1 Rachel Cicoria Curriculum Vitae Contact Information Office: YMCA 402A, Texas A&M University E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 239-898-7811 Education Ph.D. in Philosophy (in progress), Texas A&M University Adviser: Dr. Theodore George BA in Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude, Florida Gulf Coast University, 2019 Minor in Medical Humanities Description of Research My general area of focus is on continental European philosophy, decolonial feminism, and aesthetics. Presentations “Being-a-Friend: Heidegger's Being and Time on Authentic Being-With,” Southeastern Association for the Continental Tradition, 1st Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, February 2020. “The Dignity of a Relational Death,” 2nd World Congress on Undergraduate Research, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, May 2019. “Challenging ‘Hate’ on Campus: Individual and Institutional Responses,” 2019 Diversity in Higher Education Research Colloquium, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, February 2019. “Death, Descartes, and the Development of Physician-Assisted-Dying,” Eighth Annual Medical Humanities Conference, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, September 2018. Teaching Experience Instructor: Efforts include instruction of students, development of course syllabus and content, and meeting with students regularly about student needs and content related questions. 2 PHIL 482: Engineering Ethics, in-person instruction, 100 students, Texas A&M University, January-May 2021. PHIL 111: Contemporary Moral Issues, remote instruction, 25 students, Texas A&M University, June-July 2020. Graduate Teaching Assistant: Responsible for grading and responding to assignments, holding office hours, and teaching a weekly 1 hour and 50 minute recitation. PHIL/ENGR 482: Engineering Ethics (two sections of 25 students), Dr. Martin Peterson and Dr. Glen Miller, Texas A&M University, August 2019–December 2020.