=BRIDGE 2+a OUARTERTY FII RIDGEe 2 - CANNES '"YJJI[BTidgE oz Aprjl 17-23 1967 OUARTERLY APRIL 17-18-19, at 2.30 p.m. a MIXED PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATI ON (1st Prize-2,000 New Francs') OF THE APRIL 20-21-22-23. *( OPEN PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP. (1st Prize-5,000 New Francs.) Edited by HAROLD FRANKLIN i.i.ltt.i 40.000 Frants (f3,000) in Prizes We would like this publication to reflect the activities of the English Every evening, April 17'22 inclusive, Bridge'rama Bridge lJnion, of the County Associations, of international bridge. witt ores6nt a frieidlv'match between France and ltaly We would like to cater for the many who are more interested in ior ifie Coupe Frarigois-Andre, in which the World technique than in news and we recognise that no bridge publication is Champion will aPPear. complete without a competition. Only a larger publication would SPECIAL TERMS. permit all these ends to be met and a larger magazine might mean a HOTEL " MAJESTIC." Full Pension (Room with Bath, leqr of half-a-crown a head on the members, annually. In the absence Tax and Service included) : 85 Fr- Single, 148 Fr' of such a solution we must accept the fact that there is not room for 118 Fr. Double' Double; Demi-Pension: 70 Fr' Single, everything and make a choice. HOTEL " MONTFLEURY." Full Pension : 68 Fr' Single' Ideally the choice should be with the members, to whom the 118 Fr. Double; Demi-Pension:56 Fr. Single,94 Fr' Quarterly, no less than the E.B.U. itself, belongs. The opinions Double. which have been volunteered suggest that to date the accent has been For Registration, Information and Pro.grammes : too heavily on the technical. This has been such a " ne\Msy " quarter Mme"N. ANSAY, 137 Avenue Victor-Hugo, Paris'l$eme' that in this issue it has been necessary to redress the balance somewhat France (Tel. KLE 62-32). drastically. * * * We hope that you, the members, will exercise your choice by express- be possible to meet the wishes of every issue of this review will give full details of the ing it. Clearly it can never The next to Fourth Annual Deauville Festival of Bridge. individual; however, the larger the number of members who write we be able to judge the Bridge-Golf Tournament, July 7th to July 12th. express their views, the more accurately will 4th Annual Festival of Bridge, July 21st to July 30th. general feeling. Inquiry into the Buenos Aires Afiair, instituted by the British For advance information write to Mme N. ANSAY The (address as above). Bridge League, was financed largely by the E.B.U. It is proper there- fore that the Tribunal's Report should be published to the members at the first possible opportunity. Although the Report was submitted to the on August 4th, L966, this is the first DEAUVILLE lhjl'Hltii opportunity to do so since any earlier publication would have been contrary to counsel's opinion, which has been sought at various stages. 2 3 BRITISH BRIDGB LEAGUE had occurred and the opportunities and pcitions for obrervations shoultd have lreen closely examined STATEMENT FROM THE ai neir tire time ihe obffirvation occurred as p'cssiblq. This was not done. Nor was the technical Bridge League are concerned about the evidence examined, ex€p very perfunctorily. The council of the British The evidence at ou hearings ot the experts who came from variow countries, was that if dlere Press of extracts from Sir (a. profesional -forGr;rputlicition in tfre Snglish and North American ]ohn is any cheating it is always revealed in thc bidding and plav. Mr. de Heredia Report to th6 Council and comment thereon. In order to correc-t any Tournament Diiector)' Mr, ortis Patino, Mr. Flint and Mr. l(onstam were quite categodcal that if a pat could bc dctcctcd jn thc rccofd of their bidding and playing the cards. *ti"t hiv have arisen a,s a result-thev.have-+ecided to ask the - cheated, then this ;i;;;;;";ii; to The evidence about thc tridding and plav did no't suppoft the allegations of cheating. There were iffi6il;1-ift Eridge tvtas,azine and the English Bhdge Union Quarterls hands whcre Messs. Rccsc and Sahlrpiro had cards which, using conventional methods, would have publish the RePort in full. -jsrificd a bid in Hcarts yet rhey cithcf, failcd to flnd the suit ai all or failed to bid hich enoush. REPORT In U.S. 74. Mr. Reisq trcft his partncr in a One Heart contract when Mr. Sohapiro had Four 'we were askgd by the British Bridge League to elquire into allesations that Mr. Reese and Hearts to ths Te n ald Mr. Rccsc had Jack md anorther, instead of calling On€ No , whiah fUr. S"iupirc nia "cneaica UV giuing nng",: signalJ at the World Bridge Championship in Buenos Aires would haye bccn a bcttcr contract i[ any case, and oertainly bettet uith the knowledge of the Heart in May, 1965. holdins. "' 'W. iii"ia to conducr rhjs cnquiry in an honorary @pacity and have. held some thirtv sittiuss I; Italy 56, Mr. Rccsc, playins agaiost Three Diamonds, failed to make the Ae of Hetrts aftet wtrich havl been-trr" sprcad ov"r apiri*irnaL"ly somc tcn months during which foulteen wjtnesses have winning with the King wh,cn his partncr had a singletou in llearts. ;;;-";li;j. i"uron tot ttrii'tcnettr of timc is vcry larselv (except for thep€riod of the General In Argentine 141, they had Ten Hearts between them yet n€ver found the suit. fi""ii""i-4i". to-tlu fu.t that Counicl for thc two pcr-sons accused was unable to agree to mcre Obviously categoiial eyidenc€ from several prominent players in Intemadonal Bridg€ to the il.i,ir.,ii fri.il.i" owing to pressirc of othcr cascs in wlrich he was engaged' We were assis-ted most effect rhat they saw Mr. Reese and Mr, SchaDiro by changing fingers on thq back-of their ;;;:;iiy- ilJ 6;t-paiiintty-by ihc two asscssors, Mcssrs. priday and Hiron, who commented on and cards raises a s(rong suspicion that the allegations are w€ll-fowded. Against that must be set a iiiiii".a in" inatviis of ovci fiftv hands put forward b-v bol'h sides' number of considerarions, the crudity of the signals. especially when one f,nger was shown, or when reference to us arose oiii ot r'cport bv thc World llridcc Federation drawn uD at the end ih" fi.g"rc were splayed, with two oi three fingers to show Five or Six Hearts; the concoqti@ of a The could have ot trre'-W-orrci-iiiiag" Crr*ploniilip, l, " *t i"t ,t-" Fcdcration itnnottnccd its findings on the -allegations code to comuniAate informatioo which is not as valuable as other informatim whioh ;i ;ir;"iir;-br.Gff uv ivialn-ni-cinuos of thc Amcrican reilm ilrrd Mr' Truscott' the " New York been communicated less crudely and more eoonomically in the numbtr oI signals. Six different The report recordcd thc fact thrt thc Federation had found the positions of the hands were required for the code. At some of the sessions in which they were alleced ii-i.;-'ifiial"-ioir#o.a"nt.-iire their point win the Tournament ufi*.gutioni-pt-ou.O. attegatimi- *"r-" tt,ut Mesrs. Rccsc and Schtpiro lrad signalled with io be cheating, there was no in their doing so lince Grat Britain could not ffi;;riil; iu*U"i offf.urts-in their hands. One finscr on thc ontsidc of thc cafds wh€n thev were and in the lml session at whic.h observation took place, Great Britain was defeating thc Argentinians il;ff-;r-iir"';Ghi-or 1"ft hund a"not"a On" Heart,2 finscrs lwo |lcilrts and so on to 4 fingen. ----a0ryay. i'ii"g"ir-ipuvEii inaicatea Five Hearts and 3 fingers splavcd rcprcscrrtcd Six llcarls' ifrir" is the further fact that Mr. Reese and Mr. Schapiro were on bad terms before the Tour- - -Th;re;;;ia siirirtr Bridgi Lcaguc who dccidcd that rn jndcpcndent enquirv na-J"i ut Buenm Aires; tiat Mr. Reese had writrten a letter to the British Bridge League asking *as reterreo t" irr. (thev plavers sncrta Ue ireld. It *u, ug.".d with the legal reDresentltivcs of tlrc two plflycrs accuscd were not to -inaicatedplay witb Mr. Schapiro and that the two had had a row at Bumos Aires. Co"nsei i"a iot&org u.a *itt tfr. Itritish_ BLridsc l-casrtc wlto wcro similarlv. represented. As above, rhe play and biddinc of the hands did not diwlose any cheating. It was i"-oi"i'."i"0-i,v as not tf, ure iililh;;; ugui"ii-Morri. ne-es6'anO Schapiro shoutcl bc nrcscntcd by thc llritish Bridse League. argued that Dlay€rs of the calibre oif Mr. Reese and Mr. Schapiro would be so skilful ptrt eJ"""iliired tlrii-.6oni ir t"i,rg o nmunicated privatcly by us t() thc Lcasuc, to wlrom we leave ilre tfr" infomatir"- so as to excite suspicion, but this would not account for the negative of this none thc rcDort' that Mr. Reese and-Mr. Schapiro p ayed worse than their usual fom at Buenos Aires clecision of whether to publish all. or lorle, or of ni-iiv, plaving ----rti iuia"o." before us u'" oi'iota-i'to two classes; thc cvidcncc o[ witncsscs who sav thev a"O"iitt,li, oiten tadda to achifle a contract which they should have established if they had been ir"fru"g.O "uoana-ihe teihni"al evidencc as lo thc bidditrs ilnd somctimes (but much no"-otCuiing io"""ntional methods and which thev could not have failed to have reached if thev had .n* n"g"i iig*fr legitimate choioe, these two had less often) as to the play of the b,ands. fo,re-knowledge of the Hearts. In other wo(ds, when there was a if --- -rn6 proGiaings by the World Bridcc Fedctation lu I}lrcnos Aires was most been cheatiug, they would have called a contract which they would have been iustified in clling m :rt e ionOuct ot partner's hand clearlv' unsat-islicio'rvl--rrre iii.gitl*.-*"i" fiist in-vestigated bcforc thc Appcills Committec, then bv the tt*i. utvt" oi-play-and which a knowledge of Hearts holding in indicated E;;i"u;i",;"c&-iti";.-_M; B;1ei,';no ii ctairman of the British lhidcc Lcrsuc, was cxrairman of It is with reference to the " direct " evidence of obsenation tlxat we 'have most reason to rcgret ;i;;'i;;;"lr-G;-itt . ui *mir,' u..- swimer, the non-ptayins caprain of rhc English tem. also ttre pioieAure ;dopted at Buenos Aires and by the British Captain. What should_ have happened, in our view, when the Captain was informed of the suspiciotrs, is that the plavers -should.haYe been --attended. persons (in this oase neitha Unitcd Srats, -Th; evidence before the Appeals-S;i-;. Comittee was mainly snccrncd with thc dircct evidence of wli"ma iltir.r by thq Tounament Director or by neutral -"iir,r";;d. una Btrtler rcad lrom thcir rotcs irs to the number of griiisb ftaliu" oi Arcentine nationals) appointed bv the Federation for this task, which would probablv M.. u.. gavc object should finsers"imuj"--b"l"g shown bv Mr. Rcese u;6 1af,- gsnatlro in front of thcir cards. Mr. Swiurcr cvidence that friue Ue""-aut"gated-to the Tournameni Director or his subordinates. Obvious:ly the there was an exact cortcspondencc lrctwccn thc-numbcr of finsers frive t"." to oEtain independent corroboration o'f the accusation. Allegatims of cheating are made ii;";;i;;;i,;'t#'p;;;;A that The mnoiboration iir"-,nolain-g of H"aiis in19 ta.as, while Mr. Butlcr's cvidcncc, confincd to watching 9 of tiiriy fiequently and, m we were told, without real basis, in Interoational Bridge. "-rro*o-r"a rtua was thele was corrcsDondcncq in some 5 or 6 hands' iJ.girii"ie-.tt"inea'was tfrat of Mr.'Butler and the English Captain. Mr. Butler's eYidence is,.we th; ;;*i-*hi;h-Mr. S*im"r oU*t"d, that pow€r obserYation and Similar evidence was given b'y these gentlemen to us' ihi"T, ;il itiai iorotoration md Mr. Swimer was a witness whore of Mi. Butler (to the Appeals Committcc) as having obscrvcd sisnals ;6tt;A;" weii marreo by dimcult relations with tlre two plavers. At the end of his eYiden@ he -;;;"Mr. Truscott *u, t"potr.d'bv and that he, Mr. Swirer, had a"d i;-thd lr"i"tt represented Heart holdincs' Mr' Truscott tad told -Mr' Butler iiri ;"tGty iiotr *iaeo"6 that Mr. Schapiro had confessed to him "v sugeested that the pair knew the distribution of the Heart ;.d Mi.--$h"piio t, amv the allEcations. Mr' Schapiro had, accordins to MT. Swimer' said that ;fi-i;-;r;-i;"rra.."iii"i.ti1"a ""*triio,of iaies trr.-uiaJlne had ;'-i[ui not the Little .iiit. rto*"-nli. Eottii Mr. swimer a number of hands whioh. accordins to .rii- mii Reese " had forced him to cheat because Mr. Schapiro would Dlav piii ""0n.r"r Dlaved a Heart contact if it was unsuitable " M;l;i. t;-a; noi betleve that Mr. Schapiro would consent to cheat because he wd unwillinc !o iuii.' riuii"it,"-';lnaimied that ittii 1id the Enclish Captain to whom to ir,ii. niitf-"i-iiia Mi. S*i-.. taA agr".A rhat in some cises the biddinc looked suspicious. Mr. Truscott fiitf" Maior. or rhar Mr. Schapiro would have chosen gave 1i".i ty1 was on this occasion much less positive about his "i"u-1ir";;;id;r-iir;i. ..liii6nstrip wtr distao't and to an extent antasonistic. we cmot understand whv, also evidence to o"-ifr"-iia" -tlir never reported it at Buenos Air6 or told solicitor or i'indi.""t-"ili"l""tii"i " evidenoe, i.e."" hisL analvsis of the biddine. if took D,l;@, Mr. Swiner ti," am".i"ao i"um t"ta tn" Appials Oommittee that he had noticed fingcr signals Comel-- ""ni""ri""for the British Bridge League, who call,ed him as a witness. paiinCr, Hay+n-, had also notied sisnals. Both these plavers save Ai;; siia, tfr" direct evidence is bound to raise suspicion. If a@epted the odds asainst the auirii-ifri-ifl"v ina inui tis Ir.lrs. were so astronomical iearings before us in great detail to the same effect' otu.ru"a n"gE['"oi.""p""ang in so manv cdes to the number of Hqrts held iriidii""-ut-t[i- -- see would haYe been thal the two plav€rs werc frlr. n was ln teiore th; Appeals Committee .and denied the charge'- He -asked to G"";irxt irio miltion-Gone) that the only oonclusion tfr" ".i" M.."ailed frm- iw""-"iii"a i" with his amllrsis of the hands he had previouslv shown cheatinc."*-il; ala not asree that the biddinc had been untratural or had Hayden gave €vidence before us, as did Mr. Eecker and Mr. Truwo,tt, that she-had observed ;;-Ni;."riaolJ-u"a iltld;d Mr. s*l-"r. ttlr.-ni"* -;.d Schapiro were makins flnger simals simultaneouslv' suggested knowledge of the Heart suit' th" ;k;;;ru -S""t.indiicea tnat Mr. Reese ;nd Mr. denied rlre charge and said it w_as absurd. Mi. ioa Ir,fr. Trus@tl had "dis@vered", on checking_with-the hard records Mr. Schapiro *rr.n ,um-Jiii-uiiore tne comittee i;.;-"-il, to us irirr".?te.noon ot tneiami-anv.-su"auv, Mav 25,,1965, there was a meetins-of-the world ioiifuoli, ifrri tte fingen omresponded with the Hea$- ho,ldinc. The no'tes w-hich she uoduc:d arid Mr. Swimer repeated-the evidence before the Appeals Comlittee, since Mrs. Havden-was not called bv them' Sriai;; fiid;iii"--ni"i.tlu" i.-fririiGL ai'.wtiiit Mr. Builer w.ii-"ot' and Mrs. Mr. Reese and Mr. Schapiro were called in and told Mi. t.us"ott, who went to *itrt ifter beinc told of their suspicions bv Mr. Becker- iri6i'i"a-iir"ri'Gfd;ih; Ap;;;i.--C"--ltte". case he told he took no notes because he a"tiir.a ot tne ria-riJi ooreivea, to,tn by Mr. Butler and Mr. Swimer. Aftcr thcv withdrcw ffava"", uf"o guvL evidenae to the same effect. In his B Jiirr" thowht it might excite susPicion. the charges were"rr."t held Proved. ""-id. team, stated that h€ had @me to procee;ings Appeals Committee" and at thc rcvlcw bv tho Exccutive k;ftu, iiri-vt"-c.ptui"- and coach of the united stares We say that the at lhe us that he had followinc reasons:- ttre coricrusi6n' itrit trr" t*o piuv.rJ amsed were not cheatins. Mr' Kehela told - Committec,- were unsatisfactory for the 'he was convinced that pair were was Chairman Lf ii," app"^ii c"t*ittee vet his cvidcncc wils ('f thc srclrtrst lmDortance' ;;"h.4--;;; d--6r'iO franOi; ihat while he was watching _the_ Mr. Butlff "*iiiiir", -iii--ne-wiiretess thc Appeals was due to what he saw but because he had believed what he was who was urt" u present throtrghotrt llrc rllllns of ;h;;ffi;;"[;- iris io"rlcilo" not Mr. Swimer, iof.i. after looking at thi reord of the hands, he had @me to the ocnclusion that Mr. Reese Committee. iit"r. cheatins. He ""'^f'f,"-epp".f. seek all the availab,lc.oviclcttcc, rontc rrf wltlcll wns disclosed in S"tilio frua no U.i" Crr""ti"g-iin.. the hands showed no evidene o,f suoh Commitree did no holdinss which he had cbserved was codncidmtal, Ira.. or Mr' Kchalir, lhc Arrr|rlrrrtr.lkt)rrlv'(lsptain' were a"iia"a-tfrx"iiA'Vi. trie correspondence-in n"Gi"- u"a Hearts fjirir"if;iiimJrv.-'N"itrr..*'ilit.-Auva"" wns rrl' lntlntrlrncc es she had to ctreating. ffre ottrei iianOs which he watche.d, the numtrer of fingers shown and the ;;ii.i;; t" ei;;"-"riai"o.. Ivriil rfr"o""ti"""ia"ncc i" nrrrli(rrlrr xrrnl i.;. ;A a;; play conomed to played .Schapir,,. t)(rttr tl ttl. r*rhrlr wlrcrc obseryalion numto of Hearts held-did tatv. At the time he had watched the he wa_s no_t taken notes and had ;;i;ri'i,i;;r: R;;; ;,i namelv' trhat Mr' Rese place, .#'if irr" p"-i. *re ""tiln;"ire had beliwed what he bad been told, '^-*had taken and before. Brltl(l|itl r'tt|,'rlrrllltv r)f (lcfcnding them- "ir"uii-e ana he was at that time onty intdesred in seeing- how rhey ijiiii*'" iljv"m u".rsea were not, in orrr oDinirn, Iiv.r ina lli. s.lripl--*"i" that th"'aii""t'i"viticrr,r' wrr\ rl rlrrlirl lrrrl ll nrrr vr'rv Ilrlp()rtant that this *i,ie irrlitirui, i fact about"iirrireintsignais *hi;h ff;;i alriady onvinced. It was only afterwards, he told us, selyes. The main defence.eui"it plav had b€en no oh€ating. direct evidcnce should be t""ifJ"iar^i"*-," lirsrilr[.t,r rxilltn( \!lr,tlrr'r rry r'ttott ttr sclf-persuasion tre reitisea i6ni trre bidding and that there 5 4 guilt of a of a findinc of cheatiog is iusi as seriom for thore accused as a finding of ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION NEWS The effect court to reiurn a verdict of suiltv is that the -i^Jj':t"#?":.i-.i"i,t'p-t-tli,q,iii"io'L'i'"ii-i"ulsartsrieo'leimi i'i.i."^riitlia*oi. rhink rhxt thc samc standard should E.B.U. Brighton Summer Congress. We break new ground this year iury or oouri shoutd be .we a doubt. l.bere was no sign of be aDDlied here and trrat tre rnaiiill;".. ;#;ilG;d."Je" iaisc-sucr, pruv the biddins and plav we(e in instanccs such that a holiday Congress. The setting will cheatins in the bidding o, lil"f,"".uiit.-'i''t"ti to make with the introduction of summer the pair Tht iiiiia to ina contracts or failed it would appear that them to achieve without raisinc which a tore-knoryledge .r'"tiT"liri'i.#'#'tr'ittili;' riJiti n"roing *o'U be a luxury hotel capable of accommodating larger numbers than have bids .t Buenm-nive "natrea Aires. below their form md certainlv susDicion. Mr. Reae u.a ru.. sti.pii6^iriG;-6rorv of chearins. i;"il;i;;; rri",i'r-rr. whom t"uere. wefe no allegalions . ever played in an English Congress. A substantial reduction in rates "inii'lliitidr,l.i.-ueui;"r'"#r;;.i;;; the-"iitta-to hndines of cuilt before the Appeals The indirect evidene is i;';;ii;.i"e see the evidence Mr' Commirtee and the Executiv. "'ft.;;;'te;:--whcn Mr' Reese is ofiercd for Congress visitors. iri-naa p.evioustv shown to Mr. Butler and Mr' Swimer'" Trusort was called in wirh l"t ;inoiiect " evidence' bu1 unfortumtelv the Appeats commrii;';ii^;ii;;';;6ii"ni""'#irii'j'*rii.r, to tnii The form of thc Congress caters both for the week-end visitor and .,analysjs,,clearlv .r.ru.o"rt'irul"JJp.in"l'ii-fr"i"e iecard ro all rhe hands played.by Mr. Reese the of Mr. i'ft. fiuumti nia tota him that " a numbtr of bridge holiday. Although the and Mr. schapiro. Mr. Buttel ;"t ;#;;iffid; fit and had avoided for those who arc ablc to take a longer had .. indicakd tnat rnis piir i,iruiii*-n]iv.o a Herr iontract wilhout a hands,, lhis is not'iiu rru.-' ih.8 hands Droduced to Mr. Butler yet been announced in detail the Congress will a Heart contracr if the tir *u*'"riiultuut...' 'ii'* 30 & 36' Mr' Truscott told us programme has not by Mr. Truscolt were ITALY ,:'^;i:;;. ze ano uSe ., iiriln rir. piuv*" naa riiiia to locate a eood fit in the tleaf t main event of the week-end I did not find at thar r,-. suit.'' Later he said open on Friday evening, August 4th' The suit in which thcv rroo u..ii"d"iT"u;1;""ii'tifi;;"n-v-h--a. in ttre Heart ..it or H.;;i suit wirtr-$iar"*iract consistency." lt was wrons of tie sessions and the seemed to me they *.r" ilii,iig;; Truscott without 6n- will be a Pairs Championship played over three commirrec to rely on'ini'iriuii'-*-pri oi 8 trano. nroduced bv Mr. Ameals tastinc ouir 2j davs. of all the haDds that a siderins rbe overall pictufe. w;1;i:"rffi;il ;;"ry;i;. rhe second major event will be a Teams event which will be played on tnese'itteia*tiini tita-*1 had--clear cvio"crcc trrat neiiher the biddins nor misht have a bearing on of this so{t had been before otav of the hands revealed urv i,iii,iiiiJtt-rta-d" rr*tt"' ri evidcne movement, with members of the team partnering each huve come"ftG (o a diflerenr co'nclusion' irlS'eT"i"L'EliiiriiiiJ"-it,.v migt'i'iu t]]e evidence of Mr. Kehela The olher mauer which ,iiJl"r l'i.lidi"uL-io,lui in .oui minds is other in turn. The main event of the second week-end will be a Teams ftii.-X-.fr'.fu-6iin-obierved tne 'theicforcotav and atttr studvins the biddinc he referred to in de*il above- -noi- that the evidqce rhe conclusion tt ut rf,"'iruii'*"i" .U.ating. We think -direct played oyer three sessions and a Mixed Pairs Championship will @me to u"-"oCtpt"a bv us because of the reasonable event as to the exchanse ot nnger slgia"tsl:;;;;-itil;;oiot middle oooU *ti"tt we feel on th6e two crouds' the Tournament in be the second major event. It is anticipated that during the We find lhat Messrs. r'aii" u-no--Sittupiro were not guiltv of cheating at qu€stion' 4 Ausst' 1966' period, Monday to Thursday inclusive, competitions will be played in tti 7'-"at&l .4&t {4 \,^,tt t^'7turmt'r' the evenings only, but facilities will be provided for afternoon tour- - naments if the demand exists. Any suggestions from members for z The London ', events in this middle period will be welcomed, and will be considered , by the Congress Committee when they draw up the programme. z School of Bridge , RULES AND ETHICS COMMITTEE Oirected by NICO GARDENER British lnternational Responsibility re Conventions, Played. The E.B.U. states that it ! '3 GLASSES is the responsibility of all players to write the conventions which they z tulrloN i are playing on their convention cards. Equally it is the responsibility i bLvtEcruREs r vlr-- i, of all opponents to inspect the . It is recommended pRAcrtcE nonetheless that attention should be drawn to unusual conventions at i cLAssEs , the beginning of the round. : EOSTAL COURSES No Tiump Opening Bids. The following rules have been laid down : EEGINNER,S CLUB (1) The minimum range for a No Trump opening bid is 10-12 points. Z?-. 'i (2) So far as a partnership understanding is concerned, the bid must stakes 3d., 6d., 1l- i,. i not contain a singleton or a . (This last does not apply to the s8 KING's RoAD LoNDoN s'w'3 Vienna system, which is licensed.) 7 i (3) It is improper to declare a range of, say, 12-14 if there exists a i t"l"phone : KENsingto n 7201-2 i 5 !1441\\1\\\\\\1\\\\!l*' partnership understanding that at favourable vulnerability only t&tu1\&at1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ww!M{ the maximum, will be >' the minimum, and at unfavourable only 1ulat(h-pointed Pairs used, unless such an understanding is announced. i2 iiri irlv- World.wide Simultaneous t t.'^.-".1^::CHALLENGE -.::;" cuP s 7 evrnr Y.tCHARITY ^ :t - , DATE ThursdaY, 16th March, 1967 , Schools Cup. The efiorts of the E.B.U. at the Daily Mail Schoolboys i .Hffi# rHE LEPRosY MlssloN i Exhibition are the subject of a full report by Mrs. A. L. Fleming. Part i lUfOnmnflOru MRS. (iAIIl, lt:l I'itllltrrrt ll.rtrl' lrrrtrlrtt W'l4 , of their effect is a substantial increase in the for this year's i,annaaan,a,aaantrrrraai'iaarrraa\l\\l\\\\\i\l\lltt\\llllllllt\\\tl\l\\l\\\!satt^ &ttAA\\ 6

Schools Cup which will, it is hoped, exceed one hundred. Area heats -Round II Completed, South are being played on March tlth at the following centres : I. G. Smith (SC) beat E. C. Halcro (SC) by 11 I.M.P. Forest School, Walthamstow Eton College ; Deacon's School, Peter- A. T. M. Jones (Sm) beat G. Sudbury (SC) by I01 I.M.P. ; M. J. Dale (K) beat J. F. Lodge (E) ... by 5 I.M.P. borough ; Hindlip Hall, Worcester ; and Southport. I. N. Rose (L) beat H. f. Lawson (L) by 99 I.M.P. (L) Twelve schools will qualify for an April final in London when they M. I. Morris beat A. R. Hodges (K) by 17 I.M.P. Mrs. M. Edwards (S) beat D. K. Beever (S) by 30 I.M.P. will be the guesfs of the E.B.U. Entries are not yet closed and enquiries ]. S. Sindell (S) beat M. Sadek (L) by 60 I.M.P. A. E. Wardman (BB) B. (H) should be addressed to Mrs. Fleming. beat V. Byron .. by 70 I.M.P. D N. L. I. Davies (S) beat D. H. Seddon (K) by 84 I.M.P. COMPETITION REPORT D. E. Fry (S) beat G. C. H. Fox (L) ... by 11 I.M.P. Miss S. Ogilvie (L) beat R. Davey (E) by 8 LM.P. Whitelaw CuP J. Amsbury (L) beat E. Sch<,n (L) by 76 LM.P. Mrs. M. Whitaker, Mrs. F. Della Porta' Mrs' B' R. P. Jackson (L) beat J. P. Szekely (L) ... by 21 I.M.P. Winners: Mrs. P. M. Williams, D. Rex Taylor (M) (S) Harris. beat B. S. Bottomley by 54 I.M.P. W. W. Brown (BB) beat R. G. Speedman (BB) by 24 I.M.P. Runners-up: Mrs. R. Oldroyd, Miss S. Ogilvie, Mrs. A. Alder, Mrs' L' Laszlo' J. Sarjeant (K) beat K. W. Konstam (L) by 4 I.M.P. (M) (L) Plate M. Harrison Gray beat M. Brett by 14 I.M.P. Ladies' Mrs. P. M. Williams (L) beat E. Senk (L) by 69 I.M.P. 'Winners: Mrs. A. L. Fleming, Mrs. H' Flint, Mrs. M. Moss, Mrs. N. Gardener, B. Posner (M) beat C. G. Ainger (S) ... by 21 I.M.P. Miss N Gardener D. Grew (L) beat T. Medcalf (M) by 20 I.M.P. John Hirsrt Trophy R. Preston (L) beat J. D. Phethean (H) by 64 I.M.P. M. Harris (M) beat Wilkinson Winners: Mrs. ]. Durran and Mrs. J. Pridjty.- A. ,in.J. by 149 I.M.P. Rrror""s-up : Mis. B. F. Krauth and Mrs. R. F. R. Phillips. A. W. Tuffill (Sx) il;; S.' rt 6ni"i-isiij by 35 LM.P. Dr. W. Spirer (L) beat J. A. Sopp (E) bv 68 LM.P. Young Players ComPetition GOLD CUP-Round II Completed, North-W'est This event, restricted to players under the_ age o-f 35..was.played in three A. R. Carnegie (O) W.O. Mrs. H. Morgan (Wales) Scr. tt Midlairdi and the Northjand produced a record entry P. [. P_arr (G) beat D. V. Booker (O) by 33 I.M.P. of"""tr.r-l-o"hon, 179 pairs. Leading " scores were: E. S. S-taveley (O) beat ]. N. Collett (c) bt 20 I.M.p. (I) Harvey and Williamson (M) 5105 M. E. Dilks (O) beat S. E. Read (Wales) b, 9 I.M.p. P. A. |. L. Morrell (Y) beat H. H. Sargent (Ln) iZ'l I. Franses and R. P' Jackson (L) 4955 bt 68 I.M.p. (N) 4938 I._ Bro_wn- (Ln) _ beat R. Garthwaite (y) b, 34 I.M.p. ili P. A. Read and G. W. ]ePson Oldroyd (Y) Miss C. Waldron and Mrs. D. Clarke (N) 4775 Itf..B. beat W. Murday (D) -.. bt 85 I.M.p. i+i I- P. G-ordon (y) beat A. H. Bloxham (Le) bi 3 LM.p. iSl R. M. Green and J. G. Faullner (L) .-.:: 4730 S' P. Waterman (M) 4682 4. I. Brentnall (M) beat M. Mcleod (Y) ... bt l7 I.M.p. fOi R. A. Hardman and R. D_orsey (Y) beat F. D. Bell (NW) 30 be ... bt Ir0 I.M.p. A recommendation to reduce the age limit for this event to will K. M. Threadgold (Ln) W.O. Mrs. H. Myers (Y) Scr. at the next meeting of the E.B.U. Council. E. Hirst (Y). beat P. Pencharz (NW) by 3 I.M.p. "o"iia"iJa l!t.. 4. (NW) TI}IES CIJP Sir: 9.Ramus beat P. A. Read (y) .'.. bi 40 I.M.p. THE " SUNDAY " H. Iackson (NW) beat K. l. yates (y) ... bi 19 I.M.p. Pairs ChampionshiP organised by^the n{ti9f C, (Y) This event, an Invitation ,n!{.s-9palrs {rs. _B. C4qpbell beat c. P. Littler (NW) .by 19 I.M.p. League, attracted a thousand spectators to the five sessions. seven brltrsh H. (Y) beat M. Ash (NW) one4 Pav_idson bt 9 I.M.p. piiii-i"Eu&ed trre .reignin_g world Pairs chamqions, E. H. Pudsey (Y) beat R. D. Davies (NW) bt 63 LM.p. ;;d';thi'?;;!ii" Tarlo and-C' R-odrigue- plaved ila i;A;t;-;"a" tt" rutop"i"-"trmpioni.- i. W. _,s_. Andrews_ (Wo) beat K. C. Slyde (St) bi 10 I.M.p. *iit or"t i gr'uelling I50'boa-rds and won twelve of their fourteen H.-W. Corden (NW) beat J. Kennedy (W) ... 56 LM.p. ;;;irdiy "No paton by ilaha;. other pair managed more than eight wins' $= Irfofi_at ({) beat R. C. (Nw) bi 70 I.M.p. (1) L. Tarlo and C. Rodrlgue (Eng]and) S. g._!up_er!ne (w) beat I. F. D. Ashworth (NW)- ... bt 71 r.M.p. (Holland) 91. (NW) beat R. A. Hardman (Nw) 21 I.M.p. (2i C. Slavenburg and ]. -Krevns 12 9.S. f._Rednall ... bi L. Yallouze- (-France) [. Dqck (Nw) beat A. S. Monckton (St)- bi 92 I.M.P. (Si L. Tintner and 9I R. Myers (NW) i+i K. Konstam and I. D. R. Collings (England) 9! beat J. Newton (Y) ... bi, Z6 t.M.p. TIIE DRAW-.4OII) CUP ROUND III i:i -G.|. Besse and P. Bernasconi (Switz.erland) 9+ Theron and G. Desrousseaux (France) 9+ SOUTII W. W. Brown v. R. P. frksm D. Grew v. D- Rex Taylor J. T. Reese and !. Cansino-(England) 9+ J. S. Sindell v. A- E- Wardman I. G. Smith y. B. PGner ilI. Gardener and A. Rose (England) 9l Mrs. P. M. Ivillims v. Dr. W. Spirer R. Preston v. Miss S. Ogilvie S. Leckie and V' Goldberg (Scotland). 9l Mrs. M. Edwards v. J. Sarjeant A. T. M. Jones y, J. Amsbury (France) M. J. Mouis v. N. L. J. Davi€s M. Harris v. A. W. Tuffill (10) f. M. Bouleneer and H. Svarc 22 D. E. Fry v. M. Hilrison Gray Durran and Mrs' Priday (England) M. J. Dale v. I. N. Rose irti iV1rs. T. ]. 2g NORTH-WEST ilZi E. voir Dewitz and F. Chodzeisner.(Germany) ?{ L. Mtrrell v. J. Brm I. P. Gordon v. Miss O. Ramw iiri J. Flint and P. Pender (En€land and U'S'A') )l J. Buck v. Mrs. R. Oldroyd R. Myers v. R. Dorsey iVfo. n. mirkus and Mis. F' Gordon (England) ?l E. H..w. Pudrey v. H. IactM A. J. Brentnall v. S. Mofratt 47 A. Corden v. Mrs. A. E. Hirst H. A. Superfine y. A. R. Camegie (15) Omir Sharif and I. Gresh (Egvpt) Mrs. C. B. Campbell v. K. M. Threadgold E. S. Staveley v. W. S. Andr€ws G. S. K. Rednall v. H. Davidson P. f. Parr v- M. E. Dilks 8

CROCKFORDS CUP al,.!r !I4&!!1A1AA4AA4{ AAA /rm&r&t wlAt{tarr!1.ravtla1,!t/\^rt^\1,trt!a.1(mar{t{1^Uar1 E. H. Potter (S) W.O. P. E. Grainger (jersey) Scr. L. Tarlo (L) beat E. Senk (L) by 27 r.M.P. You'll find K. E. Stanley (M) beat Mrs. M. Edwards (S) by 27 r.M.P. M. Carlile (NW) W.O. P. I. C. Coleman (Iersey) Scr. Mrs. P. M. Williams (L) beat B. V. Byron (H) ... by 34 r.M.P. NORTOI{ Dr. W. Spirer (L) beat A. J. Walkden (K) by 89 r.M.P. & I.AiIGRIDGE R. Preston (L) beat M. Harris (M) bv 3B I.M.P. 'trumps' Mrs. S. W. Thomas (Sm) beat E. J. Armstrong (W) by 59 r.M.P. are for Mrs. A. E. Hirst (Y) beat R. T. Higson (NW)*' by 1I.M.P. R. Mvers (NW) W.O. Mrs. l. Hadfield (Y) Scr. Good Good L. Morrell'(Y)' beat K. C. Slyde (St) ... by 56 r.M.P. Wines Service Good Prires Mrs. R. Oldroyd (Y) beat N. Alton (Le) by 13 I.M.P. R. D. F. Bland (N) beat Dr. B. I. Switalski (Y) by 28 r.M.P. D. Valley (W) beat J. R. Atkin (Sm) by 49 I.M.P. J. H. Greenhalgh (St) beat R. C. Gyles (G) ... by 86 r.M.P. They should be ! They've had 130 years' experience in shipping the finest wines and spirits-and THE DRAW FOR PT-AY-O['F, ROUND II IS ihey offer all members of the English Bridge R. D. F, Bland v. L. Tarlo Mrs. R. Oldroyd v. Mrs. S. W. Thcmas a Union a carefully .hor"n selection E. H. Potter v. K. E. Stanley Dr. W. Spirer Y. M. Carlile Mre. A. E. Hi6t v. Mrs. P. M. Williams L. Moffell Y. D. Valley at TRADE prices. tr. H. Greetrhalsh v. A. H. Blrxham or R. Doney R. Preston v. R. Myers orders collection, ) for price lists and ordn /orrus fron their full o/f.liceruce at HUBERT PHILLIPS BO\ML-Rounid II Completed SOUTII Poin[s NORTON & LANGRIDGE LTD. Compter House, 1Mrs. G. Ali Khan (DC) beat J. R. Atkin (Sm) . 1050 or Phone, Monarch 2959 \ Mrs. C. J. Cahalan (SC) beat lVlrs. R. C. Wini6mr fS-l ... ..: 55 10 f K. M. H. Neale (E) beat E. C. Fox (Nk) 350 1D. J. Smerdon (M) beat E. F. Schon (L) 3250 / Mrs. P. M. Williams (L) beat Mrs. J. Gatti (L) ... 3920 t E. W. Crowhurst (BB) beat R. A. Priday (L) ... 4010 1Mrs. K. Garfield (L) beat M. J. Lawson (L) ... 300 PORTLAND CUP- APF"IL 2L_23 t Miss S. Ogilvie (Sx) beat W. W. Brown (BB) 1830 / A. H. Dalton (S) beat Dr. W. Spirer (L) 630 Members are reminded that a third heat has been (M) (L) added to this \ Miss D. Shanahan beat G. C. H. Fox ... 2430 event which will now played 1A. J. Walkden (K) beat P. D. Hackett (BB) 920 be simultaneously in London, Dro,itwich ( Mrs. M. G. D. Williams (K) beat Mrs. M. Whitaker (M) 2180 and Ilkley. The closing date for entries is March (L) 24th. Eniries should .f V. Cavendish beat I. S. Sindell (S) 420 be submitted to the Tournament ,,The ! Mrs. M. Edwards (S) beat I. Arnsbury (S) 2900 secretary, Major G. Fell, Hob J L. E. Handlev (L) beat P. Szekely (M) ... 870 Hill ", Steeion, Keighley, yorks., ( J. and should indicate at which of the n. rt. Seddon (Li beat J. O. Parkinson (M) t6t0 three centres you propose to play. They should incrude the entry fee NORTH of f,4 per pair. ( J. Newton (Y) beat Mrs. H. Myers (Y) 3040 I. Goldine (NE) beat Mrs. A. E. Hirst (Y) 80 1Mrs. {'m et*l^t{ f R. M. Howey (NE) beat P. Purcell 130 i\ 4 4'rt1{4,\rr,^4A A r4r{,armwt{11,14 t&tAtrr A A&tt a !A.^u!at, \ Mrs. R. Campf,eld (Y) beat M. Mcleod (Y) 2880 ^Atl^{,tr&r 1A. S. Monckron (Sr) beat G. Wilson (NW) ... 780 i lt's not too late i ( C. M. Oborski (St) beat E. F. Briscoe (W) ... t640 "l t" send yourttt entryaa/:tt, ia a--l f-^.,^ ^ gooda^ - ) a.--- - - . / G. G. Endicott (NW) beat W. E. D. Hall (W) 650 i in and have a time at s t Mrs. R. Oldrovd (Y) beat I. Pilkington (NW) 2720 H. Castle (Y) beat H. H. Sargent (Ln) 1680 L. Morrell (Y) beat Mrs. S. G. B1undell (Y) 3050 , THE TORQUAY GONGRESS; Miss O. Ramus (NW) beat Miss I. M. Akers (N) 33 50 ; MARCH 30th ApRtL 2nd Mrs. Buck (NW) beat G. C. Wakef,eld (Y) 1080 - i J. (Tlrcre is a good range P. Pencharz (NW) beat H. Jackson (NW) ... 18 30 | of hotel accomnodation advertised in trrc brochure) W. S. Andrews (Wo) beat E. S. Staveley (O) 760 3 Miss E. I. Lee (W) beat Mrs. E. Dixon Green 2510 ! ffon. Secretary: F. C. Keyte i (Nh) (Nh) I rL Et^^- e-'^^^- Z P. Broke beat Dr. D. B. Miller 4190 3 64 Fleet Street, Torquay i (Round III is played as bracketed) 'rl,4 .tat^aiAt&a{1a^,mX,@**W i l0 ll of cards for the winners. Misgivings expressed at the difficulty of these prob- E.B.U. STAND AT 'DAILY MAIL " SCHOOLBOYS EXHIBITION lems proved groundless. Only on one day was there not a completely correct by Mrs. A. L. Fleming solution, On one occasion when over half the helpers got the answer wrong, five boys had correct soltttions, the tie having to be split on the E.B.U. no less than The ofier of a stand was a chalienge to the widening activities of the suggested bidding sequence. I-lowcvcr, their spelling frequently fell short of It was accepted by the Executive Committee and handed over, not without their bridge prowess. Some of tlrcm attended "grammer" schools and did consisting. of Philip some misgivings I should imagine, to a sub-committee - not want fo 'i loose " tricl