714K' °' B- LYNH/Tven—GARDEN After 2 P.M
FURNISHED. CO-OPERATIVE APTS, FOR SALE. APTS. WANTED (Cow*.). HOUSES UNFURNISHED (Cont.l _APARTMENTS _ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR _ (Cont.K_ SALE. ‘in ADELPHIA. 1427 Chapin at. n.w.—Open A NICE DST. HOUSE NEW Brightwood or Silver and garage. 1', yrs. I'50 DOWN—5-room, bath bungalow. new- K GENEROUS CORNER BOMB In the APARTMENT, today. 2 to 8—4 rms.. kit and bath: good Spring. old. 7 rms., 2 baths, of Unfurnished 3-room apt. by 2 adult*. brick and stone y decorated: modern kit,: 2 porches, base- Four Corners section of Silver Sprint; not ished. exposure: bright, attractive, cheerful: re- cons with atone fireplace In Uv. rm.; ._apartm ENTSJMJjW _APTS. FURNISHED (Cont.). 433 BRANDYWINE S.E. No pets. 8H. 2008. 'i nent: garage: garden. Open Sunday. 4301 10 very old and In a neighborhood of nice BEAUTIFUL stricted bldg ; no children or pets; total block to D. C. bus line; $105. references. Newton st., Colmar Manor, Md. aeople. Modern furnished 1-bedroom apt. for 2135 F ST. N.W.—L h room, • throughout; 2 bedroom* it. studio room, sink, 1 bedroom, large living dinette, price. $4,750: cash required; asses., $20.16 Bo* 386-E. Star. 1103 May 15th occupancy, new bldg., new WAVE DOWNING ST. N.E.—tt-room, real jn 2nd floor, another room of lit floor futni- grill, shower: $12.50; basement, $f>, hall- kitchen, bath. $59. including utilities. Agent on OFFICER, CLINTON. MI).—0-room and ture: sample apt. now on premises._ bath house: nodem. 2-year-old home: new refg., new would make 3rd bedroom if needed.
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