Modeling of Arrays with Different Shapes Abstract

Microlens arrays are found useful in many applications, such as imaging, sensing, light homogenizing, and so on. Due to different fabrication techniques / processes, the may appear in different shapes. In this example, microlens array with two typical lens shapes – square and round – are modeled. Because of the different shapes, the focal spots are also different due to . The change of the focal spots distribution with respect to the imposed aberration in the input field is demonstrated.

2 Modeling Task

1.24mm 4.356mm

150µm input field - wavelength 633nm How to calculate field on focal - diameter 1.5mm - uniform amplitude plane behind different types of - phase distributions microlens arrays, and how 1) no aberration does the spot distribution 2) ? 3) coma aberration change with the input field 4) trefoil aberration aberration? x


or x z y

3 Results

x square microlens array

wavefront error [휆] z round microlens array



y y

x [mm] x [mm] no aberration x [mm]

(color saturation at 1/3 maximum) or diffraction due to square diffraction due to round aperture

4 Results

x square microlens array

wavefront error [휆] z round microlens array



y y

x [mm] x [mm] spherical aberration x [mm]

Fully physical-optics simulation of system containing microlens array or takes less than 10 seconds.

5 Results

x square microlens array

wavefront error [휆] z round microlens array



y y

x [mm] x [mm] coma aberration x [mm]

Focal spots distribution changes with respect to the or aberration of the input field.

6 Results

x square microlens array

wavefront error [휆] z round microlens array



y y

x [mm] x [mm] trefoil aberration x [mm]

Focal spots distribution changes with respect to the or aberration of the input field.

7 Document Information title Modeling of Microlens Array with Different Lens Shapes version 1.0 VL version used for simulations category Application Use Case