Page 1 THE JUNE 2 0 1 2 ROCKHOUNDER PURPOSE: The purpose of the Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society of Montgomery County MD., Inc. is “To increase knowledge and popular interest in earth sciences, geology, mineralogy, paleontology, lapidary arts, and related subjects.” REGULAR MEETING: Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month from September to June. The Society will meet on Monday June 11th in the dining room of the Rockville Senior Center, 1150 Carnation Drive, Rockville. A short business meeting will begin at 7:45 pm but the room is available to us at 7:30 pm so come early and chat with old friends. The speaker will Bob Farrar . The topic will be “The Cruzeiro Mine: World's Greatest Tourmaline Mine.” Bob Farrar has been collecting rocks, minerals, and fossils for over 40 years. He has traveled extensively in pursuit of rock collecting, including making several trips to Brazil. He has written a number of articles about his travels for Rock & Gem and other publications. Bob holds a Ph. D. in entomology, and works for the U. S. Dept. Of Agriculture in Beltsville, MD. A resident of Bowie, he is also a dealer of Minerals & Fossils. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS will possibly meet Monday, June 18, at the Home of Andy Muir. The President will notify Board members if a meeting is necessary. All Board members are expected to at- tend if meeting is called. Any member is welcome to attend but kindly let Andy know if you plan to attend at: <
[email protected]> or phone 301 990 1370.