History of the Golden Empire Council Boy Scouts of America
HISTORY OF THE GOLDEN EMPIRE COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA COUNCIL HISTORY COMMITTEE: Alan O'Connor, Chair; Gerry Albright, Cliff Curtice, Irene Fujimoto, Frank Glick, Howard Herlihy, John Nopel, Bill Soncrant, Janette Soncrant, and George Williams. Published by Golden Empire Council Boy Scouts of America 251 Commerce Circle Sacramento, CA 95815 COPYRIGHT © 1996 .WWfMW¥ £.$ CiMfftr!f&l Hilt smilem w:b$11~ bit (an, Hl$_' 5:";=:"~== ,-& ~¢".nwt~~~~k 11y. He ~b .,thfu1Jr,·~n_. ~~>-l~dm btwt ll$e orhill. H¢ Tttml$'t Rve l*fn. ~t~~ftp".tP ~tk pl~tftA kait&M gooJ~rn tQ4W\~_.blld1Jf1:, w...,. ...""·.>i!'· i,sBp'twEJitt J'£'@£££ 1.$ f'r,t,@$1wiWiy H¢ffi $ ~. t$ !il~[u @ fwm'i'.,;w ~f,~~ttt" !%-·A J'Ci©WJ& Cotltr®'4'©~£ ~ t\@I$El, r@W@¥ft¢fi. the· weak Itl~fWlY for ~*'~~hd;f ,'·~·,,;t Kind . ~d.eart~ H&.W £ fri.d to atI1;mSih, H$w1~l dmih: h,abits.m.a Dvei!, with$. ... fim U:lll.'I!1C1" hurt. afty 1i~g~eame ~, fi.~Y. (,ttt wm Sbtf\Nt tn· ,$$V¥ :aM pmtect:d. tl£f'1tllfl'$$ Hf$, 1,1-,,,4 R!&et&r~~t Hie .it.m!lffdt t¢~ ~ He .Mi ,,§'4:t;t;Ct t$ iQZ;fq$.:~'f®wrr .miti.iJt hL~ t~~ dtt~,md~. H~ ~I;l bls it,. :lk"O~ft ~t\mt" ~ ebtte~ of.~ wa @ti;utt' d.'uly co.n· ~~M~ ~t¢.(U). rlf.£· .$COUT'O",,~1"B wi'l J)$$tt -1 <:;Ol$$JiUy;' IIttidtQ t&biitW' the um@s; SU()t}lf m~$t~"$w.$._I)J DEDICATION This book is dedicated to the thousands of volunteers and professionals, who have made Scouting possible for over one hundred thousand boys and girls in the Golden Empire Council.
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