4:00pm: Start time selections must be emailed to [email protected] by ​ ​ this time.

8.4 Saturday, June 6 at 9:00am: Entries accepted after this time are at the discretion of the SBYC race committee.

8.6 Saturday, June 6 at 10:00am: First available start time. No boat shall start prior to this time.

8.7 Sunday, June 7 at 4:00pm: Any boat not finished by this time will be scored Did Not Finish (DNF).

8.8 Sunday, June 7 at 6:30pm: Awards announced live at ​ ​


9.1 There will be no race committee and as such, there will be no class flags, no postponements, and no shortening of course.


10.1 Classes include: ● PHRF A = Regional Random Leg Course (RLC) rating of 41 and less.

● PHRF B = Regional Random Leg Course (RLC) rating of 42 and greater.

● Harbor 20 One Design.

● Club Handicap Racing Fleet (CHRF) using the most recent CHRF handicap ratings.

10.2 A boat is permitted to sail non-spinnaker in PHRF classes. The RLC rating will reflect this choice.

11. CREW 11.1 Crew size shall meet the following requirements:

A. 21.9 feet and less (Harbor 20, ) = no more than 2 people. B. 22-27.9 feet (J/70, J/80, Melges 24, J/24, J/22) = no more than 3 people. C. 28-33 feet = no more than 4 people D. 33.1-40 feet (J/105) = no more than 5 people E. 40.1-50 feet = no more than 6 people F. 50.1-60 feet = no more than 7 people G. 60.1-70 feet = no more than 8 people

11.2 All crew are required to have face covering (such as a face mask or buff). It is highly recommended they be worn at all times.

11.3 It is recommended that crews be comprised of co-habitants and/or close contacts (also known as your “Quaran-team”).

11.4 It is highly recommended that each crew comply to the best of their ability with CDC covid-19 social distancing and safety recommendations ( ​ ​ 12. RACING AREA

12.1 The racing area will be as designated on the current SBYC course chart.


13.1 For all courses, marks may be passed / rounded in any direction and in any order, except that ‘X’ Mark may not be rounded as the first mark after starting or the last mark prior to finishing the course.

13.2 A boat shall enter the mark zone (three boat lengths) for each mark to count a mark as ‘passed / rounded’. Boats shall take a picture of each mark they pass / round and record the time they passed / rounded the mark and report it to [email protected]. ​ ​

13.3 The A fleet course is: Start - (In any order: A - E - H - Platform C - Platform Hogan) - Finish Rated Distance is 21.27 nautical miles

13.4 The B fleet course is: Start - (In any order: A - E - H - K - M - Platform C - X) - Finish Rated Distance is 15.09 nautical miles

13.5 The Harbor 20 fleet course is: Start - (In any order: A - E - H - K - M - X) - Finish Rated Distance is 7.094 nautical miles

13.5 The CHRF course is: Start - (In any order: BB, H, K, Platform C) - Finish Rated Distance is 11.91 nautical miles

14. MARKS 14.1 Marks will be as designated on the current SBYC course chart and ‘Attachment B - Platforms’. All marks are situated near the GPS coordinates shown on the current SBYC course chart but are subject to natural influence.

14.2 Marks may be oil platforms, or yellow, white or blue cylinders except that: ‘BB’ is the red/white navigational bell buoy; and Mark C is a white and yellow city anchorage boundary buoy with a light. Any permanent mark may be substituted with a temporary or inflatable mark without prior notice.

14.3 In the event of a missing mark, boats shall round the waypoint.

14.4 Marks may be passed / rounded in any direction and in any order, except that ‘X’ Mark may not be rounded as the first mark after starting or the last mark prior to finishing the course.


15.1 The start line will be between mark ‘G’ and mark ‘F’ as described on the current SBYC course chart.

15.2 Boats shall record their official GPS start time and email it to the SBYC Race Committee.

15.3 A boat’s starting time for the race will be listed on ‘Attachment A – Summer Rally Start Times’. This attachment will be made available online at ​ ​

15.4 A boat starting earlier than their start time as listed in ‘Attachment A - Summer Rally Start Times’ shall be recorded as On Course Side (OCS).

15.5 A boat starting later than two minutes after their start time as listed in ‘Attachment A - Summer Rally Start Times’ shall be given a discretionary penalty without a hearing of 30 minutes added to their total elapsed time.


16.1 The finishing line will be between mark ‘F’ and mark ‘G’ as shown on the current SBYC course chart.

16.2 Each boat shall report their finishing GPS time to [email protected]. ​ ​


17.1 Appendix V, Rule V1 will apply: The first two sentences of rule 44.1 are changed to: ‘A boat may take a One-Turn Penalty when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 or rule 31 in an incident while racing. However, when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 while in the zone around a mark other than a starting mark, her penalty shall be a Two-Turns Penalty.’

17.2 Appendix T, Rule T1 – Post Race Penalties will apply: (a) Provided that rule 44.1(b) does not apply, a boat that may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 or rule 31 in an incident may take a Post-Race Penalty at any time after the race until the beginning of a protest hearing involving the incident. (b) A Post-Race Penalty is a 30% Scoring Penalty calculated as stated in rule 44.3(c). However, rule 44.1(a) applies. (c) A boat take a Post-Race Penalty by delivering to the arbitrator or a member of the protest committee a written statement that she accepts the penalty and that identifies the race number and where and when the incident occurred.


18.1 Protest and requests for redress shall be emailed to [email protected]. Protests and ​ ​ requests for redress or reopening shall be delivered to the SBYC Race Committee via email within the appropriate time limit.

18.2 The protest time limit is 4:20pm on Sunday, June 7.

18.3 Appendix T – Arbitration, Rules T1, T2, T3, and T4 will apply.

18.4 Protest times and locations will be posted on the official notice board no later than 30 minutes after the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses.

18.5 On the last scheduled day of racing a request for reopening a hearing shall be delivered (a) within the protest time limit if the requesting party was informed of the decision on the previous day; (b) no later than 30 minutes after the requesting party was informed of the decision on that day. This changes rule 66.

18.6 On the last scheduled day of racing a request for redress based on a protest committee decision shall be delivered no later than 30 minutes after the decision was posted. This changes rule 62.2.


19.1 The low point scoring system of Appendix A will apply.

19.2 PHRF time on distance will be used to calculate the lowest total corrected time.


20.1 Prizes will be awarded to the top finisher(s) for each class.


21.1 Participants in this event compete entirely at their own risk. See Rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.