Western Region Area 3 Newsletter

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Western Region Area 3 Newsletter Western Region Area 3 Newsletter September 2018 Table of Contents 1. Officer’s Corner 2. Officer’s Corner 3. CVE Council Resources 4. University of Scouting 5. VenturingFest 2020 6. Western Region Event 2019 - Save the Date 7. Newsletter Submissions Officer’s Corner President Nominate Outstanding Venturers or Advisors to join the Area 3 VOA Task Force or Committee Greetings Fellow Venturers, We are excited to announce the Area 3 VOA Task Force Initiative! Venturers or youth under 21 years old, would be part of the Task Force Teams of Admin, Program, or Communications and any adult over 21 would be part of the Committee. Now this youth and adult committee is especially unique as it is the first one ever for the Area 3 VOA! Emails have been sent out to all Council VOA’s regarding our Task Force Initiative and the proper procedures that need to take place. To quickly clarify, Venture youth and adult leaders cannot volunteer for this position, because they would not be official Officers, but would still act on behalf of the Area VOA. Given this special circumstance, the Council VOA’s have been notified to recommend and approve Venturers to be part of our Task Force. The best way to become a part of our Task Force or Committee is to keep up your dedicated, committed, and selfless service to your Crew and/or Council VOA. In other words, Venturers and adult leaders who do their best to exemplify the Scout Oath and Scout Law, will have a much better chance of being recognized, recommended, and approved. So, if you know any outstanding Venturer who could specialize in assisting the Task Force Teams of either Admin, Program, or Communications, please let us know. Also, if you know of any outstanding adult leaders who could specialize in a specific committee position, please contact us at: area3- [email protected] and [email protected]. Yours in Venturing, Patrick Jaime | Area 3 Venturing Officers’ Association President Vice President of Communication Hello All! My name is Sheccid, and my main goal, as Vice President of Communications is to make these newsletters as informative as possible and to be able to reach most if not all the Venturers in our Area. This not only is an opportunity for us as a VOA, but for you as well! I am open to any flyer, announcement, story, or picture you would like to submit about your scouting events! Have an event you need people to sign up for? Email it in! I will happily keep it in the newsletter until your event is done, then, submit a story or picture to encourage other scouts in the area to want to come to the event next year! Maybe you won’t get sigh ups? That’s ok, you have encouraged and given ideas to your fellow scouts about something they might be interested in the future. It is as easy as a simple email! Yours in Venturing, Sheccid Donatt | Western Region Venturing Officers’ Association |Area 3 Vice President of Communications [email protected] Greetings Fellow Ventuers: My name is Eduardo San Miguel, and I am the Vice President of Administration for Area 3 this term. One of my goals this year is to have all councils submit their Journey to Excellence forms. Journey to Excellence or JTE, is the BSA’s program designed to promote planning, performance, and recognition in Venturing. JTE has the purpose of rewarding units and councils for their efforts in Venturing, along with providing a way for the BSA National Council to track and monitor a council’s venturing program. JTE has 3 levels of recognition Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Which level a council achieves is determined by the amount of points they earned based on the 5 main core requirements and 7 elective requirements. Each requirement has 3 different levels and points that can be earned by completing different items, with the goal of improving the Venturing Program at the council. Every newsletter, we’ll touch on a different requirement and give any tips or advice for councils to achieve a level of a requirement. This month’s will be Elective Requirement #2: Area Representation. As with all the requirements, this one has 3 levels, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Bronze level awards 50 points when “a representative of the council VOA gives a report, either in writing or in person, to the Area VOA President and Advisor.” Now this report can be submitted “in writing or in person,” so councils that are unable to attend an Area VOA meeting in person, can write up a report and send it to our Area President, Patrick Jaime and our Advisor, Cindy Vander Ploeg. The second, Silver level, requires completion of the Bronze level, plus having a council representative attend an Area event or meeting, either in person or via teleconference. So, if you choose to present your report at an Area meeting, Guess What?- you’ve just completed the Silver level and earned 100 points! The top level, Gold, requires completing the Bronze and Silver requirements, plus have of a member of your council serve on the Area VOA. For example, Mount Diablo Silverado and Pacific Skyline, Silicon Valley Monterey Bay, Golden Empire, and Greater Yosemite all have representatives from their respective councils on the Area VOA and earned 150 Gold points. Not to worry if your council does not have Area representation, you can appoint a member from your council to be on the Area 3 Task Force mentioned above by Area President, Patrick Jaime, and earn Gold level status on Elective #2. For more details, or to download the Venturing JTE form, go to http://www.venturing.org/assets/512- 500(18)_ventjte_fpo.pdf. Until next time, Eduardo San Miguel, Vice President of Administration, Western Region Area 3 VOA CVE Resources for Councils University of Scouting, Save the Date! January 26, 2019 Registration and Class Sign-up Coming Soon! University of Scouting is an excellent training opportunity for Scout leaders and Scouts throughout the Golden Empire Council. Whether you’re new to the program or a veteran of many years, UOS is the only place where you will find a wide variety of training opportunities. UOS provides valuable courses, leadership training, and elective courses applicable across the Scouting programs. As we prepare for our 2019 University Of Scouting event we would appreciate your feedback and suggestions. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KNSFDZG ATTENTION! CALLING ALL SCOUTS! A couple months ago Patrick (President) and I (Sheccid, VP Comms) had the opportunity to camp next to each other's crews at the 2018 VenturingFest at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. For those of you wondering, yes, his crew does snore, very loudly. We posted our stories to the July Newsletter and to summarize; it was THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE! So, PLEASE, SAVE THE DATE VenturingFest 2020 June 28-July 3, 2020 We encourage you to attend and start saving now! Newsletter Submissions If you would like to add your event or submit an article for our newsletter, please email Sheccid Donatt, VP of Communications at [email protected] Please send your submission by the 10th of each month for submission on the next newsletter. Feel free to promote your Venturing activities or Venturing stories to share. Remember; Lead The Adventure! Area 3 Venturing Officers’ Association Vice President of Communications, Sheccid Donatt .
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