MATTHEW LINDAUER Curriculum Vitae Department of Philosophy
[email protected] Brooklyn College 2900 Bedford Avenue +1 718-702-3637 Brooklyn, NY 11210 Academic Employment Brooklyn College, City University of New York, Department of Philosophy Assistant Professor 2018-Present Australian National University, School of Philosophy Research Fellow 2017-Present Research and Teaching Postdoctoral Fellow 2015-2017 Education Ph.D., 2008-2015, Philosophy, Yale University B.A., 2001-2005, magna cum laude, Honors in Philosophy, New York University Areas of Specialization: Political Philosophy, Ethics, Moral Psychology Areas of Competence: Epistemology, History of Modern Philosophy, Logic Publications Peer-Reviewed Articles “In Defense of a Category-Based System for Unification Admissions.” Journal of Moral Philosophy, forthcoming. “Immigration Policy and Identification Across Borders.” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2017, 280-303. (w/ C. Barry) “Moral Judgment and the Duties of Innocent Beneficiaries of Injustice.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2017, 671-686. (w/ C. Barry and G. Øverland) “Doing, Allowing, and Enabling Harm: An Empirical Investigation." In Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Vol. 1, eds. T. Lombrozo, J. Knobe, and S. Nichols, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 62-90. 1 Matthew Lindauer CV Invited Articles “Unification Admissions and Skilled Worker Migration.” In Fair Work: Ethics, Social Policy, and Globalization, ed. K.P. Schaff, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming. “Kantian Themes in Ethics and International Relations.” In The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and International Relations, eds. B. Steele and E. Heinze, New York: Routledge Press, forthcoming. “The Focus on Health Capability and Role of States in Ruger’s Global Health Justice Framework.” The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol.